Download - Sahara Desert

Page 1: Sahara Desert

Fatima Lakhani

Page 2: Sahara Desert

Environmental Conditions

• The Sahara is a hot and dry desert that supports very little plant and animal life.

• The temperature can range from 20 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius. It is usually warm around the fall and spring time and extremely hot during the summer.

• The ground is blazing hot because the sun’s rays directly beat down on it.

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Environmental Conditions

• Due to its location there is not a lot of atmosphere to guard it from the radiant energy.

• The Sahara contains small animals that are usually carnivores and remain only active at night. Animals also include insects, arachnids, reptiles and birds as well.

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Humans and the environment…

• Humans have been able to adapt to many hostile environments in the world and the commodities of the Sahara desert has been one of them.

• Desert dwellers make up one percent of the world’s population though they carry a large variety of native races.

• The idea of such a low inhabiting population as helped the desert preserve its ecological balance

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Humans and the environment…

• Humans are able to maintain a stable body temperature in the desert by sweating.

• The human body allows itself to lose 5 pints of moisture in a hour and up to 21 pints in a day in such intense heat.

• Though at some point this loss of water must be replaced in order to avoid dehydration.

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Humans and the environment…

• If dehydration in fact does occur the results affect the excretory system since depletion of fluids in the body reduce the chances of keeping it cool. Human kidneys cannot accumulate urine to conserve water.

• Sweating can cause excessive loss of salt as well. Shortage of salt causes a deficiency in energy production and muscle cramps tend to occur affecting the muscular system.

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Humans and the environment…

• Humans must adapt to the heat in a desert climate.

• The heat adapted person is tall with dark skin. Having dark helps shield one’s self from solar radiation and lowers sweating threshold. Being tall minimizes both water needs and water loss.

• Humans may also have to adapt to sandstorms due to its negative effects

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Humans and the environment…

on the respiratory system and eyes, though

they can also be harmful to equipment, vehicles and communication devices.

• Humans have also adapted to the desert by developing new technologies such as irrigation making deserts more hospitable.

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Clothing fit for heat

• Loose fitting garments is a must in the desert heat. Loose clothing absorbs sweat and lets air move through producing a cooling effect.

• Headgear is also worn by desert dwellers to shield the face from the sun as well as to prevent heatstroke. A cloth or something similar is wrapped around the head covering the back of the neck.

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• Make sure you have suitable clothing handy throughout the whole day. Warm clothing is crucial at night because the temperature tends to drop. In addition most traveling is usually done at this time and proper clothing is needed to make the journey.

• Lots of water on hand is highly recommended.

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Necessities cont’d

• A tent or some type of item to provide shade is helpful.

• Footgear is needed in order to prevent burning from the hot sand.

• A type of head covering.

• A form of communication like a signaling whistle or a radio.

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