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To start off with in a typical Film Noir it is always starts of in a city and it is most of the time set in a Big American Sin City. This is because it brings the expectation of something going to happen. Also what else you can see is that it is set at night time this means that they can make the lighting more distinctive and effective. This is an extreme long shot.

Here we see that they are building up the tension by the car driving quickly through the city and what you can’t hear is the music and they used music all the time to set the scene. The music gave the impression that something had just happened. This is a long shot.

In every movie there is always a main guy that usually has a flirt with the main women character. But what he does is he always stays calm when he speaks on the phone and at no point he does not start shouting. What we also learn is that because he deals with insurance he can maybe help someone in the movie and this could potentially foreshadow something. This shot is a close up.

Page 2: Question 5 new

Genre Theory:

Genres are instances of repetition and difference. Difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre: mere repetitions would not attract an audience?

In every movie there is a women also known as a fatale and this means that a women who you know who is going to need help and usually ends up backstabbing the man in the movie because she is in distress. But with most women who are in a film noir they are blonde and are wearing a distinctive piece of clothing or red makeup to attract the man and stand out from the crowd. But as it’s a film noir we cannot clearly see what colour of makeup they are wearing. This shot is a medium shot.

As you can see in this shot the woman and the man are having a flirt and this is usually so the woman can take control of him and get him wear she wants to take control of him. Also to maybe force him to do something. The lighting in the room gives a good atmosphere by what they are talking about and how it has a bad side. This is an over the shoulder shot this is effective because it means they don’t have to keep cutting.

In most Film noir they always have a voice over and in this movie it almost seems like he is confessing to committing the murder in the film. The voice over helps because it gives a good idea of what is happening. But also in this scene there is not talking just the voice over about how he is intoxicated by her and the smell of her. This shot is medium close up.

Page 3: Question 5 new

What this is trying to say is that if a film is in a certain genre it will always show some of the main conventions within in that genre but there will always be some differences which can sometimes make it better or can destroy the idea of a genre but it can also put an interest on the audience. With this genre theory, we can look at double indemnity a look at the similar conventions to the genre theory. The conventions that they hold in the genre of a film noir is black and white, trench coat, a man, trench coat, fedora hat, beautiful woman, setting within a city, murder and dramatic lighting. But one way they could be different to many other film noirs is that they use quite a lot of monologue which you also see in the opening sequences. You could say that in the couple of the opening sequence that there is quite a lot of action with him rushing through the city which you get and you could potentially say that there is not a lot of talking at the start which is rare within the film noir and the monologue which you don’t get much because they are usually talking to someone else. Also, it is very rare that the main female protagonist tries to win over the man when she has a husband when he is pleading towards her and she’s not even trying to seduce him. But however at the end of the film noir he betrays her by killing her which is surprising as she tries to seduce him. I agree with the genre theory made by Steve Neale because this film noir as also the main conventions of a film noir but within a theory they will always have something different or something unique with it. But with this film noir I thought that it was a very good film noir opening which made me want to watch more as it grabbed you because you wanted to know what had happened to him at the start. But at the start it showed all the typical conventions of a film noir which had that comforting sense but had some of its own twist in it. But it was also rare to have a monologue and not speech to have at the start of a film noir because they usually set the seen but they set it with the music and the filming at the start to take you straight into the action.

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