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Welcome To My PresentationTopic- Public Relations & News


Presenter Md. Al-amin Shuvo ID-2014010000353

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What Is Public Relation?

• “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds

mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their


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The Practice of Public Relations

• Goal: Achieve effective relationships with various audiences to manage the organization’s image and reputation.

• Publics may be external (customers, news media, investment community, general public, government), or internal (investors or employees).

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-Credibility- Low cost- Less clutter-Lead generation-Ability to reach specific groups- Image building


- Not completing the

communication Process

- Redundancieswith the

marketing effort


Advantages and Disadvantages of PR

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PR May Not Work in Concert With Other Communication and Promotion Functions.

Advertising is Primarily Concerned with Enhancing Sales WhilePR is Concerned With Managing the Organization’s Image.

Physical Tasks

PR Operates on Two Levels in Most Firms

Advice to Management

People in Advertising May be Reluctant to Incorporate PR Into Their Planning Since It is Not a Bottom-Line Profit Producer.

The Practice of Public Relations

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Media Use

Advertising PaysPR



Advertising – More

PR – Less

Public Relations Differs From Advertising in ThreeImportant Ways:



PR – MuchMore

Comparing Public Relations and Advertising

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House AdsPrepared by the Organization for Use in

Its Own Publication or One Over Which It Has Some Control.

The Sponsoring Organization Pays for Controlled Media so They Maintain Total Control Over How and When the Message is



Designed to Promote a Corporate Image or Viewpoint.

Public Service Announcements

Ads Designed by Charitable or Civic Organizations for Broadcast Free of


News Release

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In-House Publications

Publications Such as Pamphlets, Booklets, and Annual Reports for an Organization’s Own Employees and

Other Publics.

Displays, Exhibits, &

Staged EventsAll Are Used in Both Sales Promotion and PR Programs and Include Open

Houses and Plant Tours.

Speakers, Photographs,

& FilmsMaintaining Visual Contact With the Various Publics is a Big Part of PR.

News Release

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News Release

Primary Medium Used To Deliver PR Messages

to Media EditorsAnd Reporters.

Video News ReleasesContain Video Coverage

That Can be UsedDuring a TV Newscast.

Press Conference

Convening Media RepsTo Make a Statement.

Risky, Because MediaMay Not See Company’sAnnouncement as Being

Real News.

May Distribute Press Kits.

News Release VS Press Conference

The Media, Rather Than the Organization, Controls the Use and Placement of Uncontrolled Media.

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Additional Means for Measuring PR’s Effectiveness

Personal observation and reaction

Matching objectives and results

The team approach

Management by objectives

Public opinion and surveys


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