

How can organizations look beyond their ordinary operations to enable

people to achieve the impact they want to see in Jordan?

Redefining Impact today!



AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization. Active in over 1700 universities across

more than 111 countries and territories, our international platform enables young people to explore

and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society.

Since 2006, AIESEC in Jordan has been activating the leadership potential of 100 students every

year, through providing them with local and national leadership opportunities, international

internships and local & international conferences.


The challenge As the role of young people in the MENA region and Jordan grows today, the

responsibility of guiding this role and potential towards a positive and responsible leadership for a

social and economic reform. As a responsible NGO, with over 60 years of experience globally and 5

years experience in Jordan in developing youth potential and creating issue-based experiences, we

in AIESEC Jordan find ourselves able to make a contribution into this guidance through providing

young people across Jordan with experience AIESEC provides, and giving them the opportunity to

lead their impact on the Jordanian society.

The concept With our new mission to define how leadership development should be approached

with the new development in Jordan and the region, we discovered that in order to make our impact

truly sustainable and on the national level, we would need to look beyond our scope as an

organization, and to and how can our operation help people create their own impact and determine

how they want to create their own leadership in Jordan, and this is how the concept of a truly

national programme, that creates ambassadors for leadership and enables them to create and lead

their own issue-based experiences was born.

The programme The National Ambassadors Programme, aims to identify the 4 main mutual

challenges facing Jordan; people, corporate and government in the next 10 years by 2020, and

extracting 4 main leadership competencies needed in the next generation of leaders, then

transforming each competency into an issue-based project to be run by young people from outside

of AIESEC in territories outside of Amman.


Creation of the National Ambassadors Programme:

1. Research Since the daring concept of the programme emphasizes on the achieving the

impact people want to see in Jordan as they lead the social and economic reform in Jordan,

then, we were very eager to get people to contribute in the creation of the programme, and in

identifying the social, environmental and economic issue relevant to them through an intensive

and nationally-run research.

In order to insure the inclusiveness of this research, AIESEC in Jordan has concluded it on 4

different levels involving corporate, government, and university students, each entity to voice its

opinion on what are the 4 main issues of relevance challenging Jordan in 10-years time.

Method of the research:

Students focus groups in 7 different universities

Corporate & non-corporate interviews

Government interviews

Online resources and information

*Output of this highly important research shall be shared online and via press conference and

printed media to insure people’s awareness of the subject.

2. Identifying 4 Projects After identifying the 4 most mutual challenges from the research,

AIESEC Jordan will extract 4 main leadership competencies we need to start cultivating and

developing in young people today in order to create a generation of leaders that are able to

overcome those challenges.

Those competencies will be taken forward into discussion with university students in another

round of focus groups to discuss; how can each competency be transformed into an issue based

project, and what objectives should each project aim to achieve.

3. Road map and long-term impact In June 2011, AIESEC in Jordan will conclude the 3rd

edition of the Youth Leadership Forum, at the forum, over 200 students will have the opportunity

to learn about the output of the research AIESEC Jordan has concluded and contribute

throughout the forum in designing the road map of all 4 projects identified earlier through

engaging in workshops dedicated to this objective.

*Through this carefully designed creation process, the National Ambassadors Programme will be

the first national programme to allow people, government, and private sectors to co-create an

initiative that aims to impact the Jordanian society.


Launching the Programme:

The National Ambassadors Programme shall be launched in June 2011, at AIESEC Jordan’s 5-year

Anniversary Celebration Gala which will host 30 of AIESEC Jordan’s main strategic partners and

supporters to celebrate the impact AIESEC Jordan has achieved in the past 5 years since its


Uniqueness of the programme:

Focused includes the first competency research that aims to overcome national challenges.

It is about what people want Features of the programme and the actual projects are

developed by external individuals and not by AIESEC.

National Impact To be run by non-AIESEC students in territories outside of Amman.

Independent Projects run under the programme are owned by their developers and

completely independent in their operations and decision making without the interference of


Features of the Youth Leadership Forum:

One consolidated and first of its kind research.

4 Projects (each one unique in the concept and objectives).

All projects are to be run under the programme for one year.

Over 300 students are engaged in the creation process.

Over 30 corporate and governmental organizations from all sectors are interviewed.

2-level corporate partnerships are included in the programme both local and national.


Partnership Opportunities:

Two different levels of strategic partnerships are available under the programme:

1. National Strategic Partnerships (two partners):

Partner with the programme on the national level and engage your employees to coach and mentor

the students that are leading all 4 projects, and participate into making a national impact on key

national issues.

This is a key opportunity to expand your CSR portfolio and explore what issues your CSR

contribute to and focus on in your strategies and also benefit from the both local and national

presence at conferences and media appearances related to the programme.

2. Local/Project Partners (One per project):

Contribute to impact one specific issue that you are concerned about and already include under

your CSR strategy, employees can be engaged in coaching the students running the project about

this specific issue and participate at local events and conferences to speak and educate people.

This is a great opportunity to have a local presence and support and engage with a local community

and contribute to its development.

Other AIESEC Jordan Initiatives:

AIESEC in Jordan runs a number of projects, programmes and conferences every year around

social, economic and environmental topics; all aim to develop leadership competencies in young

people all over Jordan with AIESEC’s unique approach.

You can learn more about each initiative at AIESEC Jordan’s national website at

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