Download - Pravice bralca

Page 1: Pravice bralca

Pravice Pravice braLcabraLca

The Rights of The Rights of the Readerthe Reader

by Daniel Pennacby Daniel Pennac

Page 2: Pravice bralca

The right not to read.

Da ne berem.


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Da preskakujem strani.

The right to skip.


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The right not to f inish a book.


Da knjige ne preberem do konca.

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4.Da ponovno berem.

The right to read it again.

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Da berem karkoli.

The right to read anything.

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Da se poistovetim s knjigo.

The right to mistake a book for real lif e.

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Da berem kjerkoli.

The right to read anywhere.

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8.Da listam po knjigah.

The right to dip in.

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Da berem na glas.

The right to read out loud.

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Da o prebranem moL im.č

The right to be quiet.

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10 rights – 1 warning! Don t make fun of people who doesn t read - or they never will.10 pravic - 1 opozorilo!

Ne nor uj se iz ljudi, ki ne berejo – čAli pa nikoli ne bodo.

Pripravili lani knjižni arskega č čkrožka z mentorico Nevenko Mandelj.Litija, oktober 2010

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