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Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 7 Number 50 SEPTEMBER 2, 2010

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Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Circulation: Doug French Bill HereCharlotte Weinberg John Getter Pat Choate Wyatt Cox

The Penny Press is published weekly by Ely Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2010

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By BILL WILSONSpecial To The Penny Press

A definitive trend has emerged with last week’s primary election results of Republican Party contests: 2010 is an anti-establishment year. Career politician Bill McCollum

was defeated in the Florida guberna-torial contest by outsider Rick Scott, and incumbent Alaska Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski is losing to tea party-favorite Joe Miller, who was endorsed by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Couple that with incumbent Republican Senator John McCain

spending $21 million to defeat for-mer Representative J.D. Hayworth. Despite claims by U.S. News & World Report that the Arizona race sent a “mixed message,” in order to win, McCain had to run decidedly more conservative than in previous runs. He tested the political winds and got out in front of a tough chal-lenge by running to the right, and did so convincingly to Arizona vot-ers, winning over 60 percent of the vote.

Then there’s the ascendency of another tea party candidate, Rand Paul, to the Republican nomination for Kentucky’s open Senate seat, and Marco Rubio taking the Republican nod for Senate in Florida. And the defeat of incumbent Republican Senator Bob Bennett in Utah to tea party-backed Mike Lee, plus conser-vatives Ken Buck and Pat Toomey in

Colorado and Pennsylvania, respec-tively. Not to mention the victory of Sharron Angle as Republican Senate nominee in Nevada, yet another tea party favorite.

See a pattern? In consequential contest after contest, heads are roll-ing, and the establishment is losing.

Underneath it all, there is mas-sive voter unrest against professional politicians. The American people are rejecting wholesale those who make their livings as deal-makers, who spend too much, and who reek of the establishment, which voters cor-rectly perceive have delivered the U.S. economy into a pit of despair, debt, and persistently high unem-ployment.

Even Democrats are running against Washington and its $13.37 trillion national debt, with appointed Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado

making a speech that tells us every-thing political observers need to know about voter sentiment in 2010. Bennet said, “We have managed to acquire $13 trillion of debt on our balance sheet. In my view we have nothing to show for it.”

Bennet pointed to the inefficacy of the $862 billion “stimulus” that he voted for, saying, “We haven’t invested in our roads, our bridges, our waste-water systems, our sewer systems. We haven’t even main-tained the assets that our parents and grandparents built for us.” He’s right, but that may not save him.

As much as the political winds are pointed in an anti-establish-ment direction, they are also pointed directly against Democrats, who are expected to suffer significant losses in both the House and Senate this year. This is owed entirely to being


Penny WisdomThere are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true. —Sir Winston Churchill

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of Las Vegas

Inside:Harry Loses BadlyIn Southwest PollSee Editorial Page 6


Heads Are Rolling, Establishment Losing


Continued on page4

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perceived — again, correctly — as being a part of the establishment respon-sible for the policies that have produced to dire straits we are in.

It’s the same reason long-serving Republicans are being wiped out: Policy matters.

Recall the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), which was supposed to be used to purchase “toxic” mortgage-backed securities. It wasn’t. It was turned into a bank recapitalization fund, and instead the Federal Reserve printed $1.25 trillion off-budget to bail out investors.

The $862 billion “stimulus” was supposed to bring unemployment down and lead directly to recovery, but it hasn’t. Unemployment remains at 9.5 percent, and would be 10.2 percent if not for a statistical sleight of hand by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to remove some 1.115 million people from the civilian labor force.

The Dodd-Frank financial takeover bill was supposed to end bailouts, but now Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is talking openly about explicitly guaranteeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage-backed securities. Moreover, the legislation institutionalized a permanent, unlim-ited bailout fund under the auspices of the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation (FDIC).ObamaCare was supposed to keep health costs down, but now new

insurance coverage requirements are driving premiums higher, as critics warned. The new requirements have not even taken affect yet, but insur-ance companies are already bracing for the worst and stockpiling additional revenue to remain solvent.

Any political program whose policy prescriptions do not achieve the minimum standards that are set for it is doomed to lose public support, never mind keeping a majority. The party that in 2010 persuasively rejects these false promises, and successfully rolls back these government usurpations when in office may be able to govern for a generation.

Republicans should be taking notes. The world that the political estab-lishment has built is crumbling and sinking, and politicians who want to survive the fallout will run far away from it — as quickly as possible.

Bill Wilson is the President of Americans for Limited Government.


Let's Earmark A Few More Establishment ClownsContinued from page 3

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How Many Deaths Before Obama Takes Border Security Seriously?

The shocking discovery of 72 murdered Hispanic migrants on a ranch just south of the U.S. bor-der should be a wakeup call to all Americans that the security of our beloved nation begins at home.

Here in Arizona we have seen firsthand the bloody consequences of the crime and violence being

imported by criminal aliens across our borders. Peaceful Phoenix has been transformed into the kidnap-ping capital of America.

A cadre of dedicated state and local officials has attempted to quell the violence. The result has been to watch these local leaders be sued, investigated and harassed by the police powers of the Obama admin-istration.

When will this insanity end?The migration of farm workers

in the 1950s and 60s was trans-formed into a migration of construc-tion workers, maids and restaurant workers in the 1970s and 80s. But the character of the immigration has changed again, and we ignore these changes at our peril.

Criminal gangs now control the border. Drugs, human trafficking, robbery, extortion and smuggling are profitable motivators escalating violence on both sides of the bor-der.

Until the borderlands of the American Southwest are policed and under the control of authorities, these inexplicably brutal conditions will persist. The drug cartels must be destroyed, and the only way to accomplish this is with serious inter-vention, manpower and high-tech weaponry.

Obama and his minions ignore the brutality, the pain, the suffering and the long-term consequences of allowing these gangs safe haven in the hopes of scoring political points with immigrant voters.

This issue isn’t about the civil rights of migrants -- this issue is about keeping all Americans safe regardless of nation of origin.

This massacre only came to light because a wounded Ecuadorean escaped. With a bullet wound in his neck he struggled to a nearby highway to find a Mexican military roadblock. He told authorities that the migrants’ abductors identified themselves as Zetas. Zetas are a drug gang whose control of parts of Mexico is so brutal even many Mexicans avoid traveling on public highways near their territory.

Amnesty International has called the plight of the migrants crossing from Mexico to the U.S. a major world crisis. Their report called our border “one of the most dangerous

in the world,” and said every year an untold number of migrants disappear without a trace.

Mass unmarked graves near the border hold the key to a complete accounting of these horrors.

Now Mexican authorities are trying to determine whether the 72 victims in Tamaulipas were killed at the same time -- and why. We may never know.

The future is becoming clear. If the United States doesn’t reverse course and begin to take border security seriously then these gangs will slowly increase their power in the U.S. They are already said to control several U.S. prisons, and neighborhoods in Phoenix and Los Angeles.

The Obama administration’s harassment of local and state officials attempting to secure the border must end immediately. Instead, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security should be assist-ing these duly-elected local officials in the difficult task. Everyone must work together.

Violence must be met with the swift hand of justice. If we use fences, armed drones and patrols to secure the boarder of Iraq, we need to use that same technology and knowhow on our own border.

The primary objective of the United States Government is to protect our citizens from foreign enemies. These criminal gangs are foreign enemies is every sense.FLOYD and MARY BETH BROWN


Commentary: Floyd Brown

The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:

The National Rifle Association for at least recognizing that Harry Reid is not a friend of the Second Amendment after his willing cheerleading to place justices on the Supreme Court who are pro gun control. That said, they should have endorsed Sharron Angle instead of being the political hacks and whores they have become.

Foliot Furniture, which supplies furniture for hotels, universities and the military, has facilities in Montreal and Tennessee, has settled on a Las Vegas site near McCarran International Airport for its West Coast location with help from the Nevada Development Authority. Welcome to Nevada.

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:The Nevada state higher education system's Board of Regents which passed a budget request for an increase at a time when not only is there no money for the status quo but things need to be cut. The fact is that tuition will simply have to increase. Higher education is important, but, frankly, not as high a priority as elementary and secondary education and it already has another income stream.

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The other day, I was watching that noted expert on all things O.J., Holloway and political, Greta Van Munchkin, and she was busy telling people who actually are political experts like Karl Rove, Dick Morris and Frank Luntz (not all at once) that she thought Harry Reid would win in November.

My immediate reaction is that she ought to stick to O.J., because she has no idea of the palpable dislike Nevada has acquired for its senior senator, and appears to be unwilling to learn.

I, myself, have a new unscientific method for measuring the sentiment.

It’s called the Fred Weinberg-Southwest Airlines-KWNA-KELY poll.

As our regular readers are aware, we own, among others, the two aforementioned radio stations and I spend a lot of time on Southwest Airlines commuting to our stations from my Southern Nevada home. I fly out of Las Vegas and I fly a lot.

In my last 30 flights to and from Las Vegas (that’s about the last 15 weeks) I have not yet been seated next to a Nevada voter who intends to vote for Harry Reid.

In fact, in my last 30 flights, I have not yet been seated next to a Nevada voter who has anything which can remotely be considered nice to say about Harry Reid.

I have, however, been given six sets of souvenir bumper stickers which ranged from “Will Rogers Never Met Harry Reid” to “Anybody Butt Harry Reid” by my fellow passengers in the past 15 weeks.

I also have not heard that Sharron Angle is “too extreme” from anybody I have been seated next to. In fact, most of the people I have conversed with in flight think that Harry Reid is, along with his patron saint Barack Obama, one step away from being the publisher of Pravda.

I started keeping track 15 weeks ago, because I came to the conclusion that while the poll itself is probably unscientific, it is clearly rooted in reality.

Southwest carries many business people every day. Some

of us owned our own planes until early 2009 and bowed to economic reality. Some of us are traveling so much because we have fewer employees. (In my case, it’s both.) In any event, most of us are on the front lines of America’s largest employer—small business.

And we ALL vote.

Can Harry possibly beat Sharron without the Southwest Airlines regular passenger vote?

It’s doubtful.

Many of my fellow passengers admitted to having voted for Harry in the past because they felt he was at least represent-ing the state. That plane has left the gate (pun intended).

Some of my fellow passengers admitted to having voted for Obama in 2008. Their passing relationship with hope and change has, apparently passed.

To be sure, what I’ll call the Southwest vote is a subset of the population.

But it is a subset which votes in just about every election that comes along including off-year sewer bond votes.

So, when you see those commercials from Harry where he makes the assumption that Nevada thinks believing in God is so 1994, that being pro-abortion is a good thing, that Social Security should not be touched until it is completely bankrupt, remember that most of my fellow passengers on Southwest respectfully disagree.

Further, when he tries to demonize Sharron for suggest-ing that she would NOT have tried to strong-arm bankers to keep lending to MGM so they could finish their white elephant City Center, most of my seatmates get that it was wrong—and probably illegal—for Harry to do that. That it is the exact same thing Maxine Waters has been charged with by the House Ethics Committee.

Is my poll scientific? For any number of reasons, no.

Is it accurate? I’ll bet it is.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Harry Loses In Southwest Airlines Poll

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Commentary: Doug FrenchTHE PENNY PRESS,SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 PAGE 7

A Lot Of Deadheads Diving For Pearls

“There are a lot of Deadheads in finance,” claims CNBC’s big-govern-ment cheerleader and economics reporter Steve Liesman. On the financial network’s website, he relates a story about having “really good seats at a Dead show once, and I was never so recognized because of all the Wall Street guys had all the upfront tickets to the show. They were as surprised to learn that I was a Deadhead as much as I was surprised that they were Deadheads.”

The uninitiated wouldn’t associate the Grateful Dead with finance or commerce or business practices of any sort. But this impossible-to-catego-rize, San Francisco Bay–area band is, in its various iterations, the most suc-cessful touring band of all time.

By no means the best instrumentally or vocally, the band built its suc-cess on an approach to the music business that was 180 degrees from their competitors. While other bands posted signs at the entrances to concert ven-ues saying, “Recording and photography of tonight’s performance is strictly prohibited,” the Grateful Dead encouraged fans to record their concerts and shoot pictures of the show.

I remember flying from Seattle to Las Vegas, the night before a Dead show, with a plane full of Deadheads. The guy next to me said he was “Jonesin’ for some Hornsby” (Bruce Hornsby, who played over a hundred shows with the Dead, from 1988 until founder Jerry Garcia’s death in 1995). My fellow passenger proceeded to pull down a suitcase from the overhead compartment; it was filled with cassette tapes — all labeled and sorted by concert date and location.

Did this taping hurt album sales? No. It served as free marketing for the band. And as David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan point out in their new book, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn From the Most Iconic Band in History, the band went as far as to set up special sections for tapers in 1984. These sections were behind the band’s mixing board and would form a “forest of professional-grade microphones rising to the sky.”

So if there were all these bootleg tapes floating around, has anyone been buying Dead albums? I guess so: the band has had 19 gold albums, 6 plati-num albums, and 4 albums that have gone multiplatinum.

In their punchy little book, Scott and Halligan point out that the Grateful Dead turned the “the-band-tours-to-support-the-album” concept completely on it’s head. For the Dead, the concerts are the experience they are selling. The scarce good is that particular night’s performance, and the band makes each performance radically different. The band in its various forms has done over 2,300 shows, and no 2 are alike. Not only have the song lists been different each night, but the band plays different versions of all the songs. Instead of only touring periodically in support of a new album, the Dead has

toured constantly.Committed Deadheads have followed the band around to see hundreds

of shows. In some cases these fans support their Dead habit by selling mer-chandise or food items in the parking lot, and this activity is endorsed by the band. Like Amazon with its affiliate program, the Dead supports anyone who sells band merchandise.

Because the concert experience is the product the band is selling, “technology has continued to be an essential element of live shows,” write Halligan and Scott. “In the 1970s it was live concert technology and in 2009 it was a real-time iPhone application.”

Early on, the band took control of selling tickets to their shows. They cut out the middlemen (such as Ticketmaster) and were able to ensure that their most dedicated fans purchased the best tickets, nurturing enormous amounts of fan loyalty. So, the Wall Street guys that Liesman saw at the concert in the front rows were likely real Deadheads, not casual fans who paid through the nose for tickets from a ticket broker.

In the chapter “Upgrade to Premium,” the authors explain the band’s ingenious way of selling professional concert recordings. During recent tours of two modern versions of the Grateful Dead — The Dead, and Further — fans could buy a three-CD set of the concert they were attending. Deadheads would pay $20 for a wristband prior to the show. After each set, crew members would make 1,000 copies of that set, and after the last encore they’d produce and copy the third CD. The three CDs were then bundled and rushed to the merchandise table, where fans would trade their wristbands for the professionally engineered CDs of the concert they had just enjoyed. During a 2009 tour, a similar program to sell concert photos was created in partnership with Blurb.

The authors estimate that the Grateful Dead has performed in the neigh-borhood of 500 different songs live, with 150 of those being original compo-sitions. The band has always experimented: Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. The band has produced some shows that were duds, but, as Smith and Halligan point out, the band “didn’t become conservative and stop experimenting.” They quote Grateful Dead founder Jerry Garcia: “You go diving for pearls every night but sometimes you end up with clams.”

The Grateful Dead cultivated a following of fans that is still growing larger despite Jerry Garcia’s passing 15 years ago. Playing in jeans and T-shirts and with a free-form style that is the antithesis of the slickly produced modern rock or pop concert, this band has maintained their popularity for 45 years and counting. Their success is obviously no fluke. Committed Deadheads and marketing gurus Scott and Halligan lay it out in their tiny book of common Deadhead sense that’s not so common: Give away what isn’t scarce, and make what is scarce — live performance — truly scarce and unique. Sell service and upgrades, and always foster loyalty.

Like a Dead show, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead is quirky and fun. It may be a strange trip, but the advice is sound; there are plenty of pearls and only the occasional clam.


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Commentary: Albert ThomasCash Is A Position – Sometimes

Your broker and fund manager won’t agree. Not because it isn’t true, but because they won’t make any commission.

When the market is going up it is not a good place for your investment funds. As I have said many times you want to be fully invested while the market is going up and out of equities while it is going down.

The most important thing about investing is to protect your money. The Board giveth and the Board taketh away – the Chicago Board of Trade or any other exchange.

Smart investors learn how to understand market signals and not what some broker tells them. I have outlined several methods in previous col-umns about how to do this.

Knowledgeable investors do go to cash when the market is declining, BUT currently there is a special long term signal where cash is a secondary option.

If money is left in a Money Market account at 1% interest while true inflation is about 5% then purchasing power is being silently stolen. Of course, that is better than losing 20, 30, 40% or more if left in a mutual fund that is sliding into oblivion.

The cash in the stock is also losing its purchasing power. You can’t win.

WAIT! Yes, you can.In the last few years there has been created what are called inverse

funds, both mutual funds and ETFs. These are equities that move in the opposite direction to the underlying equity. The best known and traded ETF is the SPY that follows the moves of the S&P500 Index. You don’t want to own this when the market is going down. In fact you don’t want to own any stocks or mutual funds when the general market is going down.

There is an inverse ETF of the SP500 Index that moves in the opposite direction with symbol SH. When SPY goes down a dollar, SH goes up a dollar. You may easily confirm this by putting up charts on on any computer.

For reasons not understood brokers have not found out about inverse ETFs and mutual funds or they don’t fathom how their clients can make money while the market is going down.

All brokerage companies have Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). They trade like stocks with stop loss orders allowed. That is another advantage over mutual funds that do not allow stops.

Not being in the Buy N Hold camp the investor can now make 20, 30, 40% while the market is collapsing instead of losing that amount. If this is a new concept the investor can find complete information by searching the Internet. Once he has some grasp of these great equities he will be able to invest in both directions of the market. AL THOMASAl Thomas’ book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!” has helped thousand make and keep their stock market profits. A limited subscription to his advi-sory letter is available on the web site

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If The Feds Did This To Edjumication, Just Imagine Health Care!

ELY - Much has been made of the AYP scores that came out recently, schools failing to make the Federally-mandated, No-child-left-behind Average Yearly Progress scores mandated by the “W” administration at the behest of the Congressional Democrats. Two of our local elementary schools failed to make the mandate two years in a row.

Now, may I point out a couple of things. People are wanting to sit here and claim the school district is failing students. That teachers are failing students. That administrators are failing students.

Maybe we need to bring in more teachers, pay them more and get them to do more.

While I believe that teachers are dramatically under payed, you could hire the best teachers and pay them $100K per year.

But until parents -- all parents -- start caring and treat their kid’s edu-cation as important rather than a place to park their kids then you will see success.

\As a parent, I am shocked at the number of others who just don’t care. Before my stepson went to Kindergarten, we worked hard for him to know the things we were told he needed to know: He could spell and write his first name.

He could recognize, and write the alphabet. He knew his colors. He could count to 15 (he got lost between 15 and 20) He knew his name, address, and phone number. Only 2 of the 15 kids in his Kindergarten class could do ANY of the

above. Six of the 15 barely spoke English. (Granted, this was Las Vegas) When we go to the Family Nights at the DEN, the turnout is horrible. I

attended last Wednesday night’s Back to School night at David E Norman. The event was promoted in the paper and on our radio station.

If 40 percent of the school’s population showed up, I would be sur-prised. Maybe ten of the students and their parents showed up in my boy’s fourth grade classroom.

How is that lack of commitment on the part of parents anyone’s fault but the parents.

It was worse in Las Vegas where, may I point out, *215* of 367 schools didn’t make AYP. 2/3 of them scored significantly lower than any of the White Pine County Elementary schools! Sixty Las Vegas schools have NEVER made AYP. Ever. While I’m not a fan of Walt Ruffles and the Clark County schools, I submit that between the flawed measuring stick

that is AYP, combined with a population in Clark County that really doesn’t care about it’s kids, and you have a recipe for failure. In Nevada, 347 of the state’s 678 public schools failed to meet the moving target that is AYP. Google AYP and select News and you’ll find that this is not an uncommon occurrence not just in Nevada, but nationwide!

Now, may I point out the good news? While the AYP numbers for our local Elemantary Schools don’t meet the Federal Gubmint standards, our Middle School numbers are great, and the High School numbers are Exemplary and have been Exemplary or greater since NCLB became the law of the land. If our Elementary School teachers are so lousy, why is it that those same failing students excel in Secondary school?

Could it be that a large number of the kids who are ignored by their parents finally figure it out on their own? Could it be that our teachers and kids are succeeding in SPITE of their parents....

I suggest that these numbers are more indicative of family stress state-wide (with 14% unemployment and worrying about if you’ll have a home, parents have a hard time concentrating on their childs academic progress) than the commitment of our teachers and administrators, who themselves are concerned not only about their own economic well being, but whether their district will have enough money to simply open the doors.

And what of the exceptional kids?Our districts have to spend so much time focusing on meeting these

minimum goals that they can’t devote any attention on the exceptional stu-dents. Another prime example of a poorly though out Gubmint policy where we don’t bring everyone up, we drag the exceptional students down.

To reiterate: AYP is a goal, but moreso, it’s a moving target. Without parents being committed to helping their child’s progress, the kids will likely fail, no matter how good the teacher, school, district, or administra-tion is.

Our district fights to implement “family friendly schools” – to make it more attractive to these parents of the “me” generation to actually give a damn about their own kids. More parents than you realize could care less about their kids – in many cases the grandparents are better parents than the kids!

Teachers only have children 30 hours a week. Parents have them the rest of the time.

Who REALLY makes the bigger impact?

With a failure-targeted program like this in place, perhaps Sharron Angle has the right idea – put the local districts in charge and take the Feds out of the mix. WYATT COX


Commentary: Wyatt Cox

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Saving Freedom!


Gottlieb, Joseph P. Tartaro, Wayne LaPierre, G. Gordon Liddy, Michael Reagan, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin,

luncheon, Friday and Saturday evening receptions and morning and afternoon snack breaks. Other meals, travel and




2010 Gun Rights Policy Conference

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Past GRPCs have outlined victory plans and made public the latest firearms trends. They allowyou a first-hand chance to hear movement leaders--and make your voice heard.

This year we’ll take a look at critical issues such as: city gun bans, youth violence, “smart” guns,concealed carry, federal legislation, legal actions, gun show regulation, state and local activity. We’ll

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Saving Freedom!

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Saving Freedom!


Gottlieb, Joseph P. Tartaro, Wayne LaPierre, G. Gordon Liddy, Michael Reagan, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin,

luncheon, Friday and Saturday evening receptions and morning and afternoon snack breaks. Other meals, travel and




2010 Gun Rights Policy Conference

Sponsored by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Armsand the Second Amendment Foundation

Come meet national gun rights leaders and your fellow grassroots activists at the 25th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2010) in San Francisco, California. This is your once-a-year chance to network and get an insider look and plan pro-gun rights strategies for the coming year.

Past GRPCs have outlined victory plans and made public the latest firearms trends. They allowyou a first-hand chance to hear movement leaders--and make your voice heard.

This year we’ll take a look at critical issues such as: city gun bans, youth violence, “smart” guns,concealed carry, federal legislation, legal actions, gun show regulation, state and local activity. We’ll

also preview the upcoming elections and analyze the U.S. Supreme Court McDonald decision.The full roster of GRPC 2010 speakers has not yet been set. Past speakers have included: Alan M.

John Lott, Sandy Froman, Alan Gura, Reps. Bob Barr and ChrisMassad Ayoob, Tom Gresham,Cannon and many others. Check our web sites -- or for updates.

Books, monographs and other materials—enough to start a Second Amendment library are free, as are Saturday

lodging are to be paid by attendee. After you register, you will be mailed information about hotel reservations,invited speakers and a tentative agenda.

Yes, I want to attend. I understand that registration, conference materials and luncheon will be provided courtesy of CCRKBA and SAF. All other meals, lodging and airfare are to be paid by attendee.


CITY___________________________STATE_________ZIP______________PHONE (______)________________

Fax______________________Email_________________________Topics you would like discussed:___________

Send to:

2010 GRPC/12500 NE Tenth Place/Bellevue, WA 98005 Phone (425) 454-7012/ Fax (425) 451-3959

Email your registration to: [email protected]

2010 Gun Rights Policy Conference / FREE


e Registrat


September 24, 25 and 26, 2010

Hyatt RegencySan Francisco Airport

Saving Freedom!


Commentary: Doug SchoenA Jobs Strategy That Both Parties Can Agree On

We’re nearly three years into the recession — and our economy still shows few signs of life. The Department of Labor just announced that the country shed 131,000 jobs in July. Unemployment now stands at 9.5 per-cent.

It’s not surprising that Democrats and Republicans agree that something must be done — soon — to stem the loss of jobs. Neither side, though, has offered a creative or comprehensive jobs strategy to turn the economy around. There is one strategy that could create jobs and generate support from both sides of the aisle: Biotech Innovation.

“Over the long run, few issues are as important to a nation’s long-term economic security and global standing as being a leader in moving life sci-ences forward,” says Lawrence Summers, director of the White House’s National Economic Council.

He’s right. Innovation in biotechnology is the engine that could get our economy back on track. Yet neither party has forcefully championed this idea, even though it’s one of the few ideas that would elicit bipartisan sup-port.

Enacting policies that will help this industry thrive is a painless way to create the jobs Americans desperately need. It’s also a strategy on which lawmakers on both sides of the aisle can cooperate.

Biotechnology is racing along while the rest of the economy sput-ters. During the first year of the current recession, private-sector employ-ment decreased by 0.7 percent. Employment in the biosciences, however, increased by 1.4 percent.

It’s not just PhDs who are finding jobs in the industry. Research, testing, and medicals labs employed 2.1 percent more people in that time. The medi-cal devices and equipment sector increased its workforce by 2.4 percent. The area of agricultural feedstock and chemicals did even better — employment increased there by 4.6 percent from 2007 to 2008.

All told, the biotechnology industry employs more than 700,000 Americans. These aren’t just scientists - the industry depends on administra-tive assistants, business managers, computer professionals, groundskeepers, and engineers. Even better, the industry creates a powerful ripple effect. Biotech firms utilize construction workers, accountants, IT workers, daycare operators, and others.

These people are transforming the world. The cutting-edge medicines that the sector develops are making our lives better and longer — pharma-ceuticals have reduced heart attack mortality by more than half. Agricultural biotech is increasing crop yields, bringing down food costs, and reducing disease. These technologies help millions - across the world.

So what can lawmakers do to foster innovation?First, Congress could make the R&D tax credit permanent. This provi-

sion was included in the president’s budget last year, but didn’t make it through. This is something on which Democrats and Republicans see eye-to-eye — politicians from both parties have voted regularly to extend the temporary tax. Making it permanent would provide a long-term incentive for investors to put more money into the sector. An already-growing industry could explode.

Lawmakers should also enact a payroll tax holiday. This would encour-age private-sector employers in the biotech community to make new hires and retain current employees.

Long term, we must ensure the industry can fill the jobs thus created. We need to foster the next generation of scientific researchers — perhaps the ones who will discover a cure for cancer — by improving math and science education in our nation’s schools.

The National Center for Education Statistics compared 15-year-olds around the world last year, and discovered that American students were below average in math and science. Students in other countries are improv-ing their performance in these crucial subjects, while ours simply stay steady. American high school students are in the bottom quarter in math, trailing the rising China.

In future years, our country’s thriving industry of innovation could find itself increasingly competing for investment dollars headed to Asia. Between 1986 and 2003, the U.S. share of global R&D investment declined from 46 percent to 37 percent. Even more striking — our share of scientific researchers fell from 41 percent to just 29 percent. We must stay competitive in the arena we’ve dominated up to now.

Biotechnology is the future of the American economy. Other industries are innovating, too, of course. But biotech is a rare bright spot in this gloomy recession. Passing consensus-driven, bipartisan policies to boost what might be our fastest growing sector will create jobs and save lives. DOUG SCHOENDouglas E. Schoen was a campaign consultant for more than 30 years and is the author of “Declaring Independence: The Beginning of the End of the Two-Party System.”

Page 15: Press 2010 Press 9-2-10.pdf · THE PENNY PRESS,SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 PAGE 2 Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:


Pet Of The WeekAdopt This Pet !

Roger is a lot of Doberman wrapped in a small package at just more than 50 pounds. Roger is a truly fine dog we believe to be about 3 years old. He is appropriately cautious with strangers, but once he has checked a new person out, they are his great friend. Expect to be leaned on, nuzzled and treated with great affection. Roger is perfectly content to spend 15 to 20 minutes each time just snuggling up to a friend.

Roger is, shall we say, streamlined. Somewhere along his journey, this once stray boy lost both ears. We do not know if it is the result of a proper ear crop gone wrong, or an improper attempt by someone to give him what some consider a military crop. Either way, he is actually quite affectionate and kind. Look into his eyes and heart and you will see he is a sensitive, gentle soul. Someone just has to look beyond those terrible ears. He gets along well with other dogs and children, loves long walks and behaves quite well. A typical Doberman, he can be playful, but is also mellow and laid back with his people. Be warned, though, he cannot hold his licker!

Roger is neutered, up-to-date on all shots and has a microchip. This fine young black and tan male is also docked and ready to join your family today. Please complete an application at


702-423 2158

Page 16: Press 2010 Press 9-2-10.pdf · THE PENNY PRESS,SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 PAGE 2 Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:



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