



To each member of Area 4, North West, incorporating the electoral areas of Ballymun/Finglas. Notification to attend the monthly meeting of the above committee to be held in the North West Area HQ, Civic Office, Main Street, Ballymun, Dublin 9 on Friday 18th May 2012 @ 2:10p.m to deal with the items on the attached Agenda. Dated this 14th May 2012 Charlie Lowe Area Manager

Contacts: Clare Caffrey and Sonia Lavelle North West Area, Finglas Civic Centre, Mellowes Road, Finglas. Tel: 222 7878 / 222 5728 Fax: 834 6431 / 856 7016 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Index : Agenda (pgs 2-5) Minutes (April) (pgs 6-10) List of Questions (May) (pgs 11-14)




Friday 18th May 2012

1. Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Friday 20th April 2012

(Copy attached pgs 6-10) 2. Questions to the Area Manager (May) (Copy attached pgs 11-14) Roads and Traffic Matters 3. Minutes arising from the Traffic Advisory Group meeting dated 26th April 2012. (Copy attached page 15) Motions 4. Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe

When considering planning application 2476/12, the North West Area Committee calls on city planners to consider the current traffic difficulties at this location and poor pedestrian access. The North West Area Committee suggest that should approval be granted it should include Lidl making a contribution towards the improvement of pedestrian and traffic flow at this roundabout.

5. Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager provide an update with regard to the specific design proposal for the 5 arm junction at Finglas Village.

Planning & Development Matters 6. Planning Enforcement Quarterly Report (Copy attached page 16-17) Engineering Matters Motions 7. Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager outline what action is being taken with regard to areas that were seriously affected by flooding in October 2011, specifically Ballygall Crescent/ Parade and Fairways Estate; that he provide an update on funding for flood relief measures for these specific areas and a commencement date for works.


Culture Recreation & Amenity Matters Motions 8. Motion in the name of Councillors Anthony Connaghan and Paul McAuliffe

That the Manager organises for two manholes in Poppintree Park to be dropped to allow for the soccer pitch to be extended into a full size pitch. This has been done previously by DCC at Glynn Road and Clontarf Golf Club.

9. Motion in the name of Councillor Críona Ní Dhálaigh

That the Manager arranges for a meeting in the near future between DCC officials and WFTA football club to discuss future plans and possible developments for Kildonan Park, Finglas West.

10. Motion in the name of Councillor Larry O’Toole

That the Manager provides a comprehensive update on the Tolka Valley Park refurbishments with an emphasis on the area between the N2 Finglas Road and the Ratoath Road. Can the Manager outline the plans for cctv in this area and if there are any plans to combat motorbike activity in the area also.

Area Matters 11. Ballymun Area Report (Report attached pages 18-25) 12. Ballymun Voids Report (Report attached pages 26-27) 13. Draft Protocol on the Extinguishment of a Public Right of Way in the North West

Area. (Copy attached pages 28-33) 14. With reference to the Proposal to extinguish the public right of way between

Mellowes Park and Cappagh Road, Finglas, Dublin 11. (Copy attached pages 34-38)

15. Progress report on Social and Affordable Housing (Copy attached pages 39-43 ) Motions 16. Motion in the name of Councillor Bill Tormey

Could the housing department give the Area Committee an update on the project finance and completion for the housing co-ops in Ballymun for the next meeting.


17. Motion in the name of Cllr Anthony Connaghan

That the Manager arranges for the replacement of a bin on Main Street Finglas just down from St. Canices church which was removed some time ago during works being carried out by DCC. There are two take-aways at this location and a bin here would mean less litter in the village.

18. Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager indicate how many RAS allocations have been made in Dublin 9 & 11, in 2010, 2011 and to date in 2012.

19. Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager provide an up to date position in relation to the wooden hoarding erected immediately behind homes on Cedarwood Road; that he indicate if there are any plans to replace these and improve the general environs.

20. Motion in the name of Councillor Mícháel MacDonncha

That the Manager provides a full list of Shared Ownership homes which were repossessed by Dublin City Council in the North West Area from January 2011 to April 2012. Can the Manager also indicate the number of homes that are at risk of repossession in the North West area also. Can the Manager outline the procedure followed in respect to the repossession of homes and if any of the voluntary housing organisation are used in light of legislation brought in by the government to help people who are in difficulty of losing their homes due to arrears.

21. Motion in the name of Councillor Séamas McGrattan

That the Manager arranges for a system to monitor the responses for motions and questions to area committee. i.e. when works are due to be completed within a certain period of time, can we find out if the works are carried out in this time and if not can the council provide a reason why?

22. Motion in the name of Councillor Steve Wrenn

For consideration to be given to offering the Rental Accommodation (RAS) Scheme to tenants in a situation where they are living with their landlord.

BRL Matters Motions


23. Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager arrange for the digital archive (already scanned as PDFs) of the Ballymun Concrete News to be accepted into the Dublin City Archive in order to effectively document the history of the Ballymun estate and the relation of a new town or Ballymun.

24. Motion in the name of Councillors Paul McAuliffe and Anthony Connaghan

The North west Area Committee call on BRL to work with the Willows Football Club and the Residents of Parkview to identify an area suitable for additional pitches near to the current club house.





Friday 20th April 2012

NW/89/12 Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Friday 16th

March 2012 ORDER: Approved NW/90/12 Questions to the Area Manager (April) ORDER: Adopted Roads and Traffic Matters Motions NW/91/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Criona Ni Dhalaigh

That the Manager arranges for a pedestrian crossing to be placed at the junction of Santry Avenue adjacent to the Aldi shopping complex. The traffic here is very heavy and residents are having to wait prolonged periods of time to cross the road here and it is proving dangerous for elderly people also.

ORDER: Report to Councillor. NW/92/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Michael McDonncha

To ask the Manager to arrange for Speed Ramps to be placed along Balbutcher Lane adjacent to Dolmen Terrace.

ORDER: Report to Councillor Planning & Development Matters NW/93/12 Derelict Sites Quarterly Report ORDER: Noted.

Bungalow at Oakwood Avenue to be referred to Planning Enforcement for report.

NW/94/12 Proposed grant of a licence of a plot adjacent to Finglas Civic Centre,

Mellowes Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 to Mellowes Spring Childcare Development Centre Limited.

ORDER: Agreed to recommend to City Council. The Area Committee objects to Planning Application 2418/12 and is concerned with the increase in take away outlets in certain parts of the North West Area – views of Area Committee to be notified to Planning Department.


Engineering Matters NW/95/12 Gully Maintenance Report ORDER: Noted Motions NW/96/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Larry O’Toole

That the manager outlines as to whether or not the free household junk collection will be reintroduced as indicated following the transfer of the DCC bin collection to Greyhound. ORDER: Report to Councillor

NW/97/12 Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager provide a progress report on the change-over of the domestic waste service from Dublin City Council to Greyhound Recycling and Recovery; that he indicate if the Council have maintained links with Greyhound to ensure a smooth change-over of the service; the number of complaints Council staff have received regarding missed waste collections and the mechanisms in place to effectively report same.

ORDER: Report to Councillor Finance Matters Motions NW/98/12 Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager indicate as to the number of households in Dublin North West who have registered and paid for the Household Charge.

ORDER: Report to Councillor Culture Recreation & Amenity Matters Motions NW/99/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Bill Tormey

That a suitable site for an imposing statue of Michael Collins be found at a junction along Collins Avenue.

ORDER: Noted. The members supported this motion. Charlie Lowe to notify Culture, Recreation and Amenity of the wishes of the Area Committee. This matter to be progressed following the adoption of corporate guidelines and procedures on commemorative/ naming proposals.


NW/100/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Bill Tormey

That all new Roundabouts and some streets be named after people who made a big contribution to the area. Names like Ciaran Murray, Damian Drumm, Bono Hewson and Kathleen Maher come to mind.

ORDER: Report to Councillor. NW/101/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan

That the Manager arranges for funding to be applied for under the Protected Structure project to repair the bridge in Tolka Valley Park.

ORDER: Report to Councillor NW/102/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Seamus McGrattan

That the Manager arranges for the refurbishment of Balcurris Park and to arrange for the proper monitoring of the park in future to ensure that the park stays as a usable amenity for the residents instead of leaving it as a no go area because of the actions of a small minority who choose to vandalise it.

ORDER: Report to Councillor NW/103/12 Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager provide an update on proposals for Johnstown Park; further that he provide a date as to when works will commence and the expected completion date.

ORDER: Report to Councillor

Area Matters NW/104/12 Community Grants report. ORDER: Agreed to recommend to City Council.

It was noted that Cllr McAuliffe excused himself from consideration by the committee of the report. Cllr Bill Tormey asked that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Community staff in the area to thank them for their work.

NW/105/12 Finglas Area Report

ORDER: Noted. Proposal for undeveloped space at Prospect Hill noted. The members to contact Charlie Lowe with suggested locations/priorities for proposed funding application under the Sports Capital Grant programme. Cllr McAuliffe requested that the City Council and BRL should partner with a number of sports groups to seek funding under sports capital grants for the park areas which will now not be funded by the Department. These could include Unidare Rugby in Balcurris Park and the Willows FC with


the land in Parkview. Cllr Tormey asked the Area Manager to contact the GAA and the IRFU around co-funding projects in the area in the longer term eg. Erins Isle.

NW/106/12 Ballymun Voids Report ORDER: Noted. NW/107/12 Environmental Report

ORDER: Noted. The members agreed to list the Glasilawn/Clune/McKee Road issue on the agenda for the May North West Area Committee meeting.

Motions NW/108/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Mannix Flynn

That this committee, in recognition of the committed service and outstanding contribution of Sean O Cionnaiths to the community and people of Ballymun, erect a public plaque in his honour.

ORDER: Report to Councillor. The Members supported this motion and felt that the Shangan Community Centre would be an appropriate place to erect the plaque. Charlie Lowe to notify Culture, Recreation and Amenity of the wishes of the Area Committee. This matter to be progressed following the adoption of corporate guidelines and procedures on commemorative/ naming proposals. NW/109/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Bill Tormey

Residents in Prospect Hill must be supported to solve their conflict with the management company.

ORDER: Report to Councillor

NW/110/12 Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond

That the Manager provide an update with regard to the Prospect Hill site; that he provide details with regard to progress to install and maintain the new fencing along the boundary wall between Fairlawn and Prospect Hill and if plans have been drafted and approved for the vacant site. ORDER: Report to Councillor

BRL Matters NW/111/12 Update on Regeneration project by Philip Maguire, Assistant City Manager. ORDER: Noted.

Cllr Tormey requested that Philip Maguire arrange a delegation to go to the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government to discuss the funding issue. The Area Manager to update Tara Robertson (Impact Trade Union) of issues raised by the area committee


with regard to the Ballymun Completion Programme and staffing implications. Philip Maguire reminded members that staff matters are an executive function.

Motions NW/112/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Bill Tormey

That BRL set up tours of Ballymun Regeneration changes for tourists to include food at the Axis and an oral history set out by the staff.

ORDER: Report to Councillor NW/113/12 Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe

The North West Area Committee call on BRL to immediately meet with Residents of Parkview to put in place a different arrangement for public parking at the proposed entrance of Poppintree Park.

ORDER: Report to Councillor


Attendance Members:

NWA Councillors: Dr. Bill Tormey, Paul McAuliffe, Anthony Connaghan, John

Redmond. Officials: Charlie Lowe (Area Manager), Philip Maguire (Assistant City

Manager), Margaret Geraghty (Senior Executive Officer), Mary Taylor (Senior Executive Officer), Brian Byrne (Area Housing Manager – Finglas), Jackie O’Reilly (Public Domain Officer), Bernie Roe (Administrative Officer), Miriam Flynn (Assistant Community Development Officer), Paul Crowe (Senior Staff Officer),Clare Caffrey (Senior Staff Officer), Sonia Lavelle (Staff Officer),

Ballymun Regeneration Limited Personnel: Jim Conway (Senior Executive Officer, BRL) Others: Cllr Mannix Flynn

Apologies: Cllr Steve Wrenn

Councillor Prof. Bill Tormey Chairperson


North West Area Committee

Meeting 18/05/2012 List of Questions to the Area Manager

Q.1 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager to carry out a full assessment at 94 Knowth Court in Ballymun. The tenant has contacted both Dublin City Council and the writer several times in relation to her water pressure. According to the tenant this problem has not been rectified.

Q.2 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager to forward the details of the lease agreement for St Helena‟s Resource Centre in Finglas. This report was promised previously when requested by the writer.

Q.3 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager to have the pathway fixed at the side of St Helena‟s Resource Centre in Finglas West. Pot holes are causing considerable damage to vehicles.

Q.4 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager for dates when the remaining flats will be demolished in Ballymun.

Q.5 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager for the schedule of the drain cleaning in the Finglas and Ballymun area.

Q.6 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager for the road sweeping schedule for the Finglas and Ballymun area.

Q.7 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager for details of any compensation scheme available to residents that have vehicles damaged by ramps that require attention in the Finglas and Ballymun area.


Q.8 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Manager to provide an update on road safety improvements at a location (details supplied).

Q.9 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Area Manager if he can he can alter the traffic signals at a location (details supplied).

Q.10 Councillor Steve Wrenn

To ask the Area Manager if he can provide and update on a road project (details supplied).

Q.11 Councillor John Redmond

Will the Manager arrange for the inspection and repair of a road (details supplied).

Q.12 Councillor John Redmond Will the Manager provide an update on plans to extend CCTV in the Finglas area, and will he clarify if funding will be made available for this measure.

Q.13 Councillor John Redmond

Will the Manager arrange for the painting and the repair of railings at (details supplied). Q.14 Councillor John Redmond

Will the Manager arrange for the Parks Department to reinstate the grass area at (details supplied) which was damaged by a truck. Q.15 Councillor John Redmond

Will the Manager arrange for the inspection and repair of the footpaths at (details supplied). Q.16 Councillor John Redmond

Will the Manager indicate as to when the missing railings at (details supplied) will be replaced. The residents have had a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour since the railings where removed.


Q.17 Councillor John Redmond

Will the Manager provide an update on the proposed ramps for (details supplied). Q.18 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for the a replacement shower/bath door and also to replace the handrail there at (details supplied). The lady here has a daughter with a disability.

Q.19 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for the pothole on (details supplied) to be filled.

Q.20 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for ramps to be fitted at the front of (details supplied) as the occupant is struggling to get up and down due to medical reasons.

Q.21 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for the side of (details supplied) to be re-tarmaced.

Q.22 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To as the Manager as to whether it is possible to put an extension onto (details supplied) as there is a serious overcrowding situation at this address.

Q.23 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for the repair of the footpaths outside of the following addresses (details supplied)

Q.24 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for the removal of the bollard (details supplied). Residents coming off the Avenue and turning left have complained that the bollard is too close to the road especially when cars are coming in the opposite direction. Two people have recently done damage to the side of their cars at this junction. Can this bollard be re-positioned slightly to stop this from happening again?


Q.25 Councillor Anthony Connaghan

To ask the Manager to arrange for accommodation for (details supplied). He is looking for accommodation in the Finglas area to be closer to his family. At present he is living in Balbriggan and is isolated out there as he does not drive. He is receiving medication for depression from his doctor and feels that his problems may be eased with a change of address closer to his family. Can (details supplied) be considered for Senior Citizens accommodation?

Q.26 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager – (details supplied) Q.27 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager contact (details supplied) and ask them to supply this Councillor with a report on current works taking place in the area.

Q.28 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager please inform me what options are currently available to (details supplied) regarding their loan with the city council.

Q.29 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager please make available for collection by the named person (details supplied) their complete housing file including bank statements supplied by this councillor.

Q.30 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager provide me with a report on (details supplied). Q.31 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager place a cast iron black name sign similar to those in Finglas village at the corner of (details supplied)

Q.32 Councillor Paul McAuliffe

Can the Manager inform me of (details supplied).


To the Chairman and Members of The North West Area Committee Meeting: 18th May 2012 Item No: 3

North West May Area Agenda 18/05/12 (TAG Date: 26/04/12)

Request Ref Road Topic Request Description Request by TAG Result TAG Comments Sec

1 Traffic Conditions


Speed Ramps

Resident Not Recommended Does not meet criteria in terms of traffic speeds and road alignment (no straight run greater than 200m).


2 Traffic Conditions


Yellow Box on Cardiffsbridge Road at junction with Deanstown Avenue

Councillor Recommended 0

3 Traffic Conditions


Traffic Calming

T.D. Not Recommended Speed survey results show that traffic volumes and speeds are low and do not meet the warrant for installation of traffic calming.


4 Traffic Signs 2643 GROVE AVENUE (NW-EA)

Children Crossing Sign

Resident Not Recommended does not meet criteria (no green or play area adjacent to the road).



To the Chairman and Members of The North West Area Committee Meeting: 18th May 2012 Item No: 6

Mr C. Lowe Area Manager North West Area

RE: Enforcement Report for January – March 2012 for the North West Area The following is a summary of enforcement activity in the North West Committee Area for the period January - March 2012: -

Number of new complaints opened – 5

Number of S152 Warning Letters issued – 4

Number of S154 Enforcement Notices issued – 0

Number of S157 referrals to the District Court for prosecution – 1

Number of files closed/resolved – 3

Fiacra Worrall Fiacra Worrall Asst Enforcement Manager Planning Department e-mail: [email protected] tel: 2223316


Item No: 6

Enforcement Report: 1 January 2012 - 31 March 2012

New Complaints received

Case No. Location Complaint Date


E0034/12 7 Wellmount Avenue, Dublin 11 Works started before decision on planning application 23/01/2012

E0041/12 84, Ballymun Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 Breach of permission: drainage 24/01/2012

E0072/12 65 & 65A, Ballygall Road East, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Subdivision & drainage works 07/02/2012

E0080/12 89, Hillcrest Park, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Vehicular entrance provided 08/02/2012

E0128/12 5B Shangan Avenue, Ballymun, Dublin 9 Breach of permission: height of houses 27/02/2012

Warning Letters issued Case No. Location Complaint Date sent

E0034/12 7 Wellmount Avenue, Dublin 11 Works started before decision on planning application 23/01/2012

E0041/12 84, Ballymun Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 Breach of permission: drainage 26/01/2012

E0080/12 89, Hillcrest Park, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Vehicular entrance provided 08/02/2012

E0902/11 30, Kildonan Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 Breach of permission: boundary 04/01/2012

Referred to Law Agent Case No. Location Complaint Date sent

E0629/11 8, St. Pappin's Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 Development works including a new entrance/exit taking place 14/03/2012

Cases closed

Case No. Location Complaint Date

closed Reason

E0153/10 51A, Northway Estate, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 Steel gate erected & storage area provided 11/01/2012 Lack of evidence

E0483/11 Block 100-113, Hampton Wood Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11 Development works including a new entrance/exit taking place 19/01/2012 No evidence

E0721/11 4, Belview Cottages, Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Single-storey extension 29/02/2012 Statute barred


To the Chairman and Members of The North West Area Committee Meeting: 18th May 2012 Item No: 11

Ballymun Area Office Report May 2012

1. Community Update

2. Housing/Estate Management


1.Community Update

Residents meetings

Balbutcher Lane –Three meetings have been hosted since the start of 2012. The Community

Officer facilitates these meetings with the Housing Manager, which has resulted in some

improvements being made to these blocks.

Joseph Plunkett Tower – Three residents meetings have been held since the start of 2012.

The Council has arranged a program of work to enhance the public areas in the tower,

including painting the public areas with anti graffiti paint, deep cleaning of all floors and lifts

in the public areas and repairs to internal and external doors. Up to twelve residents are

present at each meeting.

Burren Court

The Community Development section in collaboration with Global Action Plan has arranged

a gardening class for the residents of Burren Court. We also hope to involve the

“Ballyrunners” from the job centre. The Liaison Officer and the Sports Officer are organising

a weekly “arm chair aerobics” class on a pilot basis for the month of May. It is expected that

twenty five people will attend. Three “Euro Bins” have been delivered to the complex and

literature on recycling will be distributed to each household

Pride of Place

The Pride of Place Competition recognises and celebrates the vital contributions that

community partnerships make to society. The focus is on people coming together to shape,

change and enjoy all that is good about their local area. This year the Ballymun Area office

has decided to nominate St. Margaret‟s to represent the Northwest Area for Pride of Place.

This is to acknowledge all the hard work and commitment that the St. Margaret‟s residents

and community workers have made to improving their area and in running projects in the

community centre and communal areas. Dublin City Council will support St. Margaret‟s to

prepare for the judging in July.

Ballymun Market

Dublin City Council continues to support the Ballymun Market which is held every Thursday

in the Ballymun Shopping Centre. In collaboration with the market committee we are in the

process of developing several community events to coincide with market day in Ballymun. A

recruitment process is ongoing to replace the recently vacated position of part-time Market



Summer Projects

This year there are nine Summer Projects taking place in Ballymun during the months of

June, July and August catering for over 2,000 children. The Summer Projects are supported

and financed by Dublin City Council, Catholic Youth Care, Ballymun Regeneration Limited

and Saint Vincent de Paul. Dublin City Council provides two summer students for the three

months as volunteers to assist each of the projects. This year we are setting up a summer

project for Older Adults which promises to have an action packed calendar of events. Each

project is encouraged to use the local facilities including the Leisure Centre, Poppintree

Community, Sports Centre and the “Axis Centre” All projects are encouraged to attend a

monthly planning meeting facilitated by the Community Section.

Older Persons Network

The Network are working together to focus on the needs of Older people in the Ballymun,

Whitehall and Santry area to provide services and information to the Older Active Groups,

Older Persons in the Community, sheltered housing units, etc. With more than 7,000 people

over 55 years living in the Ballymun/Whitehall area, we are currently discussing ways to

communicate with the less active, housebound and isolated older people.

Over the coming months the older persons network will:

Continue to disseminate information on services and activities for older people. The

Network is planning a small directory of services and activities for older people.

Hold an information event in May/June focusing on security for older people, similar

to the elder abuse event last year.

Organise an Age Equality training programme in partnership with Age and


Organise a half day workshop on isolation among older people and fuel poverty.

Promote the Senior Alerts Scheme and the friendly call service, as well as looking to

work with and promote other befriending organisations.

Ballymun East Children and Youth Development Centre

The Area Office has arranged to have the centre painted and ceiling tiles installed in the

lobby area on behalf of the management group. This group also arranged the purchase of

cleaning equipment and four new computers for the Plough Youth Club. The centre

continues to prosper with a regular high attendance at each of the three resident service



The Lighthouse Building (Rear of the Reco, Sillogue Road)

The Community Development Section is working with the Aisling Project and S.O.L.A.S to

develop the garden that surrounds this building. Work includes the establishment of a wild

flower meadow and vegetable area.

Support to Limited Companies

Senior members of the Community team are currently Directors of the Aisling Project,

Ballymun Regional Youth Resource, Poppintree Early Education Centre, CAFTA and the

Dublin Northwest Citizens Information Service. This aspect of the work of the Community

Section carries a high level of responsibility and requires a high degree of involvement. In

each case, these companies are charged with financial and personnel responsibilities along

with development and overseeing of work plans. These companies are working through

significant funding cuts that have resulted in reduced working hours in some cases.

LiFT Youth Arts Festival

The 7th Annual LiFT Youth Arts Festival took place from the 28th March up to the 4th April.

The festival arranged a calendar of thirty different activities for young people aged from13-21

years of age. A smaller fringe calendar was put in place for the 10-13 years age group under

the title “Little LiFT”. Art forms included a variety of dance and music formats, drama, song

writing, drumming, film making, print work shops and Green graffiti (using high power water

guns) to name but a few. Over five hundred young people registered for the festival with

over fifteen hundred individual visits to the various activities. A further thousand people

visited the festival as audience only.

The Community Section takes responsibility for the co-ordination of all funding applications

for the festival and the management of the festival finances. It also takes responsibility for

the contracting of the various artists, insurance and general administration for the festival.

The festival is funded by the Arts Council for Ireland, the City Council Arts Office and the

North West Area Office.

The Section organised a three day music camp for over one hundred and twenty young

people including 12 visiting musicians from Artane School of Music and 20 from the Finglas

Concert Marching Band. The camp closed with a concert featuring a 60 piece wind band, a

20 piece traditional music group, a choir, a string ensemble and a 20 piece Blues band. The

Lord Mayor attended this event along with an audience of over three hundred and fifty



LiFT Youth Arts Festival is organised by the Ballymun Festival Steering Committee. The

group is facilitated and chaired by the Council. Planning has commenced for the Ballymun

“Otherworld Festival” due to take place during the month of October and culminating with a

major event on Halloween night on the Civic Plaza.

Citizens Information Service

This service continues to operate from its Head Office in Finglas as well as offices in

Ballymun and Cabra. Visits to each have increased. The majority of the enquiries are in

relation to household finance and social welfare entitlements. The Ballymun Office now has

a “Free Legal Advice Centre” operating in the afternoon which compliments the service in

Finglas, Cabra and from Ballymun Library and is currently located in one of our Housing

interview rooms.


Sports Capital Grant Aid

The A/RAPID Officer is facilitating and supporting applications to the 2012 Sports Capital

Program for the following groups. Applications from RAPID areas will be afforded preference

and require 5% match funding as opposed to 15% for non RAPID areas. The following

applications are being prepared:

BRL:- To fund the provision of Changing Facilities at Poppintree Park and additional

sports facilities at Balcurris Park

Dublin City Council /Ballymun Leisure Centre; Upgrade to gym facilities

Trinity Comprehensive: - To carry out remedial works on the Sports Dome to allow

for its reopening.

Willows F/C: - To fit out their gym

Ballymun United: - To fit out their Gym

Setanta Hurling Club: - To upgrade the pitch to the rear of their club house and

upgrade their pavilion

Ballymun Active Living Group: - To purchase an automated “bowling Mat Rolling



Housing/Estate Management

Detenanting of Blocks

We are now working on the detenanting of Balbutcher Lane block 97 to 192, with these

tenants being offered units in Shangan 5A. We continue to secure the remaining empty

blocks in Sillogue and Shangan Road as necessary pending their demolition.

Coultry Gardens

Housing Maintenance has undertaken to demolish the remaining units in Coultry Gardens.

Since these units have been detenanted they have been broken into and set on fire. The

demolition should help resolve the anti social problems in this area. As part of this work, a

palisade fence has been installed, which is intended to be used as the boundary for the two

community gardens in this location.

Estate Management

With the detenanting of the blocks in Shangan Road and Sillogue Road we have been made

aware that the gangs that were using the blocks are now moving into housing areas and

parks and causing anti social behaviour. We are working with the Gardai and residents to

identify where the gangs are and to combat this behaviour. Coultry Park has suffered some

recent damage in this regard.


The system is working well but in the last week 3 cameras have been targeted by a group of

youths. These cameras will be replaced in the coming weeks.

Balbutcher Lane/Joseph Plunkett Tower

We are continuing to work with the residents in these blocks with regard to the maintaining of

both the flats and the common areas. The lobby and entrance doors in Plunkett tower have

been painted and the lifts are power hosed on a regular basis. The door on the playground

side of Plunkett Tower has been repaired and the door entry systems checked and repaired

where necessary. We will be removing more trees and shrubs in the common areas around

Balbutcher Lane flats which will allow us to keep these areas tidy.

Cleansing Waste Management

We have been meeting with Waste Management Services to look at ways of combating the

increase in dumping in the Ballymun area. This includes using the c.c.t.v system to identify


those responsible with a view to direct prosecutions. Our cleansing crew is continuing with

the cleaning of Ballymun. The areas they are covering include the open spaces and the

laneways in the courts, which are cleaned on a rota basis.

Safer Ballymun

We continue to be fully involved in Safer Ballymun, and recently participated in a walkabout

following a meeting with Ballymun Active Disability Interest Group (BADIG), which identified

several locations that should be addressed either by BRL or Dublin City Council. Work is

ongoing in relation to who is best positioned to carry out required works.

Estate Management

March – April 2012

No of Anti social complaints per 1997 act Drug Related 13

No of Anti social complaints per 1997 act Not Drug Related 35

No of other Complaints 4

Total Complaints


No of Anti Social Interviews per 1997 act 16

No of Other Interviews 0

Total Interviews


No Requests for mediation 0

No of Complaints referred to central unit for Action 0

No of Section 20 Evictions 0

No of excluding Orders applied for by Tenant 0

No of Excluding orders applied for by DCC 0

No of surrender of Tenancies due to Anti Social Behaviour 0

No of Notice to Quits sent to Central Unit 0

No of Court Orders Granted 0

No of Appeals / Judicial Reviews Challenges 0

No of Warrants executed (Evictions) 0


BALLYMUN LETTINGS January - April 2012

Allocation Category

Housing List



Points 2


Medical 1


Regen Detenanting(New)

Regen Detenanting(Interim)

Regen Detenanting(old house) 11

Fire/Flood 1

Inter Transfer 1

Surrender Larger Acc.

Financial Contribution

Unfit Accommodation

Estate Management 2

Part V Planning Act.

Sub Totals

Total Transfer List & Housing List 18


Item No: 12

To the Chairperson and Members of the North West Area Committee

Meeting: 18th May 2012 _________________________________________________________________________

Ballymun Voids _________________________________________________________________________ On Offer / Allocated


Number Type Vacant Remarks

Carton Road 9 House 27/06/2011 Allocated due

to fire in 3

Carton Road

Saint Joseph‟s Way 6 House 05/12/2011 Allocated

Longdale Terrace 4 House 15/02/2012 On Offer

Total number of units Allocated: 2 Total Number of units on offer: 1


Under Repair


Number Type Vacant Remarks

Carton Road 3 House Under Repair Fire in property rehoused in 9 carton road

Dane Road 17 Apartment 18/03/2012 Under Repair

Woodhazel Terrace 26 Apartment 18/03/2012 Under Repair

Forestwood Close 6 Apartment 25/03/2012 Under Repair

Longdale Terrace 45 Apartment 18/03/2012 Under Repair

Owensilla terrace 7 Apartment 12/03/2012 Under repair

Sandyhill Gardens 115 House 25/03/2012 Under Repair

Sandyhill Terrace 24 House 01/03/2011 Under Repair

LONG TERM REPAIR PYRITE Carton Road 16 House 27/06/2011 Possible pyrite

long term repair

Owensilla 3 House Possible Pyrite Long term repair

Total number of units Under Repair: 8 Total number of units Ready to let: 0 Senior Citizens


Number Type Vacant Remarks

Burren Court 28 Senior 14/11/2011 Under Repair

Sandyhill Gardens 15 Senior 07/12/2009 On Offer

Total Senior Citizens units on offer: 1 Total Senior Citizens Under Repair; 1 Contact: Donal Barron, Area Housing Manager, Tel: 222 5708


To the Chairman and Members of North West Area Committee Meeting: 18th May 2012 Item No: 13

Draft Protocol on the Extinguishment of a Public Right of Way

In the North West Area

At the North West Area Joint Policing sub Committee meeting held on 30th April 2012 the

members agreed to accept the proposals as outlined in this report and recommended that

this draft protocol be referred to the Area Committee and the Citywide Joint Policing

Committee for their consideration.


During 2011 the North West Area Committee (NWAC) referred two proposed

extinguishments of public rights of way to the North West Area Joint Policing sub-Committee


The first of these was at Oldtown Road and Shangan Road, Dublin 9. The following is an

account of the progress of the proposed extinguishment:

NW/119/11 (May) that a report on issues relating to this location be provided at

quarterly JPC meetings.


NW/162/11 (June) that the Gardaí will have a preliminary report available for the JPC

July meeting.

NW/180/11 (July) that the Gardaí report at July meeting of JPC and further report to

September NWAC.

NW/209/11 (September) NWAC agreed to raise matter at October JPC and defer

decision to November NWAC meeting.

NW/258/11 (October) discussed at October JPC and updated report to November


NW/280/11 (November) NWAC agreed to refer to JPC for future monitoring and

updates from An Garda Síochána.

It is now a standing item on the JPC agenda.

The North West Area Joint Policing sub-Committee is concerned that individual

extinguishments may not progress to City Council for decision if stalled between Area

Committee and Joint Policing Committee. As a result the JPC at its meeting on 16th January

2012 agreed the following:

‘M. Geraghty to draft protocol for consideration by the North West Area

Committee and the North West Joint Policing sub-Committee regarding

extinguishments in order that the extinguishment process does not stall

unnecessarily with referral between Area Committee and Joint Policing


Draft Protocol

The extinguishment of a public right of way is a statutory procedure and a reserved function

of the elected members. It is not a decision that is taken lightly and the implications of each

extinguishment on the general public are considered. The local authority also has a

statutory obligation to protect the right of the public to use public rights of way and must

ensure that none of our actions lead to the de-facto extinguishment of a public right of way.

We can in no circumstances close a right of way in anticipation of the relevant procedures

and must never do anything to obstruct a private right of way.


Legislation: Section 73 of the Roads Act, 1993 Under the act the term road includes both the carriageway and adjoining footpaths while the

term roadway refers only to the carriageway.

A right of way is a right to traverse land belonging to another person. A private right of way is a right to use land as a means of access to or egress from other


A public right of way is a right of way common to all and can exist over a non-public road.

Generally, however, a public right of way has qualities of permanence, unlimited application

and is indivisible; meaning the right of way of vehicular traffic may not be extinguished while

the pedestrian right of way is retained.

The extinguishment of a public right of way over a public road has the following effect:

It terminates the right of the public to use the road for all purposes.

It automatically relieves the road authority of its responsibility to maintain the road.

However the local authority is obliged to ensure, as far as possible, that the area

affected by the extinguishment does not become an eyesore.

It removes the power of the local authority to do any works on the road unless it owns

the site of the road.

The land on which the road is built generally reverts to the owners of the land on

either side of the road unless the local authority actually owns the site of the road or

there is some other evidence to the contrary i.e. on title deeds.

Adequate alternative access should be available to persons likely to be affected by

the loss of a public right of way.

It is permanent in nature and therefore should not be used for traffic management


Procedure for the extinguishment of a public right of way:

1. A request or application is usually made by an individual, a group of residents or

public representatives and must be accompanied by written evidence of general

support for closure e.g. signed petition.

2. The Survey and Mapping Unit is contacted to provide a map showing the public right

of way in question.


3. An initial report is made to Area Committee notifying them of the request received.

This first report contains a recommendation that the statutory procedure under

Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993 be initiated. The decision of the Area Committee,

as recorded in the Minutes, need not be submitted to the City Council in the Breviate.

4. A service check is undertaken to confirm what services/utilities if any, require access

and if they have any comments or objections on the closure. It should be noted that

the local Garda Inspector and the Garda Traffic Division are contacted as part of the

service check. However not all parties contacted as part of the service check reply.

5. The first public advertisement giving notice of the proposal is made as required by

Roads Act 1993, Section 73 (1). This notice must be placed in at least one

newspaper circulating in the locality. This can be a significant cost to the local

authority e.g. the first advertisement of the proposed extinguishment between

Mellowes Park and Cappagh Road was placed in two local newspapers during 2011

at a cost of approximately €1,500.

6. A sign must be erected at either end of the location for at least 14 days and should

be in a prominent place, clearly visible and easily legible. It is not necessary that 14

days are consecutive. We regularly inspect site notices and keep a record of proof of

erection, inspection and also that the signs are in place for a minimum of 14 days

during the relevant period.

7. The minimum period for inspection of any proposal is one month plus 2 further weeks

for the making of objections, representations or submissions.

8. An oral hearing may be conducted if requested. The person conducting and reporting

on the hearing must have appropriate expertise/experience but cannot be a direct

advocate of the proposal under consideration. The hearing should be informal.

9. The local authority considers all written objections, representations and submissions.

10. The second report to Area Committee (which is usually headed „with reference to

……‟) is a report on the evaluation of the proposal for extinguishment including

submissions by those for and against and the service providers.

11. The Area Committee consider the proposal and their decision whether it be to

recommend the extinguishment of the public right of way or not, must be referred to


the City Council by way of report and be included in the Breviate of the Area


12. The report is considered by City Council and City Manager‟s Department will send a

confirmation that the motion is put and carried. The extinguishment of a public right

of way is a reserved function.

13. If the motion is put and carried, the local authority is obliged by the Roads Act 1993,

Section 73 (7) to publish a further notice announcing the extinguishment of the public

right of way, in a newspaper circulating in the locality.

14. We notify all persons who made a submission or objection.

15. Closure of the public right of way is arranged with the applicants. Applicants are

responsible for all costs incurred in carrying out the closure. The Housing

Department are responsible for the closure and costs within Council estates.

16. We notify all service and utility providers.

17. An Executive Manager‟s Order is signed completing the extinguishment process.

18. If the City Council declines to extinguish the public right of way we close the file.

19. If rejected, it is suggested that a proposal to extinguish a public right of way cannot

be resubmitted for consideration for a period of 2 years save in exceptional


Since the introduction of the Joint Policing sub-Committee structure there is an opportunity

to extend the extinguishment process. When the second report on the extinguishment

proposal comes before the North West Area Committee, the Committee can agree that they

have insufficient information to make an informed decision and so refer the extinguishment

to the next Joint Policing sub-Committee (JPC) meeting for consideration.

The Joint Policing sub-Committee is able to provide statistical information from An Garda

Síochána to support anecdotal information and the extinguishment request. The JPC

submission is then referred back to Area Committee for their recommendation to City

Council as it is a reserved function.

This matter was discussed by the Joint Policing sub-Committee and the concern is that an

individual extinguishment process might not progress to City Council if it is consigned to


ongoing referral between the two statutory committees. The North West Area Joint Policing

sub-Committee feels that an adequate time frame for referral between the Area Committee

and the Joint Policing sub-Committee is 6 months as the JPC meets quarterly and that this

time frame should only be extended under specific agreed criteria. When referred back to

the Area Committee the elected representatives would be required to make a decision

recommending the extinguishment or not and this decision would be reflected in the Breviate

and a report made to City Council. At this point the extinguishment process would continue

as outlined from Point 12 above.


The North West Area Joint Policing sub-Committee therefore proposes:

1. an adequate time frame for referral between the Area Committee and the Joint

Policing sub-Committee is 6 months as the JPC meets quarterly and that this time

frame should only be extended under specific agreed criteria.

2. if rejected, it is suggested that a proposal to extinguish a public right of way cannot

be resubmitted for consideration for a period of 2 years save in exceptional


We recommend that this draft protocol be referred to the North West Area Committee for

noting and then to the Citywide Joint Policing Committee and City Manager‟s Department for


Charlie Lowe Executive Manager


To the Chairman and Members of the North West Area Committee Meeting: 18th May 2012 Item No: 14 ___________________________________________________________________

With reference to the Proposal to extinguish the public right of way between Mellowes Park and Cappagh Road Finglas, Dublin 11.


At its meeting held on 15th July 2011, the North West Area Committee agreed to a proposal

to initiate the procedure for the extinguishment of the public right of way at the above


The proposal was previously advertised in the public press on Thursday 8th January 2004

and signs were erected on site in accordance with Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993. The

latest date for receipt of submissions regarding this proposal was 23rd February 2004. No

decision on the proposal was made on this occasion.

On-going problems with the lane were raised again at the North West Area Joint Policing

sub Committee meeting on 19th April 2010. The matter was discussed at the May meeting of

the North West Area Committee and the members agreed to list the extinguishment for the

Area Committee of 17th June 2010. However the matter did not proceed any further at this


A detailed report in relation to the condition of the lane was presented to the Area Committee

meeting on 17th June 2011. The members agreed that a report to initiate the procedure for

the Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way at Charlie‟s Lane be brought to the July North

West Area Committee meeting. Minute number NW/165/11 refers.


Following a serious incident in the lane, the members agreed to initiate the EPROW

procedure once again at the Area Committee meeting of 15th July 2011. Minute number

NW/193/11 refers.

Statutory Requirement The proposal was advertised in the public press on Friday 14th October 2011 and signs were

erected on site in accordance with Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993. The latest date for

receipt of submissions regarding this proposal was Friday 25th November 2011.

Responses to the advertisement

One submission objecting to the proposal in response to the public advertisement.

Three submissions in favour of the proposal in response to the public advertisement.

One of theses submissions had 30 signatures of residents from Mellowes Park in

favour of the closure however they wished to be involved in consultation as to how

the lane would be closed to extinguish the right of way.

An Garda Síochána had no objection to the proposed extinguishment.

Mater Christi Secondary School contacted the Area Office on Monday 28th November

2011 to enquire if it was too late to make a submission. They were informed that a

submission would be accepted, however they were advised that it would be noted

that it was received late. In any event to date no submission from the school has

been received.

Service Checks There were no objections raised by the Statutory Bodies. Public Domain Reports:

Since 2002 lamp standard No.19 has been repaired 9 times.

Lamp standard No.19 has been repaired 9 times since 2003.

Since 2004 lamp standard No. 17 has been repaired 6 times.

No. 18 has been repaired 4 times and replaced once since 2004.

Since 2007, €3,540 was spent repairing lights.


Figures are not available on the cost of repairs between 2003 and 2006.

An estimated cost of €9,500 per year is incurred on removing dumped materials from

the lane, keeping it clean and removing graffiti.

If we are to proceed with repairing the lamps again, Public Lighting has confirmed that a

complete revamp of the lighting scheme is required details are as follows:-

Replace the 3 existing lights with new columns and fittings,

Re-cable and install approx 100m of associated ducting.

Estimated cost for the works, including labour and materials, is in the region of


The majority of the cost (70%) is attributed to installing the ducting for the new

cable which runs at a distance below ground to protect it from fire damage.

(The lights are currently out of order due to fire damage to the cables).

Given the pressure on budgets, Public Lighting has also confirmed that they do not have

sufficient funds in their budget to carry out such extensive repairs at this time.

Additional Information Following the advertisement in the public papers and the erection of the signage at the both

ends of the laneway the Public Domain Officer contacted a number of local residents to

inform them of same. She also made contact with the school to inform them of the process

and followed this up with an e-mail giving details of closing date.

At its meeting held on 16th December 2011, the North West Area Committee “agreed to refer

the matter to the January 2012 North West Area Joint Policing Committee meeting for

consideration and to ask the Gardaí to provide a statistical update on policing incidents in

the lane”.

At the North West Area Joint Policing sub Committee meeting on Monday 30th April 2012, An

Garda Síochána reported that there are “very few incidents recorded on the PULSE system

for the Public Right of way between Mellows Park and Cappagh Road (Charlie‟s Lane).

The following are PULSE Incidents recorded from Mellows Park and Cappagh Road from

the 1st January 2010 to 25th March 2012.

Mellows Park – 105, 0 in relation to the laneway

Cappagh Road- 402, 1 in relation to the laneway *


*This refers to the Discharge of a Firearm on the 30th April 2011, during which a 43 year old

male, who was using the laneway as a shortcut, was shot and seriously injured to his leg.

102 ASBO‟s (warnings) have been issued in Finglas since January 2010 and none of these

are for Charlie‟s Lane.

From the above PULSE incidents apart from the specific one for the 30/4/11 it is not possible

to say how many of these were in the immediate vicinity of the laneway.”

In addition the garda report stated “I am aware that the right of way through the lane has

been used on occasions for people to avoid arrest by Gardaí, it is possible for bikes and

motor bikes to get through the laneway albeit slowly around the metal barrier. The lane is

very dirty and often has rubbish thrown in it including smashed alcohol bottles, the walls of

the laneway are heavily graphitised.

The laneway provides a right of way for the students from Mellows who attend Mater Christi

and for people who wish to avail of the bus service on Cappagh Road. Children use this

laneway to go to and from school, I am aware that at times these school children congregate

at the entrance to the laneway, but do not believe that there behaviour could be considered

anti social.”

At this meeting of the North West Area Joint Policing sub Committee on 30th April 2012 it

was agreed to refer the proposed extinguishment back to the next meeting of the North West

Area Committee for their consideration and recommendation.

The file on this proposal is available at the meeting. The extinguishment of a public right of way is a reserved function of the City Council. Any

recommendation of the Committee will be brought to the attention of the City Council.

Charlie Lowe Area Manager



To the Chairman and Members of The North West Area Committee Meeting: 18th May 2012 Item No: 15



Part A – Affordable

Part B - Social

Jan - Mar 2012







34 34 x 3 BED








Tony Flynn, Senior Executive Officer, Ph: 222 5223, email: [email protected]

John Ryan, Project Officer, Ph: 222 5367, email: [email protected]







Contact: Evelyn Hanlon, Senior Executive Officer Ph: 222 5153 email: [email protected]







24 6 x 1 BED 11 x 2 BED 7 x 3 BED








Contact: Eileen Gleeson, Senior Executive Officer Ph: 222 2059 email: [email protected]

Marguerite Staunton, Administrative Officer Ph: 222 2065 email: [email protected]








Tony Flynn, Senior Executive Officer, Ph: 222 5223, email: [email protected]

Eoin O‟Sullivan, Administrative Officer, Ph: 222 2138, email: [email protected]

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