
(Under the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch and All the East)

March 2012



TEL. NO: 02-4460711, FAX: 02-4460722, MOBILE: 050-5727614 E-Mail: [email protected], Web:

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Abraham and Abimelech (Genesis 20)

Now Abraham moved on from there into the region of the Negev and lived

between Kadesh and Shur. For a while he stayed in Gerar, and there Abraham

said of his wife Sarah, “She is my sister.” Then Abimelech king of Gerar sent

for Sarah and took her. But GOD came to Abimelech in a dream one night and

said to him, “Indeed you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have

taken, for she is a man’s wife.

Now Abimelech had not gone near her, so he said, “Lord, will you destroy an

innocent nation? Did he (Abraham) not say to me, ‘She is my sister,’ and didn’t

she (Sarah) also say, ‘He is my brother’? I have done this with a clear

conscience and clean hands.” Then GOD said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know

you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning

against Me.” That is why I did not let you touch her.”

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs

because she knows you will hold her…

…and that is TRUST


“Who of you by worrying can add a

single hour to his life?"

Matthew 6:27


"Do not let your

hearts be troubled.

Trust in GOD;

trust also in ME."

John 14:1-3

St Stephen’s Day - )�� ���� ����' P���'_�3 �ശ�, ��� �� �� ������# ����-�> Jan 6- � P#� �)����=�'�� �G��5 )��5F� �)�� k� ����� �����) ����# )� �� ���A���M��� � ������d)��� #��=�J.

���ശ�, ����������# �ശ�,�=��-�XJ�> <D��@J;

1. ���� )O ��� �� – 10 Feb 2012

2. ���� �I�'�� �)�� ��� ������� (<'�����' '�� �����) �) – 27 Jan 2012

3. ���� ��!���� �)�� ������!����� (����S"� �����) �) – 24

Feb 2012

Annual General Body – for the year 2011was held on 13 Jan 2012 and Office

Bearers for year 2012 have been selected.

Annual Day of Family Units, Youth association & Vanitha Samajam.

Annual Day Celebration of Spiritual Organization for the year 2011 was held on

27 Jan 2012 at St Andrews Centre. Rev Fr. George Kunnel, Vicar of St Joseph

Cathedral (Malayalam Congregation) delivered the Christmas & New Year Message.

All family units wholeheartedly participated in competitive items and trophies were

given to the winners.

Annual Reports of Youth Association and Vanitha Samajam were presented. Vanitha

Samajam Members performed a skit which conveyed the message of Love in the

family and also a warning to get prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Vanitha Samajam UAE Zonal Meeting – was held on 6th Jan 2012 at our Church.

Samajam Members of our Church were winners in following competitions;.

Team of Siby Varghese, Smitha Benoy, Nancy John, Renju Manoj, Chinsu John for

Singing and Biji Paul for Elocution.

Condolence Mrs Valsamma George, Wife of Mr George M V passed away on 22 Jan 2012

Mr Paily K O, Father of Mr Noby Paul passed away on 20 Feb 2012

Mr K V Cherian,Pampady, ex-member of our Parish passed away on 9 Feb 2012

Church Diary – New Church Software

Our Church is growing and it has become a present day requirement to switch over to

a computerized system to maintain the Member Records and Church Accounts.

‘Church Diary’ has been developed by one of our Church Members to suit the

requirements of our Church.

Reports that can be generated from system;

1. Member information Report

2. Birthday and Wedding Anniversary List

3. Subscription & Confession List

4. Budget Report

5. Receipts / Payments (Per Account head, per member, selected period)

6. Banking Transactions Reports

7. Other General Information like List & Minutes of meetings, Inventory list

Setting up an IT Team for maintaining the Church Website and Church Software is in


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Office Bearers – 2012 Managing Committee – 2012

Vice President Thomas C Thomas Committee Member 1 Eldhose A M

Secretary Benny K Paulose Committee Member 2 Joby P Koshy

Jt Secretary Basil Varghese Committee Member 3 Monai Kurian

Trustee Reji Mathew Committee Member 4 Saiji K P

Jt Trustee Paul P C Committee Member 5 Simon Thomas

Auditor 1 Biju Joe Cherian Auditor 2 Mathews Chacko

Youth Association – 2012 Vice President Vinu Jacob Peter Committee Member 1 Satheesh M C

Secretary Abraham Pothen Committee Member 2 Saji George

Jt Secretary Kurian John Committee Member 3 Ajith M Eldhose

Trustee Eldo Arun Joseph Committee Member 4 Jiby Issac

Jt Trustee Robin Varghese Committee Member 5 Basil Jacob

Vanitha Samaajam – 2012 Vice President Lucy Thomas Committee Member 1 Bini Manoj

Secretary Reena Abraham Committee Member 2 Sanjana Philip

Jt Secretary Jancy Jacob Committee Member 3 Sherine Thomas

Trustee Miji Vinu Committee Member 4 Valsamma George

Jt Trustee Sunitha Biju Committee Member 5 Lilly Mathew

Family Units Secretaries – 2012 Airport Road Ebenezer Abraham K V 050-5627640

Hamdan & Electra Nazereth ***

Khalidya Gethsemena Anil Mathew 050-3408429

Madina Zaid Bethlehem Sandeep George 055-7364232

Muroor Mt Tabore Abraham John P 050-4450836

Mussafah Moria ***

Tourist Club / Salam Shalem *** Family Unit Secretaries for 4 units have been selected.

Selection for the remaining 3 units will be completed in the prayer meetings on coming weeks.

Skit performed by Vanitha Samajam Members

on Annual Day 2011



Birthdays from 15 Mar to 15 Apr Paulose E M 15 Mar Suja Sabu 19 Mar Lina Varghese 25 Mar

Shajan N P 15 Mar Dai Mon Kurian 20 Mar Nancy John P 25 Mar

Sheeba Joy 15 Mar Rupa 20 Mar Shibu Kuriakose 25 Mar

Silija Aby 15 Mar Somu Chandy Mathews 20 Mar Snehil Maria Saji 25 Mar

Biju Mathew 16 Mar Valsa Geevarghese 20 Mar Binu Thomas 26 Mar

Joby K Varghese 16 Mar George Korah M 21 Mar Dinu Adai 26 Mar

Varghese P I 16 Mar Merin Anu 22 Mar Jeson Jose 26 Mar

Jijo N J 17 Mar Nikhil Issac Shaji 22 Mar Jeswin Jose 26 Mar

Neha Rajesh 17 Mar Paulose K G 22 Mar Jincy 26 Mar

David Somu Mathews 18 Mar Philip Varghese (Chev) 22 Mar Basil Varghese 27 Mar

Jancy Baby 18 Mar Santhosh P Kuriakose 22 Mar Paul P C 27 Mar

Aksa Ann Philip 19 Mar Alka Sabu 23 Mar Balu Jacob 28 Mar

Biji Baby 19 Mar Alvina Mariam John 23 Mar Jolly Varghese 28 Mar

Reena Abraham 19 Mar Cheryl Mariam Anil 23 Mar Sinoj Elias 28 Mar

Shaju K Cherian 19 Mar Jijomon Mathew 23 Mar Eby Mathew 29 Mar

Shannon Shaji 19 Mar Johny A K 23 Mar Suny Mathew 29 Mar

Sijo Peter 19 Mar Suja Joy 23 Mar Rachel Suresh 30 Mar

Subin Samson 19 Mar Basil 24 Mar Dhanya 31 Mar

Boby Paul 02 Apr Baby n Paulose 06 Apr Kora Paulose 10 Apr

Selby dennis 02 Apr Kiran Jacob 06 Apr Sheela Sabu 10 Apr

Shani Alias 02 Apr Prince Punnenmarks 06 Apr Kavitha Lousia 11 Apr

Valsamma Mathew 02 Apr Basil Jacob 07 Apr Boby Biju 12 Apr

Varghese K Pathrose 03 Apr Johanna Ealishba Emil 07 Apr John Varghese 12 Apr

Anna Eldho 04 Apr Mary Mohanan 07 Apr Sanora Rachel Manoj 12 Apr

Lalson K G 04 Apr Roshan Sam 07 Apr Noby Paul 13 Apr

Subin P Baby 04 Apr Sneha Sabu 07 Apr Paulose V Abraham 13 Apr

Thimothi George 04 Apr Paulose Eldho 08 Apr Chacko Binoy T 14 Apr

Anushka Abraham 05 Apr Sonel Saji 08 Apr Jeffin Joby 14 Apr

George Baby Thomas 05 Apr Wilson J K 08 Apr Shibi Binoy 14 Apr

Irien Ann Cherian 05 Apr Tinu Thomas 09 Apr Basil C Manoj 15 Apr

Rein George 05 Apr Baby K G 10 Apr Olina Maria George 15 Apr

Abia Suraj 06 Apr Biju K George 10 Apr

Anand S Pothara 06 Apr Gracy Shajan 10 Apr

Wedding Anniversaries from 15 Mar to 15 Apr Varghese P I 19 Mar Shibu Kuriakose 06 Apr Jacob V B 14 Apr

Kuriakose Mathew 04 Apr Jogin Alex Abraham 08 Apr Mathai T P 14 Apr

Jose Kurian 06 Apr Saji Kurian 11 Apr Naveen Roy 14 Apr

Paul P C 06 Apr Daniel T C 14 Apr Deepu Mathew 15 Apr

Family Units Annual Get-together - 2011

Fri, 30 Mar ��=��3 �"���tD 6:30AM - 9:30AM St Andrew’s Church

Sat, 31 Mar ^ശ� ശ��ശF4 (Palm Sunday) 6:00PM - 9:30PM St Joseph’s Church

Sun, 1 Apr �H5� )����3 d5� ���3�3 8:00PM - 10:00PM Marthoma Upper Chappel

Mon, 2 Apr �H5� )����3 d5� ���3�3 6:30PM - 9:30PM St Joseph’s Church

Tue, 3 Apr �H5� )����3 d5� ���3�3 8:00PM - 10:00PM Marthoma Upper Chappel

Wed, 4 Apr ����� 5�Y�tD (Maundy Thursday) 6:00PM - 9:30PM St Joseph’s Church

Thu, 5 Apr ��� �Y��� ശ��ശF4 6:00PM - 9:00PM St Andrew’s Centre

Fri, 6 Apr �0� �"���tD (Good Friday) 7:30AM - 3:30PM St Joseph’s Church

Sat, 7 Apr �0� ശ ���tD (Gospel Saturday) 9:00AM - 11:00AM St Andrew’s Church

Sat, 7 Apr Easter 6:00PM - 9:00PM St Joseph’s Church

Holy Qurbana

Fridays : 6.30 to 9.30 AM at St. Andrews Centre

Mondays : 7.30 to 9.30 PM at St. Joseph church Hall

Intercessory Prayers

St. Mary

1st Fridays at St. Andrews Centre and 1

st Mondays at St. Joseph Hall

St. Stephen & St. George 2

nd Fridays at St. Andrews Centre and 2

nd Mondays at St. Joseph Hall

St. Gregerios of Malankara


Fridays at St. Andrews Centre and 3rd

Mondays at St. Joseph Hall

Family Units Prayer Meetings

08:30 PM to 10:00 PM on all Thursdays

11:00 AM to 12.30 PM on every 2nd

Friday at Mussafah area

Sunday school

From 9.30 AM to 12.00 PM on all Fridays at Marthoma Church Hall, Abu Dhabi


The Passion Week Services and Retreat

will be led by our


Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas-I

Youth Association Membership Campaign

for 2012 held on 17th Feb. Academic award for Ruben Bijy Thomas

for Grade 12

Youth Association UAE Zonal Meeting

held on 24th

Feb at Mor Ignatious Syrian Orthodox Cathedral, Dubai

Rev Fr. Joshi Mathew, (Vicar of St

Mary’s Sonoro Church, Sharjah) and Mr Abraham Pothen (St Stephens Syrian

Orthodox Church Abu Dhabi) have been

selected as the President and the

Secretary of UAE Zone respectively.

Shub'khono service conducted at Parsonage

on 22 Feb 2012

Church Choir participating in YMCA Christmas & New Year Celebration

Editorial Board - Fr Varghese Arackal, Sajan Koshy & Basil Varghese

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