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A Note from Pastor Anna

New Relationships = the building up of God's Kingdom

There are few things in this world that bring us more comfort, support, and love than close friends. These are the friends who come over when you call, who go with you when

your afraid to go alone, and who share your celebrations and sorrows because they love who you are. Friends like this are a blessing from God for the building up of the body of Christ, as Paul might say. Friends like this take time to build up. It requires time, effort and energy – but you probably didn't even notice it happening because all you really did was share your life's journey with someone else.

But what about new relationships? How can we go about forming relationships like the one described above? How do we find echoes of God's love in others? My suggestion is that there are several easy steps: 1) go out and meet people, 2) find common ground, 3) begin to share parts of yourself with them as they share parts of their own journey with you.

Building new relationships is my missional leadership challenge. If I'm afraid and won't do it why would any of you? And I will confess that I find forming new relationships scary. To go out of my normal routine, to meet and talk with people I didn't know, this was a challenge for me. I have great friends and family who unconditionally support me, so why should I push myself into something new? The answer is: for the furthering of God's kingdom.

Do you know how we can build up God's kingdom? By caring for and supporting a variety of people from a variety of contexts – by forming new relationships of trust and honesty where we can talk with others about God and his presence in the world and in all our lives. This is a great and unique challenge. Not only am I to form new relationships but also to openly speak about my faith as part of the process in getting to know someone else.

And let me tell you, it was been amazing! Though I was cautious and hesitant at the beginning the more I talked with my class instructors and fellow dancers the more they also shared with me. I have learned that they are all people of faith. They all see God at work in the world and are amazed at what God is doing in and through us. I have issued the invite for them to visit us but relationships are not about butts in pews, they are


Vol.29, No.04

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about sharing the journey with others who are also sharing it with God. My instructor, Elijah, has even begun to make church related analogies to help me figure out how to dance. Let me just say, “and pull in your arms like you are trying to keep your alb from blowing out around you” - was an interesting lesson.

So here's my thought for our community for the month of April: what new relationships are you forming? Where could you meet and talk with people in ways that will help them, and you, see God more clearly at work around you? Because creating new relationships will bring you joy. It will offer you light and life and company as you walk the journey of your life. New relationships will also build up God's kingdom, as they call us into deeper relationship with God and with one another. May the coming Easter season be one of new things for each of us: new life, new relationships, and a new levels of closeness with God.


Upcoming Youth Events include: Saturday April 18– 6:30-8:30pm Games Night at church. Please come out for a fun evening of games, fellowship, and food. Saturday May 2 – 1-5pm Yard Clean Up Fundraiser. The youth will be working in teams to help do spring cleaning of

Hosanna member's yards. A sign-up sheet will be on the black counter for anyone looking to have the youth come out and clean up their yards for spring (weather permitting). May 29-31 – Synod Youth Gathering at Mulhurst Camp.


April 2 Maundy Thursday 6:00pm Seder

April 3 Good Friday 10:00am Service

April 5 Easter Sunday 9am Holy Communion 11:15am Holy Communion

April 12 Easter 2 9:00am Service of the Word 11:15am Holy Communion

April 19 Easter 3 9am Holy Communion 11:15am Service of the Word

April 26 Easter 4 9:00am Service of the Word 11:15am Holy Communion

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Jesus said, “Let the children come…” (Mark 10:14)

“Children belong in the faith community. Young and old, we are called to gather together to participate in the worship, witness, and service of

the community of faith.” It’s hard to plan worship that meets wide range of experience and ability from the very young to the more senior people that worship together. It’s hard for kids to sit quiet and still through some of the parts of the service that they don’t understand. It’s hard for parents to teach their children how they are expected to behave in church and to feel like everyone is looking at them and judging when those lessons just don’t seem to have sunk in. It’s hard for adults to listen to a sermon or the prayers when a little one is squirming or verging on an outburst in the next row or across the room. And it’s wonderful! To see everyone worshiping together as Jesus taught!

Most parents are in the habit of:

sitting near the front of the church so your child can see clearly

bringing books, soft toys, or drawing materials [or using the church bags that Hosanna provides]

bringing a snack of finger food

answering any questions in a quiet whisper

But other adults can help by:

recognizing your roles as models for children in worship

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expressing your appreciation for children, and their presence in church, through your facial expressions and body language

greeting the children around you, just as you would greet adults; ask them about their week or how they are

bending down to their eye-level as you speak to children

getting to know and calling them by name

inviting children to sit with you, and help them find the hymns and follow along in the bulletin

listening to what children have to say; ask them what they enjoy about worship

asking children to assist with collecting the offering or bringing communion elements forward

Above all, express your gladness at having children in worship. Free yourself from worrying about their behavior and be open to receive their ministry! (quotes and ideas from “Being with Children in Worship”, Seasons of the Spirit, Wood Lake Publishing Inc.)

Sunday School Sunday School continues to be a busy place. The children actively learn about God’s love through music, storytelling, activities and crafts. Mission projects help them learn about the needs of others.

Last month they sent offerings and a beautiful piece of art with the delegation to El Salvador and made colorful crosses for our Hosanna’s caregivers to take to those that they visit. Drop by the Peace Hall any Sunday between services to see the children, and their very special teachers, in action. Please note there will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.

Adult Forum Adult Forums are presented on the first and third Sundays of the month starting at about 10:10 am in the Social Room. Coffee and refreshments are provided. The remaining Sundays between services are left free

to allow for a time of casual fellowship. There is no adult forum on Easter Sunday.

April 19 Faith Talk – a cross+generational forum for youth and adults. Young people need to hear the stories of faith from their parents, grandparents, and other adults as well as their friends. Adults need to hear the stories of faith from family and friends and from those younger than themselves.

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Using Faith Talk cards, we’ll have a chance to share memories, activities, specific events, and value-forming experiences in a fun yet meaningful way.

Thursday Morning Bible Study This Bible study group has just finished a most interesting six-week study on forgiveness. We will take a one week break (no study on Maundy Thursday,

April 2) before resuming our lectionary study of the second lesson for the upcoming Sunday. For the season of Easter, these readings are from the book of 1 John. Please feel free to pop in to this study to check it out! (Thursdays at 10:00 in the Social Room)

Women’s Bible Study - Friday, April 10, 7:30pm This month’s Bible Study will be held at Vicky and Joy’s home (4A, 17720 – 81 Avenue, Greentree Village, phone 780-221-7600 (Vicky) or 587-588-8183 (Joy) if you need directions). We are continuing our study of

Genesis complemented by novel “The Red Tent”. All women are invited to join this group for study and fellowship as we support each other in our faith and life journeys. Bring along your Bible (any version – it makes for interesting discussion to have different translations!).

Vacation Bible School 2015 Yo ho ho! Set sail for adventure! Sunday, July 26 - Thursday, July 30 (evenings)

Ahoy, Matey! Ye be invited to be part of the crew for this adventure into uncharted waters where Gilligan and his mates encounter Paul and some other prisoners on a deserted island where they had been shipwrecked. Throughout the week, Gilligan’s crew will learn from Paul some of what Jesus teaches us about “treasure”.

All hands on deck! This is our own home-grown VBS program and to make it work we need some hearty seadogs to act as Paul, Godwin the “parrot” (puppet), “Gilligan, the Skipper too, the millionaire and his wife, the movie star, the professor and Mary Ann…” (is that sounding familiar?) Tell Sonja you say “aye!” or find out what else is involved ASAP so that planning can go ahead without a hitch. Youth are also needed to act out the Bible stories.

Our popular Sunday afternoon community carnival and BBQ of the past couple years will be back again with a new twist – a treasure hunt! Hearty souls (or committees!) are needed to help with that as well as decorating, publicity, snacks, crafts and other activities. Dividing the work up among

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several people or groups will help lighten the load – not to mention, it’s really a lot of fun! Talk to Sonja to see how you or your committee can help!

VBS is a wonderful way to reach out to the community, to invite them inside our doors and introduce young and old to the teachings of the Gospel. Mark your calendars and plan your holidays so that you can be part of this exciting week!




We received some encouraging news at the Adult Forum on March 15th when our Ward 1 City Councilor, Andrew Knack gave us an update on the fate of the reduced price monthly transit passes for low income persons, which we

have previously highlighted as an initiative worthy of support. Councilor Knack advised us that the proposal is undergoing fine tuning in the City administration to develop the actual mechanics of how the plan would work. He said he believes it will come back to City Council to be voted on in September this year, and that, in his words, “I can’t imagine that it won’t be approved.” Let’s hope that Councilor Knack’s “reading of the tea leaves” is accurate, as this would be a great boost for people living on low or reduced incomes.

The next meeting of the Letter Writing Group is on Tuesday, April 21st, at 7:00 p.m. We are going to start a study of the “pay day loan” business. There are a multitude of such operations around Edmonton these days,

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and they are exempt from the usual government regulations on the rate of interest that can be charged on loans. A “pay day” loan is a short term, unsecured small loan (usually from $300.00 or so to $1,500.00) to a person with a steady source of income (a job). It is basically “micro lending” but at a huge cost. It is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code to charge more than 60% on a loan on an annual basis. However, in Canada this type of lending falls under provincial legislation and is thus exempt from that provision of the Criminal Code.

The charges for a loan of for example $300.00 for a period of two weeks before it is paid back can be up to $65.00 or $70.00. That type of payment charge equates to an annual interest rate of roughly 600%! If a borrower misses the repayment deadline, a penalty will be applied, making the interest rate even higher. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has argued that: “Payday loan companies are preying on financially strapped borrowers who have little choice. Payday loans keep them in poverty and do not offer any solutions to their problems.”

It is important to research a social issue in order to be able to present an informed view on the matter to the decision makers in society. We don’t know where our research will take us on this issue, but there is enough controversy about the practices of the payday loan industry that we feel it warrants looking into. Oregon passed restrictions on the payday loan industry in that state in 2007, and the practice has been banned completely in West Virginia. Ontario recently took steps to cut off the ability of one major payday loan company to make new loans, effectively driving it into bankruptcy and out of business (although a competitor has since taken over all of its store locations, thereby expanding its business!) If you are interested in this subject please join us at our April 21st meeting, or follow up with us on your own with any information or ideas you may wish to share.

Further information on this issue is available on the round kiosk in the Narthex. Also, if are looking for some help on engaging in social advocacy, be sure to pick up one of the Social Advocacy 101 red folders from the black counter in the Narthex. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any ideas or would like to come out to the Group’s next meeting, please contact John Campbell. John Campbell

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This past month the Social Ministry and Advocacy committee decided to change our name to the Social Justice Committee. We have gotten feedback over time that our past name was long, cumbersome and the

SoMinAdCom acronym meaningless to new members. We think Social Justice embodies a theme of working towards a better, more just world through all our social ministry activities and our social justice initiatives.

Hosanna Joins the West End Food Hub Alliance At the March council meeting, council endorsed our proposal to formally join the West End Food Hub Alliance. This will give us new avenues to extend our outreach to low income people in our neighbourhoods. We plan to build a small community garden of raised beds that we will rent to community members. We’ll provide them support from our community garden liaisons. They’ll have access to garden tools and water independently so they can come to garden on their own schedule. A portion of what they grow will go into the Alliance’s distribution system. Jasper Place Health & Wellness will be handling the distribution system. The details on how this will work are still being worked out.

Other opportunities that being an Alliance member are that Hosanna members that live in the neighbourhoods near the church can participate in the Yard Share Program. In this program homeowners cooperatively share their garden with a community member. Both parties will make an agreement about all aspects of the garden, i.e. how much they share the work and the produce. Again a portion of their produce will go into the distribution system. Also the Alliance has started operating a Hospitality Café. This is a monthly lunch with either entertainment or an education session. People need to buy tickets in advance; the cost is about $10.00. Trinity United hosted the March Café and had a workshop on small container gardening. The April Café will be at Jasper Place High School April 17. We’ll forward more details later. This will be a great new opportunity for Hosanna seniors.

Saturday Night Meal Program at Jasper Place Health & Wellness Hosanna organized and participated in the Saturday Night Meal Program at Jasper Place Health & Wellness. Through the winter JPH&W operated as a warming centre for the homeless in the evening. This program provided a meal for those folks every Saturday evening from the beginning of January to the end of March. Five local churches participated, St John the Evangelist Catholic, Spirit West United, Trinity United, Good Shepherd,

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Covenant Christian Reformed and us. Each week one church cooked the meal and delivered it and two members from two other churches served. This year Andrea Vogel coordinated the program. We thank Mark Vogel, John Campbell, Nordahl & Lois Flakstad, Greg Springate, Cindy Shriner, Dean & Pat Black, Esther Koziol, Robert Tabbert, Margaret Sadler, Jack Smale and Eugene Ulmer for participating. We all had very positive experiences and were very impressed by how warm and caring JPH&W is to the less fortunate in our community.

Community Meal Program Our March community meal was another big success. There were about 100 people served, with quite a number of newcomers. A new aspect to the meal that we implemented was having a resource table. A representative of the WeCan Food Basket was there and we distributed information on the Make Tax Time Pay Program. A big thank you to everyone that helped.

Eugene Ulmer


You can stay current on what’s happening at Hosanna each Sunday by subscribing to the e-bulletin Hosanna Happenings that goes out each Thursday, along with a listing of the volunteers serving in the worship services on the coming Sunday. If you would like to join the distribution list, please contact Lena at [email protected].


"Colorful Table Topper Silent Auction"

Thank you to all who participated in the Table Topper Silent Auction that ended on Sunday, March 22nd, 2015. The quilter's enjoyed making the colorful display and are

heartened by the support of Hosanna members. Final Bids totaled $405.00 in support of Mulhurst Camp!


The Community Meal on March 14 was attended by the greatest number of patrons so far, approximately 100 people. This was our annual St. Patrick's meal with Irish Stew, salad and buns with cupcakes for dessert (green icing). Thom Rintaluhta headed our cooking team and

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both his efforts and that of a number of ladies was greatly appreciated!!! Dean Black and Pat Peterson headed the Friday night set up crew. Karen Moore did a terrific job with the serving team and all members of the cleanup crew did an efficient job both in the kitchen and in the north end. Ruth Guse, Clara Jonsson and Brian were some of the people who welcomed our guests when they first arrived. Our committee would like to thank each and every one of you!! We had some new volunteers and we can still use more!

The Community Meal Committee would like to thank all those people who contributed socks, under ware, toques, gloves, stuffed toys, deodorants, toothbrushes and especially toothpaste. We have enough of the toothpaste and toothbrushes to last us for several meals. We would like to thank Beth Hendricksen for donating the chocolates we used for door prizes. Ira and Neve Fessenden helped Pastor James with the door prizes and also made sure that all the children received a stuffed animal. The two siblings seemed to enjoy themselves under the watchful eyes of their parents. There were no children present at our January meal but there were about 10 at this one. Some of our guests brought in gloves, toys, books and various toiletries. Sharing what we have with others is one of the things we can do to help our neighbors!!

Our next meal is on June 6th and is a barbecue!!

Three of our committee members, Kari Heise, Johanna Borle and Rick Hernder, were unavailable for this meal.

Submitted by Gladys Hansen


Green AGAIN?!

Many of us are tired of “Green Preaching”. So many Experts with so many new (or old) ideas.

We often think:

“That won’t work HERE!”

“Where’d he cook up THAT?”

“I’ve got a better idea!”

Well, THAT’S what we want!

On Sunday, May 3, Stewardship Committee will present some of YOUR ideas as the morning forum. We would like you to share your own tips &

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techniques on living a “greener life”. Please contact a Stewardship person (Mark Vogel, Karen Peitsch, Ray Janke, Dennis Heise or Carl Betke) by April 19 and we will organize the forum for you to present & discuss.


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Hosanna's Financial Weather: Continuing Warming Needed

Like the weather comparison of January 2014 to January 2015 Edmonton’s temperature for February 2015 was warmer than for February 2014, but only slightly. So too, Hosanna’s offering for the month of February 2015 was $450 more than for February 2014... but don't get out the sandals, shorts and tank-tops just yet.

Hosanna’s expenses for February 2015 were $2,100 more than for February 2014, leaving us with an accumulated operating deficit of $10,025 for 2015. With the $13,954 balance brought forward into 2015, that leaves us with $3,928 at the end of February. We need approximately $31,600 in income per month for March through December 2015 to meet our average monthly current expenses and to eliminate our 2015 deficit; this is roughly $2,200 more than the monthly current income average (not including building/furnace fund contributions) for the same period last year.

With weather forecasting there is nothing we can do to impact the outcome. At Hosanna, however, if we all pitch in, we have opportunity to rise to the challenge and ensure a warmer outcome.

Respectfully, Douglas Jahns on behalf of Hosanna Church Council

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Indoor Custodian: Advertising for applicants is underway, and suggestions are welcome to Pastor James or other Council Executive members: Doug Jahns, Colleen Vogel or Carl Betke.

All-Committees Workshop Saturday morning, April 25, 9 to 12:30: All Hosanna Council, committee and working group members please mark your calendars. On the theme, "Engaging with our Neighbours," including Missional project updates, this event will invite each committee and group to highlight initiatives or ideas that engage our local community neighbours, and will facilitate some inter-committee collaborative mini-meetings.

Hosanna Financial Update: See separate item on previous page.

Constitution and By-Laws Changes: At a special congregational meeting on Sunday, March 22, the congregation approved two changes to the constitution that simply clarified existing provisions (unanimous second vote) and approved a new set of by-laws to replace those previously approved on January 27, 1991 (one dissenting vote). The new by-laws are not completely different from the previous set, but remove some inconsistencies, replace changeable procedural details with broader guidelines consistent with Hosanna’s constitution, and clarify the purposes, establishment and responsibility lines of Hosanna’s standing committees and other committees, auxiliaries and organizations.


To request prayer for yourself or for others, contact our Prayer Chain Leader: Del Bennett. If you are interested in being a part of the Prayer Chain, or finding out more about it, contact Del.

Those who have been ill, at home or in hospital, and have asked for our public prayers: Debbie Basnett, Bina Lyall, Dale Grinde, Laine Sastok, Emily Stebner, Marguerite Feradi, Joseph, Pamela, and Melina Beuerlein, Barbara Reid, Jodi Rudolph, Marnie Simpson,

Bill Callen, Evelyn Filan, Walter Adolf, Melinda Campbell, Eric Lange, Jamie, Breanne Kitchen, Erven Rendflesh, Elton Kober, David Klein, Mya and Sophia, Joanna Ouimet, Barb Ulmer, Tatyanna McGurran, Dave Tate, Bev Boren and Holger Madsen.

Farewell to Sharon Daubert who passed away on February 22nd. The funeral service was held at Evergreen Memorial Gardens on March 6th.

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Prayer is one of the best and easiest ways we can communicate with God for ourselves and for others. Hosanna has a prayer chain but

volunteers are needed to swell its ranks. If you are willing to receive a phone call or an email about Hosanna's prayer requests please contact Pastor Anna to help support this valuable ministry. It takes only a small amount of time and effort to truly make a difference in someone's life. Think about using your gifts from God by participating in this ministry.


01 Patrick Bella 01 Gregory Mossman 01 Shelley Smith 02 Cody Butkowski 02 Bryan Omerzu 02 Kyle Roeske 02 Sandra Salt 03 Jett Melnyk 03 Nuka Olsen-Hakongak 04 Tammy Massa 04 Sharon Varro 05 Michael Eidick 06 Budd Erickson 06 Tyler Marson 08 Del Bennett 08 Hayden Sutton 10 Neve Fessenden 10 Benjamin Gerbrandt 10 Randy Nyvoll 11 Lori Betke 12 Cindy Benedictson 12 James Hendricksen 12 Martin Hill 12 Dennis Miller 13 Brooke Ellis 13 Rylan Leadbetter 13 13 Brennan Roy 13 Tillie Tews 14 Ryan Chrapko 14 Irene Erickson 14 Haley Killips 14 Janessa Tarlton 14 Matthew Thompson 15 Sandy Boyle 16 Leah Schmidt

16 Bradley Van Der Putten 17 Betty Dedels 17 Ken Hutchings 17 Ryan Rigakis 17 Brandon Stewart 18 Alma Perrotta 18 Marlene Seifert 18 Kathryn Ulmer 19 Brianna Black 19 Adam Corsaut 19 Brent Dragon 21 Miriam Veugelers 22 Corinne Callihoo 22 Lisa Omerzu 23 Morgan Banack 23 Barbara Clausen 24 Nathan Lister 25 Karlene Buller 25 Grant Pohl 25 Jennifer Winkelman 26 Wilhelm Buller 26 Elmer Werle 27 Kenzie Myrie 27 Hilda Schweitzer 27 Erwin Veugelers 27 Darrius Yarde 28 Doris Allan 28 Lincoln Zytaruk 29 Marg Daly 29 John Landro 30 Steve Lange 30 Wyatt Olson 30 Alex Schmidt 30 Timothy Veugelers

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APRIL 2015 Message for Congregations and Lay and Rostered Leaders

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – I thank my God every time I remember you… (Philippians 1:3).

This year I am inviting you to reflect on portions of Paul’s letter, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi (1:1b),as you gather for church council, adult study, youth group, coffee group and are engaged in learning, discernment and reflection together. Relying heavily on the writings of Fred Craddock and of David Lose, each article will include a brief reflection on a Scripture passage, questions for reflection and discussion, and a prayer. I encourage you, as we begin, to read Paul’s letter in its entirety in one sitting; remembering as you read that this is a letter – of Paul – to a church. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross. Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:5-11

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Seeking to describe for the Philippians the mind or spirit or wisdom of Christ that they should imitate, Paul employs the strategy of a wise pastoral leader: he invites them to consider their own words. This passage about Jesus was most likely a hymn, you see, a hymn that the Philippians had probably sung in their worship on numerous occasions. Now, knowing of their struggles, of their hardship, or the threats both external and internal that they faced, Paul invites them to sing that hymn again, this time taking most seriously what it says about Jesus and, in this way, how they might draw encouragement from it.

Much can – and has! – been said about this “Christ hymn,” but here I draw your attention briefly to the contrast of the “original form” of Jesus and his “chosen form.” Though “in the form of God” he did not shield himself from difficulty; he did not request the privilege of his station; he did not exalt himself or exploit his status in any way. Rather, he choose to be found “in human form,” subject to all that afflicts humankind; all, that is, that afflicts us.

This is Paul’s understanding of the “incarnation” – God’s willing choice to take on our lot and our life in Jesus so that God might identify with us wholly and completely. There is nothing, that is, that we experience – no fear, no joy, no sorrow, no pain, no disappointment, no hope, no betrayal, no dream, no failure – that God has not also experienced. God knows us fully and completely through Jesus, the Son of God who chose not to be exalted but rather to live our life, even to the point of death.

And not just any death – in the one line scholars believe Paul added to the familiar hymn – but the humiliating death of being executed as a criminal on a cross.

Why? So that we might know God’s profound love for us; God’s desire to be in complete solidarity with us; and God’s commitment to be always for us. Thanks be to God. Alleluia!

Read and Reflect: Philippians 2:5-11 Discuss and Reflect: What in this reading leads you to say, “I wonder about…”, or, “I noticed…” Comment on the following: This is Paul’s understanding of the “incarnation” – God’s willing choice to take on our lot and our life in Jesus so that God might identify with us wholly and completely. Comment on the following: Why? So that we might know God’s profound love for us; God’s desire to be in complete solidarity with us; and God’s commitment to be always for us. Thanks be to God. Alleluia!

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Pray together: Gracious God, remind us always of your love for us; your solidarity with us; and your commitment to be always for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen (Philippians 4:23).

The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).

In Christ Jesus – Shalom, +Larry

The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, Bishop Synod of Alberta and the Territories Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

15th Biennial Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Planning for the 15th Biennial Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (July 9 - 12) is well underway with many interesting and informative features about work and ministry together as a national expression of the Lutheran Church. The Convention will be held at the beautiful Shaw Conference Centre in downtown Edmonton.

As you can imagine, many volunteers are needed to serve during the convention, specifically in the areas of:

Registration - assisting in set up of registration area and registering delegates

Office - serving in the on-site convention office by photocopying, collating and phone reception

Ushers - greeting and directing convention attendees

Stewards - seeking to be helpful to delegates by delivering messages, collecting ballots, distributing material as directed...

Transportation - welcoming delegates and visitors at airport, bus or train terminals, directing them to buses or vans for transportation to their hotels with return transportation to these terminals after the close of convention

Information - providing support to delegates, visitors and guests by identifying emergency resources, local travel and sightseeing information, parking areas, bus routes, ...

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If you are a visitor to the Convention or live in the area near the Convention site and are able to assist, please send me an e-mail with an indication of the area in which you would be willing to serve. Further information outlining the specific time and task will be forwarded directly to volunteers closer to the time of the Convention.

Margaret F. Sadler Chair, Local Arrangements Committee 15th ELCIC National Conference

Join Mulhurst youth (grades 7-12) April 17- 19 for our spring youth retreat. The theme this year is ‘hype‘ – what do we get excited about? Or maybe for some what is there to be excited about???

Join us at Mulhurst Camp for our annual Ladies Retreat April 24 - 26: the theme for 2015 is “Mountains and Valleys”.

Features: Friday evening will be opening and wine testing featuring wineries from BC that use names related to mountains, ridges or valleys… Saturday will include mountain and valley themes in literature, crafts, as well as in Scripture. We will also look at how to cope with the mountains and valleys in our own lives – and or course what do we do on a boring plateau??

Sunday will have have a great brunch followed by a worship service. Register by calling the camp office at 780-389-2174 Fee for entire weekend: $100+GST, Fee for Saturday only $75.00 + GST

Quilting for Camp Our member churches have many creative thoughts for fund raising. We are again thankful to the quilters club at Hosanna Lutheran in Edmonton. They have designed 12 quilts (one for each month) and through a silent auction proceeds go towards Mulhurst camp.

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Charity Sale The Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to come browse through the antiques, collectibles, housewares and furniture at our Spring Charity Sale at St. Andrew Centre, 12810 - 111 Avenue, Edmonton, on Thursday through Saturday, April 9-11. Hours are Thursday-Friday, 12 noon to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. New items displayed daily! Proceeds go to support the society’s service to those living in poverty.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Printing is in progress for the Pictorial Directory. The new directory is almost here!

Page 20: NOTES FROM HOSANNA April 2015 Vol.29, · your afraid to go alone, and who share your celebrations and sorrows because they love

A friend is someone who reaches for your hand…and touches your heart. Thank you all for your prayers, hugs, cards, phone calls, and concern for Erwin Marquardt. We thank the Lord for having our church family. Erwin is feeling much, much better.

Hugs, Erwin & Wally

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Page 22: NOTES FROM HOSANNA April 2015 Vol.29, · your afraid to go alone, and who share your celebrations and sorrows because they love

April 2015

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April 2015

Please note Choir is cancelled for April 2nd


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780-484-3932 [email protected]

OUR MISSION Hosanna Lutheran Church equips God’s people of all ages for Christian witness and service through worship, learning, fellowship and spiritual care. OUR VISION Empowered by dynamic and creative liturgical Lutheran worship, Hosanna Lutheran Church will lead Edmonton in equipping Christians for spiritual growth and service.


Rev. Dr. James Hendricksen, Senior Pastor Rev. Anna Thede, Assistant Pastor Sonja Carmichael Director of Education & Family Ministries Marg Daly Director of Music Lena Nikolic Administrative Secretary Kari Heise Organist Trina Yarde Indoor Custodian Chris Terry Outdoor Custodian


Del Bennett: Care Carl Betke: Secretary, Communications, Personnel Ray Janke: Stewardship Doug Jahns: Chair, Finance, Personnel Maureen Lyall: Social Justice Don Newsom: Capital Development Karen Peitsch: Property Care Cindy Schriner: Education Kirstin Veugelers: Youth Don Vinge: Worship and Music Colleen Vogel: Vice-Chair, Fellowship, Personnel

If you would like to link to the online version of the church calendar (using iCal or outlook or some other calendar program) add the calendar using the following link. Just clicking on it may work, depending on your particular setup.[email protected]/public/basic.ics

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