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Rapid Access Expansion of Integrated Community Case Management of Malaria, Pneumonia and Diarrhoea RAcE 2015 – Mozambique

AFRO/GMP Joint Coordination and

Planning Meeting

19 September 2013

Eva de Carvalho MD,MPH

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Outline of the presentation


Status of APE programme in the country

iCCM in Mozambique

Country implementation process

How was the project area chosen

RAcE in Mozambique

WHO country office workplan



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Background 1

Total population estimated in

2013: 24,366,112 inhabitants

Urban population: 40%

Rural population: 60%

Under five population: 17.1%

Health care coverage: 52%

In 1978, the APEs Program

(elementary polyvalent agent)

was implemented

iCCM policy adopted in 2010,

allow APEs to treat (malaria,

pneumonia & diarrhoea)

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Background 2

Care seeking and treatment

for (DHS2011)

Pneumonia: 50.2%

12.1% treated with AB

Diarrhoea: 56%

55% treated with ORS

Fever: 56%

29.9% antimalarials

17.9% received ACTs

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Status of APE programme in the country

1,950 APEs trained until June


Out of those 1,213 APEs

deployed in 117 out of 128


Total APEs expected until

2014: 3,827

Minsterio da Saude

Direccao Nacional de Saude PublicaPrograma de Agentes Polivalentes Elementares

Distribuicao de Parceirosde Formacao por Distrito

Ronda 1 a 3 (2010 a 2012)


Banco Mundial

Banco Mundial/UNICEF

Visao Mundial

Malaria Consortium

Save the Children

HelpAge International


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r /Partner

Donors / Partner Deadline

MoH / CMAM HSDP (World Bank, CIDA, Russia, Suisse) Fev 2014

USAID Tempo indefinido

PMI (President’s Malaria Initiative) - CMAM Ano por ano


USAID Agosto 2013 (Renovável)

CIDA Catalytic Initiative Maio 2013

UNICEF Funds Indefinido



CIDA Fim de Marco 2013 (extensao)

Gates Foundation Outubro 2014

Planet Wheeler Foundation Dez 2013

Save the Children AMREF/GSK (Gaza-Chicualacuala,

Mabalane, Guijá, Chigubo)

Mar 2015

Italian Government (Gaza) Dez 2015 (only incentives)

Crown Foundation (Zambezia-Morrumbala,

Mopeia e Milange)

Dez 2014

World Vision–


USAID Abril 2013

World Vision/


USAID Junho 2014


Parque (Sofala)

USAID, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Agosto 2014

SC & MC WHO/CIDA (Nampula, Zambezia, Manica



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RAcE-Country implementation process

18-20 July 2012 : 1st WHO mission (HQ & AFRO)

o a) Discuss the CIDA-funded iCCM interventions with WCO, MOH and learn

about partners implementing iCCM in the country (their experiences, difficulties,

lessons learned).

28 September 2012: Letter of Interest submitted by Save the children +

Malaria consortium, World vision + Aga Khan + CISM, AMREF & Red


31 Oct – 2 Nov 2012: Guidance workshop facilitated by

WHO/HQ/AFRO/IST/WCO and by MoH : Dr Laura Mavote (head of health

promotion department ) & Ms Teresa Mapasse (National coordinator of APE


1-5 March 2013: in-country negotiation with the grantee (SC & MC), MoH

and WCO to agree on the next steps to roll out the program, coordination

mechanism, programmatic & operational issues, administrative & financial

procedures & coordination of the RAcE project with other iCCM


1 April 2013: Grant Agreement Letter (GALs) signed

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How was the project area chosen?

In consultation with MoH and partners few criteria were defined:

o Existence of a main implementing partner

o Availability of funds at provincial level

o Burden of diseases

o Alignment with the MoH’s APEs training plan in order to fill the gap

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RAcE in Mozambique

Grantee: Save the Children (SC)

o Partner: Malaria Consortium (MC)

51 districts in 4 provinces

(Nampula, Zambezia, Manica (SC)

& Inhambane / MC)

Targeted population in the 4

provinces: 12,581,788 this include

7,218,300 inhabitants living in rural

areas without access to health


The 1451 APE supported by RAcE

project are expected to reach

approximately 308,338 children

under-five (based on a catchment

population of 1,250 people / APE)


Cabo Delgado

Nampula Tete



Gaza Inhambane

Maputo Provincia Maputo



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Objective of the RAcE Project in Mozambique

Increase access to iCCM services

o Train APEs to provide iCCM services

Improve quality of iCCM services

o Provide technical support for implementation

o Ensure Supportive supervision

Strengthen links between iCCM services and communities

o Mapping of existing APEs

o Behaviour change communication to improve timely and appropriate


Strengthen the national system to support, sustain and scale up


o Revitalize the WG

o Review and revise M&E tools and indicators

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RAcE-WHO country office workplan

Main Objective: to provide support to iCCM implementation in

Mozambique through the RAcE project

Main activities:

o Technical support for capacity building and OR

o Support M&E activities

o Facilitate dialogue on policies, strategies and guidelines to facilitate

iCCM implementation

o Facilitate coordination between the differents actors involved in the


o Supervise the implementation of iCCM

Budget: $100,000 for activities and $100,00 for salary

Staff involved: Mal/iCCM/NPO

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Revised the M&E tools including register book and indicators to

accommodate RAcE indicators – waiting for approval

Baseline survey protocol submitted to the bio-ethical (IRB)

committee - waiting for approval approval

TOR for recruitment of M&E, data manager and national

supervisor to be posted at MoH approved

Process of recruitment: on-going for the 1st two and waiting for

formal request from MoH for the last one

Launch of the APE program (23 August 2013)

Coordination meetings

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Challenges – 1

Sustainability of the APEs programme

o Subsidy/Salary for the APEs

Continuous Availability of the kits

Supervision (HR, funds, transport)

Coordination (many donors different projects with different ending


Inclusion of APEs data on HMIS

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Challenges – 2

As RAcE / iCCM is part of APEs program any changes required for

RAcE have Implication in the APE program as a whole and suffers

often a long & heavy bureaucratic process. (e.g. add/change of



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