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Rough cut evaluationBY ERSILA BUSHI

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Success of title sequence as a whole Overall I believe the title sequence so far is a success despite the lack of sound layering and special effects/editing.

This is because as you watch the title sequence you are able to get a clear understanding of what the title sequence may be about, some of which is down to the order of the shots.

As we filmed for two days, you are able to see that the first half of the title sequence is set inside my garage, followed by shots that are set outside as well as other various settings such as churches and the dry cleaners, However the two (inside the garage and outside in the park shots) blend and match seamlessly in my opinion.

One problem we faced during editing out title sequence together was that we found we did not have enough shots, as we are doing a discrete title sequence, we knew we needed possibly hundreds of shots, unfortunately we underestimated the amount we needed. Because of this we may need to reshoot, or use shots that are not as high quality to ensure we achieve the 2:00 minute mark. This is not ideal, if we are able to create an ‘eerie’ effect along with the use of special effects for the shots that are not as good quality then it will be used, however if not our group is left with no other choice but to re-shoot.

We were able to stick to the story board as much as we could. We stuck with the plan of having the first half of the title sequence inside showing the audience the main characters ‘lair’ in which we had all the mise en scene such as the globe, the bible and pieces of jewelry, along with the shots taken outside. However we did not stick to it entirely. In the end of our title sequence we have shots of the inside of the church. This was unexpected as we were not sure if we would be allowed to shoot inside when there was no one else in there as it was later in the evening, as we were allowed we thought it was best to have these shots near the end, as we want the non diegetic sounds (background sounds etc.) to become more intense as the title sequences progresses, therefore we felt it would be fitting to have these shots near the end.

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Quality of camera work

Character is in the center of shot

I believe that the quality of the shots are good a lot are very clear (some are blurry and out of focus however this is intentional to create an eerie effect). It was important that we had extremely clear shots as some shots have crucial information about the title sequence that the audience is suppose to find out out. One of which being the shots with the globe. We used the globe because we wanted to show the audience the main character pinning a location which happens to be in the bible belt region. We need this shot to be clear so the audience can pick up the idea of the location being in the bible belt area. We also have shots in which a character has been in the center therefore improving quailty of shots as well as the shots being framed well.

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Variety of shot types

Wide shot Close up Cut in Close up

Our group has used a variety of different shot types ranging from wide shots to cut ins. Many of these shots are from when we shot outside as we had more freedom to experiment with different angles and shots. Examples include when we were inside the church, we experimented with panning shots, wide shots long shots etc. When we were in crouch end we were able to experiment with angles, in the rough cut when we were in crouch end you are able to the the many angles of the outside of the church as we were not allowed to film inside. In the first half of the title sequence we were not able to be creative with shot types as we had a clear structure of what we needed to film, most of which were close ups regarding what was on the desk as this is what had the most information during this portion of the title sequence, therefore we wanted to make sure that the audience was able to pick this up.

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Use of lighting

Used the dedo light behind the window so the light would shone through the glass

We used a dedo light whilst filming during the two days we used. We definitely used this to our advantage and were able to take great shots, we mostly used the dedo light not for general lighting purposes but more for creating effect. For example, the bottom right image was created by Diana and I holding the dedo light and walking under the camera with in in our hands so as we walk different people would be seen by the light creating a sinister effect. When shooting inside the garage, we also used candles to add on an eerie effect, in the bottom left screenshot, we used a dedo light however it wasn’t close to the camera, we also used candles, in fact you are able to see the reflection of light coming from the candle on the bible.

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Performance of characters

For our title sequence we chose to do a discrete, therefore we followed the normal convention of having no characters as we wanted as little context as possible, with the only information being that this was set in the bible belt area of North America. However during one shot that included the globe, we got a friend to pin a location, this was the only time we needed an actor.

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Use of mise en scene We relied heavily on mise en scene for our title sequence, especially when

filming in the garage. We used props such as a globe (we used this instead of an American flag as we wanted to be specific and show the audience we are in the bible belt area rather then just north America as that is a bit vague) as well as the bible, jewelry pieces and candles. This is because we wanted to create a sinister atmosphere. When we filmed outside we filmed in many different locations, this varied from 2 different churches in crouch end, a dry cleaners and parks near Finsbury park station. We wanted to use locations that may resemble an area in bible belt hence the dry cleaners and modern churches. However one weakness was that when Finsbury park, many people kept on walking into our shot therefore it was very difficult to get a clear wide shot with no one walking in.

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