
The National Society of High School ScholarsLearn. Lead. Change the World.

Earth Day AwardJoyce Cheng Q&As

Joyce Cheng, Springfield, VirginiaJames Madison High School, 2016

Joyce Cheng, Springfield, VirginiaJames Madison High School, 2016

Joyce cofounded her high school’s Environmental Club as a sophomore. The Environmental Club has participated in projects such as Ban the Bottle, Wheels to Africa, and Trout in the Classroom. Joyce’s newest endeavor has been to install solar panels in her district’s schools. Joyce and members of the Environmental Club obtained nearly 600 signatures, invited a Sierra Club representative to speak to their school about the benefits of solar panels, and they presented research, petitions, and a list of the benefits of solar panels to the school board. Fairfax County Public Schools are currently working with solar companies to install solar panels in their schools. Joyce has conducted research on vitro effects on anticoagulants on blood coagulation at Georgetown University. She is a youth teacher for the Hope Chinese School Youth Leadership Program, and she is president of the Biology Club and Science Olympiad.

1. Tell us about how you became interested in starting an Environmental Club in your school.

1. Tell us about how you became interested in starting an Environmental Club in your school.

Five of my friends and I founded our school’s Students for Environmental Action Club our sophomore year, because we are all really passionate about environmental activism. We saw an opportunity to make a difference in our community by creating an organization that focused more on taking action than just spreading awareness. We wanted to help educate our school’s students about the importance of environmental protection by implementing various hands-on projects.

2. If there were one thing you could predict about the future of science, what would it be?

2. If there were one thing you could predict about the future of science, what would it be?

I believe that there will definitely be a focus on researching and developing new sources of renewable energy in the coming years. Solar panels have already become significantly more efficient in the past few decades to the point where some families can power their entire home every year using only solar energy. Societies will definitely be forced to move away from fossil fuels soon as the supply decreases, so environmental engineering may become one of the most important focuses of science in the future.

3. If there were one thing you could have in the classroom that you don’t currently, what would it be?

3. If there were one thing you could have in the classroom that you don’t currently, what would it be?

I would love for there to be a better recycling program in school, or even a composting program. Our school does not recycle most of the time, which is extremely detrimental to the environment, since schools use so much paper that is 100% recyclable. In addition, a huge amount of food is wasted by our students in the cafeteria. If we had a composting program, the food could be turned into nutritious soil, which could be used to plant a school garden.

4. Tell us about your favorite teacher, how have they supported or inspired you?

4. Tell us about your favorite teacher, how have they supported or inspired you?

One of my favorite teachers in high school was my AP Chemistry teacher. She truly cares about her students and strives to teach them the skills and material needed for not only the AP exam, but for the subject as a whole. She made the strongest effort to help students by staying late after school, being available through emails, and utilizing blackboard (online program to keep track of assignments, course documents, etc.). Her dedication to the subject she teaches inspires me. She has stayed after school until 11 pm and come in on weekends to grade assignments and help students. The level of commitment to her job should be admired and practiced by everyone for any task they take on.

5. How has NSHSS played a role in your academic career?

5. How has NSHSS played a role in your academic career?

NSHSS provides many resources and scholarships for high school students that can help further their academic career. I appreciate how they offer merit-based scholarships, since my family does not qualify for need-based aid but still needs assistance in paying for college. My parents were first-generation immigrants and they started their careers comparatively late, so they do not have many savings, although they make what appears to be a high income. Although the Earth Day Award may be the only scholarship I receive from NSHSS, I am glad they offer these scholarship opportunities to students who may not find financial assistance elsewhere.

6. What is your fondest or memory related to the Environmental Club so far?

6. What is your fondest or memory related to the Environmental Club so far?

My favorite memories from SEA Club are from when the six founding members went on water quality testing trips. We had fun wading in the stream and holding on to each other’s arms to keep from falling down while we tested water quality factors like dissolved oxygen levels and riffle run quality. I remember that we once went to a rural area where there were mulberry trees, which you don’t often see in the suburbs of northern VA, and we ate fresh mulberries from the trees. We always bonded on the trips and learned a lot from our club sponsors as well.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I hope to have graduated medical school and be working as a medical resident at a hospital. I also wish to continue my passion for environmental advocacy by taking part in various environmental service and activism projects.

8. What do you plan to study in college?

8. What do you plan to study in college?

I plan to major in either general biology or human biology with a minor in either global public health, neuroscience, or business on the pre-med track.I want to explore these fields in college before making a decision. I definitely plan to take environmental science related classes, as environmental conditions have a huge impact on public health.

9. What do you hope for this year’s incoming High School Freshman class?

9. What do you hope for this year’s incoming High School Freshman class?

I hope that they learn to pursue the subjects they are passionate about, and take part in activities that they truly love, instead of solely focusing on activities that will look good on a resume. I hope they make amazing memorable friends like I did, and have teachers that they can look up to.

10. Outside of your environmental advocacy involvement, what has been your favorite / most enjoyable aspect of high school?

10. Outside of your environmental advocacy involvement, what has been your favorite / most enjoyable aspect of high school?

I’ve enjoyed participating in and being the president of Science Olympiad, a club where I met many close friends who also share a love for science. We take part in competitions each year where we can win medals for doing well in events that relate to different areas of science, such as entomology, anatomy, forensics, and more. Our team is as close as a family, and we have lots of fun at competitions and at group dinners after our competitions.

11. What do you do to stay organized / focused?

11. What do you do to stay organized / focused?

I have always used effective time management skills in my academic studies and activities outside of school. I write events down in a planner so I can keep my schedule organized. I start assignments as soon as I receive them, and prioritize harder subjects and homework that is due soon.

12. How do you relax? What’s your favorite hobby?

12. How do you relax? What’s your favorite hobby?

I love playing violin, painting, and reading for fun. I find it relaxing to do any one of these things when I am stressed. Like any other high schooler, I like hanging out with my friends, but I also enjoy having time to myself. I often read before going to bed, and I find time to paint or draw for a few hours each week.

13. Do you have a motto? If so, what is it?

13. Do you have a motto? If so, what is it?

I don’t exactly have a “motto,” but one quote my orchestra teacher says a lot stands out to me. She loves Beethoven’s quote, “To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.” This quote does not only apply to music; it also applies to everyone’s everyday lives. It means that it is okay to make mistakes and not be perfect, as long as you put passion and commitment into whatever you do.

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