Page 1: microDOMINATION:  Welcome to the World of the Micro Maven

Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’ By Trevor Young - @trevoryoung

Page 2: microDOMINATION:  Welcome to the World of the Micro Maven

From small-time personal brand to global microbrand! In 1997, management guru and best-selling author TOM PETERS first put the concept of personal branding on the map with a cover story for Fast Company magazine entitled ‘A brand called you’. Fast forward to today … The concept of the personal brand still holds true today, but thanks to online publishing platforms and social networking technologies, it’s been enhanced with digital steroids!

Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Page 3: microDOMINATION:  Welcome to the World of the Micro Maven

A new breed of creative entrepreneur is born! The emergence of the social web has seen the rise and rise of a new breed of entrepreneur who is creative and connected, prolific and passionate, socially savvy and community-minded. I call them ‘micro mavens’ … Micro mavens are the product of today’s ideas economy, fuelled by new media technologies that allow them to expand across the virtual globe, winning fans and advocates – and generating business – often from the comfort of their home or on the road somewhere.

Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Page 4: microDOMINATION:  Welcome to the World of the Micro Maven

Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Micro mavens are more than experts, they have authority … and greater visibility! An expert knows a lot about a particular topic, and there is hardly a shortage of them. An authority, on the other hand, is someone people listen to and take notice of, recommend to others and buy more readily from…and there aren’t anywhere near as many of them!

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Micro mavens: the sum of many

parts! Micro mavens are the sum of many parts – t h e y a r e a t o n c e trusted experts and authorities, creative entrepreneurs, and soc ia l media and content marketing rock stars. It’s this c o m b i n a t i o n t h a t m a k e s t h e m i n t e r e s t i n g a n d unique!

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

What micro mavens know. Micro mavens know their niche well. They are passionate subject matter experts who have deep knowledge of, or expertise in, a particular topic or area of specialisation. For some micro mavens, this might be their profession. Others might focus on a particular hobby or lifestyle niche.

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Here are some examples:

•  Brian Solis studies the effect new and emerging media are having on business, marketing and culture.

•  Dan Schawbel is an authority on personal branding who helps companies better understand, and harness the talents of, their Gen-Y workforce.

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Here are some more examples:

•  Natalie Sisson is a global nomad experienced in running a successful online business while living out of a suitcase.

•  Mother-of-five Nicole Avery is a whiz at home organization and planning.

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

And yet more examples!

•  Gary Vaynerchuk built a platform around his passion for wine before growing his reputation as an entrepreneur and business builder.

•  Valerie Khoo effectively combines her three loves of writing, storytelling and entrepreneurship.

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

The micro maven has a ‘secret sauce’.

It’s called attitude!

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

A willingness to share and connect. Micro mavens have an incredible willingness and desire to share their knowledge and expertise, as well as connect with people ongoing. Connection and relationships – building a tribe or community – are what micro mavens are all about. This takes time and not inconsiderable effort, a price micro mavens are more than willingly prepared to pay.

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

What micro mavens do. Micro mavens are prolific creators. They relentlessly create (and give away for free!) interesting and valuable content – articles and blog posts, podcasts, webcasts and online video, webinars etc.

Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

Page 13: microDOMINATION:  Welcome to the World of the Micro Maven

Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

What micro mavens do.

Some micro mavens write books and produce information products such as e-books and digital training programs.

Others variously speak, train, consult, coach and/or mentor. A few even run ‘old school’ brick-and-mortar businesses.

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Welcome to the World of the ‘Micro Maven’

@trevoryoung | |

1.  Develop your platform 2.  Build your brand 3.  Grow your business 4.  Live your dream

Become  a  micro  maven  

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About TREVOR YOUNG Trevor is an author, speaker, consultant and adviser on using social media and content marketing to build your business and personal brand. He is a former journalist with two decades’ experience in public relations and marketing communications. Follow Trevor on Twitter - @trevoryoung

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