  • Pastor’s Message

    The Lutheran Church of Our Savior May 2018 No. 5

    Pastor’s Message


    Seasoned Citizens 3

    Stephen Ministry 4

    LWML 5-7

    LCOOS Youth 8

    Christian Symbols 9

    Lutheran Marriage

    Encounter Weekend


    Youth Activity Page 17

    Leadership Directory &



    April Calendar 19

    Church Information 20

    Inside this issue:

    Continued on next page….

    From the Pastor…………………………………………………………

    55 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"

    [1st Corinthians 15:55]

    Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord!! Spring is upon us and it is beauti-ful! The life that is peeking through the soil and the temperature is something quite beautiful. I love it.

    Yet, it also reminds me that life is a fragile thing. One torrential downpour can wipe the flowers away and they will be gone. Strong enough winds and the soil can be removed. I have recently planted peonies in my backyard and really all that has to happen is for my children to trounce through the backyard and step on the buds coming up and they’re gone for the season. Life is fragile.

    Our current human life is fragile as well. Throughout the years I have been blessed to give communion to home-bound individuals. Some of them are truly exhausted with the suffering through which they are travelling. Their prayers to the Lord are simple – heal me or take me to heaven; but this limbo of suffering is too much to bear. On the same day I can hear stories of people on ventilators in the hospital. In our own congregation we have a woman who entered the nursery of her babies’ room to find that her little girl had passed away. In one day I can hear many true, heart-wrenching tragedies.

    This life is fragile. In an instant this life can be taken from us. It can be gone. One moment, beauty – the next, death. Really, that is all it takes. One strike of cancer. One car accident. One slip and fall. Fragile.

    But if you look at the above paragraph, I used the pronoun, “this” attached to the word life. This life is fragile. But thanks be to God – everlasting life is not.

  • Pastor’s Message Continued...

    Issue No. 5 Page 2

    Dare I say there is nothing less fragile than everlasting life? Everlasting life is concrete. It is set in stone. Everlasting life can be clung to precisely because ev-erlasting life is dependent upon a Risen Savior that cannot die again. He is fully God, fully resurrected human, and if we believe in Him – if we trust Him in our hearts through faith – our everlasting life is con-crete. Set in stone. It is surer in strength than a dia-mond, of higher endurance than refined bronze. Noth-ing can crack it. We can fully depend on it.

    The Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 details that the dead will rise. And as they rise, they will have resur-rected bodies that will be imperishable – without the possibility of death again. We will have this promise given to us because Jesus Himself went through the veil of death for us and rose again.

    I love Easter. It is the story of life from death. Because He lives, I too shall live. This is why though this life is fragile, and there is sin, pain, and death here – we have reason to hope. Because He lives, I too will live. What can this world really do to me? Jesus has defeated our chief adversary – death. He has taken the fragility of life away. So let us say, as the Apostle has said, “Where O death is your sting?” Jesus is Risen! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Your pastor and friend, Christopher Ogne

    Did You Know…

    The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in

    1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St

    Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. ... Her

    campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday in the

    United States began in 1905, the year her mother, Ann Reeves

    Jarvis, died. Continued on next page...

  • Issue No. 5 Page 3

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

    Don’t forget to save your aluminum cans

    and all metals! Drop them off at the top of

    the hill on the right as you enter into the

    church parking lots. If you need a “pick-up”

    of larger items, please speak with Steve

    Holton. Steve and Michael Ellis take them to

    the recycling center for cash. They collected

    over a THOUSAND dollars last year which

    helps with church expenses!


    Seasoned Citizens...

    The Seasoned Citizens attended The play Jesus Christ, Superstar on April 8 after sharing lunch at the Hunan Chi-nese restaurant. I'm hearing mixed reviews. But overall,

    we usually enjoy those outings to the Port Tobacco Players.

    The next get together/dinner has been changed

    from Thursday to Monday. Many wanted to revisit Ollie's

    to be able to have their meatloaf special served on Mon-

    days. So the date for that will be Monday, May 14. Be

    sure to sign up on the sign-up sheet in the narthex.


  • Book of Concord Do you know what is in the Book of Concord? Have you heard of it? The Book of Concord contains the Lutheran confessions. The Lutheran confessions is a group of documents that expounds how we understand the Bible as Lutherans. They are historical but also very practical. It is a very large book, but it is divided into separate documents that can be studied one at a time. I have known of the existence of this book since I

    was confirmed, but I have never read it, with the exception of Luther's Small Catechism, which is included and is one of the Lutheran confessions. But I would like to become better acquainted with this document and would like to start a study group for thatpurpose. If you are interested or even just curious, why not plan to join me and take a look at what our confessions actually say. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the narthex or contact me. We will work out a meeting time that is best for those who wish to participate. Also indicate if you would like a hard copy of the book to be ordered for you. I would like to begin meeting by the middle of June. Bev Linde Ph: 301 283 3248 Email: [email protected]

    Stephen Ministry……...

    The Stephen Ministry group of volunteers and leaders have been meeting fairly regular-

    ly, twice monthly since last autumn. We will only meet once a month during the sum-

    mer, hoping to accommodate some vacation times. If we stay on our present schedule,

    we should complete our 20 session training on Saturday, October 6, with commissioning

    the following day, Sunday, October 7. Those who will be commissioned on that day are

    Roslyn Clifford, Donna Ellis, Twhanna Green, Pam Mays, and Renee Nelson.

    Additionally, another class has formed which meets as it is convenient. That class in-

    cludes Lorraine Bartholomew and Sharon McPherson. We also have a transfer mem-

    ber, Joan Curley, who has finished the training previously and will join us to refresh and

    meet our other Ministers-in-training.

    We have been very blessed to have had Jim Ammons to lead this endeavor for several years. We are hoping to be able to

    give him a much needed break with the training of two more leaders, hopefully this summer. Those Ministers are Adrienne

    Norwood and Renee Nelson. Thank you Jim for all you have done to keep this program moving forward.

    We anticipate that we may begin another training class late in the year or early next year as needed.

    Please continue to keep this ministry and the people involved in your prayers. Bev Linde

    Issue No.5 Page 4

    New Discussion Group……...

    mailto:[email protected]

  • LCOOS Lutheran Women’s Missionary League…..

    Issue No. 5 Page 5

    Minutes of the LCOOS Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

    April 9, 2018

    Attendees: Beth Ogne, Beth Mays, Shea Gronau, Doris Simmons, Teresa Tester Killion

    The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.

    Opening Prayer: Doris Simmons

    Devotion: From Joyce Meyer John 6:32 “Obey Quickly” read by Beth Mays

    Reports: LWML - Zone Rep Doris Simmons April 28- Spring Rally at Peace Lutheran in DC “Run and Tell It” Sept 21-23- Chesapeake Convention in Richmond VA. Who’s our YWR? 2 Delegates

    Altar Guild: Rhonda Piegols No Report

    Angel’s Watch Women’s Shelter: Rhonda Piegols No Report

    Shut-ins/Memorial Ministry: No Report

    Lutheran Mission Society Compassion Center of So. MD: Donna Ellis Compassion Trailer will be here May 3-5

    Bethesda Lutheran Home: Isatu Deen

    Collection of labels is on-going. The collection box is in the narthex.

    St. Jude’s Hospital/Ranch: Isatu Deen

    Collection of greeting card fronts is on-going. Collection box in narthex.

    Post Card Ministry: - Shea Gronau No Report

    Cradle Role: JoAnn Garber No Report

    New Business: Mother’s Day Tea- Theme “Spring Cleaning” Cleaning out the clutter in your mind, body, and soul. There

    will be a sign up sheet for different items that need to be purchased on the LWML board in the activities hall.

    Further discussion on planning will be via e-mail or in person, if you wish to help please talk to Beth Mays or

    Beth Ogne. Confirmation Sunday- May 20th- We can help with set up and clean up. The banners are already in progress

    and other items have been ordered. The cake will need to be ordered from a different source

    (Safeway is closing).

    Continued on next page….

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    Upcoming Events:

    “Sisters in Study” recurring 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at different ladies homes. April 13, 7pm @ Beth Mays House April 21, 7pm @ Beth Mays House May 11, 7pm @ Church (set-up for Mother’s Day Tea) May 25, 7pm @ TBD May 12, 1pm Mother’s Day Tea May 20 Confirmation Sunday June 2 7 am- Church Yard Sale (proceeds to benefit LWML) June 23-24 Ladies Beginner Overnight Camping Trip

    (sign up will be on the LWML board in activities hall)

    The next meeting is scheduled for May 14th , at 7:00p.m.

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:25p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Shea Gronau


    Save The Date Saturday June 23rd - 24th

    Noon to Noon

    Patuxent River Park (as part of the Great American Backyard Campout)

    Cost is $52 per campsite (4-5 people in a campsite)

    Experience includes: Dinner Saturday Night, Continental Breakfast Sunday

    Morning, Hiking, Kayak Rentals, Bike Rentals, Bus Tour to Merkle Wildlife Sanc-

    tuary, Archery, Live Animal Display, Night Hike, S’More Making and More~!

    ****Sign up sheet is on the LWML Bulletin Board****

    LCOOS Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Continued…..

    Continued on next page….

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    LCOOS Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Continued...


    Friday, May 11th — 7:00pm Church—Setup Mother’s Day Tea

    Saturday, May 12th — 1:00pm Mother’s Day Tea

    Monday, May 14th — LWML Meeting Fellowship Hall

    Sunday, May 20th — Confirmation Sunday

    Friday, May 25th — 7:00pm Sisters In Study


    How, Lord … Can I Be More Loving?

    In the Word:

    “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

    Of the Word:

    Jesus did not suggest we love each other — He commands we do it. So does that include showing

    love to the car mechanic who swears and smells bad, the check-out girl with all the tattoos and

    piercings, and the woman in the office who gossips about each of us, and my enemies? Yes, it

    does. The command is “love each other” (John 15:12b).

    In His command Jesus is not talking about emotional love. He is talking about love in action: the

    kind of love that is more patient and forgiving, a love that will not react in anger to the gossip in

    the office, a love that uses kind words and shows a smile to the car mechanic and check-out girl, a

    love that is not prejudiced, a love that is not too busy to listen to someone who is hurting.

    “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” (1 John

    3:18). This love in action is a learned love and our teachers are a loving Father and His Son who

    show us how love can be accomplished: “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

    Walking with my Lord:

    Dear Lord, when I am confronted with people I find hard to love, show me how I can be loving. Re-mind me that in spite of all my sins You still love me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Mustard Seed: How, Lord? Marcia Gomulka and Myrna Lou Meyer, authors. 6/32 ©2011 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

  • We are gearing up for our Youth Mission trip to Philadelphia this Sum-mer! We recently had a wonderful fundraiser for our mission trip this past Sunday, April 29th at Roy Rogers in La Plata. Thanks to everyone who came out and help support our LCOOS Youth and a “BIG THANKS” DJ Turner for organizing the event!

    Also, the permission slips for Fuge will be due on Sunday May 27th. On that day there will be a parent meeting and a notary at the church to notarize the permission slips.

    We will be having Youth Night Friday May 4th @7pm. We will be discussing evangelism - because the following day May 5th we are meeting to go out on Evangelism at 10am. We will have lunch here at the church and then we will assist with the church clean up as a service project here at the church.

    Our Youth are very busy - and we look forward to an awesome summer! God bless!

    Hello LCOOS Youth!!! We have exciting things coming up! For starters, our yearly mission trip to FUGE has been codified! We are going to FUGE on June 25th – 30th. We have 20 slots available, so please let Bryan know ASAP if your youth is planning on attending. For those of you that do not know, FUGE is a camp where the kids worship twice a day, morning and even-ing, but then also during the day go out and serve in the community. We feed the homeless, serve ministries in painting, construction, and yard work, work with un-der-privileged children, and more. It is both a fun and exciting camp but also a way to serve the community. This year we will be travelling back to the city of Philadelphia!

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  • Issue No. 5 Page 9

    Christian Symbols ……..

    Symbols of the Holy Spirit In our churches, religious art, and liturgical prayers, we use a variety

    of symbols to represent the Holy Spirit, all of which come from the

    Bible. Here are some of those symbols.

    One of the most common symbols of the Holy Spirit is a dove. It

    comes from the story of Jesus’ baptism, when Jesus saw “the Spirit,

    like a dove, descending upon him.” (Mark 1:10) The other three Gos-

    pel writers use similar wording to describe the event (see Matthew

    3:16, Luke 3:22, and John 1:32).

    Fire is another popular representation of the Holy Spirit. The fire that appeared on Pentecost (Acts of the

    Apostles 2:3) was reminiscent of the burning bush on Mount Sinai from which God spoke to Moses.

    (Exodus 3:2) During the Exodus, the people of God were led by a pillar of fire at night. (Exodus 13:21)

    Fire calls attention to the strength and force of the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit is also represented by wind. In fact, the original Hebrew and Greek words for “Spirit” can

    be translated as “wind.” The wind that appeared on Pentecost (Acts of the Apostles 2:2) was reminiscent

    of the wind that blew over the waters at the beginning of Creation. (Genesis 1:2) The wind calls attention

    to the Holy Spirit breathing life into the Church.

    Water signifies birth and life. From a faith perspective, it represents the cleansing and life-giving action

    of the Holy Spirit at Baptism. (Matthew 3:11; John 3:5) The symbolism of water is addressed in

    the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#694):

    As “by one Spirit we were all baptized,” so we are also “made to drink of one Spirit.” (1 Cor 12:13) Thus

    the Spirit is also personally the living water welling up from Christ crucified (Jn 19:34; 1 Jn 5:8) as its

    source and welling up in us to eternal life. (Cf. Jn 4:10-14; 7:38; Ex 17:1-6; Isa 55:1; Zech 14:8; 1 Cor

    10:4; Rev 21:6; 22:17)

    The cloud is used as a symbol of the Holy Spirit because clouds provide life-giving water. In the Old Tes-

    tament, God often leads his people with a cloud or appears to them in a cloud. (Exodus 16:10) The image

    of a cloud is often combined with the image of light to symbolize the God who is hidden and mysterious

    but also revealing and luminous.

    Anointing with oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit’s uniting us with Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One.

    (Acts of the Apostles 10:38; 1 John 2:20-27)

    Official documents in the past (Nehemiah 9:38; Esther 8:8), and some documents today, were sealed with

    hot wax. Then an imprint was made on the wax with the official seal of the person sending the document.

    In a similar way, we are “sealed” by the Holy Spirit to show that we are forever part of God’s family.

    (Song of Songs 8:6; John 6:27)

    If you were to draw a representation of the Holy Spirit, what would it look like? What would be your rea-

    soning for drawing the Holy Spirit that way?

  • LCOOS Council Meeting Minutes…...

    Council Meeting Minutes

    Lutheran Church of Our Savior

    Bryans Road, MD

    Date April 17, 2018

    Council Attendees: President: Andrei Sapsai

    V. Pres.: Hansen Kannie x

    Secretary: Patty Davis x

    Treasurer: Lynn Wells

    Worship: Pastor Ogne x

    Head Elder: Michael Ellis x

    Discipleship: Saifu Deen x

    Outreach: Shea Gronau x

    Member at Large: Steve Holton x

    The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm and opened with prayer by Hansen Kannie.

    Secretary: The minutes were approved electronically by the council on 4/20/2018.

    The Lutheran Church of Our Savior Treasurer's Report As of March 31, 2018 Cash Accounts Operating Fund 1: $80,753.16 Operating Fund 2: $60,887.44 SAV – Bldg: $28,119.15 Savings: $70,683.98 Memorial Fund: $ 3,590.92 Budget and Revenue Estimates for 2018 2018 Yearly Operating Budget: $375,175.51 (based on 2017 income) 2018 Yearly Revenue Estimate: $366,404.00 ( 2.4% increase over 2017 Budget) Operating Offering (1&2) thru week 13: $86,513.01 Other income (3) thru week 13: $ 3,556.00 Operating Revenue thru week 13: $90,069.01 Operating Expenditures thru week 13: $83,605.86 Net Operating Income (Loss) thru 3/31/18: $ 6,463.15 Operating – Averages Average giving per wk thru week 13: $ 6,654.85 Average Expenditures per wk thru week 13: $ 6,431.22 Average Budget per wk: $ 6,913.28

    Issue No. 5 Page 10

    Continued on next page...

  • LCEF Mortgage – Outstanding (12/14/2037) $865,420.18

    LWML - Balance $ 1,127.30

    Balance carried over from 2017: $1,159.34


    Mites thru week 13: $ 45.86

    Other income thru week 13: $ 366.00


    Mites thru week 13: $40.00

    Other thru week 13: $ 403.90

    Conferences thru week 13: $ 0.00

    Memorial Fund Balance $ 3,590.92

    Balance carried over from 2017: $3,590.92


    Memorial Fund Donations thru week 13:

    Undesignated $ 0.00


    Memorial Fund thru week 13: $ 0.00

    Youth Group Balance: $17,623.44

    (budget $7,500 for 2018)

    Balance carried over from 2017: $ 7,757.07


    Fundraisers thru week 13: $ 3,000.00


    Misc thru week 13: $ 633.63 ========

    $ 10,123.44 + 7,500.00 (budget amt) = $ 17,623.44


    A new sound board was installed this past month in the Sanctuary. Bob Brock did the installation

    and a training was held. Thanks Bob! The soundboard is digital and the sound has become much


    Lynn Wells and Harrison Jieudeh have developed a new website. Check it out at!

    Thank you!

    We are using a new service to record our You Tube broadcasts and it is working great. Please share

    the sermons and get the word out!

    Andrei Sapsai and I will be attending the Triennial Southeastern District Convention from

    May 10-12. This is the convention where the district sets the

    LCOOS Council Meeting Minutes Continued...

    Issue No. 5 Page 11

    Continued on next page...

  • vision for the ministry of the LCMS in the Southeastern District. Please pray for us in our journey!

    I recently received this letter from the SED concerning our Lay Deacons – that would be Saifu Dean,

    James Ammons VI, and studying to be one – Cameron Kruse:

    God’s grace and peace to you!

    I am writing on behalf of President Denninger regarding your service as a Lay Deacon at the Lutheran Church

    of Our Savior, Bryans Road, MD. As you are aware, 2016 LCMS Resolution 13-02 A (attached) restricts the

    use of Licensed Lay Deacons within the LCMS beginning this year.

    At this time, several options are open to you:

    You may continue to serve as a Lay Deacon in other roles within your congregation (Mercy, Educa-

    tion, Visitation, Outreach, Evangelism and Church Planting – but not in public preaching or administration

    of the sacraments)

    Given your years of service as a Licensed Lay Deacon, if you are interested in ordination, you may

    apply for SMP Colloquy (see attached guidelines and application – there is a July 1, 2018 deadline for all


    If you are interested in ordination, you may choose instead to apply to one of the seminaries for a resi-

    dential program or alternate route program (more information can be found on each seminary’s website)

    You may choose to no longer serve as a Lay Deacon within your congregation

    It is important for you to discuss these options with your supervising pastor. President Denninger welcomes

    the opportunity to be part of that discussion.

    If you would like for me to arrange a time for a conference call with President Denninger, or if you have any

    questions, please let me know.

    Thank you for your dedication to sharing the Good News.

    Jim, Saifu, and Cameron will continue in their current capacity as Lay Deacons here at our Savior.

    It is not Jim or Saifu’s desire to continue into colloquy for the pastorate. They wish to remain Lay


    Cameron is in the midst of the 2 year studying program; and from there he does desire to go into full

    time ministry upon retirement from the Marine Corps. Yet, he must wait until that retirement so it is not

    an issue at this current juncture.

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    Continued on next page...

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    LCOOS Council Meeting Minutes Continued…...

    As it pertains to Lay Deacon practice here at Our Savior, I do not believe our current practice has to

    change at all. My reasons below:

    * Lay Deacons do not consecrate the elements; where before they were allowed to, we voted

    that they would not. The District has codified that they cannot.

    * Every sermon given is vetted by me; and I have a call in to President Denninger concerning

    this practice. I believe that can continue.

    * If you have any questions, please call or contact me.

    Hudson John Vermaak was baptized April 15th. We give God praise for this baptism!

    Teresa Tester and Ken Killion [married] were brought into membership on April 22nd. Please welcome


    The choir continues practice and will sing into the month of May before taking summer break.

    We welcome Betty back to the Organ Bench! She has been playing in April and she will split time

    with Alex Smithley. Praise God!

    Gary Pomrenke has officially been installed as a Lay Deacon at St. Paul's. He is doing Word and Sac

    rament ministry there and they recently held a congregational meeting whereby upon his acceptance to

    the Special Ministry Pastorate program he will continue as their pastor. [assuming acceptance into the

    program] Throughout the program he is required to meet with a pastor regularly to go over his work

    at St. Paul's. Currently, that is me.

    Continued on next page...

  • Issue No . 5 Page 14

    LCOOS Council Meeting Minutes Continued…...


    E72: We had a great turn out for our March 24th quarterly evangelism. We spoke and

    prayed with many individuals in our community and it truly was a blessing.

  • Issue No. 5 Page 15

    If you missed out, it’s okay. There is another chance coming up! This is a very easy way to spread the

    love of Jesus to our community.

    Easter Eggstravaganza: We had an excellent turnout of 66 kids with their families and a beautiful day

    too! Thank you to EVERYONE that’s makes this event such a blessing to our community!

    Upcoming Events:

    Quarterly E72- May 5th 10am


    Completed Work

    1. Handicap rails put in both stall in women’s bathroom in new building

    2. Front door lighting fixed after storm damage, new bulbs put in.

    Yearly Inspections that have been completed.


    1. Back Flow System $ 150.00

    2. Fire Marshall inspection $ 73.50

    3. Storm Water Management (every 3 years) $ 0.00

    4. HVAC system (will be in April) $ 250.00

    5. Pest Now (will be $600 each year after) $1,000.00

    Termite yet to be done for 2018 $ 98.00

    Work to be Completed

    1. Men’s room bathroom toilet stall door to be fixed. (Tim O’Barr working on this)

    2. Youth room: outside siding to A/C units need replacing. (Tim O’Barr working on this)

    3. Pressure wash exterior to Educational wing. (Joe Gronau will do this job when the weather permits)

    4. Speaker wire in fellowship hall to be covered up.

    5. Shelving in bible study room to be installed.

    6. LCOOS new building has 5 nighttime security lights around the building. One is burned out. Joe

    Gronau reports that installing new LED lights would cost $200 per fixture. (Total $1,000). The cost sav-

    ings on the electric bill would be substantial if we install the new fixtures. Joe will do the work.

    Motion by Pastor to increase the Property byline #6021 by the amount of the cost to allow Joe to

    purchase and install the LED lights. Motion seconded by Hansen Kannie and unanimously agreed

    upon by the council.

    LCOOS spring cleanup of the grounds set for May 5th 1:00 - 4:00 PM

    LCOOS Council Meeting Minutes Continued…...

    Continued on next page...

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    LCOOS Council Meeting Minutes Continued…...

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  • Issue No. 5 Page 17

    Youth Activity Page …….

  • Issue No. 5 Page 18

    Position Name Phone Number

    Pastor Christopher Ogne (H) (301) 655-0264

    (O) (301) 375-7507

    Lay Deacons Jim Ammons

    Saifu Deen

    Gary Pomrenke

    (301) 743-3931 (240) 413-2259 (240) 424-2451

    Head Elder Michael Ellis (301) 743-3688

    President Andrei Sapsai (301) 645-3237

    Vice President Hansen Kannie (301) 645-8678

    Treasurer Lynn Wells (301) 883-1173

    Financial Sec. Crystal OBarr (240) 585-0882

    Secretary Patty Davis (240) 346-7203

    Member at Large/Prop. Steve Holton (301) 643-0514

    Discipleship Saifu Deen (240) 413-2259

    Outreach Shea Gronau (301) 375-9125

    Education Heather Nault (802) 222-7637

    LWML Rosa Ammons (301) 861-7872

    Altar Guild Rhonda Piegols (301) 934-8242

    Youth Group Leader Bryan Mays (301) 848-5659

    Seasoned Citizens Bev Linde (301) 283-3248

    Praise & Worship Leader Scott Wells (301) 883-1173

    Stephen Ministry Bev Linde (301) 283-3248

    Office Manager

    Pam Mays (301) 848-3018

    Leadership Directory

    2—Raelyn Welch

    3—Bev Linde

    4—Grant Ryan

    5—Crystal Welch, Ekia Trammell

    8—Christopher Martin

    12—Brittney Rye

    13—Eileen Perry

    14—Lynn Wells, Scott McDonald

    18—Millie Nelson

    19—Dawn McDonald

    22—Mason Turner

    24—Katie Cooksey, Billy Donaldson

    25—Carsyn Martin

    26—Michael Bullock, Howard Cronrath

    27—Anabelle Nault, Ryann Blocker

    29—Pastor Ogne

    31—Kevin Murphy, Phillip Perry

  • Issue No. 5 Page 19

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



    10am Women’s

    Bible Study


    Class 6:15pm

    5:45pm Meal

    6:15pm Bible Study

    7:15pm Praise Serv.



    Center 10am-2pm

    6-9:30 Ed Bldg in use



    Center 10am-2pm

    7 pm—10pm






    Center 10am-2pm

    E-72 10:30AM

    10-12 Stephen

    Ministry 8pm Sat. Night


    8:30am Traditional

    9:45am Sun.School

    11:00am Praise Serv

    Defending Your


    4-8:00 Ed Bldg in use



    Praise Team


    7pm Choir



    2pm Women’s

    Bible Study


    Class 6:15pm

    5:45pm Meal

    6:15pm Bible Study

    7:15pm Praise Serv.


    6-9:30 Ed Bldg in use


    7pm LWML—

    Sisters In Study

    12 9am Prayer

    10:30am E72

    8pm Sat. Night

    Alive (AA)


    8:30am Traditional

    9:45am Sun. School

    11:00am Praise

    4-8:00 Ed Bldg in use


    7pm LWML



    6pm Elders

    7pm Council


    7pm Choir



    10am Women’s

    Bible Study


    Class 6:15pm

    5:45pm Meal

    6:15pm Bible Study

    7:15pm Praise Serv


    6-9:30 Ed Bldg in use


    19 9am Prayer

    10-12 Stephen


    20 8pm Sat. Night

    Alive (AA)

    LHM 10-2


    8:30am Traditional

    9:45am Sun. School

    11:00am Praise Serv

    4-8:00 Ed Bldg in use



    Praise Team




    7pm Choir



    10am Women’s

    Bible Study


    Class 6:15pm

    5:45pm Meal

    6:15pm Bible Study

    7:15pm Praise Serv.


    6-9:30 Ed Bldg in use


    7pm LWML—

    Sisters In Study

    26 9am Prayer

    8pm Sat. Night

    Alive (AA)


    8:30am Traditional

    9:45am Sun. School

    11:00am Praise Serv

    4-8:00 Ed Bldg in use



    7pm Choir



    10am Women’s

    Bible Study


    Class 6:15pm

    5:45pm Meal

    6:15pm Bible Study

    7:15pm Praise Serv


    6-9:30 Ed Bldg in use

    NOTE: Events and Times are subject to change. Please consult the church online calendar at for any changes.


  • Sunday

    8:30am Traditional Service

    9:45am Sunday School for “all”

    11:00am Praise & Worship Service


    5:45pm Light Supper

    6:15pm Bible Studies for “all”

    7:15pm Praise & Worship Service

    Sun 9:45am Sunday School for “all ”

    12:30pm Defending Your Faith

    (1st & 3rd Sunday)

    Wed 2:00 Women’s Bible Study

    6:15 Bible Study for “all”

    Fri 7:00 LWML - Sisters in Study

    Wed 6:00pm Confirmation Class

    The Lutheran Church of Our Savior

    7365 Indian Head Highway

    Bryans Road, Maryland 20616

    Phone: 301(375-7507)

    Fax: 301(375-8077)

    Email: [email protected]


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