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Planned Parenthood Decision Puts Spotlight on Susan G. Komen's Politics

When officials from the breast-cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure confirmed that they would no longer fund breast-cancer

screenings at Planned Parenthood, cutting off hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants, the backlash was immediate.

The Komen website was briefly hacked and an ad for their Marathon for the Cure was changed from "Help us get 26.2 or 13.1 miles

closer to a world without breast cancer" to "Help us run over poor women on our way to the bank." The discussion raged on blogs,

Facebook, and Twitter. Pro-choice groups and individuals posted information about other ways to support women's health and breast

cancer research. And donations to Planned Parenthood -- including ones through Yahoo! For Good -- skyrocketed.

By Wednesday afternoon, Planned Parenthood had received more than $400,000 in donations from 6,000 people, plus an additional

$250,000 gift to their newly launched Breast Health Emergency Fund from Dallas philanthropist Lee Fikes and his wife, Amy, The

Washington Post reported. The women's health organization usually receives 100 to 200 donations per day.

While there were comments on Facebook, Twitter and online message boards praising Komen, an analysis by Polipulse, a social media

analytics tool for a Washington-based public relations firm showed that 75 percent of the people posting on social media channels

about the decision were sharing negative comments about Komen’s decison while 25 percent supported it. According to the analysis,

more than 20 percent said that they would not give money to Komen because of the move.

Some people called on their Facebook friends and Twitter followers to turn in their pink ribbons and offer financial support to Planned

Parenthood instead of Susan G. Komen. An online letter was shared by more than 19,000 people.

And both organizations used social media throughout the day to communicate their position, including a Komen organization in

Connecticut that announced on its Facebook pageits frustration with the decision to cut funds for Planned Parenthood.

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Early Super Bowl Commercials Are Akin to Leaked Black Friday Ads

This week, in between bursts of working very hard at your desk, you may have spent some time catching a few of this year's leaked Super

Bowl ads. And while watching a middle-aged Ferris Bueller and a pint-sized Darth Vader, you may also have wondered why a company

that's paying roughly $114,000 per second to air a commercial during the Super Bowl put it online before the big day. The answer is, of

course, to generate excitement and early buzz — which naturally makes us think of all that good Black Friday hype.

Every November, dealnews turns its attention to gathering and reporting on the plethora of early Black Friday ad leaks that trickle in. And

as we've noted before, these days, the "leaks" are rarely accidental. The practice of spreading a hotly-anticipated bit of media early, as a

way to excite and entice, is now old hat on the Internet, and Super Bowl advertisers are getting in on the game. Much like the now

absurdly staggered process of early promoting a movie, these Super Bowl commercial creators know that an early sneak peek

for something highly anticipated can generate invaluable buzz.

Some leaked commercials are clearly teasers, while others are full-length advertisements; we're curious to see how the latter ones differ

during the Super Bowl. As far as Black Friday ads go, every year we see retailers save the most scorching deals for last, so we doubt that

Volkswagen, Honda, et al. are really revealing everything before they reportedly pay $3.5 million dollars for a 30-second spot.

The arrival of Super Bowl commercials before the game reflects a broader trend across the media of sharing content with

consumers ahead of time. Magazines release big articles early, to draw more readers to newsstands, and networks like NBC are offering

opportunities to watch online the first episodes of series like “Smash,” sometimes weeks before the shows make their debuts on television.

By some estimates, almost half the 50-plus commercials that are scheduled to appear in the Super Bowl are already online in one

form or another. Many of those sneak peeks are for car ads, seeking to stand out amid the clutter in the automotive category.

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The Year Social Media Changed the Game

In a nod of acknowledgement to the sign o’ the times, this year’s Super Bowl

advertising rating system will include a USA Today partnership with Facebook on a co-

branded app that features all the national ads that appeared during the game,

along with a five-star rating button that let’s Facebook users judge, share,

comment, and spread the ads — and their reactions — as they watch. Brand

marketers will actually be able to view data culled from consumer responses from

across multiple social media platforms in order to better understand the long-term

impact of their spots and augment their marketing strategies – above and below

the line – based on real-time intelligence. Imagine that!

Even NFL officials in Indianapolis are embracing social media this year by hosting the

first-ever Super Bowl “social media command center,” a 3,000-square-foot venue

where a group of NFL social media strategists, analysts and the like will monitor,

analyze and optimize digital fan chatter across Facebook, Twitter and other social

media channels.

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Giants Players to Host Google+ Hangouts ThursdayWant to help the New York Giants get pumped up for Super Bowl XLVI and learn more about their pregame


You can do that on Thursday evening as the team is hosting a set of Google + Hangouts with players

including star wide receiver Victor Cruz. The hour-long sessions are part of the Giants’ Social Media

Night campaign, in which the team will facilitate a series of conversations between fans and


In addition to the Google+ sessions, the team is putting on a live webcast from the team hotel featuring

players Jake Ballard, Steve Weatherford, Tyler Sash and Prince Amukamara. Fans can submit questions

for the players via Twitter, Facebook or Google+ by using the hashtag #NYGsocial. During the

webcast, former Giants and current broadcasters will also answer fan questions using the same


it’s a little trickier to join the Google+ hangouts with Cruz, Webster, Herzlich and Hynoski. For those

hangouts, the Giants will randomly select 20 fans to join the sessions. To nominate yourself for inclusion,

add the players to your Google+ circles and visit their pages for more information. Fans will be notified on

Thursday morning if they have been selected for the exclusive hang time that evening.

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SHAZAM – it’s the Super Bowl

When people watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, they may notice something different about the ads — many of

them will be touting a new way to interact with the advertised brands. Shazam, an app that allows people

to connect with extra TV content by listening to a few seconds of audio, says it has big plans for Sunday, and

IntoNow, a Yahoo-acquired app offering similar capabilities, is announcing a big partnership, too.

Shazam is better-known as an app for identifying music, but it recently brought its technology to TV, where the

experience is less about identifying a song and more about creating an easy way for TV shows and

advertisers to spur viewers to action. The company has been ramping up its advertising efforts over the

past year, and it sounds like the SuperBowl should give those efforts a huge boost — Shazam  already

announced in January that it signed deals to include Shazam capabilities with nearly one-third of Super Bowl


Now the company says it’s working with nearly half the advertisers at the Super Bowl, and it’s revealing a

few key ones: Viewers of the Toyota ad will be able to use Shazam to enter a contest to win two free

Camrys. When viewers tag the ad, will donate $1.00 to one of seven charities.

Pepsi’s ad will feature X-Factor winner Melanie Amaro, and using Shazam on the ad will unlock an extra

video. Viewers who tag the Teleflora ad will receive a special offer. And not only is Best Buy using

Shazam to offer a $50 gift card to customers who buy and activate a mobile phone in 2012 — it’s

actually featuring two of Shazam’s founders in its commercial.

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Coming Soon to One Super Bowl Movie Ad: a Fandango Tag

When Universal Pictures runs a trailer for "Battleship," its coming sci-fi adventure based on the board

game of the same name, in this weekend's Super Bowl broadcast, Fandango will briefly point viewers to its

website and mobile site, encouraging them to sign up for "fan alerts" about the movie as well as the chance

to win five years' worth of free movie tickets.

"We want this to be the new standard for movie marketing," said Nicholas Lehman, president-digital,

NBC Universal Entertainment & Digital Networks and Integrated Media division. "We want to shorten that

last mile between movie marketing and promotion and ticket buying and getting film fans into seats and


To focus attention on the tag on the "Battleship" trailer, Fandango will run a 15-second teaser ad in the

pre-game coverage leading up to the Super Bowl broadcast, Mr. Lehman said.

As more consumers utilize big-screen TVs in the comfort of their own homes, making it easier for them to

buy tickets may help movie theaters lure them outside the living room. Fandango has been talking with

many movie studios about its tagging idea "to really strengthen and tighten that relationship between

film fans and a movie," Mr. Lehman said. "We want to build that direct connection in partnership

with the studios."

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Artist uses resin to create beautiful 3D goldfish paintings

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3d Printing

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