  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0



    Quality Management

    Version: V!"

    Date: ##t$De% &""'

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  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    Do%ument In(ormation

    Do%ument Name Business Blue Print

    Title Q)M*QM*BBP*V!"

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    Do%ument C$ange Control :

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    Date 0++ro.e

    , -y


    #!" Quality





    &!" Quality





    1!" Quality





    $%! Quality





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  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0



    1. Master data..............................................................................................................4

    2. Inspection in Procurement..................................................................................123. Inprocess Inspection...........................................................................................184. Inspection after Production................................................................................245. Retesting of Finished goods...............................................................................306. endor appro!a" process....................................................................................35#. Recurring Inspection...........................................................................................418. $ash%ater testing................................................................................................46&. 'ua"it( )otifications............................................................................................5110.

    *a"i+ration of ,-uipments..................................................................................63

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    #! Master ,ata


    & 'rief 'ulleted list of requirements and e(pectations

    )n K)MMC* + ,*CKW**-. all t/e ,a0 materials. acing materials. Pacaging

    materials. )n3process 4ul material and inis/ed materials 0/ic/ are procured.

    produced and sold are su'5ected to certain quality inspections

    6/ese inspections are carried out 'ased on t/e Specifications defined

    Specification can 'e numerical values and c/aracteristic attri'utes

    or all t/e materials fi(ed samples are dra0n depending on t/e material

    )nspection manuals 0ill 'e attac/ed to t/e specifications

    7endor records are maintained for approval process

    )nspection procedures 0ill 'e maintained for all materials

    &! 6eneral E5+lanations 72or Masters an, Enter+rise stru%ture in%lu,e Naming


    Descri'e t/e 'usiness process in detail% 6/is typically does not include any S&P specific terms.

    it s/ould relate purely to t/e 'usiness rules%

    Descri'e t/e naming and num'ering convention in case of masters and enterprise structure

    6/enaming convention for Master inspection c/aracteristics 0ill 'e e(ternal

    6/enaming convention for t/e )nspection met/ods 0ill 'e e(ternal

    6/e naming convention for t/e Sampling procedures 0ill 'e e(ternal

    1!E5+lanations o( 2un%tions an, E.entsE(plain 0/at events and processes trigger t/is process

    8ot &pplica'le

    ! Organi9ational Consi,erations

    &ddress any issues agreed in t/e 0ors/op concerning t/e S&P organi9ational structure and t/is


    8ot &pplica'le

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    ! Pro%ess Diagrams

    Pro.i,e all relate, +ro%ess ma+s or ,iagrams

    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    C/ange management issues as appropriate%

    8ot &pplica'le

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ements

    Descri'e improvements 0/ic/ 0ill result from implementation of t/e S&P System% 4e sure toinclude any impact on 'usiness drivers%

    8ot applica'le

    Descri'e /o0 t/is process 0ill 'e addressed in t/e product%

    Page 5 of 70

    Ins+e%tion Met$o,





    Sam+ling Pro%e,ure

    Material Master

    Master Ins+e%tion


    Ins+e%tion Plan

    Co,e grou+s 4

    Sele%te, sets

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    Quality Management Master Data

    Material Master

    6/e material master contains information of all t/e materials t/at a company procures.

    produces. stores. and sells% )t is t/e company:s central source for retrieving material3specificdata% 6/is information is stored in individual material master records%

    6/e data related to t/e material can 'e stored at t/e relevant organi9ational levels% 6/e material

    master record is structured in accordance 0it/ t/e organi9ational units lie plant and storage


    Quality Management vie0

    6/e Quality Management data is maintained at plant level% QM inspection data is t/e

    prerequisite for creation of inspection lots in Quality Management%

    ;, Processing time< 8um'er of 0ordays required after receiving t/e material for inspectionand placement into storage%

    )nspection type< )t defines /o0 an inspection is performed% 6/e follo0ing inspection types

    0ould 'e used depending upon t/e material movements%

    Di((erent Ins+e%tion ty+es are assigne, to ea%$ material

    8o% )nspectiontype


    !1 =1 ;oods ,eceipt inspection against Purc/ase *rder

    !2 =# )n3process )nspection

    !# =$ ;oods ,eceipt from production!$ => ,ecurring )nspection of 4atc/es

    !? ="> *t/er )nspection

    !@ =1!1 7endor approval process

    !A =1$ Cali'ration inspection

    Post to )nspection Stoc< 6/e system posts a material to t/e Sto%= in Quality Ins+e%tion

    )nspection 0it/ tas list< 6/e inspection is performed 'ased on a 6as list BQuality Plan%

    Catalog6/e Catalogs are used to e(plicitly define and store information in code form Be%g% data t/at

    descri'es inspection results. o'servations. tass. or decisions made during an inspection%

    & Catalog Contains unique. non3numeric data t/at is stored in a system% Catalogs 0ould 'e

    ensuring t/at t/is information is maintained uniformly 'y assigning a unique ey and a

    descriptive te(t to eac/ entry%

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    Catalog is used to store information at t/e c/aracteristic level in Quality Plan. at t/e time of

    inspection lot processing. at t/e time of usage decision. and in quality notification%

    6/e Catalog for sage decision for all inspection types 0ill 'e maintained as 'elo0


    8o% Plant D Code Description!1 & &ccepted

    !2 &1 &ccepted 0it/ one deviation

    !# &2 &ccepted 0it/ t0o deviations

    !$ &ccepted 0it/ t/ree deviations

    !# , ,e5ected

    !$ ,1 Scrap


    Codes descri'e qualitative contents in mac/ine form t/at can 'e easily processed% Codes mae

    up t/e lo0est level of a catalog% 6/ey can descri'e. for e(ample. a c/aracteristic attri'ute. a

    defect type. a defect location or a usage decision% 6/e code is distinctive in con5unction 0it/ t/ecatalog and code group%

    & code is al0ays assigned to a code group% & code can 'e assigned to one or several selectedsets%

    Co,e grou+s

    Code groups are used to com'ine and structure codes 0it/in a catalog type

    Code groups are used at client level to group codes t/at /ave t/e same contents or relate to one

    anot/er. 0it/in a catalog types%Code groups can 'e used in inspection plans or master inspection c/aracteristics%

    Code group Codes

    Color 4lac



    *t/er colors

    Sele%te, sets

    & selected set contains a com'ination of different codes at plant level% Selected sets can 'e used

    to com'ine codes from several code groups for processing t/at are allo0ed or useful for aparticular application% Codes t/at are copied into a selected set are no0n as set codes% We can

    select codes from different code groups 0it/in a catalog type% Selected sets from t/e catalogtypes C/aracteristic attri'ute and sage decision also contain a valuation for eac/ code. asadditional information B&ccepted or ,e5ected%

    Selected set Codes 7aluation

    Color of PE 'ags 4lac &ccepted

    ;reen &ccepted

    4lue &ccepted

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    *t/er colors ,e5ected

    Master Ins+e%tion %$ara%teristi%s

    Master inspection c/aracteristic descri'es 0/at needs to 'e inspected% )t defines t/e inspectionrequirements for materials% 6o facilitate and standardi9e inspection planning. master records for

    inspection c/aracteristics 0ould 'e created in t/e Quality Management BQM system as amaster data%

    & master inspection c/aracteristic can 'e of quantitative c/aracteristics or qualitative

    c/aracteristics and it can 'e even a derived Bcalculated c/aracteristics%

    Quantitative C/aracteristic< 6/e Master )nspection c/aracteristic is treated as a quantitative

    c/aracteristic 0/ic/ /as a specific measura'le value% ou can define tolerance limits and a

    target value for a quantitative c/aracteristic%

    Qualitative C/aracteristic< 6/e Master inspection c/aracteristic is treated as qualitative /aving

    descriptive in 8ature% )nspection results are recorded as codes from inspection catalogs. 0it/t/e valuation *K or not *K%

    Quantitative Qualitative Master inspection


    7alues ,ange

    Quantitative -engt/ -o0er limit F 1! m2

    pper limit F 1? m2

    6arget value F 1# m2

    Qualitative Color ello0 3 &ccepted

    W/ite F &ccepted

    ;reen 3 ,e5ected4lac F ,e5ected

    Sam+ling Pro%e,ure

    & Sampling Procedure defines t/e rules t/at specify /o0 t/e system calculates t/e sample si9eand it contains information a'out t/e valuation of an inspection c/aracteristic during result

    recording B7aluation mode%

    )n K)MMC* + ,*CKW**- t/e sample si9e for all t/e incoming materials 0ill 'e fi(ed or

    'ased on t/e lot si9e% We 0ill maintain different Sampling procedures for different type of

    materials 'ased on t/e Material and its 4ase unit of measure%

    Sam+ling S%$eme

    6/e sampling sc/eme contains information for dra0ing samples 'ased on t/e si9e of t/einspection lot% ou can assign a sampling sc/eme to a sampling procedure%

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  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    >! Des%ri+tion o( 2un%tional De(i%its

    W/ere appropriate. identify any gaps% 6/is section is important 0/en assessing ris. as 0ell asestimating t/e need for &4&P Bor similar resources%

    8ot applica'le

    #"! 0++roa%$es to Co.ering 2un%tional De(i%its

    Documentation of any 0or3around or assumptions t/at /ave 'een made 0/en outliningfunctional deficits%

    8ot applica'le

    ##! Integration %onsi,erations

    Specify 0/at integration you need 0it/ ot/er modules su' modules

    8ot applica'le

    #&! Re+orting Re3uirements

    Document t/e various reports t/at you 0ould require%

    -ist of Master )nspection c/aracteristics

    W/ere used list of Master )nspection c/aracteristics

    W/ere used list of Sampling procedures

    -ist of )nspection met/ods

    W/ere used list )nspection met/ods

    Missing )nspection plans

    -ist of Quality info records

    #1! 0ut$ori9ation Re3uirements

    Document t/e level of aut/ori9ations t/at you need for eac/ process in t/e system

    Quality /ead F Creating + C/anging Master data

    Quality Supervisor 3 Creating + C/anging Master data

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    Quality control c/emist F Display Master data

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erations

    Document file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.

    0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is criticalinformation t/at is used later%

    Code groups and selected set F Manual creation

    Master inspection c/aracteristics F Manual creation

    )nspection met/ods F Manual creation

    Sampling procedures F Manual creation

    Quality info records F Manual creation

    )nspection plans for ra0 materials F Manual creation

    )nspection plans for finis/ed goods F -SMW

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  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    E(plain 0/at events and processes trigger t/is process

    W/en ,a0 materials. acing materials and Pacaging materials are received from a

    7endor. )nspections 0ill 'e carried out

    nless t/e inspection results are recorded and decision is made 'y t/e quality /ead. t/ematerials 0ill not 'e used for production

    ! Organi9ational Consi,erations

    &ddress any issues agreed in t/e 0ors/op concerning t/e S&P organi9ational structure and t/isprocess%

    8ot &pplica'le

    ! Pro%ess Diagrams

    Pro.i,e all relate, +ro%ess ma+s or ,iagrams

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    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    C/ange management issues as appropriate%

    )nspections are identified 'y t/e purc/ase order num'er or 'atc/ num'er in t/e current


    8o0 t/e inspections 0ill 'e identified 'y t/e )nspection lot num'er in S&P

    6/ere are t/ree ma5or types of stocs in S&P lie nrestricted. Quality and 4loced


    W/en t/e goods are received from t/e vendor. t/ey 0ill 'e posted to t/e quality stoc.

    from 0/ere t/e goods cannot 'e issued to production

    &fter completing t/e inspections. results 0ill 'e recorded and sage decision 0ill 'e

    made as &ccepted or ,e5ected

    *nce t/e inspection lot is accepted. t/e goods 0ill 'e posted to nrestricted stoc. from

    0/ere t/e goods can 'e issued to t/e production

    Page 14 of 70


    Pur%$ase or,er

    6oo,s re%ei+t against

    Pur%$ase or,er

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    Result Re%or,ing



    Unrestri%te, Sto%=Blo%=e, Sto%=


    De(e%t Re%or,ing

    Create Quality


    Can -e issue, to


  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    )n case t/e inspection lot is re5ected. t/e goods 0ill 'e posted to 4loced stoc

    )n ,oc0ool )ndia ltd. 0/en t/e facing materials are received from t/e 7endor. t/e

    supplier num'er is 0ritten on t/e material in t/e current system

    or tracea'ility purpose. no0 in S&P. t/e inspection lot num'er 0ill 'e 0ritten on t/e

    facing material

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ements

    Descri'e improvements 0/ic/ 0ill result from implementation of t/e S&P System% 4e sure to

    include any impact on 'usiness drivers%

    *nce t/e material is received from t/e 7endor. t/e material 0ill directly posted to

    Quality stoc from 0/ere 0e cannot issue t/e material to production

    *nce t/e sage decision is made for t/e inspection lot. t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to

    unrestricted stoc

    Quality scores 0ill 'e provided to t/e inspection lot%

    4ased on t/e quality scores. vendor evaluation 0ill 'e done

    &nalytical reports can 'e generated 0/ic/ can 'e used 'y personnel from all user groups

    to aid t/em in t/eir daily activities

    Descri'e /o0 t/is process 0ill 'e addressed in t/e product%

    )n t/e Quality Management component. processing t/e quality inspections are on t/e 'asis ofinspection lot% )f you 0ant to inspect a specific quantity of a material. an inspection lot must 'e

    created in t/e system% *nce an inspection lot /as 'een created. using inspection lot 0e caninspect t/e goods. record t/e inspection results. and complete t/e inspection 0it/ a usagedecision%

    W/enever materials are received from procurement process Be(ternal source. as soon as ;, is

    made for t/e material. an inspection lot is generated automatically% 6/e incoming materialimmediately moves into t/e Q&-)6 )8SPEC6)*8 S6*CK% 6/is is a special ind of stoc F

    i%e%. t/is is a restricted stoc 0/ere material cannot 'e issued for any purpose%

    &ll t/e quality activities are carried out for t/e inspection lot generated% 6/e Quality )nspector

    0ould inspect t/e material 'ased on t/e specifications of inspection lot. record t/e results of t/ec/aracteristics of t/e inspection lot and 'ased on t/e valuation of t/e recorded c/aracteristics

    Bparameters. t/e inspection lot 0ould 'e eit/er accepted or re5ected% 6/is acceptance orre5ection is termed as S&;E DEC)S)*8%

    *nly if t/e material is accepted in t/e sage Decision. t/e stoc 0ould 'e posted from)nspection stoc to n restricted stoc from 0/ic/ t/e material could 'e freely issued% )f t/e

    materials 0ere to 'e re5ected t/e same 0ould 'e posted to 'loced stoc from 0/ere t/e

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    material 0ould 'e sent 'ac to t/e vendor or as t/e decision 0ould 'e taen%

    Purc/ase department 0ill procure t/e materialsfrom t/e vendor using purc/ase order% 7endor0ill supply t/e material against t/e purc/ase order%

    6/e follo0ing material types are procured

    No! Material ty+e Des%ri+tion

    !1 =,*G ,a0 Materials

    !2 =P&C Pacaging Materials

    !# =&C acing Material

    *nce t/e material is received. 0are/ouse person taes t/e materials into Quality inspection

    stoc and system generates inspection lot num'er automatically%

    6/e follo0ing inspection lot num'er ranges are used in QM in Procurement process

    No! Ins+e%tion

    lot origin

    Des%ri+tion 2rom Num-er To Num-er

    !1 !1 ;oods ,eceipt !1!!!!!!!!!! !1>>>>>>>>>>

    )nspection lot contains follo0ing information

    No! 2iel, Des%ri+tion

    !1 Plant Plant of t/e inspection lot

    !2 )nspection lot )nspection lot num'er for material

    !# Material Material code and description

    !$ System status )nspection lot status

    !? )nspection start date Date 0/en t/e material received in 0are/ouse

    !@ )nspection end date )nspection start date ?average inspection duration in

    material master

    !A )nspection type ;oods ,eceipt )nsp% against Purc/ase *rder

    !" 7endor rom 0/ic/ vendor material is received

    !> )nspection Plan rom 0/ic/ plan t/e inspection lot is created

    1! )nspection lot quantity Quantity received in 0are/ouse

    11 Sample si9e )t is determined from sampling procedure maintained inquality plan

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    )nspection lot is created automatically BQuality Management

    Pending inspection lots 0ill 'e displayed in a report

    Stoc 0ill automatically posted to Quality stoc

    )nspection instructions and Sample dra0ing instructions can 'e printed

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    Result re%or,ing

    Samples are inspected in quality control la'oratory as per t/e specifications defined in

    t/e tas list B)nspection plan

    6est results are entered in t/e result recording transaction 7aluation of t/e results B&ccepted ,e5ected is done

    )f t/e inspection results are ,e5ected. t/en t/e defects 0ill 'e recorded and a Quality

    notification 0ill 'e created 0it/ notification type =7 BComplaints against 7endor

    Close t/e results entered

    6/e inspection lot status 0ill c/ange from ,E- B,eleased to )8SP B)nspected

    Usage ,e%ision

    sage decision transaction is e(ecuted for selected inspection lot in 0or list

    7erifies t/e results of inspection lot entered 'y QC analyst

    Depending upon t/e results t/e usage decision code is entered

    )f t/e inspection lot is accepted B03&ccepted t/en t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to

    unrestricted stoc%

    )f t/e inspection lot is re5ectedBR3,e5ected t/en t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to 'loced


    Quality scores 0ill 'e provided to t/e inspection lot 'ased on t/e sage decision code

    Co,e S$ort te5t Valuation %o,e Quality s%ore

    & &ccept &ccepted 1!!

    &1 &ccept. 0it/ one deviation &ccepted >!

    &2 &ccept. 0it/ t0o deviations &ccepted A!

    &ccept. 0it/ t/ree deviations &ccepted ?!

    &$ &ccept. 0it/ four deviations &ccepted $!

    , ,e5ected ,e5ected !1

    ,1 Scrap ,e5ected !1

    6/ese quality scores 0ill 'e used in 7endor evaluation

    Long term ins+e%tion

    or some ra0 material. samples 0ill 'e sent to t/e e(ternal la'oratory for inspections

    or t/e Master inspection c/aracteristics 0/ic/ are inspected outside. in t/e control

    indicators -ong term inspection 0ill 'e activated

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    &t t/e time of result recording. t/e results for long term c/aracteristics 0ill not 'e

    entered and sage decision 0ill 'e made B&ccepted

    sage Decision 0ill 'e made and t/e goods can 'e used for production

    *nce t/e results are received from t/e e(ternal la'oratory. t/e results of t/osec/aracteristics 0ill 'e entered in t/e system

    In a long@term ins+e%tion! Des%ri+tion o( 2un%tional De(i%its

    W/ere appropriate. identify any gaps% 6/is section is important 0/en assessing ris. as 0ell as

    estimating t/e need for &4&P Bor similar resources%

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    8ot applica'le

    #"! 0++roa%$es to Co.ering 2un%tional De(i%its

    Documentation of any 0or3around or assumptions t/at /ave 'een made 0/en outliningfunctional deficits%

    8ot applica'le

    ##! Integration %onsi,erations

    Specify 0/at integration you need 0it/ ot/er modules su' modules

    )ntegrated 0it/ Materials management. as t/e inspection lot is generated after t/egoods are received against a purc/ase order

    #&! Re+orting Re3uirements

    Document t/e various reports t/at you 0ould require%

    -ist of pending )nspection lots BStandard

    ,esults display BStandard

    Display of ,esults for eac/ inspection lot in a single screen BDevelopment

    #1! 0ut$ori9ation Re3uirements

    Document t/e level of aut/ori9ations t/at you need for eac/ process in t/e system

    Quality /ead F Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording. sage decision

    and Stoc posting

    Quality Supervisor 3 Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording. sage

    decision and Stoc posting

    Quality control c/emist F Display )nspection lot and ,esult recording

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erations

    Document file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.

    0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is critical

    information t/at is used later%

    8ot applica'le

    Page 19 of 70

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    1! In+ro%ess Ins+e%tion

    #! Re3uirements4E5+e%tations

    & 'rief 'ulleted list of requirements and e(pectations

    During t/e production of semi finis/ed and finis/ed products. in process inspections are

    carried out 'y quality department

    Quality inspections 0ill 'e carried out at regular intervals of time Bor e(ample 3 *nce

    in every 1? mins

    Quality person 0ill inspect t/e sample according to t/e specifications defined and

    record t/e results

    )n case of any deviations t/e quality department 0ill inform t/e Production department

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    a'out t/e deviations

    6/e production department 0ill mae necessary c/anges and start producing t/e

    finis/ed goods

    6/e defects 0ill 'e analy9ed and furt/er action 0ill 'e taen

    )n case t/e results are 0it/in t/e specified range t/e production process 0ill 'e

    continued furt/er Certificate of &nalysis is created. printed and it 0ill 'e sent to t/e customer along 0it/

    t/e finis/ed goods

    &! 6eneral E5+lanations 72or Masters an, Enter+rise stru%ture in%lu,e Naming


    Descri'e t/e 'usiness process in detail% 6/is typically does not include any S&P specific terms.

    it s/ould relate purely to t/e 'usiness rules%

    Descri'e t/e naming and num'ering convention in case of masters and enterprise structure

    6/e inspection lot s/ould 'e created automatically

    1! E5+lanations o( 2un%tions an, E.ents

    E(plain 0/at events and processes trigger t/is process

    &fter t/e process order is created and released. t/e inspection lot is generated


    ! Organi9ational Consi,erations

    &ddress any issues agreed in t/e 0ors/op concerning t/e S&P organi9ational structure and t/is


    8ot &pplica'le

    ! Pro%ess Diagrams

    Provide all related process maps or diagrams

    Page 21 of 70

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    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    C/ange management issues as appropriate%

    8ot &pplica'le

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ements

    Page 22 of 70


    Pro%ess or,er


    Pro%ess or,er

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    Result Re%or,ing 4


    7Ins+e%tion +oints8




    Pro%ess or,er


    Quality Noti(i%ation


    De(e%t Re%or,ing

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    Descri'e improvements 0/ic/ 0ill result from implementation of t/e S&P System% 4e sure to

    include any impact on 'usiness drivers%

    )mmediately after releasing t/e Process order. t/e inspection lot 0ill get generated

    )nspection point identification 0ill 'e t/e date and time

    &nalytical reports can 'e generated 0/ic/ can 'e used 'y personnel from all user groupsto aid t/em in t/eir daily activities

    Descri'e /o0 t/is process 0ill 'e addressed in t/e product%

    During production activities against t/e process order. in3process inspections can 'e carried out%

    or t/e inspection relevant operations p/ases during production. inspection c/aracteristics

    0ould 'e maintained in t/e IMaster ,ecipeJ% )nspection points 0ill 'e defined 'ased on time Bto

    enter results at regular intervals%

    *nce t/e Process order is released 'y t/e production person. inspection lot 0ould automatically'e created for t/e in3process inspection% Quality )nspection 0ould 'e carried out and t/e results

    o'served during inspection 0ill 'e recorded against eac/ operation in t/e inspection lot% Many

    )nspection results can 'e recorded for t/e same inspection lot of t/e process order. as many as

    t/e inspections carried out B)nspection Points%

    6/e follo0ing inspection lot num'er ranges are used in QM in Production process

    No! Ins+e%tion lot


    Des%ri+tion 2rom Num-er To Num-er

    !1 !# )n3process insp% forprocess order

    !#!!!!!!!!!! !#>>>>>>>>>>

    )nspection lot contains follo0ing information

    No! 2iel, Des%ri+tion

    !1 Plant Plant of t/e inspection lot

    !2 )nspection lot )nspection lot num'er for material and 'atc/

    !# Material Material code and description

    !$ System status )nspection lot status

    !? )nspection start date Date 0/en t/e process order is released!@ )nspection end date )nspection start date average inspection

    duration in material master

    !A )nspection type )n process )nspection

    !" *rder Process *rder num'er

    !> )nspection Plan rom 0/ic/ plan t/e inspection lot is created

    1! )nspection lot quantity Quantity of process order

    11 Sample si9e )t is determined from sampling procedure

    Page 23 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    maintained in inspection plan

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    )nspection lot is created automatically after releasing t/e process order 'y t/e

    production person

    )nspection instructions and Sample dra0ing instructions can 'e printed

    Process order num'er is displayed in t/e )nspection lot num'er

    Result re%or,ing

    Samples are inspected 'ased on t/e specifications defined in t/e Master ,ecipe

    6est results are entered in t/e result recording transaction

    ,esult recording 0ill 'e done at different inspection points 7aluate t/e results B&ccepted ,e5ected for eac/ inspection point

    )f t/e results are re5ected. t/en t/e defects 0ill 'e recorded and a quality notification 0ill

    'e created 0it/ notification type =M B)nternal pro'lem notification

    Close t/e results entered

    Usage ,e%ision

    sage decision transaction is e(ecuted for selected inspection lot in 0or list

    7erifies t/e results of inspection lot entered 'y QC analyst

    4ased on t/e results t/e usage decision code 0ill 'e entered

    )f t/e )nspection lot is accepted. t/en t/e process order operation 0ill 'e confirmed

    >! Des%ri+tion o( 2un%tional De(i%its

    W/ere appropriate. identify any gaps% 6/is section is important 0/en assessing ris. as 0ell as

    estimating t/e need for &4&P Bor similar resources%

    8ot applica'le

    #"! 0++roa%$es to Co.ering 2un%tional De(i%its

    Documentation of any 0or3around or assumptions t/at /ave 'een made 0/en outlining

    Page 24 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    functional deficits%

    8ot applica'le

    ##! Integration %onsi,erations

    Specify 0/at integration you need 0it/ ot/er modules su' modules

    )ntegrated 0it/ Production planning. as t/e inspection lot is generated after releasing

    t/e process order

    #&! Re+orting Re3uirements

    Document t/e various reports t/at you 0ould require%

    -ist of pending )nspection lots BStandard

    ,esults display BStandard

    Display of ,esults of all t/e inspection points and all t/e c/aracteristics in one

    screen BDevelopment

    #1! 0ut$ori9ation Re3uirements

    Document t/e level of aut/ori9ations t/at you need for eac/ process in t/e system

    Quality /ead F Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording and sage


    Quality Supervisor 3 Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording and sage


    Quality control c/emist F Display )nspection lot and ,esult recording

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erationsDocument file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.

    0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is critical

    information t/at is used later%

    8ot applica'le

    Page 25 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    ! Ins+e%tion a(ter Pro,u%tion

    #! Re3uirements4E5+e%tationsA brief / bulleted list of requirements and e!e"tations

    )n ,oc0ool. t/ere are some inspections 0/ic/ are carried out after completion of


    )nspection for specifications lie Sulp/ur content. C/loride content. Moisture a'sorption

    etc are carried out once in four days

    Page 26 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    $ange management issues as a!!ro!riate.

    &ll t/e inspections 0ill 'e identified 'y t/e )nspection lot num'er in S&P

    W/en t/e produced goods are received from production. an inspection lot 0ill 'e

    generated and stoc 0ill 'e posted to quality stoc

    rom Quality stoc t/e goods cannot 'e delivered to t/e customer

    &fter completing t/e inspections. results 0ill 'e recorded and sage decision 0ill 'e

    Page 28 of 70


    Pro%ess or,er

    6oo,s re%ei+t (rom

    Pro%ess or,er

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    Result Re%or,ing



    Unrestri%te, Sto%=Blo%=e, Sto%=


    De(e%t Re%or,ing

    Create Quality


    Can -e ,eli.ere, to t$e


  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    made for t/e inspection lot

    *nce t/e inspection lot is accepted. t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to unrestricted stoc from

    0/ere t/e goods can 'e delivered to t/e customer

    )n case t/e inspection lot is re5ected. t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to 4loced stoc

    6/e c/aracteristics 0ill 'e inspected once in four days

    4ut t/e results of t/e c/aracteristics 0ill 'e recorded in all t/e inspection lots 0/ic/ aregenerated 0it/in t/at four days

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ements#es"ribe im!ro)ements +$i"$ +ill result from im!lementation of t$e 'AP '&stem. e sure to in"lude an&im!a"t on business dri)ers.

    &nalytical reports can 'e generated 0/ic/ can 'e used 'y personnel from all user groups

    to aid t/em in t/eir daily activities

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    !1 Plant Plant of t/e inspection lot

    !2 )nspection lot )nspection lot num'er for material

    !# Material Material code and description

    !$ System status )nspection lot status

    !? )nspection start date Date 0/en t/e material received in 0are/ouse

    !@ )nspection end date )nspection start date average inspection duration inmaterial master

    !A )nspection type ;oods ,eceipt )nspection from production

    !" )nspection Plan rom 0/ic/ plan t/e inspection lot is created

    !> )nspection lot quantity Quantity received in 0are/ouse

    1! Sample si9e )t is determined from sampling procedure maintained inquality plan

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    )nspection lot is created automatically BQuality Management

    Stoc 0ill automatically posted to Quality stoc

    )nspection instructions and Sample dra0ing instructions can 'e printed

    Result re%or,ing

    Samples are inspected in quality control la'oratory as per t/e specifications define in t/e

    tas list

    6est results are entered in t/e result recording transaction

    7aluation of t/e results B&ccepted ,e5ected is done )f t/e inspection results are ,e5ected. t/en t/e defects 0ill 'e recorded and a Quality

    notification 0ill 'e created 0it/ notification type =MB)nternal pro'lem notification

    Close t/e results entered

    6/e inspection lot status 0ill c/ange from ,E- B,eleased to )8SP B)nspected

    Usage ,e%ision

    sage decision transaction is e(ecuted for selected inspection lot in 0or list

    7erifies t/e results of inspection lot entered 'y QC analyst

    Depending upon t/e results t/e usage decision code is entered

    )f t/e inspection lot is accepted B03&ccepted t/en t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to

    unrestricted stoc

    )f t/e inspection lot is re5ectedBR3,e5ected t/en t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to 'loced

    Page 30 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0



    6/e D codes 0ill 'e as follo0s

    Co,e S$ort te5t Valuation %o,e

    & &ccept &ccepted&1 &ccept 0it/ one deviation &ccepted

    &L &ccept. ot/er material &ccepted

    , ,e5ected ,e5ected

    ,1 Scrap ,e5ected

    >! Des%ri+tion o( 2un%tional De(i%its

    W/ere appropriate. identify any gaps% 6/is section is important 0/en assessing ris. as 0ell as

    estimating t/e need for &4&P Bor similar resources%

    8ot applica'le

    #"! 0++roa%$es to Co.ering 2un%tional De(i%its

    Documentation of any 0or3around or assumptions t/at /ave 'een made 0/en outlining

    functional deficits%

    8ot applica'le

    ##! Integration %onsi,erationsSpecify 0/at integration you need 0it/ ot/er modules su' modules

    )ntegrated 0it/ Production planning. as t/e inspection lot is generated after t/e

    produced goods are received from production

    #&! Re+orting Re3uirements#o"ument t$e )arious re!orts t$at &ou +ould require.

    -ist of pending )nspection lots BStandard

    ,esults display BStandard

    Display of ,esults for eac/ inspection lot in a single screen BDevelopment

    #1! 0ut$ori9ation Re3uirements

    Document t/e level of aut/ori9ations t/at you need for eac/ process in t/e system

    Page 31 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    Quality /ead F Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording. sage decision

    and Stoc posting

    Quality Supervisor 3 Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording. sage

    decision and Stoc posting Quality control c/emist F Display )nspection lot and ,esult recording

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erations

    Document file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.

    0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is critical

    information t/at is used later%

    8ot applica'le

    ! Retesting o( 2inis$e, goo,s

    #! Re3uirements4E5+e%tations

    & 'rief 'ulleted list of requirements and e(pectations

    Page 32 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    )n K)MMC*. finis/ed goods stocs are availa'le in t/e storage location. 0/ic/ are not

    reserved to any sales order

    &fter t/e receipt of a sales order for t/at material. 'efore delivering t/e material to t/at

    sales order. t/e material 0ill 'e inspected 6/en inspections 0ill 'e carried out 'ased on t/e specifications defined

    )f t/e results complies 0it/ t/e specifications. t/e goods 0ill 'e dispatc/ed to t/e


    )n case of any defects. t/e deviations 0ill 'e recorded and material 0ill 'e 'loced

    urt/er action 0ill 'e taen 'ased on t/e pro'lem analysis

    6/ese inspections are not related to any sales order or production order

    &! 6eneral E5+lanations 72or Masters an, Enter+rise stru%ture in%lu,e Naming

    Con.ention8Descri'e t/e 'usiness process in detail% 6/is typically does not include any S&P specific terms.

    it s/ould relate purely to t/e 'usiness rules%

    Descri'e t/e naming and num'ering convention in case of masters and enterprise structure

    8ot &pplica'le

    1! E5+lanations o( 2un%tions an, E.ents

    E(plain 0/at events and processes trigger t/is process

    )n K)MMC*. t/ere are some cases. 0/ere t/e finis/ed goods are not produced for any

    particular sales order% 6/ese materials are produced and ept in stoc

    &fter a sales order for t/is material is received. 'efore delivering t/e finis/ed goods to

    t/e customer. inspection are carried out

    ! Organi9ational Consi,erations

    &ddress any issues agreed in t/e 0ors/op concerning t/e S&P organi9ational structure and t/isprocess%

    8ot &pplica'le

    ! Pro%ess Diagrams

    Pro.i,e all relate, +ro%ess ma+s or ,iagrams

    Page 33 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    C/ange management issues as appropriate%

    8ot &pplica'le

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ements

    Descri'e improvements 0/ic/ 0ill result from implementation of t/e S&P System% 4e sure to

    include any impact on 'usiness drivers%

    Page 34 of 70

    Initiate Ins+e%tion o(

    2inis$e, goo,s

    Create Ins+e%tion lot


    Result Re%or,ing


    De%ision 2inis$e, 6oo,sDe(e%ts Re%or,ing

    &ccepted ,e5ected


    Quality Noti(i%ation

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    8ot applica'le

    Descri'e /o0 t/is process 0ill 'e addressed in t/e product%

    W/enever t/e materials 0/ic/ are in stocs require inspection 'efore delivery. t/e stores person

    0ill inform t/e quality control department to inspect t/e materials% 6/en t/e quality person 0ill

    create an inspection lot manually% W/ile creating t/e inspection lot t/e quantity of t/e material

    0/ic/ /as to 'e inspected 0ill 'e entered%

    &ll t/e quality activities are carried out for t/e inspection lot generated% 6/e Quality )nspector

    0ould inspect t/e material 'ased on t/e specifications of inspection lot. record t/e results of t/e

    c/aracteristics of t/e inspection lot and 'ased on t/e valuation of t/e recorded c/aracteristics

    Bparameters. t/e inspection lot 0ould 'e eit/er accepted or re5ected% 6/is acceptance orre5ection is termed as S&;E DEC)S)*8% *nce t/e quality person record t/e results and mae

    a sage decision as &CCEP6ED. t/e material can 'e delivered%

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    )nspection lot is created manually for t/e stoc quantity

    )nspection instructions and Sample dra0ing instructions can 'e printed

    Result re%or,ing

    Samples are inspected in quality control la'oratory 'ased on t/e specifications defined

    in t/e tas list 6est results are entered in t/e result recording transaction

    7aluate t/e results B&ccepted ,e5ected

    )f t/e inspection results are re5ected. t/en t/e defects 0ill 'e recorded and a Quality

    notification 0ill 'e created 0it/ notification type =M B)nternal pro'lem notification

    Close t/e results entered

    6/e inspection lot status 0ill c/ange from ,E- B,eleased to )8SP B)nspected

    Usage ,e%ision

    sage decision transaction is e(ecuted for selected inspection lot in 0or list

    7erifies t/e results of inspection lot entered 'y QC analyst

    Depend upon t/e results t/e usage decision code is entered

    )f t/e )nspection lot is &ccepted. t/en t/e goods can 'e delivered to t/e Sales order

    Page 35 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0



    Quality Supervisor 3 Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording and sage


    Quality control c/emist F Display )nspection lot and ,esult recording

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erations

    Document file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is critical

    information t/at is used later%

    8ot applica'le

    ;! Ven,or +ro%ess

    #! Re3uirements4E5+e%tations

    & 'rief 'ulleted list of requirements and e(pectations

    Page 37 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    )n K)MMC*. 0/en t/e ,a0 materials are procured from a ne0 7endor. approval

    process 0ill 'e carried out

    )nitially samples of t/e ,a0 material 0ill 'e taen from t/e vendor% 6/is sample 0ill 'e

    inspected 'ased on t/e specifications defined

    )f t/e results are meeting t/e requirements. t/en t/e purc/ase department 0ill send a

    6rial order to t/e 7endor for a smaller quantity *nce t/e goods are received from t/e vendor against t/at purc/ase order. inspection are

    carried out

    )f t/e results are meeting t/e specific requirements. t/en t/ey 0ill approve t/e 7endor

    on quality aspects

    )n case of any defects in t/e material. quality department 0ill inform t/e purc/ase


    6/e purc/ase department 0ill 'loc t/e goods and furt/er action 0ill 'e taen

    &! 6eneral E5+lanations 72or Masters an, Enter+rise stru%ture in%lu,e Naming


    Descri'e t/e 'usiness process in detail% 6/is typically does not include any S&P specific terms.

    it s/ould relate purely to t/e 'usiness rules%Descri'e t/e naming and num'ering convention in case of masters and enterprise structure

    8ot &pplica'le

    1! E5+lanations o( 2un%tions an, E.entsE(plain 0/at events and processes trigger t/is process

    6/is process s/ould trigger only for a ne0 7endor%

    ! Organi9ational Consi,erations

    &ddress any issues agreed in t/e 0ors/op concerning t/e S&P organi9ational structure and t/is



    ! Pro%ess Diagrams

    Pro.i,e all relate, +ro%ess ma+s or ,iagrams

    Page 38 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    Page 39 of 70


    Pur%$ase or,er A

    0ssign Status +ro(ile

    6oo,s re%ei+t against

    Pur%$ase or,er

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    Result Re%or,ing



    Unrestri%te, Sto%=Blo%=e, Sto%=


    Create 3uality in(o

    re%or, A Initiate Ven,or +ro%ess

    Ven,or 0++ro.e,Create

    Quality Noti(i%ation

    Re3uest (or anot$er


    Result Re%or,ing

    Create Ins+e%tion lot


    Re%ei.e Sam+le (rom

    Ne/ Ven,or





  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    C/ange management issues as appropriate%

    8ot &pplica'le

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ementsDescri'e improvements 0/ic/ 0ill result from implementation of t/e S&P System% 4e sure to

    include any impact on 'usiness drivers%

    &nalytical reports can 'e generated 0/ic/ can 'e used 'y personnel from all user groups

    to aid t/em in t/eir daily activities

    ,eports on *vervie0 of )nspection lots. Quantities. Quality scores. Defects and

    8otifications can 'e generated

    Descri'e /o0 t/is process 0ill 'e addressed in t/e product%

    W/enever t/e Samples are taen from a ne0 7endor. t/e Purc/asing department person 0ill

    inform t/e quality control department to inspect t/e sample% 6/en t/e quality person 0ill createan inspection lot manually%

    &ll t/e quality activities are carried out for t/e inspection lot generated% 6/e Quality )nspector

    0ould inspect t/e material 'ased on t/e specifications of inspection lot. record t/e results of t/e

    c/aracteristics of t/e inspection lot and 'ased on t/e valuation of t/e recorded c/aracteristicsBparameters. t/e inspection lot 0ould 'e eit/er accepted or re5ected% 6/is acceptance or

    re5ection is termed as S&;E DEC)S)*8% *nce t/e quality person record t/e results and mae

    a sage decision as &CCEP6ED. t/e material can 'e procured from t/e ne0 7endor%

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    )nspection lot is created manually for t/e sample received from t/e 7endor

    )nspection instructions and Sample dra0ing instructions can 'e printed

    Result re%or,ing

    Samples are inspected in quality control la'oratory 'ased on t/e specifications defined

    in t/e tas list 6est results are entered in t/e result recording transaction

    7aluate t/e results B&ccepted ,e5ected

    Close t/e results entered

    6/e inspection lot status 0ill c/ange from ,E- B,eleased to )8SP B)nspected

    Page 40 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    Usage ,e%ision

    sage decision transaction is e(ecuted for selected inspection lot in 0or list

    7erifies t/e results of inspection lot entered 'y QC analyst

    4ased on t/e results t/e usage decision code is entered

    )f t/e )nspection lot is &ccepted. t/en t/e materials can 'e procured from t/e 7endor

    Ven,or +ro%ess

    7endor approval process in carried out in QM 'ased on t/e results of t/e inspection lot% Quality

    info record 0ill 'e created in t/e system 0it/ t/e com'ination of material. vendor and plant% )nmaterial master QM vie0. QM procurement ey 0ill 'e activated% Status profile 0ill 'e created

    and assigned to t/e quality info record% W/en t/e purc/ase order is created for t/e material to

    t/at ne0 vendor. t/e status in t/e quality info record 0ill 'e F 7endor approval process initiated%W/en t/e material is procured from t/e vendor. an inspection lot 0ill 'e generated

    automatically% ,esult recording 0ill 'e done% 4ased on t/e results. usage decision code 0ill 'e

    entered 'y t/e quality manager% )mmediately after entering t/e sage decision code as accepted.t/e status in t/e quality info record 0ill 'e c/anged to F 7endor approved%

    Ins+e%tion Lot %reation

    )nspection lot is created automatically BQuality Management%

    Stoc 0ill automatically posted to Quality stoc

    )nspection instructions and Sample dra0ing instructions can 'e printed

    Status in t/e quality info record 0ill 'e F 7endor approval process initiated

    Result re%or,ing

    Samples are inspected in quality control la'oratory 'ased on t/e specifications define in

    t/e tas list

    6est results are entered in t/e result recording transaction

    7aluate t/e results B&ccepted ,e5ected

    )f t/e inspection results are re5ected. t/en t/e defects 0ill 'e recorded and a Quality

    notification 0ill 'e created 0it/ notification type =7 BComplaints against a 7endor

    Close t/e results entered

    6/e inspection lot status 0ill c/ange from ,E- B,eleased to )8SP B)nspected

    Page 41 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    Usage ,e%ision

    sage decision transaction is e(ecuted for selected inspection lot in 0or list

    7erifies t/e results of inspection lot entered 'y QC analyst

    Depend upon t/e results t/e usage decision code is entered

    )f t/e inspection lot is accepted B03&ccepted t/en t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to

    unrestricted stoc%

    )f t/e inspection lot is re5ectedBR3,e5ected t/en t/e stoc 0ill 'e posted to 'loced

    stoc BQC Manager%

    )f t/e inspection lot is &ccepted t/en t/e status in t/e quality info record 0ill c/anged to

    F 7endor is approved

    >! Des%ri+tion o( 2un%tional De(i%its

    W/ere appropriate. identify any gaps% 6/is section is important 0/en assessing ris. as 0ell as

    estimating t/e need for &4&P Bor similar resources%

    8ot applica'le

    #"! 0++roa%$es to Co.ering 2un%tional De(i%its

    Documentation of any 0or3around or assumptions t/at /ave 'een made 0/en outlining

    functional deficits%

    8ot applica'le

    ##! Integration %onsi,erations

    Specify 0/at integration you need 0it/ ot/er modules su' modules

    )ntegrated 0it/ Materials management. as t/e quality info record can 'e created only if a

    7endor master is created for t/e ne0 7endor

    #&! Re+orting Re3uirements

    Document t/e various reports t/at you 0ould require%

    Page 42 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    -ist of pending )nspection lots

    ,esults display

    #1! 0ut$ori9ation Re3uirementsDocument t/e level of aut/ori9ations t/at you need for eac/ process in t/e system

    Quality /ead F Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording. sage decision

    and Stoc posting

    Quality Supervisor 3 Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording. sage

    decision and Stoc posting

    Quality control c/emist F Display )nspection lot and ,esult recording

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erations

    Document file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.

    0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is critical

    information t/at is used later%

    8ot applica'le

    '! Re%urring Ins+e%tion

    #! Re3uirements4E5+e%tations

    & 'rief 'ulleted list of requirements and e(pectations

    Page 43 of 70

  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    ;! C$anges to E5isting Organi9ation +ro%esses

    C/ange management issues as appropriate%

    Page 45 of 70

    Dea,line Monitoring o(


    Bat%$ +oste, to

    Quality sto%=

    Ins+e%tion Lot

    Create, automati%ally

    Result Re%or,ing



    Unrestri%te, Sto%=Blo%=e, Sto%=


    De(e%t Re%or,ing

    Create Noti(i%ation


    7Ne5t ins+e%tion inter.al8

    Can -e issue, to


  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    )n t/e present system. 'ased on t/e ne(t inspection date of 'atc/es. t/e inspection are

    carried out manually

    8o0 in S&P. 0/en t/e ne(t inspection date is arrived. t/e 'atc/ 0ill 'e automatically

    posted to quality stoc and system creates an inspection lot automatically

    '! Des%ri+tion o( Im+ro.ements

    Descri'e improvements 0/ic/ 0ill result from implementation of t/e S&P System% 4e sure toinclude any impact on 'usiness drivers%

    Deadline monitoring 0ill 'e sc/eduled in 'acground

    6/e 'atc/es for 0/ic/ t/e ne(t inspection interval is arrived. t/e inspection lot gets

    generated automatically

    6/e 'atc/ 0ill 'e automatically posted to quality stoc

    Descri'e /o0 t/is process 0ill 'e addressed in t/e product%

    6/e system can automatically create inspection lots at predefined intervals for selected 'atc/

    materials% ou can plan suc/ inspections 'y /aving t/e system monitor t/e date for a recurring


    6/e system creates inspection lots automatically for recurring inspections if t/e follo0ing

    conditions /ave 'een met! Des%ri+tion o( 2un%tional De(i%its

    W/ere appropriate. identify any gaps% 6/is section is important 0/en assessing ris. as 0ell asestimating t/e need for &4&P Bor similar resources%

    8ot applica'le

    #"! 0++roa%$es to Co.ering 2un%tional De(i%its

    Documentation of any 0or3around or assumptions t/at /ave 'een made 0/en outliningfunctional deficits%

    8ot applica'le

    ##! Integration %onsi,erations

    Specify 0/at integration you need 0it/ ot/er modules su' modules

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  • 8/10/2019 QM Business Blue Print V4 0


    6/is scenario is integrated 0it/ Plant maintenance% W/en t/e maintenance order is

    created and released. an inspection lot 0ill 'e generated automatically%

    #&! Re+orting Re3uirements

    Document t/e various reports t/at you 0ould require%

    -ist of pending )nspection lots

    ,esults display

    Cali'ration /istory

    #1! 0ut$ori9ation Re3uirements

    Document t/e level of aut/ori9ations t/at you need for eac/ process in t/e system

    Maintenance /ead F Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording and sage


    )nstrumentation Engineer 3 Creating + C/anging )nspection lot. ,esult recording and

    sage decision

    )nstrumentation 6ec/nician F Display )nspection lot and ,esult recording

    #! 2ile Con.ersion 4 Inter(a%e Consi,erations

    Document file conversion interface requirements% W/ere t/e information is to come from.

    0/at data is to 'e converted manuallyautomatically and at 0/at point in time% 6/is is critical

    information t/at is used later%

    8ot applica'le

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