
Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing

-Anand @Muglikar, R&D Engineer

Is a picture worth a 1000 words?

The Joker! :)

Shivaji Maharaj! \m/

The big AI Dream!

Why Signal/Image Processing?

Pleasure / Comfort-

Automation / Robotics-

Creative Expression-

Life Sciences-

Scientific Images-

Defence and Strategy

Environmental Studies-

Movies, Gaming, Enhancement

Productivity / Hazards

HDR, Computational Photography

MRI, CT, PET, etc.


Spy Satellites, Night Vision Systems

GIS, Meteorological Satellites

What is Image Processing?

Perform operations on images to facilitate any of the above results

Color Spaces

Image Formats, Files and Cameras

RGB, Gray, Binary, etc.


CCDs, CMOS, Photographic film, VGA, etc.

Cocktail Party Problem

Microphone - 1Microphone - 2Separated Source - 1 Separated Source - 2
________________________Microphone - 1Microphone - 2Separated Source - 1Separated Source - 2

How was this done?

[Source: via Prof. Andrew Ngs ML Class on Coursera ]

How was this done?

Cocktail Party Problem Algorithm

[W,s,v] = svd((repmat(sum(x.*x, 1), size(x,1), 1.*x)*x');

[Source: Sam Rowein, Yair Weiss, Eero Simoncelli]

Audio 1D signal

Why Bose systems are so costly?

Audio Signals

Why Bose systems are so costly?

Search and read the detailed Quora answer to the above question by a TA Brad Price of Dr. Bose to the question - Are Bose products worth the price?

Brainwaves Processing

Brainwaves Processing

Scientific Images

Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Curiosity rover tilted 150 degrees
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Movie Post-Production

Movie Post-Production

Movie Post-Production

Political Vendetta

Image inpainting of old times

Face Morphing Ads

Short face blending video on my website
Feature matching of faces is left to future scope :P

Portrait Professional -

Face Morphing Ad

Image Inpainting

Image Inpainting

Video Inpainting

Video Inpainting

Colorize B&W Movies

Remember Guide and Mughal-e-Azam were colorized and re-released?

Charlie Chaplin Colorized Movie

HDR Video

HDR Video

Structure from Motion - from 2d projections

Structure from Motion - 3D from 2D images

Application in Medicine

Vision-based Blood Test System gives accurate results in 15 mins -

Vision based Blood Test System

Interactive TV

In Israel Giving badges and points to loyal TV Viewers

Eye Tracking

Display Advertising using Eye Tracking Study

Understanding sports psychology - of Christiano Ronaldo

In Sports

Hardware Innovation

Lytro Camera -

Make the impossible possible. Change your perspective.Lytro's newest light field capability, Perspective Shift, allows you to interactively change your point of view in a picture, after youve taken the picture. On a computer or mobile device, you can shift the living picture in any direction; left, right, up, down and all around.Perspective Shift works on light field pictures you've previously taken and with any new pictures you take. Change your perspective and see the moment come alive.

Hardware Innovation

Like in Matrix and the Tamil film Anniyan, breakthrough freeD sports replay system for NBC Sunday Night Football to be powered by Teledyne DALSA cameras

Coming to your TV soon



Google Glass Augmented Perspective

Live AR by National Geographic

State of the Art Tracking - OpenTLD

Predator Drone - tracking a car from UAV

TLD Tracker Demonstration of Learning

TLD Tracker Human Face

3d model reconstruction from 3D Camera

Kinect 3D Reconstruction

PrimeSense Capri Demo at Google IO

How to start?

Come equipped with good programming skills and read Wikis in link depthsSeveral Open Source Projects and Free SDKs to help you viz. OpenCV, OpenNLP, OpenNI, OpenTLD, Tesseract for OCR, OpenCL, CUDA for NVIDIA, etc.Get started with tutorials and examplesAsk exact doubts after having tried solving the problem (from what I've seen, people do not help you online if they don't feel you've tried enough) in specific fora and open fora like StackOverFlowMatlabCentral for MATLAB specific questions


You are now a different person than you were a few hours ago! :)

You'll certainly be more wise and knowledgable after this workshop, provided you apply what you learn here.

Join the FB Group I love Computer Vision if you liked this presentation.

Companies working on IP-CV compiled by Prof. David Lowe


Lets share what we know and find out what we don't :P

Thank you! :)

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