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Small cap/microcap stocks contain risk that is not suitable to some investors. There is potential to lose money with these stocks. This report and any information disseminated from Microcap Millionaires and/or MM Publishing Inc. should be construed as entertainment value alone. This is not registered investment advice.

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Before you start reading, you might wonder just who the heck I am? Instead of typing out several pages about me though… I decided to make a video for you. Click the following link to get to know me, and see what tactics I use to score big wins on a regular basis.

Click Here For More About Who I Am Also… You’ll see how I nearly lost everything on just 1 bad trade while trying to generate enough money from trading to get my family out of the "ghetto"!

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Plus details on how I was able to come roaring back & build up my brokerage account to the point where I could buy my wife her dream house (I guess it's my "trophy house" lol). (You'll see the "ghetto" house and the house we bought next...)


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The “calling card” I often use to get people interested in small cap stock trading/investing is an analogy to the game of poker…

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(Of course, that’s in addition to the potentially life-changing gains that people can make from stocks!) That’s because in the game of poker, the players that seem to walk away from the table with big paydays (sometimes in the 6 or even 7 figure range, mind you…) are able to do so by spotting the right “tells” at the poker table. It might be something that the average poker player or bystander doesn’t spot…but the pro’s know what to look for. For example, if one of their opponents at the table starts to nervously scratch their neck after they arrange a new hand of cards, that may be a “tell”. Or perhaps they start to pull on their earlobes a bit. Either one of these scenarios can be a “tell” that an expert poker player spots that helps him/her make their bets on that hand accordingly. (or of course they may be “bluffing”!) And in this report

, I’m going to share a few examples of stocks that had the right “tells”.

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Now, we’ll have to transition our minds from the lingering cigar smoke and green visors of a typical poker room/table, and venture back to our computers or smart-phones. Reason is, they are the medium we use to trade stocks. (online brokerage accounts) It’s not just academic though. Why, you ask? Because these “tells” were things that savvy traders could have spotted…and if they did spot them…these “tells” could have helped traders to understand that the odds were tilted in their favor. How? Because when these “tells” are positively identified, they help lead us, as traders, to stocks primed for big moves to the upside… Sometimes to the point where we can score a 25%, 50%, or even a triple digit gain of 100% or more…in a very short period of time. (NOT buying a stock and holding it for decades!)

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Imagine yourself as someone who learns to spot “tells” in small cap stocks…as being similar to this pro poker player, who looks like he’s pretty happy with his results:

Is that something you can get on board with? To help cement that this concept can become reality for you with trading (not sure if you are actually a big poker player, after all)…let’s take a look at what results can look like when we trade stocks with the right “tells”…

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Here’s a screen capture from my computer of several gains I’ve made from trades I’ve entered and exited using my system/concept of only trading stocks with “tells”:

Yep….just under $4,800 in real cash money profit! And here’s another:

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+$3,500! If potential short term gains like these aren’t enough to get you excited, maybe this one will (from a different brokerage account, which is why it’s formatted differently):

Over $6,400 in profit! What might you do with that money, if it was yours? ;-)

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Ok… So at this point, if you are actually reading this report (not just skimming)…you are probably ready for me to expose a few small cap stock “tells” that can point you to stocks ready to make substantial moves higher. Am I right about that? Awesome! So let’s move into the second section of this report, now that I’ve fully introduced you to my style of trading… This next section will fully unveil 3 “tells” to look for that (from my experience, anyways) often point to stocks with significant upside potential.

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Small Cap Stock “Tell” #1: Event Anticipation When a publicly traded (whether it’s a small cap or not) company has a forward looking event on its calendar that investors are hotly anticipating, it is without question a “tell” that you need to learn to recognize and pay attention to. That’s awfully vague though, right? So let me give you an example of a stock that moved up nicely in anticipation of a big event. Back in late June of 2014, Glu Mobile Inc. released a new game for smartphones. The game suddenly became a hit, and in the process, investors began to bid up the stock, and shares of GLUU went from the $3.75 range to the $5.50 range in roughly 10 trading days. That was a great trade for those who jumped in after realizing how popular the new game was. But the…dare I say… “easy money” had yet to be made…

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When the company made it known that they would report quarterly earnings in late July of 2014, another opportunity to make a nice trade in GLUU presented itself. Except this time, it was a trade that fits my “event anticipation tells”…to a “T”. See… Due to the fact that there was a new, “game-changing” smartphone game out there generating millions of downloads for GLUU, people started to realize that the next earnings release could be a blockbuster event. The prevailing thought was basically this, if you’ll allow me to summarize: “All previous analyst estimates likely have not baked in any sort or breakout revenues from a new game, so this earnings report could blow out expectations to the upside!” So…with that being what investors were reading in between the lines on GLUU, the stock went on the second leg of its run. This time it went from $5 to $7.60 in under two weeks!

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Another perfect opportunity to make approximately 50% returns. And quickly! Here’s a chart that shows you what happened:

That’s a nice move right!? Makes you sort of wish you were in that trade back in 2014…no?

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Well…knowing what I know about these “tells”, I alerted this stock to my subscribers and they did extraordinarily well in this specific trade. I won’t dig up testimonials that were sent to me via email and paste them here; I simply ask that you take my word for it. Ok? After all, I ‘m not trying to sell you on anything in this report…other than the validity of using these “tells” that I’ve learned to systematically label and identify in real-time trading conditions. Now… Let me back up for a second. You might have noticed that GLUU dropped sharply in early August 2014. Want to know why? Well…Glu Mobile Inc. managements’ guidance failed to wow analysts, and it lead to mass selling the day following the earnings report. So…does that blow a hole in my trading strategy?

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Not a chance… See…my “event anticipation tell” strategy is one where I always--or at least over 90% of the time sell before the actual event takes place. This is how I limit


And…even if GLUU would have gone up after earnings? It still would have been a profitable trade to sell before hand. With me? Great. To validate my thought that this “tell” works with any type of stock, regardless of price per share or market cap, consider the most popular stock in the world…. AAPL. Notice how, almost like clockwork, the stock begins to stabilize and move higher into the quarterly earnings report date…especially if it’s been weak in the weeks prior. (also known as pre-earnings runs) So…was that helpful?....

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Fantastic! So let’s move on to: Small Cap Stock “Tell” #2: Celebrity Love There’s a couple stocks that come to mind when I talk about my “celebrity love” tells. The first one I won’t be able to show you a chart of because a private equity group bought it out. But the story is still a great teacher for us, so I’ll share it with you. When President Obama was elected in fall of 2008 (regardless of your like or dislike of him) he and his wife Michelle, became instant celebrities. Of course, during the campaign, they were well known too, but after they won the election, their popularity began to climax. So let me get right down to the meat and potatoes of why the Obama’s are relevant to this report. Soon after the election of 2008, Michelle Obama appeared on the “Oprah Winfrey Show”. (she was an outspoken supporter during the campaign)

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Of course, what they discussed for the most part is immaterial. Yet what we can learn from here is one particular thing that Oprah noticed… Oprah complimented Michelle and her daughters on their fall apparel (coats and gloves I believe). When Oprah asked Michelle where she bought them, she replied something to the extent of that she bought them from J-Crew…and that they loved shopping there.

Now… most people would likely say something like… “that’s nice, but I’m not shopping there, so I don’t care.”

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But you and I….as savvy traders and investors? Can learn (yes, unfortunately only in hindsight, unless you have a time machine, in which case email me today) that this was an opportunity that we need to learn to spot…and act upon. See…at the time…J-Crew was a publicly traded company. The stock was performing poorly, along with most other stocks during 2008. Yet soon after that fateful Michelle Obama appearance on Oprah’s show, J-Crew’s website crashed due to a flood of traffic. Then…J-Crew stores began to be flooded by women demanding clothing similar to what the Obama women were sporting. Fast forward a couple months to the earnings report, investors were pleasantly surprised with stellar sales numbers…largely fueled by the Obama T.V. appearance. The stock jumped over 50%!

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Note: this is NOT the same as my “event anticipation tells”…because as far as I know most every investor/analyst was 100% clueless about the surge in business at J-Crew due to the Obama phenomenon. BUT…had I known what I know now…back in 2008? I sure would like to think I would have jumped all over that trade…and if I didn’t see it? I sure hope some of the good folks in my “inner circle” private coaching group would have spotted it…and let me know. Because…they are trained up in all of my “tells” that point to stocks ready to rip higher. (You’ll have a chance to become part of my “inner circle” sometime in the future if you are a motivated/qualified individual) Ok…and one more example of a “celebrity love” tell…

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In early 2014 the mega-star talk show host Ellen DeGeneres raved about the new baby monitors made by a company called “Summer Infant”. Summer Infant trades under the ticker SUMR. Again, analysts and investors alike were totally clueless until the subsequent earnings report was released. Shocked at revenue growth, investors bought the stock en masse. Shares of SUMR shot from $1.60 to $3.50 in just 4 trading days. Wow! That’s well over a 100% gain in less than a week. Not bad, right? Sure, there are some nuances involved, but the bottom line is that the popularity of Ellen got thousands of young parents to buy these monitors, which was a game-changer for the fortunes of SUMR….which is a fairly small company. On the next page I’ll post a chart so you can get a visual of the action:

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SUMR Chart from 2014:

Fortunately… I was able to spot SUMR and alert it to my subscribers. Many scored a big win!

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Again, this was not the “event anticipation tell”…because most people were clueless about how Ellen DeGeneres positively mentioned SUMR’s product & the subsequent revenue bump…and only found out until after the earnings report! Starting to see how the right “tells” can really help you get in the right stocks at the right time? Great! Now, be on the lookout for when you see any up and coming celebrity generating publicity for any product made by a publicly traded company. If you dig through some of the variables, you might have a big trade on your hands! (I can help, of course…feel free to email me at [email protected] and I’ll likely see your email soon after you send it) So let me explain one more “tell” that will be the icing on the cake of this report…and then you’ll be free to spot countless winners using all 3 of these “tells”! ….Deal?

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And last, but not least: Small Cap Stock “Tell” #3: Big Dog Tells Maybe you’ve heard that saying…which I suppose has been become vastly overused… “If you can’t hang with the big dogs…stay off the porch!” It’s a little lame, but still comes to mind so I thought I’d mention it. Ha. So…when I say “big dog”…what I’m referring to is a someone who has a big sway over a large group of people. And in particular, in the investing/trading community. When you think of stock trading…what particular TV station comes to mind? Nickelodeon? …MTV? Nope…of course not. CNBC is the hub for trader talk. Right?

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Knowing that, can I ask you who the reigning star of who CNBC is? That’s also an easy question to answer for most of you reading this, I’m sure. It’s none other that Jim Cramer, the host of “Mad Money” and the author of several books on investing.

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Other than being wildly entertaining to watch (he often screams “buy buy buy!” when referring to a stock he likes) Mr. Cramer is also pretty sharp-minded. I know, I know, he has plenty of “haters”...and yes he was confident that Bear Sterns wouldn’t go under in 2008...which turned out to be a bad, bad call. (not all my trades/recommendations are perfect either….though I try to make them so!) So…basically? Jim Cramer is the king of CNBC…er…the “BIG DOG” of CNBC…at least in my opinion. Meaning…when Jim likes a stock…and is vocal about it? Thousands of people who respect his views are likely to hurriedly run to their online brokerage account and place an order to buy that particular stock. So…should you buy any stock that Cramer mentions, hoping you are faster than the other guy watching?

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HECK NO. Listen…you have to make sure it’s a small cap stock and/or has shares under $10 per share. Let me ‘splain… If Cramer says he loves GOOG or AAPL, and thinks they’ll move higher for months and months…do you really think just his followers have enough buying power to move the needle for these big cap behemoth stocks? The probable answer is no. And…most of the time…Cramer does not mention small cap/cheap stocks under $10. But sometimes? He does. And this is the precise time you need to know about it. Want to see an example? Figured you would! So let’s dive right into it…

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In January of 2013, Mr. Cramer mentioned on a morning CNBC segment while standing on the floor of the NYSE (I’m summarizing from memory here, not quoting) that most undervalued and/or cheap stocks were being bought up like crazy. He said that most of these opportunities to buy undervalued stocks were vanishing each day, as the market continued its bull run. That is…except for one. What stock was it? Radio Shack. (yes, its entered the course for bankruptcy since, but that does not affect the case study time frame I am sharing) The ticker was RSH. After Jim made this mention, RSH went on a tear from $2.30 (or so) to $3.20 in just 2 days. Here’s a chart of RSH that shows the price action:

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So… Remember...if someone with a lot of “pull” in the trading/investing community positively mentions a small cap (under 2Billion market cap) attention! To be clear…it’s not always a slam dunk…but you see the potential here after feasting your eyes on the chart above. Right?

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Conclusion: So… After reading this report… Do you see how spotting the right “tells” with stocks (mostly small caps) can help lead you to big payouts…similar to how the best poker players spot “tells” at the poker table that lead them to life-changing jackpots? Well… If you are reading this and feel that you’ve learned something valuable…I encourage you to take the next step in becoming a highly efficient “eagle eyed” trader by filling out an application to become part of my inner-circle coaching group. I’ll help you learn the skills you need to know to hit your goals with trading and investing…whether it’s saving for retirement, supplementing an income, paying off debt…or whatever other financial goal you may have. Plus…

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Trading can be an awfully lonely adventure… Can’t it? In my private trader group, you’ll have a group of savvy traders (not just me!) to not only help you sharpen your skills…but we’ll also be there to help you celebrate your wins… And you’ll have a shoulder to lean on when things don’t go as planned. (as well as learning from the things that work & don’t work!) So if you are hungry to get to the next level, and want to contribute to a group that has already become a special place for many small cap traders, simply go to and fill out the application. If it looks like we’ll be a good fit, select a time from the schedule that is available for an interview. My good friend and fellow trader Steven Cawiezell will get in touch with you after that, and then we’ll know if we will be a good fit…or if we might need

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to wait until you’re a little more experienced before you come onboard. (definitely not for everyone, no doubt) I’ll go ahead and wrap up this short report now… And if you have any questions about joining our coaching group, please reach out to me at [email protected] (I get a lot of email, but I will do my best to reply in a timely manner!) I’ll be in touch soon & thanks for reading! Matt MM Publishing Inc. p.s. there’s a TON more “tells” out there that I want to teach you!

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1 Last Thing: Want To Join Me On a Free Webinar Where We Discuss How To Get You On The Fast Track To Becoming a Wealth Building Trader? Click This Link For Free Webinar Access!

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