
Architecting for the Cloud

Seth Proctor, CTO @technicallyseth

What’s unique about “cloud”?

Cloud architecture   On-demand

  Scale-out for capacity & availability   Public infrastructure; dynamic provisioning

  Flexible   Commodity   Hybrid (public & private)

  Simple   Monitoring & management   Platform APIs and automation


Why a different architecture?

  Greater capacity   Cost-effectiveness   Higher availability and better failure-handling   Lower latencies for global deployment


  Distribution brings challenges   Lots of failures happen with frequency   More difficult to get a global view   Security & data lifecycle is harder   Everything else about “distributed computing”

  Still, we can scale most layers   Load-balancers & name services at the top   Horizontally-scaled app servers   Caches & CDNs for content   Redundant disks and object stores

Scaling the database is the real challenge

Migrating to “the cloud”

  Modern architectures are commodity, on-demand and virtualized   Enterprise applications need availability and transactions   If cloud-scaling breaks global consistency migration isn’t possible


Traditional database design

  RDBMS architectures start at the disk   Vertical scale follows   Caching helps, but often breaks consistency   HA systems become very expensive

  Schema & operation is hard to evolve   Hard to harness commodity infrastructure   Not designed to scale-out

Common options

  Replication   Active-passive or (gulp) multi-master   Replicated data but visible delays & conflict

Sharding   Split one database into many sub-sets   More capacity but hard to evolve and relate

  Abandon consistency   Push correctness & conflict to the application   Simpler core architecture but painful for

applications and hard to reconcile failures



  Applications are tied to deployment   A key motivator for dev-ops   Complex for on-demand changes, failures

  More, independent pieces   Harder to interpret failures   Complexity

Global operation

  Many motivations   Disaster Recovery   Lower-latency for distributed users   Data access & storage residency rules

  Trade-offs between latencies and safety   Storage may be a separate concern from interaction

The database is not the disk

Evolution of “operational”

  Hybrid Tasks   Hybrid analytics for real-time insight   Document & SQL for flexibility   Graph views to ask hypothetical questions

and model and track lifecycle

  These imply that …   Data-sets are larger   Access and cache patterns are variable   Latencies have more impact


Global requirements

  Global Operation   Active in multiple locations & globally


  Data Residence & Governance   Where is your data on-disk and in-memory

  SLAs as Policy for Automation   Reactive or proactive   Resilient

  Multiple Models

Cloud is the evolution from “client-server” to “distributed”

Distributed Database Designs


Approach Shared Disk Shared-Nothing/Sharded

Synchronous Replication

Durable Distributed Cache

Key Idea Sharing a file system. Independent databases for disjoint subsets of


Committing data transactionally to multiple

locations before returning.

Replicating data in memory on-demand.


Example Oracle RAC DB2 Pure Scale

MySQL Cluster and most NoSQL/NewSQL

solutions Google F1

A Durable, Distributed Cache

  Caching puts a database in-memory   Optimizations focus on memory, not disk   Caches are transient, on-demand and

hierarchical by nature

  Distribution means independence   Equivalent peers that coordinate to provide a

single logical entity   Drives service resiliency

  Durability provides safety   Decisions about replication, location and

resource allocation are operational


Peer to Peer Architecture



S3Disk , ...


P NuoDB Database Peer Process

Provisioned, Manageable Resources

Peer to Peer Communications

SQL Client

Management Client

SQL Front-EndSQL Optimizer

Transaction Handling

Object CachingObject Coordination



NuoDB is designed for

  Global operations   On-demand capacity   Continuous availability   Policy-driven deployment   Multi-tenancy   Multiple models

NuoDB is a single, logical service with global consistency

Scaling YCSB

Scaling DBT-2



  Look for distributed architectures with on-demand capabilities   Layer & abstract to support evolution and react gracefully to failures   Assume your needs will evolve; plan with scale in mind


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