
Presentation to Select Committee on Finance

Expenditure Outcomes as at

31 July 2012

Presentation to Select Committee on Finance

Expenditure Outcomes as at

31 July 2012


• Provincial Own Revenue as at end of July 2012 - per Department - per Economic Classification• Provincial Expenditure as at end of July 2012 - per Department - per Economic Classification - for Capital Assets - for Compensation of Employees• Conditional Grant Expenditure• Expenditure Outcomes per sector and per department, broken down into:

– Summary– Economic Classification and– Trends


Provincial Own Revenue Per Department

Table 1 (a): Provincial Own Revenue per department

R`000Main Budget

Projected outcomes

Actual as at end July


Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under % Over/under

Office of the Premier 189 188 63 33% 1 1%Provincial Legislature 2 761 2 761 457 17%Transport, Safety and Liaison 134 271 141 085 47 356 (6 814)Education 4 650 5 994 3 309 71% (1 344) -29%Roads and Public Works 4 436 4 436 2 394 54%Economic Development and Tourism 19 018 19 462 5 548 (444)Sports, Arts and Culture 395 349 96 24% 46 12%Provincial Treasury 620 6 884 6 425 (6 264)Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs 452 452 141 31%Health 48 048 48 048 13 444 28%

Social Development 400 452 184 46% (52) -13%Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 1 752 1 986 1 486 85% (234) -13%Environment and Nature Conservation 2 881 2 717 435 164 6%

Total 219 873 234 814 81 338 37% (14 941) -7%


Provincial Own Revenue Per Economic ClassificationTable 1 (b): Provincial Own Revenue per economic classification

Economic Classification Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July


Actual as percentage of


(Over) /Under collected

% Over/under

Tax receipts 139 976 145 831 47 247 34% (5 855) -4%

Casino taxes 17 163 17 548 5 130 30% (385) -2%

Horse racing taxes 625 711 307 49% (86) -14%

Liquor licences 1 095 1 077 93 8% 18 2%

Motor vehicle licences 121 093 126 495 41 717 34% (5 402) -4%

Sales of goods and services other than capital assets 73 891 74 971 24 05733%

(1 080) -1%

of which: Health patient fees 46 800 46 736 13 380 29% 64

Transfers received

Fines, penalties and forfeits 1 820 2 056 893 49% (236) -13%

Interest, dividends and rent on land 724 7 001 6 577 908% (6 277)

Sales of capital assets 1 843 1 814 75 4% 29

Financial transactions in assets and liabilities 1 619 3 141 2 489 154% (1 522)

Provincial own receipts 219 873 234 814 81 338 37% (14 941) -7%


Conditional Grants

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000

Agriculture 500 723 98 872 98 872 - 29 377 5.9% 471 346 -

Agriculture Disaster Management Grant - - - - - - -

Comprehensive agricultural support programme grant 424 999 85 000 85 000 - 17 943 4.2% 407 056 -

llima/Letsema Projects 63 000 12 600 12 600 - 9 765 16% 53 235 -

Land care programme grant: Poverty Relief and Disaster Manager

12 724 1 272 1 272 - 1 669 13.1% 11 055 -

Infrastructure Grant to Provinces -


Education 517 814 174 730 174 731 (1) 155 832 30% 361 982 -

Further Education & Training 76 599 35 016 35 016 - 25 330 33% 51 269 -

Dinaledi Schools grant 3 391 2 034 2 034 - 20 1% 3 371 -

National School Nutrition Programme 113 136 57 070 57 070 - 49 221 44% 63 915 -

Education Infrastructure 307 609 76 903 76 904 (1) 78 850 26% 228 759 -

Tech Secondary Sch Recap 12 500 1 875 1 875 - 2 027 16% 10 473 -

HIV/AIDS(Life Skills) 4 579 1 832 1 832 - 384 8% 4 195 -

Health 1 045 497 403 917 399 317 4 600 303 487 29% 773 948 (31 938)

Comprehensive HIV and Aids grant 248 372 74 512 74 512 - 36 860 15% 211 512 -

Forensic pathology services grant - - - - - - -

Health professions training and development grant 68 583 23 181 23 181 - 13 252 19% 55 331 -

Hospital revitalisation grant 346 083 158 978 158 978 - 123 985 36% 240 996 (18 898)

National tertiary services grant 266 621 88 872 88 872 - 71 623 27% 206 145 (11 147)

Health Infrastructure Grant 98 258 49 128 49 128 - 57 680 59% 42 471 (1 893)

Nursing College 6 080 3 496 3 496 - 65 1% 6 015 -

National Health Insurance 11 500 5 750 1 150 4 600 22 0% 11 478 -


COGHSTA 339 551 91 720 91 720 - 71 261 21% 253 475 14 815

Integrated housing and human settlement development grant

339 551 91 720 91 720 - 71 261 21% 253 475 14 815

Housing Disaster Relief Grant -


Transport, Safety and Liaison 39 255 13 346 9 813 3 533 8 743 22% 30 512 -

Public Transport Operations Grant 39 255 13 346 9 813 3 533 8 743 22% 30 512 -


Public Works 539 605 280 938 276 415 4 523 122 317 23% 425 130 (7 842)

Devolution of Property Rate Fund Grant 43 911 10 000 10 000 - 11 100 25% 43 811 (11 000)

Provincial Road Maintenance Grant 483 706 266 039 266 039 - 110 217 23% 373 489 -

Infrastructure Grant to Provinces - -

EPWP Incentive Grant for the Infrastructure Social Sector 2 073 933 - 933 - 1 915 158

EPWP Incentive Grant for the Infrastructure Sector 9 915 3 966 376 3 590 1 000 10% 5 915 3 000

Disaster Management Grant - -


Sport and Recreation South Africa 99 799 56 299 48 809 7 490 19 330 19% 80 396 73

Community library services grant 72 395 43 909 43 909 - 15 086 21% 57 850 (541)

Mass sport and recreation participation programme grant

27 404 12 390 4 900 7 490 4 244 15% 22 546 614

Total 3 082 244 1 119 822 1 099 677 20 145 710 347 23% 2 396 789 (24 892)

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule


Conditional Grants: Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000

Agriculture 500 723 98 872 98 872 - 29 377 5.9% 471 346 -

Agriculture Disaster Management Grant - - - - - - -

Comprehensive agricultural support programme grant 424 999 85 000 85 000 - 17 943 4.2% 407 056 -

llima/Letsema Projects 63 000 12 600 12 600 - 9 765 16% 53 235 -

Land care programme grant: Poverty Relief and Disaster Manager

12 724 1 272 1 272 - 1 669 13.1% 11 055 -

Infrastructure Grant to Provinces -

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule

• The department has only spent R29.377 million or 6 per cent of the total budget for conditional grants amounting to R500. 723 million.

• The R424.999 million allocated for CASP include an amount of R353 million in respect of the Disaster funds.

• The slow spending on CASP which include the allocation for the Disaster is of serious concern to Provincial Treasury, however, there is a process underway including all stakeholders (national & provincial) to assist in ensuring that the department’s plan are aligned to the allocation over the medium term period.

• Unfortunately, because of the nature of the damages realised, extensive technical planning delayed the spending on this grant.


Conditional Grants: Education

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000


Education 517 814 174 730 174 731 (1) 155 832 30% 361 982 -

Further Education & Training 76 599 35 016 35 016 - 25 330 33% 51 269 -

Dinaledi Schools grant 3 391 2 034 2 034 - 20 1% 3 371 -

National School Nutrition Programme 113 136 57 070 57 070 - 49 221 44% 63 915 -

Education Infrastructure 307 609 76 903 76 904 (1) 78 850 26% 228 759 -

Tech Secondary Sch Recap 12 500 1 875 1 875 - 2 027 16% 10 473 -

HIV/AIDS(Life Skills) 4 579 1 832 1 832 - 384 8% 4 195 -

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule

• The department has spent R155.832 million or 30 per cent of the total budget for conditional grants• NSNP has already spent R49.221 million or 44 per cent of the budget – the department transfers the

allocation in advance every quarter.• Education infrastructure has spent R78.850 million or 26 per cent of the total budget of R307.609

million, expenditure on this grant is in line with the payment schedule.• A Programme Manager has been appointed for HIV grant and expenditure will be expidited in the next

quarter• Dinaledi Schools Grant:34 Lab Tops and 34 Data Projectors were ordered for schools,2 Science Labs

were established at two schools and 2 x Servers were ordered and 30 PC's Learning Software eg science simulation programmes were purchased amounting to R1 million and payments will be fast tracked as soon as delivery take place. 7

Conditional Grants : Health

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000

Health 1 045 497 403 917 399 317 4 600 303 487 29% 773 948 (31 938)

Comprehensive HIV and Aids grant 248 372 74 512 74 512 - 36 860 15% 211 512 -

Forensic pathology services grant - - - - - - -

Health professions training and development grant 68 583 23 181 23 181 - 13 252 19% 55 331 -

Hospital revitalisation grant 346 083 158 978 158 978 - 123 985 36% 240 996 (18 898)

National tertiary services grant 266 621 88 872 88 872 - 71 623 27% 206 145 (11 147)

Health Infrastructure Grant 98 258 49 128 49 128 - 57 680 59% 42 471 (1 893)

Nursing College 6 080 3 496 3 496 - 65 1% 6 015 -

National Health Insurance 11 500 5 750 1 150 4 600 22 0% 11 478 -

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule


Conditional Grants : Health

• The department has spent R303.487 million or 29 per cent of the total budget of R1 billion to date.• According to the department, the low spending rate for the Comprehensive HIV & Aids and National

Tertiary Service Grant is mainly due to incorrect placement of staff on the establishment. The expenditure is interfacing to equitable share instead of the conditional grant. All journals to correct the misallocation of expenditure will be completed in August 2012. The correcting journals entries will be processed and will reflect in August IYM.

• The Health Professional Training and Development Grant’s spending is low due to the scheduled training interventions which mainly occur in the third and fourth quarter of the financial year.

• National Health Insurance Grant slow spending rate is due to late finalisation and implementation of Finance and Human Resource Delegation.

• The department is still busy with the planning with regard to the Nursing College grant, some challenges relate to the identification of a site for the Nursing College and the delay in the delivery of six park homes (3 to be used as classrooms and 1 as a library.

• The high expenditure on the Health Infrastructure Grant is a result of the accruals of the previous financial year and not necessarily on current year’s projects.


Conditional Grants : COGHSTA

Conditional Grant


Grant Total







Variance on


Spent by

Province % Spent Projection



R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000


COGHSTA 339 551 91 720 91 720 - 71 261 21% 253 475 14 815

Integrated housing and human settlement development grant

322 602 91 720 91 720 - 71 261 22% 253 475 (2 134)

Housing Disaster Relief Grant 16 949 16 949


2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule

• The department has spent 21 per cent of the total budget of R339.551 million.• Integrated Housing and Human Settlement Development have spent R71.261 million or 22 per

cent of the total budget of R322.551 million. • No expenditure has been recorded on the Housing Disaster Relief Grant


Conditional Grants : Transport, Safety and Liaison

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000


Transport, Safety and Liaison 39 255 13 346 9 813 3 533 8 743 22% 30 512 -

Public Transport Operations Grant 39 255 13 346 9 813 3 533 8 743 22% 30 512 -

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule

• Slow spending on Public Transport Operations Grant relates to the delay in the processing of the payments that was caused by the late submission of invoices by service providers.


Conditional Grants : Roads and Public Works

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000


Public Works 539 605 280 938 276 415 4 523 122 317 23% 425 130 (7 842)

Devolution of Property Rate Fund Grant 43 911 10 000 10 000 - 11 100 25% 43 811 (11 000)

Provincial Road Maintenance Grant 483 706 266 039 266 039 - 110 217 23% 373 489 -

Infrastructure Grant to Provinces - -

EPWP Incentive Grant for the Infrastructure Social Sector 2 073 933 - 933 - 1 915 158

EPWP Incentive Grant for the Infrastructure Sector 9 915 3 966 376 3 590 1 000 10% 5 915 3 000

Disaster Management Grant - -

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule

• The department has spent R122.317 million or 23 per cent of the total budget of R539.605 million to date.

• According to the department, late implementation of projects is the main cause of the slow spending on all grants.


Conditional Grants : Sport, Arts and Culture

Table 2: Conditional Grants


Grant Total

Available Payment Schedule

Transfers from National

Variance on Transfers

Spent by Province

% Spent Projection Projected Variance

R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000

Sport 99 799 56 299 48 809 7 490 19 330 19% 80 396 73

Community library services grant 72 395 43 909 43 909 - 15 086 21% 57 850 (541)

Mass sport and recreation participation programme grant

27 404 12 390 4 900 7 490 4 244 15% 22 546 614

2012/13 Provincial Spending Payment Schedule

• Community Library Services spend R15.086 million or 21 per cent of the total allocated budget, according to the department, the reason for sluggish spending is due to delays in the construction of KHEI'S and JOE-MOROLONG Libraries.

• Mass Sport & Recreation Grant has spent R4.244 million or 15 per cent mainly as a result of slow recruitment process for filling vacant posts for this grant.


EPWP Grant

Expanded Public Works Programme Intergrated Grant

Agriculture 4 000 4 000

Education 1 000 1 000

Health 1 000 1 000

Public Works 1 915 1 915

Economic Dev elopment 1 000 1 000

Sport 1 000 1 000

Total 9 915 1 000 5 915 3 000

Social Sector Incentive Grant 2 073 518 518 334 1 172 567

Sport 567 567

Social Dev elopment 1 506 518 518 334 1 172

Total EPWP 11 988 518 518 1 334 7 087 3 567


v ariance

Pay ment


Transfer from


Variance on



av ailableSpend Projections


Provincial Summary per department

Table 3 (a): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of Main Budget

(Over) /Under % (Over)/under

Main Budget

% Share of total

provincial expenditure

Office of the Premier 150 419 153 846 42 524 28.3% (3 427) -2.3% 1.2%

Legislature 132 596 132 596 48 536 36.6% - 1.4%

Transport, Safety and Liaison 280 038 280 038 75 098 26.8% - 2.2%

Education 4 197 323 4 230 754 1 351 498 32.2% (33 431) -0.8% 39.1%

Roads and Works 953 066 1 016 408 302 520 31.7% (63 342) -6.6% 8.7%

Economic Development 207 281 229 946 74 836 36.1% (22 665) -10.9% 2.2%

Sport, Arts and Culture 223 566 224 681 57 250 25.6% (1 115) -0.5% 1.7%

Provincial Treasury 151 624 148 630 43 046 28.4% 2 994 2.0% 1.2%Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs 582 761 582 942 146 583 25.2% (181) 0.0% 4.2%

Health 3 121 589 3 216 143 1 026 735 32.9% (94 554) -3.0% 29.7%

Social Development 525 897 527 923 153 465 29.2% (2 026) -0.4% 4.4%

Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 730 345 739 593 101 744 13.9% (9 248) -1.3% 2.9%

Environment and Nature Conservation 98 895 98 895 35 518 35.9% - 1.0%

Total 11 355 400 11 582 395 3 459 353 30.5% (226 995) -2.0% 100.0%


Provincial Summary per Economic ClassificationTable 3 (b): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

adjusted budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/under main budget

% Share of total provincial


Current payments 9 075 464 9 184 068 2 603 275 28.7% (108 604) -1.2% 75.3%

Compensation of employees 6 252 639 6 141 792 1 880 380 30.1% 110 847 1.8% 54.4%

Goods and services 2 821 479 3 040 914 722 423 25.6% (219 435) -7.8% 20.9%

Interest and rent on land 1 346 1 362 472 35.1% (16) -1.2% 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 1 201 415 1 271 545 398 096 33.1% (70 130) -5.8% 11.5%

Provinces and municipalities 71 460 80 690 1 576 2.2% (9 230) -12.9% 0.0%

Departmental agencies and accounts 61 343 102 486 55 629 90.7% (41 143) -67.1% 1.6%

Higher education institutions 2 731 2 707 325 11.9% 24 0.9% 0.0%Foreign governments and international organisations - - - -

Public corporations and private enterprises 87 475 87 466 11 141 12.7% 9 0.0% 0.3%

Non profit institutions 594 881 600 495 219 875 37.0% (5 614) -0.9% 6.4%

Households 383 525 397 701 109 550 28.6% (14 176) -3.7% 3.2%

Payments for capital assets 1 078 521 1 126 768 457 968 42.5% (48 247) -4.5% 13.2%

Buildings and other fixed structures 908 594 947 202 401 828 44.2% (38 608) -4.2% 11.6%

Machinery and equipment 169 158 177 549 54 892 32.5% (8 391) -5.0% 1.6%

Heritage assets - 80 80 (80)

Specialised military assets - - - -

Biological assets - - - -

Land and sub-soil assets - - - -

Software and other intangible assets 769 1 937 1 168 151.9% (1 168) -151.9% 0.0%

Payments for financial assets - 14 14 (14) 0.0%

Total 11 355 400 11 582 395 3 459 353 30.5% (226 995) -2.0% 100.0%


Provincial Summary for Capital Assets

Table 4: Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary for Payments for Capital Assets

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total provincial


Office of the Premier 1 024 1 936 1 155 112.8% (912) -89.1% 0.3%

Legislature 1 657 1 914 628 37.9% (257) -15.5% 0.1%

Transport, Safety and Liaison 747 747 - -

Education 280 312 280 916 77 114 27.5% (604) -0.2% 16.8%

Roads and Works 223 932 235 673 155 197 69.3% (11 741) -5.2% 33.9%

Economic Development 2 051 2 051 180 8.8% - 0.0%

Sport, Arts and Culture 25 558 28 552 5 897 23.1% (2 994) -11.7% 1.3%

Provincial Treasury 1 326 2 404 1 554 117.2% (1 078) -81.3% 0.3%Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs 3 800 3 799 185 4.9% 1 0.0% 0.0%

Health 507 122 522 559 198 483 39.1% (15 437) -3.0% 43.3%

Social Development 3 032 5 058 761 25.1% (2 026) -66.8% 0.2%

Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 27 217 40 447 16 257 59.7% (13 230) -48.6% 3.5%

Environment and Nature Conservation 743 712 557 75.0% 31 4.2% 0.1%


Total 1 078 521 1 126 768 457 968 42.5% (48 247) -4.5% 100.0%


Provincial Summary for Compensation of Employees

Table 5: Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary for Compensation of Employees


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/under available funds

% Share of total provincial


Office of the Premier 83 812 83 305 25 401 30.3% 507 0.60% 1.4%

Legislature 76 825 76 825 24 664 32.1% - 1.3%

Transport, Safety and Liaison 93 915 93 665 28 190 30.0% 250 0.27% 1.5%

Education 3 197 761 3 159 520 985 515 30.8% 38 241 1.20% 52.4%

Roads and Works 205 673 205 478 57 458 27.9% 195 0.09% 3.1%

Economic Development 68 933 65 564 18 209 26.4% 3 369 4.89% 1.0%

Sport, Arts and Culture 92 259 84 481 23 380 25.3% 7 778 8.43% 1.2%

Provincial Treasury 99 744 98 238 28 352 28.4% 1 506 1.51% 1.5%Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs 173 949 173 949 56 115 32.3% - 3.0%

Health 1 706 942 1 644 458 496 910 29.1% 62 484 3.66% 26.4%

Social Development 236 471 236 347 71 698 30.3% 124 0.05% 3.8%

Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 149 592 153 199 43 880 29.3% (3 607) -2.41% 2.3%

Environment and Nature Conservation 66 763 66 763 20 608 30.9% - 1.1%


Total 6 252 639 6 141 792 1 880 380 30.1% 110 847 1.77% 100.0%


Social Sector per department

Table 6: Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Social Services Sector


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/under available funds

% Share of total provincial


% Share of total Social Services


Education 4 197 323 4 230 754 1 351 498 32.2% (33 431) -0.8% 39.07% 52.20%

Health 3 121 589 3 216 143 1 026 735 32.9% (94 554) -3.0% 29.68% 39.66%Social Development 525 897 527 923 153 465 29.2% (2 026) -0.4% 4.44% 5.93%Sport Arts and Culture 223 566 224 681 57 250 25.6% (1 115) 0% 2% 9%

Total 8 068 375 8 199 501 2 588 948 32.1% (131 126) -1.6% 74.84% 97.79%


Education: Expenditure Summary

Table 6 (a): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Department of Education


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

Administration 280 247 285 072 103 012 36.8% (4 825) -1.7%

Public Ordinary School Education 3 220 915 3 245 999 1 038 211 32.2% (25 084) -0.8%

Independent School Education 8 654 8 633 4 388 50.7% 21 0.2%

Public Special School Education 97 535 98 920 33 241 34.1% (1 385) -1.4%

Further Education and Training 76 599 76 599 25 330 33.1%

Adult Basic Education and Training 40 502 39 960 9 551 23.6% 542 1.3%

Early Childhood Development 67 715 67 219 28 878 42.6% 496 0.7%

Auxilliary and Associated Services 405 156 408 352 108 887 26.9% (3 196) -0.8%

Total 4 197 323 4 230 754 1 351 498 32.2% (33 431) -0.8%


Education: Economic Classification

Table 6 (a) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

cudget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

% Share of total

department expenditure

Current payments 3 513 033 3 534 374 1 089 810 31.0% (21 341) -0.6% 80.6%

Compensation of employees 3 197 761 3 159 520 985 515 30.8% 38 241 1.2% 72.9%

Goods and services 314 384 373 970 103 970 33.1% (59 586) -19.0% 7.7%

Interest and rent on land 888 884 325 36.6% 4 0.5% 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 403 978 415 464 184 574 45.7% (11 486) -2.8% 13.7%

Provinces and municipalities

Departmental agencies and accounts 3 979 3 905 425 10.7% 74 1.9% 0.0%

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 365 749 372 311 158 749 43.4% (6 562) -1.8% 11.7%

Households 34 250 39 248 25 400 74.2% (4 998) -14.6% 1.9%

Payments for capital assets 280 312 280 916 77 114 27.5% (604) -0.2% 5.7%

Buildings and other fixed structures 276 878 277 440 76 232 27.5% (562) -0.2% 5.6%

Machinery and equipment 3 434 3 396 802 23.4% 38 1.1% 0.1%

Heritage assets 80 80 (80) 0.0%

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 4 197 323 4 230 754 1 351 498 32.2% (33 431) -0.8% 100.0%


Education: Expenditure Trends








385,678 352,683

332,464 348,279

317,539 351,594





359,181 390,953 366,119


222 215

353,126 340,483









Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Education: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Health: Expenditure Summary

Table 6 (b): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Department of Health

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

Administration 150 462 158 462 56 145 37.3% (8 000) -5.3%

District Health Services 1 392 305 1 450 805 406 567 29.2% (58 500) -4.2%

Emergency Medical Services 197 203 197 203 56 051 28.4% -

Provincial Hospital Services 814 418 828 265 296 860 36.5% (13 847) -1.7%

Health Science 84 009 84 009 18 132 21.6% -

Health Care Support Services 32 532 25 948 10 696 32.9% 6 584 20.2%

Health Facilities Services 450 660 471 451 182 284 40.4% (20 791) -4.6%

Total 3 121 589 3 216 143 1 026 735 32.9% (94 554) -3.0%


Health: Economic Classification

Table 6 (b) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

cudget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 2 564 941 2 646 431 814 198 31.7% (81 490) -3.2% 79.3%

Compensation of employees 1 706 942 1 644 458 496 910 29.1% 62 484 3.7% 48.4%

Goods and services 857 999 1 001 973 317 288 37.0% (143 974) -16.8% 30.9%

Interest and rent on land

Total transfers and subsidies 49 526 47 153 14 054 28.4% 2 373 4.8% 1.4%

Provinces and municipalities 7 411 5 822 838 11.3% 1 589 21.4% 0.1%

Departmental agencies and accounts 9 9 (9)0.0%

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 38 858 37 779 11 870 30.5% 1 079 2.8% 1.2%

Households 3 257 3 543 1 337 41.1% (286) -8.8% 0.1%

Payments for capital assets 507 122 522 559 198 483 39.1% (15 437) -3.0% 19.3%

Buildings and other fixed structures 382 023 424 455 186 295 48.8% (42 432) -11.1% 18.1%

Machinery and equipment 125 099 98 104 12 188 9.7% 26 995 21.6% 1.2%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 3 121 589 3 216 143 1 026 735 32.9% (94 554) -3.0% 100.0%


Health: Expenditure Trends




286,669 309,547

289,860 293,278




267,710 259,194







286,827 247,048


235,881 250,102 269,257









Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Health: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Social Development: Expenditure Summary

Table 6 (c): Budget and Expenditure Summary: Social Development

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available


Administration 107 486 109 512 34 051 31.7% (2 026) -1.9%

Social Welfare Services 339 126 339 126 99 550 29.4%

Development and Research 79 285 79 285 19 864 25.1%

Total 525 897 527 923 153 465 29.2% (2 026) -0.4%


Social Development: Economic ClassificationTable 6 (c) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Expenditure as end of April

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available


% Share of total

department expenditure

Current payments 366 772 366 648 113 151 30.9% 124 0.0% 73.7%

Compensation of employees 236 471 236 347 71 698 30.3% 124 0.1% 46.7%

Goods and services 130 117 130 117 41 437 31.8% 27.0%

Interest and rent on land 184 184 16 8.7% 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 156 093 156 203 39 539 25.3% (110) -0.1% 25.8%

Provinces and municipalities

Departmental agencies and accounts

Universities and technikons 2 635 2 635 325 12.3% 0.2%

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 148 611 148 611 36 683 24.7% 23.9%

Households 4 847 4 957 2 531 52.2% (110) -2.3% 1.6%

Payments for capital assets 3 032 5 058 761 25.1% (2 026) -66.8% 0.5%

Buildings and other fixed structures 2 352 4 378 491 20.9% (2 026) -86.1% 0.3%

Machinery and equipment 680 680 270 39.7% 0.2%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets 14 14 (14) 0.0%

Total Economic Classification 525 897 527 923 153 465 29.2% (2 026) -0.4% 100.0%


Social Development: Expenditure Trends



41,447 42,370


48,292 48,843 47,287

46,067 43,286

46,568 42,608



52,278 49,012

44,217 43,295


42,375 41,788 40,055 42,378









Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Social Development: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13financial year2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Sport, Arts & Culture: Expenditure Summary

Table 6 (d): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Department of Sport Arts and Culture

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

Administration 49 730 49 326 16 434 33.0% 404 0.8%

Cultural Affairs 42 524 44 034 12 141 28.6% (1 510) -3.6%

Library and Archives Services 93 480 93 005 20 314 21.7% 475 0.5%

Sports and Recreation 37 832 38 316 8 361 22.1% (484) -1.3%

Total 223 566 224 681 57 250 25.6% (1 115) -0.5%


Sport, Arts & Culture : Economic ClassificationTable 6 (d) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

cudget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

% Share of total

department expenditure

Current payments 170 385 167 481 49 625 29.1% 2 904 1.7% 86.7%

Compensation of employees 92 259 84 481 23 380 25.3% 7 778 8.4% 40.8%

Goods and services 78 126 83 000 26 245 33.6% (4 874) -6.2% 45.8%

Interest and rent on land

Total transfers and subsidies 27 623 28 648 1 728 6.3% (1 025) -3.7% 3.0%

Provinces and municipalities 18 624 18 625 1 0.0% (1) 0.0% 0.0%

Departmental agencies and accounts 6 626 6 724 348 5.3% (98) -1.5% 0.6%

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 2 373 1 851 228 9.6% 522 22.0% 0.4%

Households 1 448 1 151 (1 448) 2.0%

Payments for capital assets 25 558 28 552 5 897 23.1% (2 994) -11.7% 10.3%

Buildings and other fixed structures 23 985 26 840 5 639 23.5% (2 855) -11.9% 9.8%

Machinery and equipment 1 573 1 712 258 16.4% (139) -8.8% 0.5%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 223 566 224 681 57 250 25.6% (1 115) -0.5% 100.0%


Sport: Expenditure Trends



15,988 16,636

28,774 26,890

19,005 19,901



13,814 15,088






20,536 16,341


18,098 13,148 14,253 12,835









Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Sport Arts and Culture: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Economic Sector: Per department

Table 7: Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Economic Sector

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available Funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/under

available funds

% Share of total

provincial expenditure

% Share of total

Economic Sector


Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development 730 345 739 593 101 744 13.9% (9 248) -1.3% 2.9% 15.4%

Roads and Public Works 953 066 1 016 408 302 520 31.7% (63 342) -6.6% 8.7% 45.8%

Economic Development 207 281 229 946 74 836 36.1% (22 665) -10.9% 2.2% 11.3%

Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs

582 761 582 942 146 583 25.2% (181) 0.0% 4.2% 22.2%

Environment and Nature Conservation 98 895 98 895 35 518 35.9% 1.0% 5.4%

Total 2 572 348 2 667 784 661 201 25.7% (95 436) -3.7% 19.1% 100.0%


Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development: Expenditure Summary

Table 7 (a): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

Administration 77 363 78 131 29 110 37.6% (768) -1.0%

Sustainable Resource Management 383 207 383 560 13 293 3.5% (353) -0.1%

Farmer Support and Development 169 082 170 220 31 996 18.9% (1 138) -0.7%

Veterinary Services 34 035 36 875 10 905 32.0% (2 840) -8.3%

Technical Research and Development Services 44 663 48 673 11 653 26.1% (4 010) -9.0%

Agricultural Economics 8 956 9 037 2 084 23.3% (81) -0.9%Rural Development 13 039 13 097 2 703 20.7% (58) -0.4%

Total 730 345 739 593 101 744 13.9% (9 248) -1.3%


Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development: Economic Classification

Table 7 (a) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 700 528 690 215 78 490 11.2% 10 313 1.5% 77.1%

Compensation of employees 149 592 153 199 43 880 29.3% (3 607) -2.4% 43.1%

Goods and services 550 936 537 008 34 602 6.3% 13 928 2.5% 34.0%

Interest and rent on land 8 8 (8) 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 2 600 8 931 6 997 269.1% (6 331) -243.5% 6.9%

Provinces and municipalities

Departmental agencies and accounts

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises 2 400 2 400 600 25.0% 0.6%

Non profit institutions

Households 200 6 531 6 397 3198.5% (6 331) -3165.5% 6.3%

Payments for capital assets 27 217 40 447 16 257 59.7% (13 230) -48.6% 16.0%

Buildings and other fixed structures 11 160 11 160 (11 160) 11.0%

Machinery and equipment 27 115 28 938 4 850 17.9% (1 823) -6.7% 4.8%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets 102 349 247 242.2% (247) -242.2% 0.2%

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 730 345 739 593 101 744 13.9% (9 248) -1.3% 100.0%


Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development: Expenditure Trends


24,323 26,337 29,195

79,926 79,700



79,653 79,652 79,705




59,270 58,841

59,231 59,750



59,135 58,789 58,762 57,621











Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Roads and Public Works: Expenditure Summary

Table 7 (b): Provincial Budget and Expenditure 7: Department of Roads and Public Works

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available


Administration 97 818 139 076 69 854 71.4% (41 258) -42.2%Public Works infrastructure 103 755 125 839 27 268 26.3% (22 084) -21.3%

Transport Infrastructure 678 826 678 826 186 346 27.5%

Community Based Programme 72 667 72 667 19 052 26.2%

Total 953 066 1 016 408 302 520 31.7% (63 342) -6.6%


Roads and Public Works: Economic Classification

Table 7 (b) (i): Expenditure per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available


% Share of total

department expenditure

Current payments 670 792 669 940 106 185 15.8% 852 0.1% 35.1%

Compensation of employees 205 673 205 478 57 458 27.9% 195 0.1% 19.0%

Goods and services 464 922 464 263 48 641 10.5% 659 0.1% 16.1%

Interest and rent on land 197 199 86 43.7% (2) -1.0% 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 58 342 110 795 41 138 70.5% (52 453) -89.9% 13.6%

Provinces and municipalities 43 911 54 911 (11 000) -25.1%

Departmental agencies and accounts 14 191 55 449 40 723 287.0% (41 258) -290.7% 13.5%

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions

Households 240 435 415 172.9% (195) -81.3% 0.1%

Payments for capital assets 223 932 235 673 155 197 69.3% (11 741) -5.2% 51.3%

Buildings and other fixed structures 222 616 202 189 121 989 54.8% 20 427 9.2% 40.3%

Machinery and equipment 1 308 33 476 33 208 2538.8% (32 168) -2459.3% 11.0%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets 8 8

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 953 066 1 016 408 302 520 31.7% (63 342) -6.6% 100.0%


Roads and Public Works: Expenditure Trends

104,315 96,424




114,461 118,755

97,112 82,495

66,522 71,278 67,172


67,126 70,166 67,031 72,216

103,095 106,872




60,097 53,205










Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Roads and Public Works: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Economic Development and Tourism: Expenditure Summary

Table 7 (c): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Department of Economic Development and Tourism

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

Administration 34 161 34 766 12 994 38.0% (605) -1.8%

Intergrated Economic Development Services 56 763 56 239 4 533 8.0% 524 0.9%Trade and Industry Development 31 425 30 480 6 442 20.5% 945 3.0%Business Regulation and Governance 22 015 22 015 8 059 36.6%Economic Planning 18 681 20 396 4 884 26.1% (1 715) -9.2%Tourism 44 236 66 050 37 924 85.7% (21 814) -49.3%

Total 207 281 229 946 74 836 36.1% (22 665) -10.9%


Economic Development and Tourism: Economic ClassificationTable 7 (c) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

% Share of total

department expenditure

Current payments 123 798 146 368 58 805 47.5% (22 570) -18.2% 78.6%

Compensation of employees 68 933 65 564 18 209 26.4% 3 369 4.9% 24.3%

Goods and services 54 836 80 775 40 586 74.0% (25 939) -47.3% 54.2%

Interest and rent on land 29 29 10 34.5% 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 81 432 81 527 15 851 19.5% (95) -0.1% 21.2%

Provinces and municipalities 170 170 (170) 0.2%

Departmental agencies and accounts 35 812 35 662 13 837 38.6% 150 0.4% 18.5%

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises 45 620 45 620 1 769 3.9% 2.4%

Non profit institutions

Households 75 75 (75) 0.1%

Payments for capital assets 2 051 2 051 180 8.8% 0.2%

Buildings and other fixed structures 620 620

Machinery and equipment 1 331 1 331 180 13.5% 0.2%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets 100 100

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 207 281 229 946 74 836 36.1% (22 665) -10.9% 100.0%


Economic Development and Tourism: Expenditure Trends









18,229 20,594


15,816 19,739




12,108 14,692


12,476 16,851














Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Economic Development and Tourism: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


COGHSTA : Expenditure Summary

Table 7 (d): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: COGHSTA


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

Administration 101 157 101 205 28 402 28.1% (48) 0.0%

Human Settlements 374 320 374 320 81 768 21.8% -

Co Operative Governance 96 958 97 091 32 733 33.8% (133) -0.1%

Traditional Affairs 10 326 10 326 3 680 35.6% -

Total 582 761 582 942 146 583 25.2% (181) 0.0%


COGHSTA : Economic Classification

Table 7 (d) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under

Available Funds

% Share of total

department expenditure

Current payments 237 930 237 930 74 639 31.4% 50.9%

Compensation of employees 173 949 173 949 56 115 32.3% 38.3%

Goods and services 63 981 63 981 18 524 29.0% 12.6%

Interest and rent on land

Total transfers and subsidies 341 031 341 213 71 759 21.0% (182) -0.1% 49.0%

Provinces and municipalities 500 501 67 13.4% (1) -0.2% 0.0%

Departmental agencies and accounts

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions

Households 340 531 340 712 71 692 21.1% (181) -0.1% 48.9%

Payments for capital assets 3 800 3 799 185 4.9% 1 0.0% 0.1%

Buildings and other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 3 800 3 799 185 4.9% 1 0.0% 0.1%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 582 761 582 942 146 583 25.2% (181) 0.0% 100.0%


COGHSTA : Expenditure Trends

26,320 36,326

37,609 46,328 49,074

53,399 48,049 48,390








44,459 48,161 48,134

48,580 48,435














Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13

financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Environment and Nature Conservation: Expenditure Summary

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under % (Over)/Under Available Funds

Administration 47 408 47 408 19 111 40.3%

Environment Policy, Planning and Coordination 7 902 7 902 2 364 29.9%

Compliance And Enforcement 7 980 7 980 3 411 42.7%

Environment Quality Management 11 878 11 878 3 263 27.5%

Biodiversity Management 15 532 15 532 5 205 33.5%

Environmental Empowerment Services 8 195 8 195 2 164 26.4%

Total 98 895 98 895 35 518 35.9%

Table 7 (f): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Department of Environment and Nature Conservation


Environment & Nature Conservation: Economic Classification

Table 7 (f) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 96 952 97 259 34 349 35.4% (307) -0.3% 96.7%

Compensation of employees 66 763 66 763 20 608 30.9% 58.0%

Goods and services 30 189 30 496 13 741 45.5% (307) -1.0% 38.7%

Interest and rent on land

Total transfers and subsidies 1 200 924 612 51.0% 276 23.0% 1.7%

Provinces and municipalities 1 000 650 500 50.0% 350 35.0% 1.4%

Departmental agencies and accounts

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises 200 170 8 4.0% 30 15.0% 0.0%

Non profit institutions 10 10 (10) 0.0%

Households 94 94 (94) 0.3%

Payments for capital assets 743 712 557 75.0% 31 4.2% 1.6%

Buildings and other fixed structures 120 120 22 18.3% 0.1%

Machinery and equipment 623 592 535 85.9% 31 5.0% 1.5%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 98 895 98 895 35 518 35.9% 100.0%


Environment & Nature Conservation: Expenditure Trends








7,969 7,847 7,840 7,898 7,703

8,601 8,336


8,433 8,510 8,675




8,250 8,118










Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Environment and Nature Conservation: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Governance and Administration Sector per department

Table 8: Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Sector for Governance and Administration

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% Over/under available Funds

% Share of total provincial


% Share of total Government and Admin

Sector Expenditure

Office of the Premier 150 419 153 846 42 524 28.27% (3 427) -2.3% 1.23% 20.3%

Legislature 132 596 132 596 48 536 36.60% - 1.40% 23.2%

Provincial Treasury 151 624 148 630 43 046 28.39% 2 994 2.0% 1.24% 20.6%

Transport, Safety and Liaison 280 038 280 038 75 098 26.82% - 2.17% 35.9%

Total 714 677 715 110 209 204 29.27% (433) -0.1% 6.05% 100.0%


Office of the Premier: Expenditure Summary

Table 8 (a): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Office of the Premier


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds

(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

Administration 64 179 65 118 22 485 35.0% (939) -1.5%

Institutional Development 51 647 51 885 12 565 24.3% (238) -0.5%

Policy Governance 34 593 36 843 7 474 21.6% (2 250) -6.5%

Total 150 419 153 846 42 524 28.3% (3 427) -2.3%


Office of the Premier: Economic Classification

Table 8 (a) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of


(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 132 774 134 914 40 939 30.8% (2 140) -1.6% 96.3%

Compensation of employees 83 812 83 305 25 401 30.3% 507 0.6% 59.7%

Goods and services 48 962 51 609 15 538 31.7% (2 647) -5.4% 36.5%

Interest and rent on land

Total transfers and subsidies 16 621 16 996 430 2.6% (375) -2.3% 1.0%

Provinces and municipalities

Departmental agencies and accounts

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 16 621 16 621 55 0.3% 0.1%

Households 375 375 (375) 0.9%

Payments for capital assets 1 024 1 936 1 155 112.8% (912) -89.1% 2.7%

Buildings and other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 465 465 243 52.3% 0.6%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets 559 1 471 912 163.1% (912) -163.1% 2.1%

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 150 419 153 846 42 524 28.3% (3 427) -2.3% 100.0%


Office of the Premier: Expenditure Trends


11,315 10,423












14,399 12,799



12,434 10,702

14,677 12,679

11,819 11,740







Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Office of the Premier: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Provincial Legislature: Expenditure Summary

Table 8 (b): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Provincial Legislature

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

Administration 37 396 37 396 14 966 40.0% -

Facilities for Members and Political Parties 37 156 37 156 15 931 42.9% -

Parliamentary Services 38 552 38 552 11 539 29.9% - Members Remuneration 19 492 19 492 6 100 31.3% - Total 132 596 132 596 48 536 36.6% -


Provincial Legislature: Economic Classification

Table 8 (b) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 109 535 109 278 36 611 33.4% 257 0.2% 75.4%

Compensation of employees 76 825 76 825 24 664 32.1% 50.8%

Goods and services 32 710 32 453 11 947 36.5% 257 0.8% 24.6%

Interest and rent on land

Total transfers and subsidies 21 404 21 404 11 297 52.8% 23.3%

Provinces and municipalities

Departmental agencies and accounts 735 735 285 38.8% 0.6%

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 20 669 20 669 11 012 53.3% 22.7%


Payments for capital assets 1 657 1 914 628 37.9% (257) -15.5% 1.3%

Buildings and other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 1 657 1 914 628 37.9% (257) -15.5% 1.3%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 132 596 132 596 48 536 36.6% 100.0%


Provincial Legislature: Expenditure Trends


11,315 10,423

12,506 10,681

14,989 12,434













10,702 14,677 12,679 11,819 11,740







Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Provincial Legislature: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Provincial Treasury: Expenditure Summary

Table 8 (c): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Provincial Treasury


Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

Administration 59 061 61 854 21 586 36.5% (2 793) -4.7%Sustainable Resource Management 31 618 31 152 8 346 26.4% 466 1.5%Assets and Liabilities 33 635 30 747 6 984 20.8% 2 888 8.6%Financial Governance 18 111 16 238 3 769 20.8% 1 873 10.3%Provincial Internal Audit 9 199 8 639 2 361 25.7% 560 6.1%Total 151 624 148 630 43 046 28.4% 2 994 2.0%


Provincial Treasury: Economic Classification

Table 8 (c) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 150 002 145 880 41 418 27.6% 4 122 2.7% 96.2%

Compensation of employees 99 744 98 238 28 352 28.4% 1 506 1.5% 65.9%

Goods and services 50 210 47 595 13 050 26.0% 2 615 5.2% 30.3%

Interest and rent on land 48 47 16 33.3% 1 2.1% 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 296 346 74 25.0% (50) -16.9% 0.2%

Provinces and municipalities

Departmental agencies and accounts 2 2 (2) 0.0%

Universities and technikons 96 72 24 25.0%

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises

Non profit institutions 18 18 (18) 0.0%

Households 200 254 54 27.0% (54) -27.0% 0.1%

Payments for capital assets 1 326 2 404 1 554 117.2% (1 078) -81.3% 3.6%

Buildings and other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 1 326 2 395 1 545 116.5% (1 069) -80.6% 3.6%

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets 9 9 (9) 0.0%

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 151 624 148 630 43 046 28.4% 2 994 2.0% 100.0%


Provincial Treasury: Expenditure Trends


11,181 11,965



14,004 13,278


12,743 12,696

13,165 13,691

11,640 12,004 12,081



13,743 13,118

13,070 12,065

12,455 13,050 12,613










Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Provincial Treasury: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections


Transport, Safety and Liaison: Expenditure Summary

Table 8 (d): Provincial Budget and Expenditure Summary: Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

available funds(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

ADMINISTRATION 41 757 41 757 14 144 33.9% - CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT 11 954 11 954 3 678 30.8% - CRIME PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY POLICE RELATIONS6 086 6 086 1 770 29.1% - TRANPORT OPERATIONS 156 731 156 731 36 559 23.3% - TRANSPORT REGULATION 63 510 63 510 18 947 29.8% - Total 280 038 280 038 75 098 26.8% -


Transport, Safety and Liaison: Economic Classification

Table 8 (d) (i): Expenditure Summary per Economic Classification

R`000 Main BudgetProjected outcomes

Actual as at end July 2012

Actual as percentage of

budget(Over) /Under

% (Over)/Under Available Funds

% Share of total department expenditure

Current payments 238 022 237 350 65 055 27.3% 672 0.3% 86.6%

Compensation of employees 93 915 93 665 28 190 30.0% 250 0.3% 37.5%

Goods and services 144 107 143 674 36 854 25.6% 433 0.3% 49.1%

Interest and rent on land 11 11 (11) 0.0%

Total transfers and subsidies 41 269 41 941 10 043 24.3% (672) -1.6% 13.4%

Provinces and municipalities 14 11 3 21.4%

Departmental agencies and accounts

Universities and technikons

Foreign governments and international organisations

Public corporations and private enterprises 39 255 39 276 8 764 22.3% (21) -0.1% 11.7%

Non profit institutions 2 000 2 625 1 250 62.5% (625) -31.3% 1.7%

Households 29 29 (29) 0.0%

Payments for capital assets 747 747

Buildings and other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment 747 747

Heritage assets

Specialised military assets

Biological assets

Land and sub-soil assets

Software and other intangible assets

Payments for financial assets

Total Economic Classification 280 038 280 038 75 098 26.8% 100.0%


Transport, Safety and Liaison: Expenditure Trends


19,154 20,069


26,645 26,108


25,204 25,449 25,361 25,141 24,838

23,776 23,713 24,959 23,702 23,923


23,573 22,529 22,676 23,014 22,433 22,464








Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13





Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison: Expenditure per month for the 2012/13 financial year

2012/13 Actual Expenditure Cashflow Projections



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