Page 1: Reggie Thomas~ Founder/Director Blythe Robinson~ … pray daily for the 129 native evangelists tPlease pray daily for the 129 native evangelists thhat White Fields sup-at White

Page 8 White Fields September 1, 2015

Immersions in 2015

We praise God that during the month of January thru July 2015 there have been We praise God that during the month of January thru July 2015 there have been We praise God that during the month of January thru July 2015 there have been We praise God that during the month of January thru July 2015 there have been 3,636 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins.3,636 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins.3,636 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins.3,636 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins. These souls were won in These souls were won in These souls were won in These souls were won in Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cura-Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cura-Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cura-Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cura-cao and Cuba.cao and Cuba.cao and Cuba.cao and Cuba. Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields sup-Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields sup-Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields sup-Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields sup-

ports worldwide.ports worldwide.ports worldwide.ports worldwide.

Jesus Loves Me HomeJesus Loves Me HomeJesus Loves Me HomeJesus Loves Me Home Christmas

YES! It is that time of year! We are starting to prepare for our annual Christmas party for the children! Every year you have helped bless the children with a wonderful Christmas. We are asking again that you help us with this project. We buy new church clothes, new kitchen items, mattresses, sheets, blankets, we are also able to buy a few favorite snack foods and fun things they do not have the rest of the year.

This is a special time of the year for the children and they appreciate any help you give to them.

Junior & Jetro Jetro will be starting his final year of what we consider High School. He has worked hard all these years and is ready to finish and move on to university. Junior received bad news in June. In order to pass on to the next grade the kids must pass very difficult government ex-ams. Junior passed 2 exams, but failed the third, so he could not take the fourth. He has to repeat the grade over again. Junior is very upset and discouraged. He thought about not returning to school. After a lot of prayer and counselling, he asked us to “find it in our hearts” to give him one more chance in school. We feel we owe it to Junior to send him to school one more year. I know he studies hard and stays up late studying. Please pray for him to be encouraged and able to remove whatever obstacle that is keeping him from passing his exams (I think it is mostly geometry)! The other thing that happened with Junior is: Junior worked hard at odd jobs and saved his money, never asked us for the money, and bought a motor scooter. While he was at school taking his second exam, someone came by and stole his scooter. He has the key and thought it was safe. Someone either hot wired it or picked up and put in the back of a truck. You cannot imagine how devastated Junior is. This was his only form of transporta-tion and he had also planned during the summer and breaks in school to use his scooter as a taxi in order to make some money. I would love to replace his scooter, but cannot at the moment. It will cost us $750 for both boys to start up school. We really do not have this money but are praying God will provide.

September 1, 2015

What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?

By Zane DarnellBy Zane DarnellBy Zane DarnellBy Zane Darnell

Reggie Thomas~ Founder/Director Blythe Robinson~ World Outreach Coordinator Lori Darnell– Director of Orphanage Ministries

Overseas Evangelism & World Ministries P.O. Box 1089 Joplin, Mo 64802-1089 Reggie’s Phone– 417-483-9029 Blythe’s Phone-423-926-0234

I left for Haiti on Thursday July 30th, two days ahead of the rest of the team. I had to meet with one of our preachers, Jean Joseph St. Juste, who ministers south of Port-au-Prince. We were planning for seminar classes we are going to hold in October for all the preach-ers in the southern part of Haiti. The meeting went very well and I am excited about the seminars we are going to hold. We will be teaching on Exodus and Revelation and also Timothy and Titus. I also wanted to see if I could find some wood finish for the beams on the dining hall at the Jesus Loves Me Home. I was hoping that since Port-au-Prince has more stores and even modern stores than Gonaives that I could find some. After running around the city all day, I came back empty handed and exhausted. You have to un-derstand that going to just four or five stores is all day job there. You have traffic like you never seen before or people blocking the roads to demonstrate the

elections, all the while trying to figure out how to get around all this without getting run over. I picked up the team at the airport

on Saturday August 1st and we

headed for Gonaives. The team

consisted of Alex Hammontree,

Holly Greer, Brad Glasscock, Abi-

gail Hudspeth, Amy Greer, Matt

Morton, Madeline Hopson, Donna

Stewart, Natalie Maxwell, Angel

McClung, Gicela Alejandro, and

Nikki Stanley. Eleven of the team

members were from Henderson,

Texas and one was from Tampa,


Page 2: Reggie Thomas~ Founder/Director Blythe Robinson~ … pray daily for the 129 native evangelists tPlease pray daily for the 129 native evangelists thhat White Fields sup-at White

What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?

White Fields September 1, 2015 Page 2

On Sunday we worshipped at the Bigot Christian Church,

where I had the privilege of preaching and Angel and Abigail

taught the congregation a song. I chose the Bigot Christian

Church because the team’s home church, New Life Church,

had paid to have the roof replaced at Bigot. So I wanted the

team to see the new roof. In the afternoon I drove them to

the market, so they could see how the Haitian people buy

and sell their goods. After the market we headed to the Je-

sus Loves Me Home. The children were so excited to see us,

but I think the team was even more excited to see them. We

spent the rest of the day visiting and playing with the chil-


On Monday morning we headed back to the Bigot Christian Church to hold a VBS outreach, we had at least 300 children there. The team had crafts, songs, and sports to go along

with sharing the Word of God with the children. It was amazing to see how God worked through us to reach these children and the children were so receptive to the team and didn’t want them to leave. On Tuesday morning we were at the Marose Christian Church for a VBS outreach. The team had four stations set up with a translator at each station which made for a little smoother process. I noticed on this day how God was working through the children in touching the hearts of the team members. In the afternoon we went to Jesus Loves Me Home and worked on some projects. We started painting the walls on the fence both inside and out and building two pews for the Bigot Christian Church. On Wednesday morning we were at K George Christian Church for the VBS outreach. K George is a fairly new area in Gonaives, there are a lot of people building homes in this area. We had a lot of children for the outreach, but I can see as that area grows there will be more to share the Gospel with. In the afternoon we

were back at the orphanage finishing up the projects and playing soccer with the chil-dren. On Thursday morning we went to Primitive Christian Church for the VBS outreach. It was another successful outreach with many children and their parents attending. That afternoon we went to the community around the Bigot Christian Church and went door to door sharing Jesus with the people and also distributed 1000 pounds of rice in the com-munity. The goals of this trip were to reach out into

the communities around the churches, reach

the unreached, work on some projects, and

love the children. I am happy and proud to

say all these goals were met and then some.

Page 7 White Fields September 1, 2015

"Coming" and "Going"

The terms """"Coming"Coming"Coming"Coming" and "Going""Going""Going""Going" were chosen to capture and contrast succinctly two of the greatest philosophi-cal issues facing world evangelism today. This article is being written as a response to the question that I once

raised: "Has GO GOne out of the GOspel?”

Throughout the centuries changes have been made to N.T. Christianity. Have we been immune from similar changes? Our justification for existence is based on our commitment and determination to simply restore the original form of N. T. Christianity. Have we failed to see the possibility that we may have altered the Gospel to fit our culture? Have we replaced His message of """"GOGOGOGO"""" to them, with the cultural message of """"ComeComeComeCome"""" to us? How

well have we researched the N.T. pattern of world evangelism and how diligently do we follow it?

Jesus directly connected "Going""Going""Going""Going" to the lost with world evangelismworld evangelismworld evangelismworld evangelism. We have designated Mt. 28:19Mt. 28:19Mt. 28:19Mt. 28:19----20202020 as "the "the "the "the Great Commission," Great Commission," Great Commission," Great Commission," which required "Going""Going""Going""Going" to "all the world""all the world""all the world""all the world" and "every creature""every creature""every creature""every creature" [Mk.16:15Mk.16:15Mk.16:15Mk.16:15]. This was so successfully completed in apostolic times that Paul reported that the Gospel "was preached to every creatureevery creatureevery creatureevery creature under heaven." It even penetrated the center of world power and placed saints in "Caesar's household" [Phil.4:22Phil.4:22Phil.4:22Phil.4:22]. How could so much be accomplished in such a short period of time by so few Apostles? The answer is simple to understand but difficult to implement because our culture has embraced the philosophy of

"Coming""Coming""Coming""Coming" to church, which is expressed in the phrase, "If we build it, they will come." "If we build it, they will come." "If we build it, they will come." "If we build it, they will come."

To more fully appreciate these differences we need to remember some basic biblical facts. The Jews were taught to worship by "coming" to a building which was either the Temple in Jerusalem or the local Synagogue. For about 10 years the first converts were Jews only who excluded the Gentiles from salvation [Acts 11:19Acts 11:19Acts 11:19Acts 11:19]. The Jewish religion was not one of evangelism but of exclusion to keep pure the knowledge of God and exclude idol worship. As a Jew Jesus excluded the Gentiles from His earthly ministry [Mt.10:5Mt.10:5Mt.10:5Mt.10:5----6666] and stated that "salvation is of the Jews" "salvation is of the Jews" "salvation is of the Jews" "salvation is of the Jews" [Jn.4:22Jn.4:22Jn.4:22Jn.4:22]. When the Jewish era ended at His death [Col.2:14Col.2:14Col.2:14Col.2:14], then the Gentiles were to be included [Acts 1:8Acts 1:8Acts 1:8Acts 1:8] and in Acts 10:45Acts 10:45Acts 10:45Acts 10:45 they were included as the sheep of another fold [Jn.10:16Jn.10:16Jn.10:16Jn.10:16]. In the first century there were no church buildings. They

often worshiped in their homes [Philm.2Philm.2Philm.2Philm.2]. It was considered unusual for an unbeliever to attend their services [I Cor.14:23I Cor.14:23I Cor.14:23I Cor.14:23].

How then did Christianity grow so rapidly? Early Christians were taught the "Go" to them method, not the "Come" to us method. It start-ed with intensive training by the apostles immediately after their Baptism [Acts 2:41Acts 2:41Acts 2:41Acts 2:41----42424242]. Essentially they were taught that they were saved "to seek and save" like Jesus [Lk.19:10Lk.19:10Lk.19:10Lk.19:10]. This explains "daily""daily""daily""daily" additions to the Church, not just on Sundays [Acts 2:46Acts 2:46Acts 2:46Acts 2:46----47; 5:4247; 5:4247; 5:4247; 5:42]. It explains how the 3000 [Acts 2:41Acts 2:41Acts 2:41Acts 2:41] quickly became 5000 [Acts 4:4Acts 4:4Acts 4:4Acts 4:4], until they were such a multitude [Acts 5:14Acts 5:14Acts 5:14Acts 5:14] that they filled "all of Jerusalem" with their doctrine [Acts 5:28Acts 5:28Acts 5:28Acts 5:28]. This training and supervised experience was so thorough that theytheytheythey (church members) which"""" were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word" were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word" were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word" were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word" [Acts 8:4Acts 8:4Acts 8:4Acts 8:4]. Would this describe today's Church? Their preaching was

simply proclaiming the message of salvation as taught by the Apostles in Acts 2.

Contrast this with the thinking of some churches today. The salvation message is ccccoooommmmeeee ttttoooo cccchhhhuuuurrrrcccchhhh aaaannnndddd hhhheeeeaaaarrrr oooouuuurrrr pppprrrrooooffffeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy ttttrrrraaaaiiiinnnneeeedddd "Pastor.""Pastor.""Pastor.""Pastor." The building and its programs are designed to attract the lost. To encourage this some extol him as one whose eloquence deserves to be televised. We only need to sit and listen. The salvation of the lost is his responsibilityhis responsibilityhis responsibilityhis responsibility, not ours. After all, “isn't that what we pay the preacher for?” Wouldn't these conditions suggest a need to move power from the pulpit to the people? Some read AAAAccccttttssss 20:720:720:720:7 two different ways: "When the disciples came together to break bread Paul preached unto them" or "When the disciples came together to hear Paul preach they broke bread." Is coming and hearing a sermon the big event of the Lord's Day? The behavior of some would imply "yes." Contrast this with the gift to the church of "Tongues," "Tongues," "Tongues," "Tongues," the ability to communicate God's truth in any language [AAAAccccttttssss


Fortunately I have known a church that was truly patterned after the N.T. Members were "soul winners." At a midweek service a man stood up and introduced another man whom he had taught and baptized the day before. A blind man of the church carried a marked Bible and asked strangers on the street to read a passage containing a salvation message. He would say: "the truth is so plain that even a blind man could see it." The church grew so large that one Easter the attendance exceeded the population of the town. The church had a powerful radio program that reached thousands and it was my privilege to preach on it from time to time. Additional churches

were started throughout the area by men trained at the local church. They held continuous adult training classes in the evenings for all.

Here is an idea worth considering. Think of all the people who have never won anyone to Christ. If they won just one person in one year, and taught that person to do likewise, how large would the church become, considering the following statistics? In year one, 100 would become 200. In year two, 200 would become 400. In the third year, 400 would become 800 and during year four, 800 would become 1600, etc. I once ministered in a church that proved to me that any church willing to put the "Go" in the GOspel will grow, and I'm willing

to assist others, freely, to do likewise.

Are you for "Coming""Coming""Coming""Coming" or "Going"?"Going"?"Going"?"Going"? Never forget that if you try, you are promised not to fail [I Cor.15:58I Cor.15:58I Cor.15:58I Cor.15:58] because of Mt.28:20Mt.28:20Mt.28:20Mt.28:20.

“Coming And Going”“Coming And Going”“Coming And Going”“Coming And Going”

Dr W. Blythe RobinsonDr W. Blythe RobinsonDr W. Blythe RobinsonDr W. Blythe Robinson

Page 3: Reggie Thomas~ Founder/Director Blythe Robinson~ … pray daily for the 129 native evangelists tPlease pray daily for the 129 native evangelists thhat White Fields sup-at White

Page 6 White Fields September 1, 2015

Holly Greer I went to Haiti thinking about all the help and love I could give them, but to my surprise, they ended up filling me with happiness and blessings beyond com-pare. They truly showed me that God can do amazing things through all His people. The first Haitian we met said "My people are not poor; they just do not have money." That is so true. I was overwhelmed with pure love and joy. From seeing the children dancing in the streets when we pulled up, to experiencing an orphan giving me a bracelet when they have so little. God was able to speak through their lives. Life in Haiti was so much simpler, I was able to leave all the frivolous worries at home and love on God's children without thinking twice about the way I looked or what others thought. Without most of my worldly possessions, I felt richer than ever being filled with all the joy and peace they showed me. By the time we left, I felt like I had more family. Many lifelong relationships were built.--------Holly Greer

Donna Stewart

My time in Haiti was amazing - we were so well received most eve-rywhere we went - I was so glad to see the positives - because I had seen so many negatives on TV through the past few years - there is so much to say but what astounds me the most is how I left so much of my heart there and brought their hearts back with me - I can now understand how a person can say I love you and mean it on a first time visit - I might add that every time I got into Zane's

vehicle it was an adventure---------Donna Stewart

Natalie Maxwell Our very first VBS of the trip was at the Bigot Church. We had no idea what to expect. There had to have been over 250 kids in attendance. It was hot, chaotic, and messy. We only had two translators at the time, so I was relying on my nonverbal communication skills to teach these children how to run through an obstacle course. But then as the kids were getting restless and tired of being outside, Pastor Fran-cius Joseph came to my rescue to translate for me as I witnessed to a group of 30 or more children. At that moment I realized that God is always there and sometimes we may run into obstacles, but once we complete our course, God has something amazing waiting for us. There was such a peace and even if it was the only time those chil-dren ever hear the name Jesus, I believe with my whole heart that they realize just how much He loves them. Isn't it so awesome that we serve such a mighty God? He is with us, ALWAYS!------Natalie Maxwell

What The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To Say

Page 3 White Fields September 1, 2015

What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?What Happened In Haiti?

The VBS outreaches were not just for children in the church, but for the ones not in church. This is a great outreach tool as usually the parents come with the children. So that gives us the opportunity to talk to them too. We reached over 700 chil-dren during the outreaches and that doesn’t include parents. The churches will be following up on the ones that were there. Most Haitians only can afford one meal a day, if that. So we

wanted to do a rice distribu-tion outreach. We took 1000 pounds of rice and divided it up into gallon size zip lock bags and filled everyone’s backpack and went door to door. We shared the message of Jesus with the people in their homes and invited them to church at Bigot. This was a beautiful thing to see and we will be doing more of this at other locations in the future. We were able to build two more pews for the Bigot Christian Church and

also completely paint the inside and outside of the wall that surrounds the Jesus Loves Me Home property. Angel McClung was able to paint some murals on the walls also. I really want her to come back and do more in

the future. The team was also able on two different occasions to walk around the area around the Jesus Loves Me Home sharing Jesus. Through these efforts they were able to lead 10 people to Christ. PRAISE THE LORD!!!! The team also had a blast getting to know and play with the children at

the Jesus Loves Me Home. The children were as much a blessing to the

team as they were to the children; they already want to plan another trip

in six months to go back. I want to thank each and every one who

prayed for us while we were in Haiti, because we could feel your prayers

while we were there. We had two people accidentally drink some of the

water, but your prayers and God watching over them helped them from

being terribly sick. I also want to thank all the team members that went.

You were a blessing to all the Haitians and especially to me. Thank you

for you did.

Page 4: Reggie Thomas~ Founder/Director Blythe Robinson~ … pray daily for the 129 native evangelists tPlease pray daily for the 129 native evangelists thhat White Fields sup-at White

What The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To Say

Page 4 White Fields September 1, 2015

Alex Hammontree I loved seeing the groups face light up & see Jesus working in them. How much every single person LOVED without any limits. I'll never forget asking Sin Sin "how they shared Jesus" after he had been walking with us for a few days.. and his response was "When I get home to my church. I’m going to teach them what we are doing." To me it was such a testimony. As a group we went thinking that we would tell people about Jesus & that was why we were going, BUT God made it so much bigger. We were able to be an example of doing whatever it takes to share the gospel. That was only possible by the work Je-sus was doing in us. ------Alex Hammon-tree

Gicela Alejandro The highlight of my trip to Haiti was definitely spending time with the kids at the orphanage. They brought me so much joy and peace and made me realize how I complicate my life for no reason; when all I need to do is trust in God as they do.------Gicela Alejandro

Nikki Stanley As long as I can remember I've always wanted to go on a mission trip! About a year ago Alex Hammontree was telling me about Haiti

and I knew in my heart that I needed to go. As the months grew closer it seemed nothing was coming together. The day before she purchased tickets I called her and told her I wasn't going to be able to go I've sent out letters and I've had no response, that financially I wouldn't be able to afford it. The next day someone called and sent me a 500 dollar check. I immediately called Alex and said mark me down. I've prayed and prayed and God has answered my prayers and I was able to raise around 3100 dollars. So as the weeks grew closer now the week before we was to leave my brother in law was killed in a work related accident in Oklahoma. Since we live in Texas it took a while to get everything ready for the funeral. We were scheduled to leave Friday July 31. And the visitation was that night and the funeral the next morning. I was absolutely crushed knowing I was going to miss it. I then again called Alex and cried telling her I couldn't leave my husband and family at this time and was going to cancel my trip. She asked me to come to the church so people could pray for me. Well within the next few days after praying and talking with my husband we both agreed I should go. That the devil was only trying to get me to stay. Going to Haiti truly changed my life. It was nothing as I expected. The people and children are so loving and caring when they have nothing. Us as Americans need to reach out and learn from them. Even though they live in poverty their hearts are truly living for the Lord. Also knowing we were able to reach out to over 500 kids with VBS out reaches. Many adults gave their lives to God is absolutely breathtaking to know that we will all he living in Heaven. Haiti was my first Mission trip and pathways to many more to come. There's no experience out there that can compare to a Mission trip!!-------Nikki Stanley

White Fields September 1, 2015 Page 5

Abigail Hudspeth I was fortunate enough to get to play soccer every day at VBS and outreach while in Haiti....something I have grown up doing and love. No matter where I'm at or who I'm playing with, God always seems to use the sport of soccer to make an impact. It always rocked my spirit in Haiti to be outside playing soccer on a dirt field and watching people literally coming out of their homes, the nearby fields, or jobs to play soccer. We don't speak the same language, know anything about each other; some had no shoes, no money, seemed in bad health, but God never ceases to move in those moments, and in those moments all those circumstances were forgotten about and we played soc-cer! My heart was set on fire to see different cultures, de-mographics, and spheres of people joined together to do some-thing they love, something so simple yet so powerful. And to be able to use that as a direct route to share Jesus is something I never imagined myself doing. The enemy always tries to make us feel insignificant and like we're not making a difference, but God has taken one of my passions and birthed a gift and dream inside of it; one that he's using to impact the world! Playing soccer with the people of Haiti wasn't just a fun activi-ty, but a life changing experience, both for me and Haitians alike.-------Abigail Hudspeth

Bradley Glasscock As I was waiting in Ft. Lauderdale for the flight to Haiti, a man (native Haitian) approaches me and asks for the seat next to me. I obliged and we began talking. I took the opportunity to learn about his homeland. "My people are not poor, they just have no money," comes up in conversation. This theme recurred through-out the week to me. The people were so welcoming and accom-modating to us throughout our short time there. Many even made a point to thank us for coming to help in their country. After all they have been through and living amidst extreme poverty, I was impressed with the gracious attitudes of the Haitians. I feel very

blessed to have encountered these people. I also made many friends that I will stay in touch with for ages to come. Looking forward to next year and many more thumbs up from the Hai-tians.---------Brad Glasscock

Angel McClung All of Haiti was my favorite part.-------Angel McClung

What The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To SayWhat The Haiti Team Had To Say

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