
Princess Pingyang

By: Hillary Lee and Sha’Cole Watkins

Background Information

She is also known as Princess Zhao

of Pingyang. Her father was the Emperor

Gaozu of Tang (Li Yuan Duke of

Tang). Her father was

the emperor who founded the Tang


Princess Pingyang was the 3rd of her fathers

nineteen daughters.

At a young age she was given

away in marriage to Chai Shao (The son of Chai Shen

Duke of Julu).

Background Information (continued)

When Li Yuan rebelled against

the Emperor Yang of Sui the

Princess sent her husband with

her brother while she went to her

family's estate in Huxian province.

When she arrived there

she then gained loyal followers

of several hundred men

and persuaded the rebel

leaders to join her as well.

Background Information (continued)

As she lead the joined forces she attacked as well as captured the

capital of Huxian county. The Sui government did not take her army seriously because it was lead by a woman but that all changed

when she got up to a total of 70,000 men.

When they finally took her seriously she defeated them and marched with 10,000 of the best troops.

Important FactsIn late 617 Li Yuan crossed the Yellow

river into the Chang’an region and sent Princess Pingyang’s husband to stay with

her.They then helped command one wing of

Li Yuan’s army. The Princess and her husband set up

separate headquarters as commanding generals.

Her army was known as “Army of the Lady”.

Important Facts (continued)

In 618 Li Yuan made Emperor Yang’s grandson Emperor Gong of Sui yield the throne to him. Making himself Emperor Gaozu and founded the

Tang Dynasty.

Why we remember her most

Princess Pingyang was made marshal by her father authorizing a staff to

serve at her every command.Li Yuan honored Pingyang over all his other eighteen daughters with out a


Her Death…

Before her death Princess Pingyang was involved in another battle after her

father captured Chang’an. She died shortly after her father assumed the throne at the age of twenty three.

After her Death…

In 623 Emperor Gaozu ordered that grand military funeral fit for a high-ranking general was to be given to her. During the Peak of the Tang Dynasty women where granted freedoms they had never had before.In the middle of the Tang Dynasty there were ninety-eight royal princesses.

After Death (continued)…

Sixty-one of these princesses married and twenty four married twice or even four times.Also seven of Emperor Gaozu’s daughters married men from other nationalities which was no normal for the time. Tang women were also allowed to get an education.Princess Pingyang’s strength give more women the chance to have more freedom as well.

Our final thoughts???

Princess Pingyang was hard to find information on and there were limited

sources that we were able to use.With the small portions of information

we had we found her to be a very strong and outstanding woman for her

time period.As we all know women have not

always had the rights we have now and for her to be such a leader for this

time is amazing.

Our final thoughts (Continued)

Princess Pingyang made a slight difference after death when more

women were able to get an education and do thing men had

doing for years.Overall we found her to be a great person to do our project on and we

wish there was way more information on her, as well as



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