

WESTERN A USTRALI Puh1ished by Authority. J

No. 27.) PERTH: THURSDAY, JUNE 9. [1892,

No. 5002.-C.S.O.




(T.. s.)

By His Excdlency ALEXANDER

CAilIPBELI" ONSLOW, Aclministrlttor

of the Government in ltucl over the

Colony of IN estern Australia, and

its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c.

HEREAS it is provided by "The Game Act, 1892," that" the Governor, with the advice

" of the Executive Coullcil, may from time to time, "by Prodama,tion to be published in the Government " Gcczette, dech,re the Close Season fer any pm-ticular "Native Game included in the First Schedule to the "said Act, either generally throughout the Colony or "in anyone or 1110re portions thereof, to be defined in "any such Proclal11Lttion"; and also to declare" that "any Bird or Animal indigenous to ~vVestel'l1 Australia " shall be at all times strictly preserved, either gene­"rally throughout the Colony or in anyone or more " portions thereof": Now THEREFORE I, ALEXANDER

.CAlYIPBELL ONSLOW, Administrator of the Govern-ment of tbe said Colony, with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby declare that within the limits of that portion of the Colony-bounded on the West and 80nth by the Sea Coast, including the islands adjacent to it; on the North by the n'Iur­chison River; on the East by a line from Bompas Hill, in the Great Northern Bend of the ]Ylurchison River, through VV ongan Hills and Mount Stirling to the mouth of the Fitzgerald River, and including a strip of land five miles wide along the South Coast and a block of land at Eucla measuring 20 miles along the Coast by 10 miles in depth-the Close Season for the following Birds, viz. :-

\Vild Ducks of all species (including Musk Duck or Steamer), Teal, Emu, Wild Geese, Bustarc1 or vVild Turkey, Swamp Hen, Bronze-winged and other Pigeons, Gnow, Quail, Rottnest and other Snipe, shall be for and during the months

of July, August, September, October, and November.

For Swans, the Close Sea,son shall be for and during the months of July, August, September, October, November, and December.

For the Booby, Frigate Bird, Noddy, Pelican, Curlew, Sea Pie, Sea Snipe, Mutton Bird, Red Bill, Cormorant or Shag, the Close Season, NOl'th of the JJ1001'C shall be for and during the months of June, July, August, and September.

For Seals, the Close Season shall be for and dur­ing the months of November, December, Janu­ary, February, and JIIlarch.

The Bittern, lVlagpie, Laughing Jackass, Wattle­Bird, 'iVag-rrail, and Ro bin Redbreast are declared to be strictly presel'vecl throughout the Colony, mld their destruction in any way wholly forbidden:

AND WHEREAS "The Game Act, 1892," it is further provided that" the Governor, with the advice " aforesaid, may, by like Proclamation, declare any "portion of the Colony or locality a Reserve for "Native Ga,me": Now THEREFORE I, the said ALEXANDER CAj\IPBELL ON SLOW, as such Admin­istrator as aforesaid, with the advice aforesaid, do hereby declare so much of the River Swan as lies between the Bunbury Railway Bridge, at Bishop'S Island, and the Narrows, at Mill Point, a Reserve for Native Game, and all shooting within such lil1~its

is st1'ictly prohibitecl.

Given at Perth, under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Colony, this 7th day of June, 1892.

By His Excellency's Command,

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary ..




No. 5003.-C.S.0.

Regulation uncleI' .. The E'ishery Act, 18»!),"

Colonial Secretcwy's Ojlice, Pm,th, 7th J1tne, 1&92.

',VHEREAS by Section 6 of "The Fishery Act, 'i 1889," it is enacted that it shall be lawful

for the Governor in Council, from time to time, by Regulat,ionsto be published in the Govern1nent Gcu,ette, amongst other things" to prescribe the limits in or ";,bout the mouth of or within any river, creek, "stream, estuary, or other inlet of the sea, witLin "which it shaH not be lawful for any person to fish " by means of any net or fixed engine, and to impose "such reasonable penalties, not exceeding £20, and " forfeitures, as the Governor in Council may think " fit, for any breach of such Regulations: "

His Excellency the Administrator in Oouncil does by this Regulation declare it to be unlawful for any person to fish by means of any net or fixed engine, within the following limits of the Swan and Canning Rivers, that is to say:-

In the Swan Rive1'.-From the Narrows, at Mill Point, in Perth Water, to the Upper Swan Bridge.

In the Canning Rive1·.-From the Lower Canning Bridge to the Upper Canning Bridge.

Every person committing a breach of this Regula­tion shall be liable, on conviction, to a penalty of £10 for a first offence and £20 for every subsequent offence, and shall forfeit the net or engine used, and all fish which he shall have taken.

By Command,

------------No. 5001.-C.S.0.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

Oolonial Sec}'eta?'Y's Office, Perth, 4th J1tne, 1892.

H IS Excellency the Administra,tor in Executive Council has been ple~tsed to appoint MERVYN

RICHARD SON BUNBURY to be a Justice of the Peace for this Colony.

No. 5007.-C.S.0.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

003 Oolonial Secretary's Office, If" Perth, 8th June, 1&92.

HIS Excellency the Administrator in Executive _ Council has been pleased to appoint JOHN

MITCHELL YOUNG STEWART to be a Justice of the Peace for this Colony.


GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

(il 2 Oolonial Secntal'y's qfjice, [f-"- Perth, &th ]1tne, 18V2.

1::::T IS Excellency thei Administrator in Executive _1.. Council has been pleased to appoint J AMES

ALBERT VVETHERELL to be a Justice of the Peace for this Colony.

No. 5009.-C.S.0.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

s""' Oolonial Secl'etary's Office, ";J Pe1·th, 8th June, 1892.

H IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Council has bcen pleased to ,tppoint Corporal

Tl'IOS. HOLlIIES to be Bailiff of the Local Court at Derby.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

No.5010.-C.S.0. (i12 Oolonial Secl'eicwy's Office, -92- Perth, l:;th June) 1892.

H IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint J AlI'IES

ALBERT vVE'rHERELL, M.D., to be Resident Magis­trate of East Kim herley, Ch,"irman of the Oourt of General Sessions, Magistrate of the Local Court, Sub-Collector of Customs ,tnd Internal Revenue, aud Resident Medic,ll Officer at \Vyndham, East Kimber­ley; also Public Val'cinator for the Urban and Suburban District of VV vndham a,nd Rural District of East Kimberley. .

No. 5004.-C.S.0.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

+ + 7 Oolonial SeC1'etal'y's Office, "0 Perth, 7th ,hne, 1892.

H IS Excellency the Administrator has been pleased to approve of the appointment by

the Acting Government Resident, H,oebourne, of E. K. VEALL to witness Contracts made with Aboriginal Natives.


GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

1380 Oolonial Secl'etary's q/lice, "T Perth, 7th Jnne, 1892.

H IS Excellency the Administrator directs it to be notified that he has received a H,eturn of

the Election of FREDERICK VVILLIAM FELLOWES LUKIS, J AllIES ABI~AHAlI'I MORRELL, and MICHAEL CARROLL, as Councillors of the Carnarvon Munici­pality, vice James Smith, Richard Hope, and lYIichael CaIToll, resigned.

No. 5006.-C.S.0.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colonial Secretary.

Oolonial Secretary's Office, Perth, 7th ./"ne, 1892.

H IS -Excellency the Administntto1' has been pleased to approve of the appointment by

the Resident Magistrate, Ca1'11a1'von, of WILLIAlI'I CONNOR, P.C., to witness Contracts ma.c1e with Aboriginal Natives.

GEORGE SHENTON, Colo nial Secretary.

Treasu?'y, Pm·th, 30th JJlcty, 1892.

TH~ atten~ion of Bankers and the publicf?e.nen1l1y IS partI~ularly requested to the prOVISIOns "f

"The Gold Declaration Act, 1888," which are as follows.

JOHN FORREST, Colonial Treasurer.

1. ANY banker or other person exporting from the Colony any gol d, gold ore, gold dust, or gold bullion, if such gold, gold ore, or gold dust shall have been found in or procured from the soil of the Colony, or if the gold 0:)'1-

ta,lned in such bullion shall have been found in or procured from the soil of the Colony, shnJl at the Customs declrtre the weight or value of the same at the time of export.

2. ANY person failing to comply with the provisioJ13 of this Act may, on summary conviction before two Justices, be fined any sum not exceeding 1'en pounds, or any Sllm not exceeding an amount equal to Five per cent. on the value of the undeclared articles, whichever sum shall be the greater.

3. NO person exporting from the Colony articles mmHl­hctured of gold, although such gold shall have been fO'Clld in or procured from the soil of the Colony, shall be bound to declare the weight or vl11ue of such articles.

4. THIS Act shall come into operation on the first day of January, 1889.



'" 0 Department of Lands and S11/['veys, 1i!l Perth, 8th Jttne, 1892.

I T is hereby notified, for gener[Ll information, that the boundaries of the C[Luuing Roads Board

District, as defined in the Gazette of 3rd December, 1891, are hereby caneelled, [Lnd the following sub­stituted in lieu thereof.

W. E. lVIARlVIION, Commissioner of Crown L[Lnds.

Bounded by lines starting from the left bank of the Swan River, and extending South-Eastward along the North­East boundary of Swan Location 34 to its Eastern corner; thence East-South-Eastward to the summit of lYlount Dale; thence South-Westward tu a spot on the Perth-All)any, Road situate due East from the Southern boundary of Rockingham Townsite; thence N orth-vV' estward in direction of the South-East corner of Canning Location 26 to the North-'Western boundary of Canning Location 31, and North-Eastward along its North-vVest boundary to the Perth-Bunbury Road, and along the IV'estern side of said Road Northward to the South-East boundary of Canning Location 16a and South-West to its Southern corner; and from thence following the South-Western boundaries of Canning Locations 16a,16, 17, and 18, to the South-East side of Spencer Road in the Jandakot Agricultural Area, and along it North-Eastward; then along part of the North-West boundary of Location 18tothe Canning River, then crossing it and along its right bank downwards to the Swan River, and along the left bank of the Swan River upwards to the North-West corner of Swan Location 40; thence East along part of its North boundary to its inter­section with the South-Eastern side of the Perth-Fremantle Road, vi", Lower Canning Bridge; thence North-East along the South-Eastern side of said Road to the South-Western side of Perth-Albany Road, and along said Road to the shore of Perth vVater, and along the left bank of Swan River upwards to the starting point-excluding the bridge over the Canning River at the boundary between Canning Locations 5 and 6, and the Road therefrom North-Eastward to the Perth-Bunbury Road, and also excluding those parts of the Perth-Bunbury Road and Perth-Albany Road which lie Southward from Narrogin Inn Junction, and also Perth Causeway and Bridge and the Perth-Guildford Road.

Depa1·tntent of Lands and S'twveys, 'if"!' Perth, 8th June, 1892.

I T is hereby notified, for general information, that under the provisions of " The RO[Lds Act, 1888 "

(52nd Vic., No. 16), His Excellency the Administrator has been pleased to designate and define the locality, hereunder described, as the South Perth Roads Board District.

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Bounded on the North'tvanls by the shore of Perth vVater and the South-West side of the Perth-Albany Road; on the South-East by the South-Eastern side of the Perth­Fremantle Road, via Lower Canning Bridge; on the South by part of the Northern boundary of Swan Location 40 from its intersection with the South-East side of Road aforesaid to the shore of lYIelville IV' ater ; and on the West­~va1'd by the said shore of lYfelville vVater.

Depa?'lment of Lands ancl SU1'veys, Pe>·th, 2nd May, 1892.

I T is hereby notified, for general information, that portion of the land within the Boyanup Agri­

cultural Area will be open for selection, under the terms of the IJand Regulations, on and after the 1st day of June, 1892; and plans of same win be obtain­able at this Office, and at the Office of the Resident Magistrate at Bunbury, after the 23rd day of May, 1892.

In the event of two 01' more applications being received simultaneously for the same land, the right of priority shall be determined by lot, in accordance with Clause 8 of the Land Regulations.

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

500 Department of Lands and SU?'veys, lTT Perth, 18th May, 1&92.

H IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint VV. K.

ADAlII, J.P., to be the Returning Officer at the Election 0, Members for the undermentioned Roads Boards, on the dates specified opposite to each :-

Katanning Narrogin Mooraclung Broollle Hill

lOth June Hth J1.1lle 17th June 23rd June

W. E. lVIARlVIION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

NOTICE. Examination under "The Licensed Surveyors

Act, 1886."

Department of Lands and Sn1'veys, Pedh, 11th McLYo 1892.

1"HE Board of Examiners &ppointed under the , above Act will hold an examination extending

from Tuesday, the 14th June, 1892. Intending Candidates must give a week'~ notice in

writing of their intention to apply for a Li<.;en8e and to come up for examination.

J. S. BROOKING, President of the Land Surveyors'

Licensing Board.

Bridgetown Court House Contract.

rl'ENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on }'uesday, the 14th June, 1892, for

the above Contract. They are to be addressed to The Hon. The

Director of Public Works, and marked outside, " Tender for Bridgetown Court House Contract."

Specifications, &c., may be seen at this Office, and at the Police Station, Bridgetown.

The lowest 01' any tender will not necessarily be accepted. .

(By order of The Hon. The Director of Public Works),

GEORGE T. POOLE, Public Works Office, } Asst. Engineer-in-Chief.

Perth, V\T estern Australia, 18th ]\fay, 1892.


Mortlock Road-Bridge and Approaches Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 14th June, 1892, for

the above Contract. .

They are to be addressed to The Hon. The Director of Public Works, and marked outside, " Tender for lVIortlock Road-Bridge and Approaches Contract."

Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Draw­ings may be seen at this Office, and at the Court House, N ortham.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.


Commissioner of Railways and Director of Pu blic Works.

Public Works Office, } Perth, Western Australia,

31st lIIuy, 1892.



Beverley-Broome Hill Telegraph Contract, No. 1.

Supplying Wooden Poles.

r-1'lENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 14th June, 1892, for

the above Oontract. They are to be addressed to The Hon. The Director

of Public VVol'ks, and marked outside, " Tender for Beverley-Broome Hill Telegraph Contract, No. 1."

Specifications, &c., may be seen at this Office, at the Railway Station, Beverley, at the Office of the Government Resident, Albany, and at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, Katanning.

The lowest 01' any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

(By order of The Hon. The Director of Public Works),

GEORGE T. POOLE, Public Works Office, lj Asst. Engineer-in-Chief.

Perth, Western Australia, ~ 18th May, 1882.

Derby Hospital Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesday, the 5th July, 1892, for the

above Contract.

They are to be addressed to The Hon. The Director of Public Works, and marked outside, "Tender for Derby Hospital Contract." ,

Specifications, &c., may be seen at this Office, and at the Court House, Derby.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. .

(By order of The Hon. The Director of Public Works),

Public Works Office, --. Perth, Wastern Australia, ~

18th lVIay, 1892. )


Asst. Engineer-in-Chief.

Vasse-Cape Leeuwin Telegraph Contract, No. 1.

Supplying Wooden Poles.

TENDERS will be rcceivcd at this Office up to n0011 on .'Tuesday, the 14th June, 1892, for the

above Contract.

They are to be addressed to The HOll. The Director of Public VV orks, and marked outside, " Tender for Vas se-Cape Leeuwin Telegraph COll­tract, No. 1."

Specifications, &c., may be seen at this Office, at Court House, Vas se, and [Lt the Office of thc Gov­ernment Resident, Albany.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

(By order of The Hon. The Director of Public Works),

'Public Works Office, } Perth, W cstern Australia,

18th ]}fay, 1892.


Asst. Engineer-in-Chief.

Geraldton Post Office Contract.

TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on Tuesdav, the 14th June, 1892, for

the above Contract. .

They are to be addressed to The Hon. The Director of Public 'Works, and miLrked outside, " Tender for Geraldton Post Office Contract."

Specifications, &c., may be seen at this Office, and at the Court House, Geraldton.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

(By order of The Hon. The Director of Public Works),

Public 'Works Office, } Pert,h, Western AustraliaJ

18th May, 1892.

GEORGE T. POOLE, Asst. Engineer-in-Chief.

Postal and Telegraph Department.

Gene1'a~ Post Office, Pm·th, 8th J1me, 1892.

A PPLICATIONS in writing will be received from youths, not under sixteen YCtUS of age, de­

sirous of becoming proficient in Telegmphy, and entering that Department of the Pu blic Service.

During the first six months, applim1uts will be required to attend the Telegraph OffiC0 at Perth, without salary, at the expiration of which, should a,ny candidates show tha,t they have not attained the required standard of efficiency, it will be optiona,l with the Government to dispense with their sei'vices.

R. A. SHOLL, Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of Telegraphs.

Genei'a~ Post o.Oice, Perth, 9th April, 1892.

TENDERS (endorsed "Tender for the case may be]

Mail") will be received at this OlIice until noon on the following dates, for the conveyance of the u?c1ermentionec1 Mails, for one, two, or three years, VIZ.

1. Southem C1'oss-Golclen Valley.-From Southern Cross to Golden Valley, an cl vice VG1'S(t, once a week, on horseback.

Tenders close on Friday, 13th May.

2. Pingelly·- Wancle1·ing. From vVrmc1ering to Pingelly, vir1 the homesteads of JYlessrs. Glyde, Monger, and Sewel!, returning to VVanc1ering vid the homesteads of Messrs. Sewell, Taylor, ,cnd vVhitc, and thence to lYlarradong, on horseback, virl. Bannister, and vice ve1'sc1, once a week.

Tenders close on Thursday, 16th June.

3. Williams Rive1·-Dctyle1·king.-Fl'om vVillia,ms River to Daylerking, and vice Ve'I'Sa, once a fortnight, on horseback.

Tenders close on Thursday, 16th June.

4. }Villimns Rive1·-Nar1·ogin.-From VVilliams River to Narrogin, and vice versa, once a week, in a four-wheeled spring vehicle, drawn by two horses, and to carry three p~Lssengers exclusive of the driver.

Tenders close on Thursday, 16th June.


JUNE 9, 1892.J GOVERR:\fENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 427

5. WY1lclham-Hall's Creek.-Betweell vVYlldham and Hall's Creek, and vice ver8il, calling one way at Argyle Downs, Ord River, and Flora Valley Stations, once a month, on horseback.

Tenders close on 30th June.

The ,trrival and departure of Mails will be subject to instructions from the Postmaster General, and liable to alterations at any time during the year.

Every tender must bear the bon(Z fide signatures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer, and of two resp0lJ.­sible persons willing to become bound for the due fulfilment of the Contract, in a sum not exceeding the gross amount of the Oontract for the whole period over which it extends.

Every tender must be accompanied by the written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed as bondsmen as herein before provided, to execute the bonds as aforesaid for the due performance of the Contract, in the event of such tender being accepted.

vVhen mails are conveyed in wheeled vehides, a free passage must be provided for any officer of the Postal and Telegraph Department tmvelling on duty.

1'he Government reserves the right of terminating the Contract at any time, by giving three months notice to the Oontractor.

Special forms of Tender, with conditions attached, may be obtained on application to the various Post­masters, and at the General Post Office, Perth; and no Tender will be entertained unless rendered on the prescribed form.

The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

(By order of the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer),


p1'O Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of Telegraphs.

Geneml Post Qffice, Perth, 221'(/ April, 1892.

r 'lENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon on the 30th June, for the conveyance of

the following Mail, to alternatc with the present Murchisol1 Mail Service, for one, two, or three years ;-

From Geraldton to J'l100rarrie, and vice ver8(~, vid Tibrac1den, Yuin, Murgoo, Boolardy, JYlau­fred, J'I'Iilly l\1illy, and Beringarra, returning vid Beringarra, Nookawarra, and Boolardy to Murgoo, and from Murgoo to Gnllewa, and vice ve1'sd, vi(2 Mount vVittenoom, JYleka, and "Varn!, "Van-a, once a month, performing that portion between Geraldton and Beringarra in a spring vehicle, and between Beringarra and Moorarrie on horseback.

The arrival and departure of Mails will be subject to instructions from the Postmaster General, and liable to alterations at any time during the year.

'Every tender must bear the bon(2 ficZe signatures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer, and of two respon­sible persons willing to become bound for the due fulfilment of the Oontract, in a sum not exceeding the gross amount of the Contract for the whole period over which it extends.

Every tender must be accompanied by the written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed as bondsmen as herein before provided, to execute the bonds as a,foresaid for the due performance of the Contract, in the event of such tender being cLCcepted.

'When mails are conveved in wheeled vehicles, a free passage must be pro~ided for any officer of the Postal and Telegraph Department travelling on duty.

The Government reserves the right of terminating the Contract at cLUY time, by giving three months notice to the Contractor.

Special forms of Tender, with conditions attached, may be obtained on application to the various Post­masters, and at the General Post Office, Perth; and no Tender will be entertained unless rendered on the prescribed form.

The Goverllluent does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

(By order of the Hon. the Oolonial Treasurer),


Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of T"pgraphs.

Geneml Post Office, Perth, 2nd JJlay, 1892.

rJ1ENDERS will be received at this Office up to -L noon of 30th June, for the conveyance of the

following l\1:ail, for one, two, or three years ;-

From Ooodarc1ie (Mr. Townsend's) to the Mount l\1:agnet Goldfields, and vice versd, once a fort­night, on horseback, or in a spring vehicle.

The arrival and departure of Mails will be subject to instructions from the Postmaster General, and liable to alterations at any time during the year.

Every tender must be~tr the bOllcZ ficZe signatures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer, and of two respon­sible persons willing to become bound for the due fulfilment of the Oontract, in a sum not exceeding the gross amuunt of the Oontract for the whole period over which it extends.

Every tender must be accompanied by the written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed as bondsmen as herein before provided, to eX8cute the bonds as aforesaid for the clue performance of the Contract, in the event of such tender being accepted.

'When mails are conveyed in wheeled vehicles, a free passage must be provided for any officer of the Post"l and Telegraph Department travelling on duty.

The Government reserves the right of terminating the Oontract at any time, by giving three months notice to the Contractor.

Special forms of Tender, with conditions attached, may be obtained on application to the various Post­masters, and at the General Post Office, Perth; and no Tender will be entertained unless rendered on the prescribed form.

The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

(By order of the Hon. the Oolonial Treasurer),

R. 11. SHOLL, Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of Telegraphs.



Geneml Post Office,

Pe,·th, 26th April, 11:192.

n,ENDERS will be received at this Office up to ..L noon of 30th June, for the conveyance of the

following Mail, for one, two, or three years :-

From Meka Station to the Annean Goldfields, and 'vice versd, vid Coodardy and Annean, onc(l a month, on hOTseback or in a spTing vehicle, to alternate with the present monthly service.

The arrival and departure of Mails will be subject to instructions from the Postmaster General, and li,tble to alterations at any time during the year.

Every tender must bear the bond ficZe signatures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer, and of two respon­sible persons willing to become bound for the due fulfilment of the Contract, in a sum not exceeding the gross amount of the Contract for the whole period over which it extends.

Every tender must be accompanied by the written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed ,tS bondsmen as hereinbefore provided, to execute the bonds as aforesaid for the due performance of the Contmct, in the event of such tender Qeing accepted.

When mails are conveyed in wheeled vehicles, a free passage must be provided for any officer of the Postal and Telegraph Department travelling on duty.

The Government reserves the right of terminating the Contract at any time, by giving three months notice to the Contractor.

Special forms of Tender, with conditions att,w.hed, may be obtained on application to the various Post­masters, and at the General Post Office, Perth; and no Tender will be entertained unless rendere,l on the prescribed form.

The Government does not bind itself to ac;cept the lowest or any tender.

(By oTder of the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer),


Postmaster General and

General Superintendent of Telegraphs.

P. f-too In the matter of" The Patent Act, 1888" (52

Victoria, No. 5), and of "The Patent Act Amendment, 1892 (55 Victoria, No. 15) .

NOTICE is hereby given that SIGISlIfUND BARON VVORTlVIANN, ot 126 E. 79 Street, 'New York,

in the County of New York and State of New York, gentleman, has applied for Letters Patent, in respect of an Invention styled" Mechanical Movements." The specifications cmd drawings in connection with snch invention are now open for inspection at the Patent Office, Perth, and any person may, on or be­fore the 12th day of July next, object to the granting of Letters Patent to the said Sigismund Baron W ortmann, in respect of the said invention, by lodg­ing at the Patent Office a notice in writing, stating his name and address, and the nature and grounds of his objection.

Dated this 6th day of May, 1892.


MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Patents, &c.

In the matter of "The Patent Act, 1888" (52 Victoria, No. 5), and of "The Patent Act Amendment, 1892" (55 Victoria, No. 15).

NOTICE is hereby given that JOHN rfHORNTON, of Oxford Chambers, Bourke Street, Mel­

bonrne, in the Colony of Victori1t, Contractor, has applied for Letters Patent, in respect of an Inven­tion sty led "An Improved Spark Arrester." 'fhe specifications and drawings in connection with such .invention are now open for inspection at the Patent Office, Perth, and any person may" on or before the 19th day of July uext, object to the granting of Letters Patent to the said JOHN THORN TON , in respect of the said invention, by lodging at the Patent Office a notice in writing stating his name and address, and the nature and grounds of his objection.

Dated this 18th day of May, 1892.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Patents, &c.

Depa?·tment of Lands ancl Surveys, Perth, 8th June, 1892.

H IS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Council has been pleased to set apart, as Public Reserve~, the land described in the Schedule below, for the purposes therein set forth :-


i ItecuY<icd Content. Number. :t. r. p. 'fown 01' District, and Description of Boundaries.

: Purpose for which made.

2039 :

121 0 0 Jandakot Ag?'icuLt,tml A,-ea.-Lot 23. Public utility.

20'10 142 0 0 Jandakot AgricuLtuml Area.-Lot 22. Public utility.

20'11 143 0 0 Katanning Agricultural A,·ea.-Lot 114. Public utility. .

2042 175 0 0 Katanning Ag"ic1!Ltttral A?·ea.-Lot 36. Public utility.

About 2045 700 0 0 Sl1ssex.-Bol1nded on the South-East by the road from Coolingnup to Public utility.

Busselton; on the No?-th-East by Sussex Lotations 69,220, 219,and 19; on the Nm·th-West by Sussex Locations 227,25, S.O.L. 509' and C.P. '\it; and on the SOttth-West by Sussex Locations 9 and 148.

Excluding Sussex Location 50.

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.



Land Titles O'/fice, Perth, 8th J't~1W, 1892.

I 'r is hereby notified that the undermentioned Certificates of Title are lying at this Office, and will be delivered to those entitled to them or to their order, on application and upon payment of the Assurance

Fund due thereon:-

Kame ot Grantee.

Viveash, Samuel V{aterman ," ]}Iead, Thomas .. ' ... ." Smith, Alfred, and Smith,

Frederick Scott, Robert ." ... Robins, Alfred George .. llicDonough, William ... Robins, Alfrecl Gem'ge . RoseI', "Ym. Jas.... .. Burges, Samuel Evans... ..' Robinson, Edward, and Sea~

brook, John Phillips, Samuel Pole ... lliorrell, James Wooclley ... Seabrook, John, and RobillSOIl,

Eclwarcl Andrews, William Dougherty, ]}lichael Saw, Henry Whitillgton, James Ingl'mn, Williams ... ,_, Clarkson, Barun,rd Drummond Lockyer,. Joseph ... Robins, Robert Henry ... ... Clarksoll, Berllard Drummond Scott, Robert Morse, Thos. Boys McDollOUgh, Vililliam Lockyer, Joso))h ... Dowsett, Samuel

Do.... ..' ... Viveash, Simeon William Eaton, Mary Ann Nelson, Douglas .. . Turtol1, Willia.m .. . 1\ia.rtain, George... '" Viveash, Sim€on William Collins, William, and Collins,

Henry Byrne, Charles . Gentle, Willimn .. O'Neill, Thomas... . .. 1Vhitington, 1'1108. Jas. Edwards, Thos. ... '" ... Collins, \Villiam, and Collins,

Henry Strange, Richard, junr. Robins, Alfrecl George.

Do.... ... Cook, Frederick .

Do.... ... ... Blechynden, Henry George ." 'Yhitil1gton, Hy. Wm. Daniel JYlartin, Silllon Moore, Mary Elizabeth Sherry, Peter ... '" Lockyer, Alfred Brooks Hu,l'dey, Robed James ." Clarkson, Bernard DTlll111110nd B1echynden, Henry George Dudley, Hicharcl '" Lockyer, Alfred Brooks 1YIorse, Thomas Boys Beard, Cornelius ... . .. KetLl1e, Edward Viviall Harvey Parker, Edward Read 1\Iead, Henry Henley, John Mead, William ... ]\1 urphy, Michael DeBanks, Arthur ... l\J::ead, Charles George .

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

DeBanks ... B[1 tt, J oseph ... Bald,vin, Richard

Do .... Curo, Patrick ... De Banks, Arthur .. , Spencer, ].fa1'y Ann, senr. Regner, Elizabeth Bell, ,James ancl ,John Bentley, l\faria ... DeBallks, Arthnr Dempster, James Pratt,

Charles Edwarcl, und Wil· liam Simon

Evalls, Willium ... ... ... Lalligan, Alldrew, and Patrick

lll[1ry ,J oseph Butler Lalligal1, Al1drew Clinch, James.. ... . .. Al'll1strong, J oseph Hosford ... Walkden, Thomas Clinch, J ames Hay, Joseph ... ... J011es, Thomas James .

TO\Yll or District in which Lot is situated.

AYon Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Loc. £ s. d.

688 0 2 1 71-8 0 1 3 798 0 1 0

859 881 923 952 95·J. 967


1014 1020 1023

021 030 030 o 0 10 o 0 10 012 011

o 0 3 o 010 o 1 1

1030 0 2 0 1087 0 0 3 1013 0 3 0 10481 0 0 10 1111002 1116 0 12 10 1158 0 0 10 1168 0 0 10 1187 0 ,! 4


1227 0 6 3 1272 0 2 1 1276 0 2 1

I 12.S8 0 0 10 1295 0 0 10 1297 0 0 10 1300 0 0 10 1312 0 0 10 1321 0 0 10 1368 0 2 1 1390 0 2 7 Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

"'11449 0 0 10 1499010

1514 0 0 10 1:)17 0 1 5 1521 0 0 10 155·j. 0 3 2 1576 0 1 1 1598 0 0 10

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. llo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "... ..

Cockburn Sound Loc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "

East Location ..

H!1Y Loc[1tion ... . .. JY1e1bo111'11e Location ...

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

1599 0 2 1 1630 0 2 1 1631 0 2 1 1641 0 4 2 1642 0 1 1619 0 1 1652 0 1 1680 0 2 1 1681 0 2 1686 0 1637 0 1706 0 1709 0 1712 0 17:35 0 17:17 0 1756 0 1nJ. 0 1813 0 1819 0 225 232


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 '± 3 5 2 1 2 I

1 1

2 1 010

'0 3 010 o 10 2 1 1 8 010 1 1 o 10 o 10 2 1 1 2 1 1 o 10 o 3 010 o 3 4 2 o 3

239 0 247 0 249 0 251 0 252 0 253 0 254 0 255 0 256 0 25i 0 272 0 278 0 283 0 284 0 289 0 322 0 344 0 347 0 348

o ii 2 o 2 1 042 o 1 1

350 424 4·26


29 0 2 7 345 0 0 10

367 0 0 10 380 0 1 0 388011 415 0 1 3 ,135i010 529'011 580 'I 0 0 10

~amc of Grantee.

J011e8, Thomas Ja.mes . Grigsoll, John ." Hamersley, Hugh

Do.... ... Bashforcl, ,Villiam Hamersley, Hugh ... ... Brockmau, Henry, und Charles

Anslaul Glover Patrick Mary Joseph Butler,

and James ThOlllU,S Butler Grigson, John Thfurphy, John Kelly, John ... J ones, Thomas James Paclbury, Walter .. . Hoy, J oseph ... ... J ones, J ames Vigors Aldrid Henry, Thomas .. , Nhllmer, Richard Mason, 1Villium ." ViT ellsteacl, J oItn ." ... .. National Bank of Australasia Kllapp, Thomas Taylor, Charles Logue, William Bushel', Richard ... Scott, J Oh11, jUllr. Al'mstrong, 1'homas

Do. Bushel', Jalnes Fonracl'e, J 01111 , .. Bushel' J l~ichard , .. Taylor, J oseph Henon, Rachel

Do.... ... Bushel', James, junl'.

Do. Fee, FOl'bes .. ' Roberts, Frederick }'ee, Forbes ... .. Smith, Maurice Breet ...

Do.... .. Garvey, P.Ltl'ick .. ' ... Log'ne, J olm 1'11OmpS0l1 Pay ne, George Robert . Garvcy, Timothy Bushel', Thomas H[1rtnett, John .. ' Buckellal'd, Peter Leake, George Walpole llIitclwll, Brothers HtLllle1'8Iey, Edward ,Yalsh, Thomas Bell, Robed .. ... W u.ldeck, Henry Flctcher Bell, Robert .. niol'risscy, Pa,trick Stokes, J o11n 1Villdlc, James Melloll, Cornclius

Do. Hamcrslcy, Ed1Val'd

Do. Do. Do. DCl. Dn. Do.

Bell, I{ohel't Read, Wm. Lncas, Richard ... Hogan, Patrick J oseph IlfcPherson, DUllcall '.. . .. Ridlcy, Lewis Forrester, and

Foss, Charles Denroche Vaug-ha,n

Thomas, .J ohu NancarrQ1.\+. "\Ym. Sewell, C"leb FarIner, Samuel '. .,' , .. Watkins, Daniel GIYll, and Wit·

teno01n, Edward Horne Do. Do. Do.

Sewell, C'!18~) .. , ... Burges, :{~oc1der Clere, jr. O'Donnell, Pat-rick ... Phillips, Sftll1ll€l Jamcs Williams, J01111 . Heelan, ~n:;hael .. Paclbury, ,"Valter... . .. Readheatl, Elizabeth Smith Sewell, Sa,mp3011 .. Grigson, J o11n

Do. Ha.lnersley, Hug-h Saunclers, Duvid, jnr.... .., Burgcs, rl'llOmas; V{hitfield,

Mary {3'eorg-ina, and Hoo· ley, Ecl\-vi1l'd Timothy

Do. ... Walc1eck, Henry Fletcher

Town or District in which Lot is situated.

MelbolU'lle Loc[1tion .. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. " ...

Plantagenet Location Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. " ..

1Vellington Location Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "

Victoria Location Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

s. d. 711 0 010 716 0 2 1 744 0 0 10 745 0 0 10 754 0 2 1 757 0 0 10 768 0 1 I

812 0 2 1

822 'I 0 0 10 856,021 370 0 1 0 779 0 4 2 870 875 881

030 o 2 1 021

885 179 0 191 0 213 0 215 0 225 0 400 207 0 377 0 394 0 J48 () 449 0 477 0 495 0 '196 0 526 0 531 0 535 0 54:l 0 544 0 551 0 557 0 561 0 563 0 570 0 574 0 577 0 :'8'J. 0 588 0 599 0 G02 0 606 0 (n3 0 635 773 817 835 896 943 962

1050 1078 ]087 1001 1109 1110 HU 11]2 1113 1114-1115 1142 1182 1318 18t!7 1354 1360 1379

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o 10 o 3 1 1 010 1 0

o 10 OU 2 7 1 3 1 0 1 6 010 2 6 1 3 010 010 2 1 2 1 o 10 2 1 6 3 0]0 010 2 1 010 2 1 2 1 2 1

1 2 6

1 2 1 o 10 1 0 010 2 8 o 10 1 1 2 7 () 5 o 10 o 10 .5 3 4 8 3 1 2 7 2 7

7 2 7 2 10 5 3 'J 2 1 1 o 10 o 10 o 10

i 0 1 1 o 010

i 0 2 7 '.0 010 r

]-129 0 0 lO H31 0 010 14.200]0 147G 0 010 JA97 0 0 10 1302 0 0 10 1')1)9 0 0 10 -.512 0 0 10 1;;;35 0 0 10 15::)9 0 2 0 ].)-1G 0 0 11 15-19 . 0 1 1 15.55 0 0 10 1556 0 0 10 1597 0 0 10 1610 ,0 1 4

1659 11it53 1670

o 2 o 2 027



Name of Grantee.

Gl'aJlftm, Willimll Shea, Patrick, and "Ev[tll'~;

Jalnes. Pollett, Jane O'Bricl1, nTichael Cousins, George . Stephen, 'vVrn. Cook, Eu\varc1 Clinch, 1'homfts ". Bridgeml111, Joseph Silcoe k, Ann Cla.rke, J fLIUOS ... . •. Vlhitc1nu'st, JOl111 James rrhomas, George Henry Thomas, Charles Frederick KCn11)ton, Jalnes... .. Hogan, Patrick Joseph Fib;gernld, Micbael ... . .. 'Vainwright, Charles J ames ... lVlorgall, Henry... ... ." Wajnwright, Charles James Bridg'emttu, Joseph Webh, George

Do. J 011118011, fl'homas Gale, Hichard, and 'Brow~;

Iienry Willio,m 1\iorgan, Andrew... ,'_ Bu"rnes, Charlotte Cecili<1 Nevin, John, junr. N 8vin, lYIary ThOlnpson, rrhoma.s Stonehouse Sholl, H. W. Erikson RolInes, ElizfLbeth Al1nie Peirl, Edwa.rd

Do. Smith, J flllles lIenry '" Smith, JrtIDCS Henry, aJld

George Baston, junr. Chrt1'1es Urowther and Geol'ge

Baston Shaw, Rohert Cm"son Fngan, John ... '" .. . Hn,Y1l8s, Chtl.,l'les Henry .. . Rushtoll, John, Foss, Gerald

Lewis, Foss, VauglU1,ll Edgrtr

Ridley, :ilIinnn, Matheson, Daniel Fl'azer, Jlngh Su(lleli)~eor[;e ... . ..

Holmes, Robert Hardey Bateman, J o11n

.Do. Do. .Do. ... ... ... . ..

Josepbson, Abraha,ID Moisc, itull Gallop, Geo. l?rederick

Dnrlacher, Alfred Frcderick ... Langlin, vVilli.--tm McOlnskoy Hel'l)ert, Mrtry ." ". ... Clrtrk, James, and McKenzie,

John E<1ward Mills, John Newton

Do. Jose, "\Villitun John Doolan, Patl'ick ... '" ... Hutchinson, Robert David and

rrhomas . Stroud, r:ehomas 'tVilliam Kilpatrick, DfLVid '" Jlcstm', Ed:wa.rcl Norman Forrestr, Alexandcr, IIassell,

Arthur yVollaston, and FOl'l'cst, John

Do. Do.

Crowdcr, Frederick Thomas, aucl JJetchford, vVilliam

OUTrOn, Mu,ry .,' , .. deHamcl, Lancel Victor, and

Angus, McDonalcl Ha,rpcl', Richard .. Roberts, 'Villiam De Hmue1, T,. V. Taylo]', J. H. ... . .. COlllptOll, Edward Alfre(l ]'10ng"cr, J o11n Henry Dockrcl1, Hcrbert John rruc]wy, John, and Tuckey,

Oh:lTles Do ....


Certificates of Title awaiting Delivery-(Uontinued).

Town or District in which Lot is situated.

Victoria Location Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "

Bl'oome, Town Do. "

Busselton, Town Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. "

Cossack, Town Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "

Carnarvon, rrown Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Doodlaldn, Fremantle,

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Subn. Town



Do. " North Fremantle GOl'alcltoll, rrown

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Perth, frown Rocbournc, rrown

Sou1;hern Cross, Town Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Wyndh:l1n, Augusta, Snbn.


1685 1706

1745 1766 ° 2 1 1771 0 2 1 1799 0 2 11 1809032 1818025 1821 0 2 6 1822021 1833 1°21 18"0 0 2 1 l&n 0 4 2 184·2 0 2 1 1815 ° 2 1 1848 0 4 2 1849 0 2 1 1850 0 1 1851021 18i0021 1877021

57 0 0 10 58 0 0 10 6J 0 0 10


200 0 0 3

~g~ I g n8 204 0 0 10 163 0 0 11 339;012 340 0 t) 10 3H 0 1 1 314 0 010 3·17 0 1 0 116 0 010 153 0 1 4


69 0 0 11 137 0 0 10 157 0 1 " sa 0010

162 0 0 10 2080010 12 0 0 6

955 0 .) 2 1008 0 2 6

630'110 759 0 3 9 791 0 a 7 796 0 3 ·1

1022 0 3 2 779 0 3 4

1080 I 0 2 9 P 75

605 0 8 G89 0 1 3 110 0 0 10

025 013 019 o 2 1 021

o 011

13 0 5 21 0 2 8 23 0 2 1

30 0 2 1 38 0 1 4-,18 0 2 4

B9 0 0 .:\ 47 0 1 4 55 0 3 0 89 0 1 8 90 0 1 1 96 0 1 0 93 0 2 4

132 0 0 4

Name of Grantee,

Kenny, Drmiel, and Jmneson, Adul1l

Jamesoll, Adam, and Kenny, Daniel

Do. Do. ... ... ... . ..

Hevron, Pat1'ick John, and HCVl'Oll, Ambrose Jmnes

Hevron, John Patrick, and Hevron, .Alnbrose JUllles

KemlY, Daniel, <1lld Jameson, Adam

Jameson, Adam, and Kenny, Daniel

Do. Do.

Kenny, Daniel, ;~~cl J~~~eso~~ Aclanl

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Jallleson, Adam;''and 'Kenny; Daniel

Do. ... . .. FOl'rest, SiT John Jmueson, Adam, and 'Kenny~

Daniel Kenny, Dmliel, and Jameson,

Aduln Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do ....

Day, Ja.lues ... ". Robinson, George DevCl'ell Huincs, TIlOresa Jane J1iaher, John ". Pearse, William SHas, an(l

Pearse, George Muher, John

Do. Do. Do. ... ... ... . ..

]}foOl'e, Samuel Fortescue, and Waldeck, Henry Fleteher

Fnchs, Carl Do. ... . ..

J1fartin, ThOluas , . Do ....

Martin, Henry Sadler, George , .. Scwell, Decimns, and 'Smiti~~

Echvarc1 Lewis Donegan, ThOlnas Gibhs, Henry ... White, Jabez

Do. Do. Do. Do. ....

Burt, Sept,imus and I.{ayne·s~ Edwarc1 Willimn

Gibbs, Henry Righton . Butcher, William White, J"bez Gibbs, Stephell Jabez White, Jabez

Do. Gibbs, Henry Butcher, William

Do. Fo1'l'est, Alexander Butcher, William Fon'est, Alexander '" ... Buckingham, John & Bucking-

!lmn Hugh James Thfag-nire, John Gibbs, Stephen Mttrtin, J esse Bntcher, WHliam Andrews, William

Do. Quartermaine, Elijah

Do. Do. Do.

Deer, Charles Jmncson, Ada.m,

I Do. " and Kenny, i Bucklancl Hill, Sub~:

133 0 0 4 135 0 0 3 49 0 2 3

TAttle, Charles Quinn, James Reilley, lInehae1 Monday, James Tuckey, J ames Brodie, Robert ... McI..Jal'ty, Eclwal'd Herron, Ruchel Pawcett, Theodol'e

Daniel Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... ... . ..

Hovroll, Patrick John, and JIovron, Ambl'ose James

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

50 0 3 4 56,024 61 . 0 1 3 64 0 1 6 65 0 1 8 68 0 1 7 73 0 1 7 74 0 2 9

Saeller, George ... '" ... BUllbury, William Ricbal'dson Giblett, John Giblett, George ...

Do .... Giblett, J esse ... Gib1et.t, Amos Wells ... Staek, William Patriek

[J UNE 9, 1892.

TOWll or Dish-iet in which Lot is situated.

Bucldand Hill, Subn.


Do. Do. Do.




Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. "

Cottesloe, Subn. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Chuence, Snbll.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. "

Denison, Subn.

Grccnmount, Snbn .. Do. "

Ke1mseott, SUbll. Do. Do, "

lIIe1ville, SUbll. . .. MOOrlllUbinc, Snon ..

Tooclyay, Subn. Canning Loc.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ".,.

Kojonup Loc .. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "

Murray Loc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Ne~~;' Lo~. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


83 0 2 4

860210 87 0 2 10 93 0 1 10

94 0 2 4

98 0 2 3

102 0 2 10

103 0 2 3 106 0 2 11 123 0 2 10

126 0 1 10 129 0 2 5

8 0 3 7 15 0 2 5 29 0 1 2 17 0 2 6 23 0 2 6

24 0 2 6 26 0 3 3 36 0 2 6

2 0 0 8

4 0 0 7 H 0 0 6 If> 0 0 6 18 0 0 5 19 0 0 5 21 0 0 5 2:) 0 0 8 58 0 1 3 20 0 0 5 39 0 1 3 49 0 0 11

52 0 1 3 88 0 0 5 89 0 0 6 93 0 0 8

6 0 0 1

119 0 2 3 120 0 1 8 10 0 1 5 12 0 0 7 17 0 0 8 96 0 1 7 17 0 1 0

P 13 0 0 4 10 0 2 1 83 0 0 10 84 0 0 3

108 0 0 10 110 0 0 10 121 0 3 2 123 0 0 3

H2 0 2 3 144 0 0 10 B5 0 2 1 H9 0 010 155 0 1 6 156 0 3 11 181 0 0 10 196 0 1 1 198 0 1 3 241 0 2 1 2;38018 2,12 0 0 10

~55 0 256 0 258 0 290 0 291 0 70 0 71 0

136 0 o o o

o 3 o 3 o 3 2 6 2 1 010 o 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

137 138 139 155 166 o ·010

1~~ 0'0 lO 90 0 1 1 94 0 2 7

135 0 1 8 143 0 0 10 144 0 010 147 0 2 1 128 0 0 3 173 0 1 1 18i 0 1 1 267 0 0 10 190 0 0 11 202 0 1 2 140 0 0 :)


JUNE 9, 1892.J

?\ume of Grantee.

Locke, Mordaunt Enstace Fitz-"nen

SeoU, John, jun. ," _ .. Taylor, Joseph ... ... '" Lockyer, Georg'c J oseph, Lock.

),"e1', Horace Bassett, Lock. yer, Alfred Brooks, Lock­yer, Elliot Agett

]Iool'c. vV 111. Dalgety, Dur­lacher, Alfred Frederick, and l"ergUSOll, J o11n Maxwell

Do. ... '" Reader, John R .. Yutes, V{illiaru ... ." ... Clul'ksOll, Bel'narcl Drumnlond Sheparc1, John Larwood, Eel'ward B;YTne, Eclmullcl ... ." Bradley, Willittm GeOl'ge Sadlm', GeOl'ge ... . .. Clinch, James ... ," LCllHard, George BUl'rett Hay, David ." Stone, Frank :ilfends Dean, Thomas ... ." Moore, ViilIiam Dalgety Spice, Charles Alldrmrs, Thomas Padbury, vValter .. 30nos, Robt. ... ". 1'\Tarl'en, Echvd. Arthur Manning', Jane Leach, GeOl'go ... ", Clunc, Jeremiah and John Oli ,el', Elizllbcth lHary Hemiug',vfty, Joseph ," ". Bunoury, vVillianl Hichardson l\iort, Samuel ." ,,, ' .. Bunbury, '\'lilliam Richal'dsOll

Do .... Peirl, Eclw::tl'd I-Iiggins~ J o11n, senl'. Smith, Jo1m J\1iller, J olm Pl1Tser, Joseph 13oddington, Ilcnry I __ avcl1c1er, vVillia,m

Do. Andrews, V{il1ia,m Lnkin, \Villimn ... ". Cradc1ock, Daniel \Villimn Spanswick, Richard

Do .... Lilly, Edwarcl Shacldick, ,\Villimn KCl'sley, Egertol1 Cowchcr, GeOl'gc St;1nfo~~i

Francis and Cowcher, John Eclward

]'fcKenna, Clml'los ]'1a,rs11, Charles Hame1'sley, 3Ylalcolm Travel's Cowcher, Georgo Stunford

Francis, and Cowcher, John Ed,va1'cl

Pollard, Gco1'ge ... ... . .. ]'1001'e, ,,\Villiam DnJgety, Dur­

lacher, Alfred 1"!rederick, Ferguson, J ol1n ].:Iaxwell

Do. Keen, Thomas ]Iullc1ay, ,,\Villiam


Certificates of Title awaiting Delivery-(Contintted).

'£0''''11 01' District in which Lot is situated.

Nelson Loc.


NO~b" L;;e.


Do. " Onslow, Town Swan Loc. _ ..

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

sus~~~ L~~. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. " _"

"\Villiams Loc ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.


59 73

882 918 981

1011 10-17 109. 1U3 1158 1162 1174 1181 1186 1189 1211 1226 12:)2 1253 1256 1257 1271 1277 1307 IllS 1:30 U!·t 1:36 187 178 17G 190 196 ;)25

70 99

100 110 139 148 157 158 195 201 211 217

220 221 257 258

266 267

268 272 275

o 010 o 010 o 010


o 1 012 o 0 10 013 o 010 021 o 2 1

059 o 010 003 o 0 Cl o 0 Cl o 1 o 2 1 o 2 1 021 021 021 o 2 1

021 021 003 003 Q 0 2 013 003 o 0 3 o 2 1 o 010 003 o 010 o 010 027 027 027 027 o 010 o 0 10 o 0 10 o 0 10 o 010 o 010 011

o 1 021 020 o 2 1

o 2 1 o 2 1

o 2 o 2 o 2

N ume of Grantee.

Hignett, Henry Do. ... ... ...

Qllinn, nIichael J allH~S .

Pritchard, Charles, and Prit­chard, J ames

Do. ... . .. Oohen, Emanuel ..

Do. ... ... ... ..' Forrest., Alexftnder, und Ham-

ilton, John Thomas Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... ... ..

Campbell, Archiba]cl Hew Blackwood

FOl'l'est, Alexander, and IIam-ilton, John rrllOmas

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ..

Oa111phe11, Archiba,lcl I-Iew Blackwoocl

Fon'est, Alexander and Hamil­ton, John Thomas

Campbell, Archihrtlcl Hew Blackwood

Forrest, Alcxandcl', and Halllil­ton, J 01111 ~nlOll1aS

Do. ... ... ." 0(11np1)e11, Archibalcl Hew

Bladnvood Forrest, Alexander, a.nd Ham-

ilton, J Oh11 'rhornas Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... . ..

Camphell, Arehibald Hew Blackwood

Forrest, Alexander, andIlamil-tOll, J 01111 Thomas

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Town or District in which Lot is situated.

Williams Loc .... Do. Do. "

Derby, Town

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.




Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

£ s. d. 28.3 0 2 1 2S.t021 307 0 3 2

3 0 2 2

4 0 2 4 9 0 0 11.

n 0011 16 0 1 3

26 0 1 11 102 0 1 5 106 0 1 6 107 0 1 6 109 0 1 6 131 0 1 2 15:,012 1590111 161 0 1 8 167 0 1 6 16D 0 1 '} 171 0 1 7 186 0 1 5 10:3 0 1 6 19·t017 197 0 I 2 199 0 1 4 205 0 1 1

206 0 1

207 0 7 2J5 0 1 2 218 0 0 10 219 0 0 10 220 0 0 10 2370111 2380111 2:39 0 1 10 2·10019 2,HOlll 2"1-1 0 6 295 0 2 1 298 0 2 0 311 0 '} 5

325 0


o 2 10

o 211 019

333 0 1 9

33·} 0 1 11 3cJ.l 0 1 6 342 0 1 6 34·:3 0 1 5 344 0 1 5 3,15 0 1 0 347 0 1

340 0 8

350 0 1 9 351 0 1 8 352 0 2 0 35:3021 35t 0211

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Registers of Gun Licenses.

T1'eaSw,'Y, Pm'th, 7th J1me, 1892.

THE following persons have been duly licensed under month of ]}fay, 1892.

"The Gun License Act, 1885," during the


9 10

Name in full.

John Sinclair Henry Leeder

10 Stephen Workman 11 Alfred Beazley


North Newcastle Newcastle

Northam Do.



... I Butcher ...

.. , Storekeeper ... NORTHAM.

..., Plumber

... Storeman ... [ ...

19-5-92 30-5-92

By ,yhom issued.

I} Sub-Collector.

;~~~~~ I} Sub-Collector.

JOHN FORREST, Colonial Treasurer.




METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the week ending 14tn May, 1892.

Barometer correoted and reduced to Temperature ill Shade. ; Radiation Thermometers exposed. sea. level and 32 deg. Fah. "O~ §

Lat Enrlin ,. Dry Bulb .. ___ ~ __ ~_~.___ f~~ Extreme Readings. . g Extreme Rendmgs. Extreme Readings. ~~ .~ .......

Mnx. Min. It:ean. Cl ~ f Date. ~ t:.~ Max. ':D ~+='

~ 5~ s:= :~B ~o




§ ~

1 ~ '"

73 52 62 78 13th 45 11, 0'47

METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the week ending 21st of May, 1892.

y .. . ... 17~ 12340 11708 114.57 11339 11486 11647 11552 11533 11545 11538 12155 11754

21st May do.

~~ ~~ ~m ~~ 3~22 3O~ 3O~ 30~5 ~w 30~4 30ti 3~26

30'01 20,21 30'09 18, 19 30'09 19th 30·]2 15th 30'3;' do. 30'45 16th 30'47 15th 30'42 16th 30'47 do. 30'48 do. 30'48 c]o. 30'49 do.

29'82 I 15th 92 66 79 I 94 16, 18 62 19, 21 I I 37 t 3 t 3

14 t .]

E. E.

S.E. Var.

S.E . ,E. N.W. Var.

I 14'99 [ 27

; 6'06 12 3'90' 13 2'80 I 9

37 40 87 23 i 26 '

wk .. . mrton ilrvon Iclton

b. nest Ul,ntle nu'y ~rance Bay ny ...

::mrton tarvou ,Iclton ,c .h "nest nantle bury erauce Bfty tuy ..

by ... ::;ack bUl.'ton tlfLl.'VOU aldton k th tllest mantle lbury )(.~ra,llce Bay any


n4S U~ ~~ m~ m~ mw ~m Mlli MW ~~

1718 123 20,10 117 21,13 IH 2-± 52 113 28 ·1·6 11-1 3153 116 3157 115 3159 115 3203 115 3818 115 3:l50 121 3502 117

1718 123 ,10 20 ·10 117 OS 21 ~]'3 11+ 57 24, 52 11339 2816 lU 36 m.53 1164.7 3157 11552 3159 11533. 32 o:~ 115 ·15 i 3:\ 18 115 381 8:; 50 l:l155 3502 11751

do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

28th May do. do. do. do. do. cIa. do. do. do. do. do.

31st May do. do. clo. do. do. do. do. do. do. clo. clo.

2~89 2~99 ~~ 3~04 ~w ~oo W~ ~m 2~91 ~ffi 2~88 W~

29'95 30'08 30'18 30·21 30·3i ;'0'21 30'27 30'25 80'27 80'25 30'10 30'16

30'00 22nd 30'07 28th 30'15 27th 30'18 clo. 30'23 do. 30'11 do. 30'16 do. 30'00 do. 30·]4 do. 30'11 do 30'08 22nd 30'02 27th

29'9'; i 16th 80 64 72 89 15th 61 20th ... ... 71 29'98 ! do. 84 58 71 90 do. 51 16th 76 53 65 29'95 21st 80 51 65 86 21st 44 do. 62 46 48 29'08 do. 73 53. 6:) SO 20th ·17 15, 17 62 47 M 29'90 do. 69 31.' 52 79 21st 32 17th 56 33 58 '" '" 29 '84 . do. 69 46 57 78 do. 41 16, 17 58 ,12 65 116 38 125' 21 33 29'90 do. 67 51 59 71 15, 20 47 16th 60l 50 88 29'86 do. 68 48 58 78 do. 41 do. 56 44 53 20'89 do. 64 4·j 54 70 do. 38 16, 18 57 43 72 30'09 . do. 63 48 55 72 do. 39 20th 57 46 78 29'86 ,do. 61 49 55 68 clo. 45 do. 55 46 76

METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the week ending 28th of May, 1892. 29'80 29'89 29'98 29'95 2D'94 29'74 29'80 29'79 29'72 29'72 29'7·1 29'61

24th 26th 25th do.

23rd do. do. 24th 23rd do. 24th 23rd

86 79 79 79 70 68 68 67 69 65 66 63

60 61 52 50 57 48 53 51 55 49 48 48

73 70 61 65 63 58 60 59 62 57 57 55

88 81 80 82 74 71 74 71 76 71 71 70

22nd 25,27 23, 27 231'd 25th 26th 23rd do.

27th 23rcl do. do.

54 I 23rd 58 28th 49 do. 4S do. 50 do. 40 27th 45 do. 42 26th ~ 27th 38 do. 42 28th ,14 do.

73 62 64 60 62 64 61 59 58 58

si ,17 53 46 50 49 52 46 47 47

55 68 73 48 70 70 75 82 70 78 72 82

." 1

119 49 128 26th 40 27th


ii t 1

10 6 5

t 2 t 3

7 t 4

8 ii

t 2 9 5 4

METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS for the three days ending 31st of May, 1892. 30'03 30'20 30'26 30'81 30·39 30'32 30'38 30·:n 30'38 30':31 30'22 30'31

30th. I 29'87 29th 89 61 75 91 30th 57 31st 33 I r ... I t 5 do. 30'02 31Rt 76 53 60l 78 do. 50 do. ... '" 54 '" I .... t 4

31st so·n 2Hth 77 48 62 79 29th 45 30th 70 4S 50 '" 18 30th 30'10 31st 76 42 59 78 30th 39 do. 54 41 43 ' ... t 4 do. 30'31 29th i 66 '17 61 69 29th 45 31st 59 47 70

81st 30'16 do. 63 37 50 65 31st 35 29th 56 35 n ... ... H. ...

do. :30'17 do. 6'3 44 53 6t 29th 42 29, 31 57 ·12 76 117 @ 126 29th 36 31st ... do. 30'21 I do. 68 43 55 6·]' 31 st 45 29th 59 47 87 9 do. 30'21 do. 62 47 55 65 29th 41 31st 56 45 7.5 t 1 do. 30'20 30th 62 ,12 52 65 do. 36 30th 58 40 79 10 do. 11 29'96 29th 61 45 58 64 do 4S 29th 54 44 72 18 30th 30'02 do. 57 49 53 58 30, 31 ,14 do. 5i 46 81 13

E. S. E. E.

S.E. S.£. Var. Var.

E. E.

S.E. E.,N. S.W. N.W. Var. W.

Var. S.

N.W. Var.

N.E. S.E. S.E. N.E.

E. Calm Calm S.E.! S.E. S.

Var. S.W.

E. S.E. Var. N.E. S.E.

S. Var. Var.

S.E. W. S.

S.,W. S.W. N.W. S.W. S.W. S.W.

S. W.


N.W. Var. Var.

S. E.

S.W. S.W. S.E. S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W.

0'21 0'26

0'39 0'08 0'55 1'10 0'82 0'08 0'89 0'60

6:29 0'41 1'28 0'90 2'74 2'28 3'18 7'27 1'46 4'56

0:05 0',15 0'95 1'07 1'22 0']0 1'57 0'63

2 6'42 13 1 2'68 17 1 3'12 25

1 I' 3'07 18 1 2'91 28 1 .5'09 18 1 10'20 35 5 8'08 57

i 2 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 6

14'99 27 6'06 12 4'19 14 3'21 11 7'70 19 3'58 24 5'86 31 5'39 24 6'09 35

12'64 26 11'66 41 12'00 63

14'99 27 6'06 12 4'19 14 3'21 11

1 7'75 20 1 4'03 29 2 6'81 33 2 6'46 26 2 7'28 37 2 12'74 28 3 13'23 44 3 13'26 66

44 ..... 39 4 : 0'55 2:3 29 :\5 68 77

1 5

26 40 58 78 80 I 4 8f) 66 96 75


o 2

19 12 H 50 I 79 3 73 24 58 90 75

The Observations are taken at 9 a.m.; the Barometer is also registered at 3 p.m., the Mean of the two readings being here • taken. t Force by Beaufort's scale. MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Met.eorological Reporter.

"'" <!i:)


Q o <: trJ

~ ~ trJ Z H

Q po. N trJ H H pJ

~ po.

~ d !Z t.'<j


I-' 00 <:.0 ~



Department of Lands and Stt1"veys,

l'e1·th, 26th April, 1892.

I N accordance. with the r~qu~rements of.Olause 76 of the Land R.:;gulatiolls, it is ~ereby notified t,hat. the undermentIOned ApphcatIons for POIson Leases, under Olause lb of the Regulat.IOns, have been recelved

at this Office :-'


78 56



I District.

Jl,Iichael Brown Avon , ..

Louis F. V"nzuilecom Kojonup

John 'j'honms VV. Chipp~r, of Kojonup Narrogin, and

Jean 1\'[ario Francois Pierre Gallc, of Alhany

John Thomtts VV. Chipper, of Narl'ogill, and

J ettnlYIarie Fmncois Pierre Gttlle, of Alb"ny.

! Kojonup

Area. J~omldal'ics.

acres. i 10,000 Bounded by lines starting- from the North-east


corner of Avon Location 2Hl, and ext.ending- South about 227 chains along- pl1l't of that Location's East boundarv, then East to the VV 8stern side of the road from Y;l'k to the vVilliams, then along said road Northward to the South houndary of Avon Location 1730, then along- part of said houndary to the start ing point,

2,000 I Bounded hy lines starting- from the North-west corner of Kojonup Loca,tion 133, and extending- South ·W chains and East about 70 cha,ins ttlong thttt Loca­tion's vVest and South boundaries; thence South ttbout 74 chains; theneo vVest 35 chains, South 25 chains, and East 35 chains along- the North, West, and South boundaries of Kojonnp Location 216; thence

1, South about 10 chains ttlong- part of the ,Vest bound ary of S.O.L. :it,,; then vVest to the Ettst.ernmost

i bounclttry of Poison Lettse "f,o; then North to a spot due ,Vest from the North-west corner of Kojonup Locn,tion 133, and then Ettst to the stttrting point.

1,000 i Bounded by lines stttrting from a spot on the Northern side of road from Kojonup to Katttnning at its int~rsection with the ,Vestern boundary of Ko­jonup Location 256, and extending- North about 163 cImins, vVest about 58 cImins, South ttbout 190 chttins

i then "long- said road Eastward to the starting- point.

2,000 Bounded by lines starting- from the N orth-etLst corner of Reserve 1936, ttnd extending North about 130 cImins, ,Vest ttbout 180 chains, South about 90 elutins, East ttbout 80 clmins, South about 40 cImins to the North-west corner of sttid Reserve 1936, and thence ttlong- its North houndttry to the stttrtin", point.


78 7U

78 80

John 'l'homas 'N. Chipper, of ~al'rogin, and

J ettn lYIttrie Fmncois Pierre Gttlle, of Albany.


I John Thomas VV. Chipper, of Kojonup

N ttlTog-in, and J ettn Mttrie Fmncois Pierre Gttlle,

of Albany.

Henry Bull i, Avon ...

W. T. Jones, junr. I K' ... oJonup

1,000! Bounded on the South ttnd East by lines starting from tt spot on the North boundttry of Poison Lettse tt, situate 50 chajns Ettst from its intersection with Carlecatup Creek, and extending- West 100 chttins,

i and North 100 chains, the opposite boundaries being­I pttmllel and equttL

1,000 Bounded on the South and Ectst by lines stttrting' from a spot on the North boundttry of Poison Lease tt'" situate 50 chains Ettst from its intersection with iJttrlectttup Creek, ttnd extending West 100 chttins, and North 100 chains, the opposite boundttries being pttmllel ttnd equttL

6,299 Bounded by lines stttrting- from the South-east corner of Avon Loctttion 43, and extending- ° deg-rees 52 minutes 20 chains ttlong- tlmt Location's Ettstern boundary; thence East 6 chains 50 links; thence N vrth 228 chttius 12 links along- pttrt of the Ettstern boundttry of Poison Lease ,1h,; thence Ettst 253 clmins 34 links ttlong- the South boundary of Poison Lettse 2&0; thence South 248 chains 12 links pttssing through the North-west corner of Poison Lettse 2&1" and ttlong- pttrt of its West boundttry; and thence 260 clmins 14 links ttlong- the North boundary of Poison Lettse 2 ~3 to the st.ttrting' point. Bearing-s true.

1,000 Bounded on the i\'orth ttucl Ectst by lines stttrting-from the South-west corner of Kojonup Loctttion60, ttnel ext.ending- West 100 chttins, ttucl South 100 chttins, the opposite boundttries being pttmllel ttnd equttl.



Applications for Poison Leases, under Clause 78 of the Land Regulations-continued.

Ko. Name. District.

I 7." Edward Lewington Avon -b~Y ... ... '" .. ,




Bounded 011 the Nm'th and East by lines startin g 1 from a spot situate 20 chains 41 links North, and 6

chains 24 links East from a junction of two brooks said junction being situate l} miles South-west fron the South-west corner of Poison Lease "tu, and ex tending West 122 chains 48 links, and South 4 o chains 82 links, the opposite boundaries being pal' aHel and equal.

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.


Depm·trnent of Lands ancl StO"veys, Pe;'th, yth June, 1892.

THE undermentioned Allotments of Land will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, on the elates and at the places specified in the Schedule below; at 11 o'clock, a.m.


J)atos of Sale. Places of Sale. Description of Lots. Nmnbcl's of Lots. Quantities.

Upset Pnces. a. r. p.

1892. June 9 Geraldton ... Geralclton ... ... '1'own 598 ... . .. 1 0 32

}£50 each . Do. 9 Do. ... ... Do. ., . ... Do. 614 ... . .. 0 3 13 Do. 10 Perth ... ... Moojebing ... Do. 15 . .. . .. 1 1 35

1£12 each . Do. 10 Do. ... ... Do. ... . .. Do. 29 ... '" 1 1 3 July 1 Do. ... ... Onslow ... .. . Do. 74 ... .. . 1 0 0 I £30. Do. 6 Katanning ... Pinwernying ... Sub. 8 ... . .. b 1 8 £3 per acre. Do. G Roebourne ... Shellborough '" Town 1 ... 0 2 0 1 ... I Do. 6 Do. ... ... Do. ... ... Do. 2 ..' . .. 0 2 0 ~£10 each. Do. 6 Do. ... . .. Do. ... ... Do. 3 ... . .. 0 2 0 J Do. 7 Geraldton ... Geraldton ... . .. Do. 603 . .. ... 1 0 32 £50 . August 5 Southern Cross Southern Cross ... Do. 5,1; ... .. . 0 1 0 ')

Do. 5 Do. ... ... Do. ... ... Do. 59 ... .., 0 1 0 1

Do. 5 Do. ... ... Do. ... .., Do. 69 ... .. . 0 1 0 r£30 each. Do. 5 Do. ... '" Do. ... .., Do. 78 ... ... 0 1 0 il Do. 5 Do. .. , ... Do. ... ... Do. 79 ... .. . 0 1 0 I) ,

W. E. MARMION, Commissioner of Crown Lands.


'l'ransfcl' of LamL Act, 1874.

T AKE NOTICE that Dltniel Glyn vVatkins of Fremantle clerk in holy orders and Ec1wltrd Horlle vVittenoom

of Gentldton esquire have made application to be register­ed ltS the proprietors of ltn estltte in fee simple in posses­sion in the following' parcels of land situate in the Avon District viz. :-

LOCATIONS P 3 AND P <to Location P 3 (2250 acres).

Bounded on the Sogth-West by a North-North-vVest line by compass 120 chains 8 links in length commencing at a spot :l·W chains East-North-East by compass from right bank of Avon River said East-North-Enst line passing throng'h n spot 12S0 chains North-North-vVest l)y compass from centre of the stem of the mm'ked snmmit tree on Jlilount B>tkewell

Bounded on the N01·th-East by a line parallel to the South-'West l)olll1dary and measuring in length 147 chains 50 links

Bounded on the North- West by an East-North-East and vVest-South-West line by compass 160 chains in length and

On the South-East by a line extending East-North-East by compass 59 chains 42 links then South-South-East by compass 27 chains 50 links and finally East-N orth-East by compass 100 chains 46 links to the North-East boundary.

Location P 4 (30·10 acres). Bounded on the South-East by an Enst-North-East line

(all the bearings here given being magnetic) 152 chains in length passing through a spot 1400 chains North-North­vVest from centre of tbe stem of the marked summit tree on JYlount Ba,]mwell

Bounded on the So'uth-West by a North-North-'West line 200 chains in length passing through a spot 3GO chains East-North-Ea,st from right ba,nk of the Avon Eivor at, the Northcrn boundm'y of Northam towllsite the S>tid Northern boundary being a continuation of a 'W cst-Sonth-vV est line 120 cl1'1.in8 distant to the South-South-K'Lst from that which forms the South-East bouncbry hcrein first des­cribed

Bounded on the North-West by a line parallel and equal in length to the South-East boundary >l,nd

un the Xodh-East by a line parnJlel and equal in length to the South-v Vest boundary.

AND FUR'l'HER TAKE NOCl.'ICE that all persons other than the applicants claiming to have any estnte right title or interest in the above parcels of bnd ARE HERE])Y REQUIRED to lodg'e in this Office on or before the 18th day of June next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

ALFRED E. BURT, Land Titles' Office, Perth, } Registrar of Titles.

27th May, 1892. Pa?'7'e?' (5' Parke?', Pe;·th, Applicants' Solicit01's.



102 D2

T AKE NOTICE that Henry Briggs of Fremantle school­master has made application to be reg'istered as the

proprietor of ,Ul esta,tc in fee simple in possession in the following parcel of land situate in Frenmntle aforesaid viz,:-

Ji'l'emanile Snbm'ban Lot S. 22

containing 5 acres and having a frontage of 4 chains 76 links to iYIandumh Road with a depth of 10 chains 50 links.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY R,EQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 18th day of June next a c(weat forbidding the sallle frolll being brought under the opemtion of the Act,

Land Titles' Office, Perth, 'I 28th J'iIay, 1892. 5

ALFRED E. BURT, Registmr of Titles.

Leake, James, L)' Kicison, Ji')'cmantle, Applicant's Solicitoj·s.

H 'l'nmsfer of Land Act, 1874, Sect. 51.

T AKE NOI'ICE that George Glyde and Alfred Lowe executors of the will of John Taylor deceased have

made applica,tion to be registered as the l)roprietors of fm estate in fee simple in possession in the followin g parcels of land viz. :-

vYilliams ~,ocations 7 [l,nd 27 Do. 24 and part of 21 Do. 67 Do. 72 Do. 96 Do. 96

Avon LOCl1,tion 089 vV illimns IJocaJion 84 Avon Location 1171 vVilliams Location 170

Tol. II. II.


X. XV.

.. ,XXVII.

... XXIX.

Fo1. 81 82

3;35 322 336 8a7

78 aD

388 360

AND FUR'l'HER 'l'AKE N O'l'ICE that all persons other than the applicants c:laiming to have any estr,te right title or interest in the ahove parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQumED to lodge in this OfHce on or before the 18th (by of June next at ccwectt forbidding the sa.Il1e fron1 being registered accordin gly .

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles' Offico, Perth, I 28th l\by, 1892. 5

01 92

Stone <5. Bw·t, Perth, Applicants' SoZicitors.


T AKE NO'l'ICE that John Francis O'Dwyer of South :Melbourne Victoria draper executor of the will of

Thomas Walsh deceased has made application to be regis­tered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possess­ion in the following parcels of land sitmtte in the town of Perth viz. :-

Vol. fol. Sub-division 1 of Perth

Town Lot H 118 XXVI. 249 Sub-divisions 4,9, 50, 51

and 52 of Perth Town Lots H 117 & 120 XXVI. 250

Sub-divisions 15 and J6 of Perth Town Lot H 120 XXVI. 251

AND FURTHER TAKE N OTIOE that all persons other than ~he applicant claiming to have any estate right title or mterest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQumED to lodge in this Office on or before the 2Mh day of June next f1: caveat forbidding the same from being registered accordmg ly.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, l 31st May, 1892. j

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Stone 0" Bw·t, Pedh, Applicant's Solicitors.

GAZETTE, "\tV.A. 435

9 ;, 02 'l'ransfel' of Land Act, 1074, tlectioll 51.

T AKE NOTICE that IVilliam Thorley Loton of Pel,th and J olm Allpike of Guildford executors of the will

of .Tames Dyer deceased have m~lde application to be regis­tered as the proprietors of an estate in fee simple in pos­session in the following parcels of land viz :-

Avon Location Do.

Albany'1'own Lot Do.

712 738 202 336

Portion of Perth Town Lot Ln

16 & 17 18 28

N ortl111,111 Town Lots Do.

York Town Lot Albany Town Lot Sub-division 3 of Perth

'1'own Lot Sub-division 4 of Perth

'1'own Lot Sub-division8cL< of Swan

Location S.W. ~. of Perth Town

Lot Avon Location

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.





L9 249 264 344 884 388 461 462 482 593 596 604


vol. n.

Ill. Ill.









101. 116 no 296 14.i7

137 805 199 258 227




368 4,

" cL·6 AND FURTHEr< TAKE NO'rrCE tha,t all persons other than

the applicants claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY ItEQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before th0 11th day of June next a wveat forbidding the same from being registered accordingly.

ALFRED E. BUR'1" Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, ( 25th JYhy, 1892. j

Stone 'f B1tJ't, Pe~·th, Applicants' Solicitors.

of Laml 51.

T AKE NOI'ICE that lYIary .Tane JYIonger widow and HerbOl't JYlonger householder both of York executrix

executor and devisees in trust of and under the will of J oseph '1\lY 101' Monger deceased hrwe made applicaticm to be registered as the proprietors of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following' parcel of la,nd sitWlte in the A von District viz. :-

60 (Wl'CS of Location D as comprised in Certificate of Title Vo1. II. fo1. 241.

AND FUR'l'HER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicants claiming to have any estate right title 01'

interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEREBY REQUlr<ED to lodge in this Office on or before the 11th (by of June next a caveat forbidding the same from being registered accordingly.

ALFRED E. BUR'f, Land Titles' Office, Perth, ( Registmr of '1'itles.

20th iYIay, 1892. )

211) Ul

Shall q' F01~1l,es, Perth, Applicants' SoliciioTS.

Transfer of Land Act, 1874.

T AKE NO'frCE that Robert lY1ilne Walker of Fremantle accountant has made applic,ltion to be registered as

the proprietor of ,111 estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcel of land situate in the town of York viz.:-

Sgburban Lot 253 containing' 4 acres 3 roods and 8 perches and having' front­ages of 6 chains 16 links to Northam Road and 9 chains 41 links to Radmor Road.

AND FUr<THER TAKE NO~'ICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title 01'

interest in the above parcel of land ARE HEltEBY HEQUIRED to lodge in this Office on 01' hefore the 11th day of June next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, ( 20th lYIay, 1892, )

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Leake, James, 0" Kidson, Fremcmtle, Appliccmt's Solicitors.



Transfer of Land Act, lS74.

T AKE NOTICE thn,t Thomas Troy of Victoria Plains shcphcrd Patrick Troy of Gemldton Inspector of

Police Bric1get Troy of Victoria Plains John Troy of York lab01'er and Mary Ann Troy of Victoria Plains have made application to be reg'istered as the proprietors of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in York aforesaid viz.:-

Town Lots 311 and 312 containing together 2 acres 1 rood 24 perches and each having a frontage of 2 chains upon A von Terrace with a depth of'6 chains.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicants claiming to have any estate right title Or interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 25th clay of June next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

Land 'l'itles' Office, Perth, '( 31st May, 1892. )

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Stone <S' BUI't, Pe,'th, AppLicants' SoUcit01'S.


'Vl 'rransf'er of'Land Act, 1874, Section 51.

T AKE NOTICE that Charles Christmas of Northam farmer the executor of the will of George Christmas

deceased has made application to be registered as the pro­prietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land viz. :-

Volume. Folium. Avon Location 670 Northam Town Lot 66 .. .

Ill. ". 64 IV, ". 331 IV. ". 332 Northam Town Lot 67 .. .

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 2nd day of July next a caveat forbidding the same from being registered accordingly.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, '( 7th June, 1892. )

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Stone 4' Bu,·t, Pe"th, AppLicant's Solicito,·s.

11 5 0'2 '['ransfer of Land Act, 1874, Section ill.

T AKE NOTICE that lYladeline Viola Rose of Bunbury widow sole devisee under the will of Charles Rose

deceased has made application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in the Wellington District viz.:-

Sub-divisions 16 17 and 18 of Sub-divisions 26 and 27 of I,eschenault Location 26 as comprised in Certificates of Title Volume X. folium 225 and Volume XI. folium 361.

AND FURTHER 'I'AKE NO'I'ICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcels of land ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 2nd day of July next a cavent forbidding the same from being' registered accordingly.

Land Titles' Office, Perth, 51

3rd .June, 1892.

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles,

Henry Stanley, B1mbu,"y, Applicant's Solicitor.

'I/!.s7 Transfer of Land Act, 1874, Sect. 116,

T AKE NOTICE that the Commissioner of Titles having been satisfied of the truth of certain declarations

setting forth that Certificate of Title Volume XXXVIII. folium 125 comprising 9 acres 2 roods of Swan Location 429 Thomas Leslie Harbutt of Fremantle gentleman has been destroyed:

I shall on the 25th cby of .June instant issue a fresh Certificate in lien thereof.

Land 'l'itles' Office, Perth, I 4th June, 1802. (

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

Leake, .Jnmes, cl' I(idson, Fl'emantLe, Applicant's Solicitors.

l'ransfel' of l.Jl1lHl .r\('t, 1874.

T A.KE NOTICE that John Nugcnt warder James Healy laborer ThollHls William \Yhitely contractor

Johu Hancock mason John Fr"ncis 'Whitely clerk ~1Jl of Fremantle the present trustees of the " Sb~l' of the Sea" Branch No. 186 of Hibernian Austmlasian Cf1tholic Benefit Society have made application to be registorod as the proprietors of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcel of h1nd sittmtc in Fremantle aforesaid viz. :-

Town Lot 388 containing 2 roods and havino' a frontao'e of 2 chains to High Street with a depth of 2 ~hains 50 li~1ks.

AND FUR'I'HER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicants claiming to have [l,ny estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land artE HEREBY REQUlRED to lodge in thi s Office on or before thc 2nd day of July next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act, '

Land 'l'itles' Office, Perth, I 7th June, 1892. i

ALFRED E. BUR'I', Registmr of Titles.

B1w'nside <S' GawZel', Fnmantle, Applicants' Solicitm's.

62 9!f Tra.nsfer of Laud Act, 1;)74.

T AKE NOTICE that Joseph Pyke of York storekeeper o has made application to be registered as the proprietor

of an estate in fee simple in possession in tlw following parcel of land situate in York aforesn,id, viz.

BuiLding Lot 18 oontaining 1 acre and having a frontage of 1 clmin (i7 links upon Avon Terrace and Howick Street with a d"pth of (j chains,

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estnte right title or interest in the above parcel of land ARli] HEREBY REQUIRED to lodge in this Office on or before the 25th day of J lllie next a caveat forbidding the SlWl() from heinO' brouO'ht under the operation of the Act. ""

Land Titles' Office, Perth, } 31st May, 1892,

ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles.

SholL <S' FonLkes, Pm'th, A1JpLicants' SoLicitor.

Designs and Trade Marks Act, 1884.

No, piJ

I T is hereby notified that the "S .. lntaris Water Com­pany," of 236 Fulham Road, London, England, Dis­

tillers and Manufacturers of Aerated and Minernl vVaters, have applied to register the Trade Mark represented below:-

In Class 44, in respect of Mineral and AerateCl Waters, natural and artificial, including Ginger Beer:

Notice is hereby given that, unless it be shown to my satisfaction before the expiration of two months from the publication hereof that such Trade Mark has been pre­viously registered, or that some other person is entitled to such Trade Mark, or that such Trade Mark is so like some other Trade Mark .tlmt it may be mistn,ken for the same, a certificate will be issued to the n.pplicants, certi­fying that they are entitled to the use of the same.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks.

Designs and Trade Marks Office, Perth, 9th June, 1892.



Greenough Roads Board.


T a Meeeting of the Greenough Roads Board, held on the 7th :JllIarch last, it was resolved

that the Road along Pensioners' Block No. 5, North­'Vest side, be closed, and that another Road, one chain wide, be declared along and on the South-East side of Pensioners' Block No. 5.

THmfAS HARRISON, Chairman Greenough Roads Board.


TAK. E notice that I have applied to the lVloorum­bine Road Board for permission to close the

road running through my paddock between Stal!nton Springs and Pingelly, being that part of the road starting from the Springs Commonage near "Biber­kine," a distance of about one and ~t-half (1~) miles East or thereabouts, in favor of the road surveyed by the W.A. Land Company, who state that this road as surveyed by them is the correct road.



THE Plantagenet Roads Board intend to take, for the purpose of making a Road, the fol­

lowing land, one chain in width :-Commencing at a point on the Southern boundary

of Plantagenet Location 43, 7,534 links from its S. VV. angle; thence 360° 1,000 links; thence 5P 32' 1,022 links; thence 360° 5,110 links; thence 64" 30' 30" 897 links; thence 42° 13' 30" 729 links to a point on the Western boundary of Plantagenet Location 371; thence along that Location's Western bound­ary 360° 1,528 links; thence through Plantagenet Location 401 by lines 7° 08" 6,681 links; thence 22° 40' 30" 7,000 links; thence 39° 22' 30" 4,065 links; thence 63° 12" 572 links to ·Western boundary of Plantagenet Location 7; thence throngh Plan­tagenet Location 7 by lines bearing 63° 12" 3,333 links; thence 36° Il' 30" 3,219 links to a point on the South side of the King River, and which is the Northern boundary of Plantagenet Location 7.

A. Y. HASSELL, Chairman.

Mount Barker, 23rd April, 1892.

Bunbury Municipality.

STATEMENT of Receipts and Expenditure for the Half-year ending 30th April, 1892:-

18~I. RECEIP'l'S. Nov. I-Balance in hand ... 1892. Apl. 30-To Oart and Oarriage Licenses

" Oow Licenses ... " Commonage Fees " Dog Licenses ... " Fines ... " Katoomba Reception (Government

Grant) " Cesspits, Board of Education (Qual'-

ter's Payment) " Rates ... " Sheep Licenses " Timber Licenses

1892. PAnIENTs. Apl. 30--By Deposit Account, with tender for

Cesspits ,,1<'ootpaths and Streets, repairs

generally ... " Katoomba Reception " Printing-H. E. Reading, 3 Quar­

ter's Account " Cesspits-4 months' pay to Night­


£ s. d. 58 0 3

3410 0 1110 0

1 5 0 14 12 6 3 1:3 6

25 0 0

3 15 0 86 5 3 o 12 0 1 5 0

----£240 8 6 -----

£ s. d.

5 0 0

74 9 0 30 0 0

6 0 0

42 16 8

1892. Apl. 30.-By Proclamation Oommittee

" Rent of Office-Half year ... " Salary, Town Clerk-Half year " Salary, Auditors' Fees-Half year " Sundries and Oontingencies " IVaterhole-Oleaning out ... " Inspector of Nuisances-7 months'

Sa.lary " Street


£ s. d. 5 0 0 1 10 0

12 10 0 1 1 0 1]9 0 1 10 0

3 10 0 17 15 6 37 7 4

£240 8 6

May I-To Balance in hand '" £37 7 4.,

Wl\:I. SPENCER, Audited and found correct, Mayor.


The Central Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

BALANCE SHEET for six months ended 29th February, 1892.

DR. £ S. d. £ s. d. To Oapital Account-

9,520 Shares, of £1 each, paid up to 14s. 3d.

" Outstanding Orders ... " Machinery Purchase Account "Commercial Bank No. 2

Account "Commercial Ba,nk General


" Cartage Account (Throssell, Son, & Stewart) ...

" Sundry Small Creditors

3437 19 6

75 3 1

6783 0 0 34 10 6

2000 0 0

3362 16 5

527 7 4 102 19 10

-----_. £12810 14 1

CR. By Oentral Area Purchase

Account " Machinery Oost Account, 10

Head ... " Machinery Cost Account, 15

Head and Hauling Gear

£ s.

2636 15

3116 0

----d. £ s. d.

476 0 0


0 ---- 5752 15 1

" Property Account­Buildings, Main Shaft, &c.

" Office Furniture " Profit and Loss Account-­

Balance as below

1743 9 8 9 9 6

4828 19 10

£12810 14 1

P1'Ojit and Loss Account. DR. £ S. d.

To Balance on 31st August, 1891 " General Expenses " VVages Account " Salaries " Printing and Stationery " Stores Account ~~ Cartage " Firewood " Directors' Fees " .. , " R.ent " Interest ... " Dividends paid during six


43 15 5 3747 10 5

343 0 0 336

369 6 2 194 7 10 378 0 7

65 0 0 249 8 10

17 0 0 8 1l 6

2142 0 0

-----£ s. d.

3621 3 4

7561 4 3

£1l182 7 7

CR. By Gold Account ...

" Balance

£ s. d. 6353 7 9 4828 19 10

£11182 7 7

W. E. CLIFTON, Manager.

Perth, 29th February, 1892. Examined and found correct,


19th May, 1892.

1 Auditors.



The Star of the East Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

N OTICE is hereby given that the mLme of the Legal Manager of the above Company is



Perth, 27th 1Ylay, 1892.

} Directors.

---.~ .. -----------------The Star of the East Gold Mining Company

(N o-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered . Office of the Company is situated in St.

Gem'ge's Terrace, Perth.


Perth, 27th May, 1892.

Wild U[tttle Nuisance Act, 1871.

HEREBY give notice tha,t, in accordance with the provisions of the above Act, EDW ARD G.

HES'l'Elc, of Bla,ckwood Park, Blackwood, has notified his intention of applying at the Quarterly Licensing Meeting, to be held at Bridgetown on the 4th July, 1892, for a License for EDWARD NORMAN HESTER and GERALD EDWARD HES'l'ER to destroy vVilc1 Horses and Cattle in the District.

RICHARD GIBBONS, Resident Magistrate.

Bridgetown, 31st May, 1892.

Patrick llliclluel Ryan, deceased.

NOTICE i8 hereby given, pursuant to the English Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Vid.,

c. 35 (n,c1optec1 in Western Australia by an Ordinance of the said Colony, the 31st Victori'a, No. 8), that all persons having any chtims or demands upon or against the estate of Patrick 1YIichael Ryan, late of the MUl'chison Goldfields, in the Colonv of Western Australia, miner, deceased (who died ;'t Goodardie Station, in the said Colony, on the 5th d,tJ of April, ] 892, [wd administration of whose estate 11nd effects was granted to Mat·y H,yan, of Geraldton, ill the said Colony, the lawful widow and relict of the said

deceased, on the fourth day of May, 1892, by the principal Registry of the Supreme Court of the said Colony), are hereby required to send in the par­ticulars of their debts or clltims to the said Adminis­tratrix, at the office of the undersigned, her solicitor, on or before the 14th day of July next. And notice is hereby also given that after that day the said Administmtrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Patrick Miehael Ryltl1, deceltsed, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that she will not be lia,ble for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to [Ll1Y person of whose debt or claim she shall not then have had notice.

Dated this 28th day of May, 1892.

ARTHUH, H. DU BOULA Y, Marine Terrace, Gera.1dtol1,

Solicitor for the said Ac1ministmtrix.

Charles WiUiam Baxter, deceased.

N'OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the English Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 2Brd Vic.,

c. 35 (adopted in Westel'11 Australia by an Ordinance of the said Colony, the 31st Victoria, No. 8), that all persons having any claims 01' demands upon or against the estate of Charles vVilliam Ba,xtel', l<tte of Northampton, in the Colony of vVestern Australia, butcher, deceased (who died ltt Geraldton, in the said. Colony, on the 31st day of J11I1l1ltry, 1892, and ltdministration of whose estnte and effeets was granted to Agnes Baxter, of Northampton, aforesaid, the lawful widow andl'elict of the said deceased, on the 18th day of March, 1892, by the principal Registry of the Supreme Court of the COlOllY), are hereby required to send in the particulars of their debts or claims to the said administratrix, at the office of the undersigned, her solicitor, on or before the 14th day of July next. And notice is hereby also given that after that day the said ad­ministratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Charles William Baxtel', cleceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaims of which she sha.H then have had notice, and that 8he will not be liable for the assets, or ~tny part tbereof, so distributed, to any person of whose debt or claim she shaH not then hewe had notice.

Dated this 28th day of May, 1892.

ARTHUI1, H. DU BOULAY, Marine Tel'l'11Ce, Geraldton,

Solicitor for the said Ac1ministratrix.

By Authority: R,rcHARD PE'l'HER, Government Printer, Perth.

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