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  • 8/10/2019 Notes Anthro 10.3


    ANTHRO 3700 Lecture Notes 10/2/13

    ANTHRO: politics, economics, and cultures are all discussed because they are all seen as interaltedlookat the 2 states example.


    Explicatory/EXPLICATION discussing the findings (not argumentative, or parading ones ownopinions, writing away what you like and what you dislike)

    Evidence, in support of that evidence of that subject matter are discussed. Make the papercomparative in cultural sense; hence the best thing is to identify culture A and compare with Bor subculture a with subculture b (can make subject matter internally comparative withsubcultures). It is not an argumentative paper. You are not debating a subject or launching apersonal argument on a particular topic, but rather studying a particular topic with evidence and

    internal comparisons. It allows you to give specific cultural examples, and give you handle to talkabout different aspects of the same issue.

    Take not of spelling of specific words and vocabulary. Concise argument, focused and helps tobe more cohesive, and keeping the subtopics related (transitions?). NO title page. Subheadingsare helpful.

    Atul Kholi: Teaches political economy of India at Princeton. He is writing this book for non technicalaudience. Talk about India from every decade since 1947 to 1990s.

    New India: a historical, political, economical marker that India sets for itself during the late 20thecentury.

    The background of New India:

    1947: What are the two important figures?

    Nehru: Kashmiri Brahmin (pundits). Nehrus ancestor had migrated from Kashmir and settled in UP.Father was an illustrious lawyer. He belonged to an aristocratic family, had lots of money (comprobable

    to Rockefellers). He is also the only son. Nehru was sent to England when 9 for education, and becomesan alien to his own culture. Hence Nehru has this aplastic, atheistic, he despises religion dn doesnt wantot be called a Brahmin, etc. He has a very strong socialisti streak in him. Both father and son give up allof these comforts of luxury..? HENCE these two leaders stamped that period..and during this period youhave give and take between scoiualism and Democracy. Nehru is turned off the by the West and its postwar imperial presence in the Asian countries. This is all important because this stamps the polticlaeconomy of India. Nehru wants to make an inducstirlaist state of India: science, technology; andindustry were giver a driect prefertianl treatment (even though at that time majority-80%- we rural). He

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    want urbanization, idnsutrailiztion, and moder education. The last becomes a very important insutuionfor him and heavily subsidizes it. If you want to do higer education, the state will pay for it.

    Gandhi is a spent figure but the time India becomes independent. He was said to have been mortally

    wounded because he couldnt keep Hindus and Muslims together and keep . Nathuram Godse (memberof radical RSS) assassinated by Hindu (48). It is ironic because he was an avowed Hindu (he cherishe allrelgiions but placed himself in Hinduism).

    Ambedkar: He becomes the backbone of secular adultbased franchised. He created the Constitution.

    Nehru had lived in the west for so long amidst the both wars and was put off by them hence there wasthis storng socialist tendencies. Against Amedbakr who was this balncing wheel (equally qualified etc.).

    India has always had communism, it is a viable presence in India and it still is; India has never outlawed

    Communism. Ultimately Communism had a split with USSR variety (Marxist/Lennist) and on the otherside Maoist/China type. Even with collapse of USSR, India still had a Marxist/Lennist branch, but like allother parties have to fight elections and win seats to get their polcies in place.

    One of the most developed state in India is still a communist state: Kerala (on the Western Coast).Highest rates of literacy womens literacy, womens health, much lower rate of economic inequalitiesbetween the top and bottom. However, the contradiction is it is a very deeply religious state (Hinduismand then Christianity).

    2nd Communist state is W. Bengal (part that was left in India after partition..because most of Bengalwent to East Pakistan or Bangaldesh). W Bengals communist state doesnt have that much success toboast as Kerala. Bengal is known for Shakti goddess worship. When Brits came as E. India Company, theygot a foothold in Bengla and not anywhere else..hence Bengalis became the first to write in English,debate, etc with and against the British. So it makes sense that independence movement started fromBengal.

    Between 40s and 60s there is an explosion of learning English in the cities because everyone wantsto make a better carrier for themselves. Also since science and technology are in English, there was a bigemphasis on medicine. Hence the granparents form this generation are giving their children to havecareers in medicine or being engineering. This is all a result of ..Make note of this because this will havea play in 90s during software industry and outsouricing..all of this is because of the start from this

    period.Nehru dies in 1964. Because of jockeying for power at the national level, Indira came as a political

    1967: Indira Gandhi. Assassinated in Oct. 1984. She continues this socialist bent in her government (herfathers legacy). Hence India remains cool towards W estern European countries and the US, and insteadgoes towards to USSR for its defense needs, military, and hardware, and etc. remove poverty formIndia became her populist slogan. It was a good slogan to win rural masses at voting time and hencebecame popular for this, but she was not able to mobilize government institutions at the federal and

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    state level enough to make a dent in poverty, hence it was not successful. She remained non-alignedcountry (during the Cold war etc.) despite her socialist tendencies. From Egypt to Indonesia, Nehru triedto create a counterweight (US and USSR) union of states called non-aligned state. It was a fractiousattempt. 1982: She becomes fascinated with Ronal Reagan. Gandhi for the first time had a goodequation established with an American president. She was repsonsiblie for creating B.Desh by attacking

    E. Pakistan. Nixon was in White House at the time and they had no reason to like each other, and sheended up with Indian forice in Bangaldesh. She was also the one who gave the go ahead for Indiasnuclear bomb (the first one was tested in 1974, against all controls and restraints America had for suchproliferation, exactly 10 years after China had in 64). But atomic energy was being continually pursuedsince J. Nehrus time following his viiosn of indistioelaizaiotn since the 50s.

    She carries this dual picture with her: she is a woman, powerful one, a ruthless politician and doesntallow for oppositin to speak easily.

    From 1975-1979 : called for state of emergency in India (crippling Democracy), she cited its

    To control the population, control the fertility of people (by foricing people to abort and force men to

    have vasectomy). Forced meant if you employed by government, your pay is docked unless you havevasectomy (outright intervention of the state into personal lived of the pople and not by perusaion).

    She also tried to control the judicial but FAILED. Like in US, there are 3 branches of government. Andthey must be free to let the Democracy survive. Because of a judjegemnt against her in the court, shewas jailed and was stripped of power. She had lost election (had never happened before); hence bypopoular mandate she was thrown out of power. She also tried to control the printed press and theelectornic media, but hse faield because then (and even now) most of the media was controlled byprivate companies.

    She is thrown out, and the change is made back to democracy. Gandhi changes her views and is re-elected in 81-82. She was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguard. See religion comes in again. Because shehad let Indian military attack radical militants hiding in their most sacred temple in Amritsar. She wasflushing out anti-state terrorist from the temple, but to assault the temple was assault the fate ofminority.

    The Sikh were agitating to get their own state homeland and she wouldnt allow that with the same logicused by MK Gandhi.

    How is her last name Gandhi when both her parents were Brahmin? She wasnt very studious, etc butwent to Oxford and gets undergraduate and when she gets back, she takes care of her father. She is nota politician but her manager of her father. She wanted to break the cast rules and marry an entirelydifferent background. She married a Parsi (fire-worshippers). They are all originally from Persia. She

    went to MK Gandhi to get permission to marry this Parsi man. At the time of marriage that the coupleask to adopt their last name. So now Nehru name is gone and now all the descendants are called nowGandhi.

    Difference between Communalism, and Terrorism.

    Communalism: a brit term used to id Hindu-Muslim violence. But it is local, sporadic, not sustained andcomes and goes. Also there are no triggers in it to make it regional or national.

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    Terrorism: there are a significant number of people killed and the intention is to harm a larger politicalbody.

    Essentially, She is unable to forge a development. She is resisitng opening up economy, it is very

    government controlled.

    In 1960s in India (and el sewhere); GREEN REVOLUTION

    Production of disease resistant seeds that can be planted in hard to cultivate areas of the world. Thecrops would succeed and the quantity of food raised was sifinifcalty increased. India 500 million popduring 70s. The Western countires were seeing it as a basked case because of lack of food to sustain itspopulation. But during this time this revolution is adopted by India (America is at the center ofdevelopment). This shows that they collaborate and resist with US in different facets. This allows by the70s -80 s India is able to become a food exporter. Food is increasing with population, not only with the

    seeds, but also with modern famring techiniques and technologies.

    A. Kohli, is shoign how this different things fit together to illustrate changes and incomepltechanges (insuffience to heal with all the problems India was changing).

    1985: Rajiv Gandhi becomes PM. Marries and Italian Sonia Gandhi. They were both in Britain gettingtheir education. There is this dynastic thing created with Nehru, IG, then RG. R d oesnt want to go intopolitics. He was actually a pilot and flew planes for airlines. But it is the party after had his moms deathto have the mantle put on him. Rajiv is the one who turns the state around and turns it towardscapitalism. And by 85 Indi a turns to capitalism and open markets. India changes the course of its openeconomy. He was able to do this because the states and business corporation.

    How did the two get together for the 2 to help Indian economy?

    Political economy happens with politicians and company CEOs come together. Majorindustrialist of the company, private entrepreneurs they see mutual benefit in doing that. The state isable to influence economy, allow for collaborations with foreign companies etc. These lay thefoundation for the modern Indian economy.

    The book will help explain how the rich became richer and the poor..(?)will show how poverty is plentyamidst the mega riches.

    CHAPTER 1 and Intro for next class discussion! For next class, read Chapter 2 and 3.

    GROUP 3OCT 24th 30-45 minutes

    Dalits in Contemporary Indian Politics: in elections and legislation: caste allainces/ shah volume

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