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Question No. 2

Discuss the formation of Malaysia focusing on the reaction of the people of Sabah,

Sarawak, Singapore and the conflict with Indonesia and the Philippines.

1.0 Introduction

The idea to merge Malaya and Borneo began since the late 19th century. Lord Brassey,

one of the directors of British North Borneo Company, has proposed to merge Malaya to

British. However, the proposal did not happen because there is no action to it.

After the World War II, the same proposal voiced by Malcom MacDonald. In

Singapore, the proposal to merge Malaya, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak was on set. The

proposal was endorsed and supported by Sir Robert Boothy. But still the British did not

give any result.

Leader of People’s Action Party (PAP) Lee Kuan Yew, suggested to merge with

Malaya but rejected by Tunku Abdul Rahman as he afraid of social problem will arise as the

imbalance between Malays and Chinese. Tuanku Abdul Rahman agreed the merge between

Malaya and Singapore only if Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei joined. He felt that these states

have similarities in terms of historical background, political and goverment structure.

2.0 Reaction and Response – Sabah and Sarawak

Generally, the plan to merge the Malaya by Tunku Abdul Rahman received very good

reactions and responses from political parties in Malaya. All the political parties agreed with

the proposal but differ on how to implement it. For example, PAS accept the proposal but

argued Tunku Abdul Rahman for not discussed with other political leaders before announced

it. PAS also suggested the formation which includes Indonesia – Malaya. Other parties such

as MCA and Malayan People’s Party also expressed their support.

2.1 The proposal for the formation of Malaysia were stunned and surprised the leaders of

political parties in Sabah and Sarawak. Some political leaders seek independence for their

states separately and formed Kesatuan Negeri-Negeri Borneo. Some of them believed that the

formation of Malaysia was a tricked and a plan to replaced the British Colonisation. Because

of these fears, the political leaders in Borneo formed a United Front on July 9, 1961. The

United Front was made up by Stephen Donald who is founder of the Pertubuhan Kebangsaan

Kadazan Bersatu , Ong Kee Hui the Chairman of People’s United Party of Sarawak and A.M

Azahari, the Chairman of the People’s Party of Brunei. They against Sarawak to put under

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any foreign power. These objections arouse because they did not get full information from

the government about the plan until the formation of Malaysia.

2.2 However, after getting clarification and clear view from the Malay’s Federal Party in

Sabah, they eventually supported the formation of Malaysia. In 1962, Donald Stephens and

Tun Datu Mustapha won the election in District Council. This shows the unity of people in

Sabah to join Malaysia.

In Sarawak, Parti Negara Sarawak and Parti Kebangsaan Sarawak were originally

against and objection the formation but they eventually supported the proposed of the

formation because they felt they should be united with Sabah and Brunei. Finally all the

political parties in Sarawak formed Parti Perikatan Sarawak and won the District Council

elections in 1963.

2.3 In June 1961, Tunku Abdul Rahman collaborated with the British to hold the Persidangan

Persatuan Parlimen Komanwel to made a better understanding of the formation of Malaysia.

The conference attended by political leaders from Sabah and Sarawak. The conference

succeeded in promoting understanding among the political leaders in Sabah and Sarawak.

The conference was also attended by political leaders from Sabah and Sarawak. The

conference succeeded in promoting an understanding amongst the political leaders of Sabah

and Sarawak. This bring to the formation of an independent commission known as the

Cobold Commission.

3.0 Singapore

3.1 The PAP government under Lee Kuan Yew welcomed and supported the proposal. This

idea can be controlled by avoidance of Singapore from the left – wing party. The PAP also

see the proposal as a good opportunity to enable Singapore gained independence more


3.2 Worker’s Party at first agreed but looked at the proposal as something that difficult to

carry on and to implement. Singapore People’s Party opposed the proposal and considered it

a British plan to continue to maintain its power.

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3.3 The result of the referendum showed that more than 70% of Singaporean citizens agreed

to the proposal of the formation of Malaysia.

4.0 Philippine and Indonesia

4.1 Indonesia

Initially, Indonesia supports the idea of forming Malaysia. The Indonesian government also

extended greetings on Malaysia goverment’s efforts and the formation of Malaysia hope to


However, the Indonesian goverment’s refused the idea of forming Malaysia. This was

due to agitation if the Parti Komunis Indonesia and was prompted by President Sukarno and

declared confrontation against Malaysia in terms of economic and social campaign “Ganyang

Malaysia”. Indonesia accused the Malaysian concept as it forced of neo-colonialism.

Indonesia became more aggressive to bring the invasion of Malaysia, Singapore Sabah and

Sarawak. After the declaration of Malaysia on 16 September 1963. diplomatic relations with

Indonesia have been terminated. Malaysia also took actions to provide a defence agreement

with Britain, New Zealand and Australia.

Confrontation Gestapo began to subside after 30 September that the power struggle

between the Communist Party of Indonesia and the Indonesian National Army. President

Sukarno did not know that senior military officials had been negotiated with representatives

of Malaysia in Bangkok and Hong Kong. Then the PKI Indonesia’s military had been

defeated in September 1965. In June 1966, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Adam Malik had a

negotiated and signed an agreement in Bangkok to save the relations between the two


4.2 Philippine

In June 1962, The government of the Philippines made a claim to the state on behalf of the

Sultan of Sulu heirs. Philippines claimed that Sabah was lease and not sold by the Sultan of

Sulu to Baron Von Overbeck and Alfred Dent in 1874. The leases also alleged to have been

cancelled in 1958. The British did not treat the claim.

The Malaysia government did not intend to return Sabah to the Philippines or make

such claims issues as barriers to the formation of Malaysia. In February 1963, both were

agreed to negotiate in London but the meeting failed because the British government refused

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to recognize sovereignty of the Philippines to Sabah. Since the claimed was not treated, the

relationship between the two countries became the apart.

5.0 Conclusion

There were a few factors which had been based of the establishment of the Malaysia

federation. The establishment of Malaysia was seen as a mean to realized the importance

of certain people. These interests include political factors, social and economic. Although

it was beneficial for certain people, but it also beneficial to those who involved.

The ideas and action to form Malaysia was an issue of controversy from in and

outside the country. The obstacles arouse had to motivate the formation of the Federation

of Malaysia to realize the continuous effort. Finally in September 1963, the Federal of

Malaysia had been realized.

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Question No. 1

Critically evaluate the factors contributing to the expansion of the Malay Malacca

Sultanate and the factors leading to its downfall?

1.0 Introduction

The Malacca Sultanate is a big government that is synonymous with the history of

Malaysia. According to Malay history, the Malacca Sultanate was founded by Parameswara

or Raja Iskandar Shah in the early 15th century (around 1400).

At first, Melaka is only a small village, then it has turned as a big city. It has grown and

become one of the most important ports. This writing will focus on the factors contributing to

the expansion of the Malay Sultanate of Malacca and the factors leading to its downfall.

2.0 Factors Contributing To The Expansion Of The Malay Sultanate Of Malacca

2.1 Geographic Factor

Malacca's strategic position in the middle of trade routes between east and west make

it be a popular place for sheltered by the traders from Arabia, Persia, India and China.

Melaka port is protected from the Southwest Monsoon and the North East. Malacca is the

natural port that allows large ships closer to shore. The Titiwangsa Range prevent the North

East Monsoon into the port of Malacca. It was what the merchants preferred. They can stop

over in Malacca until it safe to sail.

The port of Malacca also suitable large ships to come closer to the shore. It is because

the port was a natural deep sea port.

2.2 Economic Factor

Malacca is famous as a centre of trade in the Malay Archipelago. It has the natural

resources needed by traders such as rattan, spices, pepper and ivory. The price in Malacca far

cheaper than other ports in the Malay Archipelago. The states adopt a systematic tax

collection system under the supervision of Harbour Master.

2.3 Political and Administration Factor

. Malacca maintained a diplomatic relations with major powers such as China.

It started with the visit of Emperor of China to Malacca.. Malacca managed to get the

recognition and protection from the Emperor of China. Diplomatic relations freed Malacca

from enemy threats such as Siam and Majapahit.

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Melaka had an efficient administrative system that can ensure to attract traders to stop

by. There was a just legislative system in Malacca based on Hukum Kanun Melaka and

Undang-Undang Laut Melaka which followed the teaching of Islam. For example, the

Undang-Undang Laut Melaka was to ensure smooth trade.

Malacca also has a strong military force consisting of the Sea Peoples who played a

key role as the frontline in the fight against the enemy. Melaka emerged as a centre spread of

Islam in the Malay Archipelago.

Malacca was able to extend his empire by conquering Pahang, Terengganu, Penang,

Johor, Kedah, Perak, Pattani, Pasai, Aru, Rokan, Siak, Kampar, Inderagiri and Jambi. Malay

language has been used as a lingua franca (the medium) until the fall of Malacca. Foreign

traders were using the Malay language in their dealings in Malacca because it was easily


These were the main factors that made the empire of Malacca been great and famous.

3.0 Factors Affecting The Fall Of The Malay Sultanate Of Malacca

Malacca Sultanate reached its glory under the reign of Sultan Mansur Shah (1459-77)

and Treasurer Paduka Raja Tun Perak (1456-98). Glory began to fade when Tun Perak died.

Malacca empire fell in 1511 under the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah (1488-1511) and

Treasurer (1510-11) when the Portuguese attacked Malacca. Factors affecting the fall of the

Malay Sultanate of Malacca could be divided to internal and external factors.

3.1 Internal Factors

3.1.1 Weak Ruler

Internal factors that influenced the fall of the Malacca was the Sultanate, Sultan Mahmud

Shah was not focused on the state administration and failed to control his men. Corruption,

widespread and conflict among local leaders and residents.

3.1.2 State Administration in Shambles

Malacca could not find suitable candidate to replace Tun Perak. His successor were

selfish and could run the govern effectively. Tun Puteh was too old to rule and while Paduka

Tuan practicing his favoritism in his administration.

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3.1.3 Enmity between Malays and Tamil Muslim

This occurs due to corruption and widespread nepotism. They were only concerned

with the chiefs of their cronies.Sultan Mahmud and Tun Mutahir imposed higher tax which

made the traders look for other trading ports.

3.1.4 The Sea People (Orang Laut) did not assist Malacca during attack

The Sea People did not help when attacked by the Portugese. Tun Perak’s ignored the Sea

People’s role as Malacca’s defence by making them dissatisfied with the Malaccan

dignitaries. The absence of a strong defence rendered Malacca vulnerable to attacks by the


3.2 External Factors

3.2.1 The discovery of a new trading route

In 1488 Bartholomew Diaz discovered a sea route through the Cape of Hope in the

African Continent which shortened the distance between west and east. This dimension had

opened the way for the Portuguese to build settlements in the east.

3.2.2 Dishonesty of foreign traders

The foreign merchants came to Malacca just to trade and no loyalty to the Sultan of Malacca.

The traders are from China and India to help the Portuguese.

3.2.3 Colonisation of Malacca by the Portuguese in 1511

Portuguese army led by Alfonso d'Albuquerque equipped with modern technology to conquer

Malacca in successful attack on August 25, 1511.Sultan Mahmud Shah had fled to Muar,

Pahang and Bintan.

4.0 Conclusion

In my opinion, the Malacca Sultanate will be able to withstand attack if the Portuguese navy

stayed at the Melaka port. History has shown Malacca navy had played an important role in

expanding the colony and the empire of Malacca. It is a mystery to which the lost of a strong

navy attacked the Portuguese in Melaka. The opposite may occur if the navy joined forces in

an attempt to defend Malacca from the Portuguese attack. Historical records stated that the

Portuguese soldiers who attacked Malacca in 1511 amounted to no more than 20 ships. But

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the naval strength of Malacca is greater than the strength of the Portuguese army. History

probably will record that Malacca had survived Portuguese attack and remained as an empire

that flourished and famous.

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Cikgu Azid (2010), Bab 5:Kegemilangan Melaka, Retrieved from


AeU Module 2012 , Malaysian Studies, Background of the Malaysian Society.

AeU Module 2012, Malaysian Studies, The Formation of Malaysia.

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