Page 1: Page 1 March/April 2015 · Ruby Hill Owners’ Association Grapevine Page 1 March/April 2015 Notice of Election Results

D a t e s t o

R e m e m b e r

Grapevine Submittal


Wednesday, Apr. 15

Upcoming Board Meet-


Monday, Apr. 27

I n s i d e t h i s

i s s u e :

Next Door 2

General Info 2

Association Info 3

Association Info 4

Office Contact Info 5

Classified Ads 5

Ruby Hill Owners’ Association

Grapevine March/April 2015 Page 1

Notice of Election Results On March 9, 2015, an Election Meeting was held to

re-vote the 2013-2015 Board term, as required by

the judgment of the Court in the case of Ellen

Cheung v. Ruby Hill Owners Association. The fol-

lowing are the tabulated election results: The

resolution regarding the annual IRS Resolution,

pursuant to the IRS Revenue Ruling 70-604, was

approved with 273 Approved Votes, 6 Not Ap-

proved Votes, and 18 Abstained Votes. The results

of the Board of Directors election are as follows:

Neal Sornsen 295 Votes

Diana Nathan 294 Votes

George Belhumeur 259 Votes

Bob Jones (write-in) 12 Votes

Suri Chinta (write-in) 3 Votes

Ellen Cheung (write-in) 1 Vote

Jim Wilson (write-in) 1 Vote

The 3 positions were filled by those receiving the

highest number of votes (Neal Sornsen, Diana Na-

than, and George Belhumeur). Because these are

the same candidates elected previously to serve

the 2013-2015 term, there is no change in the

Board membership as a result of the election.

On March 9, 2015, an Election Meeting was held to

re-vote the 2014-2016 Board term, as required by

the judgment of the Court in the case of Ellen

Cheung v. Ruby Hill Owners Association. The fol-

lowing are the tabulated election results: The

resolution regarding the annual IRS Resolution,

pursuant to the IRS Revenue Ruling 70-604, was

approved with 296 Approved Votes, 5 Not Ap-

proved Votes, and 20 Abstained Votes. The results

of the Board of Directors election are as follows:

Marty Birk 286 Votes

Kailesh Karavadra 230 Votes

Ellen Cheung 114 Votes

Jim Wilson (write-in) 1 Vote

The 2 positions were filled by those receiving the

highest number of votes (Marty Birk and Kailesh

Karavadra). Because these are the same candi-

dates elected previously to serve the 2014-2016

term, there is no change in the Board membership

as a result of the election.

Community Center

Sports Field

We would like to remind you of the Sports Field

reservation procedures and usage policies for orga-

nized teams.

RESERVATIONS To reserve a field at Ruby Hill,

the team must have at least one player and/or

coach or sponsor who is a resident of Ruby

Hill. The reservations are for a maximum of

two hours per day, 2 days a week, and 2

months per consecutive use. The Sponsor or

Coach is required to complete a Ruby Hill

Sports Field Use Application, along with a roster

of players for their team. Once these forms are

completed they can be dropped off, faxed or e-

mailed to the Community Center office (fax:

925-417-0568; [email protected]). A

completed team roster must also be submitted

to the Main Gate. Sponsors or Coaches may

only sign up to extend their reservation on

the last day of their current reservation.


Field calendar with reservations that have been

approved by the Community Center office. This

calendar is located on the wall between the

restrooms at the sports field.

If there is space available on the field, please

be conscientious about what type of activity is

already going on. We ask that no more than 2

baseball teams be on the field at the same time

if you plan on doing any batting/hitting drills.

It is for the safety of your players that this re-

quirement be honored.

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Page 2 Grapevine


Community Center ~ The office is located at 2900 E.

Ruby Hill Drive, just inside the Community Center pool

gates. The hours are Monday thru Friday from 10:00 AM to

4:00 PM, closed from 12-1 PM for lunch. We can be

reached at 417-1903, 417-0568 (fax).

Ruby Hill Board of Directors Meeting ~ The next

Board of Directors meeting will be held Monday, April 27,

at 7:00 PM. A “Homeowners Forum” is added to the agen-

da so that you can ask questions or voice concerns. All

homeowners are welcome to attend. Any items that re-

quire a decision by the Board, must be submitted to the

office at least 10 days in advance of the meeting in order

to be added to the agenda.

Stay Informed ~ The Board of Directors is committed

to keeping the community informed of important HOA

news and information in a timely manner. They strongly

feel that sending correspondence electronically is the

most cost effective and efficient way to achieve this. If

you would like to receive “real time” important infor-

mation from the Association, please provide us with your

e-mail address. To do this, please visit the Association’s

website by logging into You will

see a link to “Join the Mailing List.” You will be required

to provide your name and Ruby Hill address. ***Please

note that signing up to be on the mailing list is DIFFERENT

than signing up to receive e-mails when the website is


Transponder Information ~ If you would like to

obtain a transponder, please download and complete an

application found on the Association’s website at In order to process homeowners

more efficiently, appointments are now required for

transponder matters. Normal installation days for tran-

sponders are Tuesdays and Fridays during normal business

hours, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, closed 12:00-1:00 for lunch. To

make an appointment, please call and leave a message at

(925) 417-1903 x0 or e-mail [email protected]

to set up an appointment. The cost for a transponder is

$75 each and is payable by check only. Please remember

that you will need the following items: application, driv-

er’s license, vehicle registration, and check. If you are a

new owner, you will be required to show proof of owner-

ship. The vehicle being registered must be present.

After-Hour Emergencies ~ If you experience com-

mon area maintenance emergency after regular business

hours, please contact Peachtree at (800) 547-3224 for


Billing Inquiries ~ If you have questions regarding

your HOA dues, automatic debit, or other billing ques-

tions, you can contact Traci Ragland in the Bookkeeping

Department at Peachtree. The number is (510) 487-3383

x28. Or you can e-mail her directly at

[email protected].

Pleasanton Police

Department Introduces Nextdoor

The Pleasanton Police Department is introducing Nextdoor as our

newest social media platform to communicate with residents. This

private social network for neighborhoods enables residents to com-

municate online, in a private secure website, to build stronger


The Pleasanton Police Department currently utilizes Facebook,

Twitter, and Nixle to deliver important public safety messages.

Nextdoor will further support our outreach efforts by providing an

interactive way to communicate with residents regarding issues

that are affecting their particular neighborhoods.

By visiting, Pleasanton residents can join pri-

vate neighborhood websites to share information, including neigh-

borhood public safety issues, community events and activities, local

services, and even postings for lost pets. The Pleasanton Police

Department will post useful information, such as safety tips and

crime alerts, to the affected Nextdoor websites within the city.

Nextdoor is free for residents and the Police Department. Each

Pleasanton neighborhood has its own private Nextdoor neighbor-

hood website, accessible only to residents who must verify that

they live in the neighborhood. Neighborhoods establish and self-

manage their own Nextdoor websites and the Police Department

will not access residents’ websites, contact information, or con-

tent. Information shared on Nextdoor is password- protected and

cannot be accessed by those outside the neighborhood or found on

Google or other search engines. In addition, Nextdoor never shares

pe r sona l i n fo rmat ion w i th any th i rd par t ies .

Many neighborhoods in Pleasanton have already started Nextdoor

sites. Those interested in joining their neighborhood’s Nextdoor

website can visit and enter their address. If

Nextdoor is available in their area, they can immediately sign up. If

a Nextdoor website has not yet

been established for their area, active and engaged neighbors are

invited to apply to bring Nextdoor to their neighborhood. Residents

who may have questions about their Nextdoor website, can visit

See more at:


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Page 3

March/April 2015

F R O M T H E H O M E O W N E R S ’ A S S O C I A T I O N By Deb Maher & Katherine Fonte, Peachtree C.A.S., Inc.


TRANSPONDER NOT WORKING? ~ If your transponder is not

working, or only working intermittently, it may be time to

replace the battery (especially, if it has never been replaced).

DO NOT remove the transponder from the windshield. Simply

slide the top cover to the right to expose the battery. Use the

tip of a pen (or other pointed object) to poke the battery out

of the harness. Replace the battery (CR2032) + positive side

up. If there is a sticker on the back of the battery, please

remove it. If it is still not working, please call the Community

Center Facilitator to check system information.

DANGEROUS DRIVERS! ~ Ruby Hill streets have a posted speed

limit of 25 mph. Please pay attention to all posted speed

limits and stop signs. We have had several complaints about

speeding cars and unsafe drivers. As a conscientious home-

owner stated, “It takes one accident to change many lives.”

ARE YOU MOVING? ~ If your house is put on the market for

sale, please advise your Realtor to contact the office immedi-

ately for signage regulations and other restrictions. It is a

good idea to also give the main gate your Realtor’s infor-

mation allowing them entry as a guest. Please also be aware

that the construction gate is closed on Sunday and new owners

should be advised to either make plans to move Mon-Sat. or

they will need to make special arrangements for access on

Sunday at their cost.

If you are moving within the community, either as a home-

owner or a renter, or will be renting back your property

after the sale of your home, please don’t forget to let the

office know of your intentions so that we do not inadvert-

ently turn off your transponders!

If you are renting out your property, please be aware of the

requirements of the CC&Rs. There is a minimum 6-month

lease requirement. You are not allowed to rent out on a

month-to-month basis.

DOG OWNERS ~ Our landscapers have reported finding an

increased number of mutt mitt bags thrown into the landscap-

ing, especially in the Ascona neighborhood. Please take your

pets’ excrement with you and dispose of it properly.

For everyone’s safety, including the safety of your own pet,

please keep your dog on a leash and in your control at all

times while walking in the common areas of Ruby Hill and on

your own property. We have had several reports of dogs run-

ning free from open garages, or just off leash on owner’s prop-

erty, and charging at people that are walking on the sidewalk.

Even small dogs can bite and be aggressive especially with

other dogs or small children. Please also be mindful of your

dog barking in the early morning or late evening hours, ex-

cept in the case of an emergency.

GOLF CARTS ~ Underage children are not allowed to drive golf

carts. It is against the law! Only licensed drivers may drive

golf carts. It has been reported that children are driving golf

carts throughout Ruby Hill with or without parental supervi-

sion. REMEMBER: It is against the law to have your underage

unlicensed children drive a golf cart.

BASKETBALL STANDARDS ~ Basketball standards must not be

placed in the streets or cul-de-sacs. Standards should not be

placed further forward on your lot than the front of your

house. The backyard area is preferable. All sports equipment

should be stored when not in use.


are responsible for their own children and their visiting

friends. Although some children may feel that their pranks

such as ringing doorbells and running away are innocent fun,

many homeowners are tired of the wayward activities. Please

inform your children that they are not allowed to trespass on

other people’s property, and remind them that anyone caught

or suspected of involvement with acts of vandalism, (e.g.

stealing things/decorations off lawns, toilet papering, egging)

will be reported to the Pleasanton Police Department for fur-

ther investigation and possible prosecution.

We have also had recent vandalism involving valve box lids

(see pictures).


help keep your community looking its best. We have sent

notices out to several homeowners about street lights that are

obstructed by low-hanging trees and foliage. A “thank you”

goes to the owners that have complied and have cut back

trees as requested. If a tree originates on your property, it is

your responsibility to keep it trimmed.

Blocked signs and lights can be a safety hazard. Street signs

and lights must be visible to be effective. If you have re-

ceived a letter, please make sure your trees are trimmed with

at least a 2 foot clearance around any street light or sign.

In addition, please keep in mind that trees should be cleared

above walking paths and any overhang on the street needs to

have a minimum 14 foot clearance.

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March/April 2015

F R O M T H E H O M E O W N E R S ’ A S S O C I A T I O N By Deb Maher & Katherine Fonte, Peachtree C.A.S., Inc.

POOL OPENS MAY 1st ~ The Community Center swimming pool

will open May 1st if weather allows.

Remember to put towels down before using the furniture.

Suntan oils and lotions will cause discoloration. Also, please

remember to not prop open the pool gate. If it is propped 90

degrees or more, the hinge tends to break, which keeps the

door from automatically closing. More importantly, this be-

comes a safety hazard should a child wander in without adult


We ask you to please remember to bring your pool key. Our

office is generally very busy during the day, and we request

the doorbell not be used for pool access. The doorbell is to be

used ONLY if you require assistance from office personnel for

office-related matters.

NOTIFY OFFICE OF ALL CHANGES ~ If you have not checked

your contact information, your registered permanent

guests, or vehicle information with the office lately, please

contact the office to update your records. If you have had

any changes to your phone numbers, email addresses, or if you

have purchased any new vehicles, please notify the office of

all changes.

MONTHLY ASSESSMENTS ~ We have many new Homeowners

at Ruby Hill. As a reminder for all, assessments are due on the

first (1st) day of each month and are delinquent if not re-

ceived in full by the 25th of each month. A late charge of ten

percent (10%) will be applied to all delinquent assessments.

Interest shall be imposed on assessments that are ninety (90)

days delinquent, at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per an-


Homeowners have many payment options: (1) sign up for ACH

through Peachtree – funds will automatically be deducted from

your bank account, (2) set-up automatic bill pay through your

financial institution, (3) make a payment on-line via the

Peachtree website (, (4) sign up using

your account number to have payments made via credit card,

or (5) continue to remit payments via check to Ruby Hill Own-

ers Association 30100 Mission Blvd., Hayward, CA 94544 – your

account number must be written on each check, or your

payment may not be posted correctly.

If you have any questions regarding your assessment account,

you may contact Traci Ragland at Peachtree - (800) 547-3224 x

28 or [email protected].


With spring being just around the corner, the Architectural

Design Committee (ADC) has noticed an increase in the appli-

cations for outdoor living projects. One of the most important

things to consider when contemplating such an improvement

would be specific site characteristics and setback require-

ments. To expedite your project, it is strongly recommended

that you arrange a Pre-Design meeting with the ADC before

proceeding with having plans drawn up. A Pre-Design meeting

will help facilitate the project and save time and money, as

both the owners and architect/designer will have a clear un-

derstanding of project restrictions before getting too far into

the design.

The setbacks are determined by the lot size. Please see below

for shade structure and accessory structure definitions:


Shade structures are allowed up to 10ft setback from the

side and rear property (with the exception of Golf Course

lots, which is 25ft) and can be up to 10ft in height; open

on all sides, and do not have a solid roof. The setback

distance is measured from the outer most projection of

the structure to the property line. The height is measured

from grade to the highest component of the structure.

Accessory structures (with a solid roof and/or solid

walls) can be up to 15ft in height, but must meet the

same setbacks as the residence (generally, 30’ from rear

property, and either 15’ or 20’ from the side yard – de-

pending on existing residence). The setback distance is

measured from the foundation to the property line. The

height of the structure is measured from grade to the

highest roof element; chimneys for fireplaces may pro-

trude above the maximum height limit.


Shade structures are allowed up to 5ft setback from the

side and rear property. Shade structures can be up to 10ft

in height, open on all sides , and do not have a solid roof.

The setback distance is measured from the outer most

projection of the structure to the property line. The

height is measured from grade to the highest component

of the structure.

Accessory structures must meet the same setbacks as

the residence (generally, 20’ from rear property line, and

6’ side yard (12’ aggregate) from property line; *10’ mini-

mum side yard for corner lots). Accessory structures can

be up to 15ft in height, and may have a solid roof and/or

solid walls. The setback distance is measured from the

foundation to the property line. The height of the struc-

ture is measured from grade to the highest roof element;

chimneys for fireplaces may protrude above the maximum

height limit.

To make a Pre-design appointment, please email Kathe-

[email protected] or call (925) 417-1903 x2. The ADC

generally meets every 2 weeks at the Community Center Of-


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Page 5 March/April 2015

SKATEBOARD FOUND ~ If you have lost yours or had it stolen in

the past several months, call to identify it. 846-7670

RUBY HILL CLASSIFIED ADS To ensure information is accurate and current,

classified ads will only run in one publication.

Please re-submit your ad, if needed.

Please note that commercial advertising is not allowed.

FROM THE HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION By Katherine Fonte, Peachtree C.A.S., Inc.

Visit the links below for up-to date, detailed community events

City of Pleasanton | Community Calendar

Pleasanton Weekly

Hometown Happenings - 101.7 KKIQ

Alameda County Fairgrounds – calendar of Events

Tri-Valley, California Convention & Visitors Bureau Calendar of


Community Events



Katherine Fonte

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (925) 417-1903 x 2

On-Site Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs / 10AM – 4 PM

Board Liaison

Board Meeting Agenda Items

Common Area Maintenance Concerns

CC&R Violations

Owner/Board Correspondence

Community Inspections

Association Vendor Liaison


Architectural Administration (Painting/colors; architectural

or landscape improvement requests)


Deb Maher

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (925) 417-1903 x 0

On-Site Hours: Tues , Thur, & Fri / 10 AM – 4 PM

Transponder Installation/Inquiries

Community Center Reservations

Sports Field Management

Picnic Area Reservations

Pool Keys

Open House Maps

Page 6: Page 1 March/April 2015 · Ruby Hill Owners’ Association Grapevine Page 1 March/April 2015 Notice of Election Results

30100 Mission Boulevard

Hayward, CA 94544-7249

Community News...For Your Information



(Please have your last name and Association account number available)

Ruby Hill Owners’ Association Important Numbers

Association & Community Center:

417-1903 or email [email protected]

Architectural Design Review: 417-1903 x2

Main Gate and East Gate: 417-5858

Service Entrance: 417-5860

After-Hour Emergencies:

(800) 547-3224 (800-54-PEACH)

HOA Billing Inquiries:

(510) 487-3383 x28 or

e-mail: [email protected]

The “Grapevine Newsletter” is published bi-monthly. Please submit articles or ads via email to the editor:

Diana Nathan

[email protected]

Newsletter is published by a resident, in conjunction with the Ruby Hill Owners’ Association

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