Page 1: November 2012 Knights of Columbus Council Volume 1, Issue NOV.pdf · Brian Volman Email at Our Italian Night and

November 2012

Volume 1, Issue 1

Knights of Columbus Council

7408 Newsletter

Special Interest


• Wishing you were

there…what a great

time we had at our

Italian Night

Festival. It was

more than a festival,

our actors and

actresses came out

and ended the night

with dancing.

• So what about

“Thanksgiving” 2012

more on page 8

• Grand Knight

speaks out on

“Helping us Grow”

Individual Highlights:

Italian Night 1

Grand Knight 2

General Info 3

Fourth Degree 4

Ladies Aux 5

“If I Were the… 6

Newsletter Editor

Brian Volman

Email at

[email protected]

Our Italian Night and

Festival was a huge success!

We had over 200 people

attending the event and we

celebrated some Italian heritage,

remembered the “sauce” or

maybe the “gravy” as our

“Godfather” reminded us of the

good times and how things used

to be.

We had some great

skits, great food, great music and

a great time was had by all.

Many thanks go out to

our parking guys that found a

spot for everyone to park. That

was a lotta cars we had in our

little parking lot but the guys

Italian Night/Knight /Fest

Respect Life “The Life Chain”

The 2012 National

Life Chain

Sunday, October 7th,

2012 at

2PM to 3PM




Our Knights were out

in force for this yearly

event and joined by

other groups from St.

Joseph’s Catholic

made it work.

A special thank you

goes out to Frank and Gloria

Ferrante for running the event

and making it such a huge


We will be looking for

new Italian Fest directors for next

year so if your interested please

talk to Frank and Gloria about

“the fine art of running an event”

here at the Council Hall.

We have some great

pictures on the website so when

you get a chance please take a

look at them.

We have some great

pictures of our dancers, “Gloria”,

“Deano”, some strange lady that made

an appearance and I think she really

liked “Deano” and our Grand Knight a



“I give you a deal you no gonna

refuse” Deacon Frank as our

“Godfather” for the night.

Church including our

High School Youth Group.

In this age of where it

is “ok” to take the life

of a human being

much less an unborn

baby, we came out and said it’s not “ok”.

It was a silent,

prayerful time as we

reminded people of

how valuable and precious life is.

Fr Bob and Mike

Zarraonandia at Life Chain

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General Council Officers 2012-2013

Grand Knight Pat Farrelly Deputy Grand Knight Lawrence Short Chancellor Anthony Stoio Recorder Anthony

Krzeminski Financial Secretary Mark Zarraonandia Treasurer Michael McDermott Advocate Walter Carper Lecturer Edward Schmitt Warden Mario Ramirez Inside Guard John Pordon Outside Guard Joseph Lembcke 3-Year Trustee Bob Burgess 2-Year Trustee Joe Moran 1-Year Trustee Tom Pernice


NOVEMBER is here and the fall is upon us with the cold fronts and also fall festival time. I am calling all recruits that helped out last year in the soda/water booth to please

return and also any new able body man and yes woman as well. I would also invite you to attend our annual council COUNTRY/WESTERN DINNER


10TH AND SUPPORT YOUR COUNCIL. We always have a good old time at our dances and hope to see a whole lot of folk there.

We had a pretty productive membership drive

led by LARRY DAVIS our worthy membership director with PGK BOB BURGESS faithfully at all the Masses. The team gathered a lot of prospects; thank you to all the members that showed up to

help out in the front lines outside the church in the actual recruitment and also a special thanks to LARRY SHORT and his kitchen crew that cooked a dynamite pancake breakfast

after the 8 and 9:45 Masses. We hope to have a 1st degree on NOVEMBER 8TH AT OUR COUNCIL HALL and when I last checked out of the 30 prospects we will have 6 candidates for that night and

hopefully we can get a few more off the list. I know LARRY is working very hard at

it to do just that. I want to personally thank all that participated and attended to make our ITALIAN DINNER a

success. Special thank you to FRANK and his better half GLORIA FERRANTE without whom the event would not have come to life. I can tell you we all had a blast entertaining

the crowd and the memories will always and forever be in my heart and mind especially

Grand Knights Corner

seeing the DGK dressed in…drag! Oh how I wish I could erase that memory,

great job LARRY and nice legs!!!!! We are always looking to get our members involved and we know that everyone has some kind of talent to offer so please keep an open

mind and support your council in any way that you can. I and a few others volunteer on Friday night to prepare, cook, and serve the public dinner

and always encourage our members and their families to

support us by either helping out at the dinner itself and/or definitely supporting us financially by purchasing a meal or two. Bring your family and friends to share in a meal

and some good conversation. I can not stress enough our need to keep supporting this event because it is right now the only real steady income that we have although we are working always towards other

sources to keep the doors

open. The dinner is vital to our survival, so please if we don’t than I can’t promise the bills will keep being paid. I really don’t like to keep asking people to support us

but I have to due to not really doing so well for a little bit now and if it wasn’t for some rentals and our periodic dinner dances we would definitely be in trouble. We unfortunately

are a council with a HALL and like a house you never know what needs to be fixed or replaced so there has to be

money allocated for up keep and we also have other duties to charity, community, church,

and other entities. So please keep that in mind and your prayers that we can continue to do what we are called to do as KNIGHT’S OF COLUMBUS. I have had the privilege of working with the youth in our

soccer kick this year with my son JOSEPH, CHARLIE

REIMAN, and JOHN PORDON. We had our council competition and only had

five boys compete and the numbers were low for a number of reasons. We took three boys to the district competition and two boys moved on to the regional competition and out of the

two brothers I might add JOHN MICHAEL AY received third place but unfortunately is not good enough to advance to STATE

completion in which he got third place in last year. The

three boys that did compete were all three brothers and I personally thanked them for doing so and had a great time being part of this great event and got to meet a lot

of nice people and brother Knight’s from all over and some from as far as OCALA. We will be holding a basketball free throw in JANUARY and I hope we can get the word out to get some

boys and girls from 10 -14

involved because it is a lot of fun working with them.

I hope by now we all would have participated in the LADY OF GUARDELOUPE ICON PRAYER SERVICES we

had at ST.JOSEPH’S CHURCH or any of the other churches that have displayed it in this area. I pray for each and every brother and sister that they and their families can

get through these sometimes trying times and I know that some of us are hurting more than others. GOD BLESS us

all and watch over us and give us the strength to help those in need and the heart

to be kind to one another and the love to spread throughout our community the way we are called to do as KNIGHT’S of COLUMBUS. VIVAT JESUS, PATRICK J. FARRELLY GRAND


Council Information

Our Physical Location (for your


6725 Babcock St., Palm Bay, FL.


Hall Phone Number

(321) 727-1722

We’re on the Web!!

See us at:

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Alfonso DeBonis, Bruce Jarrell, Wilfred Remillard, Lawrence Short, Ronald Tesnow, Dennis Vukon, Fred Weinert, Andrew D”Hondt, Jennifer Short, Joan Weinert, Eileen Grossman, Margaret Ruddy, Luisa Robies, Josephine Bertolli, Joan Borsik, Margaret Rossman, Miriam Dudek, Mary Farrelly, Lanora Mancini, Catherine Pordon.

The Birthday Kids!

Daniel P. Ahearn, Martin

V. Armstrong, Walter

Bartoszek, Michael

Belgowan, Patrick Burke,

Eugene M. Callagy,

Richard Cullen, Paul Dick,

Michael DiNapoli, Ed

Duffy, John Engelhardt,

Archibold (Archie)

Gergen, William J. Kaye,

Lloyd W.Lutz, Deacon

Alan G. Michaels, John P.

Monahan, Fr. Vincent J.

Nebus, Oscar Felber,

Samuel F. Puglise,

Michael Quinn, Harold

Remembering Our Brothers & Sisters

Snure Jr. and Clifford R.


Our sisters…

Marjorie Fetes, Eleanor

Debonis, Veronica Finn,

Marie Rininstand, Alice

Rozanski, Janet Schmitt,

Eleanor Seifried, Elizabeth

Terry, Evelyn Veronesi

and Dorothy Zybala.

May they rest in

peace and in the care of

our Lord. Please pray for

these brothers and sisters

who have gone to their

eternal reward.

Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection, and the Life; he that believeth in Me though he were dead, yet shall he live."

Celebrating Their Anniversary!

Lawrence & Jennifer Short, Fred & Joan Weinert, Vincent & Josephine Bertolli, Robert & Margaret Rossman, Joseph & Frances Fliss, Frank & Denise Mulligan, William & Lois Stearly, James & Dorothy Clinton, Robert & Jennie Goldbach.

Meetings (all meetings are at the Council Hall unless otherwise announced) Fourth Degree First Thursday at 7:30 PM General Council Second Thursday at 7:30 PM Columbus Club Second Thursday at 6:30 PM Social Meeting Fourth Thursday at 7:30 PM First Degree Third Thursday at 6:30PM (When Announced by G.K.) Newsletter Deadlines (Space Available and First Come) 4

th Thursday of Every


Dinner Reservations??

Come Join Us For Dinner On Friday Nights. Dinner begins at 5PM until 8PM We serve some of the best food in town with some of the best prices! We’re located at; 6725 Babcock St., Palm Bay, FL 32907 Hall Phone Number: 727-1722

It’s MORE than just fish!!

If you only click on one link this month…THIS IS THE ONE!!

If you care about your country…start clicking!!

The True Meaning of Marriage In a Time Magazine article, Caitlin Flanagan observes that, while the divorce culture has become a fact of life over the past twenty-five years, the middle class has turned weddings into “overwrought exercises in consumer spending, as if by just plunking down enough cash for the flower girls’ dresses and tissue-lined envelopes for the RSVP cards, we can somehow improve our chance of going the distance.” In our culture, marriage means less, but we spend more on our weddings. Go figure. Flanagan concludes with these ominous words about the future of our country: “What we teach about the true meaning of marriage will determine a great deal about our fate.”

Scott Grant, The Way of the Lord in Marriage

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Dear Sir Knights,

Some time ago, when I was the Editor of the Council Bulletin, I submitted the following article which I think is worth repeating, especially with all the name calling and negative info that we are exposed to every day.

"I WISH I HAD! How many times have you heard someone say, I wish I had when a friend, spouse, parent, grandparent, other relative has passed away. While in the service, I heard it many times after a service member had received notice from the Red Cross when a person dear to them died. He would normally say, I wish I had written to my parents more often or I wish I had taken leave and visited them more often, etc, etc.

My point is we don't know from one day to the next whether we or one of our dear friends will see the sun rise in the morning. Therefore it is so important that we not be faced and have to live with the phrase I WISH I HAD. I would encourage all who read this note to look at themselves and if there is someone you haven't spoken to or you haven't called because of a disagreement, call

that person today! You may not

Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree

Fraternal Services SK Bob

Karl Email: [email protected],

Home Phone: 321-956-5652

Cell Phone: 321-591-7833

At each council meeting we have K

of C wearing apparel and emblems

for sale at a profit. We have a

limited inventory of Gulf shirts, T-

Shirts and no hats at this time. We

have auto emblems, decals and

license plate holders. I have used

the proceeds from previous sales

to order additional golf type shirts.

This will provide more verity of sizes of red, blue and white shirts. I

have also ordered some blue 4th

degree shirts in a verity of sizes.

Fraternal Services

Fourth Degree Officers

Faithful Navigator S.K. Ed Schmitt Captain S.K. Frank Sapienza

Pilot S.K. Bob Allaire

Admiral S.K. Paul Gallant Purser S.K. Kevin Roberts

Comptroller S.K. Mario Ramirez

Scribe S.K. Robert Karl

Inside Sentinel S.K. Jose Santana

Outside Sentinel S.K. Larry Short

Trustee 1 Year S.K. Frank Ferrante Trustee 2 Year S.K. Tom Pernice

Trustee 3 Year S.K. Cy Remillard

Knights of Columbus

Fourth Degree

Pope Paul Assembly 76




Currently Meets at St.

Joseph’s Council 7408 Hall,

1st Thursday of Every

Month at 7:30 PM

have the chance tomorrow. Husbands show your wives that you love them and say it, "I LOVE YOU". Remember tomorrow may be too late".

Now for some info regarding the 2932nd. The Color Corps has been busy and that is the way we like it. It shows that we are being recognized and the participation is a testament to the fact that those who have a need are requesting our services. While the Knights of Columbus does a variety of charitable works, the Color Corps is the only visible sign that sets us apart from the other organizations that also do works of charity. We owe a lot to the Commander, Tom Pernice and Co-Commander, Tom Boland, as well as the members

who give of their time to participate in the activities for which we are requested. Many thanks to all of you!

At last the 6th of November is fast approaching and we can now get the election behind us. The 4th Degree will be helping the Council in the project to drive people to the polls when requested. While I don't at this

time know how the project will function, this will probably be discussed at the social meet on Thursday the 25th.

Regarding the election, I suggest that all get out and vote but more importantly look closely at the candidates and how their election may affect your religion as well as your life style in the coming years.

May the Good Lord bless and keep you,

Ed Schmitt

Navigator, Pope John Paul Assembly

Remembering Back… John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Wikipedia

Born: May 29, 1917, Brookline Assassinated: November 22, 1963, Dallas

Next we will provide hats if

there is an interest.

One Sunday in early July I met one

of our more popular brothers

coming out of the 9:45 mass. He

was wearing his K of C shirt. When

I greeted him, I said what great

advertising and he agreed.

It would be a great way of “Getting

The Word Out” if we would all,

randomly, wear our shirts to Mass.

The one problem with wearing our

shirts to mass is you can’t do it if

you don’t have a shirt. Come see

me I can help you with this



Remember as Thomas Jefferson wrote:"We in America do not have government by the majority---we have government by the majority who participate ---All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

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Dear Ladies,

I am thrilled report to you that our Knights Italian Festa that my husband and I put together was a huge success. We had some disappointment with running out of some food & dessert but had a sold out crowd of 238 people and made a grand profit of $2,914.00. Wow!! Thank you to all my ladies who helped set up and serve; Marie Rinando, Helen Davis, Nancy Santos, Patty Kern, Cathy Pordon, Yvonne Felber, Lee Rosaci, Wilda Karl, Louise DiNapoli, and Shirley Uhall. I hope I’ve not left anyone out. If I did, let me know. I’m so sorry. To my ladies who participated in our silly show, Cathy Pordon, Marcia Folotico and Tracy Conroy (Mickey’s daughter); you were fantastic. Thank you so much.

The Thursday after our show, when the Knights had their meeting, Frank & I

Ladies Auxiliary

In Honor of All Souls Day Memorial Services for our Departed Knights & Ladies Auxiliary Members Sunday, November 4th, at 3:00 pm

Memorial Prayers, Lighting of Candles, Recitation of Names of Deceased led by our Deacon. Pot luck dinner will follow. Knights will provide Ham. Please bring side dishes and desserts.

“Heads Up” Christmas Party & Tree Lighting Ceremony

Tuesday December 4th, 2012, 6pm Pot luck dinner will follow. Knights will provide Ham. Please bring side dishes and desserts.

Sing a long by Msgr. Cleo, Mickey and the “Singing Nun”. The tree will be lit exactly at 8 pm. The time that all the Councils thru out the world light their trees. Please attend this special night

with us. Children are welcome. Call Gloria for more information at 729-6982.

Upcoming Events!

Vatican Gift Rosaries Finest handmade Rosaries selection Blessing by Benedict XVI on request

sent a “Thank You” card to our Grand Knight and Brother Knights who helped us in setting up, cleaning up, parking cars, & our DJ etc.. This whole event was successful because it truly was a whole team effort. A

special “thank you” to our goomba, Brian Volman who donated his music and time to help us put on this show. Another big “thank you” to our Knights, who starred in our show. They were all fun to work with and good sports.

Well, while we sent out “Thank You’s” to our Knights, Frank and I also gave our resignation for chairing any more dances and shows. We’ve had many many successful dinner/dances & shows these past 14 years that we have chaired. This one totally knocked us out. Our minds are willing, but our bodies are weak. Its time to pass it on to our younger group. Can’t say it all wasn’t well worth it. We always enjoyed what we did, and always made a good profit.

Another subject. A

few weeks ago October 9th , we had our Tuesday morning meeting. The purpose of me sending out those letters with the calendar of events with dates and times of our meetings and activities was to encourage attendance and participation of more of our members. We even have free lunches at these meetings. Well on October 9th, only 6 of us were there. If we don’t have a better attendance at our Nov 13th meeting, I will have no choice but to cancel these meetings starting in January. I have to plan for that day, purchase food, prepare the hall, spend my time there and have only 6 ladies there. Can’t do this anymore.

At the Ministry Fair at St. Joseph’s, I set up a table for our Ladies Auxiliary. Lo and behold, I signed up 2 ladies. The first is Rita Sapienza, Franks wife, and Ellen, a new parishioner of St. Joseph’s & a delightful woman. When the Knights had their membership drive

on the weekend of Oct 14th, they signed up a potential 31 new Knights and 3 of their wives.

Officers 2012-2013 President Gloria Ferrante 729-6982 Vice President Nancy Santos Secretary Susan Burgess Treasurer Lucy Pernice Sergeant at Arms Patty Kern Trustees 2-Year Trustee Shirley Uhall 1-Year Trustee Marie Rinando Auxiliary Committees Chaplain Pat Adamo Bereavement Gloria Ferrante Sue Burgess Publicity OPEN Hospitality Pat Adamo Decorating Marie Rinando Gloria Ferrante Membership Patti Kern Sunshine Wilda Karl Children’s Outreach Gloria Ferrante Telephone & 50/50 Lucy Pernice

wives for our Auxiliary. So, Praise God, we grow. At our next meeting, I’m going to make a motion to give $700 to St. Vincent de Paul to help feed the needy for Thanksgiving. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

God Bless, Gloria

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If I were the Devil…if I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness.

And I would have a third of its

real estate and four-fifths of its population.

But I wouldn’t be happy until I

had seized the ripest apple on the tree. THEE

So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States.

I’d subvert the churches first.

I’d begin with a campaign of whispers.

With the wisdom of a serpent,

I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.”

To the young, I would whisper

that the Bible is a myth. I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.

I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”.

And the old, I would teach to

pray after me: “Our Father, which art in Washington”

And then, I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.

I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.

I’d peddle narcotics to who I

could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the devil. I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war

with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.

And with promises of higher

ratings, I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.

If I Were the Devil… Knights of Columbus

Council 7408

6725 Babcock St. Palm Bay, FL 32906


(321) 727-1722

We’re on the Web!! See us at:

E-MAIL: [email protected]

Book Your Next Party With the Knights!!

Prices begin as low as $75 Knights receive special discount

packages Call

Tom Pernice at 574-5312 Or

Ed Kosack at 676-7008, Ed’s cell phone


No party is too small and we can seat over 100 people in our newly remodeled Main hall. Save even more with our combo package when you use our DJ and rent our hall.


P.O. Box 060778 Palm Bay, FL 32906

Hall Phone 321-727-1722

(Send payments to this address)

So what else is my plan in the future…If I were the devil… .

I would promote an attitude of

loving things and using people, instead of the other way around;

I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership;

I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies;

I would make it socially acceptable to take one’s own life, and invent machines to make it convenient;

I would come up with drugs

that sedate the mind and target the young, and I would get sports heroes to advertise them;

I would make divorce

acceptable and easy, even fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation;

I would persuade people that

the church is irrelevant and out of date, and the Bible is for the naive;

I would dull the minds of

Christians, and make them believe that prayer is not important, and that faithfulness and obedience are good enough to get by;



If I were the devil, I would

encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions – just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.

Within a decade, I’d have prisons overflowing; I’d have judges promoting pornography.

Soon I could evict God from the

courthouse, and then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.

And in His own churches I would

substitute psychology for religion and deify science.

I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.

If I were the devil, I’d make the

symbol of Easter and egg; and the symbol of CHRISTmas a bottle.

If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

And what will you bet I couldn’t

get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich.

I would caution against extremes

in hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct.

I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that you

what you see on TV is the way to be; and thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is not cure.

In other words, if I were the devil,

I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.

Do you remember the famous ABC radio news commentator Paul Harvey? Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide. This presentation was broadcast 47 years ago. April 3, 1965.

Rent our hall…prices begin as low as $75.00. Call Tom Pernice at 574-5312 OR Ed Kosack at 676-7008. Ed’s cell phone number; 537-9088. Knights in “good” standing…get discounts!!

Find us on the web at: E-Mail Inquiries To: [email protected]

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Calendar of

Upcoming Events


01 All Saints Day Fourth Degree Meeting 7:30PM 02 All Souls Day 04 Daylight Savings Time Ends K of C Memorial Service 06 ELECTION DAY 08 Columbus Club Meeting 6:30PM General Council Mtg. 7:30PM 10 Country & Western Dance 11 Veterans Day 15 No First Degree start of our Fall Festival (15-18). Volunteer! 22 Thanksgiving (No Meeting) 24 4

th Degree Exemplifications, Orl.

25 Christ the King 29 No Social Meeting December 01 Palm Bay Christmas Parade 02 Pancake Bkfst at St. Joseph’s First Day of Advent 04 KofC Tree Lighting/Potluck 06 Fourth Degree Meeting 7:30PM 07 Pearl Harbor Day 13 Columbus Club Meeting 6:30PM General Council Mtg. 7:30PM 20 First Degree (Tentative)

21 Winter Solstice 25 CHRISTMAS DAY! Happy Birthday Jesus!! 27 No Social Meeting 30 Holy Family of Jesus 31 New Years Eve Official End of W.W. II

We Called…You Answered! During the first weeks of October we send out an email and a plea for your help with St. Vincent de Paul society. They had contacted one our officers and asked if the Knights of Columbus could help. Their shelf’s had gone “empty” and they needed our help.

With food and monetary donations, we raised over $600 in less than 48 hours for this cause.

The 24 Hour Knight

Imagine if you were able to tell a man that if he could give just

24 hours a year to the Knights of Columbus he could make a

difference in his community and Church.

When talking to a prospective about joining our Order, try

breaking down the commitment time in this way:

6 hours per year attending a council sponsored Church,

community, council, family, pro-life or youth project.

4 hours per year attending two council meetings

4 hours per year enjoying ( with his entire family ) a council

social function e.g. dinner, dance or picnic

4 hours per year volunteering at the council’s annual drive for

people with intellectual disabilities, Knights of Columbus Essay

contest, Soccer Challenge, or similar event

4 hours per year attending with his family, two corporate

communions or council prayer services

1 hour per year reading the council bulletin or newsletter,

council web site and Supreme Council web site

1 hour per year visiting with the Knights of Columbus Field

Agent to ensure his family is protected now and in the years to


24 hours out of 8760 hours in a year given to the Knights of

Columbus can make a man a better Catholic, father, husband

and person and contribute to both his Church and community.

Lt. Col. Phil & Joan Borsiks Lorraine Callagy in memory of Gene Callagy Patrick & Mary Farrelly Frank & Gloria Ferrante Henry Gartner Karl & Patty Kern Ed Kosach D.D. Jules & Nancy Moquin Joe Moran Gerald Morris Sam Oliver Phil & Lena Rosaci Larry & Jennifer Short FDD/PGK William & Lois Stearly Mike & Shirley Uhall It’s never too late to become a Booster. Its just $5 per name. Boosters are due…please remit payment to the Treasurer, Mark Zarraonandia ([email protected]) Lets make this scroll a whole page!!

KofC Boosters Club…

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Thanksgiving Day 2012 November 22nd Scott Richert

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday with religious significance in the United States.

Do you want to make this Thanksgiving a little more special? Saying Grace Before Meals and Grace After Meals is a good way to express your thanksgiving for the blessings in your life. And this Prayer for Government, written by Archbishop John Carroll, the first bishop of the United States, is just as powerful a way to mark this national holiday

as it was when he wrote it for Thanksgiving 1791. Archbishop John Carroll was the cousin of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. In 1789, Pope Pius VI named him the first bishop of the United States. (He would later become the first archbishop when the Diocese of Baltimore, Maryland, the mother diocese of the United States, was elevated to the status of archdiocese.) Archbishop Carroll wrote this prayer November 10, 1791, to be recited in parishes throughout his diocese. It is a good prayer to pray as a family or as a parish on national holidays, such as Independence Day and Thanksgiving.

Prayer for Government We pray, Thee O Almighty and Eternal God! Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy

glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy, that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Thy Name.

We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life, our chief bishop, Pope N., the Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the government of his Church; our own bishop, N., all other bishops, prelates, and pastors of the Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise amongst us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people into the ways of salvation.

We pray Thee O God of might, wisdom, and justice! Through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are

enacted, and judgment decreed, assist with Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude the President of these United

States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people over whom he presides; by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government, so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge;

and may perpetuate to us the blessing of equal liberty.

We pray for his excellency, the governor of this state, for the members of the assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare, that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability.

We recommend likewise, to Thy unbounded mercy, all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and after enjoying the blessings of this life, be

admitted to those which are eternal.

Finally, we pray to Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us with the sign of faith and repose in the sleep of peace; the souls of our parents, relatives, and friends; of those who, when living, were members of this congregation, and particularly of such as are lately deceased; of all benefactors who, by their donations or legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord and

Savior. Amen.

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A Thanksgiving Prayer… Heavenly Father, as we sit for a Thanksgiving meal, help us remember that many families face an empty table.

Equip us with the tools to nourish the more than a billion people who suffer from hunger each day so that all may

eat and be satisfied.

Lord, turn our hearts to you as we pray, that we may, through love and compassion, hasten to serve our sisters and

brothers in need.

Unite us so that, working together as one human family, we can create a just world.

Father, guide our acts of giving so that we may reflect Jesus' empowerment of poor men, women and children.

Teach us to be living symbols of your grace so that we may help ease the heavy burdens of the world's most

vulnerable people.

We ask these things through your son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,

forever and ever.


Page 10: November 2012 Knights of Columbus Council Volume 1, Issue NOV.pdf · Brian Volman Email at Our Italian Night and

Page 10 of 10 Council 7408 Newsletter

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