Page 1: Questionnaire and analysis of results

Questionnaire and Analysis of results.

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Question One

As you can see from the sample of some of the answers given. The most common response to the question was ‘’Girls’’. This to no extent was unexpected

because during my analysis of music videos of the dance genre the theme of attractive girls performing was a on going recurrence throughout. This answer defiantly does represent the stereotype of the genre.

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Question Two

As you can see the response to this question kind of out did the response from the first question. In relation to the first question it was a surprise to see the most appealing element of a music video is the storyline. I was expecting the most appealing element to be the performance in relation to the theme of ‘’Girls’’ which seemed to be a popular answer from the first question.

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Question Three

The answers given were very brief however the responses given were of a similar answer being the audience like a specific element because of emotion and meaning the element extracts to the viewing audience

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Question FourAs you can see the average age of the audience is between 17 and 19 years old which is what I expected. This being the age we tend to start attending clubs and pubs being somewhere this genre of music is frequently played.

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Question Five

As it is clear there is a higher percentage of males who listen to the dance music genre than females this may be to do with the high fascination of females being used to promote the genre and have a higher status in terms of featuring within the videos. This being something the males are attracted to within the genre.

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Question Six

As you can see there is a mixed response in terms of the other types of music which the audience listen too. Hip Hop for example fits very well with the genre of Dance as both are very up beat types of music where as on the other hand it was a surprise to see the genre Acoustic up there within the answers as both genres are very different.

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The answers given to this question were very split and the response was 50/50. Most of the audience who answered the question agreed videos do influence them to dress in a specific way the rest answered

no giving very good reasons like for example ‘If a person is easily led or only to a certain extent in terms of been influenced to wear specific footwear like high tops’.

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All of the audience members answered yes to question 8 which makes me want to research the artist Calvin Harris more. By researching the artist more will hopefully give me ideas and guidance on how to produce a high standard music video and Digi Pak and also how to successfully promote my artist and album in order to get a high response from my target audience just like Calvin Harris had done clearly and has engaged

his audience.

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Question Nine I noticed from the responses given the audience preferred Calvin’s older music in comparison to his newer music. I have decided to analyse a few of his older videos and compare them with a few newer tracks in order to do this it will guide me to understanding the reasons behind the audience preference over the older tracks along side the newer tracks, an d will direct me towards what the audience like to see within a dance music video.

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Question Ten

In all honesty I really became lost with this response I think it was partly down to a badly worded question and the audience didn't understand what my group and I were trying to ask them to answer. I think maybe it would be worth looking into this question further simply because it was based around our chosen track from the artist so it would be ideal to know what kind of features the audience expect to see within the video for this track.

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In conclusion the survey my group and I posted gathered some fairly useful information I feel we have gathered enough to move forward to the next step. However on the other hand the responses we got were kind of expected and by posting this survey on the two most used social networking sites facebook and twitter just clarified our thoughts and our own expectations of the genre. I intend now to develop my research into the artist Calvin Harris by researching his older music and his newer music and comparing them I also intend to analyse Calvin Harris official site to gain knowledge on the promotional side of industry.

I chose to publish my survey on facebook, twitter and attach in various emails using Hotmail as you can see from the images to the right. I chose to post them on these sites simply because they are the most popular social networking sites to current and I felt I would get the most responses from these sites which would help my group as much as possible to gain information of what is expected from a audiences point of view.




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