Page 1: Organizing and Managing Library Collections:  Why?

Organizing and Managing Library Collections:


LIB 630 Classification and CatalogingSpring 2012

Page 2: Organizing and Managing Library Collections:  Why?

What is a collection?collection

3. concr. A number of objects collected or gathered together, viewed as a whole; a group of things collected and arranged:    • in a general sense; e.g. of extracts,

historical or literary materials.

 b. of scientific specimens, objects of interest, works of art, etc. spec. The range of clothes (as for a season, etc.) displayed by a fashion designer; a display of such apparel.

c. A quantity of anything, as water, which has collected into one mass; an accumulation.

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Another definition


1: the act or process of collecting

2 a: something collected; especially : an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby b: group, aggregate c: a set of apparel designed for sale usually in a particular season

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From a cataloging website

What is a collection? A collection is an aggregation of

physical and/or electronic items. e.g. library collections; museum collections; archives; library, museum and archival catalogues; digital archives; Internet directories; Internet subject gateways; collections of text; images; sounds; datasets; software etc. A collection may be made up of any number of items from one to many.

• CLD Online Tutorial

Page 6: Organizing and Managing Library Collections:  Why?

More from the same siteWhat Is A Collection?

A collection is a group of resources that are related to each other in some identifiable way. The relationship might be through a topic, a place, a person, an organisation or a type of object.

• About This Document

– This briefing document provides a brief introduction to the concept of Collections.

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Ranganathan’s 5th Law of Library Science

The Library is a Growing Organism The 5th law tells us about the vital and

lasting characteristics of the library as an institution and enjoins the need for a constant adjustment of our outlook in dealing with it. Libraries grow and change, and will always do so. Collections increase and change, technology changes and budgets change. Change comes along with growth, and in order to be healthy, that change and growth requires flexibility in the management of the collections, in the use of space, in the recruitment, retention and deployment of staff, and the nature of our programs.

• Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972)

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What is a collection?

A collection is a set of resources brought together for a particular audience or to serve a specific function.

• School Library Collections

• ©2004-2010 Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson

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So, what is a collection?A collection is:

“an aggregation of physical and/or electronic items”: “stuff”

It may have “research potential” It is “a group of resources that are

related to each other in some identifiable way”

It is “total accumulation of books and other materials owned by a library”

It is a “growing organism” It is a “set of resources brought together

for a particular audience or to serve a specific function.”

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Two crucial concepts1. The collection as a single organic entity

e. g. “The British Library manages its collection as a single entity.”

– British Library Catalogues and collections

“As school media specialists, we need to begin to adopt the ‘stone soup’ approach to collection development and interlibrary loan. Our building collections should not only be regarded as a single entity, but also as a unique part of a larger regional or state collection.”

– Doug Johnson, A Stone Soup Mentality – November 1998

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2. The collection as an entity that exists to serve a specific mission The mission of the West Ashley High

School Media Center is to provide all students and faculty with a comprehensive collection of materials in a variety of media that records human knowledge, ideas, and culture; to organize these materials for ready access; and to offer guidance and encouragement in their use.

West Ashley High School Media Center

Two crucial concepts

Page 13: Organizing and Managing Library Collections:  Why?

What is a Collection?

Why manage a collection?It exists for a purpose:

The purpose of building a collection is to support the needs of students and teachers in addressing the curriculum. It is essential that all educators be involved in developing this collection. The teacher librarian must develop partnerships across grade levels and subject areas to ensure that the collection addresses the needs of the curriculum.

• Information Access & Delivery: School Library Collections

June 3, 2008

Page 14: Organizing and Managing Library Collections:  Why?

What is a Collection?

Why organize a collection?

Why Organize Your Library? An organized . . . library should be

efficient to use so you know what resources you have and exactly where they are.

• Adapted from a Q & A for Lentz Libraries Architecture and Design Library Services

June 3, 2008

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