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• Last lecture we looked at local shading models– Diffuse and Phong specular terms

– Flat and smooth shading

• Some things were glossed over– Light source types and their effects

– Distant viewer assumption

• This lecture:– Clean up the odds and ends

– Texture mapping and other mapping effects

– A little more on the next project

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Light Sources

• Two aspects of light sources are important for a local shading model:– Where is the light coming from (the L vector)?– How much light is coming (the I values)?

• Various light source types give different answers to the above questions:– Point light source: Light from a specific point– Directional: Light from a specific direction– Spotlight: Light from a specific point with intensity that depends

on the direction– Area light: Light from a continuum of points (later in the course)

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Point and Directional Sources

• Point light: L(x) = ||plight - x||– The L vector depends on where the surface point is located– Must be normalized - slightly expensive– OpenGL light at 1,1,1:

• Directional light: L(x) = Llight

– The L vector does not change over points in the world– OpenGL light traveling in direction 1,1,1 (L is in opposite direction):

Glfloat light_position[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);

Glfloat light_position[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);

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• Point source, but intensity depends on L:– Requires a position: the location of the source

– Requires a direction: the center axis of the light

– Requires a cut-off: how broad the beam is

– Requires and exponent: how the light tapers off at the edges of the cone

• Intensity scaled by (L·D)n

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_posn);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, light_dir);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 45.0);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 1.0);



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Distant Viewer Approximation

• Specularities require the viewing direction:– V(x) = ||VRP-x||

– Slightly expensive to compute

• Distant viewer approximation uses a global V – Independent of which point is being lit

– Use the view plane normal vector

– Error depends on the nature of the scene• Explored in the homework

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Mapping Techniques

• Consider the problem of rendering a soup can– The geometry is very simple - a cylinder– But the color changes rapidly, with sharp edges– With the local shading model, so far, the only place to specify

color is at the vertices– To do a soup tin, would need thousands of polygons for a simple

shape– Same things goes for an orange: simple shape but complex normal


• Solution: Mapping techniques use simple geometry modified by a mapping of some type

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Texture Mapping (Watt 8.1)

• The soup tin is easily described by pasting a label on the plain cylinder

• Texture mapping associates the color of a point with the color in an image: the texture– Soup tin: Each point on the cylinder get the label’s color

• Question: Which point of the texture do we use for a given point on the surface?

• Establish a mapping from surface points to image points– Different mappings are common for different shapes

– We will, for now, just look at triangles (polygons)

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Basic Mapping

• The texture lives in a 2D space– Parameterize points in the texture with 2 coordinates: (s,t)

– These are just what we would call (x,y) if we were talking about an image, but we wish to avoid confusion with the world (x,y,z)

• Define the mapping from (x,y,z) in world space to (s,t) in texture space

• With polygons:– Specify (s,t) coordinates at vertices

– Interpolate (s,t) for other points based on given vertices

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Basic Mapping

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Interpolating Coordinates

(x1, y1), (s1, t1)(x2, y2), (s2, t2)

(x3, y3), (s3, t3)




11 syy








21 syy







L sxx





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Basic OpenGL Texturing

• Specify texture coordinates for the polygon:– Use glTexCoord2f(s,t) before each vertex:

• glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex3f(x,y,z);

• Create a texture object and fill it with texture data:– glGenTextures(num, &indices) to get identifiers for the objects– glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, identifier) to bind the texture

• Following texture commands refer to the bound texture

– glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, …, …) to specify parameters for use when applying the texture

– glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ….) to specify the texture data (the image itself)


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Basic OpenGL Texturing (cont)

• Enable texturing: glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)• State how the texture will be used:

– glTexEnvf(…)

• Texturing is done after lighting• You’re ready to go…

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Nasty Details

• There are a large range of functions for controlling the layout of texture data:– You must state how the data in your image is arranged

– Eg: glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) tells OpenGL not to skip bytes at the end of a row

– You must state how you want the texture to be put in memory: how many bits per “pixel”, which channels,…

• For project 3, when you use this stuff, there will be example code, and the Red Book contains examples

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Controlling Different Parameters

• The “pixels” in the texture map may be interpreted as many different things:– As colors in RGB or RGBA format

– As grayscale intensity

– As alpha values only

• The data can be applied to the polygon in many different ways:– Replace: Replace the polygon color with the texture color

– Modulate: Multiply the polygon color with the texture color or intensity

– Similar to compositing: Composite texture with base using operator

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Example: Diffuse shading and texture

• Say you want to have an object textured and have the texture appear to be diffusely lit

• Problem: Texture is applied after lighting, so how do you adjust the texture’s brightness?

• Solution:– Make the polygon white and light it normally– Use glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE)

– Use GL_RGB for internal format

– Then, texture color is multiplied by surface (fragment) color, and alpha is taken from fragment

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Textures and Aliasing

• Textures are subject to aliasing:– An polygon point maps into a texture image, essentially

sampling the texture at a point

• Standard approaches:– Pre-filtering: Filter the texture down before applying it

– Post-filtering: Take multiple pixels from the texture and filter them before applying to the polygon fragment

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Mipmapping (Pre-filtering)

• If a textured object is far away, one screen pixel (on an object) may map to many texture pixels– The problem is: how to combine them

• A mipmap is a low resolution version of a texture– Texture is filtered down as a pre-processing step:

• gluBuild2DMipmaps(…)

– When the textured object is far away, use the mipmap chosen so that one image pixel maps to at most four mipmap pixels

– Full set of mipmaps requires double the storage of the original texture

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• You tell OpenGL what sort of post-filtering to do• When the image pixel is smaller than the texture pixel:

– glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, type)


• When the image pixel is bigger than the texture pixels:– GL_TEX_MIN_FILTER to specify “minification” filter– Can choose to:

• Take nearest point in base texture, GL_NEAREST• Linearly interpolate nearest 4 pixels in base texture, GL_LINEAR• Take the nearest mipmap and then take nearest or interpolate in that mipmap,

GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR• Interpolate between the two nearest mipmaps using nearest or interpolated

points from each, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR

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• You can control what happens if a point maps to a texture coordinate outside of the texture image

• Repeat: Assume the texture is tiled– glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT)

• Clamp to Clamp to Edge: the texture coordinates are truncated to valid values, and then used


• Can specify a special border color:– glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, R,G,B,A)

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Other Texture Stuff

• Texture must be in fast memory - it is accessed for every pixel drawn

• Texture memory is typically limited, so a range of functions are available to manage it

• Specifying texture coordinates can be annoying, so there are functions to automate it

• Sometimes you want to apply multiple textures to the same point: Multitexturing is now in some hardware

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Other Texture Stuff

• There is a texture matrix: apply a matrix transformation to texture coordinates before indexing texture

• There are “image processing” operations that can be applied to the pixels coming out of the texture

• There are 1D and 3D textures– Instead of giving 2d texture coordinates, give higher dimensions

– Mapping works essentially the same

– 3D used in visualization applications, such a visualizing MRI or other medical data

– 1D saves memory if the texture is inherently 1D, like stripes

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Procedural Texture Mapping

• Instead of looking up an image, pass the texture coordinates to a function that computes the texture value on the fly– Renderman, the Pixar rendering language, does this– Also now becoming available in hardware

• Advantages:– Near-infinite resolution with small storage cost– Idea works for many other things

• Has the disadvantage of being slow

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Other Types of Mapping

• Environment mapping looks up incoming illumination in a map– Simulates reflections from shiny surfaces

• Bump-mapping computes an offset to the normal vector at each rendered pixel– No need to put bumps in geometry, but silhouette looks wrong

• Displacement mapping adds an offset to the surface at each point– Like putting bumps on geometry, but simpler to model

• All are available in software renderers like RenderMan compliant renderers

• All these are becoming available in hardware

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