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  • 7/31/2019 Mwsg Alive


    Running head: MWSG:ALIVE 1


    by Piers Paul Read

    Tim Stone

    West Career and Technical Academy

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    Reference and Publication Information:

    Read, Piers Paul. (1974/2002).Alive. New York: Harper Perennial.

    Biographical Information:

    Piers Paul Read was born in Great Britain in the year of 1941. This made him grow up during

    World War Two and the Cold War. This influence him to write about moral and belief issues

    which would give him a cause to write a book like this, wear the characters have to challenge

    their beliefs and what they were taught growing up. Eduardo Strauch became very weak and

    emaciated, he finally overcame his revulsion to raw meat-forced to by his to cousins. (Read,

    1974/2002, p. 97). Growing up during this time period in Great Britain also made him want to

    tell the truth. This relates to the book because there have been many lies of what had happen in

    the Andes to these survivors.

    Historical Information:

    This book was published two years after the survivors escaped the Andes in 1972. They wanted

    to publish this book as soon as they can because there are lots of rumors that were going around

    that time of what really happened. They want the world to know the truth of what they have been

    through. The time of when they crashed has a huge influence of the story. If they had crashed in

    the Andes today they would have not been stuck there for seventy days because of technology.

    They were not saved because the technologies during those times were not as advanced as they

    are today. For example today they would have used their cell phones, but back then they used the

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    planes radio which didnt work. It was equally obvious that no more tinkering with the radio

    would make it work. (Read, 1974/2002, p. 226)

    Genre and Its Characteristics:


    Characteristics: uses historical events used for the storyline. uses historical interviews and true

    to life elements.

    This book fulfills these characteristics becauseAlive in a non-fiction book and it is set in 1974.

    Being non-fiction and in the past makes it historical because he uses the stories from the

    survivors who went through it in the seventies. The entire storyline is based off of the survivors

    interviews which are historical events.

    I am also indebted to Rafael Ponce de Leon and Gerard Croiset, Jr., who told me their roles in

    the search for the Fairchild. (Read, 1974/2002, p. IX)

    I started my research, interviewing the survivors, their families, and also the families of those

    who had not returned. (Read, 1974/2002, p. XIII)


    1972, Andes

    At around six on the morning of Thursday, October 12, 1972 the passengers began to arrive in

    small groups at Carrasco airport for the second Old Christians trip to Chile (Read, 1974/2002,

    p 8)

    Title and Epigraph

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    The title of this bookAlive is important to the book because it is the main goal of the characters.

    All the characters are struggling against the elements to stay alive.

    EpigraphGreater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his

    friends. John 15:13

    The author chose this as the epigraph because this is the survivors reasoning to eat the dead

    bodies of their friends. They think that God let their friends die, so they can have food to eat for

    them to survive.

    Narration or Point of View

    Third Person-Omniscient


    Fernando Parradocourageous, motivated, strong-minded

    Well, Im going back anyway, said Canessa. And Im going on, said Parrado. (Read,

    1974/2002, p 244)


    Roberto Canessaspoiled, whiny, weak

    Weve got to stop, Canessa replied. Im finished. I need to rest. (Read, 1974/2002, p 282)


    Gerard Croist, wise, helpful

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    The landscape around the aircraft as described by Croiset-the three mountains, one without a

    top, and the lake- was found by the parents, but forty-one miles south of Planchon, whereas the

    Fairchild had crashed forty-one miles north of Planchon. (Read, 1974/2002, p 394)


    Alfredo Delgadosmart, cunning, selfish

    The whole room listened in silence as, one after the other, the survivors told their heroic and

    tragic story, until it was Delgados turn. Almost at once his eloquence-which had been of such

    little use on the mountain-came into its own. (Read, 1974/2002, p 380)


    Alvaro Manginoemotional, soft, caring

    Mangino cursed Canessa. Canessa lost his temper and grabbed Mangino by the hair. He was

    about to hit him but simply threw Alvaro back against the wall of the plane instead. Now youre

    not my friend any more, Mangino said, sobbing. (Read, 1974/2002, p 232)


    Antonio Vizintinstrong, courageous, scared

    The wall of snow was almost vertical and Parrado could only proceed by digging steps for his

    hands and feet, which Vizintin used as he followed him. If he had slipped he would have fallen

    for many hundreds of feet, but this did not dismay him. (Read, 1974/2002, p 243)


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    Javier Metholscared, positive, stubborn

    The only ones who still had not eaten human flesh were the two eldest among them, Liliana and

    Javier Methol, and as the days passed grew thinner and more feeble. Marcelo begged them over

    and over again to overcome their reluctance to eat the meat. (Read, 1974/2002, p 97)


    Conflict and Resolution

    Man vs. Nature: The survivors vs. the elements of the Andes

    Resolution: The survivors have to survive in the middle of the Andes without any food in the

    most extreme conditions. This is the main conflict of this book. The survivors finally get rescued,

    and they escape with their lives.

    Man vs. Society: The survivors vs. them eating the human flesh

    Resolution: In order to survive in the Andes the survivors have to face the social taboo of eating

    human flesh, and they do learn to get over it to live. They later face the guilt and the repressions

    of eating the human flesh from the media.


    Eating human flesh = going to communion

    The survivors wanted something that would make eating human flesh seem less disgusting. Since

    they are Catholic they compared eating human flesh to eating the body of Christ. They used this

    symbol to think that God gave them this food to live.

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    Think of it as Communion. Think of it as the body and blood of Christ, because this food that

    God has given us because He wants us to live. (Read, 1974/2002, p 97)

    Surviving in the Andes = God wants them to teach the world

    They think that they have survived and went through this for a reason. That reason is to teach

    others about God and their experiences. This is their way of thanking God for letting them live

    and helping them while stuck in the Andes.

    Felt a sense of vocation to make use of their experience in some way. They felt touched by God

    and inspired by Him to teach others the lesson of love and self-sacrifice which their suffering had

    taught them. (Read, 1974/2002, p 390)

    Message/Universal Truth

    Explicit: Life is hard but it is worth living. Even suffering. (Read, 1974/2002, p 163)

    There will be rough times in your life, but it will get better. The survivors know that they are

    going through a rough time in their life, but they know there is a chance that they will be saved.

    Once they are saved they know they will appreciate life a lot more than they used to.

    Implicit: Miracles do come true.

    Many people dont think miracles happen anymore, but this story shows that miracles do happen

    to these sixteen men and their friends and families. They were able to survive in the Andes

    without any food for seventy-two days is incredible and a wonderful example of a Christmas


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    Dolye, Paul A. Piers Paul Read Biography Retrieved October 18, 2011 from

    Read, Piers Paul. (1974/2002).Alive. New York: Harper Perennial

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