
Unit 3-B Day 1

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APQ 11Note-taking strategiesLecture on Mayas & IncasSPICE chart

HMWK: Read Ch 12 & complete KP. APQ 12 on 12/2 (B-day) or 12/3 (A-day)Early Mesoamerican societies, 1200 B.C.E.-1100 C.E.

Theories on the Origins of Mesoamerican SocietiesMigration across Bering land bridge?13,000 BCE or earlierBy sea from Asia?By 9500 BCE population had reached southernmost part of South AmericaHunter/Gatherer agricultural societiesPre Columbian EmpiresOlmec (1220-400BC) art (large heads carved from stone), monumental architecture and religion impacted the Mayans.

The Chavin (850-250BC) culture was advanced at weaving, pottery making, and metalworking practices that were later incorporated into Inca culture. Additionally the Chavin created an urban, class-stratified society and domesticated the llama.

Aztec culture was influenced by the war like Toltecs and the Aztecs built upon the same urban setting of the Toltecs at Teotihuacan.

Gender Parallelism- Mesoamerican societiesSeparate social structures & cultural formations for men and womenMen & women were different- had different responsibilities & fatesBoth roles necessary for survival

Maya300 BCE-900 CEHuge cities discovered in 19th c.Terrace FarmingCacao beans hot chocolateCurrency

Mayan CalendarCalendar of 365.242 days (17 seconds off)Solar calendar of 365 days

Maya WarfareWarfare for purposes of capturing enemy soldiersRitual sacrifice of enemiesEnslavementSmall kingdoms engage in constant conflict until Chichn Itz begins to absorb captivesSome nevertheless choose deathCenter of empire develops

Maya Religion

Ritual Sacrifices Self mutilationEarlobesPenis

The Maya Ball GameRitual form of ball gameHigh-ranking captives, prisoners of war contestantsExecution of losers immediately follows the matchBloodletting ritual for the gods

MaizeUsed as food and in religious ceremoniesInfluences Maya calendar

The Inca

INCAKnown as Tawantinsuyu: Four corners of the worldGeography Very different in land & climate than AztecsStretched the length of western South America (Chile)Interconnected by 12,000+ miles of roadsmore extensive than the Roman Empire.Tambos- accommodations for state travelers maintained by mita laborersInca history is divided into three major periods:Cuzco Period 1200 ad-1438 adThe Imperial Period 1438 ad-1533 adPost-Spanish conquest period

Politics & ConquestRuled by a KingSplit inheritance Political power went to political successor Wealth went to familyDivided into provinces & Managed by GovernorsConquered peoples were relocatedSeized land was redistributedLanguage - Spread to force integration

INCA ReligionCuzco center of religionPrimary God Sun GodTemple of the Sun Polytheistic, Animists, Ancestor worshipLocal gods were allowedBurial through mummification Sitting, facing East (rising sun)Adorned and left with personal affects.

EconomicsMita system- system of rotational serviceTax system- 2-3 months of service/yearThe amount of labor provided increased according to the status of the beneficiaryLabor performed as rotational service

Quipu- a tool for recording the movement of people and a series of colored, knotted strings. The type of knot indicated a number, and the knots placement signified units of 1, 10, 100, or more. All the cords hung from a main string, and their positions and colors likely signaled what was being countedgold, corn, or other goods. Good Morning!Please pick up your answer doc & a marker from the back table.Please get out your Ch. 12 key points & notes

Todays Agenda 12/2 & 12/3APQ 12Read Rise of Aztecs article and complete Aztec column in SPICE chartNote-taking strategiesEngineering An Empire: AztecsLectureWork on comparative graphic organizer

HMWK: Study and prepare for comparative essay on 12/4 (B-day) and 12/7 (A-day) & Unit 3 Part II MC test on 12/8 (B-day) and 12/9 (A-day)

The Aztecs

AZTEC - PoliticalAztecs - not indigenous to Central AmericaNot an Empire in the European sense, Tributary Overlordship city-states were bound by treaty.Formed the Triple Alliance Aztecs of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, (semi-client state)Tlacopan, (semi-client state)

AZTEC - ReligionHuman sacrifice was paramount in the Aztec religion (self-terminating).Bloodshed Postpones the inevitable death of the fifth sun and the end of the world scene from Apaclypto History Channel- Coroners Report, AztecsCannibal Kingdom Theory by Marvin Harris that the blood provided needed protein in their diets.OMENS observed by the Aztecs (c. 1510)Appearance of a cometFire destroyed the Temple of Huitzilopochtli2nd temple destroyed by lightningFlood of Lake Texcoco during calm weatherWailing of La Llorona [drowning of her sons; eternal regret]Visions of armed men riding on animals like deerAZTEC - EconomicsAgricultureChinampas- 20,000 acres of floating crop landCoercive Tribute EmpireConquered land seized & food demanded as tributeExtent of tribute depended on initial resistanceTradeUse of roadsBarter (not currency)Gold & cacaoHeavily regulated

Engineering an Empire: AztecsTake notes as you watch.Be able to answer the questions on the left side of your notesTurn in for daily grade Comparing Aztecs and IncasTrade/RedistributionIntensely agriculturalInnovative/traditionalKinship structures were eclipsed by nobility over timeLocal leaders were recognized but tribute was paid in goods or laborDirect tribute vs. mita

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