Download - Risky Diet Fads


RISKY DIET FADSLosing weight is an admirable goal if you are not already underweight to begin with or afeting your health! "ith the inidene of eating disorders being diagnosed more and more in our soiety# it$s im%ortant to &ee% health at the forefront of any diet restrition! Anytime a diet reommends using things that are ultimately bad for you for a tem%orary redution in weight# you an rest assured that it is a ris&y diet fad# whih at times an turn deadly!Some ris&y diet fads inlude'( La)ati*es ( Diuretis ( Fasting ( +urging ( Intense E)eriseLA,ATI-ESSome %eo%le try to lose weight by using la)ati*es! Some herbal %ills wor& li&e la)ati*es but are sold as weight loss %ills! La)ati*e abuse an result in serious %roblems whih an interru%t normal bowel mo*ements# imbalane the eletrolytes in your system# whih an result in malnutrition at best and &idney failure at worst! La)ati*es are not designed to be used long.term and they are not a *alid weight loss %rodut!E*erything You Always "anted To Know About Dieting/ 0ut 1e*er Dared To As&2. 34DI5RETI6SThe abuse of diuretis to indue water loss and thus e)hibit a weight loss! They are %owerful drugs that are meant to be used for high blood %ressure# but when abused they an lead to inreased le*els of uri aid in the blood! This an ause anything from di77iness and headahes to an irregular heartbeat or musle %aralysis! FASTI18Fasting is *ery %o%ular for teenagers as a means to lose weight! 9owe*er# it an ause %roblems with malnutrition and often be ta&en to e)tremes! This an be a sym%tom of onditions li&e anore)ia ner*osa# an eating disorder# whih an ultimately be life.threatening! If you notie your teenager dro%%ing weight :ui&ly and they laim to be on a diet# ma&e sure they are eating! 1o well.balaned diet should inlude fasting for long %eriods of time as a method to lose weight!+5R8I18Another eating disorder alled bulimia an start as a way to ontrol weight through %urging# and ultimately ause many diferene health issues! This an be harder to s%ot# as the %erson %urging may remain their normal weight range# unli&e %eo%le sufering from anore)ia ner*osa! Left untreated# the re%eated yle of binging and %urging an result in numerous health %roblems from tooth deay and digesti*e %roblems to heart damage and infertility!I1TE1SE E,ER6ISE+ro%er diets do re:uire e)erise but they should be a%%ro%riate to the ;tness le*el of the %erson dieting! Anytime someone is trying to lose weight through intense e)erise and they are not being su%er*ised# there is a %otential for in1IT>R A1D S5++>RT S>=E>1E DIETI18If you belie*e someone lose to you is %utting their ris& at health through ris&y diet fads# you an ta&e them aside and ma&e them aware of the health issues in*ol*ed! Do not ritii7e or mention their weight loss or gain# sim%ly tal& to them about your onerns that they may be 5R I1ITIAL +9YSI6AL E,A= A1D D>6T>R$S 6>1S5LTATI>1If you$*e already e*aluated all the fators you thin& might be a onsideration for why you might be o*erweight# then you an start wor&ing u% a baseline by *isiting the dotor$s oBe! A thorough %hysial an also hel% eliminate the %ossibility that your weight gain is due to some other medial issue that might be serious! Set u% a %hysial e)am before starting any %hysial ;tness %rogram or diet! 9a*e your teenagers he&ed out by a %hysiian as well if they are onstantly dieting or %reou%ied with their weight as a ;rst line of defense against eating disorders! Yourdotor will %robably want a history of your lifestyle and eating habits# so it$s im%ortant to e*aluate those things before you show u%!>ne of the most im%ortant measurements that you will need as a baseline is the body mass inde) D0=IE! "hile you an estimate your own 0=I# as will be disussed later in this you need to ha*e an aurate re%resentation of your 0=I from ahealth %rofessional or ;tness ounselor when you ;rst start! They will not only ta&e into aount your age and your gender# and will be %lotted out so you an *isually see where you stand with res%et to the a*erage weight of most %eo%le in your grou%! Your dotor may also ta&e into aount your body frame and your medial history when determining whether you are really o*erweight or not! 9e or she an also tell you about other ways to measure your weight or musle gain so that you an more aurately tra& your %rogress!If you are onsidering a %artiular diet# be sure to as& the dotor if he or she feels you an go on it safely! =ost dotors an gi*e you dietary reommendations# whih may or may not meet your lifestyle hoies! 9owe*er# it$s always u% to you what diet you deide to follow and for how long# but you should ta&e your dotor$s reommendations into aount! The %oint of the medial e)am is to sreen out any %otentially ris&y health %roblems that an be aggra*ated by diet or new ;tness %rograms# while gi*ing you an aurate baseline and realisti e)%etations for weight loss for your body ty%e!5%on getting your height# weight# and 0=I measurements# you will want to go homeand see if your sale is reFeting the same weight! 0y alibrating your sale aording to what the dotor$s oBe said# you ould ma&e sure that you are ta&ing aurate measurements throughout your diet# hel%ing you to tra& your weight loss %rogress better!E*erything You Always "anted To Know About Dieting/ 0ut 1e*er Dared To As&2. 3GE-AL5ATI18 Y>5R 8>ALSSome of the things you want to disuss with your dotor so that you an %i& a diet %lan that is %erfet for you# are your weight loss goals# your ;tness goals# your nutritional needs# an your health onsiderations! This will gi*e you an idea of what realisti e)%etations are# so you won$t be disouraged!"EI89T L>SS 8>ALSYou may want to lose your weight as :ui&ly as %ossible# but the best way to lose weight is through gradual weight loss! This gradual weight loss will gi*e your body time to ad 6>=+LE=E1T Y>5R LIFESTYLE9o%efully# by now# you are getting an idea that not all diets are great for e*eryone! 9owe*er# there should be a diet out there that is %erfet for you! If you %i& a diet that om%lements your goals and lifestyle# you an be more assured of sueeding with those goals! This doesn$t mean that if you hate e)erise# don$t %i& a diet that inludes a ;tness %lan! It means you may E*erything You Always "anted To Know About Dieting/ 0ut 1e*er Dared To As&2. 3Mha*e to get reati*e about what ty%es of ;tness you an tolerate and slowly build u% mo*ement in your day!If you ha*e a %artiularly heti lifestyle# it may be unreasonable to e)%et that you an de*out three days to a gym wor&out! Similarly# if you are ne*er at home# you may not be able to follow a diet that re:uires you to oo& your own meals! 9owe*er#many diet and gym %lans now understand that today$s onsumer has *ery little time! That$s why gyms sometimes ofer dayare for heti mothers and diet %lans ma&e %re%a&aged meals that one an throw in a mirowa*e! It$s all a :uestion of how well these things ;t into your daily routine! If your ou%ation ta&es the maRTI>1S>ne of the easiest ways to s%eed u% your metabolism is to eat regularly in small %ortions! You might be tem%ted to s&i% brea&fast if you are on a alorie ounting diet# but this an slow down your metabolism and atually ma&e it harder to lose weight! Some diets are set u% to ha*e you eat four to si) small meals throughout the day! This maintains steady blood sugar le*els and &ee%s one from ra*ing food in between meals! It also an hel% in reduing onsti%ation and aiding the digestion!This ty%e of eating shedule is alled Ngra7ingO beause the fre:ueny of the meals is inreased but the %ortions are dereased! You should not e)eed your dotor$s reommended alorie inta&e guidelines e*en though you are eating more meals!Some %eo%le an$t ad".6AL>RIE DRI1KS=ost diets reommend water to drin&! It has no alories and it ser*es the %ur%ose ofhydrating the body# hel%ing to eliminate to)ins too! It su%%orts good metabolism funtioning# whih is im%ortant when you are dieting! The daily reommendations for water are L u%s of water %er day! This may seem li&e a lot# but water also is useful in ma&ing one feel full! If you don$t li&e the idea of drin&ing %lain water# you an add a slie of lemon or orange to Fa*or it slightly! You an e*en sweeten it with Ste*ia# a low.alorie natural sweetener!Some diets s%ei;ally limit drin&s based on whether they ha*e afeine or not! Thatmeans many %eo%le who are addited to that morning u% of ofee would automatially ha*e diBulty staying on the diet!

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