Page 1: MISSION & MINISTRY FOCUS…A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study

100 Lochmere Drive West Cary, North Carolina 27518

Worship Saturday at 6:00 pm

Sunday at 8:00 am, 10:30 am 10:45 am (contemporary)

Christian Education Sunday at 9:15 am [email protected]


Resurrection Lutheran School: 919-851-7271 Resurrection Lutheran Preschool: 919-851-7270


Mission Minded Mantey’s Sunday, February 24 from 9:15-10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall

Join us as we welcome Megan Mantey back to Resurrection as she travels during her home service! She will be sharing updates on her and Mark’s work as they serve the Lord as career missionaries in Uganda. Mark serves as the project manager for the seminary of Lutheran Theological College Uganda, managing the business aspects of it. As an instructor of Christian education and counseling, Megan teaches classes at the seminary. Mark and Megan are also involved in the life of the local community and their local congregation of Immanuel Lutheran in Jinja. Through these interactions, they build partnerships that assist the seminary and its students and share the love of Christ and proclaim the Gospel. Learn more:

Page 2: MISSION & MINISTRY FOCUS…A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study

We are still on our journey, aren’t we? I am so blessed that Our Lord has put us together! As you know, Ellen and I just moved to Garner from South Carolina in June 2018, and now – instead of being “retired” – I am busier than ever. The gracious welcome I have received from all of you at Resurrection/Cary has been wonderful and we can feel God’s love simmering in every service and class and gathering.

However, we should not neglect the mission field – all of those around us, friends, and neighbors who do not have a relationship with Jesus. As we go into February – the Super Bowl will be behind us, but let’s not forget that old fashioned secular holiday. Yes, I am talking about February 14th – Valentine’s Day.

Having received the Love of Christ, as Christians we should be the first to answer the call to love one another. Certainly we should not neglect the romantic love that is traditionally related to Valentine’s Day – but we should also be among the first to extend the fellowship of love to our friends and co-workers and neighbors. Although Valentine’s Day has caught the public spotlight – Jesus put us on this track with His teaching from John 13: 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Jesus said this just before He laid down His Life for us – the ultimate act of love!

Now one of the things we learned from Valentine’s Day as children, was to communicate the love that we felt. And even today, communication is the foundation of any good relationship. The prime way we communicate with God is through prayer – and that informs our focus on the Lord’s Prayer during most of this month. Our Adult Education classes have been having a great turnout for the group of teachers that have been walking us through Rev. Dr. Daniel Paavola’a book Our Way Home. And our sermon series on the Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer will also help us in our communication with Our Lord of Love.

As we travel through February – please reach out to one another. On our wonderful journey with Jesus, we should do our best to make sure that no one is left behind!

Blessings, Pastor Jon

The Monthly Newsletter of Resurrection Lutheran Church

Page 3: MISSION & MINISTRY FOCUS…A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study

Page 3 February 2019

Our Way Home A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study and sermon series that will take us from heaven to earth and back again on an inspiring visual, story telling journey through the Lord’s Prayer.

Whether you’ve prayed the Lord’s Prayer a thousand times or you’re not quite familiar with every word, Our Way Home invites you on an incredibly vivid journey through the Lord’s Prayer, where you will discover the power, the beauty, and the depth of the world’s most famous prayer. In his book, Rev. Dr. Daniel E. Paavola surrounds each

petition with captivating imagery and storytelling that will animate your praying, making it a prayer you will live out every day — in any situation and in every circumstance. February 3 The Fourth Petition/Chapter 4 Showers When They Come Give us this day our daily bread; February 10 The Fifth Petition/Chapter 5 The Flood and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; February 17 The Sixth Petition/Chapter 6 Catch Me! And lead us not into temptation, February 24* The Seventh Petition/Chapter 7 It’s Time to Go Home Again But deliver us from evil. *During the Sunday morning study on February 24, we will host Megan Mantey, Uganda Missionary. The Sixth Petition and the Seventh Petition will be combined on February 17. March 3 The Conclusion/Chapter 8 The Songs We Sing As We Ascend For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Looking Back Over the Journey/Chapter 9 — Study Wrap-Up Sunday, March 3 from 12:00-2:00 pm in the Family Life Center Gym

Help Us Replenish Our Love Fund

Over the past several months, RLC has been able to bless several of our families experiencing unexpected financial hardships. Please consider donating to the Love Fund to help us continue to support our members.

Donating is easy. Make checks payable to RLC, note "Love Fund" in memo line, and drop in the offering plate or at the church office. Thank you!

Page 4: MISSION & MINISTRY FOCUS…A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study

Page 4 February 2019

“We Care” - Church Buddy Program

Have you looked around and possibly noticed that one of your friends or frequent contacts has not been in church for a while? Perhaps this is a person who you used to see in an Adult Class, the Blind Ministry or Coffeehouse, Men’s/Women’s programs, or sat close by in worship.

Over the past several years, our average worship attendance has dropped, even though our overall membership numbers have grown.

Research has shown that one way for a church to increase its attendance is for members to stay in contact with other members. Data indicates that church attendance grows in loving and caring atmosphere of the “Fellowship of Believers.” A simple call or note asking, “How are you doing?” and express concern that they are missed at church is a proven method.

A simple call or note only takes a minute and it can help make a big difference in a person’s life. Do you know someone who would benefit from a reach out? Take a minute – be a “Church Buddy”. It will brighten your day also!

On Sunday, January 20th, we celebrated the Sanctity of Human Life. God has ordained the earthly lives of all from conception to natural death – but sin and the devil have taken many before the time given them.

As Christians we have stood against elective abortions and will continue to stand up and be counted in organizations like Lutherans for Life -

Unfortunately, there are still powers and principalities making great strides in the world and even in our own country. On January 22nd, the Governor of New York made great fanfare in signing the so-called “Reproductive Health Act” into law – legalizing doctors’ discretion to kill infants all the way up to and even after live birth for a broad variety of reasons. (

As we mourn for those whose lives are snuffed out – we turn to Our Lord for mercy and guidance:

Father in Heaven, we ask for Your Forgiveness for our country’s disregard for Your Word and Your Love for every life created in Your Image. Guide us into Your Truth and give each of us direction for what we should do with this crucial issue. In Your Will — guide the Supreme Court in our land to overturn the legalization of elective abortion. Forgive those who have submitted themselves or others to this sin – and bring them into Your Kingdom of Love. Help us to be Your voice of Love in this world – to all of those who need to hear Your Call. We pray and trust in the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord – Amen! Gateway Crisis Pregnancy Center is a vital ministry -

See the response from our Synod - ~ Pastor Jon

Page 5: MISSION & MINISTRY FOCUS…A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study

Page 5 February 2019

From the Council “Our Light” – Congregational Highlights:

Each month, we are going to try to capture as many highlights of our church, especially noting how we serve each other and our community. For the last month, some, but certainly not all, include the following:

1. Thanks to the Lay Ministry Standing Committee, especially Mike Hahne, for collecting and distributing the Staff Christmas donation.

2. We begun the changeover to the revised Confirmation program. Parents’ meetings were held, and special thanks go to MaryAnn Unger for all her coordination efforts.

3. Thanks to all members for their strong December contributions, which helped lower our first half budget deficit.

4. We welcomed Chris Reed as our new leader of Reign.

5. Thanks to John Viehe for his proposal for the cost of video streaming our services. A Team is being formed to look at the benefits, feasibility, and costs.

6. A proposal was presented by Ron Bostick to Council and approved to print large font Bibles for prisons and reading impaired individuals.

7. Alan Shaw is an official Vicar at RLC and will begin his formal Specific Ministry Program (SMP) in St. Louis in February.

8. The direct reports to the Sr. Pastor have completed self-assessments that the Council will use to help support their current ministries and also consider for adopting the future programs they have outlined. The Council Personnel Committee is currently summarizing all input.

9. The Associate Call Committee group has been formed. Members include Dan Shaltanis – Leader, Ritch Anderson, Jim Linn, Nathan Jahnke, Michele Brake, Jan Boyer, and Mark T. Otten.

10. Fourteen new members have indicated they would like to be part of the Shepherding program. Training to be held, February 2nd. Additional members welcome.

11. The Mom’s Group, a new program, is growing. Looks like many of the members are attending the 10:45 service, as evidenced by the larger number at the Children’s Sermon.

12. Pastor Jon, along with our Licensed Lay Deacons – Mel Tolliver and Ron Bostick – have expanded Shut-in visitations.

13. An RLC team left this month for El Salvador to support local living condition improvement. Keep them in your prayers as they serve this community.

14. The Transitional Prayer team started meeting at 12:00 pm on Monday’s in church. Members are welcome to attend to prayerfully support RLC during our transition time.

15. RLC was featured in a special article in the Lutheran Church Extension Fund noting the success of the recent Next 40 campaign. As a result of this article, several churches have used prayer ribbon fences in their campaign.

16. Our youth programs have gotten off to a solid start in January, including good participation at several key events.

17. Attendance and support for the Our Way Home Bible study has been strong. We are especially thankful for the new Adult Ed leaders that stepped up to lead sessions. Also, the work of our Fellowship Group to provide special refreshments has added to the “togetherness“ of this time.

18. We are saddened by the loss of three, long term members of RLC. The overall congregational support for the families and all the “behind the scenes” efforts at this time was greatly appreciated by the families. The evidence of love, caring, and coming together was a witness to all attending their Celebration of Life.

To share a “Light” experience, please send your note to [email protected].

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Page 6 February 2019

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

March 5 from 5:30-7:00 pm Family Life Center Gym

Come join us for an All You Can Eat pancakes, sausage, ham, applesauce, and the best fellowship around!

RSVP/volunteer forms have been put in mailboxes. Please RSVP using the upper part of the form.

We are looking for helpers to cook, prepare, and clean up the pancake dinner. If you can help, please fill out the lower part of the RSVP/volunteer form and place in Kim Simpson’s mailbox. Or go to Sign Up Genius at

It is a free will offering. The suggested offering is $5 per person or $20 per family. All proceeds will benefit the Uganda Seminary Students Scholarship Fund. Thank you to all whom give generously supporting this mission.

Gratitude Journals Workshop

Our Visual Faith group will be meeting on the following days and times to continue working on our Gratitude Journals:

• Wed. February 6, 6:30-8:30 pm, Fellowship Hall • Wed. February 20, 6:30-8:30 pm, Fellowship Hall • Sun. February 24, 12:00-2:00 pm, RM 151 by gym

ALL are welcome to join or just drop by and learn more about Visual Faith!

For more information, contact Jamee Thieme ( [email protected] ).

RLC Quilting/Crafting Group

We are discontinuing the 3rd Tuesday Evening Craft Group due to low attendance. If you have any ideas of other times or craft projects you would like to participate in, please let us know and we can possibly start another group.

Meanwhile, our Quilting Group has had a great start with an all-time high attendance record! We did finish 34 quilts for Lutheran World Relief last year which were blessed at church services in November. We are meeting every Tuesday afternoon from 12:30-5:00 pm in Room 133, FLC. Please feel free to come by anytime and help cut fabric, lay out designs, pin, sew, tie, and just enjoy some good fellowship! We look forward to seeing you there.

Questions? Call Diane Hoffmeister 919-624-7886.

Listen Like a Lutheran!

Did you know that you can hear distinctly Lutheran music and programs from several sources here in the Triangle?

They can be accessed through your Smartphone, iPhone, iPad, or computer! Once you try them, you will be hooked!

KFUO Radio (AM 850) comes to you from St. Louis, MO. Christ for you. Anytime. Anywhere. Hear Sacred Music and Prayer, Worship Services, Bible Studies, Lutheran Confessions, and Practical Talk. Visit:

Lutheran Public Radio streams sacred music for the world. Hear instrumental and choral groups sing the music for the current season. Visit:

Lutheran Hour Ministries has been bringing the changeless Christ to a changing world for nearly 100 years. The communication methods have shifted, but the message has remained the same. Check them out for Daily Devotions, Rev. Dr. Michael Ziegler's Sermon, or take a class! Visit:

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Page 7 February 2019

Blind Ministry

Our ministry has grown tremendously since we started it in January 2012! There is so much need for a place for people with disabilities to come together. We provide rides to and from church, time for devotion and prayer, a delicious meal prepared by Kim Otten, and usually musical entertainment provided by our own talented musicians or outside groups.

As you can imagine, it takes a lot of volunteers to be able to host such a ministry. You can ask any of the volunteers who faithfully serve what a joy it is to be involved. We all feel richly rewarded by bringing joy into their lives and showing them the love that Christ first showed us. Our guests all keep telling us how much they are looking forward to this time of fellowship and how much they appreciate all that we are doing for them.

With that being said, we desperately need more drivers. Can any of you give of your time on the last Friday of the month, or maybe one Friday every two months? The evening starts at 5:30 pm and usually ends around 7:30 pm so the drivers need to be available from around 4:00 pm to around 8:00 pm.

The dates for this year (2019) are January 25, February 22, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, August 30, September 27, October 25, and November 22. We take a break in December.

Please prayerfully consider getting involved and contact me at [email protected] (underscore between Annette and Langefeld) or at 919-768-1960 with any questions.

Thank you and God bless you, Annette Langefeld-Kennedy


Join us Saturday

March 23, 2019 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Resurrection Lutheran Church 100 Lochmere Drive West | Cary

Fellowship Hall

Lunch Included Child Care Available

Reserve Your Spot by March 11 RLC (919) 851-7248 or

Deb Oesterling, RLC Connections, at [email protected]

Page 8: MISSION & MINISTRY FOCUS…A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer Join us for an 8-week Sunday morning study

Page 8 February 2019

Children and Family Ministry

Confirmation (5th-8th Grades)

Looking ahead...

February 6 Classes held from 6:30-7:45 pm. Meet in gym for opening session.

February 13, February 20 Classes held from 6:30-7:45 pm. No opening session in gym. Please go directly to classrooms.

February 27 Classes held from 6:30-7:45 pm. Meet in gym for opening session.

March 6 No classes held on Ash Wednesday. Please join us for Ash Wednesday worship at 8:45 am or 7:00 pm in Sanctuary. Classrooms and Teachers:

5th grade in Room 133 with Lea Webb Welcome to the Lord’s Table with MaryAnn Unger

6th grade in Room 251 with Sonja Striplin

7th grade in Room 240 with Tom Kolb

8th grade in Room 247 with MaryAnn Unger Questions? Please email [email protected].

Acolytes Sign up is available through Easter Sunday services. We are also in need of acolytes for upcoming weekends. Please check and see if you are available.

Thanks so much to everyone that has served, especially those that filled in last minute!

Training can be provided for any rising 5th grader, or older, that would like to acolyte. Takes less than 20 minutes to go through the process and can be done on a Sunday following services or other arranged time. Email [email protected].

Kidz Live is a fun Wednesday night option for kids, kindergarten through 4th grade, to play games, read Bible stories, and make crafts. It would be great to have additional volunteers willing to take turns planning and leading the week’s activities. Ideally, we’d also love to get “nursery” coverage for younger kids. This is a great help for adults that want to attend Bible classes, teach WNW classes, or be a small group guide. For more information, please contact MaryAnn at [email protected].

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Page 9 February 2019

Student Ministry “My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Jesus Christ, the Master; now live Him. You’re deeply rooted in Him. You’re well-constructed upon Him. You know your way around your faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over with Thanksgiving.” - The Message

Our Breakaway High School group has so many things to look forward to and be grateful for in this New Year! God has prepared and equipped this deeply rooted group for great things. In Connection Café, we have new curriculum. Our leadership team has been working on writing Devos (devotions) to present at Breakaway. We have been playing, praying and building each other up. Breakaway will be living His message and shining His light not just here at our church but in our community and beyond. Some of the many things that are coming up are:

The SOUPer Bowl – Soup Collection for Western Wake Food Pantry BYG-est Retreat at Camp Agape, February 1-3

Connection Café at 9:15am on Sunday Mornings Breakaway at 7:00 pm on Sunday Evenings

March 10 – Spring Fundraiser at City BBQ (look for flyer to use!) National Youth Gathering in July 2019 in Minneapolis

Ignite (Middle School) Service Hours:

We have totaled the hours that the kids have completed at RLC

(BBQ, Parent Night Out, Hanging of Greens, etc.)

They were included in this week’s email.

Remember Confirmation requires 5 service hours

for this year!

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Page 10 February 2019

Gifts and Memorials

The following gifts have been received by RLC: For the Love Fund:

In Honor of…

Tom and Cheryl Bipes Dawn and Keith Leister Lyle Hoffman Mike and Sharon Hahne Tom and Deb Gebbia Irene Lantry Joyce Coggin Bill and Jan Boyer Larry and Kathy Carlson Ruth Anderson Gail Rasdorf Bill and Fran Xanakis

Susan Breitsprecher In Memory of Cal Berg, Ruth Anderson, Cheryl Bipes

Kathy Rasmussen For the Coffeehouse:

In Memory of Sue Webster

Grant and Brenda Peterson In Memory of Sue Webster

Kathy Rasmussen

For the Gifts and Memorial Fund:

In Memory of Sue Webster

Bruce and June Sharpe In Memory of Cal Berg

Beth Ann McCord Kay Tharp Ed and Lil McAlpine and Family Pat Hagar and Family Mary E. Persson Mari Love Eva Sommers In Memory of Cal Berg, Ruth Anderson, Sarah Peterson

Keith and Dawn Leister In Memory of Cal Berg, Ruth Anderson,

Keith and Yvonne Braswell For the Music Ministry:

In Memory of Audrey Svenningsen Meta Linde

Shop on AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate to RLC!

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Resurrection every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to RLC.

1. Visit or copy and paste into your browser. It’s just like shopping on

2. Sign in using your existing Amazon credentials. If you don’t have an account, you can create a new one.

3. Start shopping! After you’ve chosen your charity, your shopping experience will be the same as it is on the Amazon website. And there’s no extra cost for you at checkout! Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of your purchase to Resurrection Lutheran Church.

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Page 11 February 2019

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE is 20th of each month.

Please send submissions to [email protected].

5 Luigi and Linda Moscatello

6 John and Virginia Heilman – 54 years

10 Bob and Tricia Spears – 30 years

12 Ritch and Sue Anderson

14 Keith and Dawn Leister Greg and Betsy Sigmon

16 Dean and Karen Peters

17 Ken and Mary Elder – 51 years Tom and Else Travers

21 Jon and Ellen Richter

27 Tim and Sue Kearby *Names and dates are taken from our computer software, “Shepherd’s Staff”. Please notify the church office of omissions and changes. Thank you!


RLC's Operation InAsMuch event is scheduled for Saturday, April 27 from 8:00 am-Noon.

This is an annual event where we provide numerous acts of service for our church, community, country. The event begins with breakfast in the Family Life Center at 8:00 am, and by noon, most activities will be completed. There will be many opportunities available for all ages to participate, and nursery care provided.

Last year, over 115 volunteers contributed over 650 hours of service, and we hope to at least meet, if not exceed, these numbers with this year's event!

We are looking for volunteers to help coordinate this event and input on activities. If you would like to help with coordinating this event and/or have suggestions for a service project or philanthropy to serve, contact Jan Boyer at [email protected] or 919-796-7511.

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Page 12 February 2019

Learn more about Resurrection Lutheran Church at

1 Julia Creasy Judith Durnbaugh Hugo Meissner Patricia Peterson Stuart Shaw

2 Darlene Bashaw Susan Bostian Heide Cassimatis

3 Mary Trautman

4 Mark Bishop Randy Bowling Denise Johnson Randy Simmons

5 Rich Roth Elaine Wood

6 Micah Drengler

7 Charlie Barton Camille Kendrick Susan Moore Hodge Williams

8 Hannah Beaty Sam Minier Kristina Sedivy Teri Treadway

9 Joshua Welch

10 Greta Hervey Audrey Huskes Daisy Morris Christine Richter Tom Sekel Beth Ann Smith

11 Cassidy Brake Diane Hooper Lily Moore Charles Shiel Tricia Spears Sebastian Striplin Bianca Van Dyk

12 Addison Collins Margo Dunn Luke Upton Edward Wienholt Angela York

13 Steve Cottle Aaron Dudek Allen Richard Tom Travers

14 Cole Dirks John Padden Joshua Siharath Susan Stephanoff

15 Lori Glenn Joyce Hirt Liam Measmer Isaiah Ring

16 Daniel Kearby

17 Jeff Boenig Gary Brown Brendan Johnson Krista Kostansek Jim Linn

18 Andrew Boenig Charles Miller III Dave Noreen Cheri Spitz

19 Simon Buser Mark Dirks Pam Gardner

20 Cooper Burgiss Jason Key Emma Unger Carolyn Yerha

21 Mike Allen Elena Bostick Linda Crandall Susan Harrell

22 Kari Huskes Caroline Swirski Elizabeth Swirski

23 Dennis Merrill Michelle West

24 Kelley Harrell Matthew Heise Morgan Patterson Claire Storum Bob Unger Gene Wolman

25 Alaina Hancock

26 Trevor Card Douglas Hayden Robert Koren Carmen Madler Melissa Miranda

27 Helen Campbell Anita Moore

28 George Johanson Catherine Kendall John Madler Mark Mantey Charlie Swiersz Mel Talenski

29 Kim Foresta *Names and dates are taken from our computer software, “Shepherd’s Staff”. Please notify the church office of omissions and changes. Thank you!

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