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Overview Of HR Processes

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HR Processes


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Recruitment And Selection


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Definition of Recruitment

It is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted.

It is the activity that links the employers and those looking for employment .

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.

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Recruitment Process


• Identify vacancy

• Prepare job description and person specification

• Advertising the vacancy

• Managing the response

• Short-listing

• Arrange interviews

• Conducting interview and decision making

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Types Of Recruitment



i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.


Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.


Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.


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Linking Recruitment To Competence And Performance

• A key role for HR is to align performance within roles with the strategy

• So recruiting for the ‘right’ people for a role depends on how it is defined in terms relating to performance to achieve the strategy.

• Criterion-related behaviours or standards of performance are referred to as competencies.

• Competencies can be used to provide the behaviours needed at work to achieve the business strategy, and enable organizations to form a model of the kinds of employee it wishes to attract through recruitment.


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Approaches To Recruitment

The main approaches to attracting applicants can be summarized as follows:

• Walk-ins

• Employee referrals

• Advertising

• Websites

• Professional associations

• Educational associations

• Professional agencies

• E-recruitment (general recruitment agents/ companies’ own sites)

• Word-of-mouth


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Factors Impacting Recruitment

An organization will take account of a number of factors when forming its recruitment plans and choice of media.

These might include:

• Cost

• Time taken to recruit and select

• Focus, for example: skills, profession or occupation

• Mobility of candidates – geographic and occupational


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Definition :

According to Thomas stone “Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success on the jobs. ”

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Factors Affecting Selection

• Organizations have become increasingly aware of making good selection decisions, since it involves a number of costs:

• The cost of the selection process itself, including the use of various selection instruments

• The future costs of inducting and training new staff

• The cost of turnover if the selected staff are not retained


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Principles Of Selection

Underlying the process of selection and the choice of techniques are two key principles:

• Individual differences: Attracting a wide choice of applicants will be of little use unless there is a way of measuring how people differ, i.e. intelligence, attitudes, social skills, psychological and physical characteristics, experience etc.

• Prediction: A recognition of the way in which people differ must be extended to a prediction of performance in the workplace.


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Factors Affecting The Selection Process

Reliability and Validity Issues

• Reliability refers to the extent to which a selection technique achieves consistency in what it is measuring over repeated use.

• Validity refers to the extent to which a selection technique actually measures what it sets out to measure.


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It the process of searching for candidates for employment and encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organization

The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation

Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees.


It Involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant positions

The basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organisation.

Selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates

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• Employee on-boarding is frequently confused with employee orientation, when it's actually a much more in-depth process.

• Employee on-boarding, goes well beyond orientation.

• On boarding, the process of assimilating a new employee with a company or department and its culture

• It requires frequent and on going communications between a new employee and management well after the first day, week or even month of starting a job.

• On-boarding should involve frequent feedback, relationship building and mentoring to truly be effective.

• In turn, it should reduce employee turnover, increase morale and production, and help an employee become a valuable contributor to the future success of the organization.


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Rules to follow that apply across the (on)board:

• Start at the beginning: The onboarding process should begin the moment the new employees accept your offer. Reach out to new employees before their first day of work to answer any questions and inform them of any materials they need to bring with them on the first day.

• Begin with the basics: Don't overwhelm your employees with too much information at once. Give them the basic knowledge they need to understand their jobs, and add to it as you go along.

• Pencil in some playtime: Break up the monotony of the meeting-, paper work-, and presentation-heavy first few days by coming up with games or group activities to help them learn and get acquainted.

• Make it a family affair: A new job often means adjustment for the entire family, especially if they have relocated for their new position. Think of ways to involve the new employee's family


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Rules to follow that apply across the (on)board:

• Find out how they see you: Use surveys, one-on-one interviews and focus groups to gain feedback from your new hires about their perceptions of the orientation process. Use those recommendations to improve your onboarding program. Seek feedback up to several months after they've started, for it may take a while for them to realize what they should have learned earlier in the process, but did not.

• Stay in it to win it: Seek continuous improvement with your onboarding program, and realize that what works today may not necessarily work as well next month or next year. Change your onboarding program as needed.

• Know your velocity: Measure the impact of your program by evaluating such information as the results from surveys and interviews (mentioned earlier), the rate of new hire turnover, and the amount of time needed to train. This data will help you gain support for the program from upper management and will help you determine any necessary changes for improving the program


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Performance Management System


Managing Performance

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Key Components Of Performance Management


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Cycle Of Managing Performance


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Managing Performance Vs Performance Management




Human Resources driven system or process .

Responsibility of HR to implement the PMS in the org.

Line Managers only support HR in implementation

No real buy in .



Managing the performance of his team is a line manager’s responsibility .

The PMS is an important tool to set targets , review , evaluate and improve performance .

HR upholds and assists in the process .

Line managers are the drivers .

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Some Tools Of Performance Appraisal

• Critical incident method

• Weighted checklist method

• Paired comparison analysis

• Graphic rating scales

• Behaviourally anchored rating scales

• Management By Objectives (MBO) method

• 360 degree performance appraisal

• Forced ranking (forced distribution)


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Compensation And Benefits

• You always have to give things to people in return to what you take from them. Compensation refers to this exchange, but in monetary terms. Compensation is the employer's feedback for an employee's work. It simply is the monetary value you would give to your employees in return of their services.

• Gary Dessler in his book Human Resource Management defines compensation in these words "Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment." The phrase 'all forms of pay' in the definition does not include non-financial benefits, but all the direct and indirect financial compensations.

• Employees today are not willing to work only for the cash alone, they expect 'extra'. This extra is known as employee benefits. Also known as fringe benefits, Employee benefits are non-financial form of compensation offered in addition to cash salary to employee’s lives.


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Advantages Of Compensation & Benefits

Advantages to the organisation

A well designed compensation and benefits plan helps to attract, motivate and retain talent .

• Job satisfaction: Employees would be happy with their jobs and would love to work for the organisation if they get fair rewards in exchange of their services.

• Motivation: We all have different kinds of needs. Some of us want money so they work for the company which gives them higher pay. Some value achievement more than money, they would associate themselves with firms which offer greater chances of promotion, learning and development. A compensation plan that hits employees needs is more likely to motivate them to act in the desired way.

• Low Absenteeism

• Low Turnover

• Competition : It aims at creating a healthy competition among them and encourages employees to work hard and efficiently.


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Advantages Of Compensation & Benefits

Advantage for Employees

• Growth : The system provides growth and advancement opportunities to the deserving employees.

• Peace of Mind : Relieves employees from certain fears and as a result they may work with relaxed mind.

• Increases self-confidence : Every human being wants his/her efforts to get acknowledgment. Employees gain more and more confidence in them and in their abilities if they receive just rewards. As a result, their performance level shoot up.


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Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an individual’s degree of positive or negative emotional attachment to their organization, their job and their colleagues

Employee engagement is often confused with employee satisfaction.

Satisfaction is a minimum attitude standard established during the age of mass production to guard against militancy by identifying and removing irritants.

Satisfied employees are not endeared to their employer like positively engaged employees – they’re just not angry.

Employee engagement is not something that can be quick fixed putting in more flexitime.

Extravagant benefits and engagement awards do not structurally improve engagement or performance.

Neither do they make up for a horrible boss left unaccountable.

To be sustainable and profitable, engagement must be credibly defined, scientifically measured and diligently managed as a leadership performance requirement.


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Drivers Of Employee Engagement

• Trust and integrity – how well managers communicate and 'walk the talk'.

• Nature of the job –Is it mentally stimulating day-to-day?

• Line of sight between employee performance and company performance – Does the employee understand how their work contributes to the company's performance?

• Career Growth opportunities –Are there future opportunities for growth?

• Pride about the company – How much self-esteem does the employee feel by being associated with their company?

• Co-workers/team members – significantly influence one's level of engagement

• Employee development – Is the company making an effort to develop the employee's skills?

• Relationship with one's manager – Does the employee value his or her relationship with his or her manager? the direct relationship with one's manager is the strongest of all drivers.


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Employee Engagement


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Career Planning


What is Career Planning ?

The process of establishing career objectives and determining appropriate educational and developmental programs to further develop the skills required to achieve short- or long-term career objectives.

Whose primary responsibility is it ?

Planning a career is the responsibility of an individual .

The organization can facilitate the process by providing adequate learning, vertical and horizontal growth opportunities .

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An Individual’s Perspective – Career Planning


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The Process


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Factors That Impact Career Planning ……..

Employee + Organization

Factors from the Employee’s perspective

• Current and past performance

• Education and experience outside the org.

• Potential in terms of technical and behavioural competencies .

• Individual ambitions

• Individual’s passion

• Family concerns

• Career growth and development


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Factors That Impact Career Planning ……..

Factors from the organization’s perspective

• Org./dept. structure requirements (vacancies , new roles, ??)

• Impact of current role in the dept. & ability/time to find a replacement /successor

• Assessment of performance of the employee

• Potential of the employee in terms of competencies needed for the next role .

• Manpower budget of the dept. where growth opportunity exists

• The organizations policies and culture –supportive of lateral and vertical growth ?


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In an Organization…….



Training and Development (both org. driven and employee driven )

Development Centers

Knowledge Enhancement Policies

Co. driven Management / Leadership programs .


Coaching initiatives


Performance Appraisal

Employee Recognition and Reward Programs

Assessment Centres

Additional assignments /Projects

Job enlargement

Job enrichment

Job Rotation Policy

Promotion opportunities/Policies

Succession Planning

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A planned effort by a company to facilitate an employees’ learning of competencies relevant to role and organization .

The goal of training is for employees to

• Master the knowledge, skill, and behaviours emphasized in training programs, and apply them to their day-to-day activities

• And help them grow overall as individuals in a way that it linked to organizational strategy and growth .


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Training and Development Process


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Steps In The Training Process


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Succession Planning


• Succession planning is career planning at its proactive best.

• It is planning for the future in such a manner that both organizational and individual growth needs are met .

• Succession planning is identifying and preparing the right people for

the right jobs.

• Though applicable at all levels, it is at the highest level that the most formidable challenge exists

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Succession Planning Model


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Employee Separation

• Employee Separation is the process of ensuring that an employee who quits the company is exited in a structured and orderly manner.

• Employee separation can be voluntary as well as involuntary.

• Voluntary is when the employee quits the company on his or her own accord. This is the most common form of employee separation.

• Though in these recessionary times, involuntary separation or the act of asking the employee to leave by management is quite common. This form of employee separation where an employee is asked to quit is called involuntary separation.

• The difference in these two forms of separation is that for voluntary exits, the employee stands to get most of the benefits and perks due to him or her

• Whereas when an employee is asked to leave, he or she might get a separation package or in instances where disciplinary or performance related exits take place, the employee might not get anything at all.

• In recent years, with the high levels of attrition in the service sector, it has become imperative for firms to have a structured separation plan for orderly exits of employees. In conclusion, employee separations must be handled in a professional and mature manner and though attrition is a fact that concerns everyone in the industry, once an employee decides to leave or is asked to leave , the separation must be as smooth as possible.


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Leading People. Leading Organizations.

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