Page 1: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 1

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

1 THE GATE OF THE CREATIVE: Creation as a primal force; SELF-EXPRESSION / Unique Creativity

1. Creation independent of will 2. Love is light. 3. Energy: creative work

4. Aloneness as medium 5. Energy to attract society 6. Objectivity

Brt 1

Creative Force from the source, creating success; constancy bears force. Pure creative spiritual flow, inspiration that wants to be recognized; G Center

1. Dragon underwater 2. Possibilities 3. Incessant activity

4. Dancing in the abyss 5. Dragon in full flight 6. Over-forceful

Hu 1

HEAVEN – pure yang; a dragon: strong, creative, forward-moving, visible only to the chosen; a force of goodness

1. Preparation 2. Emerging possibilities 3. Attend to your task

4. Flexing your muscles 5. Triumph, exaltation 6. Overconfidence

GK 1

From entropy to syntropy; light+fire the dance of Shiva, creating+uncreating Codon Ring: The Ring of Fire (1, 14) Victim of NUMBNESS

Siddhi: Beauty Gift: Freshness Physiology: LIVER

Shadow: Entropy Depressive / Frenetic PP: 2nd Gene Key

2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine feminine

1. Intuition 2. Genius 3. Patience

4. Secretiveness 5. Intelligent application 6. Fixation

Brt2 Power of the land: Earth. Noble one with generous heart, carries all beings. Earth is heaven’s partner, bringing the world into being; WORK; G Center

1. Treading on frost 2. Possibilities are open 3. Treasure is complete,

nothing added

4. No blame, no praise 5. Garments of earth 6. Inertia and inner


Hu 2

EARTH – earth/earth; pure divine feminine receptivity; an omen of peace; getting lost at first, finally find a patron, and all goes well.

1. Early warning 2. Be straight and fair. 3. A good conclusion

4. The issue is closed. 5. Receiving an honor 6. Dragons fight in a field

GK2 Returning to the One; distillation of cosmic wisdom, archetypal feminine Codon Ring: The Ring of Water (2, 8) Victim of EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES

Siddhi: Unity, divine logic Gift: Orientation Physiology: Sternum

Shadow: Dislocation Lost / Regimented PP: 1st Gene Key

3 THE GATE OF DIFFICULTY AT THE BEGINNING: Initiation and Mutation; ORDERING / Mutation/generated/ empowered

1. Synthesis 2. Immaturity 3. Survival

4. Charisma 5. Victimization 6. Surrender

Brt 3

Sprouting, the very beginning, a growing center, putting out roots In the beginning, clouds and thunder swirl together in creative order; Sacral

1. Putting down roots 2. Growth of young things 3. Chasing after desires,

into the unknown

4. Grow thru partnership 5. Flexible constancy 6. Over-extended,


Page 2: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 2

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Hu 3

Water over Thunder: RETRENCHMENT this is not a propitious time to advance; you need to wait to get help and advice.

1. Strengthen the base. 2. Conditions not yet ripe 3. Without guidance, you will get lost.

4. The right time to act 5. Larger vision 6. Forcing things too soon brings regret.

GK 3

From chaos to cosmos; distillation of cosmic wisdom, archetypal feminine Ring of Life and Death (3, 20, 23, 24, 27) Victim of your own CHAOTIC MIND

Siddhi: Innocence, all play Gift: Innovation Physiology: Navel

Shadow: Chaos Anal / Disordered PP: 50th Gene Key

4 THE GATE OF YOUTHFUL FOLLY: Beguil-ing and succeeding despite ignorance; ‘fools rush in where angels fear to tread’; FORMULIZATION / Protective Logic

1. Pleasure 2. Acceptance 3. Irresponsibility

4. The Liar 5. Seduction 6. Excess

Brt 4

NOT KNOWING: Sprouting, the very beginning, putting out roots; beginning, clouds and thunder swirl together in creative order; Ajna

1. Learn from experience 2. Embrace yr unknowing 3. Don’t project your own ignorance onto others

4. Break out of prison 5. Seek your answers 6. Don’t attack unless you see consequences.

Hu 4

Mountain/water: BLINDNESS childish unawareness or innocence; don’t be an ignorant pest!

1. Release from shackles 2. Accepting help 3. Shallowness

4. Pay attention! 5. Charming naivete 6. Defend, don’t bully

GK 4

A universal panacea; the folly of youth search for knowledge, misuse of logic Codon Ring: Ring of Union (4, 7, 29, 59) Victim of NEED FOR ANSWERS

Siddhi: Forgiveness Gift: Understanding Physiology: Neocortex

Shadow: Intolerance Apathetic / Nitpicking PP: 49th Gene Key

5 WAITING; Attuned to natural rhythms, active waiting for the correct moment; FIXED RHYTHMS / Fixed Pattern is Sacred

1. Perseverance 2. Inner Peace 3. Compulsiveness

4. The Hunter 5. Joy 6. Yielding

Brt 5

Waiting, with truth and confidence shining out, constancy brings success The clouds are above heaven, waiting eat, drink, relax with music: Sacral

1. Waiting at the altar 2. Waiting on the sands 3. Waiting in the bog

invites robbers

4. Waiting in blood 5. Long waiting with food

and drink; constancy 6. Uninvited guests

Hu 5

Water/Heaven: WAITING with detach-ment; the waiting is over, games and game players blocking your way are done; you can move forward in action.

1. Be patient; wait. 2. Shifting ground 3. Being mired in doubt weakens your position.

4. Light at the end of the tunnel; don’t despair. 5. Fasting is good. 6. Confront your fears.

GK 5

The ending of time; the new genetic code, the library of light, speed/being Codon Ring: Ring of Light (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of IMPATIENCE

Siddhi: Timelessness Gift: Patience Physiology: sacral plexus

Shadow: Impatience Pessimistic / Pushy PP: 35th Gene Key

Page 3: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 3

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

6 THE GATE OF CONFLICT: Fundamental design component of progress; FRICTION / Feeling, Emoting, Sensitivity

1. Retreat 2. The Guerilla 3. Allegiance

4. Triumph 5. Arbitration 6. The Peacemaker

Brt 6

Arguing for what you need, frustrated and blocked, you must shift perspective heaven joins with the stream, otherwise there is fighting; Solar Plexus

1. No lasting place for work

2. Can’t win the argument 3. Power from the past

4. Can’t win here 5. Arguing for truth 6. The victor’s prize is

taken away

Hu 6

Heaven/water: THE COURT; see sound advice/counsel, but do not make major decision; escaping punishment but not yet free of danger

1. Work incomplete, okay 2. Punishment escalated 3. Nowhere to run

4. Accepting defeat 5. Success at court 6. The king giveth, and the king taketh away.

GK 6

The battle of the sexes; racial tension, war, boundaries and borders Codon: Ring of Alchemy (6, 40, 47, 60) Victim of EMOTIONS (yours or anothers)

Siddhi: Peace on earth Gift: Diplomacy Physiology: Mes. Plexus

Shadow: Conflict / pH Over-attentive / Tactless PP: 36th Gene Key

7 THE GATE OF THE ARMY: Point of convergence, leadership, future; THE ROLE OF THE SELF / The Elected Leader

1. Authoritarian 2. The Democrat 3. The Anarchist

4. The Abdicator 5. The General 6. The Administrator

Brt 7

The Army, good people with constancy A noble one accepts the people and gathers together crowds, the peasantry, popular support G Center

1. In harmony w the goal 2. Leadership, mandate 3. Dead weight

4. The army retreats 5. Authentic response 6. Rebuilding after war

Hu 7

Earth/water: THE ARMY; without the army, righteousness cannot prevail; good leadership based on merit

1. Army needs discipline 2. Rewards for good work 3. Death in battle

4. Safety in retreat 5. Appropriate results 6. Aristocracy of talent

GK 7

A world divided leads to hierarchies: leaders and followers, the army/mob Codon: Ring of Union (4, 7, 29, 59) Victim of JEALOUSY

Siddhi: Virtue Gift: Guidance Physiology: Diaphragm

Shadow: Jealousy Hidden / Dictatorial PP: 13th Gene Key

8 THE GATE OF HOLDING TOGETHER: Individual contributing to group goals; CONTRIBUTION / Leading by example /

1. Honesty 2. Service 3. The Phony

4. Respect 5. Dharma 6. Communion

Brt 8

Seeking union, belonging, connection; self-examination; relationship, commit-ment bringing good fortune Throat

1. Truth and confidence 2. Natural affinities 3. Incorrect union

4. Outside yr experience 5. Invitation 6. Communion by rote

Hu 8

Water/earth: SUPPORT; good fortune; the imperial adviser helps and supports; good service is rewarded

1. Advise with integrity 2. Inner strength 3. Take care in support!

4. External assistance 5. Right actions/advice 6. Advise carefully!

Page 4: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 4

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

GK 8

Beyond the comfort zone; individuality allows exquisite style, rebel with a cause Codon: Ring of Water (2,8) Victim of THE MUNDANE

Siddhi: Exquisiteness Gift: Style Physiology: Thyroid

Shadow: Mediocrity Wooden / Artificial PP: 14th Gene Key

9 THE TAMING POWER OF THE SMALL: Detailed attention to all pertinent aspects; FOCUS / Focus empowers the whole process

1. Sensibility 2. Misery loves company 3. Straw that breaks the camel’s back

4. Dedication 5. Faith 6. Gratitude

Brt 9

Wind moves above heaven, directed by divine forces; prepare your terrain. Put your focus on small actions. Sacral

1. Return to start 2. Drawn back 3. Things come apart

4. Be true and confident 5. Harmonious bonds 6. The full moon turns

Hu 9

Wind over heaven: SMALL CATTLE details make disproportionate change; heavy clouds, a small-holding, a new career; expectation and anxiety

1. Maintain your integrity 2. Deeply felt values 3. Things fall apart; domestic crises arrive

4. Physical violence 5. Don’t exploit others. 6. The situation turns; cautious opportunity.

GK 9

The domestication of dreams, too many details, immediate focus, right activity Codon Ring: Ring of Light (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of DETAILS (over-detailed)

Siddhi: Invincibility Gift: Determination Physiology: Sacral Plexus

Shadow: Inertia Reluctant / Diverted PP: 16th Gene Key

10 TREADING (Incarnation x models): Behavior – successful interaction despite circumstances; THE BEHAVIOR OF THE SELF / Awakeness

1. Modesty 2. The Hermit 3. The Martyr

4. The Opportunist 5. The Heretic 6. The Role Model

Brt 10

Treading on a tiger’s tail, so recognize the tiger for what it is. Moving in har-mony, you will receive its gift. G Center

1. Move on without fuss 2. Freedom+ease = path 3. Bravery is not enough.

4. Make needs explicit 5. Tread your own path 6. Going full circle

Hu 10

Heaven over lake: TREADING; taking steps with attention to risk, ground, and direction; take the risk and be thankful

1. Walk safely, modestly 2. The broad, clear path 3. Be careful, or else!

4. Be mindful and safe 5. Safe, with resources 6. Direct self to learning

GK 10

The mazy pathways of the self; self-love the body, immediate environment Ring of Humanity (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) Victim of SELF-OBSESSION

Siddhi: Being / div. laziness Gift: Naturalness Physiology: Chest/Heart

Shadow: Self-obsess. Self-denying / Narcissist PP: 15th Gene Key

11 GATE OF PEACE: harmonic conditions, assessment leading to action; IDEAS / Stimulation for Reflection

1. Attunement 2. Rigor 3. The Realist

4. The Teacher 5. The Philanthropist 6. Adaptability

Brt 11

Flow of expression and energy, with spiritual power; extraordinary potential makes great things possible. Ajna

1. Create harmony 2. Nothing here for you 3. Carry thru to completion

4. Extend yourself 5. Heaven and earth 6. Reversion

Page 5: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 5

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Hu 11

Earth over Heaven: PEACE; small loss for a big gain; a strategy for peace; act appropriately in all relationships

1. Take care of your tools 2. Leave no friend behind 3. No rose without thorns

4. Carelessness is risky 5. Good fortune/friends 6. Disarray can be a trap.

GK 11

The light of Eden that opens the world of light; magical realism; the open mind; Codon: Ring of Light (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of BELIEFS TAKING ON A LIFE OF THEIR OWN

Siddhi: LIght Gift: Idealism Physiology: Pituitary

Shadow: Obscurity Fantasizing / Deluded PP: 12th Gene Key

12 THE GATE OF STANDSTILL: Restraint, meditation, inaction in temptation; CAUTION / Releasing awareness properly

1. The Monk 2. Purification 3. Confession

4. The Prophet 5. The Pragmatist 6. Metamorphosis

Brt 12

Blocked: nothing works, nothing bears fruit with ‘non-people’, your best efforts come to nothing. Push on… Throat

1. Tangled, clear bit by bit 2. Beyond the contract 3. Shame, not entitled

4. Work with clarity 5. Opportunity to rest 6. Overturning the block

Hu 12

Heaven over earth: OBSTRUCTION big loss, small gain; the untrustworthy clog the way, boding ill for the good

1. Use the correct tools. 2. More is expected 3. Appropriate technique

4. Problems disappear 5. Traditional values 6. Overcoming problems.

GK 12

A Pure Heart; the final trial, learning to love, love of your own uniqueness Stop Codon: Ring of Secrets (12, 33, 56) Victim of the NEED FOR PERFECTION

Siddhi: Purity / the void Gift: Discrimination Physiology:

Shadow: Vanity Elitist / Malicious PP: 11th Gene Key

13 THE GATE OF FELLOWSHIP: Universal ideas/values for cooperation; cycle; THE LISTENER / The Hearer of Secrets

1. Empathy 2. Bigotry 3. Pessimism

4. Fatigue 5. The Savior 6. The Optimist

Brt 13

People in harmony: common ground, unique contributions; heaven joins with fire: strength+energy allied G Center

1. Brave the unknown 2. Offerings, not needs 3. Go to higher ground

4. Robust boundaries 5. Be your best self 6. Shared interests

Hu 13

Heaven over fire: GATHERING; strong leadership can accomplish great things, even in a city under siege

1. Gathering at the gate 2. Family gatherings lead to tension, quarrels 3. External threats

4. Defenses breached 5. Face the enemy 6. Make peace, let go of past bitterness.

GK 13

The Chemistry of Pessimism, the ability to listen through love; fellowship Codon: Ring of Purification (13, 30) Victim of the PESSIMISTIC MIND

Siddhi: Empathy Gift: Discernment Physiology: Amygdala

Shadow: Discord Permissive / Narrow PP: 7th Gene Key

14 POSSESSION IN GREAT MEASURE: Power through skilled interaction/ grace; POWER SKILLS / Fuel to empower

1. Money isn’t everything. 2. Management 3. Service

4. Security 5. Arrogance 6. Humility

Page 6: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 6

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Brt 14

Material or intangible wealth: what you have and what you are; fire dwells above heaven – inner awareness Sacral

1. Creation from good 2. Travel onward 3. The prince as visionary

4. Don’t try to dominate 5. Pure truth speaks 6. Cosmic unfolding

Hu 14

Fire over Heaven: GREAT HARVEST; sign of the Great Sacrifice; blessings on the person who is responsible and aware.

1. Common cause 2. Safe transport home 3. The larger social order

4. Burn the rainmaker 5. Firm/just punishment 6. Blessing of heaven

GK 14

Radiating Prosperity; the leaking wagon; choice of work/people, the way you work Codon: Ring of Fire (1, 14) Victim of IMPOTENT MINDSET

Siddhi: Bounteousness Gift: Competence Physiology: Small Intestine

Shadow: Compromise Impotent / Enslaved PP: 8th Gene Key

15 THE GATE OF MODESTY: Behavior that is proper balance between extremes; EXTREMES / The Love of Humanity

1. Duty 2. Influence 3. Ego inflation

4. The Wallflower 5. Sensitivity 6. Self-defense

Brt 15

Integrity as the center of the earth, face to face with your plain self; balance in your self-sufficiency G Center

1. Pay attention to reality 2. Speak with honesty 3. Demanding work

4. Quiet authenticity 5. Seeking fulfillment 6. Act responsibly

Hu 15

Earth over mountain: MODESTY; virtue, with all lines beneficial; proper behavior in social intercourse

1. Observe social rules 2. Reputation of modesty 3. Achievement comes best through modesty

4. Practice modesty 5. Righteous overthrow 6. Correct, modest attack

GK 15

An Eternally Flowering Spring; another day in hell; attitude affecting life events Codon: Ring of Seeking (15, 39, 52-54, 58) Victim of NARROW-MINDEDNESS

Siddhi: Florescence Gift: Magnetism Physiology: Liver

Shadow: Dullness Empty / Extremist PP: 10th Gene Key

16 THE GATE OF ENTHUSIASM: Enrichment thru harmonic energy; SKILLS / Life as Art

1. Delusion 2. The Cynic 3. Independence

4. The Leader 5. The Grinch 6. Gullibility

Brt 16

Enthusiasm is a source of delight, and can set great things in motion; use it to expand and enrich… Throat

1. Incorrect enthusiasm 2. Overly rigid boundaries 3. Not in the Now

4. Taking the initiative 5. Struggle and distress 6. Grounded Enthusiasm

Hu 16

Thunder over earth: WEARINESS; mal-aise, fatigue, boredom, discouragement; devoid of meaning

1. Weariness, disfavor 2. Firm but flexible 3. Weariness at sunrise

4. Weariness at play 5. A long illness 6. Letting your guard down is okay.

GK 16

Magical Genius; the diffusion of respon-sibility, engagement in your own life Codon: the Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of TECHNIQUES

Siddhi: Mastery Gift: Versatility Physiology: Parathyroid

Shadow: Indifference Gullible / Self-deluded PP: 9th Gene Key

Page 7: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 7

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

17 THE GATE OF FOLLOWING: Wishing to rule must know how to serve; OPINIONS / Grounded in Detail

1. Openness 2. Discrimination 3. Understanding

4. Personnel Manager 5. No human is an island. 6. The Bodhisattva

Brt 17

Following: follow the energy towards fulfillment; ‘lake and thunder’, storing up energy; sleep to recharge Ajna

1. Open to new roles 2. Adult or childish? 3. The steady adult

4. Follow correct ideals 5. True to your values 6. Joining with others

Hu 17

Lake over thunder: THE CHASE; a good omen to the most ambitious of plans; in the end, all is well.

1. Setbacks ultimately ok 2. Can’t have things both

ways: choose. 3. Grow up; settle down.

4. Temporary obstacles 5. Good friends and fun 6. Surviving setbacks, give thanks, get ready

GK 17

Third Eye; male polarity; judgement/ opinion vs. integration; Ring of Humanity (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51). Victim of OPINIONS

Siddhi: Omniscience Gift: Far-sightedness Physiology: Pituitary

Shadow: Opinion Opinionated / Farsighted PP: 35th Gene Key

18 WORK ON WHAT HAS BEEN SPOILT: Vigilance to uphold basic human rights; CORRECTION / Essential Learning

1. Conservatism 2. Terminal disease 3. The Zealot

4. The Incompetent 5. Therapy 6. Buddhahood

Brt 18

Corruption: below the mountain is the wind, making for stale, unhealthy air. Awakening cleanses. Spleen

1. Take responsibility 2. Path is not sustainable 3. Deal, and move on

4. Corrupt at the core 5. Intervention 6. Go higher and leave

corruption behind

Hu 18

Mountain over wind: WORK; struggle between old and new, tradition and innovation; tension and integration

1. Taking up father’s work 2. Passive, not sustainable 3. Conservative, not fulfilling but workable

4. Denial brings discord 5. Integrity brings reward 6. Integrity is better than serving the mighty.

GK 18

The Healing Power of the Mind; victim challenging authority, correct judgment Codon: Ring of Matter (18,46, 48, 57) Victim of JUDGEMENTS/judgemental

Siddhi: Perfection Gift: Integrity Physiology: Lymphatics

Shadow: Judgement Inferiority / Superiority PP: 17th Gene Key

19 THE GATE OF APPROACH: Source that drives revolutions, fuel / sensitivity; WANTING / Fuel for our social needs /

1. Interdependence 2. Service 3. Dedication

4. The Team Player 5. Sacrifice 6. The Recluse

Brt 19

Nearing: above the lake is earth, both reflective and protective; pay attention and take responsibility Root

1. Influence 2. Reawakening 3. Sweet and whole

4. Almost at the end 5. Realization/insight 6. Authentic approach

Hu 19

Earth over lake: PREVAILING; influence over people; persuasion with honesty and sincerity, rather than use of force

1. Influence through persuasion

2. Persuasion => results 3. The use of force is counterproductive.

4. Sincerity prevails. 5. Reason prevails. 6. Honesty prevails.

Page 8: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

Rave I Ching + Barrett I Ching + Huang I Ching + Gene Keys

Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 8

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

GK 19

The future Human Being; purpose of life in the physical; the great mutation Codon: Ring of Gaia (19, 60, 61) Victim of OVERSENSITIVITY

Siddhi: Sacrifice Gift: Sensitivity Physiology: Body Hair

Shadow: Co-dependence Needy / Isolated PP: 33rd Gene Key

20 THE GATE OF CONTEMPLATION: Recognition/aware. transforming leading to action: THE NOW / I Am in the Now /

1. Superficiality 2. The Dogmatist 3. Self-awareness

4. Application 5. Realism 6. Wisdom

Brt 20

Seeing is witnessing everything; wind moves over the earth, freely and fluidly. Seeing first, then teaching Throat

1. Grow into depth 2. Restricted view 3. Seeing one’s own life

advancing, withdrawing

4. Observing the realm 5. Seeing w responsibility 6. Detached observation

by the sage

Hu 20

Wind over earth: VIEW; what is your perspective? Introspection is important; realizing the ideal self-image

1. Childish naivete 2. A sheltered life/view 3. Introspection

4. Ambassador’s view 5. No shame, no blame 6. Correct standards

GK 20

The Sacred OM; existential language, quantity of consciousness – insects Ring of Life and Death (3, 20, 23, 24, 27) Victim of INSECURITY

Siddhi: Presence Gift: Self-assurance Physiology: Brain stem

Shadow: Superficiality Hectic / Self-assurance PP: 34th Gene Key

21 THE GATE OF BITING THROUGH: Justified use of power to overcome interferences; HUNTER/HUNTRESS / Strength and Will

1. Warning 2. Might is right 3. Powerlessness

4. Strategy 5. Objectivity 6. Chaos

Brt 21

Biting through: thunder and lightning come together like action and insight; understanding the laws of life Heart

1. Locked in the stocks 2. Complete immersion 3. Poison in the meat

4. Hidden treasure 5. Finding gold in dross 6. Can’t hear the truth

Hu 21

Fire over thunder: BITING; constraint, taking the bit between the teeth; throw off restraints before they overwhelm.

1. Minor restraints 2. Up to your ears 3. Eaten up with poison

4. Good within problems 5. Finding gold in dross 6. Progressively over- whelming restraints

GK 21

A Noble Life; the demise of hierarchy, mastery, chivalry in a better world Ring of Humanity (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) Victim of NEED TO BE IN CONTROL

Siddhi: Valor Gift: Authority Physiology: Lungs

Shadow: Control Submissive / Controlling PP: 48th Gene Key

22 THE GATE OF GRACE: Behavior best suited to the mundane/trivial; OPEN-NESS / Sharing Spirit with Others

1. Second class ticket 2. Charm school 3. The Enchanter

4. Sensitivity 5. Directness 6. Maturity

Brt 22

Beauty, form as the expression of nature; direction creates its own fulfillment; below mountain is fire Solar plexus

1. Taking every step 2. Luxuriant hair 3. Jump in the deep end

4. Bright beginnings 5. Silk as an opening gift 6. Authentic beauty

Page 9: Rave + Barrett + Huang + Gene Keys 2019...PP: 2nd Gene Key 2 THE GATE OF THE RECEPTIVE: Receptivity as primal base of response; HIGHER KNOWING / The Driver / core value of the divine

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Copyright © 2019 Kyre Adept 9

# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Hu 22

Mountain over fire: DECORATION; ornamentation for a wedding or festival; generosity in new beginnings

1. Exuberance 2. Preening oneself 3. Vigor and longevity

4. Celebration 5. No gift but resolution 6. Perfection, new baby

GK 22

Grace under pressure, new and graceful synthesis, the truth of redemption Codon: Ring of Divinity (22, 36, 37, 63) Victim of ANOTHER’S UNGRACIOUS BEHAVIOR

Siddhi: Grace Gift: Graciousness Physiology: Solar plexus

Shadow: Dishonor Proper / Inappropriate PP: 47th Gene Key

23 THE GATE OF SPLITTING APART: Amoral-ity, acceptance of diversity; ASSIMILA-TION / Elimination of Intolerance

1. Proselytization 2. Self-defense 3. Individuality

4. Fragmentation 5. Assimilation 6. Fusion

Brt 23

Stripping away: mountain rests on the earth, erosion gradually revealing the core; being at home in self Throat

1. Undermined supports 2. Stripped boundaries 3. Removing incorrect


4. Pruning too hard 5. Beneficial connections 6. Resources at the end

of being stripped away

Hu 23

Mountain over earth: LOSS; nightmares warning to save from imminent danger; do not strike out or act out rashly.

1. The fitful sleeper 2. Unending restlessness 3. Hit it! No blame.

4. Violence, injury to self 5. Trustworthy servants 6. Reward? It depends.

GK 23

The Alchemy of Simplicity; ‘rightness’, self-expression rising above the clouds Ring of Life and Death (3, 20, 23, 24, 27) Victim of COMPLEXITY

Siddhi: Quintessence Gift: Simplicity Physiology: Thyroid

Shadow: Complexity Dumb / Fragmented PP: 43rd Gene Key

24 THE GATE OF RETURNING: Spontaneous transformation and renewal; REASON / Inspiration in rational form

1. The Sin of Omission 2. Recognition 3. The Addict

4. The Hermit 5. Confession 6. The Gift Horse

Brt 24

Returning: quiet thunder in the center of the earth, winter rest, cycles return home and out again Ajna

1. Return to source 2. Take time to breathe 3. Rough road home

4. Go at your own pace 5. Great-hearted return 6. Disastrous return


Earth over thunder: RETURN; a turning point where opposites collide; timing is essential, otherwise lost opportunities

1. Improvement 2. Successful return home 3. Danger, no real harm

4. Disappointing friends; turn back

5. Anger, but no regrets 6. STOP and go back.

GK 24

Silence – the Ultimate Addiction; modes of thinking vs. invention in the gap Ring of Life and Death (3, 20, 23, 24, 27) Victim of ADDICTIVE TENDENCIES

Siddhi: Silence Gift: Invention Physiology: Neocortex

Shadow: Addictions Frozen / Anxious PP: 44th Gene Key

25 THE GATE OF INNOCENCE: Uncontrived, equal love and triumph; THE SPIRIT OF THE SELF / Spiritual Warrior

1. Selflessness 2. The Existentialist 3. Sensibility

4. Survival 5. Recuperation 6. Ignorance

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Brt 25

Without entanglement: below heaven, thunder moves; moving naturally under heaven, without futility G Center

1. Disentangle, move on 2. Know your next step 3. Mobile and flexible

4. Clear the way for joy 5. Recover from struggle 6. Cluelessness


Heaven over thunder: PROPRIETY natural order, ordaining what is proper; the straight and narrow path.

1. Proper approaches 2. Do the work in order to

get the best results 3. Avoid carelessness.

4. Cautious optimism 5. Steps to recovery 6. Impropriety = woe.

GK 25

The Myth of the Sacred Wound; the secret of love vs. constriction training Ring of Humanity (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) Victim of CONSTRICTIVE BREATHING

Siddhi: Universal Love Gift: Acceptance Physiology: Heart

Shadow: Constriction Ignorant / Cold PP: 46th Gene Key

26 THE TAMING POWER OF THE GREAT: Power of memory to nurture continuity; THE EGOIST / Fools are Liars, and so are Prophets, too

1. A Bird in the Hand 2. The Lessons of History 3. Influence

4. Censorship 5. Adaptability 6. Authority

Brt 26

Great taming: heaven dwells in the mountain, creativity in the center of what it creates; potential Solar Plex.

1. Stop dangerous plans 2. Something has broken. 3. Control your direction

4. Correct restraint 5. Disarm impulse to fight 6. Change with the flow


Mountain over Heaven: BIG CATTLE expansive vision, go somewhere, do something now, with proper preparation

1. Danger = opportunities 2. Faulty equipment 3. Just do it!

4. Wise prevention 5. Guard what is precious 6. Heaven helps self.

GK 26

Sacred Tricksters; will as catalyst, light into action, playful ego from the heart Codon: The Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of EGOTISM / LACK OF GRIT

Siddhi: Invisibility Gift: Artfulness Physiology: Thymus

Shadow: Pride Manipulative / Boastful PP: 45th Gene Key

27 THE GATE OF NOURISHMENT: Enhancement of all activities through caring; CARING / Care for oneself first

1. Selfishness 2. Self-sufficiency 3. Greed

4. Generosity 5. The Executor 6. Wariness

Brt 27

Nourishment: below the mountain is thunder; your words recirculate/echo; How do you nourish yourself? Sacral

1. Giving up your magic 2. Yearning for higher life 3. No direction

4. Single-minded pursuit 5. Stay home and wait 6. No safety net


Mountain over thunder: THE CHEEKS improvement; self-nourishment as a priority, without envy or greed

1. Envy of other’s good 2. Seeking more when full 3. Stalled out

4. Aggressive coveting 5. Rest and eat to heal 6. Great undertakings

GK 27

Food of the Gods, the mathematics of love and selfishness; global food chain Ring of Life and Death (3, 20, 23, 24, 27) Victim of SELF-SACRIFICE

Siddhi: Selflessness Gift: Altruism Physiology: Sacral plexus

Shadow: Selfishness Self-sacrifice / Self-centred PP: 28th Gene Key

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28 PREPONDERANCE OF THE GREAT: Transitory nature of power and influence; THE GAME PLAYER / The challenge is life itself

1. Preparation 2. Shaking hands with the devil 3. Adventurism

4. Holding on 5. Treachery 6. A Blaze of Glory

Brt 28

Great Exceeding: the lake over the tree; water sustains, but excess will drown it. Potential overwhelm. Spleen

1. Take care at beginning 2. Irrepressible vitality 3. No support

4. Support at the peak 5. Inner vitality 6. In over your head


Lake over wind: GREAT EXCESS overreaching the situation’s limits; columns bending under stress

1. Acceptable offerings 2. Unlikely alliance, can

lead to rejuvenation 3. Inadequate support

4. 5. 6.

GK 28

Embracing the Dark Side; fear of death evolution vs. demonic archetypes Codon: Ring of Illusion (28, 32) Victim of FEAR OF LETTING GO

Siddhi: Immortality Gift: Totality Physiology: Kidneys

Shadow: Purposelessness Hollow / Gambling PP: 27th Gene Key

29 THE GATE OF THE ABYSMAL: Persistence despite difficulty has its reward; SAY YES / Energy to persevere despite circumstances

1. The Draftee 2. Assessment 3. Evaluation

4. Directness 5. Overreach 6. Confusion

Brt 29

Repeating chasms: waters flow to the end, many small commitments join to form a might river Sacral

1. Stop digging the hole! 2. One step at a time 3. Know your limits

4. Simple direct offering 5. The wisdom of enough 6. Utterly trapped


Water over water: WATER; emotion, doubt and desperation; trapped, bound, abandoned, rejected; endurance.

1. Disaster and despair 2. Curbe your ambitions. 3. Engulfed by your fears

4. Consummation 5. A vast problem 6. Wait out the problem.

GK 29

Leaping into the Void; living life fully, trusting your desires; commitment Codon: Ring of Union (4, 7, 29, 59) Victim of COMMITMENT (or lack of…)

Siddhi: Devotion Gift: Commitment Physiology: Sacral Plexus

Shadow: Half-hearted Over-commit / Unreliable PP: 30th Gene Key

30 THE GATE OF THE CLINGING FIRE: Emotional awareness lies between hope and pain; RECOGNITION OF FEELINGS / Surrendering to fate

1. Composure 2. Pragmatism 3. Resignation

4. Burnout 5. Irony 6. Enforcement, not always correct

Brt 30

Clarity: fire and light, continuous illum-ination; inner awareness spreads under-standing in unbroken rays Solar Plex

1. Beginnings of clarity 2. Full sunlight 3. Sunset

4. Supernova burns out 5. Let yourself mourn 6. Deal with the core


Fire over fire: FIRE; protector/destroyer compliance with the swings of fortune; emotional catharsis; the cycle ends .

1. Respecting the tides. 2. Harmony, good fortune 3. Take steps to protect.

4. Face your darkest fears 5. Expressing sorrow 6. Wrong captives

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GK 30

Celestial Fire; human desire as building block of civilization; genetic hunger Codon: Ring of Purification (13, 30) Victim of DESIRES

Siddhi: Rapture Gift: Lightness Physiology: Solar/Digest.

Shadow: Desire Over-serious / Flippant PP: 29th Gene Key

31 THE GATE OF PROGRESS: Life is a continuous cycle; CHANGE / The Secret is to have no expectations

1. Manifestation 2. Arrogance 3. Selectivity

4. Intent 5. Self-righteousness 6. Application

Brt 31

Influence: lake above the mountain; respond to influence with constancy, making space to contain it Ajna

1. Itchy feet 2. Bounce into action 3. Fixation on your desire

4. Steadiness of purpose 5. Alert attention 6. Eloquent expression


Lake over mountain: CUTTING; avoiding increasing damage by limiting activities; when cut, take time to heal and mend.

1. Go no further 2. To much involvement 3. Deeply hurt – heal!

4. Change for the better 5. Time to stop, no regret 6. Cutting conversations

GK 31

Sounding Your Truth; leadership and influence; language-based programs Codon: the Ring of No Return (31, 62) Victim of NEED TO BE HEARD

Siddhi: Humility Gift: Leadership Physiology:

Shadow: Arrogance Deferring / Scornful PP: 41st Gene Key

32 THE GATE OF DURATION: Adaptation while maintaining continuity; CONTINUITY / Conservation

1. Conservation 2. Restraint 3. Lack of continuity

4. Right is might 5. Flexibility 6. Tranquility

Brt 32

Lasting: thunder and wind are part of a larger cycle; inner nature (wind) trans-lates into action (thunder). Spleen

1. Look before you leap 2. Regrets vanish in the

next small step 3. Wavering

4. In the wrong field 5. Lasting character 6. Be constant rather

than starting over


Thunder over wind: STEADFASTNESS stay steady; downside is when you hold on too long to the wrong situation of person, then overcorrect.

1. Dredging up the past 2. Regrets disappear 3. Unreliable behavior

4. No game in the hunt 5. Being decorous is

more vital for women. 6. Stop fussing.

GK 32

Ancestral Reverence; failure through separation/isolation; rejoining/grafting Codon: Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of YOUR IDEA OF SUCCESS

Siddhi: Veneration Gift: Preservation Physiology: Spleen

Shadow: Failure Fundamentalist /Disjointd PP: 42nd Gene Key

33 THE GATE OF RETREAT: Active with-drawal; sharing wisdom/experience; PRIVACY / The Revelation of Secrets

1. Avoidance 2. Surrender 3. Spirit

4. Dignity 5. Timing 6. Dissociation

Brt 33

Retreat: below heaven is the mountain, stay close to the stillness that inspires, to wholeness and integrity Throat

1. Avoid old dangers 2. Retreat carefully 3. Resourcefulness

4. Retreat with love 5. Retreat purposefully 6. Rich detachment

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Heaven over mountain: THE LITTLE PIG self-help and assistance from competent people enables us to overcome obstacles

1. Turning tail in fright 2. Release fears/worries 3. Ill? Hire good help.

4. The grand gesture/gift 5. Ceremonial gala(s) 6. Everything goes!

GK 33

The Final Revelation; past life memory; inner records to escape the Maya Codon: the Ring of Trials (12, 33, 56) Victim of YOUR MEMORIES

Siddhi: Revelation Gift: Mindfulness Physiology: Thyroid/Throat

Shadow: Forgetting Reserved / Censorious PP: 19th Gene Key

34 THE GATE OF THE POWER OF THE GREAT: Power for common good and awareness = action; POWER / Pure Unconditional Power

1. The Bully 2. Momentum 3. Machismo

4. Triumph 5. Annihilation 6. Common sense

Brt 34

Great Vigor: thunder dwells above heaven, and ritual empowers resilience; following patterns correctly Sacral

1. Nervous energy 2. Principles in practice 3. Ramming the hedge

4. Persistence pays off 5. Things change 6. Competent choices

Hu 34

Thunder over heave: GREAT INJURY rebounding from setbacks; rebuilding; injury as warning, saving from more harm

1. Resistance, pushback 2. Ready to go and do. 3. Risk and danger

4. Stop hitting your head against a brick wall.

5. Don’t kvetch; rebuild. 6. Deal with what is.

GK 34

The Beauty of the Beast, the bane of ‘trying’; individual human power Codon: the Ring of Destiny (34, 43) Victim of YOUR PHYSICALITY

Siddhi: Majesty Gift: Strength Physiology: Sacral Plexus

Shadow: Force Self-effacing / Bullish PP: 20th Gene Key

35 THE GATE OF PROGRESS: Continuous circle of beginning, middle, end; CHANGE / The Secret is ‘No Expectation’

1. Humility 2. Creative block 3. Collaboration

4. Hunger 5. Altruism 6. Rectification

Brt 35

Advancing: light comes forth over the earth, as strength and inspiration bring blessings and success Throat

1. Abrupt stop, flow thru 2. Transition to fortune 3. Affirmation

4. Myopia 5. Perspective 6. Determination


Fire over earth: ADVANCE; potentially, style over substance; putting up a good front; rendering unto Caesar his due.

1. Display, but no victory 2. Greater show of force 3. Popular support

4. Putting on a bold front 5. The lost will be found 6. Blameless yet pointless

GK 35

Wormholes and Miracles; inner hunger and imbalance that drives progress; Codon: the Ring of Miracles (35) Victim of THE NEED FOR CHANGE

Siddhi: Boundlessness Gift: Adventure Physiology: Para/Thyroid

Shadow: Hunger Bored / Manic PP: 5th Gene Key

36 THE DARKENING OF THE LIGHT: Action without awareness leading to emotional crisis; CRISIS / Wait for emotional clarity; allowing secrets to rise to the surface

1. Resistance 2. Support 3. Transition

4. Espionage 5. The Underground 6. Justice

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Brt 36

Brightness Hidden: brightness enters the earth’s center, part of the natural cycle; seeds must sprout in the dark; stay true by hiding Solar Plexus

1. Flee, traveling lightly 2. Power of the Horse 3. Grasp the nettle

4. Use the darkness 5. Loyalty to hidden light 6. Balance of dark + light


Earth over fire: THE CRYING PHEASANT perseverance overcomes hardship; it may take three days and getting lost…

1. Visit, with reproaches 2. Wounded, not dead 3. Resume course

4. Caution to travelers 5. Eventual success 6. Transformation

GK 36

Becoming Human; dark night of the soul; beatitudes, opening to humanness Codon: Ring of Divinity (22, 36, 37, 63) Victim of YOUR VULNERABILITY

Siddhi: Compassion Gift: Humanity Physiology: Solar Plexus

Shadow: Turbulence Nervous / Crisis prone PP: 6th Gene Key

37 THE GATE OF THE FAMILY: The organic nature of communities; FRIENDSHIP / Ready to embrace the outsider

1. The Mother / Father 2. Responsibility 3. Evenhandedness

4. Leadership by example 5. Love 6. Purpose

Brt 37

People in the Home: wind from fire, the influence emanating from the home, sharing wealth, work, value Solar Plexus

1. Founding a home 2. Meet immediate needs 3. Playing house, rather

than making the home

4. Harmony makes home 5. Power of decision 6. True presence radiates

beyond the walls


Wind over fire: THE FAMILY ordered relationships, each fulfilling the correct function so the family flourishes as a whole; discipline leads to success

1. Guarding the home 2. Nourishing the family 3. Avoid disrespect

4. Rich family life 5. Calm hospitality 6. Firm fair discipline brings success

GK 37

Family Alchemy; evolution to the divine feminine, moving towards embodiment Codon: Ring of Divinity (22, 36, 37, 63) Victim of YOUR GENDER IDENTITY

Siddhi: Tenderness Gift: Equality Physiology: Solar Plexus

Shadow: Weakness Over-sentimental / Cruel PP: 40th Gene Key

38 THE GATE OF OPPOSITION: Individual integrity combats fear and forces; THE FIGHTER / Stubbornness overcomes all odds

1. Qualification 2. Politeness 3. Alliance

4. Investigation 5. Alienation 6. Misunderstanding

Brt 38

Opposing: fire above, lake below; even irreducible differences can be creative if you see from two angles Root

1. No need to react 2. Encountering a master 3. Vulnerable on the road

4. Dangerous but inspired 5. Reconnection 6. The orphan is blessed


Fire over lake: ABANDONED friendless, hopeless, abandoned, exiled; the triumphant return and success

1. Luck is with you. 2. Unexpected support 3. Bad beginning, good end

4. Safe in shared peril 5. Leave the sorrows of

the past; join in life. 6. Better than it looks

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GK 38

The Warrior of Light; addiction to fight-ing or struggle; focus on higher goals Ring of Humanity (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) Victim of BELIEF YOU HAVE TO STRUGGLE

Siddhi: Honor Gift: Perseverance Physiology: Adrenals

Shadow: Struggle Defeatist / Aggressive PP: 39th Gene Key

39 THE GATE OF OBSTRUCTION: Provoking analysis/assessment/re-evaluation; PROVOCATEUR / Journey is toward Spirit

1. Disengagement 2. Confrontation 3. Responsibility

4. Temperance 5. Single-mindedness 6. The Troubleshooter

Brt 39

Limping: above the mountain is water; when life is an uphill struggle, regroup with allies who help Root

1. Rethink your route 2. Impossible role or path 3. Follow natural affinity

4. Connect with support 5. Complete the work 6. Broader perspective


Water over mountain: ADMONISHMENT giving advice is sensitive and challenging; do you dare to tell or hear the truth?

1. Helpful advice 2. Dare to tell the truth. 3. Reproach for the truth

4. Excuses, excuses 5. A good, true friend 6. Following good advice

GK 39

The Tension of Transcendence; myth of the warrior; personal violence The Ring of Seeking (15, 39, 52, 54, 58) Victim of YOUR MOODS

Siddhi: Liberation Gift: Dynamism Physiology: Adrenals

Shadow: Provocation Trapped / Provocative PP: 38th Gene Key

40 THE GATE OF DELIVERANCE: Transition between struggle and liberation; ALONENESS / Power of the Will to Deliver

1. Recuperation 2. Resoluteness 3. Humility

4. Organization 5. Rigidity 6. Decapitation

Brt 40

Release: thunder and rain do their work; solve problems, untie knots, go back to your roots and reconnect Heart

1. No fault, no blame 2. Fantasy vs. reality 3. What is sustainable?

4. Release to succeed 5. No longer trapped 6. Release the bowstring


Thunder over water: LETTING LOOSE Do what you have to do, but if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

1. Relax, no worries 2. Bonus good fortune 3. Success attracts envy.

4. Friends alter your plans. 5. Your good; their loss. 6. Aim high for success.

GK 40

The Will to Surrender; correct use of will; conversion of food/drink into chi The Ring of Alchemy (6, 40, 47, 64) Victim of FATIGUE

Siddhi: Divine Will Gift: Resolve Physiology: Stomach

Shadow: Exhaustion Acquiescent / Contempt PP: 37th Gene Key

41 THE GATE OF DECREASE: Limitation of resources leading to maximized potential, just as restriction leads to more pressure; CONTRACTION / Patience is a great virtue

1. Reasonableness 2. Caution 3. Efficiency

4. Correction 5. Authorization 6. Contagion

Brt 41

Decreasing: below the mountain is the lake; pour out your offering, focus your faith, and hope for better Root

1. Bring to safe endings 2. Hold fast to the course 3. Partnership of two

4. Inform to lessen angst 5. Overwhelming assent 6. Look through+beyond

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Mountain over lake: DECREASE What you plan is feasible, supported by quiet, peaceful inaction; minimal effort

1. Attentive, calm, polite 2. Allow things to unfold. 3. Use 1-2 friends only

4. Leave it alone to heal. 5. Can’t afford to pass up 6. Time to change or act.

GK 41

The Prime Emanation, illusions, fantasies and dreams; pressure to evolve Start codon: the Ring of Origin (41) Victim of YOUR DREAMS

Siddhi: Emanation Gift: Anticipation Physiology: Adrenals

Shadow: Fantasy Dreamy / Hyperactive PP: 31st Gene Key

42 THE GATE OF INCREASE: Expansion of resources to maximize potential; GROWTH / The Grail is the experience

1. Diversification 2. Identification 3. Trial and error

4. The middle man 5. Self-actualization 6. Nurturing

Brt 42

Increasing: wind and thunder as agents of change; filled to overflowing, without limit, being blessed Sacral

1. Use your blessings 2. Confirmation 3. Clear intent, allies

4. Move to the center 5. True generosity 6. Opportunism


Wind over thunder: INCREASE A good time for endeavors, especially major projects

1. Major construction 2. Give thanks for your

good fortune. 3. Offer help in crisis

4. Turn aside to offer help to others

5. Trust is its own reward 6. Stand firm w/o help

GK 42

Letting Go of Living and Dying; futility of personal expectations; awakening Codon: Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of YOUR EXPECTATIONS

Siddhi: Celebration Gift: Detachment Physiology: Sacral Plexus

Shadow: Expectation Grasping / Flaky PP: 35th Gene Key

43 THE GATE OF BREAKTHROUGH: New order; inner truth leading to unique perspective; INSIGHT / Listen to your own inner voice

1. Patience 2. Dedication 3. Expediency

4. The one-track mind 5. Progression 6. Breakthrough

Brt 43

Deciding: what do you stand for? Lake above heaven, clouds giving pure rain; firm self-assertion Ajna

1. Rashness; be aware! 2. Alertness reduces fear 3. Suppleness

4. Your actions speak 5. Going higher 6. Speak up for your truth


Lake over Heaven: STRIDE Danger and bad news everywhere; avoid violent action, use diplomacy instead.

1. Do not proceed rashly. 2. Real dangers are within 3. Beware of slipping

4. Insincere penitence 5. Light at end of tunnel 6. Imminent disaster

GK 43

Breakthrough; survival, service, and surrender; leaping to a new level Codon: the Ring of Destiny (34, 43) Victim of NEEDING TO BE RIGHT

Siddhi: Epiphany Gift: Insight Physiology: Inner ear

Shadow: Deafness Worried / Noisy PP: 23rd Gene Key

44 THE GATE OF COMING TO MEET: Instinctive alertness manages the collective; ALERTNESS / The Personnel Manager

1. Conditions 2. Management 3. Interference

4. Honesty 5. Manipulation 6. Aloofness

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Brt 44

Coupling: below heaven is the wind, a powerful woman you cannot control; meeting as equals Spleen

1. Correct restraint(s) 2. A new idea for growth 3. A demanding task

4. Get real before acting 5. Incubation period 6. Grappling with power


Heaven over wing: RENDEZVOUS Meeting of minds only works with equals, not with inappropriate behavior

1. Good inside; outside is misfortune + struggle

2. Good enough for you 3. A weakened condition

4. Can’t give what you don’t have

5. Not good enough 6. Unnecessary meetings

GK 44

Karmic Relationships; human fractals binding together the levels; teamwork Codon: Ring of the Illuminati (44, 50) Victim of ISOLATION

Siddhi: Synarchy Gift: Teamwork Physiology: Immune Sys.

Shadow: Interference Distrustful / Misjudging PP: 24th Gene Key

45 THE GATE OF GATHERING TOGETHER: Beneficial attraction of life forces, generosity; THE GATHERER / The Ruler

1. Canvassing 2. Consensus 3. Exclusion

4. Direction 5. Leadership 6. Reconsideration

Brt 45

Gathering: lake higher than the earth; collecting from clear guidance, involving daily activities Throat

1. Settled assembly 2. Drawing together 3. Drama pushes you out

4. A larger objective 5. A positive choice 6. Overwhelm


Lake over earth: ILLNESS Adversity has a purpose: contrast with well-being = compassion, endurance

1. Face down ridicule 2. Have faith in yourself 3. Complaints don’t help

4. Perspective = fortune 5. Success has a shadow 6. Sincerity is blameless.

GK 45

Cosmic Communion; the power of food; hunter/gatherer; the end of money Codon: the Ring of Prosperity (16,45) Victim of POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS

Siddhi: Communion Gift: Synergy Physiology: Thyroid

Shadow: Dominance Timid / Pompous PP: 26th Gene Key

46 PUSHING UPWARD: Serendipitous effort, being in the right place at the right time; DETERMINATION OF SELF / the Body is a Temple

1. Being discovered 2. The Prima Donna 3. Projection

4. Impact 5. Pacing 6. Integrity

Brt 46

Pushing upward: a seed germinates; step by step ascension with active vigor; inspired possibilities G Center

1. Initiative is rewarded 2. Limited but sufficient 3. Travel straight through

4. The mountain remains 5. Climb steadily 6. Your inner compass


Earth over wind: ASCENDANCE Success comes with conscious, persistent effort of the will, with higher help in alignment with our goals; crown of glory

1. Effort is rewarded. 2. Sincere prayers will be

answered 3. Lofty, attainable goals

4. Sacrifice goes well. 5. You will make progress 6. Working day and night will bring rewards.

GK 46

A Science of Luck; the rainmaker who brings the village to harmony w heaven Codon: Ring of Matter (18, 46, 48, 57) Victim of OVER-SERIOUSNESS

Siddhi: Ecstasy Gift: Delight Physiology: Blood

Shadow: Seriousness Frigid / Frivolous PP: 25th Gene Key

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47 THE GATE OF OPPRESSION: Restricted adverse state; REALIZING / Wait for moment of realization / line

1. Taking stock 2. Ambition 3. Self-oppression

4. Repression 5. The Saint 6. Futility

Brt 47

Confined: lake without water; isolated or trapped; holding to your purpose with no encouragement Ajna

1. Hurt, abused, self-isolation, sulking

2. Respond cautiously 3. Grasping at straws

4. Over-elaborate; better to keep it simple

5. Make modest offerings 6. Feeling invalidated


Lake over water: TRAPPED Potential stagnation and despair, but an opportunity to strike out for change

1. Imprisoned, stuck 2. Outward symbols need

inward strength 3. Abandoned, no hope

4. Worrisome journey, good results at the end

5. Strip off the trappings 6. Bold action to set free

GK 47

Transmuting the Past: releasing inherit-ed anguish, archetypes, and junk DNA Codon: Ring of Alchemy (6,40, 47, 64) Victim of YOUR KARMA

Siddhi: Transfiguration Gift: Transmutation Physiology: Neocortex

Shadow: Oppression Hopeless / Dogmatic PP: 22nd Gene Key

48 THE GATE OF THE WELL: Necessary foundation to the common good; DEPTH / Resource Available in the Now

1. Insignificance 2. Degeneracy 3. Incommunicado

4. Restructuring 5. Action 6. Self-fulfillment

Brt The Well: above the woods is the stream, the unchanging source; dependable resources with potential Spleen

1. Nothing there for you 2. Small gain, larger loss 3. Activate guidance

4. Long-term future plan 5. Draw water and drink 6. Effortless plenty

Hu 48

Water over wind: THE WELL; depth of resources, if you don’t draw more than is required; take care of fundamentals

1. Unproductive circs 2. Don’t overreact. 3. Unused skills / talents

4. Process of renewal 5. Use your resources 6. Don’t waste the water

GK The Wonder of Uncertainty; leaping out of fear of inadequacy; equanimity Codon: Ring of Matter (18, 46, 48, 57) Victim of INADEQUACY

Siddhi: Wisdom Gift: Resourcefulness Physiology: Lymph/spleen

Shadow: Inadequacy Bland / Unscrupulous PP: 21st Gene Key

49 THE GATE OF REVOLUTION: Transformation based on principle, not power; PRINCIPLES / Potentially Aware, with ritualized spirituality

1. The Law of Necessity 2. The last resort 3. Popular discontent

4. Platform 5. Organization 6. Attraction

Brt 49

Radical Change: fire in center of the lake; time for transformation, challenge order and bring renewal Solar Plexus

1. Honor commitments 2. Announce the new 3. Words of change

4. Revolution is underway 5. Fluid strength 6. Self-assurance


Lake over fire: REVOLUTION Transgressors will be punished, but the righteous, virtuous, and loyal will prevail.

1. Firm determination 2. New order proclaimed 3. Wait for readiness; no going back on word

4. Lingering doubts and regrets disappear

5. Power is capricious 6. Wavering leadership

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GK 49

Changing the World from the Inside; the trigger of awakening; fear of rejection Codon: Ring of the Whirlwind (49, 55) Victim of EMOTIONAL REACTIONS

Siddhi: Rebirth Gift: Revolution Physiology: Solar Plexus

Shadow: Reaction Inert / Rejecting PP: 4th Gene Key

50 THE GATE OF THE CAULDRON: Histor-ical continuity serving the present and the future; VALUES / Guarding and maintaining the Tribe

1. The Immigrant 2. Determination 3. Adaptability

4. Corruption 5. Consistency 6. Leadership

Brt 50

The Vessel: fire rises from wood, clarity from inward receptivity; new beginning leads to transmutation Spleen

1. Clearing out the old 2. Clarity beyond influence 3. Change with the season

4. Structural collapse 5. Purified listening 6. Lasting value

Hu 50

Fire over wind: THE CAULDRON both nourishment and ritual sacrifice; material and spiritual well-being

1. A clean sweep 2. Generally favorable 3. Outlived its usefulness; let go, release feelings

4. A defective instrument 5. Very positive outcome 6. Best of fortunes

GK 50

Cosmic Order; ‘as above, so below’; lost in transcription; divine balance Codon: Ring of the Illuminati (44, 50) Victim of ENVIRONMENTAL HARMONY

Siddhi: Harmony Gift: Equilibrium Physiology: Immune Sys.

Shadow: Corruption Overload / Irresponsible PP: 3rd Gene Key

51 THE GATE OF THE AROUSING: Competitive drive leading to recognition, adaptation; SHOCK / Arousing empowers direction of Love

1. Reference 2. Withdrawal 3. Adaptation

4. Limitation 5. Symmetry 6. Separation

Brt 51

Shock: heaven speaks through rolling thunder that stirs and shakes you up; keep your stillpoint Heart

1. Reaction 2. Go to your source 3. Shock creates action

4. Shock leads to being bogged down

5. Harness the shock 6. Cut through turmoil

Hu 51

Thunder over thunder: THUNDER isasters, lost wealth, fear and humiliation are all teachers; keep your inner sense of security to weather the storm

1. Release tension with laughter/celebration

2. What’s truly yours, stays 3. Danger will pass

4. Fear => humiliation 5. Storms pass over, daily

work remains 6. Stay alert to stay safe.

GK 51

Initiative to Initiation; fear of shock and death; wormhole into higher dimension Ring of Humanity (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) Victim of ANXIETY

Siddhi: Awakening Gift: Initiative Physiology: Gall bladder

Shadow: Agitation Cowardly / Hostile PP: 57th Gene Key

52 THE GATE OF KEEPING STILL / MOUNTAIN: Self-imposed inaction –leading to assessment, stillness; INACTION / Focused and Channeled Energy

1. Think before you speak 2. Concern 3. Controls

4. Self-discipline 5. Explanation 6. Peacefulness

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# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Brt 52

Stilling: joined mountains letting you rest in your right place, moving freely with inner direction Root

1. Still feet; slow down 2. Movement despite self 3. Self-control

4. Be still in the right place 5. Harmonious words 6. Acceptance, allowing

Hu 52

Mountain over mountain: MOUNTAIN watching from a great height, seeing the big picture, not blinded by details

1. A good beginning 2. Some progress is made 3. Distraction = confusion

4. Watch the whole. 5. Watch your mouth! 6. Watch constantly.

GK 52

The Stillpoint; rising above into calm, aura affected by environmental stress Ring of Seeking (15, 39, 52, 53, 54, 58) Victim of STRESS

Siddhi: Stillness Gift: Restraint Physiology: Perineum

Shadow: Stress Stuck / Restless PP: 58th Gene Key

53 GRADUAL DEVELOPMENT: Wait for clarity; Structured progression, steadfast and enduring; BEGINNINGS / Transition and Change

1. Accumulation 2. Momentum 3. Practicality

4. Assuredness 5. Assertion 6. Phasing

Brt 53

Gradual progress: on the mountain is a tree that grows gradually and bears fruit; organic development Root

1. Negotiation for safety 2. Sufficient security 3. Take the long view

4. The refugee camp 5. Pause, then resume 6. The whole story

Hu 53

Wind over mountain: PROGRESS Wild goose migration, faithful and committed; a good omen for marriage

1. Experienced counsel 2. Sharing good fortune 3. Miscarriage, stalling

4. Flexibility, options 5. Eventual success 6. Success and legacy

GK 53

Evolving beyond Evolution; the energy inherent in all beginnings; becoming Codon: Ring of Seeking (15, 39, 52-54, 58) Victim of INABILITY TO COMPLETE

Siddhi: Superabundance Gift: Expansion Physiology: Urogenital Dia.

Shadow: Immaturity Solemn / Fickle PP: 54th Gene Key

54 MARRYING MAIDEN / Mastering your instincts: Mundane, mystical and cosmic relationship; AMBITION / The Drive to Rise Up

1. Influence 2. Discretion 3. Covert interaction

4. Enlighten(darken)ment 5. Magnanimity 6. Selectivity

Brt 54

The Marrying Maiden: thunder along the lake; the ambitious girl marries into the home without status Root

1. Do what you can 2. Single-minded hermit 3. Turn to your advantage

4. All in the right time 5. Grow into potential 6. Withholding

Hu 54

Thunder / lake: THE MARRYING MAIDEN Ambition, synergistic creation that yields surprising consequences; frustration

1. Blocks removed 2. Blindness alleviated 3. Efforts rejected

4. Delays; be patient! 5. Second becomes first 6. Sterility, impotence

GK 54

The Serpent Path; material accumulation and beyond; ambitious relationships Codon: Ring of Seeking (15, 39, 52-54, 58) Victim of DRIVE (or lack of drive)

Siddhi: Ascension Gift: Aspiration Physiology: Tailbone

Shasdow: Greed Unambitious / Greedy PP: 53rd Gene Key

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# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

55 THE GATE OF ABUNDANCE: Spiritual abundance; wonder at life; SPIRIT / Quality of Spirit in the emotional Now

1. Cooperation 2. Distrust 3. Innocence

4. Assimilation 5. Growth 6. Selfishness

Brt 55

Abundance: thunder and lightning as one, a wealth of resources when it all comes together Solar Plexus

1. Meeting your match 2. Cut off from the light 3. Darkness at noon

4. Face your fears 5. New things coming in 6. Clear demands on you

Hu 55

Thunder over fire: ABUNDANCE material splendor exists amidst spiritual malaise and isolation; you can be rich but lonely and cut off from spirit.

1. A good time to act 2. Luxury is unnecessary;

distorted reality/visions 3. Nightmares, trauma

4. Darkness at noon; the situation is favorable

5. You are well-received. 6. Splendor in isolation

GK 55

Dragonfly’s Dream; the great change; unfolding your true nature/marriage Codon: Ring of the Whirlwind (49, 55) Victim of DRAMA

Siddhi: Freedom Gift: Freedom Physiology: Solar Plexus

Shadow: Victimization Complaining / Blaming PP: 59th Gene Key

56 THE GATE OF THE WANDERER: Stability through movement, always a journey; STIMULATION / The Storyteller

1. Quality 2. Linkage 3. Alienation

4. Expediency 5. Attracting attention 6. Caution

Brt 56

Travelling: above the mountain is fire; passing through, not at home, strong personal direction Ajna

1. Fragmentation 2. A safe place to rest 3. Over-intensity

4. Unnatural position 5. Receiving praise 6. Fragile relationships

Hu 56

Fire over mountain: THE TRAVELER the seeker, the grass is greener on the other side; the journey carries risk and promise, but brings glory to the traveler

1. Insignificance 2. Well underway, with

enough to hire help 3. Danger, also escape

4. Recovery from losses but also discomfort

5. Style over substance 6. Disaster, losing all

GK 56

Divine Indulgence; script of evolution; joy in environmental transcendence Codon: the Ring of Trials (12, 33, 56) Victim of DISTRACTIONS

Siddhi: Intoxication Gift: Enrichment Physiology: Para/thyroid

Shadow: Distraction Sullen / Overstimulated PP: 60th Gene Key

57 THE GATE OF THE GENTLE: The extra-ordinary power of clarity; INTUITIVE INSIGHT / Penetrating to the Core in the Now

1. Confusion 2. Cleansing 3. Acuteness

4. The Director 5. Progression 6. Utilization

Brt 57

Subtly Penetrating: wind follows wind, you become part of something or some-one, becoming influential Spleen

1. Forward or back? 2. Understanding is crucial 3. Pushy and probing

4. Broaden your scope 5. Change for the better 6. Over-scrutiny

Hu 57

Wind over wind: WIND; crouching and impeded by fear and self-doubt; realistic goals will be accomplished with support

1. Advance or retreat? 2. Consult with shamans 3. Self-doubt, hesitation, fear lead to inaction

4. Inner conflict resolved 5. A poor beginning but a

good ending 6. Stuck in doubt/fear

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# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

GK 57

A Gentle Wind; fear/anxiety produced by thinking; listen to your intuition Codon: Ring of Matter (18,46, 48, 57) Victim of INDECISION

Siddhi: Clarity Gift: Intuition Physiology: Cranial Ganglia

Shadow: Unease Hesitant / Impetuous PP: 57th Gene Key

58 THE GATE OF THE JOYOUS: Stimulation is the key to zest, energy, and joy! ALIVENESS / The Vitality to Challenge oneself and others

1. Love of life 2. Perversion 3. Electricity

4. Focusing 5. Defense 6. Carried away

Brt 58

Opening: lakes joining together bring joy, dancing and singing, bringing people together Root

1. A promising beginning 2. Open a clear channel 3. Authentic exchange

4. Pressure to decide 5. What do you trust? 6. Strong attraction

Hu 58

Lake over lake: LAKE (talking); gentle, sincere, honest talk produces harmony; chatter/gossip brings misfortune

1. Sympathetic speech 2. Speak from the heart 3. Too much talking!

4. Unfinished discussion 5. Curb your demands. 6. Honesty above all

GK 58

From Stress to Bliss; lake of mental calm and emotional stillness; fulfillment Codon: Ring of Seeking (15, 39, 52-54, 58) Victim of INGRATITUDE

Siddhi: Bliss Gift: Vitality Physiology: Perineum

Shadow: Dissatisfaction None / Interfering PP: 52nd Gene Key

59 THE GATE OF DISPERSION: Breaking down barriers to achieve union; SEXUALITY / Bonding, Intimacy beyond Words

1. The pre-emptive strike 2. Shyness 3. Openness

4. Brother/sisterhood 5. Femme fatale or Casanova 6. The one-night stand

Brt 59

Dispersing: in a great thaw, the wind moves above the stream; decisions flow from your inner source Sacral

1. Staging a rescue 2. You have all you need. 3. Disperse yourself

4. Challenge group-think 5. Giving out reserves 6. Vulnerability

Hu 59

Wind over water: FLOWING Spiritual renewal or destructive force? The hope of safe passage and flow

1. Excellent opportunity 2. Washing away toxins 3. Spiritual refreshment

4. Excitement at the flow 5. Weathering the danger 6. Start over after flood

GK 59

The Dragon in Your Genome; trigger of planetary mutation/transformation Codon: the Ring of Union (4, 7, 29, 59) Victim of RELATIONSHIPS

Siddhi: Transparency Gift: Intimacy Physiology: Sexual organs

Shadow: Dishonesty Excluded / Intrusive PP: 55th Gene Key

60 THE GATE OF LIMITATION: First step in transcendence, space between; ACCEP-TANCE / Pulsing Pressure to Mutate

1. Acceptance 2. Decisiveness 3. Conservatism

4. Resourcefulness 5. Leadership 6. Rigidity

Brt 60

Measuring: above the lake is the stream; some limits and/or small increments are useful for creativity. The green field is most challenging to design Root

1. Stay inside boundaries 2. Restricted options 3. A chance to learn

4. Your house is in order 5. Sweet measures/rules 6. Bitter measures are

untenable: relax!

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# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Hu 60

Water over lake: FRUGALITY Enduring virtue, opportunity for enough, with contentment and good fortune

1. Natural constraints 2. Knowing the right

moment to act 3. Saving for food later

4. Content in frugality 5. Enjoy your modesty! 6. Frugality is a virtue, not a bitter burden

GK 60

The Cracking of the Vessel; closed-circuit thinking leading to limitation Codon: the Ring of Gaia (19, 60, 61 Victim of STRUCTURES

Siddhi: Justice Gift: Realism Physiology: Colon

Shadow: Limitation Unstructured / Rigid PP: 56th Gene Key

61 THE GATE OF INNER TRUTH: Pressure to know the absolute truth; MYSTERY / Potential of inner truth is silence

1. Occult knowledge 2. Natural brilliance 3. Interdependence

4. Research 5. Influence 6. Appeal

Brt 61

Inner Truth: above the lake is the wind; the wind touches everything, bringing change; inner space that is always in movement Head

1. Inner guidance brings changes vs. framework

2. Unreserved sharing 3. Join with counterpart

4. Light is growing 5. Sincere bonds 6. Over-ambition

Hu 61

Wind over lake: SINCERITY Sharing among friends, venting of true feelings in victory; sincere prayers

1. Peace; peril intrudes 2. Harmony with friends 3. Differing reactions ok

4. What’s yours is yours 5. Sincerity fears nothing 6. Insincerity = disaster

GK 61

The Holy of Holies; the true nature of the mind; the doors of perception Codon: Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of OBSESSIVE MIND

Siddhi: Sanctity Gift: Inspiration Physiology: Pineal gland

Shadow: Psychosis Disenchanted / Fanatical PP: 62nd Gene Key

62 PREPONDERANCE OF THE SMALL: Caution, patience, detail = excellence; DETAIL / Manifestation through Detail

1. Routine 2. Restraint 3. Discovery

4. Asceticism 5. Metamorphosis 6. Self-discipline

Brt 62

Small Exceeding: above the mountain is thunder that steps over the line in small ways, responding and adjusting in ways that are more creative. Ajna

1. Reaction, taking flight 2. Modest practicality 3. Taking a stand

4. You are where you need to be, connecting

5. Change the conditions 6. Failure to connect

Hu 62

Thunder over mountain: SMALL EXCESS curtail ambition; only do what you are competent to do; modest endeavors.

1. Overly ambitious 2. Can’t contact superiors 3. Guard against excesses

4. Controlled behavior 5. Anxious expectation 6. Excess = disaster

GK 62

The Language of Light; the stupidity of being clever; intellectual knowledge Codon: Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of LANGUAGE

Siddhi: Impeccability Gift: Precision Physiology: Thyroid/throat

Shadow: Intellect Obsessive / Pedantic PP: 61st Gene Key

63 THE GATE OF AFTER COMPLETION: All ends are beginnings; fuel is to question; DOUBT / Doubt is Essential Inspiration

1. Composure 2. Structuring 3. Continuance

4. Memory 5. Affirmation 6. Nostalgia

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# Hexagram Name Lines 1 – 3 Lines 4 – 6

Brt 63

Already Across: the stream dwells the above fire; the pot is ready to boil, so keep going; don’t stop, thinking you’ve arrived, use your momentum Head

1. Slipping back 2. Losses will come back,

keep focused 3. Beware, demon country

4. A fragile situation 5. Simple offerings are

more acceptable 6. Off-course; rebuild

Hu 63

Water over fire: FULFILLMENT joyous completion, release from tension; all forces in harmony, the tide turns; small + modest efforts, problems in store

1. Almost too much 2. Don’t waste time; keep

your proper focus 3. Employ good generals

4. Wet quilt dampens all. 5. Substance/sincerity

counts 6. In over your head

GK 63

Reaching the Source; infinity at either end; the driving force of doubt Codon: Ring of Divinity (22, 36, 37, 63) Victim of DOUBTS

Siddhi: Truth Gift: Inquiry Physiology: Pineal gland

Shadow: Doubt Self-doubt / Suspicion PP: 64th Gene Key

64 THE GATE OF BEFORE COMPLETION: Transition needs determined strength; CONFUSION / Pressurized mental activity

1. Conditions 2. Qualifications 3. Overextension

4. Conviction 5. Promise 6. Victory

Brt 64

Not Yet Across: fire dwells above the stream, natural patterns in wrong place; pick your way across the ice Head

1. Hampering conditions 2. Drive at the right speed 3. Cross the river, despite

the risks

4. Be decisive and over-come your demons

5. Take the initiative 6. Almost there!

Hu 64

Fire over water: UNFULFILLMENT ‘not yet across the river’, the beginning of a new endeavor; be cautious of over-confidence – don’t plunge into projects!

1. Falling flat on your face 2. Small precautions can

prevent big mistakes. 3. Not the right time

4. Right time and place 5. Pay debts, leave the

past, look to future. 6. Punishment for misstep

GK 64

The Aurora; the chaos of the elements inner light at the heart of creation Codon: Ring of LIght (5, 9, 11, 26) Victim of CONFUSION

Siddhi: Illumination Gift: Imagination Physiology: Pineal gland

Shadow: Confusion Imitating / Confused PP: 63rd Gene Key


White rows contain information culled from the Rave I Ching and The Definitive Book of Human Design by Ra Uru Hu and Lynda Bunnell; ISBN 978-0-61555-214-9, published 2011 by HDC Publishing.

Lightest grey rows are information from the I Ching translation by Hillary Barrett; ISBN 978-1-84837, pub-lished 2010 by Arcturus Publishing, London.

Soft grey rows are taken from the I Ching ,translated by Kerson and Rosemary Huang; ISBN 0-89480-319-0, published 1985-87 by Workman Publishing, New York.

Mid-grey rows are adapted from Gene Keys by Richard Rudd; ISBN 978-1-78028-542-9, published 2013 by Watkins Publishing, London.

This document is intended for study and research purposes only; collation/editing by Kyre Adept, 2019.

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