Page 1: OpenStack in Action 4! Raphaël Ferreira & Laurent Letourmy - Build your Cloud Services Provider

Build  your  Cloud  Service  Provider  

Openstack  in  Ac8on  4  

Raphaël  Ferreira  –  CEO  @eNovance  Laurent  Letourmy  –  CEO  @Ysance  

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Business  Overview  

Founded  2008  

Team  100+  






$  12M+  

#  62  (EMEA)  

DeloiPe  Fast  500  

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eNovance  &  OpenStack  

•  7th  contributor  to  Openstack  

•  First  &  only  Gold  Member  in  Europe  

•  Board  member  of  the  Openstack  founda8on  

•  100%  UpStream  

•  Redhat  Openstack  Partner  

•  Technical  Leader  on  core  projects  •  Ceilometer:  Billing  /  Accoun8ng  

•  Puppet:  Automate  modules  

•  Object  Storage  

0  200  400  600  800  

1000  1200  1400  1600  1800  2000  

OpenStack  Commits  Per  Company  

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MANAGE YOUR CLOUD We run Public and Private OpenStack Clouds for Telcos, Service Provider and big companies

MAKE YOUR CLOUD We design, build and support large Public, Private Clouds based on OpenStack for Telcos, Cloud Providers and big companies

MANAGE YOUR APP We manage our customers’ cloud applications and availability on top of their cloud or many Public Cloud Services

Business  lines  

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Build  your  Cloud  Service  Provider.  Private  or  Public  ?  

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The  Market  

Public  Clouds  





Generic  Private  

Specific  Private  

Area  of  opportuniHes    

Area  of  opportuniHes    

Small  Businesses  


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The  Market  

•  Big  ecosystem  •  Savings  •  Standards  •  Interoperability  •  Possible  influence  on  


•  Complexity  •  Limited  experHse  •  Support  •  Maturing  Technology  

•  Predictable  cost  •  Integrated  package  •  Support  •  Fast  deployment  for  

limited  needs  

•  Too  rigid  for  innovaHve  use  cases  

•  Upgrades  •  Lack  of  integraHon  with  

other  components  •  Cost  

•  Quick  setup  Hme  •  Guaranteed  performance  •  References  •  Support  

•  No  differenHator  •  Hard  to  add  own  value  •  Upgrades  •  Costs  

Packaged  Private  Cloud  for  Entreprises  

SoluHon  for  Public  Cloud  Providers  

 We  convert  weaknesses  into  strengths  


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What  are  the  condi8ons  to  successfully  launch  a  Cloud  Service  Provider?  

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Condi8ons  for  success  

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Condi8ons  for  success  

Business   Technology  

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It’s  about  

Products   Go  To  Market  

OperaHons   Technologies  

Your  Value  Added  

Your  Unique  Selling  ProposiHon  (USP)  

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What  is  your  value  added  ?  

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• Geographic  proximity  •  Low  latency  •  End  to  end  SLA  •  Language  • Billing  a  local  currency  •  Fixed  price  • VerHcal  or  industry  specific  soluHon  •  Specific  skills    

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Is  there  a  market  for  you  ?  

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Is  there  a  Market  ?  

OPTION  1  They  are  too  big  and  I  can’t  


OPTION  2  They  can’t  solve  every  problem  

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The  right  way  to  look  at  the  market  

• Big  cloud  providers  don’t  have  and  will  not  have  100%  of  the  IaaS  market  • Cloud  are  consumable  products  (soluHons)  and  people  and  businesses  can  have  more  than  one  supplier  • MulH  sourcing  with  many  providers  or  with  a  mix  of  internal  and  external  resources  is  a  establish  trend  

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What  are  the  plaaorm  or  framework  op8ons  ?  

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Not  a  one  size  fits  all  

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Decision  criteria  

•  The  best  way  to  add  your  value  added  to  solve  the  problem(s)  •  The  best  way  to  support  your  Unique  Selling  Point  • Make  your  service  compeHHve  /  profitable  with  a  price  structure  that  resonates  • Mature  and  complete  ecosystem  to  interact  with  • Access  to  business  (GTM)  experHse  •  Integrated  or  complete  soluHon  to  let  you  work  on  your  core  competency  • Avoid  vendor  dependency  or  lock  in  • CompaHbility  with  the  rest  of  the  world  

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Why  Openstack  ?  

The  OpenStack  Community  Your  delivery  partner  

Your  business  Your  value  added  

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Why  Openstack  ?  

•  Large  community  •  Not  alone  -­‐  Support  and  experHse  •  Backed  by  big  logos  -­‐  Too  big  to  fail  •  75%  of  Gartner  IaaS  leaders  are  on  or  going  to  OpenStack  

• Open  API  and  Open  Source  •  No  vendor  lock  in  •  CompaHbility  with  the  rest  of  the  world  •  Ease  of  adding  your  value  added  

• OpHon  of  Do  It  Yourself  • OpHon  of  going  with  integrated  soluHons  available  to  quickly  launch  a  Cloud  Provider  •  Some  are  100%  Open  Source,  100%  upstream  •  Some  are  proprietary  socware  on  top  of  Open  Source  

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Typical  integrated  solu8on  

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Public  Cloud  for  Service  Providers  

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Business  advantage  –  The  best  of  both  worlds  

•  Open  Source  •  You  can  change  components  •  You  can  add  your  value  added  IN  or  AROUND  on  ON  TOP  •  You  can  move  IN  and  OUT  •  Can  add  or  contribute  to  the  roadmap  

•   Backed  (supported)  by  a  commercial  enHty  •  You  are  not  alone  –  Build,  Run,  Support,  EvoluHon  •  Access  to  experHse  –  You  work  or  your  USP  and  Value  Added  

•  Package  •  Proven  design  –  It  works  •  Not  reinvent  the  wheel  •  Faster  Go  To  Market  •  More  Features  •  Predictable  budget  

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Build  with  Partner  

•  eNovance  Cloud  Service  Providers  •  Built  with  leading  open  source  components  •  And  in  partnership  with  Ysance    

•   Ysance  is  one  of  the  major  player  in  Digital  Plaeorms  :  •  Digital  MarkeHng  •  eCommerce  •  Business  Intelligence  •  CRM  •  Big  Data  

•  100  talented  people  dedicated  to  InnovaHon  and  ExperHse  

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Let’s  go  for  a  demo  !  Laurent  Letourmy  –  CEO  –  Ysance  

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Delivered  Anywhere,  AnyHme  

OpenStack  Cloud  Solu8ons  

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