
Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World, and You

Brenda Pugh Module 4 Huntsville Campus

Chapter 1 Organizational Behavior and OpportunityReview Question4. Briefly describe the elements of the formal and the informal organization. Give examples of each. A formal organization is the official and visible part of a system and include a group where the employees activities are coordinated and controlled. The informal organization is therefore the unofficial and less visible part of a system and include a group brought together through common goals and beliefs. These informal organization elements are important because feelings and thoughts as well as attitude often make a difference in a person s behavior and their performance. Informal organizations naturally evolve as they grow whereas formal organizations are planned from the beginning. These organizations tend to be better structured than informal organizations that evolve. The formal organization creates a chain of command with formal rules and regulations provided to protect interests of both the organization and employees. Communication channels are set up by the formal organization whereas the informal organization develops their own communication system.

Discussion and Communication Questions1. How do the formal aspects of your work environment affect you? What informal aspects of your work environment are important? There are well structured rules and regulations defined. Goals and objectives are determined by the organization but they are not so strict that ideas and suggestions by employees are given thought. The informal aspects important are the ability to motivate employees and be responsive to ideas and suggestions. 4. Discuss two ways people learn about organizational behavior? Two of the three ways to learn about organizational behavior are through objective knowledge and skill development. Objective knowledge is developed through research. Cognitive mastery of theories, conceptual models and research findings are requirements of obtaining objective knowledge. Engaging in critical thinking enables one to identify limitations and inconsistencies. This also leads to exploring and accepting responsibility in the learning process. Skill development requires structural practice along with feedback. Engaging one in individual or group activities that are reviewed can lead to learning new skills. To ensure skill development three basic

assumptions should be followed. The first is that the person accepts responsibility for their actions. Secondly the person must participate in the learning activity and lastly the person must be open minded to new information, skills, ideas and experiments. An open attitude is necessary so that change is possible through the learning process. Therefore organizational behavior is an applied discipline of educated rather than trained.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Melissa and Brian s options. I believe the options for Disco Global is to move the company forward into the Asian market. Their strategic plan must be adhered to if their company is to continue to be successful. Their mission statement is an important factor in the overall company s goals but not as important as the opportunity to penetrate the international market. Company missions and values change and grow as the company prospers. In order for the company to stay on track I believe they should seize the opportunity available.

Chapter 2 Challenges for ManagersReview Question1. What are Hofstede s five dimensions of cultural differences that affect work attitudes? Using these dimensions, describe the United States. The first of Hofstede s dimensions is individualism versus collectivism. Individualism is where people belong to a loose social framework and their primary concern is for themselves and their family and that they should make their own decisions. Collectivism is the opposite, where people belong to tight knit social frameworks and their members depend on family. Group decisions are accepted and valued. Power distance is the second dimension. This runs from high power to low power or the unequal distribution of power. High power bosses are given more power because they are the boss and their authority is not usually bypassed. In lower power distance situations people believe that societal inequity should be minimized. High to low uncertainty avoidance is the third dimension. High uncertainty cultures tend to avoid conflict and low uncertainty cultures are more tolerant of conflict. Masculinity versus feminity is the fourth dimension. In a masculine culture men are expected to be tough and assertive and materialism is valued. In cultures characterized by feminity relationships and concern for others is emphasized. The last dimension is time orientation which is whether the cultures values are long term oriented (future) or short term oriented (past and present). In my opinion the United States is both individualistic and collectivism in nature. The United States is also a low power distance and we are also a low uncertainty avoidance culture. The United States is a masculine culture with short term orientation.

Discussion and Communication Questions1. How can managers be encouraged to develop global thinking? How can managers dispel stereotypes about other cultures? Managers should be encouraged to think globally and benefit by taking a long term view and developing long term strategies. Understanding diverse cultures is one way to dispel stereotyping about other cultures. Appreciating different cultures is crucial around the globe. Differences in culture play an important role in understanding a global work environment.

4. What effects will the globalization of business have on a company s culture? How can an organization with a strong made in America identity compete in the global marketplace? Globalization is the logic of freeing, opening, deregulating and privatizing of economies so that they will appear more attractive for investors. Competition is the biggest effect seen through globalization. A strong Made in America organization will have to globalize their firms to be able to compete in the global village. All parts of an organization are affected by business globalization and cultural differences should be recognized and embrace.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using the consequential, rule-based, and character theories, evaluate Darcy s options. Darcy s options should include offering culture diversity training. Ryan should have told his manager he was limited in his knowledge of the Japanese culture but he also should have been given some time to at least study some of the customs before being sent out to represent the company. Natalie should shoulder some of the blame for not foreseeing the problem with the possible culture differences and making sure Ryan studied the culture as well.

Chapter 3 Personality, Perception, and AttributionReview Question4. Describe the eight preferences of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument. How does this measure Carl Jung s ideas? The MBTI test was developed by a mother-daughter team, Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It is a based on the work of Jung and his theory of the psychological type. The MBTI is a useful method for understanding people by looking at eight personality preferences that all people use at different times. The eight preferences are organized into four scale dichotomies, each made of a pair of opposite preferences. When the test is taken, the preference identified by the individual is combined to make up the individual s psychological type. The Extraversion or Introversion preference describes how a person is energized either by interaction with others (extroverted) or by time alone (introverted). The Sensing or Intuition preference reflects what an individual pays attention to. The sensing type pays attention to information by gathering it through the five senses and noticing what actually exists. The intuition type prefers to take in information through a sixth sense and notices what might be. The Thinking or Feeling preference represents the individuals way of making decisions. The thinking individual organizes and structures decisions in a logical and objective way. The feeling individual makes decisions in a personal, value-based way. Thinkers analyze and feelers sympathize. The last is the Judging or Perceiving individual. These preferences describe the lifestyle that the individual adopts. The judging individual has a preference for living a planned and organized life whereas the perceiving individual has a preference for living a spontaneous and flexible life.

Discussion and Communication Questions5. How can managers encourage self-efficacy in employees? Managers can encourage self-efficacy by making a serious attempt in minimizing excessive stress in the workplace. They can also develop a climate that promotes well being and supports the use of the employees strengths. Taking the time to clarify the link between individuals efforts and company success can add a greater meaning to an employee s daily routine. Encouraging individual creativity gives the employee a sense of job ownership and may heighten productivity. A manager needs to

understand each employees unique goals. This will help the managers strategically assign tasks which are consistent with the employees career goals.

6. How can self-serving bias and the fundamental attributions error be avoided? Managers should learn as much as possible about individual differences in order to understand both themselves and those they work with. The old saying put yourself in the others persons shoes is one of the best things to do. Both knowledge and understanding of the fundamental attribution error and self-serving bias can help a manager guard against these biases in the process of looking for the causes of these behaviors on the job. Consideration should be give that behavior might have more than one explanation.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based, and character theories, evaluate Juanita s options. It is my opinion that until Sandra shows or presents that she is not capable of doing her job, Juanita should give the relationship some more time. Sandra has shown multiple sides of her personality. She has done a good job, engaged in activities with her fellow employees and voiced her opinion when necessary.

Chapter 4 Attitudes, Emotions, and EthicsReview Question2. Discuss cultural differences in job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Employees from different cultures sometimes have different expectations of their job, therefore there is no single form to increase job satisfaction in a multicultural workforce. Job satisfaction is based on five specific job dimensions including pay, the work, promotion opportunities, supervision and co-workers. Managers and employees both hold the common belief that a satisfied employee is a more productive employee. There are three types of organizational commitments including affective, continuance and normative. Affective commitment is when the employee intends to remain in the organization because of a strong desire due to the belief in goals and values, a willingness to put forth effort on the organizations behalf and their desire to remain a member of the organization. Continuance commitment is the employees desire to remain in the organization because they cannot afford to leave. Normative commitment is the perceived obligation that they should stay with the company. Managers should encourage affective commitment because the committed employee expends more task related effort and are less likely to leave the organization. Increasing job satisfaction and organizational commitment in any culture increases firm performance.

Discussion and Communication Questions3. Suppose you have an employee whose lack of commitment is affecting others in the work group. How would you go about persuading the person to change this attitude? Most often an employee s lack of commitment attitude comes from lack of motivation or lack of trust in management. Managers need to understand the components of attitudes, how they are formed, the major attitudes that affect the work behavior and how to use persuasion to change these attitudes. Three major characteristics of the effective persuader include expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness. Managers who are perceived as trustworthy or who are attractive have an edge in changing employee attitudes. Managers should recognize an employee s susceptibility to persuasion and realize their attempts may not be received well. A manager may also have better success at persuasion if all sides of a message are presented. The emotional tone of the message is also an important factor in persuading the change in attitude. If the argument presented is logical and convincing an attitude change will follow.

4. In Rokeach s studies on values, the most recent data are from 1981. Do you think values have changed since then? If so, how? In my opinion the instrumental and terminal values established by Milton Rokeach are much the same today as back in 1981. Values are the general belief in right and wrong. Rokeach s instrumental values reflect a person s means to achieving their goals. Honesty, ambition, self sufficiency and courage represent acceptable behaviors used to achieve such goals. Terminal values represent the goals to e achieved by an individual. Happiness, love, pleasure, self-respect and freedom are examples of goals every individual strives to achieve. Individuals can rank-order these values in terms of the importance to achieving goals but the end result is the values have not changed. 5. What are the most important influences on an individual s perceptions of ethical behavior? Can organizations change these perceptions? If so, how? One of the most important influences on an individual s perception of ethical behavior is values as described in Rokeach s study. Another influence is locus of control or a personality variable that affects an individual s behavior. A person with an internal locus of control believe that they control their lives and are responsible for what happens to them. External locus of control individuals believe that outside forces control what happen to them. Machiavellianism is another personality characteristic that indicates an individual s willingness to do whatever it takes to get their way. The three levels of cognitive moral development also affect ethical behavior. Since perceptions vary widely from one person to another organizations can use several ways to increase ethical behavior. Employers can counter the Machiavellian individual by focusing more on teamwork versus a one-on-one relationship therefore the individual does not get the upper hand. Another action would be to hire those individuals who share the same values as the organization. Research has shown that moral development can be increased through training and organizations could help these individuals move to a higher development through education seminars. Managers can also offer guidance by encouraging ethical behavior by installing a code of conduct, ethics committee, communication system, training, rewards and punishment programs.

Chapter 5 Motivation at WorkReview Questions2. What are the five categories of motivational needs described by Maslow? Give an example of how each can be satisfied. Maslow s hierarchy of needs is based on how people are motived to satisfy the five need levels. The first need is psychological needs or the basic survival issue. A secure physical and emotional environment satisfies the security need. Belongingness needs relate to social processes which include the need for love and affection. Esteem needs are the needs for positive self image and self respect as well as respect and recognition from others. Self actualization needs are the top of the hierarchy and involve realizing a person s potential for continued growth and development. As one level is met a person progresses to the next higher level as a source of motivation until they successfully gratify each level of need. 3. What are the Theory X and Theory Y assumptions about people at work? How do they relate to the hierarchy of needs? Theory X and Theory Y reflect two extreme belief sets. Theory X is a pessimistic and negative view of workers consistent with the views of scientific management. It is the assumption that individuals are motivated by lower-order needs. Theory Y is a positive view of workers and represents the assumptions that human relation advocates make. It is the assumption that individuals are motivated by higher-order needs. Theory X includes the assumption that people do not like to work and will try to avoid it. Since people do not like to work they must be led and controlled. People are self centered and act indifferent to the organizations needs and also they are resistant to change. Theory Y includes the assumption that people do not naturally dislike work and it is seen as a part of their lives. People are internally motived to reach the objectives which they are committed to but expect to receive personal rewards when their objective is reached. It is the responsibility of management to make it possible for people to recognize and develop these characteristics for themselves. 5. What three manifest needs does McClelland identify? McClelland identifies three manifest needs. The need for achievement is the desire to accomplish a goal or task more effectively than in the past. A person with a nigh need for achievement have the desire to assume personal responsibility, tend to set moderately difficult goals, the desire for specific and immediate feedback and a pre-occupation with the task. The need for affiliation is a person s desire for human companionship and acceptance. These people are likely to prefer a job that entails a lot of social interaction and the opportunity to make friends .

The need for power is a person s desire to be influential in a group and it control their environment. People with a strong need for power are likely to be superior performers.

Discussion and Communication Questions3. Assume you are leaving your current job to look for employment elsewhere. What will you look for that you do not have now? If you do not have a job, assume you will be looking for one soon. What are the most important factors you will seek? I would look for a position with a company where opportunity for advancement is possible. A fair wage and good benefit package would also be necessary. A company that shows concern for their employees and offers motivational rewards is also important. These are all available with the company I currently work for now so I do not plan on looking for employment elsewhere. If I were ever put in the position to have to seek employment these are the things that are important to me as an employee. 4. If you were being inequitably paid in your job, which strategy do you think would be the most helpful to you in resolving the inequity? What tactics would you consider using? I would attempt to alter the input and output of both myself and the company. If I am unable to resolve the issue I would leave the organizational situation. If my inequity was input I would try to resolve by developing or increasing my skills and abilities.

Chapter 6 Learning and Performance ManagementReview Question2. What are positive and negative consequences in shaping behavior? How should they be managed? Explain the value of extinction as a strategy. A positive consequence is the result of behavior that an individual finds attractive or pleasing. A positive consequence could include a pay increase, bonus, promotion or praise from a supervisor. A negative consequence is the result of behavior that an individual finds unattractive or unpleasant. A negative consequence could include disciplinary action, an undesirable transfer, demotion or harsh criticism from a supervisor. There are four consequences of behavior including positive reinforcement, which is getting something that you want such as a promotion. Negative reinforcement is when an individual does something to avoid an unpleasant consequence. Punishment is an attempt to eliminate or weaken the individuals undesirable behavior. One major problem with punishment is that it may have an unintended result. Extinction is the final behavioral consequence. This is the attempt to weaken a behavior by attaching no consequence to the individuals behavior. Extinction is the strategy of ignoring the behavior therefore the consequence is weakened. Extinction is most effective when used in conjunction with positive reinforcement of a desired behavior.

Discussion and Communication Questions1. Which learning approach-the behavioral approach or Bandura s social learning theory-do you find more appropriate for people? I think that both the behavioral approach and Bandura s social learning theory are both appropriate dependent upon the individual. As each person is different, a different approach may have to be taken. I think that the individuals with higher self-efficacy may learn by Bandura s social learning theory as they learn through observation of other people. They are able to model their behavior. The individual with lower self-efficacy could possibly learn more positively through the behavioral approach as they may need positive or negative consequences to learn.

4. If a conflict occurred between your self-evaluation and the evaluation given to you by your supervisor or instructor, how would you respond? What, specifically, would you do? What have you learned from your supervisor or instructor during the last reporting period? If a conflict occurred on my evaluation I would ask to discuss in detail the conflict with my supervisor. I would specifically ask for examples to justify the conflict. If these examples were justified I would look within myself for ways to overcome the conflict and improve my behavior or action. If the examples were not justified to my satisfaction I would counter with an explanation. Regardless of the outcome I would take responsibility for my actions. A supervisors responsibility is to encourage employee growth and development just as it is my responsibility as an employee to grow and develop.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Margaret s options. Margaret should gather her team and inform them that the way they do their expense reports have to be revised. As she learned the rounding way is not the correct way, I think she has an obligation to her company to uphold their standards and guidelines set forth.

Chapter 7 Stress and Well-Being at WorkReview Question6. Describe the relationship between stress and performance. Sometimes the pressures and demands that can cause stress can be positive in their effect. Stress induced energy can be used in a positive, healthy and productive way. The Yerkes-Dodson law indicates that stress can lead to improved performance up to an optimal level. Beyond that level further stress can have a negative effect on performance. Eustress is the consequence of healthy normal stress therefore eustress is desired in healthy amounts to improve performance by arousing action in an individual. It has been suggested that performance declines beyond the midpoint in the Yerkes-Dodson curve because the tasks to be performed becomes increasingly difficult. However the stress response provides momentary strength providing a basis for peak performance. Psychological well being also contributes positively to job performance. Distress often associated with stress are results of prolonged activation of a stress response, mismanagement of energy produced by the response or an individual s unique vulnerabilities.

Discussion and Communication Questions1. Why should organizations help individuals manage stress? Isn t stress basically the individual s responsibility? Organizations can achieve many important benefits when their employees reduce their stress to optimum levels. Employees will be more productive and creative and better able to concentrate. Employees will be less likely to suffer health risk factors which means they are less likely to be absent. Stress management also helps achieve better working relationships, decreases work-related conflicts and violence. An organization that effectively helps its employees with a preventative stress management plan can gain a competitive advantage. As a stress management plan approach involves both individuals and organizations taking joint responsibility in promoting health and preventing distress as it is not just an individual s responsibility to manage their own stress. 2. Is there more stress today than in past generations? What evidence is available concerning this question? I believe there is more stress today than in past generations. We now have both men and women in the workforce bringing stress into both the job and the home life. An example of evidence of stress is the

number of divorces and single parent homes. There are also an abundance of stress related illnesses such as fibromyalgia and stress related heart conditions.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Neil s options. Neil s options are to either continue manipulating his reports, which is fraudulent, as he has done for several months or go to his supervisor. If he goes to his supervisor he should explain all the things he admires and enjoys about working for the company; except for the fraud he is asked to commit. If his supervisor explains that he will still have to manipulate his report his only other options would be to resign his position and seek employment elsewhere.

Chapter 8 CommunicationReview Question1. What different components of a person s perceptual screens may distort communications? Perceptual screens are the windows through which people interact with each other. These screens can influence both the communicator and the receivers quality, accuracy and clarity of the message. The screens influence whether the message sent and the message received are the same or whether the message is distorted. Each person brings their own personal factors into interpersonal communications which include age, gender, beliefs and values, past experiences, cultural influences and the persons individual needs. The extent of which a perceptual screen is either open or closed can greatly influence both the sent and received message.

Discussion and Communication Questions2. Who is the best listener you have ever known? Describe what that person does that make him or her so good at listening? My spouse is a good listener. He is very attentive to what I have to say. He does not usually interrupt unless it is to clarify something that I have said. He is usually very encouraging with his responses and sometimes he helps me solve my issues just by being my sounding board. 3. What methods have you found most helpful in overcoming barriers to communication that are physical? Status-based? Cultural? Linguistic? The most effective method for overcoming the physical separation communication barrier is face to face interactions. Another gateway through physical separation could be scheduling regular meetings with people who are organizationally interrelated. Overcoming the status-based barriers include effective supervisory skills. These skills make a supervisor more approachable and are more often able to remedy the status related problem. New information technologies are providing another way to overcome status-based issues because these encourage the formation of a non hierarchical working relationship. Increased awareness and sensitivity is one gateway through cultural diversity communication barriers. The developed or acquisition of a guide, map or beacon for understanding and interacting with members of other cultures is another effective method.

Increasing numbers of business people are bilingual and some even multilingual. Another method to the language barrier is to avoid jargon or technical language except with those who clearly understand it as subtle distinctions in dialects within the same language can often cause confusion and miscommunication. 6. What nonverbal behaviors do you find most helpful in others when you are attempting to talk with them? When you try to listen to them? The nonverbal behavior I find most helpful is kinesics which is the study of body movement which includes posture. Facial expressions and eye contact are also helpful. The human face is extremely expressive and can say many things without speaking a word. Eye contact is also an important aspect of communication. Eye contact is important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the other persons response. I try to use the same nonverbal behaviors when I am listening to someone as well.

Chapter 9 Work Teams and GroupsReview Questions3. Describe what happens in each stage of a group s development according to Tuckman s Five Stage Model. What are the leadership requirements in each stage? Tuckman s Five Stage Model includes forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. In the informing stage team members are unclear about their individual roles and responsibilities. The members tend to rely on the leader to answer questions about their purpose. In the storming stage team members begin to compete for their position. Power struggles and cliques begin to form within the group. Clarity of purpose begins to increase. This is also the stage where members begin to assess one another in regard to trustworthiness, emotional comfort and evaluation of acceptance. A leader should have a coaching style in this stage as team members may challenge them. In the norming stage roles and responsibilities become clear and accepted with decisions being made as a group. Decision making activities related to group task accomplishment begin to be the focus. Authority questions are addressed. Some leadership responsibilities are now being shared with the team in this stage. The fourth stage is the performing stage. This is the stage where the team becomes more strategically aware and clear on its mission and purpose. This stage of development finds the group has successfully worked through their interpersonal task and authority issues and can work with little assistance from the leader. This stage of leadership requirements are overseeing and delegating. The final stage is the adjourning stage. This is the stage where the task has been completed and the team moves on to new things. The team members feel a sense of accomplishment and feel that their purpose has been fulfilled. The primary role of a leader in this stage is to show and voice recognition of the groups achievement. 6. Describe at least five task and five maintenance functions that effective work teams must perform. A task function is an activity that is directly related to the effective completion of a team s work. The task of initiating activity involves the suggestion of goals, defining problems and proposing solutions to the problems. The task of seeking information involves asking for suggestions or ideas, information or facts. The task of giving information involves providing information or facts in either verbal or written manner. The task of coordinating activities involves the planning of activities and coordination of time

and schedules. The task of summarizing ideas pulls together the ideas and states what the team needs to do. A maintenance function is the activities which are essential to effectively satisfying interpersonal relationships among a team. Supporting and encouraging others in a team is an important maintenance function. Following a group members lead is sometimes as important as leading others. Communication gatekeepers ensure balanced contribution from all members of the team. Harmonizing conflict helps to both reduce and resolve conflict within a team. Tension reducing activities are both helpful and important to the reduction of negative and even destructive behavior feelings within the team.

Discussion and Communication Questions2. Have you ever felt peer pressure to act more in accordance with the behavioral norms of a group? Have you ever engaged in a little social loafing? Have you ever lost your head and been caught up in a group s destructive actions? I believe that every human being, including myself, has felt peer pressure to act like or do things as someone else would want. I do not think that I have ever engaged in social loafing nor lost my head and gotten caught up in a groups destructive action. 3. Name a company that successfully uses teamwork and empowerment. What has that company done that makes it so successful in this regard? Has its team approach made a difference in its performance? How? Hewlett-Packard successfully uses teamwork and empowerment. Hewlett-Packard s philosophy is that employees excel when given a high degree of autonomy in work methods and tools. Hewlett-Packard uses diverse teams to foster creativity and this diversity leads to successful performance. Typically Hewlett-Packard employees work through four to six functional areas in the course of their careers creating an employee s broad knowledge of the company and fostering teamwork.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Hank s options. It is unfair to overlook Jason for the promotion to the newly available account manager. He has worked hard and proven that he is capable and on target for advancement. Maxim does deserve the best possible attention but even Hank stated that all the people in his department were capable of handling the account. Jason should get the recommendation he deserves. Since Hank worked hard to get the Maxim account, if Jason is promoted, Hank could assist his team with respect of how to handle the account if necessary.

Chapter 10 Decision Making by Individuals and GroupsReview Questions1. Compare the garbage can model with the bounded rationality model. Compare the usefulness of these models in today s organizations. Garbage can model decisions tend to be random and unsystematic. This model demonstrates that not all organizational decisions are made in a step by step systematic way. The bounded rationality model suggests the limitations to how rational a decision maker can actually be. This model assumes that managers use a four step assumption to decision making. The first is that managers select the first alternative that is a satisfactory decision. The second is that managers recognize their conception of the world as a simple one. The third is that managers are comfortable in their decision making without try to determine all alternatives available. Lastly that managers make decisions by a rule of thumb. Managers today must sometimes make decisions under risk and time pressures as well as making these decisions with incomplete information. 5. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making. Advantages to group decision making include increased knowledge and information through gathering of group member resources, the increased acceptance and commitment of the decision because all group members had a voice in it and greater understanding of the decision because the group members were involved in the decision. Disadvantages to group decision making include pressure within a group to conform and fit in, domination by one forceful member or perhaps a dominant clique who might overrule the decision and the amount of time required because group decision making is a more slow process than an individual decision.

Discussion and Communication Questions4. How can organizations encourage creative decision making? Organizations can encourage creative decision making by providing a supportive environment. Feelings of autonomy and being part of a team with diverse skills are creativity facilitators. Flexible organizational structure and decision making participation can also be associated with creative decision making.

5. What are some organizations that use expert systems? Group decision support systems? How will these two technologies affect managerial decision making? NASA and Hewlett Packard are two organizations that use both the expert system and the group decision support system. The expert system uses the system of artificial intelligence. The systems is set up using decision rules and the expert system is highly dependent on the effectiveness of its design. A group decision support system uses computer support and communication facilities to support the group decision making process either through face to face meetings or dispersed meetings.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Arron s options? Aaron sounds like an ethical man. I understand his concern about not saying anything to his employees because failure would probably occur sooner as employees began to leave for other employment. As CEO it is his duty to increase his shareholders wealth so as much as he would like to make his dilemma known to his employees he should protect the shareholders.

Chapter 11 Power and Political BehaviorReview Question1. What are the five types of power according to French and Raven? What are the effects of these types of power? What is information power? There are five types of power according to French and Raven. Reward power is the power based on the managers ability to control the rewards than an employee wants such as salary increase, bonus or promotion. Coercive power is the power based on the managers ability to cause an unpleasant experience for an employee such as verbal abuse or withholding support of the employee. Referent power is the power based on the managers power over the employee because the employee identifies with or wishes to be like the manager. These managers are often individualistic and respected by the employee. Expert power is the power that exists when a manager has specialized knowledge or skills that an employee needs. An employee usually has an appreciation for the manager because he has trust in him. Legitimate power is the power that is based on both position and mutual agreement, manager and employee agree that the manager as the right to influence the employee. Information power is access to and the control over important information.

Discussion and Communication Questions2. Why is it hard to determine if power has been used ethically? Determining if power has been used in an ethical manner is complex. There are three factors that can show criteria for evaluating power related behavior. The ethical behavior should result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. If it only shows self-interest and fails to help the organization reach its goals it is not considered ethical. The ethical behavior should respect the rights of all parties. If a person s free speech, privacy and due process are violated this is not consider ethical behavior. Ethical power behavior should treat all parties equitably and fairly. Treating one part arbitrarily or an action that benefits one person at the expense of another is not considered ethical behavior.

5. How does attribution theory explain the reactions supervisors can have to influence tactics? How can mangers prevent the negative consequences of political behavior? Attribution theory is the theory that explains how a person pinpoints the causes of their own behavior as well as the behavior of others. Influence is the process of a person affecting the thoughts, behavior or feelings or another person. Managers should develop and maintain open lines of communication in all directions. Managers should treat each person with a basic respect and understand that relationships are a two way street. A managers choice of tactics are important but so is the quality of the relationship between manager and employee.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Jesse s options. Jesse should just do as his supervisor tells him and document his discussion. In the event that Lowry complains or even leaves Norbury, Jesse has done as his supervisor advised. George would be responsible for is decisions in my opinion.

Chapter 12 Leadership and FollowershipReview Question3. Describe the differences between autocratic and democratic work environments. How do they differ from a laissez-faire workplace? An autocratic style leadership uses strong, direct and controlling actions to enforce rules, regulations, activities and relationships in the work environment. The autocratic work environment employees have little influence over the nature of work, accomplishments or other aspects of the environment. A democratic style leader is collaborative, responsive and interactive with employees concerning their work and work environment. The democratic work environment employees have a higher degree of influence although the leader has the ultimate authority. The laissez-faire leader has a hands off approach and fails to accept the responsibilities of the position. In the laissez-faire work environment the leader gives up authority and responsibility which can often result in chaos.

Discussion and Communication Questions1. Do you (or would you want to) work in an autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire work environment? What might be the advantages and disadvantages of each? I work in a democratic work environment. The managers are fair and very receptive to employees ideas as far as how the company can prosper and run more efficiently. They listen to ideas and suggestions and have the ultimate decision about how things will be done. 3. What decision strategies does your supervisor use to make decisions? Are they consistent or inconsistent with the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model? My supervisor uses several of the five forms of decision making detailed in the Vroom-Yetton-Jaco model. She uses both the consult individually as well as the consult group to aid in making decisions with lower level management as well as individuals. Her last resource if decisions made were not of great benefit to the company would be to use the decide factor.

Chapter 13 Conflict and NegotiationReview Question3. Discuss the four major forms of conflict in organizations. There are many forms of conflict in organizations but the four main conflicts are described. Intergroup conflict is when conflict occurs between groups within the organization. There are both positive and negative consequences to intergroup conflict. Social interactions between groups should be encouraged by managers so that trust can be developed. Intragroup conflict is the conflict that occurs within a group or team. Some conflict can be functional and help avoid the groupthink tactic. Interpersonal conflict is conflict between two or more people within an organization. To manage interpersonal conflict it can be helpful to understand power networks in the organization as well as the defense mechanisms that are exhibited by individuals. Interorganizational conflict is the conflict that arises between two or more organizations and is generally caused by competition.

Discussion and Communication Questions2. Identify the different intragroup, interrole, intrarole, and person-role conflicts that you experience. I really do not experience intragroup or intrarole conflict in my current position. Interrole conflict is experienced as I have multiple roles to fulfill in my life. I have the work/home conflict. I work full time as well as go to school full time which takes time away from my family and my responsibilities to them. I also do not experience 3. Which defense mechanism do you see people exhibiting most frequently? Why do you think this is the case? How can you manage this type of reaction to a conflict? The defense mechanisms I see people exhibit in my employment scenario are aggressive mechanisms or displacement and negativism. I think the negative defense mechanism comes out because people to not want to feel inadequate or responsible. Managers should know the various types of defense mechanisms and understand the various ways people typically react to conflict.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Maria s options. Maria first should try to help resolve the conflict between Jim and Vincent. The meeting will not progress on a positive note until their issue is resolved or tabled for discussion and resolution after the department meeting. The department knows the issue backlogging the work so she should address Jim and Vincent s issue first.

Chapter 14 Jobs and the Design of WorkReview Questions2. Describe six patterns of working that have been studied in different countries. There are six working patterns that have been studied in different countries around the world. The countries include Belgium, Germany , Israel, Japan, The Netherlands and The United States. Pattern A types of people define work as an activity in which performance brings values and they are accountable. It is self directed and has negative effect. Pattern B types of people define work as an activity that provides them with a positive personal affect as well as an identity. They believe work contributes to society and is not unpleasant. Pattern C types of people define work as an activity that profits other people through their performance. Work is seen as fairly strenuous and somewhat compulsive. Pattern D types of people define work primarily as a physical activity done and directed by others. The work is usually devoid of any positive affect and unpleasantly connected to performance. Pattern E types of people define work as both a physical and mental strenuous activity. Work is generally unpleasant and devoid of a positive effect. Pattern F types of people define work as an activity forced to specific time periods. Work does not bring positive affect through performance. 4. Identify and define the five core job dimensions and the three critical psychological states in the Job Characteristics Model. Skill variety is the degree to which the job includes different activities and involves using multiple skills and talents of the employee. Task identity is the degree in which the job requires completion or doing the job from beginning to end with a complete outcome. Task significance is the degree to which the job has substantial impact on the work of others in either the immediate organization or an external environment. Autonomy is the degree to which the job provides the employee with significant freedom and discretion in scheduling work and determining procedures used in carrying it out.

Feedback from the job is the degree to which the employee carrying out the work activity gets results in obtaining clear and direct information about the effectiveness of their performance. The critical psychological states included experienced meaningfulness of the work which means the employee feels the job is meaningful, valuable and worthwhile. Experienced responsibility for work outcome is when the employee feels personally held accountable and responsible for the results of the work they do. Knowledge of results is when the employee knows and understands continuously how effectively they are performing the job.

Discussion and Communication Question2. What should managers learn from the traditional approaches to the design of work used in the United States? Scientific management emphasizes work simplification. Jobs designed through scientific management have limited number of tasks and the worker is not required to think or deliberate. This allows diverse groups to work together and leads to production efficiency and higher profits. Job enlargement is a method of job design that increases the number of activities given in a job to overcome boredom of overspecialized work. Job rotation is a variation of job enlargement in which workers are exposed to a variety of specialized jobs over time. Cross training is a variation of job enlargement in which workers are trained in different specialized tasks or activities. Job enrichment is the designing or redesigning of jobs by incorporating motivational factors in to them with emphasis on recognition, responsibility and advancement opportunity. Managers should realize that good job design will improve productivity as well as enhance the well being of their employees.

Chapter 15 Organizational Design and StructureReview Question2. Describe the six basic dimensions of organizational design. The six basic dimensions of organizational design are formalization, centralization, specialization, standardization, complexity and hierarchy of authority. Formalization is the degree to which an organization has rules, regulations and procedures as defined in formal documentation. Centralization is the degree to which decisions are made at the top of the organization. Delegating responsibility and decision making to lower level management results in decentralization. Specialization is the degree to which jobs are narrowly defined and depend on levels of expertise. Standardization is the extent to which work activities are described and performed routinely in the same way. Complexity refers to the number of different types of activities that occur in an organization. Hierarchy of authority is the extent of vertical differentiation and span of control across levels of management within the structure of an organization.

Discussion and Communication Question2. Do the size, technology, and mission of your organization directly affect you? Why? The size, technology and mission of the organization that I work for does directly affect me. Formalization, specialization and standardization are the basic design dimensions of my employer. Other considerations are technology and how quickly it is changing. I work within the medical community and technology is rapidly changing.

Ethical Dilemma Questions1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Cecily s options. In my opinion Cecily s only option is to move the company forward with new technology. 2. What should Cecily do? Why? Cecily should change the structure of her company so that the decision making process is not so detailed and complicated. She started the company to earn a living for herself. If she does not move the company forward she will not only have to worry about her employees and executives but her own future as well.

Chapter 16 Organizational CultureReview Question3. Explain three theories about the relationship between organizational culture and performance. What does the research evidence say about each one? The strong culture theory states that deeply held and widely shared cultures perform better than others. This is because employees share common goals, employers create a high level of motivation because of employees shared values and they provide control without the domineering effects of bureaucracy. Research evidence provides modest support of this theory. The fit perspective states that culture should fit the firms strategy. Three characteristics of an industry may affect the fit perspective including the competitive environment, customer requirements and social expectations. Research evidence has shown that fit predicts only short term performance and difficulty in changing culture quickly. The adaptation perspective states that flexible, responsive cultures lead to long term performance. Adaptive cultures change to meet the needs of three groups which include stockholders, customers and employees. Research evidence does support this theory.

Discussion and Communication Questions1. Name a company with a visible organizational culture. What do you think are the company s values? Has the culture contributed to the organization s performance? Explain. Hewlett Packard has a visible organizational culture. The company has shared values and corporate objectives. Hewlett Packard puts their customers first in all they do. Hewlett Packard strives for excellence and each person s contribution is critical to their success. I think their values have contributed to the company s success in performance. Hewlett Packard has committed to their employees through promoting and rewarding based on performance. They have also created a work environment that reflects their values. 2. Name a leader you think manages organizational culture well. How does the leader do this? Use Schein s description of how leaders reinforce culture to analyze the leader s behavior. Southwest Airlines first CEO Herb Kellecher is a good example of a leader who managed organizational culture very well. He encouraged informality and wanted his staff to enjoy and have fun in their jobs.

He valued his employees and it shows in their continued willingness to pitch in and help out. Ceremonies and rites by Mr. Kellecher included announcing births and marriages of his employees while he held the CEO position.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Lisbeth s options? I think Lisbeth should give Graham time to become a team player. He has helped the organization grow and has already brought in new clients. As he becomes more comfortable he may develop the team skills needed. Lisbeth needs to set a goal as far as a time period for him to assume a team role. If this is not possible Lisbeth should possibly look at other options within the company for Graham so that the value he has brought, and will continue to bring, to the company will not be lost.

Chapter 17 Career ManagementReview Question5. What are psychological contracts? Psychological contracts are the implied agreement between an individual and their employer. It specifies what is expected from each other in giving and receiving in the relationship. The employee would expect to receive salary, promotions and challenging work. The employer would expect to receive time, energy, talents and loyalty from the employee. Agreements can be modified as the employee proceeds through their career.

Discussion and Communication Questions3. Does the career stage model have exceptions? In other words, can it be applied to all careers? If not, what are the exceptions? I believe that the career stage model does have exceptions but I also believe that it can be applied to all careers. The exceptions could be the employee who is established in a position and does not wish to ever advance in their career. They just want to maintain their career and work toward the withdrawal phase. 5. Given the downsizing and restructuring in many organizations, how can organizations help employees with career management if there are fewer opportunities for promotion? Career management is a lifelong process of learning about one s self as well as their organization, setting personal career goals and then developing the strategies for achieving their goals and also revising those goals based on their work and life experiences. Organizations can help their employees with career management in a number of ways. If the employee is an effective employee, management can train or coach the employee and give feedback. Employers should assist the employee with setting goals and provide recommendations of achievement of these goals.

Ethical Dilemma Question1. Using consequential, rule-based, and character theories, evaluate Lynn s options. Lynn should not accept the position unless she can meet all demands. She is already questioning her own willingness to follow the commitments required of her if she has a child. If she did accept the position she should give the company the level of commitment agreed upon.

Chapter 18 Managing ChangeReview Question4. What are the major reasons individuals resist change? How can organizations deal with resistance? People often resist change based on their own self interest. If a person thinks their personal freedom is threatened a negative reaction will occur. Some of the major reasons individuals resist changes include the fear of the unknown or uncertainty. Fear of loss of either their job or their status of the job causes resistance. Many people fear change because of their own fear of failure. This fear could stem from increased workload or increased performance expectations. Organizational change sometimes includes a shift of existing balance of power and this can be seen as threatening to an individual. The challenge for an organization to manage employee resistance is to introduce the change in a positive manner through communication. The details of the change should be provided as well as the rationale behind the change. Employee participation is another key process to avoiding resistance. Employees who participate in the change establish a feeling of ownership in the process. For those employees who do have trouble dealing with change, showing support and empathy can help minimize the resistance. Emotional support and encouragement can help the employee deal with the natural process of anxiety. Managers should realize that some resistance is inevitable and should plan ahead with ways to deal with it early on.

Discussion and Communication Questions2. What are the advantages of using an external change agent? An internal change agent? A change agent is an individual or a group who undertake the role of introducing and managing change within an organization. The advantages of using an external change agent are that the agent can bring an outsiders objective view and may be preferred by employees. The advantages to an internal change agent include the agents knowledge of the companies past history, the political system as well as the organizations culture.

4. Can organizations prevent resistance to change? If so, how? In my opinion an organization cannot prevent resistance to change but if they utilize the processes of open communication, participation, empathy and support the process will be an easier transition for both employee and employer.

Ethical Dilemma Questions1. Using consequential, rule-based and character theories, evaluate Robert s options? Robert s options are to evaluate by letting his conscience be his guide in suggesting what he thinks are the best ideas for improvement. 2. What should Robert do? Why? Robert should evaluate the changes to the best of his ability. He has been asked to evaluate so he should give his best recommendations. A good consultant takes all facts into consideration when making a report but it is ultimately the managers of Wiffendorf that will make the changes suggested.

BibliographyNelson, D. L., & Quick, J. C. (2010). Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World, and You. South Western College.

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