Page 1: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Intercom is published regularly and serves to inform Vanier staff and teachers of notices and special events. It is posted on the Vanier College Website and distributed electronically. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Submissions should be in WORD, and sent as an attachment. No formatting or bullets. Photos are welcome.

Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the week of publication.

Reminder – Schedule Change – Day Division Please take note of the following change and remind students in your classes: Monday December 9, 2019, students and faculty will follow their Friday schedule

Office of the Academic Dean

Strategic Plan/Student Success Plan 2020-25 Update Save the Date! Vanier will be having its first Institutional Planning Day on Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. We will be working as a collective group to define the objectives and priorities of the new Strategic Plan and Student Success Plan for 2020-2025. Our Institutional Planning Day will give us the roadmap for the new plans. Working in groups, we will reflect on our current plans, review the survey data collected in the fall, and then focus on new possibilities for the next five years to ensure Vanier’s success! Lunch will be served! Registration form to be available soon.

Elana Cooperberg, Pedagogical Support and Innovation


Please take note that the deadline is MONDAY, DECEMBER 30TH, 2019, 12:00 MIDNIGHT. All grades must be submitted online. You will receive a message summarizing the steps to follow in your OMNIVOX account.

If you need assistance using the Omnivox online system, please contact Amanda Pacella at 7109 or Cecilia Torres at 7108 before the deadline.

Again, please take note that it is very important that all grades be submitted by the indicated deadline for all technical op erations associated with the process of “Student Academic Standing and Advancement”. The Registrar’s Office cannot determine those students in p oor academic standing nor graduating students, and cannot organize completely the entire process of registration with students unti l all the marks for the semester have been entered.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sylvie Tardif, Dean of Academic Systems-Registrar

Volume M23, Issue No. 15, November 25, 2019

Page 2: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Indigenous Education in Kahnawake, December 17

Our second day of learning in Indigenous education will be on December 17. Exact times are to be determined, but the event wi ll likely last

from around 9AM to 4PM. We will go to the First Nations Regional Adult Education Centre in Kahnawake and learn about Indigenous

pedagogies and other strategies to Indigenize our various workplaces. While the focus is pedagogy, we will find ways to make things relevant

to people who work in non-pedagogical capacities at Vanier! Exact times are to be determined. Please fill out this form to register! The deadline

to register is November 29th at 5PM.

Note: this is only open to employees, Indigenous students, and students registered in the Indigenous Studies Certificate Pr ogram. Please share

with people who fit this profile.

Jacky Vallée, Indigenous Studies

Vanier College Holiday Gift Basket Campaign 2019 Student Services has launched our annual Holiday Gift Basket Campaign. During the entire month of November, we will be collecting funds for

students in need. Please join us in this initiative to support Vanier students in need.

WHY? Here at Vanier College, over 1,000 students receive loans and bursaries each year in order to help afford their education and stay in

school. Many of them still need additional funding for items such as food, books, rent, clothing, transportation, childcare expenses; and much

more. Our Student Services Department works with our students in order to help them cope with the daily pressures of school a nd life; while

offering them a safe haven to share their experiences and know that they are part of a larger family/community. Each year around the

December break, we know that our students experience additional financial strain that the holidays bring. The Holiday Gift Ba sket project

helps to provide nourishment and connection to our students during this especially difficult time.

WHAT? Your donation will help us create a Holiday Gift Baskets for students identified to be at especially high risk. Our goal is t o raise $3,000

in order to create 30 baskets. The baskets will include a grocery store gift card – allowing students to purchase groceries at a time when so

many go hungry. Students will also receive personal care items that will add a little community care to their school break.


1) In-person donations can be made in Student Services (C-203) anytime during our Operating Hours. Cheques should be made payable

to the Vanier College Foundation.

2) Online donations can be made via Canada Helps. Be sure to choose “Holiday Gift Basket” from the drop -down menu.

3) Join us in the Students Mall on November 27 th from 10am-3pm for a Bake sale where all funds raised will go to the creation of our

Holiday Baskets.

All donations of $10 or more are eligible to receive tax receipts.

Jim Atkinson, Socio-Economic Officer, Student Services

PEER TEACHING COURSE: CALL FOR APPLICANTS The Peer Teaching course is a special B-Block English course (603-HS course) open to students in all programs and offered every winter

semester. Every fall, I recruit students with strong English language skills who are interested in learning how to teach and help other students.

This course is a good opportunity for exceptional students to gain valuable peer tutoring experience while also obtaining a g rade for the B-

Block English course.

Please encourage motivated and interested students in your classes to apply for my course by Friday, November 29, 2019. The students who

apply must already have taken two English courses and passed them with a grade of 75% or over. Furthermore, they must be students who

have not yet completed a B-Block English course. Application forms are available at my office (N-554) and at the office of the Faculty Dean of

Page 3: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

General Education (B-208). Applicants will be interviewed in early December and selected according to their level of excellence, commitment,

and responsibility. Selected students will then be pre-registered into my course in January.

If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 7271 or to send an email at

[email protected]

Thank you in advance for your help.

Spiridoula Photopoulos, English Department

Leave No Dream Behind – an inspiring message from

Vanier College to adult learners in Continuing Education

Vanier College is pleased to announce a new strategy for building the image and

publicizing Vanier Continuing Education and the Vanier Language School.

“Leave No Dream Behind” is the new message coming from Vanier Continuing

Education in a campaign that highlights stories of graduates of adult education

programs and language courses. In a series of videos, graduates underline how

the competencies they acquired and the certifications they obtained at Vanier

helped them access the job market and find jobs in their chosen fields. Above

all, they describe how their program and Vanier College Continuing Education

helped them make their dreams come true.

The campaign aims to advertise programs and courses and promote the

advantages of Continuing Education and the Language School. New advertising

materials include short informative and motivational videos, photos of

graduates, advertising material for print and social media, website banners,

radio messages, billboards on several Metro station platforms, new program postcard descriptions, and inspirational wall visuals in the

Continuing Education areas on both main St-Laurent campus and the new Parc-Ex Campus.

The videos, in particular, demonstrate the impact of Continuing Education programs on graduates’ lives

and the advantages of studying at Vanier. The graduates featured in the videos describe how their

Continuing Education experience at Vanier gave them confidence, taught them skills, and earned them the

certification they required to improve their lives and their careers. The list of advantages include short,

intensive programs, a choice of full-time day or evening, as well as part-time programs, teachers with

experience in the professions they teach, well-designed programs, excellent facilities, and valuable


“This campaign underlines the importance of Continuing Education and the role it plays in supporting adult

learners and in helping new immigrants integrate into Quebec society. Indeed Continuing Education helps

them gain educational credentials recognized in Quebec, and access the job market in areas that inspire

them. In this way, Continuing Education allows them to fully integrate and play their role as citizens,” says

Anne Marie Lemay, Dean of Continuing Education and Community Services.

The “Leave No Dream Behind” campaign was gradually deployed on various platforms during summer 2019. During fall 2019 and win ter 2020,

the videos will also be available on the Vanier website and will be distributed on various social media platforms.

Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier Communications and Corporate Affairs

Page 4: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Third-year Jazz Improvisation Recital: The Saga Continues

This Wednesday, Nov. 27 during UB in the Auditorium, the Department of Music's Third-Year Improvisation Ensembles continue their

remarkable and hard-fought journey toward excellence with another recital of musical selections from the jazz and popular music domains.

Standards like Mack the Knife and Stella by Starlight are on the program, as are newer selections by artists like Bruno Mars and Paul Simon.

Guided as always by the inimitable and ever-professional Nick Di Tomaso, these young musicians are sure to stimulate your visual and aural

senses and bring you a bit of light in these gloomy, snowy, rainy, windswept, wintry days. Sounds appealing, doesn't it? Come and join us—

admission is free, as always.

Glen Ethier, Department of Music

Contest: Black History Month Poster

For Black History Month, we are organizing a contest to select a poster or a logo that will represent the true meaning of Black History Month.

The poster must reflect the valuable contribution and positive role models of members of the Black community.

The deadline to submit your entry is Wednesday, November 27th 2019 at the main counter of the print shop (B-121).

The winner will receive a prize of $400.00. Furthermore, that will be the 2020 official Black History Month poster at Vanier College.

Please encourage your students.

For more information, please contact: Danielle Altidor [email protected] or Mark Prentice [email protected]

Danielle Altidor, French Department

Call for Applications: Meg Sircom Memorial Scholarship Please encourage students who like to write fiction, poetry, personal essays or other creative work, and who have good grades in English, to

apply for the Meg Sircom Memorial Scholarship. Meg Sircom was an English teacher at our college from 2001-2011. She was a fiction writer,

and valued both academic and creative writing.

Scholarship amount: $500

Deadline for applications: Jan. 27, 2020


The applicant must be a student at Vanier College during the A19-H20 academic year.

The student has received final grades of 80%+ in at least two English classes (101, 102, 103, HS-)

The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

graphic storytelling, or other)

For information on applying, students should contact

their English teachers, or

Dana Bath (D-545B, 514-744-7500 x 7814, or through MIO)

Dana Bath, English Department

Page 5: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Referral Form: Early Alert Support

The Early Alert Support referral form is available online for teachers to refer at-risk students to the Student Success Advisor. Teachers are

encouraged to fill out the online referral form as soon as it becomes noticeable that a student is likely to fail and requires support beyond help

understanding course content.

I contact referred students and invite them to meet with me. Depending on a student’s situation, I will either work with them directly, or refer

them to the relevant resource(s), and follow up to help ensure the student receives the necessary support.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you want further information: extension 7568 or [email protected].

Referral form: Early Alert Support:

Cari Clough, Tutoring and Academic Success Centre, E-308

NOVEMBER IS WELLNESS CHALLENGE MONTH The Mental Health and Wellness Team has been working on encouraging wellness on campus. Wellness is a practice that involves becoming

aware of making choices toward a satisfying and healthy life. Each week in November promotes a different aspect. Each week participants

have been receiving suggestions of things that they can do and activities on campus related to the specific aspect of wellness highlighted each


The week of November 25th to 29 th is dedicated to Physical Wellness.


An Introduction to Boxing with Shawna Lambert

Wednesday, November 27, Sports Complex G-157, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

To register, please mio Shawna Lambert

(a healthy snack will be provided by the VCSA)

Physical wellness means being in tune with your body by making healthy lifestyle choices. It involves regular physical exercise or movement,

intuitive eating, adequate sleep and practicing safe behaviours which benefit your mood, self-esteem, overall health, and brain function. Come

on out and join your peers in the pursuit of a happier, healthier you!

Nearly 150 students and staff have already signed up for The Wellness Challenge. If you are interested in joining us, please send an email to

Sarah Dudley at [email protected] or drop by C-203 and sign in with the receptionist.

Irma Mazzonna, Mental Health and Wellness, Student Services

Page 6: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,
Page 7: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Prevention Awareness Day – November 27

Teachers, let your students know about Prevention Awareness Day activities on November 27. The day will be addressing matters related to

consumption, drinking and driving, fraud, consent, as well as providing awareness related to services here at the college and beyond that

students can access.

The goal is to encourage a dialogue, and provide information, that will help facilitate a safer campus environment, a more in formed student

body, that will allow students to better care for themselves as well as others.

Matthew Shaw, Student Services

Page 8: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,
Page 9: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

The Gift of reading is back at Jake's Co-op

Dear Vanier Community,

This year, the Co-op will once again participate in The Gift of Reading program in collaboration with the Literacy

Foundation. The Gift of Reading targets underprivileged children aged 0–12 from across Quebec, with the goal of

preventing reading and writing difficulties that can lead to dropping out of school and illiteracy.

For the second consecutive year, the Co-op will serve as one of the numerous collection points and will distribute the books donated

by the public from Vanier to the Literacy Foundation.

How can you help reduce illiteracy in Quebec?

You can support the program easily by

1. Choosing a brand new book at the Co-op from the Children's section.

2. Writing a message to a child on one of the cards available at the bookstore.

3. Depositing the book and the card inside the Collection box.

The collection started on November 4th and goes through the whole month of December 2019. The distribution of books to the children

will take place in May 2020.

Heather Eason, Jake’s Co-op and Café

Page 10: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

La tasse

Do you have your cup? Now available in the cafeteria.

Get “La tasse” for 5$ (no-taxable) and bring “La tasse” back to

one of our partners and:

Get your deposit refunded

Or get a new cup

Or Reuse your own cup.

Sabine Quéron, Cafeteria

Page 11: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

You better Belize it!!

The international complementary course "The Tropics: Opportunities and Challenges; A Study of Human-Environment Relationships in Belize"

will be holding a Pub Night and Silent Auction Fundraiser at McKibbins Irish Pub (1426 Bishop St, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2E6), on November

28th, from 6:00-9:00pm. Tickets are $20 and include one alcoholic beverage, appetizers, and live music. They can be purchased from Brandee

Diner or Quentin vanGinhoven (N-442), Marianne Lynch (N-444), Jennifer Joseph (B-212), or the FABSS office (A-286). Come support the Belize

students and help reduce the cost of their trip. Amazing items available at the silent auction (weekend getaways, OSM tickets, restaurant gift

certificates and more), as well as drinks, food music and all around good cheer!

Brandee Diner, Environmental and Wildlife Management

Page 12: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Continuing Education and Language School Winter Courses and Programs

Let family and friends know about the December 5th Information Session on Continuing Education Winter Programs and Winter Language School courses.

Page 13: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

PSI News

Vanier’s TIEK: The Benefits of Virtual Reality Did you know that because VR creates a sense of presence in a virtual environment, it can help people overcome fears and reduce stress? It can also promote relaxation, help treat ADHD, and generally change a person’s mind. Research has shown that users learn more effectively in a VR environment than when looking at a flat screen. VR can also help improve recall. According to researchers at the University of Maryland, users recalled information more effectively with VR than without. In part, this is thanks to an increased awareness of one’s environment. VR is also useful for low-risk learning. Students can safely practice tasks in dangerous contexts or tasks that would normally require costly equipment or materials. It can allow students to access the inaccessible such as a cell, an atom, or Pompeii during Vesuvius’s eruption. For details on the equipment and some of the apps available, visit the TIEK page. For details on the launch of the TIEK see below.

You are invited to the Launch of the Vanier TIEK! Please join us for the official launch of the Vanier TIEK. The kit offers teachers a chance to experiment with, and explore, the potential for Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR & VR) among other innovative technologies in the classroom! Faculty will have the chance to try out some of the devices and apps. Light refreshments will be served. When: January 29th, 2020, during UB (12 to 1:30pm) Where: The STEM Center (D301) To register, please visit or click this QR Code. Space is limited to 40 guests, so be sure to register soon!

Grants for College Researchers

NovaScience – Volet 2 – Soutient aux initiatives de formation en intelligence artificielle INTERNAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 25TH, 2020


This program is offered by the Ministère de l’économie et de l’innovation (MEI) with the goal of supporting the enrichment of training in the

following domains of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Reinforcement learning

Deep learning

Object detection

Medical imagery

Societal impacts of AI

Optimizing supply chains, transportation networks, etc.

Real-time decision-making

Automatic translation

Natural language processing

Computer vision

Page 14: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

General information: For more information, please visit the program webpage:


As per page 11 of the program guide, the MEI offers a Service-Conseil until November 29th, 2019. The MEI can review a draft of your

application ahead of your official submission if submitted by then.

Internal application process timeline:

If you intend to apply for this grant, please notify the PSI Research Officer, Angela Vavassis ([email protected]) by

November 20th, 2019.

If you would like feedback on a draft of your application, email it to Angela by November 22nd, 2019.

Your complete application package must be submitted to Angela by November 25th, 2019.


DURATION OF GRANT: 1 YEAR – 3 YEARS This program is offered by the Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur (MEES) with the goal of broadening and consolidating

pedagogical research.

Eligible projects can fall under one of these research themes: 1) Teaching 2) Learning 3) The Educational Environment

General information: The grant offers teaching release as well as an operating budget.

Teaching staff and professional staff are eligible to apply.

For more information, please visit the program webpage:


Internal application process timeline:

If you intend to apply for this grant, please notify the PSI Research Officer, Angela Vavassis ([email protected]) by December 23rd, 2019.

If you would like feedback on a draft of your application, email it to Angela by January 2 nd, 2020.

Your complete application package must be submitted to Angela by January 9 th, 2020.

PART – Volet innovation technologique INTERNAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: JANUARY 30TH, 2020

DURATION OF GRANT: 1 YEAR This program is offered by the Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur (MEES) with the goal of supporting applied research within the technological sector. Project categories: 1) Development of expertise (autonomous research) 2) Research in partnership with Quebec-based private companies General information:

The grant offers teaching release as well as an operating budget.

Teaching staff and professional staff are eligible to apply.

For more information, please visit the program webpage:


Page 15: Reminder Schedule Change Day Division Strategic Plan ... · The student will submit a portfolio of 5-15 double-spaced pages of creative literary work (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction,

Internal application process timeline: If you intend to apply for this grant, please notify the PSI Research Officer, Angela Vavassis ([email protected]) by

January 16th, 2020.

If you would like feedback on a draft of your application, email it to Angela by January 23rd, 2020.

Your complete application package must be submitted to Angela by January 30 th, 2020.

Evaluation Committee Participation for College Researchers PAREA Evaluation Committee

WHERE: QUEBEC CITY WHEN: MARCH 16TH-20TH, 2020 The Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur (MEES) is seeking college researchers to participate in the project evaluation committee for PAREA grants. The evaluation committee will meet in Quebec City between March 16 th and 20th, 2020. Transportation costs can be covered by the MEES, but not the time spent evaluating applications. If interested, please submit your candidacy by January 23 rd, 2020 to [email protected]. The CV you submit must include your full name, job title and department, name of the institution you teach in, discipline(s) of expertise, research experience, and co ntact information. For additional information, please contact Claudia Gosselin or Christine Néron at phone extension 2950. Only those candidates chosen for the evaluation committee will be contacted.

Elana Cooperberg, Pedagogical Support and Innovation

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