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  • Rock Climbing Achievement Standard 2.4 Examine skill-learning principles and psychological skills in relation to physical activity Achievement Standard 2.8 Demonstrate knowledge of safety issues and apply safety management procedures in a physical activity Achievement Standard 2.5 Perform a physical activity to meet the Physical Education Performance Standards for Level 2
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  • Term Plan WeekDateMondayTuesdayWednesdayFriday 119 23 April Classroom Intro to Rock ClimbingClassroom 226 30 April Classroom Rock Climbing 33 7 May Classroom Rock Climbing 410 14 May Classroom Rock Climbing 517 21 May 624 28 May ClassroomRock ClimbingClassroom Rock Climbing at long beach, half day trip 731 May 4 Jun ClassroomCross countryRock Climbing 87 11 Jun Queens BirthdayClassroomRock Climbing Rock Climbing, bouldering final test 914 8 Jun Revision for testPractice Test Rock Climbing, bouldering final test Rock Climbing at long beach, half day trip 1021 25 Jun Rock Climbing, at long beach (WWA) Revision, mark practice testRock ClimbingRevision for test 1128 June 2 Jul Revision for test A.S. 2.4 TEST Term Tidy up
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  • Safety in the Outdoors Rock Climbing Achievement Standard 2.8 2 Credits Demonstrate knowledge of safety issues and apply safety management procedures in a physical activity.
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  • Achievement Criteria Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate knowledge of safety issues, and put into action safety management procedures for self and others, in a physical activity. Demonstrate an in- depth knowledge of safety issues, and competently put into action safety management procedures for self and others, in a physical activity. Demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of safety issues, and competently put into action safety management procedures for self and others, in a physical activity.
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  • Assessment Task 1 Demonstrate Knowledge of Safety issues a)Involves completion of the risk management matrix identifying: I. what could go wrong in your chosen outdoor adventure activity II.why these things happen III.what you can do to manage them safely or to deal with emergency situations. b)Detail on how you will manage the risks (chose 5 aspects to discuss)
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  • Assessment Continued Task 2 Putting safety management procedures into action a)Involves you demonstrating safe behaviour in rock climbing b)You are required to complete three self-reflection sheets commenting on your safety during rock climbing c)Summary of your safety throughout rock climbing Note: I will assess you on your safety during this time
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  • Brain Storm In groups, brain storm any risks associated with Rock Climbing at Long Beach What could go wrong? (think about physical, and emotional factors) e.g. concussion, panic attack
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  • Task 1a Risk Management Matrix Using the information gathered in your group discussion, fill in Task 1a in your handout.
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  • Causal Factors The causal factors that the risks relate to can be split into 3 categories People Environment Equipment
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  • People People involved in physical activities can sometimes be the greatest risk to themselves or others Risk factors involving people can be broken into 4 categories: Supervision Leader-student ratio, informing significant others, gaining permission, etc Medical Medical conditions are known, allergies, asthma, diabetes Individual differences previous experience, fitness levels, personality, cultural differences Behaviour Following instructions and safety rules that have been put in place, team/group morale
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  • Environment Environment Weather conditions, temperature Landscape unfamiliar terrain, natural hazards Accessibility for emergency services, cell phone coverage
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  • Equipment Equipment Clothing suitable for conditions, backpack with suitable items Food and drink Safety equipment first aid kit, cell phone, medication, Navigational equipment
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  • In groups, split your A3 paper into 3 columns. Column 1 heading = Risks Column 2 heading = Casual Factors Column 3 heading = Risk Management
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  • Using the 3 risk you have been given, write down the causal factors in relation to: People Environment Equipment Example: Hyperthermia People unsuitable supervision, reckless behaviour Environment cold weather Equipment unsuitable clothing worn or brought
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  • Task 1a Continued Using the information you have gathered in your groups, fill in the next part of Task 1a Why can these things happen, what are the causes?
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  • In groups, in column 3, write down how you can stop these things from happening? How can you manage the risks?
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  • Tuesday 20 th April Learning Intentions Term plan Revision from yesterday How can we reduce risks? What do we do in an emergency? What skills do individuals require? Complete Task 1a
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  • Term Plan WeekDateMondayTuesdayWednesdayFriday 119 23 April Classroom Intro to Rock ClimbingClassroom 226 30 April Classroom Rock Climbing 33 7 May Classroom Rock Climbing 410 14 May Classroom Rock Climbing 517 21 May 624 28 May ClassroomRock ClimbingClassroom Rock Climbing at long beach, half day trip 731 May 4 Jun ClassroomCross countryRock Climbing 87 11 Jun Queens BirthdayClassroomRock Climbing Rock Climbing, bouldering final test 914 8 Jun Revision for testPractice Test Rock Climbing, bouldering final test Rock Climbing at long beach, half day trip 1021 25 Jun Rock Climbing, at long beach (WWA) Revision, mark practice testRock ClimbingRevision for test 1128 June 2 Jul Revision for test A.S. 2.4 TEST Term Tidy up
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  • Revision from yesterday Risks what could go wrong? Causal factors what causes the risks? Categorised under People, Environment and Equipment
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  • Week 1 Revision Risks associated with Rock climbing Causal factors people, environment, equipment Prevention how can we reduce/prevent risks from occuring? Putting on a harness correctly Tying a figure 8 Knot
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  • Learning Intentions- Mon 26 th April Emergency Action What would you do? Skills What skills are required by people who are Rock Climbing Complete Task 1 Homework A.S. results & Resubs
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  • Emergency In an emergency, what would you do?
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  • Answer these questions in your group Example: A member of your group is messing around and climbs up the wall face without being harnessed or roped in. They climb up 5m and then jump off wall. When they land you hear a big crack, they broke their ankle. What would you do? What actions need to be taken? What equipment is necessary to have?
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  • Skills What skills are needed by people to lead rock climbing? Think about personal skills, social skills, activity skills, experience
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  • Task 1a Using the information gathered over the past 2 weeks, complete the tables in your achievement standard workbook
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  • Homework
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  • 10 Rules for Rock Climbing in School gym Here are the 10 Rules developed by the class last week: Respect Other Limits Support and Encourage others in the class Perform safety checks, including harness, ropes, etc Have a spotter or belayer when bouldering or climbing Pay attention at all times No unsafe behavior, including standing under climber and mucking around No standing under climbers Communicate with others in class correct calls to maintain safety No climbing above white line without being harnessed in Correct equipment, including footwear, hair tied up and no jewellery

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