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The main topic from Romania is promotion of tourism (ecotourism).

A.Calimani National Park:

1. Allocation of your project contents to the enclosed main topics.

 Promotion of tourism

2. Definition/delimitation of the area(s) covered by your initiative(s).

Calimani National Park covers the upper part of Calimani Mountains, Northern

Romania. These mountains are the highest volcanic structures in East Carpathians.

They are the junction between the historic regions of Transylvania, Bucowina and

Moldavia, therefore the traditional life of locals includes elements from the 3 areas. The

region is known for the beautiful and large valleys, covered with pastures and meadows.The spruce forests and mountain pine shrubs are the dominant plant communities at

higher altitudes.

Project is planning to be implemented in the communities around the national park, încounty of Suceava, Mureș and Harghita.

3. Concerning your project proposal. What are the strong/weak points in view of 


Strong points

• in terms of tourism it is already well known at national level due to the good tradition

and fame

• famous for the mineral water 

• traditional life of locals

• the region is known for the beautiful and large valleys, covered with pastures and


• existing of the natural and cultural objectives

• zone rich in history

• The existence of CNP and the local potential for ecotourism

Local centers for training

Weak points

• Aging in human population

• Lack of specialized tourism

• Lack of tourism infrastructure and services

• Lack of collaboration between local authoritys and tourism operators

• Uncontrolled turism and biodiversity impact

• Low level of ecotourism programs and ecotourism agencies

• The extinction of tradional values and knowledge

• The inefficient use of local resources and the high ecological foot-print• Relative isolation

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4. Please make an adjustment on goals and non-goals of your initiative.

The main objectives of the project were to promote the concept of ecotourism, to offer

training and develop a best practice guide for ecotourism development in the area and todevelop a network of local eco-tourism products and services, as first step to the goal of 

developing the area as an ecotourism destination around the park.

Specific objectives:

-  increasind the number of tourist in park area

-  bigger income for local communities-  park area will be understand by tourists

-  trainned personal that works in local tourism-  nature and local arhitecture conservation

-  conservation of the traditional way of life

5. Please report the progress of your initiative in view of the following points:

- Rough planning already started? Status?

- Detailed planning already started? Status?

- Implementation already started? Status?

For Tara Dornelor area, this kind of project was implemented în the county of Suceava, but

the park administration will like to find resources for extend it for all comunities around the

 park(another 3 counties).

B. Domogled Valea Cernei :

1. Allocation of your project contents to the enclosed main topics.

Promotion of tourism

2. Definition/delimitation of the area(s) covered by your initiative(s).

 Our initiative is located on the surface of the Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park, inCaras-Severin County, in Dobraia and Prisacina Hamlets which administratively belong

to Cornereva locality.

This particular area is situated on the right slope of the Cerna river, in the CernaMountains, and is characterized by an underdeveloped economic activity and a

continuous depopulation. Despite of this situation the area has an exclusive natural

beauty, which is not exploited as a touristic destination.

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3. Concerning your project proposal. What are the strong/weak points in view of 



Strong points:

1. Easy acces by cars and railways to Baile Herculane spa;

2. Diverse relief and landscapes;

3. Diverse Flora and Fauna, habitats included in the Birds and Habitats Directive, virgin


4. Traditional way of life in the local communities;

5. Traditional agricultural practices;

6. Special appearance and architectural traditions within the communities;

7. Partners from the tourist area (board and lodging, tourism associations…) which can be

found in Baile-Herculane town;

8. Interested local communities in promoting the natural and cultural values;

9. The town of Baile Herculane is located in the vicinity of the national park;

10. The National Park is Natura 2000 site.

Weak points:

1. The lack of key elements in the specific touristic infrastructure, including information and

interpretation (visitor centre, informational points, thematic trails, parking lots and endowed

camping areas);

2. Chaotic character of tourism activities and the negative impact on biodiversity;

3. Low use of the accomodation facilities within the local communities by tourists;

4. Small number of more complex touristic programs to attract diverse categories of visitors

into organized excursions on self interpretive and thematic trails or excursions with guides;

5. Insufficient tourism agencies specialized on promoting ecotouristic programs;

6. The access to the hamlets is sometimes difficult due to the deteriorated roads;

7. Aged local communities in course of disappearance;

8. The lack of comercial agents who could sale the traditional products of the locals;

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9. The absence of permanent locations in the touristic areas for the presentation and

commercialization of traditional products.

4. Please make an adjustment on goals and non-goals of your initiative.

 Specific objects of the project:

- To increase the general competitiveness of the economy in the area;

- To improve the living standards of the communities;

- To develop sustainable ecotourism.

5. Please report the progress of your initiative in view of the following points:

- Rough planning already started? Status?

- Detailed planning already started? Status?

Promotion of tourism was a permanent activity since the administration of the

national park was founded, and which materialized in 2011 through submitting a cross-border project in partnership with a Serbian organization. The project title is

„Exploring nature across borders - ENABO”, within which the Domogled-Cerna Valley

National Park is partner 2. This project includes the implementation of all objectiveswhich are presented in our initiative.

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