Page 1: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

1. Podcast editing brief

The audio file is in this folder and we recorded all in one go and there are some parts that we had to redo so please remove any part that didn’t work and also connect the audio parts (we have pauses between each person speaking)

We used the Iphone apps called RODE Rect Le to record, not sure if it is good enough.Intro and outro audio files are in the dropbox folder.

The intro of this video is for video so I recorded my audio for the opening part of this podcast in a separate file.

2. Show note

We like this show note example doesn’t have to be this long, we just sent you so you can see the structure.

There are some info that we mentioned in this podcast;

Booking application recommendations:

Hit Appoint

Set More


Schedule Once

Review sites:

Google, Facebook, Realself, Rate MDs, True Local or Yelp, where your practice might be reviewed.

List of our automation software recommendations: Active Campaign





Online Course:


Page 2: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

Automate Your Marketing to Leverage Your Time and Scale Your Practice

And its graphic


8 Steps to Automate Your Marketing & Scale Your Practice Up

Huyen – Hello and welcome to another episode of Online Marketing For Doctors Podcast Hi there, I’m Huyen Truong and you’re watching Online Marketing For Doctors TV—and we are your hosts Huyen Truong and Steven Tait and today we are talking about marketing automation.the best place to educate yourself about how to grow and scale your practice and maximise profitability. Now, if you’re watching this, Now as you know running a practice can take over your entire life and change almost every aspect of your routine.So, how do you make sure every aspect of your business is getting the attention it needs and deserves?

How do you scale and generate profit for your practice while doing the minimal amount of work?

you don’t need me to tell you how precious your time is: the average doctor spends 40 000 hours in training before they even get to the point of starting their own practice. Once they’re there, most doctors work (conservatively) an average of 60 hours per week,… so you have to be efficient.

Page 3: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

but what does that figure mean? How are those precious hours divided, and Wwhat gets your business the best bang for your buck in terms of your business profitability?

Most medical practitioners find their already-packed working day can chewed upwith doing a thousand frustrating and time-consuming things needed to successfully run a business. Even if you have dedicated staff to help you, you’re always looking for ways to improve your practice, and make sure every aspect of your business is getting the attention it needs and deserves. Our answer is very simple. You need to automate.

So the big question is: what’s the easiest and most efficient way to scale and generate profit for your practice, so your time can be spent on more important things?

Our answer iIt’s simple: we’ve got to automate.

The aim of marketing automation is straightforward: automate every possible part of the process to allow you to spend less time on your marketing, and more time doing what you do best—helping people. If you get it’s done right, you’ll save hours every week! to dedicate to your patients and other aspects of your practice.

These following 88 marketing tipssteps will show you how to automate, scale, and profit.

Huyen – First of all you need to 1. Outsource menial tasks!There are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation to ensure you’re being found by the people looking for you, Facebook ads, Google adwords… the list seems endless. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything on your own, and finding yourself constantly running behind.

The secret? You might be an entrepreneur but it’s not your job to personally handle every part of the business. It’s your job to have a dream and determine the best possible way to achieve it: to work less, but do more. To work smarter, not harder.

How? Well tTrying asking yourself a fewthese key questions: - Can I remove myself from this task?

- Can I delegate it to someone who can do a better, faster, and more efficient job than me? As an entrepreneur myself, I’ve used these questions countless times to help myself reimagine my business processes: as a result, its very clear to me that only about 20% of my current work is similar to what I was doing sevenused to do years ago.

Instead, dDelegation has enabled me to step away from menial tasks and move into different roles in our business. Now I have the time and space to work on strategic level goals.projects;

Page 4: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

I focus on business development, pursuing different revenue streams, content production, and client retention and management instead of wasting my time on every small item that crops up in the day to day of running a business.

So… What tasks don’t you have the time or the skills to do yourself? Outsource them! Save yourself time and energy to be put to better use so you can grow your business. And a great example of something you can do to grow your business is:

Steve: 2. UseHost a Webinars & Create an Automated Webinar Marketing Funnel!Webinars are a fantastic way to grow your practice and earn more patients. They work especially well for medical practices, providing prospective patients with more information and autonomy to enablehelp them to make decisions without consuming your valuable time. in the process.

An informative, well-presented webinar can saves you hours of presentations and networking. It’s also one of my favourite platforms for introducing our sales funnels to the doctors and healthcare professionals that you want to secure profitable business relations with.

Webinars provide a great way to connect with both your patients, and referring doctors on a more personal level. Your passion for healthcare, and your interest in sharing your knowledge with your patients and referring doctors will help in createing meaningful intimate connections and building trust in your and your practice.

This allows you to attract and present yourself to potential referring doctors, building rapport, engaging their interest, and engendering their trust… all without needing to meet them in person.

Unlike the travelling and timetabling challenges of live seminars, webinars provide a vital degree of flexibility for a time-poor professional community that is time-poor. Since they can be pre-recorded, webinars not only save you time but also benefit your audience, who can now have the ability to watch your webinar when it best suits their schedule.

Not surprisingly, with all of these benefits, As you can see, webinars are an incredibly powerful way to create an authoritative and trustworthy brand for you and your business, helping to establishing you as a trusted institution for primary care physicians and thus to refer their patients to, rapidly expanding your referral base.

We’re in the process of creating an online course to teach healthcare professionalsyou about how webinars and the ways they can benefit you. The course teaches healthcare practitioners you how to generate referrals automatically: so that once it’s up and running, there’s no further work required on your part for a while.

This is a brilliant way of systemising your marketing, keeping in consistent contact with your referral network, and leveraging your time, all while growing your practice. If you’d like to learn more about this course, check out the link below to hear from us when the course is released!

,, 02/20/18,
On the original, you had “for medical and healthcare practice and any premium services”, but if you’re targeting this at doctors, then I think you can simplify down to ‘medical practices’ which is easier and punchier.
Page 5: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

In the meantime, lets talk about how you can enhance your business efficiency through:

Automated schedulingScheduling appointments can be very frustratingis frequently resource intensive, but it doesn’t need to be! With simple tools like Hit Appoint, Set More, Cliniko, and Schedule Once, patients can access your up-to-the-minute consulting schedule, allowing them to see exactly what appointments you have available and on which days.

Patients can then quickly and easily select the a convenient available appointment that is most convenient for them, and even add it to their own calendar to remind them it’s coming up.

The solutions offered by sSuch tools give you complete control over how your days run, enabling you to specify whatever limitations help you operate more efficiently, and perform to your best.

Whether it’s stipulating “allow twenty minutes between appointments,” or “only allow five appointments per day,” you can create the optimal scheduling for you and your practice.

An automated scheduling solution is also crucial because it enables you to integrate your patients’ appointment information into your marketing automation solution, creating processes to help optimise and grow your practice. How? Well, once the appointment is booked, you can…

Steve : 3. Send automated appointment reminders via email and text!Date-based automations can trigger email reminders at chosen intervals leading up to the appointment, reducing no-shows andto keeping your consult slots full, and your schedule predictable. Of course, you don’t want to bury your patients in an email avalanche! A simple rule of thumb is to send one reminder two weeks out, and another a few days prior; this helps most people stay on top of their schedule.

These booking systems also send a text message reminder to your patients’ mobile, helping to further reduce no-shows. To ensure your clientspatients find this service helpful, I suggest sending something simple, short, and relevant, like “You have an appointment next week at The Wellness Clinic: we’re looking forward to seeing you!”

What then? Next, you can capitalise on your hard work and…

Huyen – 4. Ask your patients for feedback!After the appointment is a great time to solicit ask feedback from your patients. ThisThis is a fantastic method to figure out how best tohelps improve your practice, and nip handle any small problems in the bud before they become any bigger.

Page 6: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

You can reassure your patients that the feedback is easy and fast. A simple form tool like Google Forms is free and will handle the job nicely.Plus, and it can quick and easy for your patients.

A convenient tool like Google Forms is free and simple, and will capably put together the information you need in a way that you can use. As part of your feedback process, ask your patients whether they were happy with their visit!

Give them scaled options for responding, then use this information to feed into your marketing automation software provider. If your patients selected ‘I was thrilled with my visit today,” you can…

Huyen – 5. Encourage clientspatients to review your practiceGlowing client reviews are beneficial to any business, but they are incredibly powerful for healthcare providers, because they’re often used as a prospective patients’ basis for choosing which practitioner to see.. People looking for a new healthcare provider often have limited information on which to base their decision, and seeing that numerous other patients are happy with a particular healthcare practitioner can sway them in your favour over someone else with fewer reviews.

So, to keep your online reputation glowingly positive and inviting for new patients, capitalise on your happiest patients - :, and ask them to leave you reviews!. If someone selects, ‘I was thrilled with my visit today,” in the feedback form we discussed in step fivefour, trigger a campaign to get their positive review out there!

Make it easy for them: specify exactly where you want them to post their review; consider sending them a link directly to the webpage where they can add it. The quicker and easier you make it for people, the more positive reviews you’ll get.

We’re getting close to the end, so hang in there: these next two are big three steps are very interesting ones!

Steve – 6. The next step is to sSend a content-oriented follow up sequenceAlTthough putting this process together will require a little more of a time investment, it’s an excellent long-term strategy that will pay big dividends over time. Many healthcare professionals create a website, list themselves with Google Places, and call it a day.

But not you. You want to go above and beyond, because you know that’ll help your practice rise above the rest: you know that makes it more likely that you’ll be patients’ first choice.

How do you do this? Well, I recommend creating what are called ‘lead magnets’ for your website to attract potential patients or referring doctors. A ‘lead magnet’ is a technique whereby you

Page 7: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

offers your website visitors to your site something valuable in exchange for their contact information, like .

For example, tThey may have to providinge their email address in order to access an exclusive material that you will provide: this could be anything from a small ebook or checklist through to videos and webinars that will interest your target audience.

Crucially, tThis provides a great way for your target audience to get to ‘know’ you; and this is why email addresses are invaluable: in today’s online marketing world, the email list is the new currency. After you provide your promised material, be sure to include a strong call to action at the end, encouraging patients or referring doctors to get in touch if they need help in your area of expertise, or any general questions.

Starting a blog as part of your website can also be a powerful tool for attracting your target audience. The options here are limited only by your imagination! You can use articles, audio clips, or videos to address any number of topics; you might simply use your posts to answer those questions that patients have asked you in person, like

“Should I be using an electric toothbrush?” or “Do I really need to wear sunscreen everyday?”Does Sugar Damage Your Skin And Cause Wrinkles?

“Is an electric tooth brush better?” “How to prevent bunions from getting worse – try these 6 steps” “How to fight facial aging – try these 6 options”

It’s important to remember, these posts don’t have to be long or in-depth! Their primary purpose is to connect with your patients and referral network, and to continue creating fresh content to improve your website’s credibility with search engines and help your site appear for a wider range of search queries.

Even better, these posts can be repurposed into a monthly (or even bi-weekly) information pack to be emailed out to your patients and referral network. Now your clientspatients are getting extra value from your practice that sets you apart from the rest, and you can use this opportunity to inform both your patients and your referring practitioners.

By educating your network about optimal healthcare practices, and the benefits of different available procedures, your patients and referral network will be better placed to understand what’s on offer to them and how it can help them, making them more likely to schedule those procedures.

Then what? Well, Tthese messages also give you a very valuable chance to…

Page 8: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

huyen – 7. Ask for referrals!This is the most important marketing automation strategy for all healthcare professionals: remind your patients to recommend you! A strong relationship with your client means they’ll want to spread the word about what a great job you’re doing, especially since people understand how important referrals are to small businesses.

If they appreciate you and your work, they’ll love the chance to help you out, and sometimes all people need is a reminder that their word would be helpful!

A simple, “and remember, my business relies on your recommendations!” is enough to cement secure in someone’s mind that they have the ability to help your practice through the power of their recommendation to others.

Huyen – And finally, very important step - 8. But that’s a lot, I hear you say. How on earth can I put into place all of these automated processes that are going to help my business? So I’ve compiled a list of my automation software recommendations: Active Campaign




All of these programs are incredibly helpful, and will help you make the leap into the automated marketing practices which will help you quickly and easily grow your business. Host Webinars & Create an Automated Webinar Marketing Funnel!Webinars are a fantastic way to grow your practice. They work especially well for medical practices, providing prospective patients with more information to help them make decisions without consuming your valuable time.

An informative, well-presented webinar saves hours of presentations and networking. It is my favourite platform for our sales funnels for doctors and health professionals.

Webinars provide a great way to connect with both your potential patients and referring doctors on a more personal level. Your passion for healthcare, and your interest in sharing your knowledge will help create meaningful intimate connections and building trust in you and your practice.

This allows you to attract potential patients, referring doctors, building rapport, engaging their interest, and building their trust… all without needing to meet them in person.

Unlike the challenges of live seminars, webinars provide vital flexibility for a time-poor professional community. Since they can be pre-recorded, webinars not only save you time but also benefit your audience, who can now watch your webinar when it suits their schedule.

,, 02/22/18,
On the original, you had “for medical and healthcare practice and any premium services”, but if you’re targeting this at doctors, then I think you can simplify down to ‘medical practices’ which is easier and punchier.
Page 9: · Web viewThere are jobs you just don’t have time for, and you know it. Social media, web design and maintenance, search engine optimisation, Facebook

As you can see, webinars are an incredibly powerful way to create an authoritative and trustworthy brand for you and your practice, establishing you as a trusted source for primary care physicians to refer their patients to and scale your referral base fast.

Actually, We are in the process of creating an online course teaching healthcare professionals on;


Automate Your Marketing To Leverage Your Time and Scale Your Practice

The course teaches you how to generate new patients and referrals on auto pilot: once it’s up and running, there’s no further work required on your part for a while.

This is a brilliant way of systemising your marketing, keeping in consistent contact with your referral network, and leveraging your time, all while growing your practice. If you’d like to learn more about this course, check out the link below to hear from us when the course is released!

Steve - But that’s a lot, I hear you say. How on earth can I put into place all of these automated processes that are going to help my business? So I’ve compiled a list of my automation software recommendations:

✓ Active Campaign

✓ Drip

✓ Infusionsoft

✓ Ontraport

✓ Everwebinar

All of these programs are incredibly helpful, and will help you make the leap into the automated marketing practices which will help you quickly and easily grow your business.

So, I have one last question for you! What are some other marketing automation ideas you’ve used that have been incredibly successful for your practice? I’d love to hear back with your thoughts and discussions, so leave your comments below, and subscribe to our blog to become OMD insiders. You’ll receive instant access to our training, podcasts, videos, and ebook library with valuable information to help you make the most of your time and energy to grow your business!

I hope you enjoyed this episode, I look forward to catching you next time!

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Subject: 8 Steps to Automate Your Marketing & Scale Your Practice Up [Date April 30 at 6 am]

Dear + First Name,

As you know running a practice can take over your entire life and change almost every aspect of your routine.

So, how do you make sure every aspect of your business is getting the attention it needs and deserves?

How do you scale and generate profit for your practice while doing the minimal amount of work?

Our answer is very simple. You need to automate.

The aim of marketing automation is straightforward: automate every possible part of the process to allow you to spend less time on your marketing, and more time doing what you do best—helping people. If it’s done right, you’ll save hours every week!

These following 8 steps will show you how to automate, scale, and profit. Check out our latest video: 8 Steps to Automate Your Marketing & Scale Your Practice Up

[Can you please grab this featured image from the video default thumbnail and make it this video featured image because the pic I sent you doesn’t look as natural as this one Once you are done, can you replace the one on the home page and the blog post with this new one, and also send me the new featured image so I can replace the one on YouTube]

I have one question for you, what are some other marketing automation ideas you’ve used that have been successful for your practice? I’d love to hear back with your thoughts and discussions, so leave your comments below the blog post or reply to this email.

Have a great week ahead!To Your Success,Email Signature

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