  • 7/31/2019 Mctu Wdacl Press Release for 2012-1


    MALAWI CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONSMCTUPRAISE HOUSE, 1 ST Floor, Behind NBS BankArea 3, next to Tutla supermarketP.O. BOX 1271LILONGWEMALAWI Benar Luther Mambala

    TEL : (265) 1 755614/ 754 581/752 162PRESIDENT

    Fax : (265) 1 755 614 Robert MkwezalambaEmail: [email protected] SECRETARY GENERAL_________________________________________________________________________________________________________.




    Press ReleaseWorld Day Against Child Labour 2012

    Human Rights and Social justice... let's end child labour

    Every year, Malawi joins the entire international community to commemorate World Day against Child Labour

    (WDACL) which falls on the 12 th day of June. In 2010 the international community adopted a Roadmap for

    achieving the elimination of the worst forms of child labour by 2016, which stressed that child labour is an

    impediment to childrens rights and a barrier to development. This years commemorations of World Day

    Against Child Labour under the theme: Human Rights and Social JusticeLets End Child Labou r centre on

    the work that needs to be done to make the roadmap a reality in light of the right of all children to be protected

    from child labour and other violations of fundamental human rights.

    There are ILOs Conventions that seek to protect children from exposure to child labour. Together with otherinternational instruments relating to childr ens, workers and human rights, they provide an important

    framework for legislation established by national governments. However, the ILOs most recent global

    estimate is that 215 million children worldwide are involved in child labour, with more than half this number

    involved in its worst forms.

    The Malawi Child Labour Survey (2002) revealed that 3.1 million children aged 5-14 years were economically

    active out of which 1.4 million were child labourers. The majority (53%) of which worked in the agriculture

    sector and 42.1% worked in the communities and personal services. However the Multiple Cluster Survey(2006) showed that the prevalence had decreased from 37% to 29%. This may be due to child labour

    interventions since 2002.

    The children concerned should be at school being educated and acquiring skills that prepare them for decentwork as adults. By entering the labour market prematurely, they are deprived of this critical education andtraining that can help to lift them, their families and communities out of a cycle of poverty. In its worst forms,child labourers may also be exposed to physical, psychological or moral suffering that can cause long termdamage to their lives.

  • 7/31/2019 Mctu Wdacl Press Release for 2012-1


    On this years World Day Against Child Labour, firstly we specifically call for adoption of National ChildLabour Policy, Employment and Labour Policy and enactment of the Tenancy Labour Bill (which are still indraft) to ensure effective progress in the elimination of child labour in Malawi. Malawi Congress of TradeUnions (MCTU) calls upon the government of Malawi to operationalize the National Action Plan on ChildLabour (NAP), Employment (Prohibition of hazardous Work for Children) Order 2012, Malawi Decent Work Country by providing adequate budgetary allocation. MCTU further calls on the law enforcement agents tomake sure that policies and laws that prohibit the use of children as source of labour are fully enforced to deterthose who engage children in child labour practices.

    Secondly, we invite government ministries and departments, civil society organizations, trade unions,employers, faith based organizations, students and the general public to join us in commemorating this yearsWorld Day against Child Labour in Malawi. The event will take place at Kangoma Full Primary SchoolGround, close to Senior Chi ef Tsabangos Headquarters in Lilongwe District. The Guest of Honour will beMinister of Labour and Social Development.


    Grace NyirendaDeputy Secretary General.

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