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Module 8: Putting Your 24/7,

Autopilot Lead Generation Machine On Overdrive

With Dave Dee, Mike Stodola

and Kim Walsh-Phillips

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Module #8: Putting Your 24/7, Autopilot Lead Generation Machine On Overdrive .......................................4

Progress So Far ...........................................................................................................................................4

Facebook Benefits .......................................................................................................................................6

Targeting Your Market with Facebook .......................................................................................................8

The “Boost Post” Problem ........................................................................................................................10

Introducing TOM .......................................................................................................................................13

Top TOM Campaigns .................................................................................................................................14

Facebook Ads Basics .................................................................................................................................15

ACE Campaign ...........................................................................................................................................18

Big Game Campaign ..................................................................................................................................20

B to B Bravado ..........................................................................................................................................23

Publisher Post ...........................................................................................................................................25

Social Circle Campaign ..............................................................................................................................26

Questions & Answers ................................................................................................................................30

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Mike Stodola: Welcome to Session #8 of the Ultimate Marketing Machine.

This is Putting Your 24/7, Autopilot Lead Generation Machine On Overdrive.

It’s an absolutely awesome session that’ll utilize everything you’ve built to

date and show you how to really force-feed your ideal prospects into the

system and get them converting right away.

Today’s call is the final call. We actually have two guests – Dave Dee and Kim

Walsh-Phillips. Kim is truly an expert on lead generation, specifically,

Facebook lead generation. How are you doing today, Kim?

Kim Walsh-Phillips: I’m doing great. Thanks so much for having me. It’s

exciting that I get to close off this wonderful program.

PROGRESS SO FAR Dave, do you want to recap for folks where we’ve been and, again, why we

saved this session until last even though it’s really the first part of the funnel

if they look at that visual.

Dave Dee: Absolutely. Well, first, I

want to say congratulations to you for

coming on this eight-week journey

with us.

I also want to double congratulate you

if you’ve actually come along and

you’ve done all of the assignments.

If you have, you should be ready to

almost turn on your Ultimate Marketing Machine.

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Now, the reason we saved Facebook until the very end is because in previous

iterations of this program, we taught Facebook at the very beginning when we

were teaching the other lead generation methods.

The problem with that is people started implementing Facebook. We love quick

implementation; however, the minute you start turning Facebook on, you’re going

to start getting leads and they didn’t have anything to send the leads.

In fact, we recently just talked to somebody, a doctor, who was doing a weight loss

program. She basically did that and was bombarded by leads and she had nothing

to send the leads. She didn’t have her books, she didn’t have her CD, she didn’t have

any of it done.

She actually just put an ad in her newsletter that she sent out to her people.

She put an ad in her newsletter following one of the templates that we gave her

and received tons and tons of leads, but had nothing to send them. That’s the main

reason why we decided to keep this as the last session.

Truly, you do have the best person to teach you exactly how to do this, how to

make it work. She really knows her stuff and she’s a

master teacher of how to use Facebook. Both Mike and

I are just going to sit back and listen as Kim goes

through and explains exactly how to do this.

It’s really important that you take copious notes. It’s

mostly important that, after this, you block off time on

your calendar to implement this, provided that you

have everything else ready to go.

If you don’t have everything else ready to go, do not

put this step into place, because you’re going to start

getting leads immediately and you’ll have nothing to send them to convert them.

With that, Kim, we’ll turn it over to you.

It’s important that

you block off time on

your calendar to

implement this,

provided you have

everything else

ready to go.

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FACEBOOK BENEFITS Kim Walsh-Phillips: Okay, thanks so much. We want this to be really action-


Your training today is for you if you love Facebook or if you hate Facebook;

because, you know what, it doesn’t really matter if you enjoy it personally.

This is really about how you can leverage it to use your whole system that

you’re creating right now.

This training today is going to be for you if:

• You want to get more customers, clients or patients into your funnel.

• You like to generate leads and sales on autopilot.

• You’re the celebrity or authority or expert in your market… it will help

you to better sell prospects and have them pay you what you’re worth.

I know, with having Ultimate Marketing Machine, you’re already creating the

pieces that will help support all three of these things, which will be fantastic for

then leveraging that into your Facebook marketing.

Every day, you have to be that superhero that has to deal with customers, clients

and patients, employees, vendors, technology. Of course, we also have a life, too,

with your family.

There’s so much we have to do in a day. Although we might feel like superheroes

sometimes, we actually don’t have super powers and we can’t make more than

24 hours in a day. So we want to get in and out as efficiently as possible.

I am not into telling you the latest trends in social media, why you should be on

Snapchat or to start Periscoping. My whole focus is what can get you the highest

ROI in the shortest amount of time. That’s what we’re going to focus on today.

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We’re going to go through why it’s imperative to your business that you start

leveraging Facebook now, the five campaigns you need to use and the full step-

by-step roadmap to run a social circle campaign. I’ll explain shortly what that is.

We’re going to discover how to launch a Facebook sales strategy now, get more

Facebook fans and turn them into customers for life.

Now, you might have made mistakes; that’s okay because there’s no such thing

as failure, it was just your first attempt in learning.

I hear a lot of horror stories from marketers who got banned from Facebook or

spent a bunch of money and didn’t get returns. That’s okay, because that just

brought you one iteration closer to having success. That’s what we’re going to

focus on today.

According to Social Media Examiner’s Annual Survey,

70% of all businesses using social media see no

return on their investment – 70%!

What that means is if you see other people

advertising on social media, do not copy their ads

because, chances are, you’re going to be copying

something that has been generating no return on investment.

And that other 30%, a whole bunch of them are doing things that are going to

get them banned from Facebook. So you do not want to copy what you see other

people doing.

You don’t want to focus on fans or likes or impressions or clicks; we’re talking

about focusing on the number of leads you bring in, the value per lead and how

many of those can turn into sales. This requires you to be accountable.

I’ll tell you, a lot of marketers, a lot of business owners, a lot of strategists or

gurus don’t want to have to be accountable. That’s scary, but you do. That’s why

you’re here today.

70% of all businesses

using social media

see no return on

their investment.

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This is going to show how you can measure every single dollar you put on to

Facebook and turn it to a lead and why it’s so important that you finally make

Facebook work for you.

This is incredible, but there are over one billion searches on Facebook a day, a

billion searches a day. Facebook usage increases 20%, month after month. While

people say, “Oh, it’s a trend, it’s a fad. Young people don’t use it anymore.” Well,

it is increasing constantly, so it’s still very important to get involved.

TARGETING YOUR MARKET WITH FACEBOOK For everything else that I said, this is the big one: There is no other market

where you can do this.

This is the only channel that you can reach 72% of

the population.

72% of online adults use Facebook. There is

nowhere else you can reach that many customers.

It’s incredibly powerful for that reason. It’s not going

away and it’s just getting more powerful.

Why? This is my favorite geeky thing. Now, I’m warning you, this is something

where the average consumer, this freaks them out and this may freak you out.

But I want you to go past that into why it can be used for incredible power for

you as a marketer.

Facebook lets you upload a list of your best customers and turn them into a

much bigger list of amazing customers, because Facebook has all this built-in

data in it.

It will take the demographics of your best customers and find more people that

have a 99.9% match in their characteristics and build out a group for you to


Facebook is the only

channel that you can

reach 72% of the


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There is no charge for that feature. In fact, they want you to do it because they

know you’re going to have a higher success level.

You can take that bigger list and you can spend as little as $5-10 a day going

after your perfect prospects.

Now, let’s say you don’t have that list, you’re just starting out or you want to try

a new market – that’s great, because Facebook has that, too.

They have built-in demographics like net worth, profession, if you’re a

homeowner, your relationship status, if there’s children, likes and interests.

Let’s go even deeper. They can tell you what car someone’s in the market for,

what are their demographics, are they a working class mom or are they a hip

mom? What number of credit lines do they have, what’s their home value? Do

they own a condo, an apartment? What’s their interests? Do they like personal

investments or real estate investments? What’s their personal finance situation?

You could target people of a certain net worth, if they spend a lot of money on

credit cards; what’s their political affiliation? What jobs do they do, what’s their

title? What’s their purchase behavior? Did they buy frozen food last month? Did

they buy a business marketing product? What type of television show do they


Now, you are probably freaking out, “How do they know this about us?” Well,

they’re partners with data mining companies. These are the same data mining

companies, like Datalux, Experian and Acxiom, the same companies that major

big companies are able to access like American Express and Comcast. They were

using these lists to market a very long time ago.

Now, with Facebook’s usage of this data, it allows the small business owner, it

allows you and me to use this in our marketing. Never before could you do this.

You know what? Hardly anybody is.

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That’s why 70% of those using social media get no return on their investment

because they’re not diving in to their perfect avatar.

You guys took time to discover what your perfect avatar is – who’s that perfect

customer, who’s that perfect market? You can now go into Facebook to

specifically identify who you’re going to go after.

The good news is, there is a successful minority crushing it on Facebook like the

campaign we’ve run for GKIC getting over 1,300% ROI.

It’s not just big names like GKIC; an individual financial planner, I’m going to

show you a campaign there, an orthodontist, then the B-to-B market. I hear so

often, “Facebook doesn’t work for B to B,” and I’m going to prove that wrong


THE “BOOST POST” PROBLEM So here’s the first thing. A lot of you who’ve tried

Facebook marketing before have hit, ‘Boost Post.’

Because it’s easy, it’s there. You don’t have to do

anything except put a credit card in to use it.

I don’t blame Facebook because I’m in to free commerce and they’re trying to

make as much money as they can. But that button is like putting a quarter in a

slot in Vegas. You are gambling.

It is almost like taking your money and making it into a little, tiny paper airplane

and throwing it into the sky.

There is no major targeting, you can do a little bit, but not very much; there’s no

major tracking. You can’t optimize it. You can’t scale it. It is not a great way to

make money with Facebook.

I have some people at this stage say, “But I’ve done well with boosting.”

You can now go into

Facebook to

specifically identify

who you’re going to

go after.

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Okay, that’s awesome news, because you’re going to do even better if you use

Facebook’s more advanced marketing platform, and that is Ads Manager.

You want to make sure you’re always setting up your ads at least in Ads

Manager or Power Editor. To access Ads Manager, all you’re going to do is go to, then you can access that platform.

It’ll walk you through setting it up. It’s really simple and it’ll give you much more

control over your marketing. So we’re not going to hit ‘Boost Post’ again.

Now, you want to hear the other mistake people make? That is, they try to be in

so many social media. They feel the need to be on YouTube, and Meetup, and

Klout, Hootsuite, Blogger and TweetDeck… all over the place. Don’t do it. It’s not

a great use of your time.

People are often asking, “Well, should I be on Tumblr? Should I do Instagram?”

Yeah, if you have the capacity to do all of them really well. What I recommend

instead is that you focus on Facebook, because it will give you the highest ROI.

Only then, when you have your system built out, fully-functioning, cranking up

your leads and sales, should you begin to look at another channel. Do one at a

time so you’re not wasting time or money.

I’m really going to simplify this. Google is a shopping mall. People are there

searching for products, programs and services, but Facebook, we’re just hanging

out and having a cocktail party.

If I’m hanging out with my besties, talking about our vacations and our kids, like

people often do on Facebook, you’ve got to give me a really good reason to leave

that party to have a conversation with you, a really good reason.

You selling me something is not a really good reason.

Selling me something is a reason for me to ignore you. Instead, you need to

show up with value.

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Think about it this way, if you went to that cocktail party looking for the love of

your life and you took out a random bow and arrow and, whoever it went near,

you ask that person to marry you, that would be creepy, right?

Well, same thing is when we go after our prospects on Facebook when we try to

sell them right away. They don’t know us yet, they were trying to be at a cocktail

party and have a good time; we’re annoying and we’re bothersome.

That’s not how you’re going to succeed on Facebook. We’re not going to be that

creepy dude.

Instead, I want you to think about your Facebook

marketing like customer courtship.

First, you’re going to attract your perfect prospect,

then you’re going to engage them like you would if

you were dating; you build out a relationship. Only

then do you make the sale.

They know who you are, they know that you could

possibly solve their problem. They begin to trust you, then you sell to them.

Then, later on, you’ve worked on other pieces of your funnel – upsell, you want

to make sure you retain them, you get introduced to referrals, and then you

make sure you’re evaluating it the entire time.

I’m actually going to show you how to build out a campaign that takes the entire

customer courtship all in three steps.

This is pretty cool, and it’s an easy campaign to run that I’m going to show you


I recommend that

you focus on

Facebook because it

will give you the

highest ROI.

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INTRODUCING TOM Why don’t I just simplify it a lot? This little dude, his name is Tom. I want you to

remember Tom when you’re setting up any of your Facebook campaigns.

• T for Trust. First off, we need to build

trust with our target market. They need to

believe that we are trustworthy and that

we could potentially solve their pain


That’s number one. Before we try to sell

them anything, before we ask for them to

take our book, our lead magnet, we need to build some trust.

• O is for Opt-in. We’re going to purposely get their contact information

before we make the sale because most people don’t buy at first ask for


In fact, a study by Dr. Herbert True of the University of Notre Dame said

that on average, it takes five asks in order to convert a sale.

If I’ve got to ask my prospect five times if they want to do business with

me, I sure as heck don’t want to pay for all five times, so that’s why Step 2

is: I’m going to get their contact information.

• M is for Monetize. Step 3 is we want to make sure that we are then

going after the sale.

Because, without the monetization step, just like Dave said in the

beginning, the reason why Facebook wasn’t up front is they don’t want

you wasting money on Facebook before you know how you’re going to

turn a lead into a sale.

So it’s really important to have that entire model determined prior to

launching on Facebook.

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TOP TOM CAMPAIGNS Here are the top TOM campaigns that we recommend. I’m going to go through

several of them with you today.

The ACE campaign is the Authority, Celebrity and Expert campaign. That’s one

you’ve been working on a whole lot with the establishment of your book –

you’re building out that authority and expertise.

This allows you to be established –you are worthy of being paid well and you’re

worthy of people coming to you. It’s

incredibly effective.

Number 2 is The Big Game. This is

when you use Facebook as a


You hold sweepstakes, you give a

quiz, you relate to your prospect in

a way that they’re used to on

Facebook, which is being entertained, frankly.

Number 3 is the Customer Centric Circle. This is when you focus your marketing

around testimonial campaigns. Like I’m sure Dave has shared with you, because

I learned this from him, it’s not about the cheesy testimonial. It’s more about

finding out how working with you has made their lives better.

It’s focusing on those really great stories about how their lives were

transformed or their businesses transformed by working with your business.

A Publisher Post is simply when you take a post on your newsfeed, you write a

nice, long post really giving a start to finish as to why they want to click through.

You would not boost it, but you would promote the post inside your Ads


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Social Circle campaign (we’re going to go into in great detail today) is about

using the social network of those that you do business with on Facebook to

market to them.

Seed & Grow is when you start to drop hints about an upcoming promotion, far

out. You start to build that excitement prior to launch day.

The Onion campaign is simply taking multiple marketing variables and putting

them all together, the different Facebook ad types. Like you might do a long-

form post or maybe you’re going to do a video, you’re also going to do a carousel

ad which shows lots of pictures, because you’re approaching your market in a

bunch of different ways at the same time to see, for the different types of

learners, which ones converts the best.

That Onion campaign and Seed & Grow, you’re typically going to do those much

later on in your marketing process because they both require a bigger budget.

They are longer term campaigns with multiple ads going and there’s no reason

why you start Facebook marketing with those.

B to B Bravado is simply using these strategies in order to reach a B-to-B


We’re going to go over some of those here because those will be the most

effective for you to do today.

FACEBOOK ADS BASICS (NOTE: See the module #8 slides for more examples of campaigns discussed here.)

Before I do those, I want to just go over the basics of a Facebook ad and share

with you how to write and create one that’s effective for you no matter which

campaign type you choose to use.

This (example on following page) is your basic ad; this is what shows up in the

newsfeed, that’s the center column on Facebook. It’s supposed to look just like a

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social media post so it could have been by one of the businesses you’ve Liked

just in your post.

It doesn’t necessarily need to look like an ad, but what it’s doing here is trying to

get the person to click through and download a free chapter of a book.

This is for a financial planner. The top line is, “Discover why you don’t have to

risk your own money to grow a sizable

nest egg.”

Now, think about that copy: ‘discover’

instead of ‘learn.’ Discover is a fun


This resource may or may not have

been given to you yet, but my favorite

one for finding good words for the tiny

bit of copy you can do in a Facebook ad

is a book called “Words That Sell.” There’s another one that they have is

“Phrases That Sell.” That’s great because you want those power words that you

can pull from that book. I think the books are like $12 on Amazon.

“Discover why you don’t have to risk your own money to grow a sizeable nest

egg.” Here we are, we’re identifying with a pain point. We are not focusing that

top line of copy about the free report.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a Facebook ad that says, “We’re going

to give you seven tips about that… and five examples…” They actually start

describing the report in the ad as though that’s what’s going to get me excited.

No way. What’s going to excite me is if you tell me how my life is going to be

different after I read that report.

So you always want to focus that top line of copy on how my life will be


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Then down below, it says, “Take Control of Your Money.” We’re just, again,

telling them… we’re registering with this audience something that they care

about. They want to feel like they are in control of their money.

The text below the “Take Control of Your Money” is taken from the landing page.

That creates ad congruency, meaning that when I go there I see the same text so

it makes me feel good because I believe I’m in the right spot.

The picture of Pamela, she’s looking straight at the

camera. If you’re using an individual to represent

your brand… which is great, maybe it’s you or

someone within your business… always look straight

at the camera and have a great smile.

Get a professional photo done. You want to look as

engaging as possible. You don’t have to be beautiful. You just have to have a

smile, look right at the camera because it’s much, much more engaging that way.

Then have an image of your free report, that’s good. They know they’re actually

getting something.

Then you only get 20% text on a Facebook ad in the picture. So you want to use

it for a great action item. Here we use this for “Download a Free Chapter.”

Sometimes you’ll test, again, a focus on the outcome.

We just did one recently and it was for a fitness guru and we did it on an eight-

week meal plan to increase your metabolism. The text on the image just said,

“Eight Weeks to a Better Metabolism.” That’s one of those things that will be

great to test later on.

But if you just follow the specific formula…

• A top line that focuses on the pain point.

• The bottom text from your landing page that you’ve already created as

part of this program.

You always want to

focus that top line of

copy on how my life

will be different.

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• An image of that free report, your eBook or your CD that you put


• Then direction on what to do with it.

…you’ll do a million times better than most people using Facebook to create ads.

So that’s how you do your ad campaign.

ACE CAMPAIGN The ACE campaign, again, we’re going to use Facebook to set you up as the

authority, celebrity or expert.

In this situation, the step one for the T for building trust, the TOM campaign, the

trust builder is positioning her as a celebrity expert. She wrote a book, she’s

now an author which is the exact reason why you would write a book, to be that

author, to be that industry expert.

Because step one is, “We’re going to

give you a piece of content that she

authored, so now you can trust her


Then when she follows up with step

two, the Opt-in, you’re much more

likely to say yes.

Any of you that are providing

services, step one you’re going to do the book or the chapter download.

Step two is get them to opt-in to have a conversation or, if you’re going to send

them to a webinar, get them to register for the webinar, or if you want to send

them to an online scheduling tool, that’s where you do that.

We’re not selling them services; we’re just selling them on having a


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Again, we’re not focusing in on the conversation. We’re trying to focus it on the

outcome of the conversation… that they’re going to discover how they can have

financial stability. You always want to focus on outcomes.

The results of that campaign for Pamela were great, 759 referrals, 2,000%+ ROI.

So you want to use it. This is getting those people to say, “Yes, I want to have a

conversation with you.”

That’s on Facebook. Then you have to get them out of Facebook, then it’s up to

your sales process to convert them into a sale.

An example for GKIC, going after web traffic would be about email marketing. It

would be to a blog post, just simply sending them to an article.

Here we’re establishing that GKIC is an expert in connecting marketing and

sales. That’s step number one for T, we’re building trust that GKIC can do that.

Then we send them to the blog post.

Then O is the book offer. It’s also the M for the monetization. How does that

work? We find out people who want to take the $1 Book Offer, then when they

come to the opt-in page, when they click on “Get My $1 Book Now,” they’re

entering their email address.

Prior to taking them to the sales page, we get their contact information. That’s O

for opt-in. Before you take them to the sales page, always, always, always get

contact information.

You might have a fear that it’s going to lessen your sales. I would ask you to split

test that because we have found time and time again, when we ask for

somebody’s contact information prior to getting them to the sales page, we

actually get more sales.

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It’s that thought process of nurturing the sale, we’re just doing one little step

through on each page. We’ve seen sales increase by asking for the contact

information on this page.

Then you collect that contact information through the order page. That’s the M

for Monetization. Again, a very successful campaign.

Taking it to healthcare for a dentist, we simply ran a blog post ad to their blog

post about breakfast not only being an important meal of the day, but affecting

your teeth, how does your breakfast do that?

We had a theory that those that will be interested in this topic of breakfast

cereal affecting your teeth would also make great potential candidates for a

dentist appointment.

We first ran them this ad to this blog post, then retargeted them with an ad for a

new patient gift certificate. Now, they had an opportunity to claim that and that

was for a patient acquisition.

Now, this is another tip, don’t ever call your stuff ‘coupons,’ call it a ‘gift

certificate.’ It gives it much more value.

If you’re going after an affluent market… and I would suggest that all of you

should, in some way, even if you’re not an expensive product, you want those

that can aptly afford you, you want to focus on those that want to pay you what

you’re worth… you’re not going to discount yourself, you’re going to call it a gift

certificate and focus all your wording around that.

Again, very successful, 19 patients signed up for that. The ad ran for $234.

BIG GAME CAMPAIGN Now, the Big Game, the gaming side of social media, again, this is simple. You

just simply think about what would your perfect prospect want?

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Well, in the situation for a bath remodeler, they would want a new bathroom.

Anybody who’s entering a contest to win a new bathroom makes a really good

potential prospect.

We’re doing the same thing right now, by the way. We do all the social media

marketing for Chem-Dry franchises. We’re doing this same exact concept right

away, “You can win a free carpet cleaning.”

Every single person that enters the contest gets a

$50 gift certificate towards their next carpet cleaning

and it has to be redeemed before the end of April.

We’re driving business through all the time for

pennies on the dollar because people are much more

likely to enter a sweepstake than they are to redeem

another offer.

Kim, you made a really good point that I don’t want people to skip over

because we’ve seen a lot of people do this wrong on Facebook.

It’s where a business will have a contest where the winning thing is

something that everybody wants as opposed to just people who’d want to

actually work with that business. An example is getting a $100 Visa card or

something just as the contest prize.

That, everybody can use, but if you want people who want to go to your hair

salon or whatever, you obviously want to give something that’s just related

to your business, so only people who’d be interested in that market. I just

want to put a fine point on that. You go over such great advice and that’s

where a lot of people mess up.

Yeah, for sure. If you’re working in a trade show, and everybody in the

tradeshow is your prospect, then you can give away that iPad.

You want to focus

your messaging and

your prize on your

right target market.

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But when you’re talking about Facebook, you’ll have a whole lot of people who

would make great customers and a whole lot of people who wouldn’t. That’s

when you want to focus your messaging and your prize on your right target


Here is another tip. You can use your Facebook cover photo consistently to

promote whatever promotions you’re doing.

Contests work really as a Facebook cover photo because, again, there’s no harm

in someone answering when they come to your page and they’re brand new.

When we create the ad, we split test a lot of copy. Not surprisingly, “Click to

Win” outperformed “Click to Enter” multiple times.

People want to think about the outcome, always about the outcome. All of your

copy, your imagery should always be

focusing on the winning, not the entering.

Just keep that in mind. That’s the same for

any marketing you do, you always want to

talk about the end results, not the process.

My husband has a way of talking where

he’s like, “Give me the baby, don’t tell me

about the labor pains!”

So you want to focus on the outcome, the positive outcome at the end of it all. By

the way, I did tell him about the labor pains, so he didn’t get away with that one!

So now we have the contest page. Again, just exciting. The other cool thing about

running a contest is you can ask for a whole lot more contact information than

you can in other kinds of lead gen because I’m potentially winning a prize.

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Of course, I have to tell you my address; of course, I have to tell you my phone

number. You get a lot more lead information that way when you run that kind of


Frankly, you can also get a lot more leads, but they could potentially be a lot less

qualified because I could be entering only because I

want to win something free, not because I really

have a pain point, so there is definitely a Yin or Yang

on all these situations.

But still, if you’re a business, especially if you’re a

local brick and mortar, it’s a fantastic way to build up

your lead list, especially if you have somebody to follow-up with them by calling

these folks later on.

B TO B BRAVADO B to B Bravado, again, this is that Facebook works in the B to B market. You

don’t want to go to LinkedIn. LinkedIn is not nearly as successful when it comes

to mass marketing using ad marketing.

As an example, I’m going to cover two different sales companies we work with

and their ads.

You take an article. Again, you want to position yourselves as the authority. You

write the article ad just like it could show up in Entrepreneur magazine or

Wired or Forbes.

You want this ad to look like a piece of content so this doesn’t look like an ad,

this looks like something you might see that’s going to show you a cool article

and this is how you’re going to establish trust.

You always want to

focus on the pain

point of your target


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When you do this as your first step, you can now remarket to these folks

because they’ve come to your website. It’s really powerful for getting people to


Again the copy could be something you

take out of a magazine, “We all need more

leads, here’s how to do it without sitting on

the phone all day, ‘5 Tactics to Identify

Leads Without Making Cold Calls’.”

You always want to focus on the pain point

of your target market.

To do this, you’re going to need to do a

little bit of research which you’ve been doing in all of your messaging.

One of my favorite tools for researching all of this stuff is something called It shows you the most popular articles in any niche. You can

see what people are really interested about.

Having worked now 20 years in the sales industry, I know that the thing that

most sales people are looking for is not to improve their sales process. They

think the problem is outside of themselves and that they just need better leads.

We know if we do an offer for a sales company, we really just need to focus on

how to get better leads. We just know that from doing a ton of market research.

But again, it doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s free to use BuzzSumo and super

quick. You get those resources available to you today that I did not have 20

years ago doing this kind of work.

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Another client and an incredible business is Stephanie Chung. She does sales

training for companies and sales professionals that sell to the affluent market

and expensive products.

Her background is in aviation sales, she

sold private jets. We’ve taken her funnel

and put it on to Facebook. It’s been

incredibly successful.

I want you to look at this. This is an ad:

“Not the cheapest option in your market?


Take a look at this ad, 65 likes, four

comments, 24 shares, all of that is free.

While this is a paid ad, thousands of people

saw this ad, those shares did not have to be paid for.

Then you think about each one of these just has 100 friends… which is a lot less

than most people have… that was shared 2400 times.

When a friend shares an article with you, that’s much more powerful than when

it is just seen as an ad, of course.

The more relevant you can make your content, the more your first step in the

TOM funnel appears to be a valuable resource, the more likely you are to be able

to build that market up.

PUBLISHER POST Publisher Post is a long form post. We just did this for GKIC. It’s when you take

almost your entire sales message and you write it all out as a post.

We’re doing some of the marketing for SuperConference. We wrote “29 reasons

why you should attend SuperConference.” We had sent that out as an email but

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we wanted to get some more leverage for it so we also did it as a blog post. But

we also did it as a long form post.

What’s cool about long form posts is you don’t just send them to a landing page.

You can use your post as the landing page because you can give much more

information. You can tell an entire story. Then send them right to your offer,

right from this post.

It works much better though if you already have an established audience

because the people, who see this, need to already know you. If you have a lot of

Facebook fans or if you have a lot of web

traffic or if you advertise this to an email list,

that’s how you’re going to have the best

return on investment.

On the left is what it looks like when it

shows up in the newsfeed. It’s just short, but

when you click on ‘Continue Reading’ it’s

what pops down; it’s what you see on the

right hand side there.

SOCIAL CIRCLE CAMPAIGN Social Circle is currently my favorite campaign to run because it is working

better than anything else we’re doing.

What’s amazing is that this type of campaign has been around for a very long

time, but few people use it.

We’re running it for SuperConference right now and it’s the top converting ad

set we’re running for GKIC right now. It’s the top ad set I’m running for my

business and most of our clients.

It leverages the social circle that your customers have. If you’re on Facebook,

you know that you’re connected to friends and family on there.

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Did you know, as a business, you can advertise to the friends and family

members of your best customers? You’ve probably thought about that, but very

few businesses do that.

What happens is when you choose to advertise to

the friends and family of your best customers,

every time they see your ad, the friend that’s

connected to you will pop up there. Facebook

shares that information.

It’s like if I heard a commercial for an Italian restaurant, like, “Mary’s, great

Italian food” and, at the end of it, it says, “Kim, your friend Mike really likes this

place.” Like, “What! No way. I’m going to have to try that. Mike likes that.”

That can happen on Facebook all the time, but what’s crazy is that hardly any

business uses this idea.

What you do is… let me give you an example.

Say, this orthodontist, this is his highest

performing campaign.

We got his customers to like his Facebook

page. We simply shot them an email, gave

them an incentive. Like, in one week, we’re

going to give away a gift certificate to one

random fan, “Go ahead and Like the page by

such and such a date.”

Then we created a campaign to advertise

this offer to friends of fans of his fan page,

in his market… so you still want to pick the right zip code, you still want people

who are parents. We still had those qualifications.

As a business, you

can advertise to the

friends and family

members of your

best customers.

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We were able to then send the offer directly to cold traffic because the trust, the

‘T’ in TOM, was established. Because above the ad, it showed them somebody

that they know that was connected to the business.

The trust factor was built out in the ad for us. Awesome stuff so we didn’t have

to do step one of showing an article first, we got to go right to the offer. It went

from the ad right to the offer. They had a very successful campaign too.

This is how you do it.

1. Number one, you ask your customers, clients or patients to become fans

of your Facebook page.

You simply send them an email and give them an incentive. Give them a

one-week deadline. Ask them on day one and then ask them on the

seventh day to do it and you give them that incentive. That’s it.

2. Then, you run your ads to Friends of Fans, this is right inside of Ads

Manager that you choose that. Friends of Fans plus your targeting.

I run this campaign too. I do it to Friends of Fans plus people who are

Facebook page admin.

One I have running for GKIC right now is Friends of Fans plus they’re in

the area in Florida near where the SuperConference is going to be and

they’re an entrepreneur. So we can focus on that market.

You still want to target your market. You can pretend if we didn’t have

Friends of Fans, who would we target? What age group, what profession,

what family make-up? But then layer on top of it Friends of Fans because,

now, you’re getting that trust factor built into your ad campaign.

It is incredibly successful and again, I think, we’re doing so well on that

not only because it’s a great campaign, but because hardly anybody’s

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using it, so we’re not getting thinning issues. We’re not bidding against a

ton of people with this type of campaign.

3. Then you just want to make sure you track your results because the

entire time you want to make sure that things are going well and that you

scale up or down.

That’s perfect, Kim. That was a lot to go through so those of you who are

listening or watching online, as always, you get the slides, so print the slides

out and then go through that again.

The thing is, this absolutely works and the reason that we have Kim on today

is because for three years now Kim’s firm has been doing marketing for

GKIC. We know this stuff works because we use Kim’s firm to do our

Facebook marketing.

She’s worked with probably hundreds of GKIC members to do their Facebook

marketing. She understands real return on investment. This is all gold that

you have.

The five campaigns that she went over today… the social circle one that was

a new one. I haven’t heard you call it that before, so that’s just awesome.

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Noreen asks, “Is this explained in more detail in your book with Dan


Kim is co-author of the book with Dan Kennedy, the “No BS Guide to Direct

Response Social Media Marketing.” Is this explained in more detail in the


That’s a great question. By the way, if anyone wants a free chapter, we have a

free chapter for you at Then you can also see how my funnel

works because that’s my funnel so you can check out everything I was just


The strategy is all in the book as well as a bunch of examples but, as you can

imagine, there’s not all the technical how-to because that changes all the time.

We didn’t want to outdate the book because it would have been outdated before

it went to print.

Literally Facebook, the Ads Manager has changed six times since the book was

printed. When you get a copy of the book we have a bunch of free resources to

download and that will give you a lot of updated information.

Luiz has a question that a lot of people ask. It’s a two part here. She asks,

“Can we set a maximum that we want to spend on a specific campaign?”

Let’s answer that part first.

Yeah, you can. This is great. They changed that recently. You can setup an ad

budget for a specific ad set. Let’s say I want to do one that’s geared for men aged

40 to 50 and another one that’s geared toward men aged 25 to 30. I could say I

want to spend this much money on one ad set or this much money on the other

and/or you can still set an overall campaign limit. You can say you never want to

spend more than this much money and you won’t go over.

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You can also set an overall Ads Manager limit.

You can say, overall my entire Ads Manager, I never want to spend more than

$1,000 total or this much a month.

There’s a lot of controls available to make sure that you always stay within your

budget, which is great.

That’s cool so you could actually have higher limits for specific campaigns

because if one’s getting shown more because of retargeting or it’s working

well so Facebook is showing it more, it’ll just show that, but still stop at that

overall set ceiling that you have. That is really cool.

The second part of Luiz’s question, this is the one that we get all the time is,

“How much do you really need to start out?” What’s the lowest that people

should be looking at to invest either on a daily or weekly basis to get going

on Facebook?

That’s a great question and the cool thing is Facebook actually will help guide

you in this. When you’re going into your Facebook Ads manager… because

unfortunately every business is different, but if you want to think about it this

way, as different TV media markets and different times you want to advertise.

So I’m in the New York city media market and obviously 6pm to 10pm on a

Thursday night is going to be a lot more expensive there than it would be for me

to do, let’s say, North Dakota at 2am on a Monday.

Those right there are going to have very different costs per spot because there’s

a different number of people watching. There’s only so much space available so

it’s supply and demand.

In Facebook it’s the same thing. Every single market, every single niche has only

so much supply and demand because there’s only so much time that each

person in your target market is on Facebook so they can only be reached by so

many businesses in a day.

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To determine how much money you want to spend, when you’re setting up your

ad inside of Ads Manager, there’s two options for the way you bid. You can

either automatically bid or you can manually bid.

We actually suggest that you automatically bid because Facebook has a great

way of optimizing. But before you set that, you can actually click on ‘Manual Bid’

and Facebook will tell you what they’re estimating your cost per click or your

cost per conversion will be.

They might estimate for you, like we have some B to B clients like Stephanie,

where they might say it’s going to be $18 for her to get a lead. For her, that’s

worthwhile because a client for her is $30,000, so it’s definitely worthwhile.

But we want to know that cost per lead because we need to set our daily budget

so that we have enough money budgeted to get that lead in.

If I only set my budget up for $5 a day… which you will hear a lot of Facebook

gurus tell you to do $5 to $10 a day… but if I only do $5 to $10 a day and

Facebook is telling me a lead is going to cost me $17, well, I’m never going to get

a lead in.

On the flip side you might have them telling you it’s going to take $.23 cents to

get a click so then you can set that $5 budget a day. But you don’t have to guess.

Facebook tells you exactly what it is. They estimate and that number can change

all the time.

You just want to make sure you’re going in and checking what the estimated

click or conversion is for you to set your budget accordingly.

That’s perfect because a lot of people do give a $5 a day strategy. GKIC for

example, we would have a very different strategy than someone who, like

you said, can get a click for $.23 cents or a very inexpensive lead so it really

depends on your business.

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Trevor says, “What are some good targeting suggestions for the business-to-

business market?”

I’d need to get to know a little bit more about his niche, but you can target

specific job titles, you can target specific industries, and you can target specific


You can also target, if you think about their reading habits, are there specific

magazines or publications your target market might be likely to read or

associations they might be likely to belong to. You could target their fan pages.

Within every industry, there are certain places where you can find more of them

gathered and you can target any of those locations within Facebook.

We’ve done a lot with magazine targeting. Actually the same as you would do in

direct mail, you can do that on Facebook. When we’re going into a new niche,

we’ll start targeting some magazines or trade publications for an ad set to begin

to build that audience up.

That gives you a lot of places to start there, Trevor. We’ve had a couple of

people ask, “Can you target specific geographic locations using Facebook?”

Yeah, it gives you a lot of power. You can do a specific zip code. You can do a

town and you can do a radius. You can just do that town or you can do a radius

from 10 to 100 miles around that town.

They just added in media markets so if you are running… let’s say you’re doing a

radio campaign in your media market or you’re going to be on the news in your

media market, you can actually then also set your Facebook ads to show in that

same media market. So you can be double dipping on impressions and

awareness and lead generation in that community which is something we

definitely recommend.

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If you’re about to have a news article come out, setup an ad, you don’t have to

spend a ton of money, but go out into that market. If you’re getting that great

publicity, you might as well take advantage of it with a conversion campaign.

That’s an interesting one. Facebook is just updating and changing and

giving you more tools and more ways to spend money faster all the time.

Margie’s asking a question and if you want to answer first, then we can do a

quick recap because her question is indicative of how does this all fit into the

Ultimate Marketing Machine.

Margie says, “Do you send them to a squeeze page outside of Facebook or a

Facebook page?”

There’s two different ways to run ads now which is a whole other variable but

you definitely are sending them outside of Facebook. You want them to go

someplace else.

They have to leave, but Facebook has just created… I used to have a very simple

answer, “You just send them to that squeeze page that you’ve created in the


That is absolutely a way to do it and if you are going to sell as part of this

funnel… let’s say going to send them to an offer after they do the squeeze page…

well, then you actually want to send them outside of Facebook.

If you’re just collecting the lead, Facebook now has Lead Ads that are incredibly

effective. For my firm, it’s the number one ad we have. It’s a Lead Ad plus

Friends of Fans.

A Lead Ad actually allows you to get the lead in without having to leave

Facebook. You click on the ad; you collect the information. The landing page is

actually built into Facebook itself so you don’t have to create anything.

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But what you can do is… why creating your squeeze page was not a waste of

time… you take all that copy that you just used to create your squeeze page and

you put that into this ad format.

What I recommend doing is just simply split testing it. Most of our clients are

converting better on the Lead Ads than they are in anything else but a couple of

them did better with the outside landing pages.

Now, again, if you’re sending them to the offer and it requires them to put in

their credit card information, the Lead Ads will not work for you. The best way

to do it is to send them outside of Facebook.

Jason says he hired a guy to do his Facebook ads about six months ago, his

account got shut down and he’s been shut down ever since. What should

people do and if you want to speak to the dangers of getting shut down and

just real quick, what to do if you do get shut down?

First, I have to say I’m very sad because I know it’s not fun. I know it’s outside of

your control and unfortunately there’s way too many people that, that happens


First of all, you can setup a new account. You have to setup a new profile… and

this is the only black hat strategy I’ll ever give you… but you setup a new

account and then you can setup a new ad account. You can do that.

Then, you want to make sure you are scrupulously checking Facebook’s

guidelines. They have very specific guidelines. You cannot promise, you cannot

guarantee, you cannot do before and after. Think about every strategy a shady

business would use. You cannot do any of those even though you’re using them

for the right reasons.

A lot of times, I’ll give you GKIC as an example, they can have an incredibly well

written landing page that converts very highly for them. However, we cannot

use it on Facebook because it makes a claim or it gives a guarantee.

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Even though they’re valid, I can’t use that. We’ll often duplicate that landing

page and put in Facebook-friendly wording.

We’ve actually had many conversations Mike about, “No, that won’t fly on

Facebook.” You want to be extra, extra cautious.

I also recommend that you develop a relationship with your Facebook ad rep.

They’re way easier to deal with than they used to be.

In fact, on the Facebook businesses resources page, at least in the US, there is a

chat box now during normal business hours for Pacific Coast time, you can

actually live chat with a rep. I’ve live chatted before when I’ve had a question on

something and actually had them call me which is a completely new world for


Get to know their guidelines, stay within it, don’t push it, develop a relationship

with an ads person and whenever you have a question, go to them.

Then, if you ever have an ad declined, not your account shut down, but an ad

declined, delete it. Do not leave it in your account because they can come back

over time and then end up shutting your account down.

We don’t leave any of the negative ads that haven’t been approved in our

accounts. We delete them.

That’s great info and then one more question. They’ve asked, with the Social

Circle strategy, if they don’t have a client base yet, can they use that? Should

they ask friends instead to be the fans of their page or what should they do?

Yeah, only if your friends are good potential customers would I do that. If

they’re going to have that, then yeah, you can. I always recommend get your

friends and family to Like your page because it’s a way to get some free Likes

and build trust.

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You might just need to run a Likes campaign to start. That’s no big deal. It could

be very inexpensive to get Likes.

You’re going to focus your Likes campaign specifically around your target

market, the same you would any kind of offer campaigns. You’re not just going

after Likes, you’re going after your perfect prospect.

Then, when you have those folks there, you A) can get some organic traffic

because they’re going to see your posts each day but B) when you show your

ads to their friends or fans it’s now going to have that social proof.

It’s definitely Likes for Likes’ sake is not worthwhile, but Likes in order to build

up your list and your audience is definitely worth it.

There’s one last question, this one’s an easy one. They said, “I assume we’re

using business Facebook pages for the accounts to run ads.

Yeah and what I love is that Facebook got rid of the opportunity to send them

from your personal page. You have to do everything on business. I feel very

strongly that you keep the business on the business page. Don’t use your

personal page for business promotion. That lets you do that.

You could setup a business page anytime; it’s totally free at

That’s great. That is all the questions that we have for today. You went over

just a ton of strategies. Five really step-by-step that they can use and then

showed them how to get the social circle up and running. Now people can

see why we saved it till last.

You can be up and running in the next hour on Facebook really and doing

this right and driving leads. But only do this once you have your landing

page and more importantly, all those follow-up things produced, you’ve got

your shock and awe package all ready to go out. Because you will probably

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get requests for that shock and awe package the day you put those Facebook

ads out there.

Make sure you’ve got that and your whole follow-up system, otherwise

you’re just pouring money into the front-end of the machine without the rest

of it built and your way to really collect money on the back-end.

As we talked about this whole time, yes, you can get people immediately who

are going to buy from you or schedule the appointment or whatever, but the

real money is going to be made in the follow-up systems from the people

who don’t buy right away.

Make sure that you have the whole machine created and built before you

even spend a dime on Facebook here because it’s really not effective if you

don’t have that machine built. You’ll just be pouring money into the front-


Kim, everyone now knows how to get up and going on Facebook. We always

have people say, “I don’t want to do this. This sounds hard,” or they just say,

“It’s not worth my time to be doing this,” they want to focus on the other


What should someone do who just wants somebody else to take care of their

Facebook for them and specifically, how do they get in touch with you or

your company if they don’t want anything to do with Facebook? They know it

works. They know they should be using it, but they’re not the ones who want

to be doing it.

Okay, great. Thanks so much. Two things again, the free chapter at or you can visit my company’s site at

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Okay, perfect. Really, everything that you need to help get this system up and

running is in the resources guide.

The biggest thing you can be doing right now, if you’re not totally caught up,

take this time and catch up on the various sessions and get everything built

out so you can start running these ads because that’s how you’re ultimately

going to make money. Dave, did you have any closing thoughts?

Dave Dee: Just to congratulate everybody for following through on this program.

At the very beginning, I asked everyone to make commitments to why they were

going to complete this program. If you’re here right now, you’re one of those

people that actually did it.

One of the things that I’d recommend… Mike, actually a conversation that we had

last night reminded me of this… is rewarding yourself.

If you’ve actually completed the program, give yourself a reward, whatever you

feel is appropriate for you. That will reinforce you setting goals, making

commitments and then following through.

I’m really bad at this by the way, so I’ll say having to reward myself and then not

do it because I’m on to the next thing.

Take some time to savor your victory here. Put this in place in your business and

then, as always, we really want to hear of your successes so stay in contact with us.

Let us know of your successes and we wish you the best of luck and once again,


Absolutely with the successes, we love to actually get the boxes once you’ve

completed your shock and awe box. We love to hear the results that you’re


It was awesome that Kathleen shared with us that she used one of the ad

templates, put it in a newsletter. She got huge response so that really lit a

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fire under her to get everything done because now she’s got dozens of people

waiting to get her shock and awe box.

These things work so just really do that and let us know about these results.

We’d love to hear about them and please, send us a complete ‘shock and awe’

box. We’d love to see that and we’d love to feature successful members and

participants of the Ultimate Marketing Machine program. Congratulations.

Thanks a lot.

Kim thanks so much for being on and sharing this with everybody. Good luck

everybody. We will see you soon. Bye now.

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