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Excitotoxins Presentation(2) NervesNerves are sending signals throughout your body within a millisecond or less. During normal metabolic function the concentration of neurotransmitters in the snyaptic cleft is quickly reduced to keep cells healthy and in balance.Specialized glial cells also aid in clearing out unnecessary neurotransmitters. An excess can turn neurotransmitters excitotoxic and make receptors over-activate.When nerve cells can not keep up they kill themselves (apoptosis) or trigger a nearby cell to devour it (phagocytosis).Glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain. Glutamate receptors exist in every part of the body. They are in the heart, digestive system, and every vital organ. Aspartate is also a neurotransmitter which is abundantly found in the spinal cord.

Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters (as opposed to GABA and glycine which are inhibitory neurotransmitters). Receptor activation with an excitatory neurotransmitters causes depolarization of the membrane and promotes action potential generation. An inhibitory neurotransmitter causes hyperpolarization and depresses action potential generation. It is very important to maintain a balance in the brain between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.(3) Excitoxicity

There are numerous ways that an excess of neurotransmitters can damage and kill the cell. For example,

Excitotoxicity causes high levels of calcium (Ca2+ ions) to enter cells, activating a variety of enzymes which damages cell structures including DNA.

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Oxidative stress also promotes excitotoxic degeneration of synapses and death of neurons.The 5 main conditions which allow glutamate to shift from neurotransmitter to excitotoxin include; 1. Inadequate neuroal ATP levels 2. Inadequate neuronal levels of magnesium 3. high inflammatory prostaglandin and leukotrine levels 4. excessive free radical formation 5. inadequate removal of glutamate from the extracellular synaptic space back into neurons or into astrocytes.(4) GlutamineThe amino acid can be converted depending on the need for neurotransmitter. The central nervous system maintains the

glutamate-glutamine cycle in a sequence of events to maintain the demand for it. Glutamate taken up by glial cells is then converted into glutamine. However, in the GABA-glutamine cycle the glutamine taken up by neurons is converted to glutamate, which is then metabolized into GABA. The job of GABA is to calm brain functions.The GABA is taken up by glial cells and metabolized into succinate. These are a cycle of conversions that rely on supply and demand.Glutamate is derived from the reaction of glutamic acid with sodium. One of the many ways excitotoxins damage neurons is to prevent the intracellular formation of glutathione, one of the most important cellular antioxidants.Excessive free radicals can prevent glutamate uptake by astrocytes.(5) Video and picture of Excited neurons

There are glutamate receptors on both sides of the blood brain barrier, and when you expose these receptors to glutamate, it opens up the blood brain barrier. Exposing receptors to excess glutamate causes irregular opening of the barrier, compromising the brain's defense system and allowing chemicals, viruses, bacteria, and other foreign substances to move in.A similar problem can occur in the intestines.

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Normally, cells regulate the molecules allowed to pass through, and structures called "tight junctures" seal the gap between intestinal cells so that molecules don't sneak by. (6)Activated glutamate receptors allow calcium to enter, propagating an action potential.Normal levels of calcium inside the neuron allow normal functioning, but when excessive calcium builds up inside neurons, this activates a series of enzymes, including phopholipases, proteases, nitric oxide synthases and endonucleases.Nitric oxide that reacts with a superoxide radical creates the supertoxic peroxynitrite radical.Peroxynitrite, oxidizes membrane fats, inhibits mitochondrial ATP-producing enzymes, and triggers apoptosis. Excessive intra-neuronal calcium can also make it impossible for the neuron to return to its resting state, and instead cause the neuron to "fire" uncontrollably.Excitotoxicity can also cause the tight junctions to open up and allow molecules through (also known as leaky gut). This can also happen in your bladder and kidney.(7) Nerve cell pictureA signal is sent through the Dendrites producing a release of neurotransmitter from the synapse into the synaptic cleft. These bind to the receptors, relaying their message to the next cell.Changes in methylation can alter protein activity which can result in an array of detrimental conditions.(8) When the..Over-stimulation of the receptors can create: Headaches, irritability, aggression, depression, confusion, and seizures. It creates reflux in the esophagus and digestive problems such as diarrhea and irritable bowel.

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There can also be problems with the CNS and heart.Cardiac disease could be a problem due to excitotoxicity.Your pain receptors are in the spinal cord. That means that every bit of aspartame or MSG you ingest can over-stimulate your pain receptors sending extra pain signals to your brain.

They actually cause you to hurt worse. And some of what slipped through the blood-brain barrier may also help your brain amplify those incoming pain signals even more.

Excitotoxins could promote cancer growth and metastasis because cancer cells become more mobile when exposed to aspartate or glutamate. Also, the aspartic acid component of aspartame makes the cancer grow very rapidly.

An Italian study fed animals aspartame throughout their whole lives. It found that if you take these same animals and expose them to formaldehyde in the same doses, they developed the same leukemias and lymphomas. A study conducted in Spain a couple of years ago, found that when they radio labeled the aspartame, they could actually see formaldehyde binding to the DNA, and it produced both single and double strand DNA breakage.When formaldehyde binds to DNA, it's very difficult to remove it. It will stay there for long periods of time.

(9) Excess...Neurotransmitters are not the only chemicals that contribute to excitotoxicity. Others include:Chemicals capable of binding with receptors.Chemicals that interfere with enzymes responsible for naturally reducing neurotransmitter levels. And,Chemicals that interfere with metabolic housekeeping processes.There is a growing list of chemical ingredients found in pesticides, pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter medications,

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vaccines and other products.Interestingly, many chemicals that are excitotoxic at one level are endocrine disruptors at another- this disrupts hormones. This could be called synergistic excitotoxicity.

(10) L-cysteineAnother powerful excitotoxin L-cysteine has been added to certain bread dough and supplements at health food storesHomocysteine is an excitotoxin that is a major indicator of cardiovascular disease and stroke.Studies have shown that mercury interferes with the removal of glutamate from the extracellular space.(11) Another systemThe enzyme superoxide dismutase 1 (which is an antioxidant), can become mutated as is seen in ALS patients.This causes glutamate transporters to become inactive which results in an increase of neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft. SOD1 is important for defense of nearly all cells that are exposed to oxygen.High concentrations of neurotransmitter, make the receptors on your neurons misfire, amplifying pain signals, or creating uncontrollable anxiety and irritability.(12) PictureThese conditions can cause; an increase in the rate of the release of glutamate, a decrease in the re-uptake of glutamate, leakage of glutamate, or a toxic effect to receptors.And the increase of extracellular glutamate causes excitotoxic brain injury.(13) Also...Increase of insulin from the pancreas is seen with exposure to MSG The pancreas contains glutamate receptors and an excess of glutamate in the diet can induce as much as a threefold increase in insulin release.

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Experiments in animals has been shown to induce insulin resistance (such as we see with type 2 diabetes in humans)(14) Excess..Excess glutamate impairs a baby's nervous system. It can contribute to juvenile obesity or Sudden Infant Death.Obesity induced by excitotoxins doesn’t appear to depend on food intake.A study based on eight years of data showed that drinking soft drinks increases the likelihood of weight gain by 65 percent.

It was the diet soda that was associated with “serious weight gain”, not the regular soda.

A deadly combination can occur in young adults who are low in magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, and high in calcium and excitotoxins from food additive:When magnesium is low the glutamate receptors are so sensitive that even low levels of excitotoxins can result in cardiac arrhythmias and death.Strenuous exercise, especially in extreme heat, depletes the body's magnesium stores, so does consumption of carbonated drinks and taking calcium supplements. Also, adrenalin secretion (which is increased during exercise) intensifies heart muscle irritability and further loss of magnesium. When calcium supplements are taken in the face of an existing magnesium deficiency, both magnesium and calcium are driven into the bones, producing a sudden magnesium-depletion crisis.

In a classic experiment it was found that stressing magnesium-deficient animals resulted in an almost 100% mortality from sudden cardiac arrest. Adding magnesium reduced mortality dramatically. (15)- Cartoon(16) In unprocessed...Glutamate appears naturally in foods (like tomatoes and seaweed),

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but all of these types of glutamate are bound in amino acid groupings. They're not free amino acids. Complex proteins are absorbed slowly in your GI tract, then broken down in the liver, where they are released in very low concentrations that the body can deal with. Our bodies were never intended to have free amino acids in such high concentrations.Also, in the case of tomatoes, the plant contains several powerful antioxidants known to block glutamate toxicity.

Soybeans are naturally high in glutamic acid. When soy extracts are produced through hydrolysis the glutamic acid is released and concentrated. The resulting levels are often higher than in MSG-labeled products.Batches of yeast are broken down to provide amino acids -- on a food label this may be read as 'yeast extract'. Citric acid is most often made from the fermentation of corn sugars. Free glutamic acid is introduced from the protein remnants hydrolyzed during production. Be aware too that citric acid is often produced at facilities where mercury contamination may have occurred early in the process.'Edible' films and coatings applied to foods -- both fresh and processed -- have various formulations that include hydrolyzed proteins. Produce that has been 'waxed for appeal' can contain excitotoxin in the wax.Hydrolysis is used during processing to break down proteins and starches into amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids. Hydrolysis can be achieved using chemicals, enzymes, heat, and other techniques.Two particular amino acids that are usually always liberated in the process include-- Asparagine (Asn) and Glutamine (Gln). These convert to aspartic acid and glutamic acid.

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(17) When an...High consumption of aspartame adds an additional cardiac muscle toxin: methanol. A number of studies have shown that consuming aspartame and MSG together greatly magnifies the toxicity.Food science uses a variety of processes to convert whole foods into basic materials. These materials are manipulated, combined, and added to foods in ways that meet performance and cost requirements.(18) Ingredients...Ingredients are engineered to achieve attractive taste, texture, appearance, and shelf life characteristics.Aspartate is a component of aspartame it is used in artificial sweeteners such as Equal, NutraSweet and Amino Sweet.It can be found in diet soda, sugar-free drink mixes, and low-calorie packaged products.Glutamate or aspartame combined with colors in snack foods and aluminum in cans is significantly more neurotoxic than any of the chemicals alone.Heavy metals also cause glutamate to act more strongly towards neuron death.(19) List of...This is a list of common artifical sweeteners.

Today, NutraSweet is sold in over one hundred countries, found in over six thousand products, and is consumed by over 250 million people.

A study found that Aspartame has an effect on gene expression even after one week at levels that exceed the maximum recommendation.

Over 800 million pounds of aspartame has been consumed in various products since it has been approved.

It was researched and brought before the FDA for approval in 1967-1978. It was DENIED 12 times.

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(20) As the..As aspartame is metabolized it releases methyl alcohol, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid.Aspartame is made up of 40% aspartic acid, 50% phenylalanine, and 10% methanol.Phenylalanine is an amino acid normally found in the brain. A build up of phenylalanine can cause problems as seen I people with PKU disease who can not break it down.Levels in the blood are shown to increase significantly in those who chronically use aspartame.Excess levels can cause the levels of serotonin to decrease- leading to depression and schizophrenia.Methyl alcohol breaks down into formaldehyde, then formic acid. APM methyl alcohol and formaldehyde poisoning, creates a host of cumulative degenerative diseases and functional abnormalities.

When you consume aspartame your body takes the phenylalanine and decomposes it into DKP- a known carcinogen.

A relatively small amount of aspartame (one can of soda ingested by a child) can significantly increase plasma methanol levels.

Some products that contain aspartame include; carbonated soft drinks, frozen desserts, yogurt, gelatins, chewing gum, and dessert mixes. Sugar-free cough syrups and drops also contain Aspartmae.

(21) Aspartame may...Aspartame could be partially responsible for the widespread epidemic of Alzhiemier's disease because it speeds up the process.It may also contribute to Parkinson's disease due to excitotoxins stimulating the brain cells and then generating free radicals causing cell injury and death.Some people who have a diet low in nutrients and antioxidants have cellular defense enzymes that are either immature or defective and are unable to protect brain cells from excitotoxins.

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(22) Isolated...Aspartame can be found in some medications.MSG may be in binders and fillers for medications, supplements, enteral feeding materials, and fluids administered intravenously in hosptals.It is also in vaccines such as for chicken poxs.(23) The methanol...In the body, methanol is broken down into toxic metabolites when it reaches 30 degree Celsius.The EPA defines safe consumption of methanol as no more than 7.8 milligrams per day, but one can of diet soda contains almost 16 milligrams of methanol.Over 4 billion gallons of diet soda are sold every year.The FDA has received more complaints about aspartame than any other ingredient to date. (24) Dr. H.J...Dr. Roberts treated hundreds of aspartame reactor patients and observed retinal degeneration and visual impairment that was identical to the pathology seen in recorded cases of methanol toxicity from drinking wood alcohol throughout the days of prohibition.It has been demonstrated that formaldehyde formation from aspartame ingestion is very common and it accumulates within the cell. This reacts with cellular proteins (mostly enzymes) and DNA.(25) Military Warns...Numerous articles have been written warning pilots about the danger of aspartame. They note that the ingestion can make pilots more susceptible to seizures and vertigo.A hotline was set up for pilots who suffer with reactions and over 600 pilots have reported suffering grand mal seizures in the cockpit due to aspartame. (26) Clinically...

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Chronic, low-level exposure to methanol have been seen to cause; headaches, dizziness, nausea, ear buzzing, GI disturbances, weakness, chills, memory lapses, numbness, pains, behavioral disturbances, vision problems, and depression. Pancreatic inflammation can also occur.(27) Hypothalamus

This microscopic photograph shows normal brain area on left and areas that have been exposed to MSG on the right.

White areas are dead brain cells.

Exposure to high intakes of excitotoxins can alter the development of the hypothalamus, leading to sexual mal-development and endocrine problems.

In studies as early as 1976, it was shown that aspartame feeding in mice could produce lesions in the hypothalamus of newborns.

And, this was seen through an ordinary light microscope.

Recent studies have shown that glutamate is the most important neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus.

Directly injecting micromolar quantities of MSG into certain hypothalamic nuclei can precipitate an explosion of violence in experimental animals.

Studies indicated that the damage by monosodium glutamate is widespread, including the hippocampus, circumventricular organs, amygdala-limbic system, subthalamus, and numerous other places.

Also, According to Dr. Blaylock the hypothalamus is not protected by the blood brain barrier.(28) In an analysis... A professor of psychiatry looked at 166 articles published in medical journals from 1980 to 1985:In 74 studies financed by the industry 100% of them agreed that the sweetener resulted in no adverse reactions.

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However, in 92 studies that were funded independently 91% of them agreed that it WAS HARMFUL.(29) Consuming...A meal or drink containing MSG can elevate glutamate in the blood by 20 times.

Studies show that the youth consumes levels that are equal to the amounts shown to cause damage in experimental animals.

But, humans are 5 times more sensitive to these toxins than any animal.

The amount of MSG in a single bowl of commercially available soup is probably enough to cause blood glutamate levels to rise higher in a human child than levels that predictably cause brain damage in immature animals.

People get explosive diarrhea and dyspepsia, when glutamate receptors are stimulated in the esophagus and small bowel.

Irritable bowel may develop, or if you have irritable bowel, it makes it a lot worse. Also, if you have reflux, it makes that a lot worse.

Some people who are especially sensitive will feel the effects of food-based excitotoxins immediately, but for most of us they're much slower and more subtle.

Some individuals may be especially sensitive and develop severe symptoms and even sudden death from cardiac irritability, but in most instances the effects are subtle and develop over a long period of time.

When the cells energy is reduced it becomes dramatically more sensitive to glutamate- even normal levels can become excitotoxic when cell energy is low.Keeping a normal blood sugar level is critical to brain function.Also, during excitotoxicity, ATP production may be reduced, stopped, or even reversed- this is a vicious cycle.

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(31) What many... More than 40 different ingredients contain MSG.

In order for a food product to be labeled that it contains MSG it has to be over 90% pure MSG.

The following list has been provided by manufacturers and food technologists.

I was surprised to see that foods with yeast and whey contain it.

The new trick is to label hydrolyzed proteins as “pea protein”, “whey protein”, “corn protein Relatively new to the list are “wheat protein” and “soy protein”.(32) The following...These list of ingredients are in pretty much all processed foods.I included lists of names for MSG and aspartame on the handout.MSG reactions have been reported from soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, and cosmetics (MSG is hidden in ingredients with names that include the words "hydrolyzed," "amino acids," and/or "protein.")(33) These ingredients...These ingredients could also trigger a reaction in highly sensitive people: corn syrup, rice syrup, corn starch, and modified food starch.Low fat milk products and anything enriched or vitamin enriched have it in the products.The new name for aspartame is AminoSweet.Protein powders also contain glutamic acid.(34) Humans...MSG is concentrated in human blood five times higher than what is seen in mice and we also maintain the level longer.

Infant animals exposed to excitotoxins have fewer offspring and the offspring will be smaller than normal.

MSG could cause the hypothalamus to secrete excessive amounts of a reproductive hormone called luteinizing hormone which is

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associated with early onset of puberty.

Mice studies showd that LH, FSH, prolactin, growth hormone, adrenal regulating hormone, and thyroid regulating hormone were all decreased following exposure to MSG.

(35) Is there...So... Can we take anything to block the absorption of MSG or glutamate?Not necessarily, but there are amino acids that compete for the same carrier system, which this would slow down absorption.These amino acids include leucine, isoleucine, and lysine.Some good rules to follow if supplementing with amino acids are;If supplementing with specific amino acids find out if they are needed first. Do not dose single amino acids on an empty stomachand Consider balancing single amino acid supplements with a broad-spectrum amino acid supplement.(36) There are...Glutamate receptor blockers include silymarin, curcumin, and ginkgo biloba.Flavonoids can reduce excitotoxicity.Rosemary extract, green tea extract, ginger and oregano are also effective at reducing inflammation.Milk thistle can also be used to help the liver eliminate all toxins.(37) The brain...The brain contains the highest concentration of vitamin C in the body. This antioxidant can easily enter the blood-brain barrier and reach the brains cells where they are needed most.The brain is dependent on vitamin E and C for it's protection.Other antioxidant helpers include beta carotene, chromium, and vitamins A, K, and DCombinations of B vitamins have been shown to block excitotoxicity.

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There is also a potent enzyme-rich fermented drink from Germany that has been shown to break up abnormal proteins in the blood and matrix.An enzyme called "glutamate dehydrogenase" also helps neurons dispose of excess glutamateGlutamate dehydrogenase is activated by NADH, so taking the amount of NADH recommended will promote breakdown of glutamate excess.(38) Antioxidants...Antioxidants work best in combination- like nature provides because when used separately they can opposite, harmful effects by becoming oxidized themselves and act as free radicals.Magnesium has been shown to impede glutamate from overloading glutamate receptors. It can block the NMDA glutamate type receptor and reduce toxicity.Magnesium is vital to around 300 biochemical functions in the body and is important for overall health. It also blocks glutamate sensors or channels from excitotoxin overload.Magnesium content is high in green, leafy vegetables, and found in nuts and whole grains.(39) Omega 3 FAs...Omega-3s block excitotoxins and repair cellular damage.Selenium is a protector of glutamate receptors from excitotoxin invasion. A source high in it is Brazil nuts.Zinc, magnesium and glycine are the locks on the system that block the calcium channel from staying open in the presence of unwanted toxins, thereby shutting the door. However, high levels of neuronal zinc may over-activate some receptors causing an excitotoxic action. If supplementing levels should be around 10-20 mg/day.Red Clover is an herb that has demonstrated a significant decline in brain cell neuron damage.

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(40)Supplements that are recommended by a neurosurgeon who speaks in depth about the subject of excitotoxicity include;Alpha-lipoic acid, CoQ10, niacinamide, riboflavin, thiamine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnitine, taurine, lecithin, DMAE, querestin, and hesperidin.(41) How You Can...You can protect yourself by being aware of all unnecessary chemicals hidden in your foods.Purify your foods as much as possible and enjoy natural eating. The key is to eat food as close to nature as possible at all times.Educate your friends and family and anyone who will listen to you about the dangers of excitotoxins.If someone does not want to throw their diet soda away then this would be the only use I could think of for it:Aspartame has been used as an ant poison. If you have ants, open a few packets of an aspartame sweetener and pour it where they are.

If this does not work add a little juice with the aspartame sweetener and the ants will eat it and it will quickly kill them.

Also, don't skip meals and practice starvation dieting. This can cause more damage.

If the FDA or any other government declared aspartame unsafe and pulled it from the shelves there would be so many lawsuits that it would almost destroy the food industry.

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