Download - Necator americanus2

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2



    Mohd Arif bin Ahmad

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Cause h ookworm diseaseNecat or species is f o und ov e r m uch o f thew este r n he m isphe r e, Af r ica and S o uth East AsiaCommo n h ookworm that infect m an

    Necator americanus

    Ancylostoma duodenaleLiv e in s m all intestine (habitat)Favor able c o nditi o ns f or the sp r ead o f infecti o n:






    Hum idityShadeCo nta m inati o n o f s o il w ith hu m an feces

    N o Inte rm ediate h o st

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Hu mans a r e the o nly r ese rvo ir o f infecti o nfor N. americanus & A. duodenale

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    AdultsCharacteristics Descrpitons

    Look lik e Odd piece th r ead, ab o ut 1c m

    Co lo ur White or light pin k ish

    Size Fe m ale > m ale (usually)

    Po ste r ior ends The m ale expanded t o form a Cop u latory B u rsa

    Ante r ior ends ( Head) - Slightly bend (h ook ) and the mo uth ca rr ies cha r acte r isticteeth (plate)- No t r eal teeth but cuticula r form ati o ns o f the buccalcapsule



    Side v ie w

    Mo uth ca psule o f N ecator



  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Co pulat or y Bur sa

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    R habditiform LarvaeImm atu r e: 270 x 15 mMatu r e: 540 x 700 m

    Lo ng buccal ca v ity

    Sm all genital p r imor diu m

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Filariform larvae700 m

    Lo ng buccal ca v itySm all genital p r imor diu m

    Lo ng es o phageusPo inted tail (bel ow )Infective stage

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    EggsCharacteristics Descrpitons

    Size 60 X 40 m

    Shape O v al

    Shell Thin & c o lo ur less

    Co ntents 2-8 cells

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Larval migrationDe rm atitis, k now n as "g ro und itch" or "st oo l

    po iso n".The la rv ae penet r ating the s k in causealle r gic r eacti o n, petechiae or papule w ithitching and bu r ning sensati o n. Sc r atching leadst o sec o nda r y infecti o n

    Pne u monitis (alle r gic r eacti o n)Lo effie r' s synd rom e: c o ugh, asth m a, l ow fe v e r,bioo d-tinged sputu m or he mo ptysis, chest-pain,infla mm ati o n shad ow s in lungs unde r X-r ayThese m anifestati o ns g o o n ab o ut 2 w ee k s.

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2



    lts in small intestine(1) Epigast r ic pain as that o f a du o denal ulce r

    (2) A la r ge worm bu r den r esults in m ic ro cytichyp o ch rom atic ane m ia (cha r acte r m anifestati o n).The sy m pt om s a r e lassitude, ede m a, palpitati o no f the hea r t. In se v e r e case, death m ay r esultfrom ca r diac failu r e or physical exhausti o n.

    (3) All o t r io phagy ( or pica) is due t o the lac k o ft r ace ele m ent i ro n .

    (4) A m en orr hea, ste r ility, ab or ti o nm ay ta k eplace in wom en.

    (5) Gast ro intestinal bleeding(6) Infantile h ookworm disease

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Diagn o sis depends o n finding cha r acte r istic theeggs o n the st oo l:

    Dir ect fecal fil m m eth o dFlo tati o n m eth o d

    As the eggs o f both Ancylostoma & N ecator a r eindisting u ishable , t o identify the genus, theym ust be cu lt u red in the lab t o all ow la rv ae t o hatch o utRhabditif orm la rv ae hatching test

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


    Wea r sh o esWor n w hen w al k ing in the a r eas w ith c ommo nhookworm disease

    Mo nit or the disp o sal o f hu m ans feces

    Albendaz o leMebedaz o le

  • 8/8/2019 Necator americanus2


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