
Mentors in Hypnosis brings together the best hypnotists in the world! Through these interviews the Mentors share with you their knowledge, wisdom and experience. Together they bring you Centuries of hypnosis.

In this Interview we learn from Mentor Ron Eslinger.

"You are only as happy as you decide to be"

Mentor Ron Eslinger, The Captain! His extensive career in the military helped him create the very clear and structure courses which he now teaches world wide. His expertise in pain management is second to none and always ready to deliver more than he promised!

Mentor Michael R Ron Eslinger, Retired Navy Captain, Owner of Healthy Visions and the American School of Clinical Hypnosis, International is a world renowned speaker and teacher.

Ron Eslinger is a Registered Nurse, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, holds a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, and is Board Certified Hypnotist, NGH Certified Master Instructor, Order of the Braid, and FNGH.

He lectures extensively to medical and nursing organizations on Hypnosis, Stress Management, Anesthesia, HIV/AIDS, and Bioterrorism.

Capt. Michael R Ron Eslinger is an active mentor, clinical hypnotist and instructor with clients and students from around the world.

2014 The Rexford L. North Award – The NGH’s Most Prestigious Award2013 Hypnotism Hallmark Award as Educator of the Year National Guild of

Hypnotists2013 Fellow National Guild of Hypnotists2012 NGH Charles Tebbetts Award for shedding the light of hypnosis2008 Hypnotism Hallmark Award as Educator of the Year National Guild of

Hypnotists2008 Fellow National Council for Hypnotherapy United Kingdom2007 Life Time Achievement Award presented at the Mid-American

Hypnosis Conference2007 Hypnotism Achievement Award from National Guild of Hypnotists2007 Fellow National Council for Hypnotherapy, United Kingdom2006 Order of Braid – National Guild of Hypnotists2005 Ormond McGill Award for Presenter of the Year by the National Guild

of Hypnotists2003 Nominated by the Navy to serve on National Institutes of Health

committee on Complementary and Alternative Medicine2003 Researcher of the Year presented by National Guild of Hypnotists2002 Instructor of the Month First Presentation by National Guild Of


Eugen Popa: What would you say are the ingredients of a good


Ron Eslinger: I think… That is a good question! I look at myself and

I say for me I have to stay on top of what’s going on. I think if you’re

going to be a good hypnotist, you need to do a lot of things to prepare yourself,

and I don’t mean prepare yourself before you start, but learn more on what

your limitations and your capabilities are, as you go. I still attend a lot of

seminars and workshops, I actually go to other hypnotists, not necessarily saying I’m a hypnotist, but to see how they do things with the client. That would be one. I think another ingredient is to take a look at your bookshelf. (...) If you learn to be a good speaker without a lot of uhms and you know how to organize from one step to the other to keep people involved, I believe that would be a huge ingredient, I know some people have even taken acting courses just to work on their voice. But I think the main thing is to watch other people, pick out the good stuff, ignore the bad stuff that you don’t care for. Because what I might consider bad, somebody else may just love. (...) I’m always going to find something I might use from every hypnotist that comes to train the trainers. They always bring such a wealth of knowledge so I think if you’re in an organization that has chapter meaning, you need to be faithful to the chapter meaning so that you can discuss stuff. So, a very critical factor in getting past the critical factor.

Eugen Popa: Excellent! Is there a recipe for a good hypnosis session?

Ron Eslinger: I think so. I work in 21 steps. I took the 5 steps, the interview, the induction, the deepening, the utilization and then the emerging (...) and I went back and (...) I broke each of those areas down when I worked. (...) So I’m getting information and, the breathing technique that you and I have already talked about, where you do a gentle abdominal breath, opening up the two lungs which is going to get more oxygen because there’s more blood vessels, more air sacks down there called alveoli, out in to the tissues and then holding that breath for a few moments and then getting a good gas exchange of CO2 coming out, oxygen going in. But what most people don’t understand, when that diaphragm drops to create that vacuum and open up those two lower lobes, it’s also stimulating the vagus nerve, and the vagus nerve then stimulates the release of endorphins which is your body’s morphine, and serotonin which is your body’s Prozac and the melatonin, which is your body’s ambient. So that is getting them already in to hypnosis before you start… where you can make hypnosis or not.

I’d say the most important thing I do is what I call the lemon experience: I just walk them through being in their kitchen, eating a

lemon, and the point is I monitor to see what is the dominant sense that

they use to take in information, because if they say “I didn’t hear anything

when I was in the kitchen”, then there’s not going to be a lot of use to me

saying“listen to the birds, listen to the waves come ashore for the beach” .

I think that is one of the major ingredients along in this: you’re creating

rapport. (...) Let them tell you they are ready to go into the hypnosis and

basically I let the breath become the hypnosis and then I use a progressive

relaxation, that within each area, I use metaphors because I know what they’re

there for. So if they are for weight, as I’m going through the abdominal area, I

will tell them about eating and the stomach contraction. If it’s pain in the shoulders, we talk about that. Then I will always address two issues, if it’s pain, address stress issue, for weight I may address stress over-eating, I may go just stress and self-esteem; getting in the emotional side. And I always use metaphors depending on which one’s they allow me to utilize.

(...) I try to see my clients’ sessions close together, so for a local client I will see them twice a week, one day in between, so they don’t have time to go home and totally sabotage with self-hypnosis what we started or let the family sabotage it. I see a lot of distance people and they will come and spend a week in so I’ll see them 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon for five days.

Eugen Popa: What is the best attitude to have as a hypnotist?

Ron Eslinger: Confidence without being arrogant. People have to believe that you know what you’re doing. (...) The question is, where do they get the confidence? Well, they’re not going to get that confidence from 20 certificates you got on the wall, even though these are going to help. What they’re going to get confidence from is if somebody else has mentioned you. (...) So just being an RN gives me a step up, but not as much as somebody who’s been to a hypnotist and their friend wants to come, “Boy, I went to him, he helped me, he was so nice, she was so good”, that’s what they’re looking for. Somebody that understands them, listens to them, gets rapport with them and then they’ll listen when you say “Close your eyes and just pay attention to my voice, let your mind, your body to relax.” They are already in hypnosis. So now what you do is just deepen them and give them more suggestions and more metaphors or stories. I tell a lot of stories.

Eugen Popa: What is the one quality that anyone doing hypnosis should have, what would that be?

Ron Eslinger: Respect for the client, I think that you have to respect and not be judgmental to the people you’re going to work with. It is so easy to do that, so respecting the client also mean more than just how you talk to them and how you are with him. You respect them by studying their problem, researching and creating a treatment plan for that client for that client because you respect the fact that they are trusting you to work with them and to make them better. Cause they do. Every client expects miracles, that’s their idea of hypnosis.


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