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Mastercam 2020 Hull Toolpaths Page 31-1OptiRough and Finish Waterline

Toolpaths for BoatOptiRough and Finish Waterline

A. Machine Type and Stock Setup.Step 1. If necessary, open your BOAT ROUND BOTTOM .

Step 2. If necessary, display Toolpaths Manager. On the View tab click (Alt-O).

Step 3. If Machine Group is not displayed in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 1, on the Machine tab ,

click Mill > Default from menu.

Step 4. Expand Properties (click +) in Toolpaths Manager and click Stock setup in Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 1.

Step 5. Confirm Stock Plane is Top, Fig. 2.

Step 6. Confirm Display check box is checked.

Step 7. Click left front top corner of the red stock to move the origin. After you click corner the arrow will point to corner.

Step 8. Click All Entities in Stock Setup dia-log box.

Step 9. Click OK in the Machine Group Properties. The Stock is dis-played as red wireframe, Fig. 3.


Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Click corner to move arrow

Fig. 3

Stock display

Mastercam 2020Chapter 31

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Page 2: Mastercam 2020 Toolpaths for Boat - · Mastercam 2020 Hull Toolpaths Page 31-1 OptiRough and

Mastercam 2020 Hull Toolpaths Page 31-2OptiRough and Finish Waterline

B. OptiRough Toolpath.

Step 1. On the Toolpaths tab in the 3D group click OptiRough .

Step 2. Select Model Geometry from the tree control and set: Under Machin-ing Geometry click Select en-

tities buttonFig. 4.

Step 3. Click the sur-face to select as Drive Sur-faces and click End Selection

(ENTER),Fig 5.

Step 4. Back in Model Geometry page set: Wall Stock .05 Floor Stock 0 To set, double click and key-in.Fig. 6.

Fig. 5


Fig. 4

Fig. 6

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Step 5. Select Toolpath Con-trol from the tree control and set: Click Contain-ment Bound-

aries button Fig. 7.

Step 6. In the Chain-ing dialog box CPlane and Chain , Fig. 8.

Step 7. Click a line of top rectangle to chain the top rectangle, Fig. 9.

Step 8. Click the OK in the Chaining dialog box.

Fig. 9

Containment chain rectangle

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

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Step 9. Back in Toolpath Con-trol page: Confirm 1 Boundary chainFig. 10.

Step 10. Select Tool from the tree control and: click Select library tool button Fig. 11.

Fig. 11

Fig. 10

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Step 11. Click the Filter buttonFig. 12.

Step 12. Click None button un-der Tool TypesFig. 13.

Step 13. Click Endmill2 Sphere button (second button top row) and click OK

Fig. 13.

Step 14. Click 307 1/4 Ball End-mill and click OK Fig. 14.

Fig. 13

Fig. 12

Fig. 14

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Step 15. Back in Tool page set: Feed rate 60Plunge rate 30Fig. 15.

Step 16. Select Cut Pa-rameters from the tree control and set: Cutting meth-od Zigzag Tip compensa-tion Tip Stepover 45% (.11) Stepdown 80% (.2)Fig. 16.

Fig. 15

Fig. 16

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Step 17. Select Linking Parameters from the tree control and set: Clearance plane .1 All Leads 0 Fig. 17.

Step 18. Select Arc Filter/Toler-ance from tree control and set: Total tolerance .003 Check Line/Arc Filtering Set-tings Uncheck Cre-ate arcs in XY Check One way filtering Cut tolerance 25% Fig. 18.

Step 19. Click OK .

Step 20. Allow Mastercam to calculate the toolpath.

Step 21. Save (Ctrl-S).

Fig. 18

Fig. 17

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Mastercam 2020 Hull Toolpaths Page 31-8OptiRough and Finish Waterline

C. Verify OptiRough Toolpath.Step 1. Use Alt-T to toggle toolpath Fig. 19.

Step 2. Click Verify in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 20.

Step 3. Click Play (R) in playback bar.

Step 4. We like to uncheck Wireframe in the Visibility group on the Home tab, Fig. 21.

Step 5. Click Play (R) in playback bar along bottom of the window, Fig. 22.

Step 6. Note Total Time to run program under Toolpath Info in Move List panel (26min 52.95s), Fig. 24.

Step 7. Switch back to Mastercam (Alt-Tab).

Fig. 22

Fig. 21

Fig. 20

Fig. 24

Fig. 19

Fig. 23

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D. Finish Waterline HST Toolpath.Step 1. Use Alt-T to turn off toolpath display.

Step 2. Copy Roughing toolpath in the Toolpaths Manager. To copy, click to select toolpath, Fig. 25. Then, use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V, Fig. 26.

Step 3. Expand 2 - Surface High Speed and click Parameters, Fig. 26.

Step 4. Select Toolpath Type from the tree control and select: Finishing WaterlineFig. 27.

Fig. 26

Fig. 25

Fig. 27

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Step 5. Select Model Geometry from the tree control and set: Wall Stock 0 Fig. 28.

Step 6. Select Toolpath Con-trol from tree control and set: Under Compensate to: OutsideFig. 29.

Fig. 28

Fig. 29

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Step 7. Select Tool from the tree control and set: Feed rate 80 Plunge rate 40Fig. 30.

Step 8. Select Cut Pa-rameters from the tree control and set: Cutting method Climb Stepdown .02 Check Add cuts Fig. 31.

Fig. 30

Fig. 31

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Step 9. Select Linking Parameters from the tree control and set: Clearance plane .1 All Leads 0 Fig. 32.

Step 10. Click OK in Wa-

terline dialog box.

Step 11. Save (Ctrl-S).

E. Regen Toolpath.Step 1. In the Toolpaths Manager, click

Regenerate all selected operations

, Fig. 33.

Step 2. Click Display Only Selected

Toolpaths in the Toolpaths Manager to display only Waterline Finish, Fig. 34.

Fig. 32

Fig. 34Fig. 33

Fig. 35

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Mastercam 2020 Hull Toolpaths Page 31-13OptiRough and Finish Waterline

F. Verify Toolpaths.Step 1. Click the Toolpath Group-1 to select both toolpaths, Fig. 36.

Step 2. Click Verify in the Toolpaths Manager.

Step 3. Click Play (R) in playback bar.

Step 4. Note Total Time to run program (43min 3.48s), Fig. 38.

Step 5. Switch back to Mastercam (Alt-Tab).

Fig. 36

Fig. 38

Fig. 37

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