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Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in theBrazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone: Paleoceanographic

implications based on planktonic foraminifera

Cecilia Laprida, Natalia García Chapori, Cristiano M. Chiessi,Roberto A. Violante, Silvia Watanabe and Violeta Totah

Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,

Intendente Güiraldes 2160, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina

email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: We reconstructed Middle Pleistocene surface hydrography in the western South Atlantic based on planktonicforaminiferal assemblages, modern analog technique and Globorotalia truncatulinoides isotopic ratios of core SP1251 (38o29,7´S /53o40,7´W / 3400 m water depth). Biostratigraphic analysis suggests that sediments were deposited between 0.3 and 0.12 Ma and there-fore correlate to Marine Isotopic Stage 6 or 8. Faunal assemblage-based winter and summer SST estimates suggest that the western SouthAtlantic at 38oS was 4-6oC colder than at present, within the expected range for a glacial interval. High relative abundances ofsubantarctic species, particularly the dominance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left), support lower than present SSTs throughoutthe recorded period. The oxygen isotopic composition of Globorotalia truncatulinoides suggests a northward shift of theBrazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone and of the associated mid-latitude frontal system during this Middle Pleistocene cold period, and astronger than present influence of superficial subantarctic waters and lowering in SSts at the core site during the recorded Middle Pleisto-cene glacial.


The South Atlantic is a region of crucial water exchange be-tween the Southern Ocean and the subtropical basins, where netheat flux across 30oS occurs northwards as a consequence ofthe thermohaline circulation. The western South Atlantic pres-ents a highly dynamic frontal zone: the Brazil-Malvinas Con-fluence Zone (BMCZ) (text-figure 1). The BMCZ is boundedby two highly energetic western boundary currents, the warmBrazil Current (BC) to the north, and the cold Malvinas Current(MC) to the south (Gordon 1981; Peterson and Stramma 1991;Stramma and England 1999). The meeting of these differentwater masses generates sharp horizontal and vertical gradientsof temperature, salinity, density and nutrient content. As a re-sult of increased upper-water column stability and nutrientavailability, the BMCZ is a region of high primary productivityand a major sink for atmospheric CO2 (Feely et al. 2001). Assuch, the BMCZ is considered a key region in the western SouthAtlantic (Chelton et al. 1990; Gordon 1981).

The BMCZ shows substantial spatial fluctuation, including me-ridional migrations at both seasonal and interannual time scalesinvolving displacements of several hundred kilometers (Olsonet al. 1988; Bianchi and Garzoli 1997). At the annual time scalethe BMCZ variability is characterized by an equatorward(poleward) displacement of the front during austral winter(summer) of several degrees (Boltovskoy 1981; Legeckis andGordon 1982; Olson et al. 1988). Latitudinal migrations of theBMCZ cause strong sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies,which are thought to have an impact on the regional climate(Robertson and Mechoso 2000; Pezzi et al. 2009). Neverthe-less, the role of the BMCZ on southeastern South American cli-mate is still a big challenge to the scientific community and

understanding the past dynamic of the region might clarify thisissue.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relative displace-ment of the BMCZ during the Middle Pleistocene. It is wellknown that Pleistocene glacial-interglacial oscillations resultedin significant variations in SST and deep and surface water cir-culation (e.g., Toggweiler, Russell and Carson 2006; Lynch-Stieglitz et al. 2007; MARGO Project Members 2009). We hy-pothesize that glacial-interglacial latitudinal fluctuations of theBMCZ are analogous to seasonal fluctuations (Wefer et al.1996). Thus, our hypothesis is that during glacial times theBMCZ moved northward causing strong negative SST anoma-lies in the study area. On the other hand, during interglacialtimes the BMCZ moved southward towards its present position.In order to test our hypothesis, we studied the planktonicforaminifer assemblage and �18O variability in marine sedimentcore SP1251 situated at 38o 29.7’S / 53o 40.7’W / 3400 m waterdepth (877cm long), in the western South Atlantic.

Planktonic foraminifera are one of the most extensively em-ployed tools in Quaternary paleoceanographic reconstructionsbecause of (i) their widespread geographical and geological oc-currence, (ii) their abundance, and (iii) their sensitivity to envi-ronmental conditions, particularly temperature. Thus,paleoenvironmental reconstructions can be generated throughthe quantitative comparison between Quaternary and Recent as-semblages using transfer functions and modern analog tech-niques (e.g., Imbrie and Kipp 1971, Hutson 1980; Prell 1985).The BMCZ shows sharp horizontal and vertical gradients oftemperature, salinity and density and hence is associated withdrastic meridional changes in faunal composition (Boltovskoyet al. 1996). To elucidate its relative displacement during the

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Middle Pleistocene, we performed qualitative analyses ofplanktonic foraminifer assemblages, examined changes in theoxygen isotopic composition of Globorotalia truncatulinoides(d’Orbigny 1839), and used the modern analog technique(MAT) to estimate SSTs in the area.


The interplay between the BC and the MC dominates the up-per-level circulation in the western South Atlantic between29oS and 49oS (text-figure 1) (Peterson and Stramma 1991;Stramma and England 1999). The BC forms the western limb ofthe South Atlantic subtropical gyre. It originates at the South

Equatorial Current bifurcation near 15oS and extends southwardto about 38oS, carrying warm and salty waters poleward alongthe continental slope of South America. Near 35o-39oS the BCcollides with the MC, which transports cold and relatively freshsubantarctic waters equatorward. The MC originates from thenorthernmost branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current andflows northward closely following the slope along the south-western Argentine Basin. When the BC and the MC collide, theflow veers sharply southeastward into the South Atlantic, form-ing a large area of intense surface mixing of tropical andsubantarctic waters characterized by the formation of meanders,eddies and filaments (Bianchi, Giulivi and Piola 1993; Wilsonand Rees 2000). The BC dominates the MC and forces it in a cy-


Cecilia Laprida et al.: Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone

TEXT-FIGURE 1Location map of core SP1251 (black circle), showing the schematic surface currents of the South western South Atlantic.

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clonic loop before both currents flow to the southeast, forminga broad subtropical convergence zone, the BMCZ (Gordon1989; Peterson and Stramma 1991). The mean latitudes of sepa-ration from the shelf break are 35.8o ± 1.1o S for the BC and38.6o ± 0.9o S for the MC (Olson et al. 1988). The along-coastranges of the separation positions are 930 and 850 km, respec-tively. At the confluence, the upper water column is marked bya strong thermohaline front (Gordon 1989; Cheney, Marsh andBeckley 1983).

Changes in the wind fields and migration of the IntertropicalConvergence Zone (ITCZ) are responsible for changes in theupper-level circulation at the seasonal scale. During australwinter, when the ITCZ is at its northernmost position and thesoutheast trade winds extend well into the northern hemisphere,the flow of the North Brazil Current (NBC) is strengthened,reaching a maximum during austral spring which is counterbal-anced by a weakened BC (Johns et al. 1998). Conversely, dur-ing the austral summer, when the ITCZ is at its southernmostposition and the northeast trade winds are strongest, the NBC isweakened reaching a minimum during austral fall, and the BCis strengthened. The strengthening of the BC results in a south-ward displacement of the BMCZ (Matano, Schlax and Chelton1993; Goni and Wainer 2001).



Seismic and echosound data indicate that the studied sedimentsare part of a Pleistocene sequence which is capped in some ar-eas by Holocene sediments (Violante et al. 2010). The agemodel of sediment core SP1251 was determined by biostrati-graphy based on planktonic foraminifera from the >63µm sedi-ment size fraction (full count). First and last occurrences ofmarker species within the core and regional first and last ap-pearance datums are shown in text-figure 2. The zonal schemeof Berggren et al. (1995) with slight modifications by Kennettand Srinivisan (1983), and Pujol and Duprat (1983), as well asthe first occurrence of Globorotalia truncatulinoides at 300 Ka(Pharr and Williams 1987) were considered for age estimation.

Core SP1251 contains Middle Pleistocene planktonic foram-inifera of the PT1b Zone (Berggren et al. 1995) (Table 1). PT1bZone or G. truncatulinoides Partial Range Subzone (Srinivasanand Kenneth 1981) is defined as the biostratigraphic intervalcharacterized by the partial range of the nominate taxon follow-ing the last appearance of Globorotalia tosaensis (Takayanagiand Saito 1962) (Last Appearance Datum 0.65 Ma, Dowsett2007b). G. truncatulinoides appears in all fertile samples fromlevel 156cm upwards and it becomes common at level 74cm.According to Spencer and Thierstein (1997), this species origi-nated between 2.8 and 2.3 Ma in subtropical areas of the SouthPacific, subsequently immigrating into the Atlantic Oceanaround 1.9 Ma and colonizing Southern Ocean waters since theMiddle Pleistocene (de Vargas et al. 2001). However, the firstappearance of this species is somewhat diachronous withinsubantarctic water masses. As such, the first sustained migra-tional appearance in the Southern Indian Ocean occurred ataround 0.5 Ma as peripheral populations (Pharr and Williams,1987). In the subantarctic water mass of the western South At-lantic its first appearance is close to 0.3 Ma (James Kennett,pers. com.).

The presence of isolated individuals of G. tosaensis at level60cm of core SP1251 is likely due to downslope transport ofolder sediments. Prior studies from the Argentine Basin haveyielded evidence that particles <125µm can be displaced signifi-cant distances northward by strong surface and/or bottom cur-rents in the region of the BMCZ (Benthien and Müller 2000;Mollenhauer et al. 2006). However, larger foraminifera are partof the sand grain size fraction and are not easily re-distributedlaterally by bottom currents (Fok-Pun and Komar, 1983).Around the Mar del Plata Canyon (close to our working area)large areas of older sediments are partly exposed showing mas-sive slumping (Hernández Molina et al. 2009; Krastel et al.


Micropaleontology, vol. 57, no. 2, 2011

TEXT-FIGURE 2First and last occurrence levels within core SP1251, and regionalfirst and last appearance datums of biostratigraphic marker spe-cies in the western South Atlantic during Middle Pleistocene.

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2010; Violante et al. 2010. Thus it can be assumed that the iso-lated individuals of G. tosaensis found in samples 60 and 16cmcore depth were transported vertically together with reworkedolder sediments located uphill in the continental slope.

Other species of local stratigraphic significance in the westernSouth Atlantic are Globorotalia hirsuta (d’Orbigny 1839) andGloborotalia crassaformis (Galloway and Wissler 1927). Thefirst occurrence of G. hirsuta in core SP1251 is at level 74cm.According to Pujol and Duprat (1983), the First AppearanceDatum of G. hirsuta at 30oS is in MIS 11 (0.4 Ma). However, itsrelative abundance only increases around 0.24 Ma (Williamsand Ledbetter 1979; Pujol and Duprat 1983). Additionally, thelast occurrence of G. crassaformis in core SP1251 is at level16cm. In the Vema Channel (30S-39oW), G. crassaformis dis-appears in MIS 5, at around 0.12 Ma (Williams and Ledbetter1979).

Taking into account species distribution and range, the age offertile samples of core SP1251 are probably between 0.3 Maand 0.12 Ma. The absence of Holocene sediments in the top-most samples is supported by a complete absence of Globo-rotalia menardii (Parker, Jones and Brady 1865) and the highproportion of subantarctic species (Ericson and Wollin 1968;Boltovskoy 1973). This is most probably related to the use of apiston-corer device which does not preserve the water-sedimentinterface.

Sample processing and taxonomy

Planktonic foraminifer assemblages from sediment coreSP1251 (38°29.7´S / 53°40.7´W / 3400m water depth / 877cmlong) (text-figure 1) were analyzed in this study. Nineteen sam-ples were dried in an oven at = 50oC and weighed, then washedover a 63µm mesh. The coarse fraction was dried again and fi-nally reweighed. All planktonic foraminifera from the whole >63µm size fraction were picked by hand under a binocular mi-croscope and identified following the criteria of Loeblich andTappan (1988), Kennett and Srinivasan (1983), Saito, Thomp-son and Berger (1981), and Kemle-Von Mücke and Hemleben(1999). Due to Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg1861) left and right have different geographic distributions andpaleoenvironmental implications (Bé and Tolderlund 1971),this species was split into the two forms for identification.

Isotopic analyses

The �18O and �13C of G. truncatulinoides were measured at theMARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Univer-sity of Bremen, Germany, using a Finnigan MAT 252 massspectrometer equipped with an automatic carbonate preparationdevice. The standard deviation of the laboratory standard was0.07‰ and 0.05‰ for �18O and �13C respectively. The �18Ovalues are expressed as ‰ deviation from the VPDB standard,calibrated by NBS 18, 19 and 20 standards.

Data analyses

The relative position of the BMCZ was inferred based on thetemperature preferences of specific planktonic foraminifera,MAT SST reconstruction, and G. truncatulinoides �18O values.All foraminiferal counts were transformed to relative abun-dance data and mean and maxima abundance for each taxonwere determined for each level. Qualitative paleoenvironmentalanalyses were performed analyzing the >63µm sediment sizefraction. Ecological preferences of species to different climaticconditions and to different water masses as summarized by


Cecilia Laprida et al.: Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone

TABLE 1Distribution and relative abundances of planktonic foraminifera speciesidentified in this study.

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Boltovskoy et al. (1996) were used for grouping species intofaunal classes. SST estimates were calculated using the MATwith PaleoAnalogs 2.0 software (Theron et al. 2003). Onlyplanktonic foraminifera from >150µm size fraction were con-sidered in the SST reconstruction analyses. The MAT utilizes adistance measure between a fossil sample and the nearest mod-ern analog in the calibration dataset to estimate past conditions.We used the square chord distance as dissimilarity index. Aver-ages were consistently below 0.33 in all samples above level156cm, which indicates that good analogues were found onlyfor this upper part of the core (Table 2). Temperature estimateswere performed as the weighted average of the measured tem-peratures at stations with as much as 10 analogs (Dowsett 2007;Dowsett and Poore 1999). The global calibration dataset wasbased on the compilation of Prell et al. (1999) containing faunalcounts from 1265 coretops. Each sample was calibrated to tem-perature using the World Ocean Atlas (WOA 98). Summer andwinter SSTs were estimated only for samples with more than 50planktonic foraminifera from >150µm size fraction.

In order to reconstruct the position of the BMCZ, G. trunca-tulinoides �18O values were compared with modern valuesmeasured by Chiessi et al. (2007) from a latitudinal transect ofsurface sediments from the continental slope of the southwest-ern South Atlantic between 20 and-48°S. Here, we will not in-terpret the �13C data because (Takayanagi and Saito 1962) �13Cvalues of G. truncatulinoides do not show a distinct trend withlatitude in our study area (Chiessi et al. 2007). However, thesevalues were taken into account to define the reliability of theoxygen isotopic values of the shells.


A total of 6893 planktonic foraminifera were recovered and 39species were identified (Table 1). In most samples, the propor-tion of unidentified individuals due to mainly early ontogeneticstage was ca. 10%. Only the uppermost 156cm of sediment coreSP1251 contained benthic and planktonic foraminifera. Belowlevel 96cm foraminifers are present in insufficient amount forstatistical treatment or are completely absent. Ecologic classes,counting categories and basic statistics of the most relevant spe-cies for environmental reconstruction are given in Table 3.

Overall, the planktonic foraminifer assemblage is dominated byN. pachyderma (l), Globorotalia inflata (d’Orbigny 1839),Globigerinita uvula (Ehrenberg 1861) and Globigerinabulloides (d’Orbigny 1826). Accesory species (between 2-7%)are Turborotalia clarkei (Rögl and Bolli 1973), N. pachyderma(r), Globigerinita glutinata (Egger 1893), G. truncatulinoides,Turborotalia quinqueloba (Natland 1938) and Neoglobo-quadrina dutertrei (d’Orbigny 1839).

The relative contribution of subantarctic (59%), transitional(25%) and subtropical (8%) species to the total assemblageclearly indicate cold water conditions during the timespan re-corded in the upper 150cm of sediment core SP1251. However,at levels 60cm and 74cm G. inflata clearly dominates the as-semblages and the relative proportion of transitional species in-creases significantly (text-figure 3).

Values for summer SST (sSST) and winter SST (wSST) areshown in Table 4 and in text-figure 4. Most of the nearestanalogs (i.e., cores V12-43, RC 11-80, RC 15-115, V17-144and V18-126) are found in the Atlantic and Indian sectors of theSouthern Ocean between 45oS and 49oS. Reconstructed sSSTrange from approximately 8°C to 16°C (mean of 12.6°±2.6°C)and wSST vary from 5°C to 10°C (mean of 7.7°±1.8°C).

Analytical results of �18O and �13C are shown in Table 4 andtext-figure 4. The oxygen isotopic values vary between 2.7 and3.15‰. These values are distinctly higher than modern valuesfrom the study area and typical for the region to the South of theBMCZ (Chiessi et al. 2007). An anomalous lower value of1.3‰ is observed at level 90cm and is not considered in the dis-cussion.


Qualitative faunal analysis

While most of the identified species of planktonic foraminiferaocuppy a wide geographical range, subantarctic water speciesclearly dominate the assemblage of core SP1251. According toBoltovskoy et al. (1996) G. bulloides, G. truncatulinoides, T.quinqueloba, N. pachyderma (left and rigth), G. uvula andGloborotalia scitula (Brady 1882) are characteristic from coldwaters in the western South Atlantic. G. inflata and G. glutinataare the most conspicuous transitional water species, whereastypical warm water forms are represented by Globigerinafalconensis (Blow 1959), Globigerina rubescens (Hofker1956), Globigerinella aequilateralis (Brady 1879), Globi-gerinoides conglobatus (Brady 1879), Globigerinoides ruber(d’Orbigny 1839), N. dutertrei (text-figure 3), G. menardii andOrbulina universa (d’Orbigny 1839). This foraminiferalbiogeographic zonation closely reflects the hydrographic frontsof the western South Atlantic (Boltovskoy 1981; Boltovskoy etal. 1996); cold water species are generally more abundant inwaters associated with the subantarctic MC, whereas warm wa-ter forms thrive in areas influenced by the subtropical BC.

In core SP1251 subantarctic species are mainly represented byN. pachyderma (l), G. uvula and G. bulloides, followed by N.pachyderma (r), G. truncatulinoides and G. quinqueloba (Table3 and text-figure 3). According to Boltovskoy et al. (1996), at


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TABLE 2Nearest modern analogs, dissimilarity index (DI) and dissimilarity index average from each level of core SP1251.

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Cecilia Laprida et al.: Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone

TEXT-FIGURE 3Relative abundance of selected species of planktonic foraminifera from core SP1251, South western South Atlantic, indicatingsubantarctic, transitional and subtropical waters (after Boltovskoy et al. 1996).

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38°S in the southwestern South Atlantic, N. pachyderma (l)constitutes nowadays less than 5% of the relative abundance ofplanktonic foraminifera, while G. uvula constitutes ca. 25%.South of 41-42oS these cold water species account for morethan 50% of all planktonic foraminifers.

N. pachyderma (l) is a typical species in polar to subpolar envi-ronments (Hemleben, Spindler and Anderson 1989). In the highlatitudes N. pachyderma (l) dominates planktonic foraminiferalassemblages (Kucera et al. 2005; Bé and Tolderlund 1971). Thechange in dominance of right- over left-coiled N. pachydermais observed at 9oC in the modern ocean (Zaric et al. 2005). Dueto its preference for cold waters, it constitutes one of the majorecological and geochemical proxy carrier in the coolest marineenvironments. The relation N. pachyderma (l)/[N. pachyderma(l)+ N. pachyderma (r)] in core SP1251 oscillate between 0.5and 0.88, indicating SSTs lower than 9oC typical of polar tosubpolar environments (text-figure 4).

Thus, a higher proportion of subantarctic planktonic fora-miniferal species typical of regions to the south of 41-42°S inthe assemblages of the core indicate colder-than-modern condi-tions from 0.3 to 0.12 Ma at the core site. Colder water condi-tions at our study site are probably related to a strong (weak)influence of the MC (BC).

Quantitative SST estimates

Temperature reconstructions based on the MAT confirm thequalitative estimations based on total planktonic foraminifera(text-figure 4). Faunal assemblage-based SST estimates suggestthat during the deposition of the fertile samples of core SP1251SSTs were lower than modern values at the core site for bothseasons. While modern wSST values oscillate around 11.8oCand sSST values oscillate around 19.1°C (WOA 2005), the av-erage wSST estimated for the period between 0.3 and 0.12 Mais ca. 8oC and the average reconstructed sSST for the same pe-riod is ca. 13oC, equivalent to a cooling of 6-4°C during thetime span of the core. The downcore pattern of SST can be re-lated to a displacement of the BMCZ to the north and/or a weak-ening of the BC during glacials, resulting from a northwarddisplacement of the ITCZ and related to a strengthening of theSE trade winds (Toledo et al. 2008; Wefer et al. 1996).

To evaluate core SP1251 SST estimates we compared our re-constructed values to other SST reconstructions from the LastGlacial Maximum (LGM). The LGM represents the nearest of aseries of past climatic cold extremes, and thus serves as an ex-cellent testing ground for comparison to our results. Our SSTestimates are in broad agreement with, although slightly coolerthan, the LGM time slice (26-16 Ka) SST mapping drawn by


Micropaleontology, vol. 57, no. 2, 2011

TEXT-FIGURE 4(A) Trends in relative abundance of zonal species considering subatarctic, transitional and subtropical species after Boltovskoy et al. (1996). (B) Sum-mer and winter MAT reconstructed SSTs. Modern winter and summer SST values are indicated by rows in the SSTs axis. (C) Trends in the relation N.pachyderma (l) / [N. pachyderma (l) + N. pachyderma (r)] in core SP1251. (D) G. truncatulinoides �

18O (‰V-PDB) trends from coreSP1251. Shaded area indicates modern values of G. trunctaulinoides �

18O (‰V-PDB) in the core of the Brazil Malvinas ConfluenceZone.

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the pioneer Climate Long-Range Investigation, Mapping andPrediction group (CLIMAP 1994). In contrast, our estimates donot agree well with those from the Glacial Atlantic Ocean Map-ping 2000 (GLAMAP 2000) which suggested a strong positiveanomaly in the Argentine Basin (Pflaumann et al. 2003). Veryfew data from this area were included in GLAMAP’s SST re-constructions; hence this anomaly could be artificially gener-ated by the algorithm used to interpolate between data points(Schäfer-Neth and Paul 2003). More recently, the MultiproxyApproach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean surfacegroup (MARGO 2009) presented an updated synthesis of SSTswith better geographic coverage and temporal resolution (23-19Ka). Its reconstruction reveals the existence of strong longitudi-nal as well as latitudinal gradients in all ocean basins, demon-strating that the cooling of the glacial ocean was not uniform. A2-6oC general cooling in the Southern Ocean was proposed inMARGO (2009). This is consistent with SP1251 SST estimatesfor the coring site, which show a cooling of 4-6oC (text-figure4).

Isotopic data

The �18O composition of G. truncatulinoides is a reliable indi-cator of the latitudinal position of the BMCZ (Chiessi et al.2007). �18O of shells exhibit an abrupt increase of 2‰ from lowto high latitudes in the western South Atlantic reflecting the in-fluence of temperature on the oxygen isotopic ratio and record-ing the steep subsurface temperature gradient across the BMCZ(Chiessi et al. 2007). As such, �18O of G. truncatulinoides canbe used to define past migrations of the front. Site SP1251 is lo-cated within the core of the modern BMCZ, but �18O valuesfrom core SP1251 are similar to those registered nowadays insubantarctic to subpolar sediments (Wefer et al. 1996, Niebler,Hubberten and Gersonde 1999, Chiessi et al. 2007). This im-plies that the BMCZ and probably the frontal system havemoved farther northward during the glacial period recorded inour core allowing the northward flow of surface waters ofsubantarctic origin to achieve lower latitudes. Faunal composi-tion and the relative cool reconstructed SSTs are consistent withthis interpretation. A northward shift of the mid-latitude frontalsystem during glacial times have been previously proposed for

the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean (Howardand Prell 1992, Brathauer and Abelmann 1999, Crosta et al.1998).


The scarcity of G. bulloides, a tracer of the lysocline depth(Dittert and Henrich 2000), below level 137cm and the absenceof benthic and planktonic foraminifera below level 156cm incore SP1251 indicate either sinsedimentary and/or postsedi-mentary dissolution of the calcareous shells. In the AtlanticOcean cyclic variations of the sediment CaCO3 content atMilankovitch frequencies are mainly due to glacial/interglacialdissolution cycles resulting from an interplay between less cor-rosive northern sourced waters and more corrosive southernsource waters (Schmieder, Dobeneck and Bleil 2000). DuringPleistocene cold periods large changes in deep water circulationtook place, with upward shifts in the depth of the transition be-tween North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Antarctic Bot-tom Water (AABW) (Volbers and Henrich 2004; Curry andOppo, 2005), which impacted the preservation of biogenic car-bonate in deep sea surface sediments. During glacial times, thelysocline may has followed the boundary between the AABWand NADW as it does in the Central Atlantic today (Berger1974). The modern lysocline in the western South Atlantic var-ies between 4000 and 4200 m (Shor et al. 1982; Johnson, Ras-mussen and Jones 1982; Bickert and Wefer 1996), but mighthave shoaled to a water depth above 3400 m during MIS 6 or 8.Moreover, bottom water masses were enriched in CO2 duringglacial times, which increased its corrosive character (Wiessertet al. 1986). Thus, we tentatively correlate the barren levels ofcore SP1251 to periods during which carbonate dissolutionpredominated at the core site, which probably correspond to thecoldest stage of the glacial interval.

Core SP1251 was deposited during a cold climate interval, aglacial stage that occurred during the Middle Pleistocene. Coldwater conditions were inferred from qualitative analyses of thetotal planktonic foraminiferal assemblage, quantitative SST re-constructions based on the MAT, the relation between N.pachyderma (l)/[N. pachyderma (l)+ N. pachyderma (r)] and


Cecilia Laprida et al.: Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone

TABLE 3Zonal categories, taxonomic list and basic statistics of the most relevant species of core SP1251 used for environmental reconstruction.

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isotopic data. G. truncatulinoides �18O values reflect a north-ward shift of the BMCZ, but do not record full glacial condi-tions because higher isotopic ratios would be expected due tothe ice-volume effect. Thus, the uppermost 156cm of the coredo not record full glacial conditions, but rather a period of ei-ther MIS 6 or 8 when continental ice-volume was not signifi-cantly larger than at present. The coldest stage of the glacialinterval is represented by the core section below 156cm wheredissolution was responsible for the absence of biogenic carbon-ate implying a greatly enhanced influence of Antarctic bottomwaters.

CONCLUSIONSWe analyzed Middle Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal as-semblages (qualitatively and by the MAT) and G. trunca-tulinoides �18O of sediment core SP1251 in the western SouthAtlantic. Only the uppermost 156cm of core SP1251 are fertile.Based on biostratigraphic considerations, fertile sediments ofSP1251 were deposited during a Middle Pleistocene cold pe-riod probably related to MIS 6 or 8, between 0.3 and 0.12 Ma.The dominance of subantarctic species typical of western SouthAtlantic latitudes higher than 41-42oS indicate colder condi-tions during the time span recorded in our core. Reconstructedwinter and summer SSTs are 4-6oC lower than modern values,and are similar to other faunal-derived SST records in the areafor glacial periods. This significant SST decrease is corrobo-rated by the high relative abundance of N. pachyderma (l) andother cold-water species throughout the core. The G. trunca-tulinoides oxygen isotope record is consistent with expectedvalues for subantarctic to subpolar modern values. All of thissuggests a northward shift of the BMCZ and superficial watersof subantarctic origin to lower latitudes during this MiddlePleistocene cold period, generating a stronger than present in-fluence of the MC in the core site.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis research was supported by the Universidad de Buenos Ai-res (UBACyT X455), and the Agencia Nacional de PromociónCientífica y Técnica (PICT 14417). Thanks to Dr RobertoTheron, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, for giving us accessto the last version of PaleoAnalogs software. We acknowledgetwo anonymous Reviewers and the Editor for their constructivecomments.


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SUPPORTING ONLINE MATERIALMap showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samplesfrom level 0cm, core SP1251, south western South Atlantic(38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m water depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Southern Hemisphere) from level 5cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Northern Hemisphere) from level 5cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samplesfrom level 16cm, core SP1251, south western South Atlantic(38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m water depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Southern Hemisphere) from level 20cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Northern Hemisphere) from level 20cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samplesfrom level 42cm, core SP1251, south western South Atlantic(38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m water depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samplesfrom level 60cm, core SP1251, south western South Atlantic(38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m water depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Southern Hemisphere) from level 74cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Northern Hemisphere) from level 74cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Southern Hemisphere) from level 90cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).


Cecilia Laprida et al.: Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Zone

Page 13: Middle Pleistocene sea surface temperature in the Brazil-Malvinas

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog sam-ples (Northern Hemisphere) from level 90cm, core SP1251,south western South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 mwater depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog sam-ples from level 96cm, core SP1251, south western South Atlan-tic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m water depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog sam-ples (Southern Hemisphere) from level 137cm, core SP1251,south western South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 mwater depth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Northern Hemisphere) from level 137cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Southern Hemisphere) from level 156cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).

Map showing the distribution of nearest modern analog samples(Northern Hemisphere) from level 156cm, core SP1251, southwestern South Atlantic (38o29,7´S / 53o40,7´W / 3400 m waterdepth).


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