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"Renegade Orange County Personal Trainer Helps an Army
of Local Residents Get into Mind Boggling Shape"
Highly In-Demand Personal Fitness Trainer, Life Coach and Nutrition Expert from Orange County California Will Help You Burn Fat, Sculpt Muscle, Lose
Weight and Look Amazing!
Even If You've Tried and Failed Before... Even if You Can't Seem To Lose a Pound... Even if That Fat Just Won't Come Off No Matter What You Do...You've
Found The Fat Loss Program That Will Change Your Life Forever! (1 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
I would only have your "after" picture up there without the words "after".
Yanik Silver
I think you want to appear more selective. In fact, you might even consider using an application-only process to get in and then make it a by-referral only training
Yanik Silver
It's almost the opposite if you say you are highly-in-demand but your copy is 'pushing' people to sign-up instead of using a takeaway sale it doesn't work as well
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
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Orange County Areas Served
Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, Tustin, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Rancho Santa Margarita, Anaheim, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Lake Forest, Laguna Hills, RSM, Foothill Ranch, The OC, Aliso Viejo, Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach, Capo Beach, Dana Point, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Ladera Ranch
From: Chris McCombs
Orange County, CA
Dear Friend,
Personally I'm a big believer in proof. I mean results are what really count, no matter what. Right?
Ever since I started Positively Fit Personal Training, I've had the opportunity to witness first hand one amazing transformation after another.
Below I've listed over 30 success stories. These results are only the beginning for these people, as they will continue to lose more fat, improve their muscle tone and get into even better shape.
I urge you to keep reading, because as you'll see...
Results really do speak for themselves...
I have lost pound after pound...
Before After
"My friend referred me to Positively Fit and said that there was no charge for the first workout so I could get a chance to check it out and see how I liked it. I went to the gym, and proceeded to have a great workout. I used to hate working out, but with Positively Fit I couldn't wait to do another! They are so motivating and it is literally fun to go to the gym. I have met some great people and I have lost pound after pound. I go twice a week have only missed two workouts that could not be avoided. They are very accommodating to your schedule and when I've been more than 5 minutes late, they call me. It's fabulous! I have worked with other personal trainers in Orange County before and by far, The Positively Fit Team is the best. I truly believe they care about the clients."
Debbie Martin Orange County, California
I've lost 8" off my waist going from a pants size 42 down to a 34... (2 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Yanik Silver
Yanik Silver
This opening could be a tiny bit tighter... i.e. "Let's face it. There are tons of trainers who "claim" to produce results. But results are what really count, right? I agree... In fact, to me I want to see REAL PROOF... And that's why I'm going to show you just a handful of the real-results my team is getting with my breakthrough training. (However, I must warn you because of these remarkable results - I have less time than ever and I may not even be able to take you on as a client. Keep reading to see if you qualify) ** Anyway - not quite 100% ideal - but you get the idea
Yanik Silver
break up the testimonials so they are a little easier to read. Also audio or video would be compelling
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Before After
"I've lost 73lbs total and 43lbs in just the last 4 months because of working out with the personal trainers at Positively Fit. I've lost 8" off my waist going from a pants size 42 down to a 34. Positively Fit Personal Training is much more than a physical workout. The trainers also challenge you mentally. The program focuses on the person as a whole. The workouts they create for you are always very challenging, but you will always be supported through-out the process. The workouts always change up, so there is no chance of you getting board! The positive attitude of the trainers is very contagious, which makes you want to attend your sessions. The environment is very energized with people cheering you on. Everyone attending is there for the same reason, and you don't want to let them down along with yourself. Of all the gyms I have attended in the past, this is the first I have attended that doesn't make me feel intimidated. Everyone there is highly supportive, which encourages you to work even harder. If you are looking for a trainer/gym that is a "Meat Market" this is NOT the place. If you are out for a "Positively Fit" environment to make yourself a better person, than Positively Fit is the place for you! As Buddha once said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Chris encourages you to think positively about your workouts, even if you don't accomplish the tasks the first time through. He promises you that it will get better and he is right! I can't recommend Chris and his top notch personal trainers enough. Positively Fit Personal Training has changed my life, and will continue to do so!"
Lance Lockwood College Professor Orange County, CA
Thanks for this hot body...
Chris, "Thanks for this hot body!!! =) If it wasn't for you I would be sooooo out of
shape!!! Oh and by the way I met with one of my photographers yesterday...went up to him and gave him a hug....the first thing he says is.." damn woman...your body is hard...have you been working out?"...heheheh...pretty cool huh..?" (3 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Helen Su Professional Figure Model Irvine
Helped me loose 48 lbs of fat...
Before After
"I began training with Positively Fit Personal Training almost a year ago. When I first started the training I knew it was perfect for me. The holistic combination of weights, cardio along with dieting has helped me loose 48 lbs of fat. I've also gained muscle, strengthened my lower back and above all I've gained confidence in my appearance."
"Vegetarians out there, Positively Fit personal training has a Diet and exercise program that will cater to you!"
Darshan Gandhi Irvine, CA
I have never been as physically in shape and toned in my life...
"When I first contacted Positively Fit 6 months ago I was concerned about the cost of personal trainers. I had put off getting a personal trainer due to their prices, until I found Positively Fit. Compared to many other trainers out there the prices were unbelievably reasonable. Once I begin the training I realized that it is worth every penny! From the positive attitude and motivation the team always gives at each workout to seeing and feeling the results that have come from the is far more than worth the cost! There has never been a workout with Positively Fit that I walked away thinking I didn't get what I had paid for. I have never been as physically in (4 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Before After
shape and toned in my life! And I feel amazing!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"
Katie Kruep Aliso Viejo, Ca
I no longer have a muffin top...
Positively Fit you are truly the masters! Working out with you is the hardest and best thing my body has ever done! Because of you, I no longer have a muffin top!!! That makes you my heroes! Thanks to your amazing ab workouts and killer squats, I'm
finally getting a six pack as well as a rockin' ass! I love you forever!!!!!!"
Courtney Crossie Orange County
You will see great results in a matter of weeks! Hands down the best personal trainers in Orange County...
Before After
I am a triathlete!
Everyday, I work the regular 8 hrs in the IT department. This everyday geek hated running and was always too busy to work out. One day, I looked in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw. I didn't like where my lifestyle was headed and wanted to create a new path for myself. So when I called personal trainers Chris and Josh in December 2006, they asked me (5 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
what my goal was and to always picture it during the hard times of training. 6 months later, I crossed the finish line at my first triathlon in 1 hr 16 minutes and 48 seconds. Positively Fit's personal training style utilized sport training that enhances your athletic capabilities beyond your physical expectations. I can now run faster, swim harder, jump higher and recover quicker. This has made me strong physically and mentally. Instead of being hungry for potato chips and soda, I am now hungry to overcome longer challenges and push myself to more extreme events. Combining a variety of resistance training, cardio and intense strength workouts greatly has increased my physical performance as well as improving my body's physique. You will see great results in a matter of weeks! These guys are hands down the best personal trainers in Orange County and have changed me from a low self-esteem geek to a positive and prosperous athlete!"
Mark Visda Orange County , CA Triathlete / IT Guy
Dropped 23 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of muscle...
I've belonged to every health club known to man but rarely went to any of them; I just never seemed to be able to commit to a regimen before. Since I started working with the personal trainers at Positively Fit ten months ago I have consistently enjoyed showing up to my weekly sessions. The trainers keep me motivated and entertained each workout, plus they change the routines up and keep things interesting while still working every muscle group. The results have been awesome. My strength and my endurance have both improved dramatically. When I started I was able 4 pushups
and now I am up to 50. I've also dropped 23 pounds of fat and have gained 11 pounds of muscle. Every area on my body is really shaping up and I am very happy with the results.
Craig Woodridge Orange, Ca
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I am blown away by the results...
"Chris, Chris, Chris, what can I say but thank you for helping' me shed the last few pounds I have from my son, I am blown away by the results. I can't wait til' our next workout! You have the best trainers ever!!!! We can all thank you for my new body
after the baby. I always enjoy the workouts."
Brandi Joe Orange County, CA
You'll step up to levels of physical performance you never thought you could achieve...
"Chris is the man. His training techniques and philosophies will help anyone rise to the top of their game. If you're looking for a serious personal training service to give you clear cut instruction and show you how to maximize every second spent in the gym while really pushing you to be the best you can be then train with Positively Fit Personal Training. You'll step up
to levels of physical performance you never thought you
could achieve."
Ryan Hagy aka "Fluffer" San Clemente Professional Freestyle Motocross Rider Team Metal Mulisha (7 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I've lost 20 lbs. of fat, going from a size 13 to a size 9...
Before After
"I just want to thank Positively Fit for the wonderful training they have given me. I have been working out for 8 months now, when I first started working out I struggled and I still do but when you go from having no energy, and feeling like you can't even get out of bed to jumping out of bed and feeling like you can jog 10 miles a day it's a big difference. Thanks to Positively Fit I've lost 20 lbs. of fat, going from a size 13 to a size 9; I can really feel the change in my energy level and strength in my muscle. I have to shop for new clothes because my current ones keep getting baggier and baggier- what a great feeling! If it wasn't for them pushing me the way they do I would not be where I am today. The workouts are fun and we never do the same workout twice. The training is amazing but if you want to be a slacker this is not the service for you. Now if you want to lose fat, feel good about yourself and have energy and strength then Positively Fit is the one."
Sandra Bram Huntington Beach (8 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
"Since I started training with Positively Fit I feel stronger both mentally and physically. The positive attitudes of the personal trainers towards life have helped me achieve my fitness goals. I see more muscle definition and have lost
those 5 stubborn pounds. I don't like to diet so working out with Positively Fit keeps me looking fit while still being able to eat the foods I enjoy, and the quantities I enjoy. Working out is both a mental and physical release to the stresses of everyday life so I have benefited from both aspects. I love working out with Positively Fit!!!"
Mary Mesri Irvine, CA
I have lost over 31lbs of fat and put on over 14 pounds of muscle...
"Why even hire a personal trainer? Why choose Positively Fit as your personal training team? These are two very good questions. The answers are simple and make perfect sense. How many people join a gym and then never go or find reasons not to go? When you have a personal fitness trainer it keeps you motivated and provides for an atmosphere that makes it easy to stay committed to your workouts. It becomes a habit with so many incredible benefits that just aren't possible on your own. Having a trainer is like having a personal coach, motivator, health advisor, positive influence all in one."
"Why train with Positively Fit? Yes, there are hundreds of personal trainers in Orange County and your choices are many. Positively Fit takes their profession very seriously without being too serious if you know what I mean. The workouts are always enjoyable. They take the time to understand your individual training needs and overall fitness goals. They are friendly and sincere in their approach. I have lost over 31lbs of fat and put on over 14 pounds of muscle. I think the biggest testament is that I have been training with Positively Fit for 4 years and they have always been upbeat, non
intimidating and attentive to all of their clients. They make sure the personal touch is part of the daily routine."
Rich Golisch Irvine, Ca
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I lost 23 pounds in less than 3 months...
Before After
"I began training with Chris's team in late August. Adding exercise into my weekly routine 2 times a week changed my life physically and mentally. I had no idea what a profound change would take place. I lost 23 pounds in less than 3 months! I bring up mental change because I, like many others, had struggled with a poor body image for years and was bulimic for 3. My feelings about my body and weight were severely negative and I fought to overcome this opinion of myself. Training with Positively Fit enabled me to do this. Today I look in the mirror and see beauty that matches what is inside. They constantly gave me positive feedback and motivation and even turned me onto some great reading material that has steered me towards positive thinking, has helped me gain confidence and bettered my self-esteem. Prior to training with Positively Fit I found it impossible to go to the gym. Knowing I had an appointment held me accountable so I showed up to the gym each week. I could not have done it without them and I am grateful to have found such an incredible service to help me attain a healthy body and image of myself. Thank you Chris!"
Jami Lynn South Orange County
I'm actually fitting into clothes that I haven't fit into since high school...
"I want you to know how much you've done for me! You helped me reach a point in my life where I actually feel really great about myself. My confidence is maxed out and I really love myself now! I've learned so much from you and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! In the 3 months I trained with you I lost a total of 23.5lbs and I lost 3 inches. I'm actually
fitting into clothes that I haven't fit into since high school!! (I just couldn't throw them I don't have to) I'm really happy about myself now, it's a wonderful feeling!"
Naomi Blood Orange, California
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I lost another 5lbs...
"Chris, I lost another 5lbs!! Thank you!! I love you!! I thought about you all day today... my butt guys are awesome. People are already saying something
about my body!!!"
I've lost 43 lbs...
"Because of Positively Fit Personal Training I've lost 43
lbs., improved my posture, and lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol. The training has improved my attitude and given me an overall sense of well being. There is nothing better to put you in a great mood than Positively Fit's workouts. It's euphoric!"
Renee Peron Irvine
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
"I've worked with a few personal fitness trainers over the past few years and I have to say, without a doubt, I've found the best there is. I've worked out religiously on my own, since I was 21 and was in pretty good shape when I first started with Chris. I came to him with the goal of wanting to gain more muscle mass and achieve a ripped, more cut look. He's been working with me for the past 3 months and I have already seen some amazing results. I'm stoked at my physique now and I think this is the best I've looked in my
life. Every routine is different and I never get bored or know what's going to happen ahead of time before each session. I only train with him twice a week and I constantly feel that "post workout" burn that I love. Chris knows so much about the human physique and body mechanics as well as the nutrition programs it takes in order to get the maximum results. His positive attitude makes him such an awesome person to be around and he always pushes me to my limits and beyond. To be honest, the gym is a little out of the way for me when coming from work but I don't care because I'm so amazed at my results and how I look now. He is so accommodating when my schedule suddenly changes and always finds time to fit me in. I'm so grateful to you Chris for getting me to where I definitely have more self-esteem. Thanks for making me a more positive person, inside and out. You rock, Thank you for my six pack!!!"
Alex Nguyen Orange County, California
Now I have SO much more confidence in a bikini...
"Although it hasn't been very long since I began working out with Positively Fit, I can see and feel a difference in my body! Before I began the training I was going to the gym and taking kickboxing classes, but hadn't seen any results in months. After my first workout with Positively Fit, I felt so good and knew I was getting the workout that I needed! I had already been working out consistently for a while, but I have not been that sore after a workout in I don't know how long. I also actually enjoy going to our workouts because it doesn't feel like a chore. The trainers are very positive and push me to my limit! I actually can do pushups now, and not the girl kind!! I'm looking better, I feel strong, and now I have SO much more confidence in a
bikini. Thank you for everything!!!"
Shelli Chait Orange County, Ca (12 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
From Surgery to a 10K with OC's #1 Personal Training Service!
Before After
"I have been working out with Chris since July 2006, following a major foot surgery in May of 2006. I contacted Chris for the purposes of getting back in to shape after my surgery, and I couldn't be happier with the job he's done with me. In the year that I have been training with Chris, I saw myself go from flab to fab! Not only did I rehabilitate my foot more quickly than most patients, according to my podiatrist, I really got back into shape much faster than I had expected. In November of 2005 I started running 5k's, and then made a pact that I would do at least one 5k a month for a year. Well, I graduated quickly to 8 and 10k races, and just completed the Camp Pendleton 10k Obstacle Course Mud Run. 1 year ago, I was just getting off of my crutches and starting to use a medical walking boot.
I look forward to those days that I get to go to the gym and workout, and doing all that hard work in the gym translates to my life outside the gym as well. I joined a running group and I follow the nutritional guidelines that I have learned from Chris, my life is so much better than it was a year ago! Not just having my foot healed from the surgery and taking off the weight that came on during post-op down time, but having made working out enjoyable, instead of how it has been most of my life something I make myself do, but I can't wait to get it over with! No more.
Chris is one of the most positive and motivating people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I feel truly lucky to have someone as dedicated and positive as he is helping me get and stay in shape!"
Heidi Ingersoll Orange County, Ca
Changed my life...
"Positively Fit, I just wanted to let you know that you have changed my life. I know when people say that, it sounds dramatic, but the effects I have experienced have been dramatic. Thank you for inviting me in to the positive environment of the gym. Training with you and being around all the good energy there has totally reversed a lifetime of the family tradition of negativity, has encouraged me to open my mind to possibilities and has taught me that the only thing holding me back in the world is me.
"I have changed how I look for the better; I take pride in my body. (13 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Before After
"I have changed my mind in a way most people
say is not possible by eliminating the negative and focusing on the positive.
"I have "cut the fat" in all areas of my life and will accept nothing less than wonderful.
"I look forward to every day.
"I welcome every challenge.
"The world is my oyster now and I want you to know that your refreshing attitude has been the catalyst for everything that has happened. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Amy Soest Orange County, California
I've lost a size and a half in 2 months...
"My name is Raichel Nicole and I have been working out with Positively Fit personal fitness training for a couple of months now. WOW!! I have always been really active; spin classes 4 times a week intermixed with body pump weightlifting classes, jogging 2-3 miles daily, sit ups, push ups and trying to maintain a fairly decent diet. Then I found Positively Fit and everything has changed, my body to say the least. I've lost a size and a half in 2 months, I'm leaner more toned and feeling a lot better about myself. It also helps when I get so many compliments
on a daily basis such as, "hey you work out a lot huh?" or "your trainer is paying off, you look amazing"! It feels so great! They don't just train like "normal" personal fitness trainers either. The workouts are different daily and its high energy all the time. It's mixture of cardio, weights, positive energy, laughing, and pure sweat and endurance. I've never worked out so hard and felt so great!! I really look forward to the days I get to train. If I was looking for someone to just give my money away to and "say" I have a trainer I'd just join a large gym like everyone else. I wanted to look and feel different and have an understanding with my trainer, accountability and accuracy. I couldn't promote anyone better or more deserving. They take into account your body, your tolerance and then push it too the limit!!!! Thank you for everything Positively Fit, You Are Awesome!" (14 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Raichel Nicole Tustin, CA
I'm actually proud of my body for once...
"Chris, the Positively Fit workouts are the bomb. Thanks to you I'm actually proud of my body for once!"
Diamond D Irvine, California
I've lost 45lbs of fat...
"Hey man, YOU ROCK......I don't think I would look and feel the way I do today if I hadn't worked out with you. My life has improved both physically and mentally. I am happy to say that because of training with Positively Fit Personal Training I've lost 45lbs of fat and added
20lbs of muscle, going from an unshapely 260lbs to a strong
235lbs, which for being 6'6" is pretty damn good. Thank you for everything... NO BULL!!!"
John Carl Irvine
I've lost fat, gained muscle, look and feel younger and have a completely new positive attitude... (15 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Approaching 50 years old, I was naturally getting concerned about what kind of 'quality of life' my two young sons (a 2 and 8 year old) could expect from a dad as they grew up. I was not obese but certainly had extra pounds and a low fitness level.
When I was introduced to you, I was so, so skeptical. I had belonged to a big mega- gym for 8 years and had barely been there in the last 4. It always seemed too artificial and impersonal.
After the first session with you at 'Next Level Fitness', my opinion of gyms and particularly Personal Trainers changed. I enjoy going to Next Level Fitness. Everyone there is very cool and down-to-Earth. I can honestly say Chris has turned my life
around completely. I've lost fat, gained muscle, look and feel younger and have a completely new positive attitude. I am now healthy and can keep up with my boys. Training with Chris has made a huge difference in my life.
I told you some time ago just how important you had become in my life. I told you how much I appreciated your drive, your enthusiasm, and particularly your tolerance with me. I wanted you to know that even though I have not been the 'ideal' client, you have had a major impact on my life. It was important to me that you knew just how positive an impact you were having on another person's life.
You are my hero and I consider you a friend. I just wish I had found you years ago.
In years to come, when my boys have grown up and I become a grandpa (and a great- grandpa), I will tell them that the only reason I'm here to enjoy it is because of
Chris -my renegade trainer! You're the best!
Graham Forman Irvine, Ca
I look 100% better...
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
One year ago I was a father to a 2 year old son, husband to a fantastic wife of 7 years, manager at a great job, and generally a very happy guy. I hadn't exercised, let alone been very active, for many years. I wasn't heavy, my genetics keep me pretty slender, but I was horribly out of shape and had no muscle tone or endurance. I was becoming increasingly annoyed with myself that I could develop lower back pain from just picking up my boy too quickly, or become winded after just a few minutes of running around with him in the backyard. I had a membership at 24 Hour Fitness, but like the majority of their customers I was just a card carrier and never actually went to the gym. My son is my #1 priority in life, and I made the decision that by the time I turned 40 I was going to be in shape and ready to handle all the physical activity my son could throw my way.
After talking openly about my goals at work, two friends spoke very highly about their personal fitness trainer Chris and recommended I contact him. I called Chris and after briefly discussing my goals he set a time for me to come workout, see the gym, talk more about my goals, and make the decision if this was what I wanted. That first workout was brutal; Chris pushed me but never beyond my capabilities. He seemed to know exactly what I was capable of doing, even though I didn't, and kept me engaged with discussions about physical fitness and better eating habits. My goal was one full year, and by the end of the hour I knew I was ready to commit to the investment in myself, and set a 2x per week schedule with Chris right then and there.
Over the last year, Chris has become a friend, mentor, dietician, and Jedi Master to me. Working out with him has been something I looked forward to doing, knowing that the hour would be physically tough but always lots of fun, and often spiritually uplifting. Chris has a personality and attitude that make him easy to work with, even when I was having a rough day or just wasn't into the workout. He is an expert at motivating and inspiring me to succeed in my goals, in the gym as well as in my life. I truly believe that he is the type of person that sincerely wants people to achieve happiness and fulfillment, and goes out of his way to make sure he is giving them everything they need towards that end.
Last July I made a huge decision to leave the management role I've held for the last 8 years and pursue a sales position with the same company. It was something that I'd thought about for several years, and even had a number of people tell me I was perfect for that job, but I always wrote it off as something on which I didn't want to take the chance. Through his highly motivating sessions and positive attitude, Chris helped me grow as a person, ready to take on new risks and challenges not only in the gym but in my personal life as well. It is a direct result of my involvement with Chris as my personal trainer that I was able to finally take the first step which put me in the new job that I have now. And yes, I'm kicking ass and super successful!
I am now 40 years old, but people tell me I look 35. I feel great. I look 100% better than (17 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I did last year. I can see the difference in the mirror and everyone that knows me
makes very flattering comments. I never ate poorly, but I'm eating so much healthier now than ever before. I'm stronger, more flexible, and have greater endurance than I think I ever had in my entire life. My experience with Chris and Next Level Fitness has been life changing in ways I didn't think possible, and I'm very grateful that I ended up working with him.
Steve Denham Orange County, Ca
I have seen major changes in my physique and couldn't be happier...
I've been training in Shao-Lin Kung Fu for over 10 years and have been teaching for over 4 years. During the course of my training I developed pretty good balance, agility, speed, and coordination. I wanted more though. I wanted to increase my strength, power, and especially explosive power. I explained to Positively Fit Personal Training what I wanted to get out of working with them and they immediately started me on a program to do just what I was looking for. They always give you 100%
and bring no BS to the training which I can relate to since that's the same attitude I train my students. I have seen major changes in my physique and couldn't be happier. I've recommended Positively Fit to my closest friends and wouldn't do so if I didn't trust them to do what they do best.
Jeremy Wang Head Instructor/Owner of Irvine Kung Fu Irvine
I have lost 23 pounds and gained muscles everywhere on my body...
Before I starting working out with the Positively Fit Training Team, I tried several gyms in the past several years. I didn't find motivation to do my workouts. So I decided to give Positively Fit a try and sure enough from day one, I could feel sore muscles. That showed me that under their guidance and encouragements, the workouts are doing something to my body. I decided to sign up and saw that there were four parts to his training, which the team made sure that I followed. They are: Weight training, Cardio training, Eating habits and Motivation.
With weight training, the team makes sure I do my exercises using correct form and (18 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
Before After
work to maximize my efforts with each weight exercises. They make me accountable in doing sets properly as well as asking me if I did my cardio training, which I do. Positively Fit also introduced me to Precision Nutrition through the website which I've completely transformed my eating habits and found myself more alert, healthier and full on daily basis. My metabolism has gotten higher and I eat more and more. Since I've started training with Chris and his Positively Fit Team, I have not eaten or drank any junk! The motivation made me focus on all other areas to ensure that I pursue them on a daily basis. Because of what I've learned, several of my personal goals are being met.
Now that I have been working with the personal trainers at Positively Fit for 18 weeks, I have lost 23 pounds and gained muscles everywhere on my body. I have been scheduling all of my other work and home activities around my workout times because I do not want to miss any. Now that is motivation!
Andy Orange County, California
I have lost 32 pounds and gone from wearing a size 22 to a 14/16...
"My odyssey to better my heath and fitness and increase my life expectancy began following a trip to South East Asia. My very opinionated 4 year old did not want to have the arm rest of the airplane seat up. Although I fit in the seat, I found it more comfortable to raise the arm rest since the flight was very long one. Upon my return in June 2006, I started walking around my neighborhood with my daughter and our dog. They both started to become so accustomed to the walk that the dog would hover near the door at the same time every night and my daughter would ask if we were going to walk.
"Before long I noticed a change in my body but knew that I would need some help to work on other areas of my body. That help came in the form of an email from a former co worker Kimberly Newman who had lost a lot of weight and transformed her body with the help of Positively Fit. My first workout was in July on one of the hottest (humid) days in 2006, it was well over 100 degrees and I thought that I was going to pass out. Despite the heat, I knew that I would join Positively Fit. The environment was very (19 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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encouraging and Chris who had once been overweight could relate. Although he was empathetic, I knew that he would challenge and encourage me. In addition, I had read a lot of the testimonials of success.
"I officially started working out at the end of August and with Positively Fit's encouragement started to change my eating habits. The BIGGEST change for me was to begin eating breakfast. I have since learned that 76% of overweight people do not eat breakfast! Chris mentioned to me that all of what I was doing at the training sessions was nothing if I was not eating right.
"At first I did not want to track my progress for fear of disappointment. However, I could tell from the way my clothes fitted that I had lost some inches. On 9/29 I decided to get with the nutrition program .Satisfaction came in the form of shopping for a dress for the office Christmas dinner. I had no idea what size to purchase, as I was still wearing my original size 22 with the aid of some belts etc. Imagine my surprise when a size 14/16 fit!
"As of 1/5 I have lost 32 pounds and gone from wearing a size 22 to a 14/16. My initial desired dress size was a 14, but I know that if I continue working out and eating right that I will certainly exceed my initial goal. My new goal is to get out of the fat lady store (they start at a size 14) !
"The personal trainers at Positively Fit truly know how to motivate people; they challenge you to go for the max, even though you may feel that you are not capable. I am truly appreciative of Chris and Josh for their encouragement and dedication and would highly recommend Positively Fit Personal Training to anyone
Thank you for putting me on the path of good health and fitness!"
Kind regards,
No longer feel like the fat person at the pool... (20 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
"Peter and I are getting married in July and we wanted to get in shape for our wedding. At first Peter was a little hesitant because we had personal trainers in the past but saw little results. We used to get intimidated by the gym so it was important to us that we find a trainer that would make us feel comfortable. Chris is very positive and uplifting and made us feel right at home. His positive energy & enthusiasm is contagious. While exercising with Chris is fun he does push you to your limits. Just when you think you can't lift another weight he has you lift five more. The most satisfying part of working out with Chris is that you instantly see results. My posture has improved tremendously and I can see definition in my arms, butt and legs. Peter's face is thinner, his arms and chest is a lot more toned and he can now wear his old belts that he hasn't been able to
wear in over a year. This has been a real confidence booster. We no longer feel like
the fat person at the pool and it feels really good to be happy with your body.
"Another perk to training with Chris is that you can work out as a couple or in groups. This has been really fun because we are able to motivate each other and support each other to reach our weight loss goals. We no longer look at exercising as a chore or something painful and dreadful. It's been extremely rewarding & gives us a balance to our hectic lives. We are really thankful that Chris truly has listened to our goals and has committed 100% to not only help us achieve our weight loss goals but has also changed our views toward exercising. We are fully committed to making this a lifestyle change and for that we are forever grateful."
Peter and Erica Lama Irvine, California
Thanks for this rockin' bikini body...
"Your workouts are the best! I love your style, the way you constantly switch the exercises up so that it's aerobic, fast paced and totally enjoyable. It's never boring and there's no sitting around! I definitely would have quit working out a couple times if I (21 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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didn't have you there to keep me on track. Thanks for this rockin' bikini body!"
Sarah Roughan Lake Forest, CA
Have whole heartedly recommended you to all my friends and family...
Before After
"I personally felt so empowered by you and your workouts more because I knew that you had achieved a significant weight loss and fitness goals similar to mine. I started training with you when I was overweight and unfit and had only recently started a diet along with cardio on a regular basis. At that point, my strength and stamina weren't there so I mainly walked and used the stationary bike. That all changed with you! You challenged me and inherently knew what I was capable of at each session. I never felt like it was too much, too soon.
"Your generous spirit and serious drive is addicting and that's why you are so good at what you do! I left each session feeling more and more confident and happy I survived and excited to see what was next! I loved how you never made it boring - always changed it up on us and had us work separate areas and also gave us individual attention when needed. I still can't get the exact same 'sweat effect' on my own but I'm working on it!! I have truly benefited from everything you taught me and have whole heartedly recommended you to all my friends and family. You are the most highly energized person I've ever met, it's infectious! You have truly found your calling! Kimberly Before Kimberly After (22 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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Kimberly Newman Aliso Viejo, Ca
To learn how you can drop fat and tone up Call (800) 310-5062
Are you a woman looking for a personal trainer? If so, click here
Are you a man looking for a personal trainer? If so, click here
Hi I'm Chris McCombs, owner of Orange County's Positively Fit Personal Training. You're about to discover what could possibly be the most powerful fat melting program ever created - a program so simple literally anyone can do it.
You see, I personally know what it's like to be out of shape. That's me in the before and after picture at the top of the page.
One Spring Day not too long ago I was walking out of a Rubio's Fish Taco and I looked over and caught my profile reflecting back at me in a mirror. I couldn't believe what I saw; it was actually
painful to really look at my own body.
Out of sheer emotional pain I decided I'd finally had it. I swore to myself "I am going to lose this weight once and for all!!!"
I told a few of the guys at my work what I was planning to do and they laughed at me -"YOU, GOING TO THE GYM!!!" they said.
At first I didn't know how to exercise the right way, it seemed easier to just stay in my comfort zone and do nothing at all, but dammit I had to do something about it!
What did I do? I dragged myself into the gym and worked out. I pushed, I pulled, and I think I even grunted a few times. And after all that work - no results (at least not the kind I was hoping
It was obvious this exercise thing was working for some people but it just wasn't working for me. I knew there had to be something more to it, something I was missing, something I was doing wrong and I was determined to find out what it was!!!
I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours studying the ins and outs of how it all works. I devoured every useful piece of information I could get my hands on. I studied and applied things that worked and even some that didn't. Night after night I stayed up until sunrise trying to figure out the perfect exercise routines. And you know what happened? (23 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
I'd make this as part of a squeeze page probably not here in the middle. Then all the testimonials would be geared for them
Yanik Silver
There is an entire shift now when you start the letter again after the testimonials - it doesn't flow that much. You might want to hint at your own story at the beginning too
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I learned there was so much misinformation out there that finding the truth became like looking for a needle in a haystack! And what I discovered in the haystack blew my mind...
I Stumbled onto Secrets and Lies the So-Called "Experts" in the Fat Loss Industry Don't Want You to Know About
Did you know in 2006, Americans alone spent over $39.2 Billion on diets, nutritional supplements and weight loss products? And did you also know there are over 1,123 different manufacturers of these products? The profits are huge and to say the competition is steep is a downright understatement.
Is it any wonder greedy supplement and weight loss companies will tell you anything to get you to spend your hard earned money on their shady products and snake oil formulas?
And because the supplement industry is so loosely regulated these multi million dollar corporations can get away with just about anything they want.
Is It Any Wonder You've Been Lied To By These Unscrupulous Companies Again and Again?
If the diets and pills people are using actually work then why is it over 93% of all people who lose weight gain it all back?
The fact is Americans are fatter than ever before. The Surgeon General tells us over 50% of the adult population is overweight. So not only is the way people are trying to lose fat today ineffective, it's actually less effective than ever before because people are depending on products, supplements and diet pills.
Why? Again it comes down to these big companies...
Consider this fact: The major diet and supplement companies own the big fitness magazines and websites. Many of the articles in the publications people read and take for the truth are literally disguised advertisements written by ghostwriters for these big companies who know absolutely nothing about fitness!!!
And because of the advertising dollars spent with the media these same companies are able to spin the "news" just about any way they want.
So guess what happens? Because of all the deception in the magazines, on the websites and in the media most people who try to lose fat and tone up are doing it wrong!!!
The problem is many people are relying on pills, powders and "magic drinks"... they're using the wrong programs, doing the wrong exercises and even worse...
When most people workout they are using really lousy form! (24 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
I learned early on if I made these mistakes I would get minimal results, compromise my health, ruin my joints, create horrible-rounded-shoulder- head-poking-forward-posture and I would look like a caveman (ughhhh...just look around in your local health clubs and you'll see what I mean).
So what did I do when I discovered just how many lies and cut-throat tactics were out there?
I decided to get revenge - the best kind of revenge possible. I decided to get into mind-blowing shape the right way without relying on their lies and crappy products.
How did I do this?
I became steadfast in learning and using only the most productive muscle toning and fat
melting principles and techniques known to man.
I discovered that to lose fat and sculpt muscle at an optimal rate:
It takes the right INFORMATION - I've separated it from all the B.S. out there
It takes the proper APPLICATION of the right information - I've learned how to put into practice what works and how to do it the right way to really make that fat practically fall right off
It takes WORK - It's not easy like many diet and weight loss companies would have you believe, but it is simple, so simple in fact almost anyone can do it
It takes TIME - There truly are no shortcuts and you simply can't get the body you want overnight, but you can lose fat at rapid rate and keep it off permanently
After I learned and applied what really works do you know what happened next?
The fat literally started to melt off of my body!!! Muscles I never knew I had began gleaming with definition. The more I learned and applied the right techniques the better I looked.
I lost 125lbs in 15 months, and I ended up losing 143lbs total!!!
Hardly Anyone Believed I Was Going To Lose All of That Fat But I Did!
And that's just the beginning... (25 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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Now I feel like I'm 15 years younger! I have tons of energy, feel completely amazing and even stand taller! I can fit into clothes I haven't been able to fit into since I was practically in high
Talk about being stoked!
And what's really exciting is what's happened to my self image. Let's just say when I look in the mirror not only does it not hurt anymore, but I am extremely happy with what I see! What a difference working out the right way can make!
As I started looking better and better and better something really strange began to happen.
People started to constantly ask me questions like "How did you lose all that fat?' and "What do you do to look so good?" and "Can you help me look better too?"
People started practically begging me to help them shed fat, tone up and look better.
So I gave some pointers and created some exercise programs and meal plans for them.
Here's what happened...
One guy lost over 30 pounds in a few short months; another lost almost sixty pounds in six months! Keep in mind these are just two of the first people I worked with, when I was brand new to this whole thing - I was just doing this stuff for fun!
The best part was I really enjoyed helping each person. The more people I helped the better I felt. Soon I knew what I wanted to do with my life - help other people look and feel great!!!
I became certified through The National Academy of Sports Medicine and started Orange County's Positively Fit Personal Training, a service dedicated to getting you the body you want.
Soon the demand for my services grew far beyond what I was able to handle myself so I systemized what works, created a program and hired a team of qualified, committed, intense, dependable and mega-positive trainers
With Our Highly In Demand Orange County Personal Training Service You Will:
Lose Fat Once and For All - Seeing how with conventional methods over 93% of people who lose fat gain it all back, we'll show you how to do it the right way so you can be part of the small percentage who keeps it off forever
Tone up - Ever notice how with pills and crash diets people might lose a little weight real fast yet end up looking like a weak sickly slightly smaller version of themselves? You've seen it plenty of times, they might look a little skinnier yet their muscles look soft and mushy. Well we'll show you how to look healthy and toned, so your muscles can be firm and defined
Look Great - It's no secret, a lean and toned body is considered by most people to be extremely attractive and appealing. (26 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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We will...
Show you what exercises to do and how to do them correctly - Like I said, most people who exercise are doing it all wrong, and this can not only really put a screeching halt on your results but it can mess up your joints and the way you look. I don't care how thin you are, it's hard to look good with exercise induced bad posture (i.e. rounded shoulders and head poking forward with a big lump at the base of your neck). We'll make sure your form is spot on the money perfect.
Make the workouts fun - If you don't enjoy something you won't look forward to it, so we do our best to bring the most authentic fun positive vibes to the workouts possible
Really push you when you need it - Let face it, everybody has days where they're not feeling it 100%, even the best of us. That's why we're here to really lift you up, cheer you on and give you a kick in the butt when you need it.
What's the first step?
Just give us a call. We'll spend around 5-15 minutes on the phone with you to see if our program could possibly help you. We will never try and talk you into anything; we're only interested in seeing if you we are a good fit for your needs. If we are, and you'd like to try us out on the house, we'll schedule a trail workout for you at no charge. If for any reason we are not what you're looking for we will point you in the direction of a more suitable situation.
If you're just dying to lose fat permanently then this will be one of the most important calls you will ever make...
Call Now: (800) 310-5062
Yes I want to Achieve a toned and fit look
Yes I want to Define the muscles in my arms, stomach and legs
Yes I want More confidence
Yes I want to Get rid of my unwanted fat
Yes I want to Strengthen and condition my whole body
Yes I want to Be more athletic
Yes I want Intense Workouts - workouts that are high energy and challenging
Yes I want to Have more energy
Yes I want to Work with trainers who are master motivators - trainers who will safely push me harder than I would push myself, giving me the right type of workout for my goals while keeping my exercise form in perfect check
Yes I want to Enjoy the feeling of seeing my body constantly improving
Yes I want to Learn and perform the two most dramatic-fat-melting-muscle-build-bang-for- your-buck-exercises around. (Psssssst...If you could only do two exercises these are the (27 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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two, hands down. Learning these two exercises and doing them the right way will force you to drop fat at a rapid rate )
Yes I want to Be Healthy
Yes I want to Learn what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it. I know this will make me feel awesome and help the fat fall right off of me
Yes I want to Become a Fat Burning Machine - I want to fire up my metabolism which is going to help me burn fat as fast a possible
Yes I want to be held accountable to my workouts, and by being accountable I understand that I WILL GET RESULTS
Yes I want Affordable Rates
Yes I want to Be more attractive
To learn about how you can lose fat, tone up and get the body you want, call our Orange County Personal
Training Hotline at (800) 310-5062
How do we do all this? Let me explain...
We fuse cutting edge science with fun and challenging "old-school" hardcore exercise
We also apply the right mindset, energy and world class motivation along with top notch guidance, ironclad instruction and complete support to get you a killer workout experience with unsurpassable results.
Our intensive full body workouts are fast paced and done in semi-private training fashion (typically 3-6 people).
Consider these facts most Personal Trainers don't want you to know...
You see with most traditional one-on-one personal training the trainer and client spend a lot of time talking about their personal lives, and frankly the trainer wastes a lot of time just standing around counting reps.
Why pay good money for someone just to count your reps? And if you're looking for someone to talk about your personal life with for an hour then hire a therapist!
Even in settings like professional or collegiate level strength training and conditioning for sports the trainer works with multiple athletes at one time. It's the same in physical therapy settings where the patients are doing exercises to help them rehabilitate from major injuries; again the therapist works with a few patients at a time.
If these people don't need one-on-one training why would the average person looking to drop (28 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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some body fat, tone up and look hot need one-on-one training?
Also, because the slow paced style of most one-on-one training can be so ineffective many times the trainer will schedule the client for four or five workouts per week to help the client get results. This can not only can put a serious dent into your pocket book but can put a serious dent into your life. Who wants to be slaving away at the gym all of the time?
Our workouts are so effective at getting people into shape we actually have most people start out training with us two days per week. Sure, we'll have you do some cardio and things on your own, but very few people will need more then two of our workouts per week to get mind boggling results.
With our semi-private workouts not only will you enjoy the camaraderie of training with your fellow workout partners but you'll also benefit from the social support you'll receive as you continue to move towards your goals together.
Plus if you're ever in need of a little extra boost because you're having a low energy day, the person working out next to you can really lift you up. People just seem to workout a little harder when they're with a few others because it's hard to slack off when the person next to you is working their butt off!!!
You'll just never be able to get all of this with traditional one-on-one personal training.
Honestly one of the biggest complaints people have with personal trainers is their trainer
always takes them through the same routine - this makes the workouts just plain boring and unproductive.
That's why a key part of our program is we constantly switch up the routines so neither you nor your body will ever get bored with the workouts. This way you'll continue to look better and better.
You see your body will adapt very quickly to any routine you give it and you will stop making progress. By us constantly switching up your workouts we will literally "trick" your body into
making constant improvements
You'll never do the same workout twice and you will get results!
This powerful combination of the right exercise routines, the right mindset along with the trainer's support, guidance, and motivation, topped with social camaraderie will all work synergistically to get you the body you want...
Simply put, we take a No B.S. approach to your training so you can enjoy a lean and sexy body.
To learn more call our Orange County Personal Fitness Training Hotline at (800) 310-5062
"Have you seen the bestselling DVD 'The Secret'???" (29 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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I've collaborated with 3 of the mindset experts featured in the movie "The Secret" - Lisa Nichols (recently featured on Oprah and Larry King Live), Joe Vitale (recently featured on Larry King Live) and Bob Doyle.
These highly in demand experts, authors and speakers all contributed chapters to an upcoming personal fitness trainer's course I have coming out and have helped me to create the best fitness training around.
Lisa Nichols Bob Doyle Joe Vitale
"The Secret" is being touted as hands down the best explanation of how to live an extraordinary life that's been created to date. That's why this # 1 best-seller is being featured and praised on shows like Oprah, Ellen, The Today Show and Larry King Live.
Many of the principles discussed in the DVD "The Secret" are a paramount part of the training we do at Positively Fit.
You see recently science has made giant leaps in understanding how to get what you want in life and this includes having the body you want.
How does this all tie into our personal training?
We're going to help create a mental and emotional shift in you, we're going to help you look forward to workouts - many of our clients tell us their workouts with us are by far their
favorite part of their week.
Let's face it, if you don't enjoy something, you probably won't stick with it and you probably won't get very good results. So we're going to do our best to make sure you enjoy and maximize your time with us.
Not only do we use the best exercise techniques known to man, we also apply cutting-
edge science to work with you to recondition the link between your mind and your muscle so making the changes will be easy and exciting.
Here's what you'll get with our program:
Weekly Personal Training Sessions - You'll receive trainer-supervised workouts with all (30 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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the motivation, guidance, instruction, support and accountability you need to achieve your fitness goals.
As a special bonus you'll get free use of the private gym - There are no gym dues or health club memberships to pay and you get to workout in the "Greatest Gym on Earth". You will have access to the gym to do your cardio, stretching and supplemental workouts at no extra cost. (Valued at $300 per year but free only to our clients. This applies to clients who work out at our Irvine location only.)
Nutritional Instruction - Learn what foods to eat so you can drop fat like a bad habit
Bottom line: For one low monthly rate you'll get all the cutting-edge fat burning workouts a week you need, along with nutritional instruction and access to the gym so you can do your extra cardio workouts on your own. You'll get all this for the price of daily lunch out and a Starbucks cup of coffee.
To learn how you can drop fat and look amazing Call (800) 310-5062
I know what you might be thinking...
"Sounds great, but hiring a personal trainer is probably expensive, right?"
I admit there are a few cheaper trainers out there (and plenty that are way more expensive). Since we are high quality service and our mission is to get you results our prices aren't dirt cheap. But because you'll probably only need two of our workouts per week to see your body change dramatically we're able to keep the monthly costs fairly low, much lower than if you needed to pay for four or five workouts per week.
What we offer is significant and tangible results at an affordable rate.
Let me ask you something...When it comes to your body is dirt cheap what you're looking for? When you have an ailment and you go to the doctor are you looking for cheap or are you looking for the cure? When it comes to your health, happiness and the way you look are you looking to skimp or are you looking for results?
The truth is if you're looking for a low-end fitness training service and you'll settle for low-end results we're not for you.
Please understand we'll only care about your health and happiness if you care about those things yourself. If you don't, please don't waste our time or yours.
However, if you do value your health and the way you look you might be wondering what the next step is...
Here's what we can do...
As a way for us to find out if we're a good trainer-client match I'm willing to give you a trial (31 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Yanik Silver
I really think you should be one of the top priced ones. And it's fine to say there are other low-priced options and explain why that's probably fine for 90-95% of the people (if you are going for an exclusive training practice like I think you should)
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
workout to test drive our service so we (the trainer and yourself) can mutually decide if our program is right for you.
The reason we do this is because we only want to train people who are sure that they want to workout with us. I want you to make an informed decision as to whether or not we are the
right personal training service for you.
Before you call I want to warn you though...
We won't take just anybody...
You see the trial workout is also for us to decide if you are willing to put in the effort needed to get results.
I'll admit we are little selective regarding who we work with. Until recently we have been
nearly an exclusive referral only personal training business. Why???
The truth is people who are referred are usually the most serious about getting results. And since our clients represent us, they are like our walking talking billboards.
The bottom line is we only take on people who will work hard and make our company look good. How do you make us look good? You make us look good by getting results. How do you get results? By following our simple program and putting forth your best efforts.
But I think it's only fair to tell you...
If you want a trainer who will baby-sit you, hand you your weights, carry around your towel and wipe the sweat off your forehead, then we are not the
personal training service for you
If you are looking for a personal trainer who will spend half the workout talking about himself and checking himself out in the mirror then we are not the service for you.
If you want to be trained by some kid who just applied for a job at a gym as a personal trainer so he could meet chicks, then we are definitely not the personal training service for you.
Here's a list of a few more things we are not:
We are not here to pamper you
We are not here to be your therapist. Even though we'll help you recondition your mind so you can get the body you want, we're not here to tell you what do about your personal problems. We are here for one thing, to make you look and feel great .
We are not know-it-all's - we do know how to get you the body you want, but we don't claim to know everything. If we don't have an answer to one of your questions we'll find it!
We are not a quick-fix over-night solution - we can't get you into shape in 48 hours or even two weeks - it takes time (32 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
Yanik Silver
This should be sprinkled throughout so they feel like they have to sell you on their commitment, etc
Orange County Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Fitness Trainer
We are not here to get you big and bulky - we won't turn you into a bodybuilder, it's just not our thing. If that's what you're looking for there are plenty of other personal training services around who can help you do just that
We are not here to help you improve your golf swing, we're help to help you look great
We are not a rep counting service - meaning we won't just stand there and count your reps
We are not for people who like to complain
We are not here to hold you captive for an hour while we go on and on about our personal lives
We are not the magic bullet, you will have to do your part
We are not going to put you on some piece of cardio equipment for an hour and call it a workout- you can do that stuff on your own for free
We are not the absolute cheapest service in town (our strong point is results, not rock bottom rates, however our prices are very competitive- call (800) 310-5062 to get our current rates)
We are not going to just stand around holding a clip board and a stop watch
We are not arrogant egotistical steroid freaks checking ourselves out in the mirror all the time and walking around like we're God's gift to the world .
We are not here for those who want a personal trainer for the "status" it gives them. We want to train people looking for results, not just looking to boost their self image by telling their friends they "have a trainer"
Now there's anything wrong with those things...that's just not our style
Getting You Into Mouth-Dropping Eye-Popping Looking-Amazing Shape is Our Style
I think it's only fair to tell you there is an extremely high demand for our services, and because
of this our prices are about to go up. Not by much mind you, probably just a $5 or $10 price increase per workout, but over the period of a month that could really add up
(psssst...If you're one of our current clients this doesn't apply to you, our policy is that whatever price you start at is the price you stay at - so don't worry - this price increase won't effect you at all)
The reason we're going to be raising our prices is simple: To offer the high quality workouts which is our trademark there are only so many clients we can have at any one time.
You see the demand for our services has grown so high we're about to max out with clients.
It's simply a case of supply and demand. Bottom Line...The sooner you call us the lower your cost will be.
To Secure The Lowest Possible Rate Call Now: (800) 310-5062
Quite simply our program WORKS. Those who use our program know this and that's why many (33 of 35)8/17/2007 7:29:45 AM
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people have been with us for years and years and continue to refer their friends and family on an ongoing basis.
Once you start training with us you're going to be absolutely hooked...
You may never want to go home. Call your friends and family and tell them about the strange "workout cult" you've joined.
Owner and President Positively Fit Personal Training Orange County, Ca
P.S. - Remember, we fuse cutting edge science with "old-school" hardcore exercise techniques that are fun and challenging. Our workouts are head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to world class motivation, top notch guidance, ironclad instruction and complete support to get you a killer workout experience with unsurpassable results.
P.P.S - Our goal in life is to get you the body you want. We'll tone up your entire body and get
you looking amazing. As you can see from all the success stories we've helped tons of people get the body they want
P.P.P.S. - And don't forget there's no cost to try it out and our rates are affordable, but because the demand for or services is so high, prices are about to go up - however if you call now you'll secure the lowest rate possible, and you'll get the bonus free gym membership at no cost to you.
So Do You Want To Get Into Mind Boggling Shape?
If so, just call (800) 310-5062 to learn more
To apply for a trial session at no cost to you just fill out the form below:
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Positively Fit Personal Training is located in Irvine, California by John Wayne Airport in Orange County. We serve Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, Tustin, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Anaheim, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Lake Forest, Laguna Hills, RSM, Foothill Ranch, Aliso Viejo, Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach, Capo Beach, Dana Point and San Clemente. © 2006-07 Positively Fit Personal Training.
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Orange County Personal Training
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